Official -()- Seeker Puffskein
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 1,698
| Only the Beginning - Sa13+
Hi guys! This is a one shot. Short R/Hrness. My first Romance story and first one shot. Enjoy...
Ron Weasley lay stiffly on his four poster bed, his mind a whirlwind of thought. Though this was quite unusual for Ron, he had a good reason to be thinking so much at one time. He had just kissed his best friend.
But had he? Maybe he had imagined it. That kind of thing was possible. He imagined things all the time. Things like winning the quidditch cup or watching Snape get covered in potion when he accidentally spilled it on him. Ron shook his head. No. He would never imagine kissing Hermione Granger.
Then it had happened? He did? But Ron didn't even like Hermione. Not in that way. Or maybe he just didn't know that he liked her.
Ron unconsciously brought his fingers to his lips and gently moved them back and forth, as if checking to see if they were still there.
He shut his eyes and rewound his memory, wondering when it had happened. Ron and Hermione sat across from eachother, a wall of silence between them. Hermione's quill was gliding quickly across her parchment, she was well on her way to having twenty inches on Ancient Runes in the next five minutes, Ron figured. He looked down at his own page. He'd managed to write his name at the top of it.
He rested his chin in his hand and wondered what time it was. They were the only ones left in the library so he assumed it was around dinner time. His stomach also backed him up in his calculations. He flipped a page in his Potions book, thinking if he stared at it long enough, his essay would finish itself.
He looked back down at his blank parchment and knew it had been a crazy idea. He sighed loudly.
"Something wrong?" Hermione asked, drawing her attention away from her essay for the first time in a half an hour.
"No." Ron answered, trying to cover up his blank parchment and realizing what a mistake it had been to sigh.
"Well let me see what you've written." She said.
"No," Ron replied, covering more of his parchment, "Its not done."
"That okay, Ron. I only want to see it." Ron reluctantly handed over his essay. "Ron!" Hermione scolded him, "You haven't even started!" She gave him a look of disappointment.
"I can't think right now," He defended, "I'm too hungry." Hermione tutted. "Honestly, Ron. Is food the only thing you can think about?" He shrugged. "No."
"Fine then," She said shortly, what do you think about?" Ron looked down at his hands and he suddenly knew what he was thinking about. He looked up at her. "Harry," He said below a whisper.
Hermione's expression softened. "Me too." The library grew silent and Ron began to feel uncomfortable. "I'm worried about him," She went on after a moment or two, "He's not himself. Ever since know." Ron nodded his head. Harry had been acting very different lately. And very distant. He barely talked to his best friends anymore, which was part of the reason why he was in the library writing a potions essay instead of outside playing quidditch. "I think we should talk to him about it." She said.
"Why?" Ron asked.
"Because, we're his friends, and its not healthy for a person to keep all their emotions inside."
"Did you get that from a book?" Ron said almost instantly, his voice ruder than he'd meant.
"No. It's common sense, Ron. He thinks he's responsible for his godfather's death."
"How do you know? You don't talk to him." He retorted
"As a matter of fact I do talk to him, Ron!" She said furiously, "Which is more than I can say for some people."
"Fine, Hermione. Go talk to him then! Why are you discussing it with me?" Ron picked a potions book up and walked toward the shelves to put it away.
"Because you're his friend too," Hermione replied, following him into the maze of bookshelves.
"Well I don't want to talk to him about that."
"Why?" Hermione challenged.
"I don't talk to Harry like that!"
"What if it was you, Ron? What if...what if you're dad died." Hermione said in one breath. Ron froze.
"Why would you say that, Hermione?" He whisepred breathlessly.
"Because, Ron. What if he did? What if you felt like you were at fault for his death? Would you not want Harry to talk you, to comfort to you?"
"He wouldn't die." He said, "That's totally different."
"No its not, Ron!" Her voice was growing louder, "You are so...heartless!" She spat. Ron's jaw dropped. That last word hung in the air, echoing in his ears.
"I am not heartless." He said, "Its not true."
"Well why isn't it?" She questioned, her eyes locked on his. "Prove me wrong, Ron."
And that's when he kissed her. Or did she kiss him? Or did they both lean in at exactly the same time?
Ron's stomach growled suddenly, and he remembered that he hadn't eaten dinner. He hurriedly got up and descended the stairs into the common room.
As he reached the bottom, Ron noticed somebody was sitting in an armchair by the fire, running a hand through their disshevled black hair. He knew exactly who it was.
Ron suddenly disregarded any hunger he had had a minute ago. He walked over to Harry and sat next to him, then cleared his throat. Harry's head shot up, his expresssion looking as if he just realized where he was. Ron waited a moment, not sure of what to say.
He finally spoke, "How are you, mate?" The question must have taken Harry by surprise, because he slowly picked his head up and met his gaze with Ron's. As Ron looked into his green eyes, his heart melted. He saw all the grief and guilt, the sorrow and despair, every sad emotion that Harry was feeling, all mixed together. But there was something else there too. There was relief. And Ron felt like crying as he realized how wrong he had been and how right Hermione had been. Ron put a comforting hand on his best friend's shoulder as he heard Harry speak for the first time in months.
An hour later, the common room door opened and Hermione walked in. Ron felt his ears grow hot as their eyes met. He watched as she stopped and looked from him to Harry and back again. Ron gave her a small smile and was surprised when she gave him a huge grin back. Then she did something Ron thought she would never do again. She walked over to him, took his face in her hands, and gave him another kiss. Maybe she didn't think he was so heartless after all.
That's all! Please post what you think. I'd love some feedback! :sorcerer:
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