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Sneakeh Cat 02-18-2009 11:12 PM

Reese Northway's Journal - Sa13+
This lovely banner is made by Lissy!

Hiya, people :shifty: I'm Cat, just in case you didn't know that already. Anywho, I decided I was going to give my current charrie a story. If you don't know Reese, then you're in for a treat :D It seems everybody loves Reese to death...and I have no clue why.I guess it will always be a mystery to me.

Without further ado...Reese's Journal:

Dear Journal,
Dear Mini Me,
I thought you deserved a better name than just Journal. Everyone’s Journal is named Journal. So, you're going to be different. You're name is going to be Mini Me.

Hmmmm. I guess I need to introduce myself, just in case someone finds you in the near future. Sooooo, HELLO!!!! I’m Reese Selena Northway and I’m currently a 4th year Slytherin. And you know what that means? I’m going to be a 5th year next year (ohhh, yeah!). Okay, I live in London with my godmother, Lizzie Maria Turner. I use to live in Sutton Coldfield, but thanks to Reno…wait, you don’t know Reno, do you? Well, you don’t want to know him. He’s VERY bad news. Anyways, thanks to Reno that all changed. I don’t live in with my dad anymore, but I’m not complaining. Why aren’t I complaining, you ask? My dad is a BIG, FAT liar! Over the summer, I uncovered a dark secret…well, secrets… he’s been keeping from me. I learned that my dad remarried a year after I was born, which means, you guessed it, my mom left my dad. My dad didn’t want me to know anything about my mom, I have no clue why, so he told me the girl he remarried was my real mom. Pssssh. LIE! To make things even worse, when I left for my first year of Hogwarts, my mom came back to get my brother, Ryan. And, just like something my dad would do, he told me that my brother died. He just did that, so that I wouldn’t question him about my room. Yes, I have been living in some bad lies. Now, I wish I was still living in them. Knowing the truth has its consequences.

I wrote my mom before I went back to Hogwarts and she wrote back…pretty quickly. She said she wanted me to is making me move to Ireland with her and Ryan. She also mentions that she would enroll me into a Private School if when I move to Ireland. Which means, NO MORE HOGWARTS!

I bet you already know my reaction to this? NO WAY!!!

I don’t want to move to Ireland. I’d miss everyone! Especially Miles, he’s my big teddy bear.

Okay, now I have some good news. I’m back at Hogwarts with all my friends. I’m trying so hard to get over Cale graduating, I just can’t believe it. He’s like my brother. I will miss him dearly. He probably doesn't even know how much I'll miss him.

Well, I have homework to start doing. When something happens, I’ll be sure to tell you Mini Me.

Lots of Love,

Gissel 02-19-2009 01:49 AM

Miss Crazy Shifty Person!
This was really really good :yes:
Me guste,I think that's right :blink: haha
I'll make sure to keep up with this if you remind me :P
Good job hun! :glomp:

Loff ya! :loved:
Gissel :angel:

P.S First Reply!!!! :pfd: :woot: It's cause I loff you the most ;)

highjinx 02-19-2009 03:30 AM

EEEE. Reese like, rocks. yes, everybody DOES love Reese to death and her ooown journal. I will stalk more. and more. and even more. Please add more soon [i too lazy to say PAMS].

Interesting, inteeeresting journal :shifty:

DancingThroughLife 02-19-2009 03:36 AM

OMG Cat!!!

I love Reese's Mini Me.... plus I just love Reese :P

I will definately be stocking this

Hollister 02-19-2009 11:47 AM


I don’t want to move to Ireland. I’d miss everyone! Especially Miles, he’s my big teddy bear.
Miles: :loved:

EEP! Reese's journal! I shall be stalking this also. :eyebrows:

Love you xxxxxxxxx

Danny Boy 02-19-2009 12:09 PM

ooh I so have to stalk this

oh and this is great

Yaya 02-19-2009 06:29 PM

I so shall stalk this thread soon...
Like, yeah
bye, my dear Angel Sisstah...

Sneakeh Cat 02-21-2009 04:18 AM


Originally Posted by HG_forever (Post 7866830)
Miss Crazy Shifty Person!
This was really really good :yes:
Me guste,I think that's right :blink: haha
I'll make sure to keep up with this if you remind me :P
Good job hun! :glomp:

Loff ya! :loved:
Gissel :angel:

P.S First Reply!!!! :pfd: :woot: It's cause I loff you the most ;)

I'm sooooo glad you liked it.
Haha.I'll be sure to remind you ;)

Yesh.You do love me the most:loved:


Originally Posted by dingDong (Post 7867236)
EEEE. Reese like, rocks. yes, everybody DOES love Reese to death and her ooown journal. I will stalk more. and more. and even more. Please add more soon [i too lazy to say PAMS].

Interesting, inteeeresting journal :shifty:

Intersting?Sooo,you likey the journal?:eyebrows:
I'm glad you think it's good,Dotty Wotty:glomp:


Originally Posted by Potter101 (Post 7867258)
OMG Cat!!!

I love Reese's Mini Me.... plus I just love Reese :P

I will definately be stocking this

Doesn't everyone love Reese?:lol:


Originally Posted by Hollister (Post 7868096)
Miles: :loved:

EEP! Reese's journal! I shall be stalking this also. :eyebrows:

Love you xxxxxxxxx

So many people stalking this XD




Originally Posted by Danny Boy (Post 7868122)
ooh I so have to stalk this

oh and this is great

I'm glad you liked it,Dan:D


Originally Posted by Yaya (Post 7869485)
I so shall stalk this thread soon...
Like, yeah
bye, my dear Angel Sisstah...

Guess what?I'm adding more now:shifty:


Dear Mini Me,
I was reading over my last entry last night and noticed I never even mentioned the party I held over the summer. This party was…well, I should say the truth. It was HORRIBLE. The only great part about it was most of my friends showed up. Cale, Anna, Josh, Allie, Vannie, and Miles all showed up. I know what you’re thinking. Josh showed up? Yes, he did. Even though he’s much older than me, he’s like my 2nd brother (Cale being my 1st). We’re like really close. So, why wouldn’t he show up?

So, after all my friends showed up. The fun started. Well, if you call fun: being called names, hit by vases, and punched, then it was indeed fun. You’ll never believe who started this “fun”? Reno. Yes, Reno Northway. The evvvvil, adopted brother. He just showed up and decided he was going to run the place. Pssssh. Like Miles would let that happen. Haha.
Reno started off messing around with Allie. She wouldn’t let him come inside, so he just picked her up and moved her out of the way. HE PICKED HER UP! You know, I should be concerned with that. Allie is very little. I could even pick her up. But, after Reno picked her up, he went towards Vannie. I still cannot understand why he went towards her? It’s not that I don’t like Vannie, but why her? I may never know what Reno was thinking in that pea-sized brain of his. But, back to Vannie. So, Reno went up to Vannie and started talking to her. Then, Miles got jealous. Well, I think he got jealous. I’m not quite sure. But what’s for certain is that Miles did get all fired up by being called a loser from Reno. For some people this isn’t such a big deal, but for Miles it was.

Reno just kept at it once he knew that got to him. That’s the kind of person Reno is. Once he finds your weakness, he hurts you. Miles totally got tired of this, and the reason I know is because he pinned Reno to the wall (holding him by his shirt). Then, Vannie punched him. It was quite funny watching a midget punch someone. At least from my point of view.
After Vannie punched him, Reno got M-A-D. He was heading towards Vannie, ready to punch her.I wasn’t going to just stand there and watch someone get hurt by my brother. So, I stepped in, hoping he would punch me and not Vannie. In the end, Vannie ended up getting punched. She stepped in front of me right when Reno swung his fist. That’s a true friend for you.

After Reno punched Vannie, Miles threw a vase at Reno's neck. Miles totally deserved at hug for that one. But I couldn’t give him one; Vannie pushed me out of the way before she got hit by Reno. And when she pushed me, I feel over and hit my head. OUCH!

The end. The party pretty much ends right there. All the other details aren’t that interesting. I wish I could say we all lived happily ever after, but this isn’t a fairytale. I’m sorry.

Lots of Love,

highjinx 02-21-2009 04:26 AM


I wish I could say we all lived happily ever after, but this isn’t a fairytale. I’m sorry.
Mah favorite line :shifty: Yet another goood entry Catty Chatty!

Gissel 02-21-2009 04:56 AM

Woooooooow O_o
This post made me laugh,and freak :lol:
" It was quite funny watching a midget punch someone." :lmao:
Loff it!
You did really really good with this one! As well as the other :P
Can't wait for more! :glomp:
Limo beat me this time :/ I'll get him next time though:shifty:

Loff you! :loved:
Gissel :angel:

DancingThroughLife 02-24-2009 03:36 AM

Hey Cat!!!

I told you that I would be stalking this!!!

I love the party!! The whole thing is awesome!!!

I shall be back:whistle:

Lissy Longbottom 02-24-2009 06:59 PM

:blink: WHY did I totally miss Miles giving Reno EXACTLY what he deserves? :lol: I fail :xd:

I love Reese's journal! It makes me sad when she talks about Cale leaving :(

Sneakeh Cat 02-27-2009 12:28 AM


Originally Posted by dingDong (Post 7875867)
Mah favorite line :shifty: Yet another goood entry Catty Chatty!

:shifty: To be honest,that was my favorite line,too:lol:


Originally Posted by HG_forever (Post 7875965)
Woooooooow O_o
This post made me laugh,and freak :lol:
" It was quite funny watching a midget punch someone." :lmao:
Loff it!
You did really really good with this one! As well as the other :P
Can't wait for more! :glomp:
Limo beat me this time :/ I'll get him next time though:shifty:

Loff you! :loved:
Gissel :angel:

I'm glad it entertined YOOOOU:lmao:
I hope you get here before Limo,just because...
I know you can beat him:D


Originally Posted by Potter101 (Post 7888042)
Hey Cat!!!

I told you that I would be stalking this!!!

I love the party!! The whole thing is awesome!!!

I shall be back:whistle:

I'm glad you liked it,Ash:loved:

Yesh,I know you'll be back:whistle:


Originally Posted by Miss Lissy Lou (Post 7890168)
:blink: WHY did I totally miss Miles giving Reno EXACTLY what he deserves? :lol: I fail :xd:

I love Reese's journal! It makes me sad when she talks about Cale leaving :(

:gasp: I can't believe you WEREN'T even stalking the RP:lol:It was funny. Reno DID get was he deserves:D

:loved: Reese loves Cale waaaaay too much to let him leave.


Dear Mini Me,
This year is going GREEEAT!!! I’ve been making a lot of new friends…and I’ve been earning points. You know how many points I’ve earned so far? 28 points. Haha. Yeah, I know that’s not a lot. Especially when Allie, Anna, and Cale get over 100 points. But this is ME where talking about. I usually never earn points, I usually get points deducted. Like the year where the school was separated and I snuck over to the other school and got points deducted. ANNNND when I stole some potion in my first year at Hogwarts, I got points deducted. Yes, I have been deductingdeductindeducting points. Now, I’m earningearningearning points. Goody for me!

Okay, back to me making friends:

I’ve met this really WEIRD guy named Cam a few days ago. He walked up to me on the sixth floor corridor and started talking to me. So, we got into a little conversation. Then, he wanted me to help him search for miniature troll thingies. This meant, he wanted me to crawl on the ground with him. This goes to Cam wanting me to sniff the ground. I draw the line there! Well, I drew the line at crawling on the ground, but you get my point. I just ended up “supervising” Cam. To make sure nobody stepped on the little lad.

Reed. This is the name of another guy I met this year. I’ve only talked to him twice this year, but he’s a very sweet guy. He compliments me too much, which makes me blush. But, that’s perfectly okay. Reed is fourth year Hufflepuff. Yes, he is in the same year as me! It’s amazing, I know. But you know what? I think DEEEEEP down, Reed likes me. It’s just by the way he sort of acts around me. Unfortunately, I’m not looking for a boyfriend. I’ve already been through 2 and they didn’t work out. Saddening. I just know Mr. Right is out there somewhere. And, 3 is suppose to be the magic number, riiiight?

I also want to talk to you about the one and only Emiliano. Emiliano is the REEEEALLY sweet Ravenclaw. Unlike other boys, he actually has feelings! Most boys don’t care about stuff. It gets annoying most of the time. When you try to explain stuff, some boys would say stuff like “Oh…” or “Okay…” or maybe the occasional “Whatever…” . Yeah. That’s the end. Maybe I’ll write more about Emiliano soon. I actually haven’t hung around him long enough to have a TOOOOOON of things to say.

The last person I want you to know about it Whitney. They’re just one a few words I can say about her…and me: SLYTHERIN GANGSTERS FOREVER, BABY!

Ohhh, there’s also this guy named Chase, but I don’t have time to tell you about him. I got to go down to the Great Hall and EAAAAAAT. So, I’ll tell you about him in my next entry.

Well, that’s it for this entry. The End. Fin. No more. Whatever you want to call it!

Lots of Love,


Gissel 02-27-2009 12:33 AM

Ha! Did I beat him? I sure hope so :lol:
No I did not cheat! lol
That was a great entry! Very funny :yes: *goes to read*

This first post belongs to Limo >_<

Edit: I really did loff this entry :)
I'm glad to see you mentioned everyone too :xd:
Great post hun!
PAMS! :glomp:

Loff you, :loved:
Gissel :angel:

highjinx 02-27-2009 12:33 AM


Originally Posted by Mini Me
I’ve met this really WEIRD guy named Cam a few days ago.

:rotfl: That is so true. I liked this entry, it shows how populah Reese really is. How sneaky cool she is too
I cannot wait for the next entry ;)

Yaya 02-27-2009 01:30 AM

Aww....You mentioned Em!!! :loved: times

Cannot wait for the next entry...:shifty:


WhittyBitty 03-03-2009 01:38 AM

LOL! Awesome, Cat!
It was nice to know a little more about Reese, even if her dad is a huge liar O.O lol
And Aww about her missing Miles so much if she left. Lima can relate to that :(
And Lima agrees that Cam is really weird :P


Lissy Longbottom 03-03-2009 03:13 AM

Awwwww, Reese will find love eventually. I'm sure guy number 3 will be EXACTLY what she's looking for :D

Don't tell Cale I said that, though, he's so protective of her :loved:

Sneakeh Cat 03-03-2009 04:09 AM


Originally Posted by HG_forever (Post 7898774)
Ha! Did I beat him? I sure hope so :lol:
No I did not cheat! lol
That was a great entry! Very funny :yes: *goes to read*

This first post belongs to Limo >_<

Edit: I really did loff this entry :)
I'm glad to see you mentioned everyone too :xd:
Great post hun!
PAMS! :glomp:

Loff you, :loved:
Gissel :angel:

Yes,the first post did belong to Lima!
Shame on you, Skittles!!!!

I'm glad you liked it^_^
And this next entry is dedicated to you,
since you wanted me to post it:D



Originally Posted by dingDong (Post 7898775)
:rotfl: That is so true. I liked this entry, it shows how populah Reese really is. How sneaky cool she is too
I cannot wait for the next entry ;)

Reese is VERY popular:eyebrows:


Originally Posted by Yaya (Post 7898909)
Aww....You mentioned Em!!! :loved: times

Cannot wait for the next entry...:shifty:


Of COURSE,I mentioned Emiliano.
Reese loves him sooo MUCH:loved:


Originally Posted by Whitterz (Post 7914578)
LOL! Awesome, Cat!
It was nice to know a little more about Reese, even if her dad is a huge liar O.O lol
And Aww about her missing Miles so much if she left. Lima can relate to that :(
And Lima agrees that Cam is really weird :P


Reese's dad is a BIG,FFFFAT LIAAAR.
Cam is a total WEIRDO:lol:
Reese is going to miss Miles and Lima when they leave:cry:


Originally Posted by Miss Lissy Lou (Post 7914878)
Awwwww, Reese will find love eventually. I'm sure guy number 3 will be EXACTLY what she's looking for :D

Don't tell Cale I said that, though, he's so protective of her :loved:

He will be EXACTLY what she's looking...I just know it:)

He is protective of her:lol: I bet if she breaks any part of her body in an accident, Cale will have a heart attack:P I just know he will.

Dear Mini Me,
Wowza. This week has been hectic. I can’t wait to explain every little detail with you. But before I do, I promised you that I would mention Chase. Okay, so Chase is this very cool Ravenclaw boy. There I mentioned him, now to this hectic week:

First of all, I HAVE to mention the fight I had with the weirdo Cam. Sooooo, I was walking up to the fifth floor corridor, hoping to maybe catch Cale while he was making his rounds for his Prefect duties. No luck there! Back to the story, while I was walking into the corridor I ran into Emiliano. So,we started to talk. Then, Lima and Whitney came up. So we got into a group chat. But,then, Cam had to ruin it. He came out of NO WHERE and tried to tackle Emiliano. The reason Cam tried to tackle Emiliano is because he wanted to have that ball Emiliano had. Geez, he could have just asked instead of trying to kill Emiliano by almost tackling him. So, after Cam got his ball, I had to get the cootie shot. Why? You ask. It’s because I gave Cam a hug. The cootie shot went like this, “Circle.Circle.Dot.Dot.Now you got the cooties shot.” Haha. I know that’s funny. But, now I can at least say I’m cootie-free. After I got the cootie shot, something bad happened. Cam noticed this tarantula crawling on the floor. And he was STUPID enough to think it was a mini troll. So, he ran over to it and grabbed it. Once he noticed it wasn’t a troll, he threw it in my direction. It landed on my face. I freak-out. But thanks to Emiliano, that tarantula is somewhere on the grounds. Just waiting to bite some little first year. Bwahahaha. Hopefully it will bite Cam. Cam deserves it. But after Emiliano got it off me, I got mad. I wanted to KILL Cam. Actually, I wanted to rip his head. But before I could do any harm, a Professor came. Soooo, I dragged Cam by the collar down to the Entrance Hall. Where I got called a mean Peter Pan? I wouldn’t ask. But Whitney called me that. Why is everyone calling me names? I even got called a CRAZY WOMAN. I’m going to hurt Cam one day…Cam better watch his back.

Okay, well that’s my Cam drama. Now I have to tell you about my Cale drama. I was visiting Hogsmeade one day and ran into Zeke. I haven’t seen Zeke in FOREVER, so I started talking to him. But then, Cale ran right into us. Like usual. But this time, he fell to the ground, Drama Queen style. He was very graceful in his fall. Haha. Okay, anyways, we all started to get into a chat. Theeeen, Livvy showed up. Livvy told me to pull his hair. Okay, I know this must be strange for you. Livvy and I got into a conversation one day and she brought up Cale and him wearing a wig. It was a rumor that was started by Plymouth this term. And, I didn’t believe it, but Livvy did. She dared me to pull Cale’s hair the next time I saw him to make sure it wasn’t a wig, so I agreed. How stupid was I? So, just like I was dared, I pulled Cale’s hair. Cale didn’t like it one bit. He got all made at me and then he yelled! I have NEVER seen Cale yell before. It was hurtful. I said a few words to him, then marched off. But, he caught up with me. I was hurt by him yelling at me, but I got over it. Even though it took me some time to get over it, I did. Nothing will ever get between me and Cale. We’re stuck together like glue and paper. I think that’s how it goes.

Well, that’s everything that happened this week. Now I better get all my present ready for tomorrow. I’m meeting up with everyone on the seventh floor corridor to have a gift swapping thingy for Christmas. I sure hope everyone likes what I got them. Hm. Maybe I’ll tell you what everyone got:

Cale: A blow up guitar and mic; muggle mousse
Anna: A diamond necklace and crown
Whitney: A best friend necklace
Lima: A lemur stuffed animal
Cam: A mini troll doll and a trantual stuffed animal.
Fallon: A blue, diamond necklace
Livvy: A wig that looks just like Cale’s hair

Okay,well that’s it. Byyyyyye Mini Me! I love you!

Lots of Love,


CandicePotter 03-03-2009 05:04 AM

AWESOMEEEE im mentioned!!!! (Go Chase Go Chase) lol

ok but Reese and Chase do have to rp some more dont they??

*nods* of course

Gissel 03-03-2009 05:20 AM

:cry: Nooooooooooooooooes!!!! :no:
This is soooo not fair :(
Chase is such a meanie,whatever. 2nd post is waaay better than the first anyways
that\'s what I get for showing him the new entry

Whatever,I\'m good. Hmmph

This is a greeaat post lol. Whit absolutley loffs her gift *nods*
And Yay! :woot: This entry is dedicated to me ^_^ *ish loved*
I can\'t wait till you post again :shifty: At least I beat Limo right?
btw I saw like 1-2 mistakes
PAMS! :glomp:

Loff you! :loved:

Fallon Chanel 03-03-2009 10:37 PM

Aww you mentioned Fallon!
How cute!
Love it!

Felixir 03-04-2009 12:22 PM

i can totally imagine that, with the Cam tackling Emiliano fandango


love those gifts there... the cale wig xD

more soon SistahCat! xx

DancingThroughLife 03-04-2009 01:08 PM

Cat I love reading this!!!!

I just read about Reed in the entry before :P

Oh really you think he like Reese deep down do you?

Danny Boy 03-11-2009 07:27 PM

HaHa that was entertaining and Livvy actually thinks its a wig?

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