Yo! I'm Ali, and this is my HP poetry corner. I work when my muse moves me (and when I can get on >.<) so bear with me. This is a poem I wrote a few months ago about Ron and Hermione. Enjoy

Oh and I totally forgot what the shampoo's name was in GoF. Sorry.
Could you believe me if I said
your eyes
enveloped me?
Your hair looks fine without Sleazeakys.
I wonder if you would
believe me if I told you
I think you would
because we've been friends.
Just friends, for too long.
I know I'm a Weasley-
an orange haired brat,
but I can't get you out of my mind.
There are so many things I want, need to say.
Hermione, this is Ron.
We're best friends, remember?
When Bellatrix tortured you, it tortured me too?
Could you believe me?
If I
that I
love you?