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Candy Display Case (Finished Fanfiction) A dazzling showcase of fully wrapped-up stories, these sweet treats are polished and ready for your reading pleasure!

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Old 07-17-2007, 09:49 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Elijah Wilde
Default Sirius Black Fan Club - Sa13+
Farmer Carter | | Ama's Secret

SBFC has got its first chapter:

Chapter One: Instant Replay

Sirius had been sitting at home, staring at the tapestry holding his entire family tree when Snape appeared in the fireplace. He had, regretfully, told Sirius to alert the rest of the Order members and tell them to go to the Ministry.

‘Potter and his friends have got themselves in trouble… once again,’ he had said with a sneer. Sirius had rushed around, summoning the other members. Dumbledore had told him to stay at home, but that didn’t work for Sirius. He had to come. If he didn’t, Sirius would feel useless once again, and he couldn’t feel like that. Not when his godson was in trouble.

Once Sirius joined the fight, he felt alive again. It was the first time in a very long time that he actually felt this way. Being stuck in his own home for so long, Sirius had begun to feel useless. But now, as he stood beside Remus and fought his cousin, Bellatrix, Sirius felt alive. Everything seemed to be going right. He knew that he was weakening Bellatrix to the point where maybe, just maybe, he might be able to silence her once and for all.

Sirius looked over at Harry and felt pride well up inside of him. He laughed at Bellatrix as he blocked spell after spell. Then, everything started to go wrong. Before Sirius could block one of them, the curse hit him. But this wasn’t just any curse that a normal wizard might fire off in a duel. This was the killing curse.

Many people say that they can see their life flash before their eyes. This wasn’t the case for Sirius. Just before it hit him, Sirius looked over at Harry and saw his eyes widen. He felt himself fall backwards, then, all went black.

Sirius felt as if he was falling through a black hole for a long while. He finally woke up. He looked at his surroundings as he fell but all was black. After what seemed like hours, Sirius finally landed on something hard. Getting to his feet, Sirius looked at what was around him. All he could see was darkness, but there was one area that he could see light. He heard shouts and screams from this area so he followed the light. Sirius looked through what appeared to be an archway.

‘No, I have to go get him.’ Sirius saw Harry sobbing and trying to free himself from Remus’ grasp.

‘Harry, it’s all right. I’m right here.’ Sirius said in a somewhat raised voice. It seemed as though Harry couldn’t hear Sirius so this time he shouted it. This didn’t help either. Sirius tried to walk through the archway but it was as though it was blocked. He pushed and hit the air, trying to get through. Fully confused and tired, Sirius continued to look out at the scene in front of him. Harry continued to cry. He then noticed Bellatrix, who had begun to run off. Sirius became furious and groped around for his wand.

Where is the blasted thing, he thought to himself, I know it was here just a minute ago. Even more confused then before, Sirius slumped to the floor and looked through the archway once more. The room seemed to be empty, aside from the few wizards fighting death eaters, scattered throughout the room. What was he doing in here? Had he not been hit by something before? Sirius tried to remember what had happened but at the moment, he couldn’t.

When I look into the
all that I see is

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Old 07-18-2007, 08:10 AM   #2 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Elijah Wilde
Farmer Carter | | Ama's Secret

The next part:

Chapter Two: Echoes in Time

Sirius’ eyes shut as he lowered his head in disbelief.

“This cannot be happening now,” he spoke aloud to himself as he raised his hands to cover his face. Once more, he was trapped and could not help Harry.

“This is Dumbledore’s doings,” he muttered to himself in anger as he lifted his head. “I’ll show him! I’ll get out of this place and help-“ His voice trailed off as he stared at the empty room. The only thing that could be seen were a few shattered glasses and books knocked out of bookshelves.

Deciding to walk around and enter from anther side, Sirius began to take a few steps forward, not able to see in front of him. It was pitch black as his eyes tried to adjust to the darkness but it was no use. He had no idea where to go and no idea where to-

The fear of falling came to a sudden halt as he scanned the emptiness around. No beginning, no end. “Hello,” his cracking voice called out, but no one seemed to answer, not even an echo. A grey mist filled the air as he took a deep breath and groaned. The last thing his grey eyes captured while he was in the room was his dear cousin, Bellatrix Lestrange. The look of surprise came across Sirius’ face as he realized she did it, the very thing he thought she was scared to do, raise her wand. The casting spell did not hurt him, but what exactly did he fall through?

Only a draft was felt through his long locks of hair as he began to walk forward from where he stood. Taking a deep breath, Sirius huffed in desperation. He knew that Harry was in trouble and finding a way back to the Ministry was his only destination.

“Light,” he spoke once again as he raised an eyebrow. “I need a light, please.” He began speaking to himself as a sly smile emerged. “Now where were you when I needed you a while back? Lumos!” A brightness shown from the tip of his wand as he shifted from side to side for a sign of anything familiar to him.

“What is this place?” he asked himself, narrowing his eyes as he searched around the mist. He paused for a moment as a confused look entered his face. “I guess if I start answering myself, I’m in big trouble, eh?” He raised and eyebrow and shook his head realizing it was beginning. He was answering his own questions but only in a silent way of thinking.

As he walked forward, the brightness only showed nothing more than the clouded mist that surrounded him. He had no concept of where he was or what was in front of him. For all he knew, he could walk straight into a wall, never knowing it was there, but his aching head would tell him otherwise.

“Finally,” he spoke out loud, finding what seemed to be another beam of brightness up ahead. He slowly followed being very careful with not knowing what was around the corner. For all he knew, the Death Eaters could have created this just to throw him off his course of winning. “And I was winning at that,” he spoke as he stopped for a moment and straightened his lapel. “Umph! Take that Bellatrix!”

Gaining closer grounds to the shimmering radiance, he took a deep breath and closed his eyes for just a moment. He needed time to collect a few thoughts before entering into something he knew absolutely nothing about, but before he was completely finished …

“Ah ha,” he shouted as he jumped in front of the light, having both feet land at the same exact time. His wand gripped firmly within his right hand as his left hand was empty, but ready for a fight. “What the-,” he spoke as he looked around to find nothing more than the gleaming light that shown and the same exact mist that followed him everywhere.

“This is absurd! This is…is…WHAT IS THIS?!?” The frustration was beginning to wear Sirius’ nerves as he pulled on his long locks of hair. He knew Harry needed help. He knew that the Death Eaters knew exactly where they were: the Ministry. He knew that there was a fight going on, but he could not do anything, nothing at all.

Suddenly, the luminary brightness began to dance, flickering on and off. Low speaking voices could be heard as if they were walking closer and closer to him. Sirius blinked his eyes several times as if he could clear up exactly what was in front of him.

“He’s just a filthy git ya’know,” he heard a familiar voice speak.

“Yeah, he’s in dyer need of shampoo!” another familiar voice said.

“I’ve got it! Let’s turn him upside down and dip his head into the lake. It would be a simple way to wash it.”

Now that was James…me…Remus, Sirius thought to himself as he began to see images within the sparkling light. “It’s-It’s us! Hogwarts!” His eyes widened as he began to watch a past memory from within his school years.
“I’ll get him myself,” a short squatty boy squawked with his wand in hand as if he were fighting with swords.
“Pathetic little-“ Sirius began to say with a look of disgust on his face. “Your time will come Peter Pettigrew.”
”Cool it, Wormtail,” a young Sirius began to speak. “The only thing you are going to do is-“


“Yep! Poke Mooney in the butt…or at least what little butt he has.” Sirius and James began to chuckle loudly as Remus began to rub his backside for a moment.

“Watch where you point that thing, Wormtail,” Remus demanded. “Oh, and you two…” He stopped walking for a moment and turned his back towards Sirius and James. “Do you really think my bum is too small?” He began to shake his backside back and forth a couple of times.

“Umm, not my type, Mooney,” James stated as he looked off into the distance. There he took notice of a beautiful red-head walking down towards the lake.


“OUCH!” Remus yelped once more as he began rubbing his backside once more.

“Well, don’t stick it out if you don’t want it slapped!” Sirius laughed as he kept walking forward. “Besides, Prongs here is more interested in Lily’s-“

“Hey! Don’t say anything about her!” James quickly cut off Sirius by covering his mouth. “We don’t speak of her that way!”

Sirius began to mumble behind James’ hand as if he were saying something worthy of hearing.

“What did you say, Padfoot?” James eyed Sirius with one raised eyebrow.

“Nothing! Nothing at all!” Sirius spoke with a haughty grin, trying to keep this laughter under control.

“I heard what he said and he said-“ Peter began but was cut off by Sirius once more.

“Let’s not spoil the mood here, Wormtail!”

Sirius began to laugh remembering that particular moment too well. He loved being with the Marauders, even though Peter turned out to be nothing more than a snitch himself.

“I could sit and watch those all day long,” he said as the memory faded and the bright light disappeared. “Oh! Hey! Come on! Don’t go away!”

He took a deep breath and ran his fingers through his hair. It was hard seeing James again even though it was only a memory crushed between the thoughts of Sirius’ mind. “Good times! Good times indeed,” Sirius said to himself once more.

The light began to shine once more in Sirius’ direction. His face lit up thinking that it was going to be another silly Marauders moment but this time, he knew exactly where he was, the Black Family house.

”HE IS NO SON OF MINE!” a woman’s voice screamed from a room below.

The room was pitch black with two beds on either side of it. One bed seemed to be inhabited by someone pretending to sleep. Suddenly, the door flew opened and hit the occupied bed.

“Hey watch it!” a young voice spoke as they rose from the bed.

“Shut it, Regulus!” Sirius spoke out of anger towards his brother.

“What’d ya’ do now, glorious brother of mine?” Regulus ginned evilly.

Sirius flicked the light on with his wand and walked over to a set of chest of drawers. He opened one drawer and began throwing his clothes into an opened chest. When one drawer was emptied, he began on the second drawer without a care in the world as to how his items laid.

“I NEVER THOUGHT I WOULD HAVE A SON THAT WAS A GRYFFINDOR! NEVER!” the woman’s voice began to draw closer and closer as if she were climbing the stairs.

“Aww! Poor wittle Sirius running away from home?” Regulus spoke as he gave his best impression of crying.

“Shut it, Regulus!” Sirius spoke once more without loosing his concentration on filling his chest.

“Mummy mad at you? Is Mummy going to ground you?” This time Regulus started his laughing as he watched his big brother packing his bags. “It’s about time you left this place!”

Sirius cut his eyes in Regulus’ direction without saying a word. He quickly took off his shirt and replaced it with a white school shirt. There was no time to button his shirt. He quickly shut his trunk and opened the window with his wand.

“You know that no one is going to miss you and your smelly self, Sirius. You know that you are not loved by anyone so where are you going to go?”

“I said shut it, Regulus, and this time I mean business!” he stated once more as he threw his chest out the window of the Black house.

“Like you scare me, you filthy mudblood lover!”

Sirius stopped dead in his tracks before climbing out the window. He turned slowly towards Regulus, his eyes swimming with hate. “What did you say?”

“You heard me! Do I have to say it again? Filthy Mudblood lov-“


Sirius’ fist landed in the middle of Regulus’ face causing his nose to bleed. “MUMMY!!” Regulus screamed aloud and his hands flew up to his face and held his nose. He quickly ran out of the room, leaving Sirius alone to do as he pleased.

Sirius stood up on the lever of the window, the wind blowing his shirt opened. Without looking back, Sirius jumped landing on his feet. He grabbed his trunk and ran for James’ house.

“Great!” Sirius said as he rolled his eyes with a sour look upon his face. “That was just the memory I wanted to witness all over again.” He turned on his heels and began to walk away, not knowing if the light was going to shine another memory again.

“Not again!” he spoke as he realized there was the same sort of brightness as before. “I can’t take this!”

Sirius turned around once more as another memory began to play…

A lighted room filled with several people all sitting around talking. James, however, paced the floor with his hands folded behind his back.

“Look, mate, you need some sleep,” Sirius stated as he placed his hands on James’ shoulders.

“How can I sleep at a time like this?” James peered over the rims of his glasses looking into Sirius’ eyes as if he were trying to find the right answers to his question.

“At least sit down for a moment. It will not come any faster; nature plays its hands at this. There is nothing that you can-“

Both men stopped and turned towards the room where the cries could be heard. James’ stunned face turned to pure happiness while Sirius’ mouth dropped to the floor.

“It’s a boy!” the nurse cried out to the room. Everyone jumped to their feet with joy and began patting James on the shoulder, but he did not move.

“Did she say it was a boy?” James asked, still looking forward at the doorway.

“She did, mate,” Sirius said in a calm voice as he looked towards James once more.

“Are you serious?”

“Yes, I’m Sirius! Nice to meet you Mr. Potter!”

James cut his eyes towards his best friend and gave him a questionable look. “Thanks for that!”

James walked towards the room where the nurse came out of, Sirius followed behind. There lying in the bed still as beautiful as ever, was Lily, holding a baby in her arms.

“Say hello to daddy, Harry,” Lily spoke in a soft voice as a silent tear rolled down her cheek.

“My b-boy,” James said through tears.

“What’s his name?” Sirius asked as he kept trying to peek at the little baby wrapped in a white blanket. “Come on! You all can do this sappy stuff later!”

James turned around and pushed the rims of his glasses to his face. “It’s not sappy at all. You just wait until you have one of your own one day.”

“Never! This is as close as I get!” Sirius looked to the sleeping baby once more. “I’m not having one of those!”

“Then would you consider being his Godfather?” Lily asked as she placed her hand on top of James. The baby cooed to the sound of his mother speaking so softly.

“Yes, Harry James Potter needs a Godfather, if you will have him.” The smile on James’ face was more than Sirius had ever seen, including his wedding day with Lily. James picked baby Harry up in his arms and held him up for Sirius to see as well. “Just look at that baby!” James stated as he brought him back down and held him in his arms.

“Me? Godfather?” Sirius had never known a true love until this very moment. A Godfather to a baby was more than words could ask for and at this point, Sirius could only nod ‘yes’ to the question asked from his loving friends.

The flash of light disappeared again, this time a tear fell down Sirius’ cheek. “That was beautiful,” he said to himself as a smile reappeared upon his face.

The light shown for one last moment, this time it was nothing more than different flashes of his life. From the ceremony of nominating Sirius as Harry’s Godfather, to Sirius playing with Harry in the middle of the floor at James and Lily’s house. It was nothing more than his life with Harry, until the last memory.

“I’ll kill you Pettigrew, if it’s the last thing I ever do!”
Sirius recognized the scene that played before him. It was the last scene before he was sent off to Azkaban, the last scene that Peter ran off like the coward he was. A bright shinning light came through as Peter killed the innocent muggles around him and disappeared, and thus with this light, the real Sirius watching these events, fell backwards and passed out.
When I look into the
all that I see is

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Old 07-18-2007, 05:03 PM   #3 (permalink)

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This is absolutely amazing! I love how you've played out the teetering of whether Sirius is actually dead or not. Is he? Or no? Yeah, and I have to admit that my eyes watered reading the part about James and Lily asking Sirius to be Harry's Godfather. That was heart-wrenching. I also loved what you've done with the veil, and what you're making of it. I defiantely can't wait to read more. You've got me hooked!
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Old 07-19-2007, 11:23 AM   #4 (permalink)
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Elijah Wilde
Farmer Carter | | Ama's Secret

Thanks for commenting ^__^

Chapter Three: Peorth

Time was nonexistent in this world. Sirius walked for what felt like days on end, but he never knew exactly how long.

His eyes became accustomed to the darkness. It was an odd place to be sure; he could see himself, but other than his own body, all else was black and dark.

He’d seen the light replay memories for him; he’d seen the exit, but was it really the exit? He couldn’t be sure. The only thing he was sure of was that he was stuck.

He walked almost all the time, never growing tired. He never seemed to make progress and pretty soon he was talking to himself.

“Does that darkness look familiar? I think I’ve already passed that patch of bleak, never ending darkness before… I must be going in circles…”

The empty void Sirius seemed to be stuck in always managed to suck up his voice. His voice never echoed no matter how loud he spoke and it always sounded so dulcet and muffled. He was bored and his voice was only making his boredom worse.

On one particular occasion, while strolling through the dark, Sirius had finally reached his breaking point. Letting out a non-echoing scream, and falling to the floor and pounding his fists, didn’t accomplish much of anything, other than perhaps sore hands. He sat back, panting and staring wildly around, almost begging for some sign of… anything.

He fell backwards; exhaustion was beginning to sink in. How long had he been here? He should have worn a watch. Why was he so stupid?!? He hit his head hard, which seemed to accomplish a lot more than hitting the dark spans of nothingness, because suddenly a very soft, echoing sound reached his ears.

He shot up and looked around.

There was nothing. Nothing at all, but he could hear… a song? What was it? It was beautiful and bright; its sound was so heavenly, but where was it coming from? Perhaps the darkness was a soprano. Getting to his feet, Sirius began searching for the source, unsure of exactly what he was looking for?

“Where is it?” Sirius asked himself after a very long search in vain. He’d been walking and walking and still nothing. He turned around, intending to retrace his steps, when he collided with a very large, overgrown, and apparently dead, tree.

“Ouch,” he said, rubbing his forehead. “What the heck is this doing here?” He looked up at the tree. It was rather remarkable, considering its dilapidated state. It was certainly in need of a good watering and a lot of sunlight. “Must be hard to find sunlight in a place as dark as this,” he muttered. That still didn’t explain his ability to see the tree, why it was there or for that matter, where there was, but at least this was something.

He stood up and walked around the base of the tree, climbing over large, overgrown roots that poked through the dark ground. The tree was indeed very large. Sirius wasn’t sure how large, but he certainly couldn’t put his arms around it and touch his hands.

Curiosity peaking, Sirius placed a hand against the trees bark. A shock went through his body. The tree was warm; the tree felt so alive, despite its appearance. It was sending waves and waves of energy through him and suddenly, he could hear the song from before pounding in his ears, louder and clearer than anything he’d ever heard in his life.

Sirius closed his eyes, ecstasy flowing in his very veins. He wanted to stay here forever, but good things never lasted. The tree gave an almighty jolt and he was thrown back.

Pain coursed through his body, as he lay there in semi-consciousness. Part of the pain was due to the rather hard landing, and the rest was due to the sudden lack of warmth and energy the tree had given him. He sat up, almost expecting the tree to be gone, but it was still there.

He got to his feet, walking cautiously forward. The tree seemed to be singing still. Soft cracking sounds split the silence and disturb the song. Sirius stepped closer and as he did an illuminating and blindingly bright light poured from the tree, stopping him in his tracks and causing him to throw his arms over his eyes.

The song was once again within him, filling him with that pleasurable happiness and energy. He just wanted to go back to the tree, but he couldn’t move. Then a voice reached his ears, so inhuman and beautiful it made him want to cry.

“Who dares touch the Tree of Life?” the voice asked. Sirius tried to look to see who was speaking, but he could not see.

“H-hello,” he called. “Who are you?” He wasn’t sure why, but he had an inclining that asking the voice questions would actually prove productive.

“I asked you a question, you will not ask until you have answered; who are you?”

“S-Sirius Black.”

There was a pause in which the song penetrated thought, but finally the voice spoke. “Sirius Black?” it questioned. “You are of the pure-blood wizarding family, the ancient house… what are you doing here?”

“Funny thing, really. I don’t know. Do you think you could tell me exactly where here is?”

The voice seemed to be considering his question. The longer he waited for a response the more sure he became that the voice had left, but when he lowered his hands, the light was still there, though he could make out a faint blur from within the tree, something like silvery-white hair, flowing in a non-existent wind.

“Who are you?” he asked again.

“I? I am not. I have no form. I exist throughout for I am vast as the darkness you see stretched out before you. Mortals, both non-magical and magical alike, have given me names, many names which all mean the same thing. I am known as Destiny to some; still others prefer to call me Fate… Serendipity… Peorth…”

Sirius listened intently, but the words this heavenly voice spoke made no sense. Fate? Destiny? How could this be? “Y-you mean to tell me you’re—I don’t believe it,” he breathed.

“Believe what you like, Sirius Black, for I am what I say I am. I do not lie for that is not what my purpose is; I am no deceiver of mortals. I am merely a guide; a creator; a divine body within the Universe to help maintain a semblance of balance. I do not interfere unless absolutely necessary on my part.”

“Okay, that’s absolutely spiffing and all, but where exactly am I?”

“You have entered the Plain of Passing. It is not clear yet to me as to how you came to be here; you should have passed on already…”

“Pa-passed on? You mean I’m dead?”

“Certainly, how else could you manage to be here?” the voice asked. “I have been sleeping here, as I always do, no mortal has ever penetrated this world; no mortal has ever found this tree or stumbled upon me; I sleep for as long as I can till the next mistake wrought of human idiocy needs to be repaired.”

“W-what do you mean? Mistakes wrought of—what a load of rot! I don’t understand you, but I certainly am not—“

“DO NOT DISRESPECT ME, SIRIUS BLACK!!!” An almighty wind forced Sirius to fly back a few feet, before falling to the ground. The Tree of Life grew larger and looked suddenly threatening; the light emanating from its center was shooting sparks; the voice was no longer heavenly and peaceful, but angry and violent. “I have existed for eons; I have been here since mankind became too greedy and envious, too prideful. I used to exist amongst the living; I used to have form. But mankind is a fickle friend and they began to ask favours of me that I could do nothing about.

“An uprising against me, mankind sought to destroy me; they were fools. I cannot be killed. I exist throughout. Human form was only temporary. The mortals that sought to kill me were punished. Magic was ripped from their bodies—thus the non-magical folk, muggles I believe you call them, were born. I left my physical, worldly form and returned to the place of my birth; the Tree of Life, hidden here in the Plain of Passing, where no mortal could find it, was to be my home.

“All who pass through here are dying or dead; they do not stay here for more than a few seconds worldly time. It may seem longer to them, but time is irrelevant here. They move on and thus continue their journeys. You however, Sirius Black, are still here and this is a predicament. You are no divine entity; you will destroy the balance in the world of the living and the passing. You have already been here far too long…”

Peorth, as this voice called itself, fell silent. Apparently, Peorth was thinking. A sound much like a warbling note came from within the tree, almost as though it were sighing.

“Sirius Black, when you were killed, your body fell through an archway. That archway is the only door to the Plain of Passing. I created it long ago, so I could travel as I pleased from this plain to yours. When your body fell through, your soul reattached itself to your physical form, thus you are in a stasis. You cannot move forward or backward; you are not living or dead; you are trapped within this world, unless I do something about it.”

“Y—you mean you can… bring me back, you can make me live again?” Sirius was hopeful, but a part of him knew that his hopes were unfounded.

“I have not the power to do such a thing as bring back those who are dead. That power does not exist. The only power that does exist, is to give you temporary leave of this place, to the world of the living where you may fulfill your purpose, so that you may move on to the next step.”

“You mean—I really am dead?” Sirius’ stomach was in knots. It just couldn’t be; he couldn’t be dead, he needed to see Harry, he needed to help him. The war was brewing and he needed to be able to fight!

“Something troubles you, Sirius Black. I can see it clearly. Remove your arm from over your eyes so I may look into your soul and know.”

Sirius did as he was told, but it was difficult to keep his eyes open. But suddenly he felt something travel through his eyes, forcing them to stay open in wide surprise. He could almost feel Peorth within him, then the being was once again without and he was on the floor panting.

He looked up and could see clearly the light, no longer needing to shield his eyes.

“Sirius Black, there seems to be a reason you are here. Lord Voldemort has risen again and I fear the worst is yet to come. Harry Potter will need your help before the war is done. It is time for me to play my hand in the lives of the living once again it seems, lest Lord Voldemort throw the world into chaos.

“I do not know why I did not awaken before, but I fear the Dark Lord has done something to maintain his secrecy. He would not want me to play my hand. I am grateful for your interference, had you not arrived here, I am sure the Dark Lord would have been more than successful.

“Do you wish to help, Sirius Black?”

“I do.”

“Then I will build you an army of those who have died. You and your army will leave this plain and enter the world of the living one last time once the battle has commenced. You will be unstoppable. The Dark Lord will fall and once he has, you will have only a short amount of time to find your godson and speak with him before you pass on completely.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“I mean, your soul will forever leave your body once your task is complete. You will tell Harry all that you wish, but you must be discrete. Telling him too much of this plain is dangerous. Mortals are not meant to understand death and life; the mystery of it is what keeps those such as Voldemort from taking power.”

“But, Voldemort—you think he knows of you…”

“Certainly he does. How else would I not know of his return to power; I should have been awoken the second he returned. I knew it was only a matter of time. Harry Potter was one interference on my part, but I knew that the Dark Lord would rise again and when he did, I would play my hand one last time to aid Harry Potter in his quest to destroy the Dark Lord and his immortality. You however, Sirius Black, will do more than simply fight. There is a way for you to visit Harry without leaving this plain. It will take me some time, though I feel that won’t matter to you as time is naught here.”

Sirius was positive that if Peorth had form, it would be smiling. He was also positive that it would be a woman standing before him, but that might have been hopeful thinking.

“Sirius Black, you are now a warrior of the Dead Army of Peorth; you will lead them with ancient magicks; you will not need a wand or a weapon for you will use the magicks of old, those that run through the Earth and the Universe. But before you can wield such power, I must bind you.”

“Bind me? I don’t think I like the sound of that.”

“It is merely a precaution. Sometimes, those who are returned for a day wish to defy my orders. It is simply assurance that you will return to the Plain of Passing and then pass on… it also makes it possible for you to wield the powers I speak of. Now, close your eyes.”

Though rather nervous about this bind, Sirius did not think it was wise to disobey and thus closed his eyes. Once he had, he felt the warmth return to him; his body was floating, moving towards the Tree of Life. He was sure he felt hands on his body; Peorth was warm and gentle, the song was loud once again, almost deafeningly so. Then he was consumed by it; he was within the tree to be sure. He wanted to open his eyes, but the blinding light was back and so bright was it that he could see its white glow even with his eyes scrunched up as they were.

Sirius suddenly knew more than he had ever known. He could almost see into the future with this knowledge and the song from before now had words and he suddenly realized that it was a spell being recited; Peorth was invoking the bind.

“Peorth gyfu, Imbolic, ken lagu is, Samhain, sigel tyr rad… Imbolic, eoh ing, Imbolic, ing eoh, birca, Lughnasadh, birca ing eoh, Samhain... Beltane, man wyn, Samhain, wyn man, Imbolic… Samhain, thorn ur, Samhain, haegl eolh eh, Samhain…”

Sirius did not need to speak this odd language to know what was being spoken. He could feel what those strange words meant as the magicks being invoked by Peorth coursed through his being. He felt alive again! And so strong! Magicks of old were weaving in and out of his soul, his heart, his body; his heart was beating rapidly against his ribcage, his breathing was labored, and oh, how good it felt!

His eyes shot open and he saw, for the first time, the form of Peorth. Indeed, a woman was speaking, the words being repeated over and over, louder and louder. This woman, however, was not like any woman Sirius had ever laid eyes on. She was so beautiful and so powerful. His eyes were filling with tears. Her silvery-white hair was billowing in the non-existent wind, her pale skin was giving off light like the moon, and her big beautiful eyes reminded him of the clearest, most blue waters. But how could he see her…

The spell was still being recited otherwise, he might have asked her. He could tell that she was almost done speaking, the sound was soft again, and he was fading from consciousness.

“…Samhain, thorn ur, Samhain, haegl eolh eh, Samhain…”

And Sirius blacked out as a power like nothing before surged through him.
When I look into the
all that I see is

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Old 07-20-2007, 12:01 AM   #5 (permalink)
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Annabelle Lee Costas
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ツ Zonko's Fanatic Forever! | Sirius Stalker | ShruckleNooferian ツ

I cannot resist single-quote replying to my favorite parts in this FF...It seems as though I've honestly read through each of them a gazillion times and I have still yet---let myself enjoy them as a third-party.
So...Let the madness begin. *xD*

Sirius had been sitting at home, staring at the tapestry holding his entire family tree when Snape appeared in the fireplace. He had, regretfully, told Sirius to alert the rest of the Order members and tell them to go to the Ministry.
You know...I like the fact that whoever wrote this *cough* did manage to involve the tapestry. It seemed as though, in the book and likewise in the movie, Sirius claimed to despise that room and yet---I don't think he meant it. That room did in fact mean alot to him. As horrible as his family was to him, he still somewhat clung to his past and I don't think he ever hated them for their actions. XD *has rambled on far too long* I must warn whoever might read, with Sirius as the main topic, I tend to do that. Alot. *headdesk* Moving on...
Many people say that they can see their life flash before their eyes. This wasn’t the case for Sirius. Just before it hit him, Sirius looked over at Harry and saw his eyes widen. He felt himself fall backwards, then, all went black.
I loveeeee how this was written. I don't know why, exactly. Maybe it was just because of how sucky the movie version was in comparison to the book version of this scene...Either way, great transition.

He pushed and hit the air, trying to get through. Fully confused and tired, Sirius continued to look out at the scene in front of him. Harry continued to cry. He then noticed Bellatrix, who had begun to run off. Sirius became furious and groped around for his wand.
Truly cannon. Although, I might've added more about Bella right here. Not so much her physical attributes, just the renowned amount of anger Sirius now felt towards her. Although, I guess Sirius would in fact care more about how Harry was taking all of this in.

Hmm, I wubb the fact that you used the word groped. [LOL] And this is so not randomness on my part. It toterly reminds me of Stacey and her fairy tale in the Chat about the rope.

“This is Dumbledore’s doings,” he muttered to himself in anger as he lifted his head. “I’ll show him! I’ll get out of this place and help-" His voice trailed off as he stared at the empty room. The only thing that could be seen were a few shattered glasses and books knocked out of bookshelves.
Dumbledore... *tear* Yet again, Siry's dialogue is truly cannon. Hmm, but this means---Siry can still see what's happening in the Death Chamber? Oooh, that's what Aria was refering to! Or wait, maybe it's behind the veil? That doesn't seem to fit. *shuts up and reads on*

“What is this place?” he asked himself, narrowing his eyes as he searched around the mist. He paused for a moment as a confused look entered his face. “I guess if I start answering myself, I’m in big trouble, eh?” He raised and eyebrow and shook his head realizing it was beginning. He was answering his own questions but only in a silent way of thinking.
I LOVE this paragraph! *giggles* Insane or not, Siry is freakin uhmazing.

Gaining closer grounds to the shimmering radiance, he took a deep breath and closed his eyes for just a moment. He needed time to collect a few thoughts before entering into something he knew absolutely nothing about, but before he was completely finished …
That reminds me of Lupin. Hehe, I always considered the Marauders to more alike the other than people always assumed. Each just prized more of a select attribute. And, Sirius just so happened to be more spontaneous than realistic.

“I’ll get him myself,” a short squatty boy squawked with his wand in hand as if he were fighting with swords.
LOL. Once again, awesome choice of words. ;] *squawks in approval before keeeeeling that son of a gun once and for all* XD

“Watch where you point that thing, Wormtail,” Remus demanded. “Oh, and you two…” He stopped walking for a moment and turned his back towards Sirius and James. “Do you really think my bum is too small?” He began to shake his backside back and forth a couple of times.
Awwwwww! *love-sick* You know...If JKR doesn't agree to writing a Marauder's Time FF when I visit England and stalkconvince her to, I think I just might end up stalking the person who wrote this Chappie and force them to. [[Total joke. *ish so NOT evil*]]

Sirius stopped dead in his tracks before climbing out the window. He turned slowly towards Regulus, his eyes swimming with hate. “What did you say?”

“You heard me! Do I have to say it again? Filthy Mudblood lov-“


Sirius’ fist landed in the middle of Regulus’ face causing his nose to bleed. “MUMMY!!” Regulus screamed aloud and his hands flew up to his face and held his nose. He quickly ran out of the room, leaving Sirius alone to do as he pleased.
Hmmm, I find this part a little TOO disturbing. XD And, I know it was meant to be...but... Regulus is an oh-so mysterious charrie and I don't know...I guess we all assume he was envious of Siry at Hogwarts---And, so maybe he'd take out his anger on him at home because of how he shared his parents likeness for the purebloods...But, I never imagined that he'd completely fit into the Slytherin stereotype. *cough*Hisuseofwords*cough* Hmm, either way, Siry's description and dialogue once again was---> phenomenal.

“Me? Godfather?” Sirius had never known a true love until this very moment. A Godfather to a baby was more than words could ask for and at this point, Sirius could only nod ‘yes’ to the question asked from his loving friends.
Everyone knows that I wubb cheese. All sorts. But, I gotta hand it to the writer; No mush stands a chance next to this! It was extremely touching! Mhhhmmm! *nods and re-reads again*

Time was nonexistent in this world. Sirius walked for what felt like days on end, but he never knew exactly how long.
Time to uncover the secrets...*clings to Siry and whistles*

Does that darkness look familiar? I think I’ve already passed that patch of bleak, never ending darkness before… I must be going in circles…”

The empty void Sirius seemed to be stuck in always managed to suck up his voice. His voice never echoed no matter how loud he spoke and it always sounded so dulcet and muffled. He was bored and his voice was only making his boredom worse.
HAHA. I don't know why I'm finding this hilarious. *headdesk* But, like I mentioned earlier, whether Siry starts talking to himself as if he's off his rocker or not, it's only because he's awesomely schweet like that. *flips the collar of his robes* [LOL XD] But, on a serious note...This writer has definite talent.
There was nothing. Nothing at all, but he could hear… a song? What was it? It was beautiful and bright; its sound was so heavenly, but where was it coming from? Perhaps the darkness was a soprano. Getting to his feet, Sirius began searching for the source, unsure of exactly what he was looking for?
The early signs let on...If I hadn't already read this, I would surely think this plain was making mah Siry go crazy...Or else, he had finally reached the point in this plain in order to 'move on'. In fact, that's exactly what I thought was happening the first time I read it...*almost wanted to stop reading* Yet, I didn't. Therefore, the mystery was defo a GREAT thing to use. It got me sucked in and I continued on...

The song was once again within him, filling him with that pleasurable happiness and energy. He just wanted to go back to the tree, but he couldn’t move. Then a voice reached his ears, so inhuman and beautiful it made him want to cry.

“Who dares touch the Tree of Life?” the voice asked. Sirius tried to look to see who was speaking, but he could not see.
This reminded me of the devil. XD Or in better words, evil spirits. It kinda threw me off. I kept trying to get my mind from thinking of the Tree of Life in Eden and tried to look at it in a good light but it was hard....Then again, the mystery was once more evident and it did rouse my determination to continue reading and uncover the secrets...

“An uprising against me, mankind sought to destroy me; they were fools. I cannot be killed. I exist throughout. Human form was only temporary. The mortals that sought to kill me were punished. Magic was ripped from their bodies—thus the non-magical folk, muggles I believe you call them, were born. I left my physical, worldly form and returned to the place of my birth; the Tree of Life, hidden here in the Plain of Passing, where no mortal could find it, was to be my home.

“All who pass through here are dying or dead; they do not stay here for more than a few seconds worldly time. It may seem longer to them, but time is irrelevant here. They move on and thus continue their journeys. You however, Sirius Black, are still here and this is a predicament. You are no divine entity; you will destroy the balance in the world of the living and the passing. You have already been here far too long…”
And what a mystery to uncover! This was beyond anything I would've ever imagined any one person could put into words. It was one thing brainstorming on it but---to actually write and have it click the way it did? Truly amazing. *bows down and continues reading again*

“Sirius Black, you are now a warrior of the Dead Army of Peorth; you will lead them with ancient magicks; you will not need a wand or a weapon for you will use the magicks of old, those that run through the Earth and the Universe. But before you can wield such power, I must bind you.”
Hmmm, I wubbbb the sound of that. Has a nice ring to it no? Dead Army of Peorth...Death is such a fickle thing. XD *still thinks that Siry isn't so* A girl can dream can't she? Hmmm, yessirreee.

Although, I can't help but wonder whether it was just to bind him...I don't know. There seems to be more to that little detail than meets the eye.

Peorth gyfu, Imbolic, ken lagu is, Samhain, sigel tyr rad… Imbolic, eoh ing, Imbolic, ing eoh, birca, Lughnasadh, birca ing eoh, Samhain... Beltane, man wyn, Samhain, wyn man, Imbolic… Samhain, thorn ur, Samhain, haegl eolh eh, Samhain…”

Sirius did not need to speak this odd language to know what was being spoken. He could feel what those strange words meant as the magicks being invoked by Peorth coursed through his being. He felt alive again! And so strong! Magicks of old were weaving in and out of his soul, his heart, his body; his heart was beating rapidly against his ribcage, his breathing was labored, and oh, how good it felt!
Sheeshhh. Talk about staying in profile. XD Mysterious, indeed. Once again, talent is surely evident in each little bit that the writer added. I could almost feel [[[or at least imagine perfectly]]] what Siry must have felt in that. Top notch Kudos to the writer.

And Sirius blacked out as a power like nothing before surged through him.

What a pattern to use at all the ends of the chapters! XD Haha, blacking out really does suit him though. Mhmm, Smexy Black indeed. ;]

Can't wait for more! This was awesomely schweeeeeet. And, not just because I'm a crazy 'ol SB obsessor.
You make me smile like the sun
Fall out of bed, sing like a bird
Dizzy in my head, spin like a record
Crazy on a Sunday night..
You make me dance like a fool
Just the thought of you can drive me wild
Ohh, you make me smile.
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Old 07-20-2007, 12:12 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Elijah Wilde
Farmer Carter | | Ama's Secret

Thanks for that huge comment Sissa!

Chapter Four: Dream Weaver

You haven’t got much time Sirius Black” Peorth pointed out. Sirius opened his eyes. She was standing over the once unconscious man, now assuming the form of the woman he had seen inside the tree.

This was truly the most obvious thing in the world for him. But in reality, who really did have time? Not even those who have the privilege of going back in time have enough of it.

“Yes, but what can I do? How can I help Harry when I’m stuck in—this place?” he asked, looking at the vast nothingness before him, with just a single tree, which according to this being present before him, this Peorth, was at the very center.

You shall be contacting him while he is asleep” Peorth replied with a voice so commanding that you would be afraid and considered foolish to contradict, yet so kind that you just might have second thoughts about her.

The song. It had started to play again. Its melodic tones sending vibrations through the air, entering Sirius’ ears…his body…his mind…

“And—and how will I be able to do that?” Sirius asked, still unsure.

Why, with my help, of course.” She said simply. “I shall transport you to meet him while he is resting, but first I must put him to sleep.” Sirius listened carefully, awaiting further detail to her plans.

She turned to head back to The Tree. Sirius transformed back to a black dog and started to follow, but he was stopped by Peorth.

I’m sorry, Sirius Black but outsiders are forbidden to enter The Tree of Life, I must ask you to wait here for me and not to wander off” she said, a tone of seriousness in her voice. “This place might not look that much to you, but trust me, ‘tis not the best place to be explored.” And with that said, she turned and tapped The Tree; a single tone could be heard, echoing throughout the Plain of Passing. The Tree opened, and a flash of bright green light emerged from within. The mysterious lady vanished inside The Tree and so did the green light, leaving Sirius behind.


Inside The Tree was the most magnificent sight Sirius would never be able to see. Beneath the surface of the decaying tree bark lays beauty, and life, and most of all, magic. With the help of some sort of Enlargement Charm the tree looked like it could be home to all the Weasleys. Faerie lights were used to brighten up The Tree. The furniture was made of the finest wood and leaves that could ever be stumbled upon. The surrounding bark was made to look like shelves, branches intertwining with each other, holding potion bottles and vials filled with mysterious substances. An air of mystery was floating in the atmosphere, bathing The Tree of Life with a glow obviously from the Ancient Magicks that had been used in there before, long, long ago.

Peorth stepped to one of the shelves examining the vials containing what seemed to be colorful swirling smoke. She ran a delicate finger along the vials causing them to touch each other gently, sending tinkling sounds, like Wind Sprites playing with wind chimes. “Ahhh…here it is,” she said in that same singsong voice, taking a single translucent blue bottle.

She walked across the room to where strong mahogany table was. A hard earth bowl and a black bottle sat atop. Peorth hovered above the bowl, staring at its contents intently. The bowl held a silvery sparkling substance, like Unicorn’s blood, or what makes up a Pensieve. Peorth’s eyes glowed mystically and she began to chant in Latin.

EGO dico super Ancient Veneficus of Majores, audite mihi! EGO scisco super vos regimen iuvo Sirius Black evinco Atrum Senior exercitus of malum tyrannus!

As she chanted, the contents of the bowl began to swirl. Her chanting grew louder, echoing inside The Tree. Sounds erupted from nowhere. Tinkling sounds grew louder; the sound of chirping crickets could be heard, along with the sounds of screeching and whirring.

Sino Sirius Black iuvo Harry Potter debello Senior Voldemort ut is may nunquam magis exsisto in medius of victus! Sino suum somnium texo quod mesh una! Tribuo lemma potestas ut contactus unus alius! Plumbum lemma ut locus qua denique pugna vadum ineo ut they vadum exsisto hostilis quod paratus pro quis atrox est advenio!

The contents swirled faster and faster and then—stopped. Peorth grew silent.

Everything stopped—the swirling, the chanting, the sounds, time. Everything was suspended. Peorth gave off a bluish glow. The bowl radiated a silver glow. The two colors blended with each other, causing The Tree to look like space.

Suddenly, everything erupted back to life. The faerie lights glistened, the vials tinkled from the air of Ancient Magick used. Peorth shifted her eyes to the bowl. The bowl swirled, other colors began to appear. The colors formed into images…images of a troubled boy, having nightmares.

Harry Potter” Peorth whispered peering into the bowl. “My poor child, have no fear. Your nightmares shall cease and hope shall be brought to you.

And with this, she took the blue vial and poured the swirling fumes into the bowl. Harry’s once furrowed brow eased signaling a dreamless sleep. She added the contents of the black bottle. The colors swirled inside, and then separated once again segregating the black fumes from the blue fumes. Peorth began to weave the fumes together, forming a strong magical bond between them, and then a light purple mist emerged from the bowl.

Go outside to Sirius Black…send him to Harry Potter’s dreams.” She instructed the mist. Obeying her, the mist seeped through The Tree’s bark, in search for Sirius.


Sirius sat still outside, waiting. Silence. Darkness surrounded him, engulfed him. His eyes glued to The Tree of Life, awaiting the mysterious lady to come out to fetch him. Still a dog, he lay on his belly, feeling sleepy. His eyes drooped, half open, still waiting. If I haven’t much time, then what’s taking her so long to come out and—but something interrupted his thoughts.

A purple mist seemed to be coming out from somewhere inside The Tree. He raised his head, confused and intrigued. The mist began to surround him, devour him. He tried to run, but his legs would not allow him. His legs turned into putty causing him to collapse on the floor, with a defeated whimper, Sirius closed his eyes and lay on the ground.


Everything was dark. Pure nothingness. Harry walked alone in this limbo.
“Where am I?” said the boy, his brilliant green eyes searching for any signs of life. He looked straight ahead, maybe find a horizon. Nothing. He felt a surge of panic come over him. He looked to every way he could, then one glance to his left, he saw a figure.

“What is that?” he said approaching it. It was a bench. Just sitting there all alone, like him. But what was it doing there in the middle of nowhere? Harry sat down and stared blankly at space. Then came a sound from behind him. What? Are those swings?

And they were. Harry was now on a sidewalk near a park. What is going on? He thought having the feeling of déjà vu. Then a rustle of leaves to his right, he quickly diverted his attention to the bush there.

Something was behind it. He stood up and dared to go near it. Then, a black dog came from behind it. “Sirius!” he shouted, so relieved and happy, he threw his arms around the dog’s neck. “I thought you were dead—Bellatrix, I saw her and she—and then you—oh Sirius!” everything Harry said didn’t make any sense, he began to tear up but he didn’t care. Sirius broke away from Harry’s embrace.

“Harry, we haven’t got much time!” he said, repeating what Peorth had told him. He wasn’t even surprised that he could speak while in his Animagus form, and by the looks of it, neither was Harry. Yes, this was indeed another strange place. “Follow me. And quickly!” he ordered then bolted on behind the bush.

Harry ran after him, trying to keep up, pushing past branches and leaves. They were now deep inside a forest. “Where are we going? Where are you taking me?” Harry shouted from behind Sirius. Sirius honestly didn’t know the answer to that. He just knew he had to keep running. There was a place he needed to take Harry. It was calling him, beckoning him to come to it. He needed to get there somehow.

“Sirius! I—” but Harry got cut off. There was a clearing up ahead. Harry slowed down to a brisk jog, and once he reached the clearing, he walked slowly to where Sirius was standing.

This was it! This was the place he needed to go to. Sirius wagged his tail happily having accomplished what he wanted. “Harry, this is it!”

“What’s it?”

“The place! The place I needed to take you”

“But what is this place?”

“Look around you”

Harry looked at his surroundings. Everything seemed so alien to him, yet so familiar…like a memory, from years and years ago. His heart pounded in his chest and his head throbbed. “Sirius, this place, what is it?” he asked again. There was no reply. “Sirius?” Harry looked around for his godfather, but he was nowhere in sight.

Harry turned around. “Sirius where—?” he stopped, being faced to a sign. The letters were faded, barely there, really. But the writing on the sign, what it said drew Harry closer to it. He realized where he was. He traced the huge and ancient letter with his index finger. Sirius was right. This was it. He knew where he was. He needed to be here…he belonged here. He stared at the sign. The words were so simple, yet so magnificent.

Godric’s Hollow.


Harry awoke with a start, his whole body sweating. He sat bolt upright on his bed. “You alright there, Harry?” Ron asked worriedly. “Ron! I saw him! Sirius!” Harry panted. Ron stared at him and blinked, it as if he was looking at a mad man. “But Harry—Sirius is…he’s, he’s dead” Ron said hesitantly. “No…yes…I don’t know, but what I do know is I saw him!” Harry said seriously.

Ron looked at him curiously. Harry noticed the expression on his best friend’s face. “Look, just hear me out…” he said gathering himself. “He somehow went inside my head, he contacted me while I was dreaming and he took me to Godric’s Hollow!”

Ron, suddenly interested, came closer to Harry and sat at the foot of his bed. “Then what happened?”

Harry stared back at him. “I—I don’t know…Sirius, he just disappeared.” He said looking down.

“Harry—” Ron started but Harry cut him off. “All I know is he’s coming back…he’s going to help us, Ron” He said looking Ron right in the eyes. “He will come—he’ll come and help us, one way or another.”


Sirius didn’t know what was happening, one minute he was standing in Godric’s Hollow with Harry, the next he’s being pulled back by a very strong force. Sirius waved his legs about, struggling to break free. He started barking madly and kicking the air, helpless. Then, darkness.

Sirius felt like he was having a migraine. “Ohhhhhh…” he groaned. He was lying flat on his back, eyes still closed. He reached for his head and massaged his temples with his fingers. Fingers! He had Fingers! He opened his eyes. Hands! Sirius couldn’t remember that he transformed back to his human form. Maybe someone else did it for him. He raised his head, and there she was, Destiny…Serendipity…Fate…Peorth

She was looking down on him and for the first time, she smiled at him. “Well done, Sirius Black.

When I look into the
all that I see is

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Old 07-20-2007, 03:45 PM   #7 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Alex Black
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SS Featured Writer Lovely Lady

Very imaginative! You guys have done an awesome job with all these chapters, I love the way you brought Sirius back. You have me hooked!
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Old 07-22-2007, 12:53 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Elijah Wilde
Farmer Carter | | Ama's Secret


Chapter Five: Summon Me

Across the plain, it seemed as though the veil began to flutter… yet no sounds of any sort followed the ordaining movement. With a blink of an eye, the light that had momentarily illuminated the darkening shadows, flicked one final time before disappearing completely.

A seemingly confused Sirius stirred into consciousness as he laid helplessly in the epitome of bleakness. Within a few moments, Sirius hysterically plunged out into the absolute darkness. His arms flew outward and he threw himself back upon the misty surface of the ground. Unable to control the angry tears that had welled up in his eyes, Sirius tried to free himself from the twinge of old memories by attempting to release the last bit of humanity that he possessed.

As Sirius lowered his head, the silence that surrounded him slowly began to lull him into a trance that he had grown to distrust. Thoughts and images of his past life…. eventful accounts of which were the reason for this godforsaken fate….returned to him. Fate…Fate…As the clarity hit him; he awoke from his trance at once.

“Nooooooo!” he hoarsely screamed out. He had accepted this fate. It had taken him nearly every ounce of determination, but he had managed to let it all go. Sirius had roamed every corner of the pitiful surroundings during his escapade. Yet, the voice that lingered in his mind was as clear as ever.

“You have what it takes…Look within,” shrilly echoed into the vast emptiness of all that enveloped around him. Shuddering, Sirius felt a chill shift up his spine before he finally willed himself to his feet.

Unanswerable questions stole their way into his thoughts as he once again felt himself fall onto the ground. This voice---or whatever it claimed to be---was hypnotizing him. He had to stop himself from believing that he could once again return to all that was left behind. There was absolutely nothing he could do to help…. not that he wasn’t physically competent. On the contrary, his powers had grown immensely in this forsaken realm. Or else, maybe his dream wasn’t just a dream after all. Was it her grandiose touch that caused such increase in his sharp performance? Could it really be Peorth?

Either way, he felt that he was more at one with his physical self than ever. Not that he had anyone else. Those around him were all deranged…within the few minutes that they did manage to stick around. He slowly began to refer to them as candle glows because they too, just as candles were whisked away by the stirring mist of the atmosphere. He remembered a time when he actually looked forward to each new incomer before they managed to fade away.

Head high, Sirius would try and get as much information out of them as possible. Yet, the tidbits that he had managed to seek were hardly satisfactory. Unfortunately, he had also managed to witness a couple of tantrums about ‘The Dark Lord and The Chosen One…’ Yet, the muffled anguish inside the souls seemed to depart within the minute that they appeared. Some, quite forcibly, managed to last longer than the others but those too disappeared and left Sirius puzzled.

With each new visit, Sirius grew more anxious. Not for the fact that he still claimed a bodily structure and was viewed as a god, but because of the increasing amount of candle glows. During one day, he was almost positive that he saw Dumbledore’s figure gleam, merely 20 feet away from him. Yet, by the time he managed to take out of his wand and make way past the translucent others, the glow darkened and disappeared.

In this realm, his wand did nothing more than create illusions. These strong illusions seemed to overpower all logic. All in all, ever since he fell through the veil, it hadn’t helped him effectively. But, why hadn’t he destroyed it? If his wand was so worthless, then why had he clung so dearly to it? Could it be…that deep within, he still had hope? Did he agree with this voice? Did he believe in Fate? Could he possibly return and help?

“NO!” he forced himself to think and closed his mind from the tormenting thoughts. Physically competent or not, this was a mind game. It was just a nonsensical mind game that prized in torturing him. After all, he had helped enough. He had managed to reach Harry in the only form that he could muster; in his subconscious. Or was that part of his dream as well? Was anything ever what it seemed? This realm seemed to create a void inside Sirius that truly left him befuddled. Therefore, this voice or whatever it was, needed to be hushed. He would not afflict himself anymore by believing the inevitable.

“Look within! Do it before it’s too late!” came the singsong voice, now rushed, yet still just as prevailing.

“Stop! I CAN’T!” he shouted, in a voice that jostled a ruthless pain inside him. As he wildly shook his head in disbelief, he felt the mist…

The veil that surrounded him from such an unreachable angle, began to flutter as though in a high wind. It slowly began to fall back, away from the darkening mist and Sirius felt the others emerge around him…

Before he was at his feet, the impatient figures that he knew had been secretly watching his breakdowns began their shouting ritual…before disappearing. He took no notice nor showed any interest. After all, to those in the parallel world, these loud rants would sound out nothing more than incoherent whispers. Yet, he admired the determination …the devotion…the love…and the hope that he assumed was long buried inside him.

“You’re the only one who is capable,” sung out the familiar voice yet again, in a tone so serene it soothed his bewildered self.

“Why me?” Sirius cried out, wildly throwing his hands in the air, as if to shift the power he allegedly possessed unto the sporadically flashing others.

Sirius had always been viewed as an exceptional prodigy but this was unlike anything he had ever encountered. As noted by the beautiful deity from his dreams, this passage of life---or death---had changed him. The special attributes he once possessed were lost. Or else, buried deep inside him. Was this what Peorth had been referring to all along?

As the sudden realization hit him square in the chest, Sirius started gasping for air. Even though the mere thought of returning to his old self began to send an electric shock to every nerve in his body, his experience in this Plain suddenly seemed to make sense.

“I’ve forgotten how fickle the human mind can be…It’s about time. Gather the others,” the reassuring voice sounded out, now more sensational than ever.

He could do this… He had to do this…If not to free himself from this damned living, he had to pull through for Harry. Sirius took a deep breath as he let his fingers soothe his temple. Before he could succumb to any more troubling thoughts, Sirius daringly rose to his feet and took his wand. Holding it triumphantly outwards, he pushed aside the hair that framed his virtuous face and tore off the withered edges of his robe.

Sirius pondered her command intensely, and played out the different ways he could accomplish it in his head. Although Sirius always remained humble, something incredible stirred within him and he felt as though he didn’t need her pious assistance. With a smug look on his face, Sirius let out a low laugh and thought back to what the Marauders would do in this situation. He closed his eyes and visualized his two friends and that traitor before him…He could almost hear them.

“What are we waiting for? Come on Padfoot. Let’s get started!” James’ bittersweet voice echoed in his thoughts. “Remember that one spell we saw in Snivellus’ notebook before it mysteriously fell in the lake? If we could somehow use the magnitude of the power it possesses with one of our creations and create a connection between the two forces, I wonder whether this realm would know how to contradict the action,” James’ voice trailed off, as if he were contemplating something extremely ghastly. “Now, normally I would never agree to use anything even minutely associated with that slimy git, but under dire circumstances, it could possibly work!”

Not before long, a more practical influence stole the limelight from James as Sirius envisioned Remus’ sixteen-year-old image in his mind. “Listen mate, while intertwining those two foreign spells could possibly work, I still think that it’s for the better if we find ourselves back into the same pathway toward that tree, come across that regal lady and get more information before we throw ourselves into something we have no control over.”

A smile slowly began to play on Sirius’ lips as he weighted the two options. Yet, it quickly turned sour, as Wormtail added his two cents.

“James, I still have that notebook! I swam in after you guys left and recovered it before it was completely destroyed! Such powerful magic in there! I was dying to show you because I couldn’t get any of it to work properly alone but L-” he crooned out before stopping himself awkwardly, in the most wretched voice Sirius had ever heard.

“No more walks down memory lane, Sirius Black. It is done,” sung out an indefinite fourth voice. It sounded so serene and majestic yet still by far more prominent than the other memorable voices. It had said his name. Sirius allowed the purely sensational resonance work its magic on him, before slowly realizing a very significant notion. This was no unknown voice…It was Peorth.

Before Sirius could even question such vividly striking supremacy, infinite amount of candle glows shunned out the darkness and as it was said, it was done. Standing tall, Sirius felt extreme reassurance as the moderately composed others began to circle in around him, as if ready to answer his beckoning call. The sight was truly a wonder. This had to be her doing. Nothing could ever seem so tranquil.

After a moment or two of respectable silence, Sirius made a notion to get everyone’s attention even though all eyes were already glued on him. Although the vast nothingness was now immensely occupied, Sirius’ every action still seemed to echo miles away. In a fierce voice, Sirius humbly said, “We’re listening. You command and we'll follow.”

Sirius heard a seemingly passionate laugh somewhere off in the crossroads of his mind, and wondered whether Peorth would show herself. Just one glimpse of such gallant beauty would dazzle every soul around him. Yet only her majestically potent voice sung out, “On the contrary, it is you who will lead.”

With this, Sirius bowed his head and lowered his wand in relation to the position of his heart. Mirroring his actions without question, the others took in the collective passion that Peorth had most likely embraced them with, and waited. Not a single soul thought about inching away from the mystifying force they knew so little about, and yet felt immeasurably pressuring in on them.
When I look into the
all that I see is

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Old 07-23-2007, 02:55 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Elijah Wilde
Farmer Carter | | Ama's Secret

:] Tada!

Chapter Six: Judgment Day

Traveling from the Plain of Passing to the living world, could have taken only a seconds time; Sirius thought that it had taken a lifetime. It had been an odd sensation, much like Apparating, save that his body, still being connected to his soul seemed to want to return to the physical world while his soul wanted to stay in the Plain of Passing.

The magicks Peorth had invoked made it possible, despite his soul’s protest, to exist in the living world once again.

They arrived well into the battle. It was clear that Voldemort’s supporters were strong and outnumbering those of the Order.

Sirius looked around at his companions.

“We fight till we’ve won, we do not give in, we do not stop for anything,” he said, his voice quavering with strength and barely concealed anger. “It’s judgment day, my friends, let’s judge the lot of them!”

An uproar, much like a battle cry met his ears. The army before him was larger than any he’d ever seen and he knew this would be the best way to win the war for Harry and the Order.

The roar of approval from the army had caused some of those fighting to look up. Whether they thought this was the Calvary come to save them, or the enemy come to enact grievous atrocities upon them, those already fighting could not be sure.

So, it was Sirius’ job to make them sure.

With a loud roar, he ran towards the fray. The battle seemed to pause momentarily, caught off guard by the amount of unmasked unarmed people running at them. Sirius saw the masked Death Eaters, some unmasked and gleeful, for surely they didn’t think this army was here for the Order.

Of course, they couldn’t have been more wrong.

The magic pumping in Sirius’ dead body was feeding an almost dead fire inside him and he felt more powerful than he had ever felt in all his life.

Sirius found his intended target instantly. Bellatrix Lestrange was jeering with the rest of the Death Eaters as they fought the Order; she was smiling her wicked smile, when Sirius sent all the magic he could muster flying at her.

She was knocked fifty feet from her original challenger.

Sirius was in front of her before she was even on her feet. She looked up into his face and her already pale skin seemed to drain of all blood; she now looked gray.

“You,” she breathed.


She jumped to her feet and raised her wand, “Avada Kedavera!”

Sirius felt the curse hit him, wash over him like wind blowing. “Sorry, Bella, but you can’t kill what’s already dead.” With that he summoned the magicks of the earth to him and threw them at her. The fire that consumed her was beautiful and only intended for the Death Eaters. It licked her lovingly and slowly spread. All the Death Eaters looked fighting stopped as Bellatrix screamed in agony.

The battle commenced, fiercer than before the army of the dead now joining in and easily defeating all who dared fight them.

Voldemort’s followers were defeated within the hour, but Sirius could not find Harry. Then he heard them, fighting to the death, unaware of the loss of his followers, Voldemort’s lipless mouth curved in a smile; Harry’s face set in determination.

“You can’t win, Harry Potter!”

“Yes, I can and I will!”

Voldemort laughed loudly. “What power do you think you possess? You think you are more powerful than I? I who have gone further than anyone—“

“To become immortal! Yeah, I know. And you’re not immortal anymore… Tom.”

Voldemort laughed, but his eyes seemed to widen a bit in fear. “You know nothing, Harry Potter.”

“I know everything, Tom Riddle.”

Voldemort let out a high scream of frustration and anger. “You will die before the day is done and then we shall see who knows all!” He raised his wand, the Killing curse on the tip of his tongue.

“They’re gone, Tom.”

Voldemort seemed to falter. “What? What is gone, Harry Potter? You’re friends? You’re parents? Your precious Dumbledore?”

“Yes, and your Horcruxes.”

Voldemort stopped dead. He stared at Harry for the longest time, unable to believe what he was hearing. “No…”

“Yes, Tom and all that’s left is you and me.”

Voldemort let out that same angry scream once more; he raised his wand, but Harry was quicker.

Lord Voldemort fell to the ground dead. All the remaining Death Eaters stared in wide-eyed horror at the Boy-Who-Lived.

The uproar that followed was joyous. Sirius and his army had come together and all those around them seemed unaware of the dead army in their midst, all except Harry whose eyes had fallen on Sirius.


The roar of approval from the crowd seemed to die instantly. All eyes followed Harry’s till they fell on the large group before them. Screams of joy, of delight, of surprise met Sirius’ ears.

He walked forward at the same time Harry did. It seemed to take an age for them to finally meet, face to face.

“Harry,” Sirius said, “I—it’s so good to see you.”

Harry stared wide-eyed at his godfather, despite the fact that he knew he would see him again, he was still in shock. “Sirius, how—“

“I don’t know, Harry. Perhaps it was just… Fate, but I can’t stay long. We must return. We were only allowed to join you for the battle. I am permitted a word with you, but I cannot tell you too much.”

Harry nodded. Sirius stared at his godson’s face. He’d grown so much since Sirius had died; he was now as tall as Sirius. He was bleeding at the moment; copious amounts of blood covered his torn robes and was smeared over his face, but Sirius could tell that he looked more like James than ever before.

“Harry, I am so proud of you. I knew you could do it.”

“Yeah, I—I missed you so much Sirius.”

Sirius broke at that moment, tears leaking from his eyes. “Oh god, I’ve missed you too, Harry.”

Sirius embraced Harry, knowing his time was short. He did not let go for a good two minutes, afraid that death would be the end; afraid he would never see his godson again.

“When do you have to go?” Harry asked thickly.

“Soon, Harry, very soon.”

“But—you just got back and the wars just ended can’t you—“

“No, I cannot. I’m so sorry.”

Harry’s green eyes were shining with tears as he took in every last detail of his godfather.

“Listen, Harry, I—I love you and I want you to know, in case you didn’t know or incase you’ve been feeling guilty: I am glad I was able to protect you that night. It was never your fault that I died.”

Harry let out a sob, which he muffled quickly and he threw his arms around his godfather once more.

Then a voice spoke, so only Sirius could hear, “Your time is up, Sirius Black…”

Sirius closed his eyes against the fresh wave of tears. The army behind him slowly vanished. Sirius felt his heart beat rapidly again his rib cage and then slowly it began to slow.

“Good-bye, Harry.”

“N—no, please d-don’t leave me! Not again.” Harry sobbed into his godfather’s shoulder.

“I’m sorry…” Sirius was struggling now to stay with Harry, to say his last good-bye; it was so hard when your heart wanted to just stop. “I love you, Harry. You really are an amazing person. Your parents—“ he broke off, his heart hurt as it tried to pull him to death. “They would be pr—proud Harry.”

Harry continued to sob into his godfather’s shoulder, but no matter how much he cried, no matter how strong his grip, Sirius knew that he was slipping away, he could see Peorth now, then his vision would alter and he could still see the sea of Order members, Hogwarts students, and trapped Death Eaters.

“G—good-bye,” he whispered.

“G-good-b-bye,” Harry choked out.

And Sirius closed his eyes as his soul left his body which fell limp in Harry’s arms. Sirius could see in his mind his godson falling to the earth, holding tight to his body, sobbing and shouting his protest to the surrounding crowd.

Then he was back in the Plain of Passing and Peorth was there, the light from the Tree of Life blindingly bright.

“Sirius Black, you have done well, but it is now time to move on…”

And then all he knew was peace.
When I look into the
all that I see is

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Old 07-24-2007, 12:58 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Elijah Wilde
Farmer Carter | | Ama's Secret

Last part ^__^.

Chapter Seven: Dead and Alive

The night embraced Harry. His green eyes, brimmed with tears, followed the descent of a leaf, inches from his nose. The great oak whence it had slipped off swayed almost morosely, as it saw it land on the tombstone. Harry stood rooted to the spot, waiting perhaps to see if more leaves would follow suit. None did.

With a slow sweeping movement, he pushed the auburn leaf off his godfather’s tombstone. His fingers traced the outline of the small writing, his own.

Sirius Black

Loving friend and godfather

To the end, and beyond…

And beyond…

Sirius had come back from the dead to help him win the Last Great Battle, to support him, to tell him how proud he was of what Harry had accomplished. Two years had passed, and Harry was nowhere near abandoning hope. The hope that he would see Sirius again, even if for just a fleeting minute.

He hadn’t had time to ask his godfather how he had managed to return. Was it because of the veil? Did it perhaps send him somewhere else than the place where souls usually journeyed to after death? What about his parents? Would Harry ever have the chance to see them again? His mind was stirring with questions, the same questions that had sprang into being two years ago, at the end of Voldemort’s era. Questions that would never gain an answer, he thought, as he glanced at the name before him, engraved in stone and in his heart.

The graveyard was deserted. It was late into the night, and the inhabitants of Godric’s Hollow were probably all wrapped up in warm blankets, in their own beds, or otherwise drinking their last goblet of mead at the inn. Harry, who visited his parents’ tombs every other day, preferred the cover of darkness to come there. Yet this night, he had stopped at Sirius’ tomb first. Something inside him had drawn him to it the moment he placed foot in the tranquil graveyard. He stared intently at the tombstone, almost urging his godfather to show himself.

“It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live, remember that.”

Dumbledore’s words rang clearly in his head, a wake-up call. Sirius wouldn’t have wanted him to linger there, prey to unwanted hope and pipe dreams. Voldemort had been defeated, to great risk. And while Harry had picked up the threads of his life, and formed a family, his heart had never fully forgotten that night two years ago.

His gaze travelled to a tomb on his far right. He briefly wondered whether Sirius would have wanted to be buried in Godric’s Hollow. He thought of Grimmauld Place, of the family his godfather had loathed so much, the house-elf that had sold him to Voldemort. The Potters had been Sirius’ true family, and even in death, Harry thought, taking his eyes off his parents’ tomb, they would find refuge together. A tear escaped his cheek.

At the exact moment Harry brought his hand to his face, wiping his eyes, he discerned a sound coming from the rose bushes on his far left. The hedge separating the graveyard from the sloping hill rustled still, and to his astonishment, Harry saw a huge form erupt against the moonlit sky. His pulse quickened. Could it be---?

“Sirius,” he whispered without thinking. “Sirius!”

The black dog seemed to draw nearer to the hedge, and Harry could have sworn it was looking straight at him. Barely restraining his heart from jumping out of his chest, Harry got up. He called for Sirius again. But the dog didn’t approach, nor was it indeed glancing in Harry’s direction. As a cloud shifted, the pearly silhouette of the moon took over, revealing the form of the huge dog more clearly. It was gazing up at the stars.

Harry inadvertently followed its gaze. But not even the pristine beauty of the stars could distract him. Lowering his eyes back to earth, Harry searched for the dog. His first thought was that it had run away, or even worse, that he had imagined it all. An angry cry of frustration stood at the back of his throat, waiting to be released.

The dog hadn’t left, however. Harry’s hungry gaze found it once more, projected against the nightsky, as it stood at the top of the hill. He wanted to scream Sirius’ name again, but something inside him held his tongue. The black beast raised its head once more, ignoring Harry still. This time Harry didn’t follow lead, and a silent moment passed in which he glanced at the dog that kept staring at the sky.

And then it hit him. That dog wasn’t Sirius. He was imagining things, was he not? If it had been his godfather, he would have wasted no moment in coming to him, embracing Harry, talking to him. Harry took a couple of steps towards the hedge. The dog tore its gaze from the stars at last, and lingered for a single second more on top of the hill. Then it turned its back on Harry and vanished down the other side of the valley.

In its wake, perfect silence, broken only by the descent of another leaf. Harry turned round in time to witness it settling on Sirius’ tombstone, as its predecessor had. He returned by the side of his godfather, and gazed at the oddly-shaped leaf. It had landed precisely upon the word ‘beyond’.

Harry did not bend down to sweep it away, but glanced at the sky instead, his eyes no longer filled with tears. Above, a star flickered faintly.
Well done all of the SBFC, together you have managed to put a spectacular FCFF. Thank you all for joining in on this event ^__^.
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Old 07-24-2007, 02:31 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Hokay, I can't help myself from commenting XD

It's been such a blast working on this project, organizing, brainstorming, deciding amongst ourselves, and especially writing! I had forgotten how much fun writing FF really is.

I have to say the end result looks so much better than I even suspected it would. Great story =)

THANK you once again everyone who took part, and well done

The only thing worth surrendering to is the moment.
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Old 07-24-2007, 07:30 PM   #12 (permalink)
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Default A Note to All Authors : )

This FF has been one of my favourites to work on. The ideas that we worked on together were so wonderfully different!

It's been an honor working with everyone who helped write. I'd like to thank those who helped write this fic and make it as amazing as it is:

Harrypotterbabe (Anna), who wrote chapter one: Great job! You helped to kick the story off and you did it wonderfully
LadyNerd (Stacey), who wrote chatper two: I loved the things you did with your chapter. It was a wonderful touch and so nice to see Sirius' life before we knew him.
Griffin_girl (Zyra), who wrote chapter four: I think you did an outstanding job portraying Peorth and I am very glad I got to know you through working on this FF.
XoxXtinaxox09 (Tina), who wrote chapter five: I absolutely loved how eery and brilliant your interpretation of chapter five went. You did wonderfully and thank you so much for joining in to help us write!
Blackened (Chris), who wrote chapter seven: You have been so very nice to me and I am very glad we got to work on such an amazing story together. It was quite fun and I loved reading your chapter. It brought tears to my eyes. Thank you.

I loved reading this fic all the way through and helping by writing chapters three and six. It means a lot to me that I got to work on something so wonderful.
You're not alone, cause you're here with me. And nothing's ever gonna bring us down...

'Cause nothing can keep me from loving you, and you know it's true. It don't matter what'll come to be...
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Old 07-24-2007, 08:38 PM   #13 (permalink)
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*hugs you all*

Uh...I can't believe we are done! I so loved this FF! Tina has a very impressive voabulary! I loved how Stacey made Siry see the memories...I cried in the Godfather part...*sniff* mummy Chrisie made me cry too! *huggles* Aria! Aria has been the organizer of this whole thing! *madtackleglomps* thanks Aria!

I am so gonna miss those days when we freaked out and stressed about writing this FF. I am glad to have been a part of this. and in memory of this...I shall save this!

x Celandine x Daphne x Garret x Jillian x

Last edited by griffin_girl; 07-24-2007 at 08:40 PM.
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