Okay, this is my 2nd song fic!

I hope you like it guys!
Remember, constructive critisism is allowed!

Thank you Imi for Beta reading it! I know you felt this story familiar.
Here it goes..
Strange and Beautiful.
It's hard. So hard that it hurts.
It hurts to pretend. All the time. To pretend that you are just a friend to me.
And no matter what, that will always be like that. Forever.
I'm always next to you. Well, you are my "best friend" after all.
But it's quite frustrating to be there at your side and looking at you as a man, as the man I love, and you just seeing me just as the know-it-all. I wish I weren't that for you. I feel stupid.
I can't talk to anyone about it. At least I can't speak to Harry. He's your friend too.I don't want him to feel bad about it. I mean, we are always fighting. What if something went wrong? What if my having feelings for you ruins our friendship? I won't be able to deal with it. I know myself. I would just be all day in the library hidding myself among the books. Then,our friend Harry would feel so withdrawn. He is going through a lot, does he need this? God, I just wasn't made for times like this.
Why? Why does life has to be like this?
I'll put a spell on you,
You'll fall asleep and I'll put a spell on you.
And wheI've been watching your world from afar,
I've been trying to be where you are,
And I've been secretly falling apart,
To me, you're strange and you're beautiful,
You'd be so perfect with me but you just can't see,
You turn every head but you don't see men I wake you,
I'll be the first thing you see,
And you'll realise that you love me.
I know you do. You love me, but you just can't see it.
I once thought you were at least attracted to me. But I guess I was wrong. I guess I just imagined the glow I saw in your eyes when you are talking to me. Was it just me? Was I creating a world of fantasy around me?
Before you were dating Lavender I was pretty sure you felt something for me. That you cared about me. Maybe you didn't feel exactly what I did. But it was something.
I know you and me are meant to be. But you don't seem to think the same.
And I keep asking myself If I'm doing something wrong.
Am I'm not pretty enough? Am I not good for you?
Sometimes, the last thing you want comes in first,
Sometimes, the first thing you want never comes,
And I know, the waiting is all you can do,
Yeah, Ginny told me I should be patient. She's the only one I can trust this to. It's a relief to have someone like her by my side. She comforts me. But she has her problems too, and I don't want to be annoying.
Well, she's always right. There's nothing else for me to do. Just wait. Wait for some miracle to happen.
Wait for you to realise I'm here and I'm not another one of the boys. I am indeed a girl. I'm tired.
I did so many things to make you jealous. But everything seemed to turn out badly. Silly me! I always mess everything up!
Maybe if...no...I wouldn't be able to do it. Potions? Nope, no love potions will make you truly mine. Or maybe...Oh! No Hermione! Don't be stupid!He'll come eventually. You'll come Ron, you'll come..
I'll put a spell on you,
You'll fall asleep,
I'll put a spell on you,
And when I wake you,
I'll be the first thing you see,
And you'll realise that you love me.
Being in Hogwarts during seven years made me realise that everything is possible. As a muggle born I just thought magic was something silly for kids. Tricks were just silly things. Now I know what it is really like...and the power that love has.
Maybe the solution isn't wishing upon a star or a potion. Not even a spell. Magic exists. Not only for us, wizards and witches, but for everyone.
Magic is like our love. It exists, but it's only up to us to make it real.