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| Candy Display Case (Finished Fanfiction) A dazzling showcase of fully wrapped-up stories, these sweet treats are polished and ready for your reading pleasure! |
08-28-2008, 03:54 AM
#26 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Jun 2008 Location: melbourne
Posts: 887
well its been a few days and i have another chapter for you, tell me what you think ! so heres chapter 8 x
Chapter 8
Opportunities taken
He stepped out of the fire place to a room void of any human presence “Hello” called Harry “Any one here” when Ginny stepped out followed by Ron who immediately began “So where’s the patient?”
“Im sorry to disappoint you Ron but I don’t think anyone’s here” Said Harry “I think Seamus was lying, and by the looks of his place” pointing to a newspaper on a coffee table “He hasn’t been here for at least a 3 days”.
“Let’s look up stairs” said Ginny drawing her wand.
Up they went and found nothing but empty rooms and unslept in beds and came back down intending to leave when they heard a key in the lock, before they could do anything a woman entered the room. “Oh hello you guys, I wasn’t expecting any one here” she stood there frozen her brown eyes searching amongst them for Seamus “Is Seamus here?” Her hand rose to the slight bump on her belly protectively.
“Hi Elizabeth, how are you?” Said Ginny “we just got here were looking for Hermione, is she upstairs” She lied stamping on Ron’s foot behind her before he could correct her.
“No, why would she be here, they haven’t spoken in months”
Harry started as they all sat down “Seamus told us she was here ill and you were looking after her” Elizabeth looked directly at him surprised “Im sorry but I don’t know what you’re talking about, I haven’t been here in months I left him. Im only here to get the last of my stuff and go”
“You left him, may I ask why he would lie” She turned to Ginny “He told me he was going away for a week and to come round then cause he wouldn’t be here, you see I left him for someone else”
Hermione sat looking out a bewitched window the sun shining brightly the hills green and trees blowing in the breeze. She got up and moved amongst the books on the floor and upon finding nothing she left the room for once in her life a library had let her down. She walked down the hallway and found stairs leading upward; she made her way up but found nothing but more bedrooms, studies and bewitched windows. Going downstairs she heads down the hallway and found a door, it was large wooden and looked like the main front door. She tried to open it but it wouldn’t be pushed or pulled and refused to open. With the last of her hope she pulled out her wand and tried spells but gave up as quickly as she had begun. He had trapped her in here and she was fed up of waiting she wanted to be in Ron’s arms to have him close to her and know he loved her just as she loved him. She walked towards the dinning room when she heard someone, he called her name “Hermione where are you?”
She sat looking at them as they stared at her “I left him for someone else, some one who seemed to think it was ok to then leave me and his daughters” as she stroked her belly. Ron was lost for words, didn’t know what to say so Ginny carried on conversation “Can I ask who?” Elizabeth sneered “Draco, Draco Malfoy” Ron needed nothing more said when he jumped to his feet “You as well, what was so bad about your husband?” Harry grabbed his sleeve and pulled him back down. “What do you mean, as well?” Harry stopped Ron from interrupting “No one, we just know Draco and his wife” Elizabeth laughed “He never told me he had one until I told him I was pregnant, I don’t know what I ever saw in him, but I was over with Seamus before we even got married I think im better off single”
Harry continued “do you know where Seamus said he was going?”
“Yep, Ireland, I think he’s moving back after our divorce goes through”
Ron suddenly seemed to forget his anger as he realised something “Where would he go?”
“There’s an old house in Belfast, his home as a kid, erm im not sure what it’s called or where it is though, but why do you want to see him why not just send him an owl?”
Ron couldn’t hold it in much longer “He’s kidnapped Hermione!”
Harry shook his head “We’re not sure where Hermione is and we think he might know, but we can’t be sure if she went of her own accord or if SOMEONE took her” He said glaring at Ron “She might just have gone way but were just worried” said Ginny .
Elizabeth got up “Well I don’t know, he did follow her like a lost puppy at work but im sure he wouldn’t do anything that drastic would he? I mean you’ve known him longer then me” Ron got up angrily and walked to the fire “Im going to find her” as he took a hand full of powder and jumped into the flames “Ministry of magic” but nothing happened “What’s wrong with it ?”
Harry spoke “It’s been sealed, he knows we’re here, I bet we can’t apparate either or get out” they got out there wands and tried.
“Try the door” Ginny got up and tried to open it physically and magically “it won’t budge” Elizabeth got up “I bet he doesn’t know im here try this” She handed the muggle key from her robe pocket. “It’s his favorite charm only a muggle key will work”
“Let’s go” said Ginny opening the door.
She moved quickly through the dinning room and into the kitchen drawing her wand. He kept calling until she replied “In the kitchen, im just having lunch”. Seamus came in “Well it looks like this will be our last night here; your friends seemed to realise your missing, - what are you doing?” But before he could react she yelled “stupefy!” He was thrown back into the fridge leaving a large dent. She bound him conjuring ropes from her wand and dragged him to a dinning room chair where she said “Enerviate” He coughed and came round “What are you doing Hermione?” She sat opposite her wand raised, her eyes blazing “I’ve had enough, I want out and you are going to tell me how, and since being nice didn’t work how about a different kind of persuasion” He smiled “I can’t do that Hermione, I won’t let you go”
“You seem to forget, you’re tied up, and I have my wand and im angry with you for taking me in the first place, so tell me how to get out, before I just kill you and then the spells broken”
“You don’t want to hurt me”
“I could say one thing that will hurt you more then I ever could with a wand Seamus, I didn’t what to but you leave me with no other choice, tell me now how can I get out?”
“There’s nothing you could say that would make me tell you how to leave me, so you’d better kill me now”
“Well lets test that shall we because im fed up of playing games with you so how bout this for starters, I DON’T LOVE YOU!”
“I don’t believe you”
“Ok so what about I love Ronald Weasley and nothing could ever TEMPT me into being with you”
“I don’t believe that either”
She laughed “Well this is the big test, what if I told you my biggest secret” She got up and then knelt beside him.
“How about this” She whispered in his ear “I know who Draco left your wife for, and it wasn’t to go back to his own one”
He shook his head “Don’t say it Hermione please”
“One last chance Seamus,”
“No! You can’t leave me”
“It was me”
They all left and locked the door behind them and were standing in the garden talking.
“Is there anywhere besides Ireland he would go, I mean does he have any other relatives” Said Ginny and Elizabeth continued “Not that I know of, he doesn’t speak to his mum she divorced his dad and moved to Italy but I know he wouldn’t go there, why are they so keen on finding him?” Ginny waved her hand submissively as the men began to walk away talking “There aurors, there used to tracking dark wizards – I didn’t know his parents divorced, he does kept things quiet doesn’t he” Elizabeth nodded “Our marriage was like that, he never spoke much about his family or friends only you the obvious about you, Harry, Ron, Dean and Hermione, I’ve only met Luna twice and once was at our wedding.” Ginny looked at Elizabeth as she stroked her stomach absentmindedly. “But I guess your ok on your own”
Elizabeth smiled “yes, but I won’t be for long.”
“I can’t wait to have kids, but Harry and I are both just really busy and we haven’t even been married that long”
“I know what you mean, and even though they are Draco’s daughter’s there mine as well and he’s not getting near them, not that he’ll want to”
“We’ve known him since Hogwarts and he was an arrogant pig then just as he is today”
“He can be so charming and loving but if you tell him something he doesn’t want to hear it’s all over”
Ginny remembered why they were here when she spotted Ron and Harry coming back “So is there anywhere else Seamus would go beside Ireland?” She nodded “A place in the English countryside somewhere, its got an Irish name, it was left to him by his Grandma, hold on while I remember the name” Ginny looked at Harry and Ron giving them a smile and gesturing to tell them to come here. “Its called Ainsley, no Aisling House in the country somewhere, its empty I did try to persuade him to sell it but he didn’t want to, it’s a muggle house you see” Harry spoke up “How do you get there?” Elizabeth replied “I could take Ginny by side apparition and then she could take you, im not in a good state to take you guys as well” They all nodded “See you in a minute” said Ginny linking arms with Elizabeth and they disappeared.
Ginny found her self in a field with Elizabeth “It’s there” she side pointing to a large house on a hill, “Good luck, with him, I’ve got to get my stuff and go Mungo’s before my shift starts” Ginny smiled “Thanks for all your help, and if you ever need a babysitter im free” Elizabeth laughed and disappeared while Ginny went back and got Ron and Harry. They walked towards the house wands drawn and knocked on the front door.
Just a little note Aisling means "dream; vision." and It’s also a type of poem in which Ireland is portrayed as a beautiful woman in distress which i thought was appropriate in Hermiones case lol, Oh and the way I worked how pregnant Elizabeth was a mystery to me but it’s about 4 months and since its twins she’s kind of showing more.
__________________ RIP JD Salinger |
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08-28-2008, 03:57 AM
#27 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Jun 2008 Location: melbourne
Posts: 887
damn i wrote more then i thought i did this is a long chapter but not aslong as some of the others coming up lol thanks for reading hope your enjoying it, cause its not over yet !
__________________ RIP JD Salinger |
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08-28-2008, 09:31 AM
#28 (permalink)
| SS Vaulter Firecrab
Join Date: May 2008 Location: Playing God <3
Posts: 902
__________________  I Know You Don't Believe Me, But The Way I, Way I See It, Next Time You Point A Finger, I Might Have To Bend It Back, Or Break It, Break It Off... Next Time You Point A Finger, I'll Point You To The Mirror |
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08-28-2008, 01:40 PM
#29 (permalink)
| Streeler
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Belgium soon enough!
Posts: 211
Hogwarts RPG Name: Charlotte Tonks Second Year | POST MORE SOON
PLEASE!!!!!!! |
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08-29-2008, 10:21 AM
#30 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Jun 2008 Location: melbourne
Posts: 887
well its only been a day and i have another chapter for you, oh and theres still quite a bit of the story left, i've got to punish draco, hes been a very bad boy !
well hope you enjoy it heres chapter 9 ! X
oh and abi incase u never got my pm i would love to !
Chapter 9
Lost and Found
“You said you would never cheat on Ron, I won’t believe you’ve been with him, I just won’t” Hermione got up and sat opposite him “I never cheated on Ron, we were over and I turned to someone else, it just wasn’t you. Im not proud of what I did don’t get me wrong, but you need to know I would rather find comfort in his arms then yours” He looked to the floor “I won’t believe it, your not like Elizabeth at all that’s why I wanted you, your different” She got up and walked to the kitchen “Im feeling hungry what did you get for lunch” she went inside and sat behind the kitchen door in silent tears, then picking her self up grabbed what was in the fridge wiped her eyes and went back into the dining room. Seamus sat, bound, he head down his eyes on the ground tears splashing on the wooden floor. She sat down again “what are you crying for? There’s nothing you can do beside let me go, let me go and forget me, if I can’t have Ron I don’t want anyone else”
Ron banged again but there was no reply. “Alohomora” said Ginny pointing her wand at the door. But it didn’t unlock it. Harry had a thought “He’s half muggle, it’s the same charm, he’s probably got a spare key somewhere” He began to search near by plant pots while Ron muttered “muggles do the silliest things”.
“Not so silly” said Ginny holding up a brass key. “Its plastic, she said pointing to a rock, it has a little opening underneath and is hollow inside, it’s the kind of thing Dad would be fascinated with” as she placed the key in the lock and turned. The large wooden door opened and creaked softly. They stepped inside.
There was a banging at the door. “Did you here that Seamus? I think they’ve found me!” she got up and tried to look out the windows, “Still bewitched” she swore under breath and then moved to the open dining room door “I think I’ll wait here, so you don’t try and get away to avoid what’s coming to you” then she heard them “Hermione? Are you here” She recognised his voice “Harry! In here!” she shouted standing by the door way her wand pointing at Seamus her heart beating in her chest.
Harry, Ron and Ginny ran to the dining room wands raised. “Hermione!” shouted Ron as he ran to her hugging her so much he nearly knocked her off her feet. It was if he had forgotten everything that had happened until he let go, remembered and backed away awkwardly. Seamus looked up and saw there embrace and turned to face the wall. Harry and Ginny went to Hermione and hugged her “Why is he tied up?” Said Ron, Hermione began “He came to my flat uninvited, made a mess and then apparated me from my flat and brought me here” She couldn’t stop smiling with relief as she told them what had happened “and I stole my wand back yesterday night and have been trying to get out ever since but I couldn’t so I snapped, I’ve been trying to persuade him to let me out but it hasn’t been going well, I did try magic but it seems he’s improved a lot since school. Im so glad you’re here I was beginning to think no one would find me” She hugged Ginny again.
“Why would you do that Seamus?” Said Ron his anger getting the better of him and he walked to wards him wand raised, “You’re supposed to be our friend, and then you go and do something stupid like this”
He walked closer and stopped “Answer me Seamus, you always were a coward in school, you haven’t changed much. You couldn’t do anything right then and now your out in the real world it’s just the same” Harry and Ginny grabbed his robes and pulled him back against his protests.
Seamus turned to face them all “Did she fail to mention to any of you about me?” he smirked “I’m married, why would I kidnap her? She brought me here after I found out about her and Draco Malfoy, did she tell you about her affair with him Ron?”
Ginny walked over to him and slapped him hard on the side of his face “We spoke to your wife; it seems she preferred Malfoy to you as well. Why didn’t you tell anyone your wife had left you? Or your parents had divorced, Dean is your best friend and we were your friends we would have understood, we would have been there for you. You didn’t have to do any of this, to lie and to make us all worry what had happened to our friend, I can’t believe what you’ve done, and I’ll be surprised if you don’t go to Azkaban!”
Ron walked out into the hall way his fists clenched and Ginny followed. Harry sat opposite Seamus then leaned over and took his wand from his robes without undoing his ropes. “Don’t want you doing something you’ll regret when I untie you” he looked at him sadly and began to talk Hermione sat beside him. “Seamus why did you take Hermione?” he wouldn’t reply. “What were you thinking? I’m going to have to let the ministry know what you’ve done and you might go to Azkaban”
“No” said Hermione “I don’t want that, he just needs help, we can take him to Ireland to stay with his dad or leave him here but I can’t go to the ministry”
“But I’m a ministry official they have to know something went on” said Harry,
“Please Harry”
He turned to her “Ok, but if something happens it’s not my fault” He turned to her and she said quietly “I take it Ron told you about my, erm thing with Draco”
“Yes, how could you do it Hermione?”
“Harry, I honestly don’t know, he was there for me in that one moment and I just, I just gave in” She looked a Seamus and Harry “I’m sorry for what I did, truly I am” as she cried “but I understand if you never want to see me again” Harry smiled “Why would I be here if I didn’t want to see you, I’ve known you eleven years, I trusted you, Ron trusted you and Ginny trusted you, but you apologised, you mean it and I can forgive you but I don’t know if Ron ever will, Hermione you broke his heart”
“He broke mine went he told me it was over, I never cheated on him I just found someone else, but I regret my choice just a Elizabeth does”
In the hallway Ginny was hugging Ron,
“Why did you get to hit him and I didn’t?”
“Because I slap better then you punch” she smiled “What was with the hug you gave Hermione in there” Trying to calm him down and distract him, it worked.
“It was as if nothing had happened” he sighed in his sisters arms “I do love her but now I don’t think I can be with her, when I hugged her I was so relieved to see her – “She knows that Ron, you nearly squashed her to death, you just need to forgive her, I know you want to she smiled, you just have to convince yourself”.
__________________ RIP JD Salinger |
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08-29-2008, 12:32 PM
#31 (permalink)
| SS Vaulter Firecrab
Join Date: May 2008 Location: Playing God <3
Posts: 902
Yay! More story! And even more story later!!
Love it! Can't wait for your next Chappie!!
__________________  I Know You Don't Believe Me, But The Way I, Way I See It, Next Time You Point A Finger, I Might Have To Bend It Back, Or Break It, Break It Off... Next Time You Point A Finger, I'll Point You To The Mirror |
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08-29-2008, 12:50 PM
#32 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Jun 2008 Location: melbourne
Posts: 887
im hoping to get to about 20 chapters or so and work out the end by then ive done up to 15 so far, i write fast but it takes a few days to go through it all, change and then post what i think is ok ! im indecisive but when i pick i stick to it, wow i sound stuborn ! lol
__________________ RIP JD Salinger |
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08-29-2008, 03:50 PM
#33 (permalink)
| SS Vaulter Firecrab
Join Date: May 2008 Location: Playing God <3
Posts: 902
I did have two stories up but I asked for one to be deleted as I might restart it...
I'm hoping that it links into the one I've still got as well!! PAMS// PAMS// PAMS// PAMS// PLEASE!!! XD
__________________  I Know You Don't Believe Me, But The Way I, Way I See It, Next Time You Point A Finger, I Might Have To Bend It Back, Or Break It, Break It Off... Next Time You Point A Finger, I'll Point You To The Mirror |
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08-31-2008, 10:21 AM
#34 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Jun 2008 Location: melbourne
Posts: 887
well as you requested heres another chapter enjoy !
Chapter 10
The tortured soul
“I am sorry” said Seamus sitting in the train carriage “I do know now what I did was wrong, and I regret only that I never told you earlier how I felt” Hermione smiled “I believe you and im sorry for what I said but you made me so angry I just snapped.” He smiled “I know but now you have to go before this train leaves for Europe with you on it” she grabbed his hand, squeezed it affectionately, let go and got up “Good bye Seamus, and good luck with your mother” she leapt off the train to Ginny waiting on the platform. “Let’s go”.
It had been three weeks since the “kidnapping” and Hermione was feeling happy and relived to finally move on. She smiled as she got in her car but something was eating away at her “How’s Ron?” she said trying to sound blasé but Ginny could see right through it.
“He’s fine, he’s staying at the burrow for a bit and has taken a holiday from work, but he misses you Hermione, you can’t avoid him forever” She put the car in gear “Im not trying to Ginny but I don’t think he wants to know me any more especially since the whole Seamus and Draco fiasco” Ginny smiled “He wants to see you, he needs to see you, I just don’t think either of you are ready for more then that yet, just start talking again please”
“Do you think your mum will ever find out what happened? Cause if she does I doubt she’ll ever let me speak to you or Ron or Harry ever again”
“As long as you’re my friend my mother will never be able to stop me from seeing you, and with Ron pining for you as it is I doubt she’ll stop him if he gives himself a chance, why don’t you come to our place for dinner tonight, Ron’s coming and Romlin his latest girlfriend and Luna and Dean.”
“Ok, but it might be a bit awkward with all those couples”
“Well, I guess so but it didn’t put Ron off, He’s been at the burrow for two days and just wants the company that’s not mum and dad” She smiled “if you do feel like coming just pop round about six O’clock “
“Ok” she said turning the corner “but I suppose I might as well come along as long, and as you said I can see him, and if he doesn’t want me to talk to him I won’t “
“Then it’s settled, and I think it’s best we don’t mention you seeing Seamus off, just yet”
“If you say so, have you got food for tonight?”
“Yep all sorted, mum offered to help but I said no, once she gets in the kitchen it’s as if every spell I cast is wrong” they laughed “I’m a better cook then Harry and he invited Romlin over only by assuring him I was making dinner”
“Is he that bad? I suppose the Dursley’s had iron stomachs”
“Dudley looks like he would eat anything in his photos but apparently he’s changed Harry saw him last week in London, he had that thing what do muggles call it, it was something suction but it sounded horrible”
“You mean liposuction” said Hermione driving the car onto a main road “That’s so drastic, but anyway are we going to my place or yours”
“Yours and I’ll apparate from there, I have to do some cleaning since Harry’s at work and then start cooking, im so glad it’s the weekend and my next match isn’t till next Saturday”
“So who’s this girlfriend of Romlin’s?”
“I don’t know her, he said her names Jasmine, she’s muggle born American and owns that café where Fortescues ice cream place used to be, best food in diagon alley according to Romlin”
“So what happened to Jamie, the same as Louisa I Suppose?”
“He said to Harry ‘Im just not ready for a serious relationship’ he’s nice an all just a bit of a player” they laughed as Hermione turned off on to a side street and into an underground car park under an apartment block. They got out and carried on the conversation up the lift and all the way to the front door. They sat and talked for about an hour when Ginny got up, “I suppose I’d better go, I’ll see you tonight” and she hugged Hermione “Well how bout I give you a hand, I haven’t got any thing else to do and I promise I won’t get in your way”
“You’re sure you wouldn’t rather be working on elfish welfare?”
“I can’t seem to focus on it, but I could do with some practice on my cleaning charms”
“Well if you’re sure”
“I am and it might keep my mind from other things”
“Well ok” Said Ginny and they apparated to the living room of the cottage.
"So Romlin, who’s this date your bringing tonight?” Said Harry, They stepped out from the alley way and onto an empty street “Jasmine, but what’s it’s got to do with you I’ll never know, she’s just a girlfriend”
Harry laughed “Ah but as your superior, I have to know who my staff are involved with”
“Hey, you’re only older then me by a couple of months, your only my boss cause Pascal actually likes you but since you’re a married man, I can’t tell you what I get up to it might make you jealous”
“Some how I doubt it, I married the love of my life, I’ve never been happier and it’s all down to Ginny”
“Urrggg don’t get all soppy you’re supposed to be hunting dark wizards, not love sick one’s”
“Ok, ok lets get on with it” they raised there wands.
Ron lay on his bed staring at the ceiling, ‘I’m not going to think about her’ he thought to him self and he was just convincing himself of that point when his mother called his name “Ron are you up yet, I made you some breakfast since dads gone to work” He got up and placed a jumper over his t shirt and was just about to change his underwear when “Ron – Oh im sorry” “Mum!” He remembered why he had moved out as soon as he could. “Im sorry Ron” his mother called through the door, “I thought you were asleep when you didn’t answer” he sighed “Its fine, I should have replied, I’ll be down in a minute.”
He went downstairs now dressed and nibbled at a slice of toast.
“You’ve lost weight, you’re getting too thin for your clothes, and you look miserable, why on earth did you leave that girl, and why in merlins name aren’t you getting back together with her?”
“Mum, I’ve told you, I don’t want to talk about it, im fine im just not hungry”
“Your not fine, you’ve been here two days and neither me of your father can get a word out of you, and I still haven’t forgotten that you won’t tell me why you went to Malfoy’s place”
“Im fine, I don’t feel like being very conversational, it was for work” he got up “and im going for a walk”
He stepped out into garden looking up at the cloudy sky and took a deep breath and started to walk. He went into the village and wandered around looking like a muggle just as everyone else was, he felt a relief to be away from magic. Knowing her strong connections to the muggle world made him feel closer to her, but he shrugged this feeling off and began to walk away from the village and took on a path leading him further and further away ignoring where his feet where taking him. When he finally decided to look at his watch he realised it had been over three hours. He made to turn around and walk back but thinking better of it, he apparated to the front door of the burrow and stepped inside.
“Where have you been? Mums been going mad” Said Bill “she called me over from shell cottage to look for you”
“I told her I was going for a walk and I did, there was no need for her to call you im a big boy, I can look after my self”
“Ron” shouted Molly “I was worried sick”
“I told you I was going for a walk; you didn’t need to send out a search party, im fine you go back to Fleur” he said to Bill “I’m going to the bathroom, then my room, then at six o’ clock im going to Harry and Ginny’s and then I’ll be back later tonight” He walked up the stairs and slammed the bathroom door.
“That boy needs her even to function properly; I hope she feels the same for his sake”
“I don’t think she does mum, it looks like she’s been seeing someone else”
“What, someone else?”
“Yeh saw her on the train this morning, at St. Pancras with some guy on the euro star and Ginny was with her, so she must know too”
“Well I guess that’s why he’s so miserable; maybe he seeing she’s moved on will make him too”
“Hmm well id better go Victoire’s teething” He hugged her and stepped out side and apparated, while Molly began fold laundry and wash dishes with her wand.
He got into the shower scrubbed away the dust and dirt from his walk .He went to his room and changed into a clean shirt and jeans, combed his hair and took a look at himself in his mirror. He was thin, tall, muscular, but looked closely at his face. He practiced a smile, it was there but it looked too happy, too forced he tried again, ‘much better’ he thought to himself. ‘Now I don’t look too depressed’ he ran a hand through his hair looked at himself again and then snapped. He punched the mirror. The glass shattered and fell to the ground around his feet. He looked down at his hand “That’s better” he said aloud “well at least I can feel something, even if it is pain” he went to the bathroom and filled the sink. With his hand in the water he removed the small bits of glass and conjured a bandage. He walked back to his room repaired the mirror and walked downstairs. He walked to the fire place grabbed some floo powder and stepped in the flames.
__________________ RIP JD Salinger |
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08-31-2008, 11:07 AM
#35 (permalink)
| SS Vaulter Firecrab
Join Date: May 2008 Location: Playing God <3
Posts: 902
| He he... A green sock... XD
You know I love your story right? XD
Great!! I Can't wait for your next post!! I wanna know what happens!
Ooh! Bill saw her with Seamus!! *Sniffs air* I can smell trouble... ad COOKIES!!
Be back later!!
Love you!
__________________  I Know You Don't Believe Me, But The Way I, Way I See It, Next Time You Point A Finger, I Might Have To Bend It Back, Or Break It, Break It Off... Next Time You Point A Finger, I'll Point You To The Mirror |
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09-01-2008, 06:36 PM
#36 (permalink)
| Streeler
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Belgium soon enough!
Posts: 211
Hogwarts RPG Name: Charlotte Tonks Second Year | oh gosh i have told you that i LOVE this story right!
jeez! it is great!!
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09-02-2008, 07:44 AM
#37 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Jun 2008 Location: melbourne
Posts: 887
yey people like my story !
*dances crazily*
__________________ RIP JD Salinger |
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09-03-2008, 05:31 AM
#38 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Jun 2008 Location: melbourne
Posts: 887
ok beware this is the longest chapter, there was just so much to put in !
Chapter 11
An Uninvited guest
Hermione looked through her wardrobe, ‘what to wear, what to wear’ she thought picking things out glancing at them and throwing them on her bed behind her until she got fed up, used her wand to place everything back inside and looked again. She finally decided on a black dress, jacket and high heeled shoes, showered changed and then began to tame her hair. She looked at herself in the mirror, she smiled thinking of Ron. Closing her eyes she thought of him, and the way he used to kiss her neck, but it wasn’t just a fantasy, and he spoke.
“You look beautiful, are you going somewhere?” she replied “Harry and Ginny’s” but she opened her eyes and saw his reflection in the mirror pushed him away from her and stood up to face him.
“What is it with people like you sneaking into my home; it’s supposed to be protected?” He smiled walking forward, and she backed to towards the wall “but I’m not just any one I have a wand too and quite the aptitude for breaking defensive spells” his hand moving to her cheek and leaning in to kiss her,
“Don’t even think about it Malfoy, get out now” she said drawing her own wand getting up and pointing at him. “so back so surnames are we, I suppose its best now im single too, and its not as if my wife will even want my name when she finds out who I’ve been with while we were married”
“So she finally figured you out did she, well if you’ve finished you can leave, I’ve all ready been kidnapped once and I don’t intend it to happen again this year.”
“Well since you haven’t cursed me yet I think I might have a drink, what do you think of elf made wine” he never lost eye contact as he conjured a bottle of crimson liquid and two glasses.
“I told you to go, if you won’t leave on your own, I’ll move to magic” as she made the floating bottle and glasses vanish. She continued to point her wand at him. “I’ve told you before I want nothing more to do with you, and you seem to be like Seamus nothing gets through that thick skull of your”
He ignored her and carried on talking “Well we seemed to reach that same point as we did over four months ago, what you gonna do now?”
“What both I and Elizabeth should have done”
“You know, I all ways liked you best out of you both that’s why I’m here”
She couldn’t do anything, she wanted to know more, he was distracting her with conversation, but she also knew she could be any where near him or she might kiss him again.
“Don’t you get it Malfoy, after weeks of telling you, after a single mistake” he cut her off,
“I wouldn’t say single, you forgot that little kiss that led us to that comfy closet”
“Just go Malfoy please, I’ve moved on you should to”
“Well thanks to Potter and Weasley’s visit I had to explain some things to dear Cecilia, but don’t worry our little secrets safe, but as it all turns out I divorced her so she doesn’t know about my shall we say indiscretions”
“I bet she’s glad to be rid of you”
“Yes, but now im single, though I know that didn’t matter for you before” She grimaced at these words “I thought you might just want me as much I want you, and at this moment that’s quite a bit” she held her wand higher as he moved closer to her.
“Now, now Hermione, you might take out someone’s eye with that.” He smiled his cold eyes searching her face for any sign of emotion “So what do you know about me and dear Elizabeth, we were very close”
“Close enough to get her pregnant with twins; you’re a pathetic excuse of a human being who won’t even take responsibility for his actions”
He laughed “well I do have my moments of remorse, and that I ever even touched sweet little Lizzy was one of them, but with you there was never a regret no matter how hard I looked but there all ways was that mystery, would you even consider any one but Ron, and the fact you wanted me did intrigue me, since you knew I was married and Lizzy didn’t.”
She slapped him hard across the face, “GET OUT” she screamed her hand pointing to the open door of her bedroom and her wand pointing at him. She forced him out of the door and into the living room. “You don’t want me to go” He sneered “I can see it on your face” he turned around to face her and walked forwards forcing her back towards the wall. He kissed her and she fell into his embrace but realising what had happened she opened her eyes, pushed him back, gripped her wand and pointed it at him.
“Don’t come near me, I can’t be anywhere near you your just toxic” She walked forward wand raised.
“Just because you left your wife doesn’t mean I want you and neither will any one else, you try and seduce” she opened the front door pushed him out and slammed it in his face.
Composing herself, she straightened out her dress, fiddled with her hair grabbed her wand and walked into the green flames of the open fire place.
Ron stepped out into the living room “Hey Ron,” Said Harry sitting on the couch “come and keep Dean and Luna company while I go and see what Ginny’s doing” He took a step forward and then settled in the spot Harry had left on the couch “Hi Ron” said Dean “how you doing mate?”
‘I’m so sick of people asking me that’ he thought but he replied “Im fine, just fine” a smile plastered in his face.
“So why do you look so sad Ron?” Said Luna, she placed a hand on his shoulder. “You can’t hide how you feel Ron, don’t bottle it up you’ll feel worse”
But before he could reply Hermione stepped out from the fire place and walking past him he smelt her perfume in the air, saw the smile she gave him and admired the curves of her body in the tight fitting dress.
“I take it things are ok with you to since you didn’t take your eyes off of her when she walked past” said Dean, He looked back vacantly “huh, yeh , no”
“My god your love sick, why on put your self through it, I’m with Luna, Harry’s with Ginny and everyone knows about you and Hermione” Luna and Hermione moved to the table to chat. “If it was that easy I would be over there now but its not, I can’t talk to her and I can’t be here after, after everything that’s happened” He stood up to go to the kitchen and see Harry and Ginny when Romlin came through followed by Jasmine. Hermione looked up when Romlin began to talk to Ron and Dean and Jasmine came over to meet her and Luna.
Ginny began to levitate food out to the table, and Harry went to sit with Dean, Romlin and Ron when, the latter met him half way. “I can’t stay here” he whispered “I didn’t know she was coming” said Harry “Ginny invited her and she has as much right to be here as you, she is our friend and she wants to be yours again so hear her out”
“I just –“
“Ron, go and say hello, this is my house and my rules” Harry smiled
Ron nodded as he turned around and walked towards her.
“Hello Hermione”
She looked at him and a smile filled her whole face “Hello Ron, what did you do to your hand?” she reached out and he let her hold it and examine it. Neither of them noticed the whole room was staring.
He felt her skin against his own and felt relief, the cuts didn’t hurt and he couldn’t even reply for staring in her eyes. She looked away “Ron? Ron?” She laughed quietly “why don’t we talk out there?” pointing to the door to the hallway. He snapped away from his trance “I cut it on some glass, just had a little accident” as he pulled his hand away. “How are you Hermione?”
“Im good Ron, but how are you?”
“I guess I’m good too, just tired you know with work and everything” he said rubbing the back of his neck with his left hand.
“Im glad your ok with me being here, Ginny asked me at the last minute” She looked at him nervously as if a bomb would explode.
“Im fine with you being here” ‘fine’ he thought ‘fine, why is that all he could thing of he most defiantly was not fine and she could see it’
“You’re not ok are you, I know you Ron”
“And I thought I knew you” He turned away just as,
“Dinner” called Ginny “Is served” and they all sat at the square table. Harry and Ginny on one side, Luna and Dean opposite them, then Romlin and Jade settled one end of the table leaving the only spaces next to each other for Ron and Hermione. There elbows met occasionally, but they never spoke to each other throughout the meal.
Finally abandoning the silence from Ron, Hermione gestured to Ginny and they stepped out side into the moonlight, leaving everyone inside chatting over butter beers.
“So what is going on with you two, you had a whole conversation and then nothing!”
Hermione gestured for Ginny to sit beside her on a bench.
“I know, but I have something else to tell you, I had a visit from Malfoy tonight”
“What! Hermione don’t tell me your back with that slime ball?”
“No!” she replied quickly “but he told me he wanted me and told me that he and his wife have divorced”
“Has he told her about you and Elizabeth and probably countless others?”
“No, but he well, he’s pretty persistent, and he got into my flat some how.”
“You didn’t …”
“No, why would you even think that, I sent him packing”
“So why aren’t you talking to Ron out here?”
“It not as easy as I thought it would be, he won’t even look at me properly, and he says he’s fine but I know he’s not”
“I don’t even understand him sometimes, he loves you Hermione that much is true, just sit, listen talk, he’s not one to make the effort when he has to but for now be patient, and plus I’ve got Harry and Dean trying to coax him”
“Coax! If it’s that difficult maybe I’ll just go on holiday and come back in ten years when he’s married and forgot about me”
“Hermione, don’t ever say things like that, look, you just have to sort things out, and he needs you Hermione”
“You keep saying that but I’m not so sure, I think if it’s best if I stay away for a while longer”
“You do that and you will lose him for ever”
“I think I have already, and if he won’t fight for us, then I can’t either”
“But you just can’t give up like that”
“I can and I have, I thought about it a lot and just asking about him makes it harder. He won’t ever forgive me Ginny and I can’t and won’t live with it. If I can’t have Ron I don’t want anyone else and that just what I told Seamus, and now im telling you.”
“Now you listen here, Hermione, you hurt my brother and I’ve forgiven you for that and I’m still here so is Harry and we love you. Ron loves you know matter what he might say and do you just have to be persistent. You know just as well as any one that Ron needs you to survive ,everyone can see both of you are suffering for your stupid mistakes and you both need to be put in a room together and made to talk or be cursed”
“Well if you put it like that” said Hermione smiling. She was just about to talk again when Harry emerged through the doors. “Ron’s gone home. He wouldn’t even stay to say goodbye to you two, but he looked pretty ill”
“Ok, were coming in now any way”
Ron sat in a corner of his room, he was being haunted by the kindness in her eyes the love she had gave him was lost on him. He didn’t know what to do any more, and just sat his eyes closed immersed with her, a perfect Hermione in his dreams as she couldn’t be in his reality. His limbs felt loose and his body sank down so he was now lying on his back no longer against the wall. Unable to speak, he lay happy and peaceful not fine any more but suppressed by a love sick stupor.
Uncomfortable on the hard wooden floor he woke hours later to darkness. As his eyes adjusted, he slowly got up and felt his way to his wand on the bedside table. “Lumos” he muttered. The light burned a clear hole in the darkness of the room and he ventured to the bathroom. After relieving himself he walked down the steep stairs using his wand and avoiding lighting the lamps in case it woke his parents.
He sat at the kitchen table with a glass of water, his head in his hands when he felt it in his trouser pocket. Placing his hand inside he pulled it out, all that remained of his relationship was a small silver pocket watch engraved with the words “for my Ron love you’re Hermione” he smiled thinking of when she had given it to him. It had been his twenty first birthday the year before, and they had had a large party in his flat, his whole family squeezed in. She had handed it to him in a small box when they were finally alone in the corner of the room “Happy Birthday Ron” she had whispered placing a kiss on his cheek. Placing it on the table he got up took a sip of water, wrote a note to leave on the table “I’ve gone for a walk, I will be back. Don’t come looking” and walked out into the night.
The clouds covered the crescent moon as he looked to the sky and he couldn’t see anything further then his wand light. He pulled his cloak around himself in the night time breeze, took a deep breath and walked on into the nearby woods.
__________________ RIP JD Salinger |
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09-05-2008, 01:14 AM
#39 (permalink)
| Streeler
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Belgium soon enough!
Posts: 211
Hogwarts RPG Name: Charlotte Tonks Second Year |
wow great post!
come on ron! come on hermione!
be together!!
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09-07-2008, 02:59 AM
#40 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Jun 2008 Location: melbourne
Posts: 887
Chapter 12
Cure for a broken heart
After a while of walking he settled on a log by a small stream running through the trees. At ease with his surrounding, he had come here as a child, he removed his shoes and socks and placed his feet in the icy cold water feeling it run over them and relieve some aching from the walk previously that day. She was all he though about and it used to drive him mad, but he didn’t feel angry anymore. She was all way’s there and he had gotten used to it. After three months of madness and chaos he finally felt at peace and knew how he felt about her.
Sitting there for close to an hour he finally got up, replaced his shoes and socks and began to walk again until he found it. He couldn’t believe it was still there after all these years. He gazed at the small wooden shack he had built with his brothers at the age of nine. It looked sturdy enough as he opened the door and stepped inside, the floor creaked and ivy and other plant life covered the walls creeping in from the broken windows. He conjured a blanket and pillow, cleared a space on the floor and slept soundly for the first time in weeks.
Waking to the sunlight and a draft through the window, he got up and made his way to the stream. Washing his face he saw his reflection. “I do need her, I want her, I love her” He smiled, ‘that was a genuine smile he though’ “I forgive her.” He said aloud.
“It says that he’s going for a walk mum I don’t think there’s any thing to worry about” Said Ginny smiling “he’ll be fine he just doesn’t want to be cooped up in the house is all”
“But leaving in the middle of the night”
“He probably couldn’t sleep, if it makes you feel any better I’ll send an owl to Harry, but he’ll just tell you the same”
“No, no don’t bother Harry at work, if you say he’ll be fine and he’ll come back then I believe you”
“So who’s this new boyfriend of Hermione’s, Bill saw you at the station yesterday”
Ginny looked at her surprised “Boyfriend! That was just Seamus, we went to see him off, and he’s just a friend he was married until …well there not together or anything”
“Oh, so what’s Ron so miserable about?”
“What is Ron not miserable about these days?”
Just then he walked through the door.
“Hello Ginny, Mum what’s for lunch? I’m starving”
Hermione spent the morning in her office gazing out of the window bewitched to look like a busy city street out side. Harry walked in and sat opposite her and she didn’t even notice. “You’ve been doing that for over an hour, I’ve been checking on you and you haven’t moved an inch”
He didn’t get a reply and he began again “Hermione?”
“What, oh yes, Harry!”
“I said you have been staring out that window for an hour”
“I know, I can’t focus”
“And you know how unlike you that is, just go and see him; he should be back by now”
“Back, back from where?”
“He went for a walk last night”
“Last night, why would he do that?”
“Take a guess, Hermione; he was a bit funny last night”
“Ok, but I don’t think he wants to see me”
“Honestly Hermione, if he wants anything in the world right now, it’s you; he knows it and you do your just both acting like pains. Go and see him and convince him he loves you and you love him just tell him”
“You make it sound simple”
“It’s the simplest thing in the world to tell some one you love them, just make sure he knows you mean it”
“Will you tell my appointment I’ll see her tomorrow, she’s a German house elf and not hard to miss”
“Yes just go”
She hugged him tightly “thankyou Harry” And apparated from the room.
She knocked on the door as she stood impatiently at the door step “Hello” she called. Mrs Weasley answered “Come in dear, the doors not locked”.
“Hi Mrs Weasley, is Ron here” she looked around the room flustered.
“He’s upstairs; shall I go and get him for you?”
“No, it’s ok; I’ll go up if it’s all right with you of course”
“Of course dear, I must say I think he’ll be so pleased to see you, he’s been so miserable these last few days”
She smiled and walked up the steep stairs until she reached his room. Knocking she said “Ron, it’s me”
“Come in” She entered; it was so different from the bright orange it had once been and was now a cool shade of blue. “I was just going to come and see you” He smiled abandoning the shoes he was putting on. “We need to have a talk, don’t we?”
She nodded and sat down on the bed next to him. “So how about we discus what remains of our previous relationship?”
He nodded “I’ll start, I’m sorry Hermione for everything, I forgive you for what ever happened with Malfoy, and I had no right to behave the way I did”
“You had every right, Ron, I betrayed you by being with that monster”
“You never didn’t anything that wrong and I see that now, I just didn’t approve of your choice of partner, we weren’t together at the time, you didn’t cheat on me and then you told me you were sorry right away. I can live loving you without having to ever mention that scumbag again”
“I made a huge mistake and I’m sorry”
“Im sorry I ever let you go; I’m to blame for you turning to him, and I should never have stayed away for so long”
“I avoided you too; I’m to blame as well”
“We’re both as stubborn as each other. Seeing you last night I realised some things and I went on a walk to clear my head but you were all I thought about. There’s no way I can live with out you, even after everything that’s happened, I need you, I want you and I love you”
She looked into his eyes and he stared back. He could see her as he wanted to now, not as anything other then the woman he loved. Her smiled made him feel so happy, the love in her eyes meant he couldn’t look any where else ‘but why would I want to’ he thought.
“So how about we start a fresh?”
“Sounds good to me” he replied taking her hand in his own. “Let’s go slow, and see where we get”
“But is this ok?” and she leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. Ron spoke, “A bit too slow, try this” and he moved closer, placed one arm on the small of her back the other in her chocolate brown curls and kissed her gently on the lips.
They broke apart
“Are you sure you’re ok Ron?”
“More then ok, I have you” and he leaned in and kissed her again.
__________________ RIP JD Salinger |
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09-07-2008, 03:27 PM
#41 (permalink)
| SS Vaulter Firecrab
Join Date: May 2008 Location: Playing God <3
Posts: 902
Can't wait till your next post!! This sounds like our finishing it... You Can't!!
__________________  I Know You Don't Believe Me, But The Way I, Way I See It, Next Time You Point A Finger, I Might Have To Bend It Back, Or Break It, Break It Off... Next Time You Point A Finger, I'll Point You To The Mirror |
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09-08-2008, 01:47 AM
#42 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Jun 2008 Location: melbourne
Posts: 887
theres still eight more chapters all written just finishing them off !
__________________ RIP JD Salinger |
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09-09-2008, 12:51 PM
#43 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Jun 2008 Location: melbourne
Posts: 887
Chapter 13
Revenge or Romance
Harry rose from his seat to hug Ron, “you finally did it, and you forgave her”
“I can’t believe it myself, but were going slow and im sure this time third times a charm” smiled Ron sitting down “I’m looking forward to a new start with her we are going to forget the past, I can’t let it dictate our future, that scum bag will get what’s coming to him even if I don’t get to him”
Harry looked at him worried “just forget about him, move on your with her, you love her and she doesn’t want anyone but you”
“I know, but -” he leaned back in his seat and crossed his legs on the desk as Romlin walked in “So your back today, had a nice holiday”
“Fantastic, just planning some revenge”
“Just ignore him” laughed Harry “He’s back with Hermione now so he needs more reasons to be miserable or to start fights”
“Ah well you know how it is with me I get all the revenge from the girls I break up, with I could help you out” Said Romlin sitting at the desk opposite them and taking papers from his draws.
“Well being hung naked from your apartment window by your ankle is hardly a fitting revenge for someone now, unless it’s your poor Jamie casting the spells”
“How did you find out about that?” he turned red and sunk down in his chair.
“I’m your boss I have my ways” laughed Harry “though I was never able to find out what Louisa or Katie did to you”
“I was lucky with those two; they wanted something other then that kind of revenge it was more like break up -”
“Feet off the desk Weasley, you’re at work not in your living room” Ron sat up hastily while Romlin and Harry suppressed laughter. Pascal Delaney had entered, his clean cut suit showed under his jet black robes and his manner suggested that of a Percy type of approach.
“I have a new case for you three, there’s been a sighting of Juniper Hazel in the welsh countryside, as you know she is highly dangerous and I need hardly remind you it is off upmost importance to catch her as she holds the key to the uprising of Voldemort’s old followers around the country. You will be taken by portkey as usual and any force necessary to take her in will be allowed but keep in mind we need her alive so no unforgivables got it”
“Yes Sir” they all replied.
“Harry, as the superior officer I expect you to take charge in this case, the utmost care is required she is rarely seen and generally able to cover her tracks”
“Yes Pascal” Replied Harry “we’ll get her, don’t worry”
Then standing up quickly armed them self’s with wands, placed on there travelling robes and set off down the hallway to the portkey office.
“Im so happy for you two” Smiled Ginny handing her a cup as they left the queue. Sitting down at the table Hermione started again. “it’s just so, well I’m still in shock, after waiting for so long I’d given up hope he’d ever forgive me I almost can’t believe it myself, but I have to thank Harry again”
“Well we always knew he’d come round in the end and he did” taking a sip of coffee after removing her gloves. They sat in the cafeteria of the Holy head harpies training ground, the sun shined through the window as they talked.
“So now you can forget about Malfoy, he’s done his damage and you have both overcome it”
“I know, it’s so wonderful, I have already forgotten him”
Ginny smiled “So have you told the rest of the family, but I think they’ll guess by the fact Ron’s not moping around anymore”
“Yes, erm your mum kind of walked in on us kissing” giggled Hermione her cheeks flushed red “It was quite embarrassing, though Ron did say she had came in while he had no trousers or underwear on the other day”
“She does that a lot; we need to remind her to knock.” Ginny smiled “She got so mad when she found Harry in my room once, he had fallen asleep in the chair while we had been talking and I had slept on the bed, he woke up and laid down next to me and we had just began to kiss when we got ‘GINNY WEASLEY’”
Hermione smiled “This was more like, ‘Oh my god, it’s a miracle’, she was that surprised” Laughed Hermione.
Ginny smiled sipping the warm tea “I bet she’s pleased, she’ll be talking weddings next. She did the same when the twins told her they had girlfriends”
“Well I don’t think were ready for that, give us a few months to get settled and then a few years”
“It might come sooner then you think look at me and Harry”
“Yes, but you two had no problems what so ever, and you never slept with someone else your ex despised”
“Ok I see your point, I think we’ll go with the give you two more time argument when dear old mum brings up wedding dresses rather then I slept with my boyfriends sworn enemy”
“Can we talk about something other then that slime ball?”
“Most definitely”
They chatted about everything but that for half an hour until Hermione decided she’d better go and do some work.
“Well I’d better leave you to practice you have a match coming up and you have to win cause me and Ron are coming”
“Ok, I’ll see you soon” she hugged her “bye, bye” and replaced her gloves just as Hermione apparated.
“So how was training with Ginny” Asked Ron as he and Hermione sat at the table in his flat.
“It was great, she really is amazing on a broom looking forward to the match, and I told her we’ll get tickets”
“Sound great, I’ll call up tomorrow”
She smiled “I’ve already got them, I was there so I though there’s no point in waiting so she got some for us, half price for relatives”
“Even better” he reached over and held her hand “I’m glad we worked things out, I think my mums happier then we are”
“There’s no way she’s as happy as me, I love you Ronald Weasley I really do and no matter what happens that will never change”
Sitting in her office the next day he strolled in “Hello Hermione, I heard your back with him, congratulations, though I thought we had something really special” he smirked.
“Get out”
“I really do miss you” he sat down on her desk, his eyes cold and as grey as ever.
“Leave now” she never looked up from the papers she was reading.
“But I suppose you don’t cheat do you, you just make other’s do it”
She pulled out her wand and placed it in his face right between his eyes “Get out”
“Oh don’t worry, I’m going, I just had to come and congratulate you” he got up and walked out the door. With a flick of her wrist it slammed it behind him his white blonde hair and black robes apparating with a smile on his face.
__________________ RIP JD Salinger |
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09-10-2008, 11:23 AM
#44 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Jun 2008 Location: melbourne
Posts: 887
| for my 2 / 3 readers !
well i got so bored i finished tweaking 2 more chapters for you and here they are only five more to go after this.
Chapter 14
Baby talk
“So how are things going with you and Ron, it’s been two weeks I want gossip” Laughed Ginny.
“Fine, fine, we’re nearly back to normal again” Hermione smiled taking a sip of hot chocolate.
“And are you happy now, has he stopped being completely miserable”
“He’s been amazing, just so great, and I’m just so happy im fit to burst” Said Hermione so fast Ginny could hardly understand her.
“And we set out a plan so that in maybe four months im going to live with him”
“A plan of your relationship?” said Ginny looking in disbelief
“It was his idea, so we both know where we stand and we can avoid problems”
“Ron came up with that, I’m amazed, but it sound like a schedule, you can’t plan for everything” She looked away unable to look in Hermione’s eyes.
“What are you doing tonight?” asked Ginny focusing again,
“Nothing, why?” said Hermione,
“Well would you like to come to the cottage, were having a party for the whole family and well since your near enough my sister I’d want you to come and you can bring Ron of course though he’s no relation of mine”
“You’ve been saying that since we met you, but I doesn’t help that you look like him” Laughed Hermione “What time do you want us?”
“Perfect” Said Hermione smiling,
“Well on the gossip front, I now know that Luna and Dean have set a date, New Year’s eve”
“Only they could have picked that”
“Yep, its happening at there house, a garden wedding at just before midnight, with a party till morning”
“Sounds like Luna, I bet there busy it’s only six weeks away, I’m so happy for her and Dean; she’s found her perfect match” Said Hermione, smiling.
“Do you want to come and see Elizabeth with me; she’s pretty big now at about six months”
“Ok, will it be good with her”
“Sure” as she drained the contents of her cup “I think she’ll enjoy having someone other then me and her parent’s for company and she’s moved back into Drummond street”
“Hello mate, what you doing?” Said Harry his head filled with a smile as it appeared in the flames.
“Nothing much” came Ron’s reply from the couch “just looking over the Ripley case, they got him in Yorkshire and since Romlin’s up for review I’ve got to look into it”
“So not busy at all”
“Gimme five minutes then I’ll have finished and you can come and annoy me properly mate”
“Well I can’t while you on desk duty; I’m going up to Edinburgh for Ramsey, I think we got him with those muggle attacks in the north”
“So, what are you doing visiting me?” Said Ron “If you come to check up on me, I’m great and so is Hermione”
“Its not that, I’m inviting you to dinner Ginny’s orders, and she’s with Hermione now”
“Oh ok, what time?”
“About seven, I’ve got to finish up and Ginny’s got some things to sort out for the Harpies after she’s seen Elizabeth and Hermione”
“Fine, is anyone else coming?”
“Yep the whole family, so were going to be surrounded”
“Not everyone”
“I hope your cleaning spells are up to scratch if Fred and George Jr are coming, they maybe only a year old but there exactly like there dad’s”
“It’s all under control just make sure your there or your mother’s not going to be happy”
“Yes, yes I am a big boy you know, she doesn’t scare me”
“I’ve faced off against Voldemort and your mother scares me more, there’s no need to lie” Harry laughed “see you tonight, best be off” and the flames returned to normal.
“Hi you two come in” Said Elizabeth opening the door, “I’ve just finished painting the twins rooms, magically of course” as they eyed her large baby bump under her dungarees and the yellow paint in her hair. “Well I can’t really see you up a ladder, have you settled back in here yet” Said Ginny smiling and looking at the empty boxes in the corner. “Well mostly, I had some help from my sister”
“You have a sister”
“Yep she used to live in the states, went to live with our real dad there while I stayed with Mum and my step dad, and now she runs a café in Diagon alley”
“Jasmine” Said Hermione
“Yep how do you know?”
“We met her two weeks ago she’s dating a friend”
“You know Romlin? Oh yeh you’re at the ministry too”
They sat on the couch while Ginny volunteered to make tea.
“So Hermione, I hear you fell for Draco too”
She looked back at Elizabeth surprised “It was a brief attachment”
“Don’t look so worried, he told me but im not going to tell anyone”
“Ron knows, we weren’t together at the time, but I don’t want to talk about it”
“Ok, well it seems we have that in common”
“Then why bring it up?”
“Cause I though you should know that I know, you’re the reason my daughters don’t have a father”
“Im not responsible for you leaving your husband for another man who then dumped his you and his unborn children, I just happened to have a fling with a monster only I came out with out its offspring” She got up and was walking to the door when Elizabeth drew her wand
“How can you think you can say that and get away with it?”
Just then Ginny walked in tray in hand “What are you doing Elizabeth?”
“She’s threatening me, it seems she not as nice as we thought” Said Hermione drawing her own wand
“You won’t hurt me, you wouldn’t hurt innocent children” Said Elizabeth
“There not exactly innocent now are they, with a father like that I’d be surprised they don’t come out with horns and pitch forks”
“Go Hermione” Said Ginny pointing to the door and placed the tray on the table.
“Put down your wand - Elizabeth please- tell me what happened between you two” Said Ginny as she heard the pop of Hermione apparating from the doorstep.
“I know about her and Draco, it’s all her fault” Said Elizabeth, hesitating as she finally placed her wand on the table “if she hadn’t seduced him my daughters would still have there father”
“Draco’s not one to stick around, you told me that yourself, don’t blame Hermione if it’s any ones fault it’s his. He manipulates everyone around him and if it doesn’t work out he leaves, it exactly how he was at school and he would leave it to his friends, parents and everyone else to solve his problems and they all ended up dead or in Azkaban”
“But she was with him and now she’s back with Ron like nothing happened and I have nothing left”
“You have your daughter’s just hope they only look like him and don’t act like him, you’ll have family no matter what, but you’ll only have friends if you don’t blame them for your own and his mistakes” Said Ginny and she left closing the door behind her and apparating to Hermione’s front door.
“I think its best if we both avoid her till she’s had the girls at least then she’s lost the hormones” Said Ginny sitting on the couch next to Hermione who was staring intensely at a stain on the carpet. “I guess so” she said not looking up “why did she have to bring it up now?”
“Like I said hormones, just you wait and see how I am”
“What do you mean how you are?”
Ginny replied quickly “Well when I have kid’s I bet I’m like that, all flustered, angry and emotional I think I can wait a while for those things” She smiled “well I’d better go, I’ve got some things to do at the Harpies and then im doing party food with my mum, she insisted on helping me”
“Ok, I’ll see you at seven and I’ll make sure Ron gets there too”
“Do you have to bring him?” she said smiling “See you tonight” she took some floo powder from a cup on the fire place and stepped into the flames “Holyhead harpies training ground”
“Harry I’ve got some thing quite funny to tell you” said Ginny as she sat curled up in his arms while they listened to the radio.
“Ok, what is it?” as he moved his head to face her and saw her smiling.
“Well today, I had a medical at Mungo’s for the Harpies and well they confirmed something for me”
He couldn’t speak, so just nodded as she carried on.
“So I sat there waiting for a while in this sickly yellow room, and they told me well that, we’re going to be a mummy and a daddy in about seven months”
He couldn’t speak, over come with shock, a smile on his face.
She looked up at him worried “Are you ok Harry, speak to me?”
“Are you completely sure?”
“One hundred percent”
“Wow … were going to be parents”
“Yep, I’m ready if you are”
“I think so. Are you ok, is the baby ok?”
“Were both fine, just wondering what you would say” She placed her hand over her stomach and he placed his own on top. “I think were going to be great… more then great, fantastic”
They all sat around the living room on an assortment of conjured and dining room chairs, sipping drinks, eating food, and chatting while Harry and Ginny looked on nervously.
“You ready to tell them?” Said Harry, he placed his arms around her lovingly and pulled her into a hug.
“It’s now or we wait until I start to show or try and vomit when no ones looking” Said Ginny smiling looking up into his emerald eyes as he laughed, “Come on then” as he took her hand and they walked to the middle of the room.
“Hi everyone” a mass of red of the close Weasley family, and three brown haired women, turned there attention to them, “Well we didn’t really have a purpose for you all to visit tonight but it seems some thing has developed that we would like to share with you” Said Harry squeezing Ginny’s hand. She moved closer to him and spoke “well erm it turns out, there is going to be another addition to the Potter family apart from me, because I’m well pregnant” she grinned her eyes lighting up and applause and smiling broke out from the Weasley clan gathered in the small house.
They hugged every one in the room with Molly and Hermione coming back for seconds and to question Ginny on every thing from her due date to what colour they were painting the nursery.
__________________ RIP JD Salinger |
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09-10-2008, 11:26 AM
#45 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Jun 2008 Location: melbourne
Posts: 887
Chapter 15
Haunted by the past.
The roses where blood red, crisp and came with an everlasting bloom charm.
She threw them in the bin sitting in the corner of the room and torn up the card that had come with them. “Congratulation’s on your engagement with love Draco” He had been taunting her every time they had met at work and now when they didn’t. She pushed him to the back of her thoughts, knowing she was going to marry the man she loved and he had nothing. Admiring the ring on her finger she smiled, and forgot about him.
Ron knocked on the door, and came in smiling. “So my love, are you ready to go for lunch” as he grabbed her cloak from the door and sat on the arm of her chair.
“Yep” she looked up into his eyes and kissed him romantically.
Ginny was now four months pregnant and just beginning to show. As they sat at the table waiting for Ron and Hermione, they began to discuss baby names.
“I still think James or Lily” Said Ginny “I think I would like them to have your parent’s names”
“But we run the risk of what Sirius did, I mean he confused me with my dad”
“You are there son and this is your child, there’s no reason why they wouldn’t be like you, me and them and I don’t think I’d mind them being heroes”
“I’ll think I’ll leave the names to you then its do difficult for me what if we name them something they hate”
“Why would any boy or girl hate James or Lily, I think there safer and nicer then something ridiculous like I don’t know, Indigo and Imelda”
Harry laughed “Only because Elizabeth’s calling her girls those names but what surname are they having, it won’t be Malfoy, will it?”
“Erm she said her maiden name because that’s what she’s gone back to, so it’s Hathaway”
Just then Ron and Hermione came into the café and sat beside them.
“Hi guys” Said Hermione
“Hello you two, how’s the wedding planning going?” Said Ginny
“It’s only been a week since he asked me” she said and kissed Ron’s cheek, his ears going pink.
“We haven’t done anything, since we threw the plan out the window were just packing to move into the new house before Christmas, its only a three days away” said Ron “How are you two ready for a baby in five months are you?”
“Hey we were just talking names, tell me what wrong with James or Lily?” Said Ginny, laughing.
“I think there great name’s” Smiled Hermione
“It’s just who there named after that gets me” Said Harry “it not that I don’t miss my parents, but to name my kids after them feel’s weird”
“Who said kids, it’s bad enough once, you’ve seen Fred, George and there sons I think they can wait for more” Said Ron,
“Why stop at one?” Said Ginny smiling at Ron “I might aim for seven like mum” As Harry and Hermione burst into laughter Ron sat looking shocked.
“Just you wait Harry, she’s not joking” Smiled Ron and Harry went quiet.
Ron walked into the kitchen of there new house,
“You want a cup of tea while we unpack?”
“Yes please” she raised her wand opened a box marked kitchen and two teabags flew out of a tin and into the kitchen followed by milk, sugar, two cups and a kettle. “I’m just going to look around upstairs”
There were three bedrooms and two bathrooms, and a small study containing the only original furniture a small wooden chair, which she sat on and faced the window looking out at the hillside view. She saw something in the distance coming toward her and as it came closer she noticed it was an owl. Instead of going to the down stairs window, it acting like it had spotted her and landed pecking on the glass. The large brown bird ruffled its feathers and held out its leg with a message on.
She opened it and read:
“Dear Hermione,
All has gone well in Italy; I have some what of a relationship with my mother and friendship with her husband who is actually a good man. I hope to return to Ireland soon, a month of Italy with my mother is more then enough for anyone and I wish to stop off in England to sell Aisling house, to collect my things from Drummond Street since it’s now her house and go to Dean and Luna’s wedding. I thought I’d let you know how it all went since your involvement was my doing. Again I would like to say how sorry I am. I wish you happiness on your engagement to Ron.
Hope to see you at Dean and Luna’s wedding, Have a great Christmas.
Sending the bird away without writing a reply she walked down the stairs.
“Are you ok?” Said Ron “you look pale” As he handed her the cup of steaming tea and made her sit on the couch. She handed him the letter, “It just came now”
“Oh” said Ron as he finished reading it,
“Well I can cope with that just as long as he doesn’t kidnap you again” as he placed his arm around her, “But why now, why couldn’t he just leave it?”
“I suppose he just wanted to warn you he’d be at the wedding and I mean it’s not a bad letter or anything, he’s just informing you of what he’s doing, did you reply?”
“No, I don’t want to, I’ll be glad when he leaves the country” she said moving closer to him and screwing up the letter.
He hugged her, and took a sip of tea “Let’s unpack shall we” as he removed his wand from his robes and waved it around placing books on shelfs and cups in cupboards.
__________________ RIP JD Salinger |
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09-14-2008, 02:26 AM
#46 (permalink)
| Streeler
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: Belgium soon enough!
Posts: 211
Hogwarts RPG Name: Charlotte Tonks Second Year | oh my gosh so many posts!!
i almost couldn't hadle the joy!
great posts!
and congrats for ginny!
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09-15-2008, 12:22 PM
#47 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Jun 2008 Location: melbourne
Posts: 887
glad u like it ! anothe post tomorow if my internet keeps going - its a bit tempremental at the mo ! oh and i have another story going as well it kind of leads on from this one, its on my sig. xxx
__________________ RIP JD Salinger |
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09-16-2008, 11:58 AM
#48 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Jun 2008 Location: melbourne
Posts: 887
Chapter 16
Christmas Presents
It began to snow in Ottery St Catchpole at five am and didn’t stop all day.
At ten o’clock four figures met in the centre of town and walked to the burrow presents in hand trudging through the snow rather then using there magic to arrive at the door. Once inside they were sat down given hot drinks and the present handing out began.
“This is for you Harry from us” as Molly handed the large package over, “A foe glass thanks Molly”
“And this is for you Ginny, and this is for you” as she handed a large odd looking parcel to Ron and a neatly wrapped package to Ginny. In the shape of a brush was a book called ‘A wizards wonder guide to cleaning’ and for Ginny a small book covered in silk, called ‘the wizard parents handbook: what to expect without a wand’
“I clean up brilliantly” said Ron smiling at Hermione “Apart from the socks crawling to the laundry by themselves, the dishes you leave every where and the ice cream you get on the couch” Laughed Hermione.
When all the presents where opened and paper collected the children were trying out there new gifts to the delight of Fred and George Jr’s zooming around ankles on toddler size broomsticks while Victoire clapped from the floor.
“Juzt you wait Ginny” Said Fleur “zay can be an ‘andful zometimes”
“I’m looking forward to it, and I pretty much married a big kid anyway” she said elbowing Harry playfully, and he retaliated by tickling her.
“Behave you two” said Molly as they moved from tickling to kissing.
“We’re allowed to now mum” Said Ginny giggling “We’re married”
“And I suppose it doesn’t hurt your knocked up as well” Said Charlie grabbing Fred Jr as he almost tripped up Percy holding a large book, while zooming around on the broomstick.
“Not really” Laughed Ginny, “And thanks to that I have to wee” she said getting up and nearly sprinted to the bathroom.
As the laughed died off from the room as Ginny returned and dinner was announced. The turkey was humongous the table was covered in decorations, food and the Weasley joke shop crackers. Arthur sat at the head of the table and looking over the turkey at all of his family smiled and announced a toast to all before carving the large bird.
As the party began to leave carrying there gifts with them through the fire place, Hermione hugged her soon to be mother in law and stepped into the flames holding Ron’s hand tightly. Ginny and Harry followed suit leaving only Molly and Arthur in the living room. “We raised some great kids there sweetheart” as Arthur hugged his wife, “I know but I do miss them so much, Christmas is the only time we all have together and I cherish it” he kissed her on the fore head turned out the lights and they made there way up to bed exhausted from the celebrations.
Hermione woke to a snoring Ron beside her and crept downstairs for a glass of water. Standing in the kitchen drinking she heard a noise, it was pecking. She turned to the window to find a large owl. Opening the window to let the bird in it she expected the letter to be from work for Ron. But upon looking at it she found it was addressed to her though she didn’t recognise the writing.
‘To my dear Hermione happy Christmas in your new home, I know your missing me when you’re in his arms’
“He couldn’t be more wrong” she said aloud
“Wrong, about what Hermione?”
“Oh Ron did I wake you, im sorry”
“No you didn’t, what’s that?” He said pointing to the letter in her hand,
“It’s nothing just a letter, from, from Malfoy”
“Malfoy, why are you getting letters from him?”
“He won’t leave me alone – Ron stop” he grabbed his wand and was going up stairs as if to change. She grasped his arm “Ron, listen to me before you fly off the handle”
“Why?” He said pulling his arm away “I can’t believe you never told me, how long has this been going on?”
“Since we got back together, he sends things, notes and flowers to annoy me”
“And you said nothing?”
“I couldn’t worry you Ron, he’s not worth it”
“I’m suppose to be there for you and protect you if he’s tormenting you I can’t let it happen, you should have told me sooner”
“I haven’t told anyone I thought he would just give up and stop and then this came” She handed him the letter. “And some flowers three days ago”
Tearing it up angrily, he began to pace.
“Ron please calm down, it’s nothing I will deal with him and we will never have to see or hear of him again”
“How can you say it’s nothing, there’s something going on and I want to know what?”
“There is nothing going on, you do trust me don’t you Ron”
“Of course I do but -”
“Then trust me to deal with him”
“I don’t know if I can”
“Yes you can Ron; I promise I won’t let him get to us any more”
She got up and stood in front of him stopping him in his tracks “Look at me Ron” He stared deep into her eyes, “Hermione -”
“Ron I’m going to sort it all out, but for now we need to sleep” He couldn’t reply but placed his wand on the table and they walked upstairs.
He lay awake hearing her breathing next to his chest and her warmth surrounding his body. He wasn’t going to let Malfoy get away with it, he was hurting her and now he was going to hurt him.
__________________ RIP JD Salinger |
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09-19-2008, 02:05 AM
#49 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Jun 2008 Location: melbourne
Posts: 887
Well this is nearly the end and thanks to the 3 readers i had and two it seems i have. I hope u liked spending time reading this. My newer fic is on my sig and i hope will be longer, and better then this one. Thanks for reading never the less and i will post the next chapters over the next 3 days xxx
Chapter 17
Happy New Year
Luna and Dean’s wedding was that of the year, flowers were everywhere and decorations of butter beer corks hung inside and out.
They gazed perfectly into each others eyes as the vow’s were read, smiled and laughed in all the photos and everyone danced, ate and drank until the time came to go home.
Ron and Seamus had avoided each other for the most part. Harry had tried another approach and attempted small talk with Seamus who spoke little and seemed more reserved then usual though he did join in the celebrations and danced with the female friend he had invited. Ron glanced nervously around keeping tabs on where Hermione was convincing himself Malfoy would come out of the shadows.
“Ron” Said Hermione pulling up from his seat, “You have to dance with me, don’t just watch me have fun come and join us” He glanced around quickly before smiling and beginning to dance. It seemed nothing could go wrong and nothing did.
Harry had carried a sleeping Ginny through the garden gate at three am exhausted by the wedding after three hours. While Ron and Hermione remained behind with everyone else to congratulate the couple and send them off on there honeymoon at six.
“Im so tired but that was so much fun” Yawned Hermione, linking arms with Ron to hold herself up “I can’t wait to marry you” she smiled, he looked down at her “and I can’t wait to marry you either”
Draco paced around his living room, when his owl returned he smiled he knew there would be no reply but to make her life miserable was enough reward. He knew she didn’t want him and that’s where the pleasure from seeing her squirm came in. He sat down as a woman walked in the room. Her long black hair flowed gently to a stop halfway down her back, her figure was petit, and her eyes a sapphire blue. She smiled and sat next to him on the couch as he placed his arms around her shoulders. His cold grey eyes looked down at her curled up next to him. He spoke stroking her hair “I wonder what your sister would say if he knew you were with me Astoria”
“Probably not much, though I don’t think I’ll tell her”
“She’s not one to cross, but you are so much fun” He kissed her passionately.
“I know what you are, make no mistake Draco, I know about Elizabeth and all the other’s, but If I were your last I think I could manage being even more fun then this and her” She pushed him down so he was lying on the couch and then lay on top of him and they kissed again, becoming so involved in the embrace they didn’t notice the man enter the room sit down and draw his wand.
Just as they walked in the door an owl came in behind them and sat on the table.
“I know you told me to leave you alone, but I just can’t help myself. You’re so easy to wind up Hermione, and that’s part of what I like about you. The other thing I’d admire is that you think be telling me to stop I will, that bossy nature of yours is so seductive and I can see why you would want Weasley you just have to say jump and he’ll ask how high. I even offered to leave my wife for you; I wonder if that’s why you want me, I know you still do underneath everything”
She squirmed in her seat and went to tear up the letter when Ron stopped her “Let me read it” He took the letter, read it then tore it up and placed it in the fire and ignited it with his wand. “Lets go to sleep, forget about it Hermione” As she went to speak.
Ron placed the covers around her sleeping form. He showered and changed he wasn’t ready to sleep he had something else to do, and now when she or anyone else could stop him.
He grabbed his wand and apparated to the alley way, it was eight O’clock and the street was empty apart from the odd person jogging or walking there dog. Gripping his wand inside his coat he walked up to the driveway and knocked on the door. He was greeted by a small, female house elf that led him to the drawing room, opened the door and let him inside. He sat facing the couple on the couch drawing his wand as they didn’t even realise he was there until he spoke. Calmly he said “Do you want to let go of her yet we have something’s to discuss Malfoy”
They broke apart suddenly. And sat up “What are you doing in my house?” He grabbed his wand and pointed it at Ron. “Oh I just came to chat, you know about my fiancé that you won’t leave alone”. She got up slapped Malfoy and ran from the room before he could do anything. “I don’t know what you mean” he sneered “I don’t need your seconds Weasley I have fresh meat of my own, like my dears ex wife’s little sister” He gestured to the door, “They just can’t seem to get enough of me”
Ron smiled “Well aren’t you lucky, but I just happen to know all about you, your affairs with any woman you meet, though im not here for that”
“So why are you here?”
“To something which I should have done a long time ago”
“And what’s that?”
“Im going to punish you for even thinking you could touch Hermione”
“And how do you plan to do that, I’m sure hanging me from the ceiling again would do me so much good but it’s hardly punishment enough for a multitude of sins” He smiled.
“I had other things in mind, like that large bribe you gave to the deputy minister to keep quiet about certain things, those items you brought from Borgin and Burkes last week and those you purchased in other ways. We keep quite close tabs on you at the ministry ever since your dear old dad was put away. We know who you see, what you do and since im an auror I can have some fun with you”
Just then shouts erupted from the fireplace, doors and windows.
Ron grabbed Malfoy’s wand while he was distracted and tied him up in conjured ropes “You’re due a raid Malfoy sit and enjoy the show” Smiled Ron as he pushed him into a chair. The cloaked figured spread out around the house checking under couches, behind curtains, even tapping on walls with there wands looking for secret passages. They were not disappointed. They found a large cupboard filled with contraband items, including several illegal potions, potion ingredients’, and a large amount of wizarding gold behind a tapestry that covered the whole of the second drawing room’s back wall.
“We found some items sir” said a man coming into the drawing room, “He could be looking at time in Azkaban”
“Thanks Buckwheat, lets take this one to the ministry” Smiled Ron while Draco looked on. “You can’t do this Weasley; you’ll never get away with it I’ll just tell everyone about Hermione”
“Oh I’ve got that covered; you see who’s going to believe scum like you, your finished Malfoy. Think of the upside” He smiled “You won’t have to visit dad any more now you’ll be sharing a cell”.
__________________ RIP JD Salinger |
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09-20-2008, 12:22 PM
#50 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Jun 2008 Location: melbourne
Posts: 887
Well since i can't be bothered with this fic im sorry to say to my loyal two readers it will all end tomorow when i post the last to chapters and focus on illegitimate which i hope will be better !
Chapter 18
Looking to the future
A week later
“Well that’s a result” smiled Ron looking at the front page of the daily prophet on his desk.
“What Malfoy?” Harry spoke, without looking up from his paper work.
“Yep, two months without him strutting around stealing other men’s wives and girlfriends”
“Don’t tell me you had something to do with it Ron?”
“I just hinted some things to the law enforcement squad and asked if I could help them with the raid” he smiled “To see the look on his face was priceless”
“That’s not right Ron your suppose to set an example not exact revenge”
“I couldn’t help it and anyway it was well worth it, don’t mention it to anyone though”
“Fine, I’m going to lunch; Ginny’s got a scan at a muggle hospital today” Smiled Harry,
“Ok see you later; I might pop in on Hermione spread the good news” said Ron getting up from his desk and grabbing a cloak.
Ron glanced around his living room looking for her as he stepped out of the fireplace “Hermione?” He called. “In the kitchen” Hermione shouted.
“Hey honey”, she got up from the table and kissed him “me and your mum are just looking through some wedding magazines” He kissed his mothers cheek and then started to make a cup of tea “I just thought I’d come back for some tea on my break, Harry’s gone to the muggle hospital with Ginny”
“There’ nothing wrong is there” Said Molly
“No, just a scan”
“Have you seen the prophet” Smiled Hermione showing him it from under the pile on the table. “Yes, two months” Ron smiled back “he gets out while were on our honeymoon”
“Ron, don’t tell me you’re responsible for this?” Hermione looked at him closely.
He forgot his mother was in the room.
“Why couldn’t I get him back for what he’s done to us, I wasn’t going to let him get away with it. It like I told Harry it’s his own fault he got caught I just helped out the law enforcement guys get him”
“But you interfered; I told you I dealt with it why couldn’t you just leave it?”
“Because I couldn’t”
“What has he done to you two?” Asked Molly gazing at both of them,
“Nothing mum” Said Ron glumly, “I thought you would be happy Hermione”
“You risked your job Ron and you didn’t trust me, why would I be happy” She ran out of the room in tears and locked herself in there bedroom.
“Hermione please come out” Said Ron knocking on the door “Mums gone and I want to speak to you”
“How can I marry you if you don’t trust me?”
“I do trust you; I just don’t trust him and my own judgement”
She unlocked the door and sat on the chair in the corner. He opened the door and sat on the bed facing her. “I just wanted to be there when they got him back; I didn’t risk my job for him. To see him get what he deserved could never match up to marrying you.”
“Then why not just leave it to me to stop him, he would have done it eventually now what’s he going to do when he gets out, he’ll come straight after you. Never mind your job what about your life and our life together”
“He won’t come after me; he doesn’t know I was there. The law enforcement squad placed a memory charm on him by accident and he doesn’t remember me just them coming through the windows”
“They couldn’t reverse it”
“They thought it would be best not to, and his girlfriend only remembers me talking to them and then she left she only knows what the ministry has told her”
“So he’s gone for a while and were safe from him when he gets out”
“Yes, nice and simple” He smiled “Please say you’ll still marry me”
“Of course I will” they hugged
“Im going to get back to work or Pascal’s going to be mad, see you tonight don’t forget dinner at the burrow” He kissed her and went downstairs to the fire place.
“Were not telling” Smiled Ginny sitting next to Harry on the couch at the burrow.
“But why not, as your mother I ought to know so I can knit the right clothes”
“Mum im not telling so just stick to a neutral colour”
“But -” “No mum, so what’s for dinner im hungry”
“A roast, Ron and Hermione should be here soon; though they might not be they had an argument about something to do with Malfoy while I was there this morning”
Harry and Ginny looked at each other worried when they knocked on the door, “Its open” called Molly. “Hey you guys” said Hermione hugging Ginny and Harry, while Ron went and hugged his mother. “Hermione see if you can get them to tell you whether it’s a boy or girl” Molly smiled as she waved her wand and a chicken on a tray flew out of the oven and onto the side.
Harry Laughed “We wanted to keep it a secret”
“And why can’t we?” giggled Ginny squeezing his hand in her own. “It should be a surprise, just be glad the baby’s healthy”
Arthur came out from his office “Just leave them be Molly, if they don’t want to tell us they don’t have to”
After dinner they settled down on the couch and chatted while Ginny spoke to Hermione quietly.
“So he helped to get Malfoy to get back at him for you?”
“So mum doesn’t know anything about you and him only that Ron was there during the raid”
“Yep, he won’t tell her why we argued, so she’s not happy”
“Im not surprised, we just best hope she never finds out and im not going to tell her anything”
“Neither am I”
Hermione smiled “So are you still ok to shop for dresses on Tuesday with me and Luna?”
“Yes if we can find one for the whale I shall become at six months when I waddle down the aisle with you”
“It won’t be that bad, you’re not even that big at four so I don’t think you’ll whale out”
“Hmm I just keep thing about how big Elizabeth was, she had them on New Year’s Day”
“What did she call the little demons?”
“Indigo and Imelda, they don’t look like him they just have his eyes”
She shrugged “They grow up to be just like him, and with a mother like her just as twisted”
“She not so bad now she’s calmed down a bit”
“Well I still hope I never have to see her again”
“You don’t, just avoid her”
“What are you two talking about?” Harry grinned, sitting next to Ginny.
“You better not be telling her whether it’s a boy or girl”
“No, were just talking about Elizabeth’s girls”
He nodded “Well I think we should go home” yawned Ginny “I need to sleep, and so do you too” She Nudged Harry “He didn’t get in till three this morning”
They said there good byes and left. Ron and Hermione left soon after and spent the rest of the evening discussing wedding plans until they fell asleep on the couch.
__________________ RIP JD Salinger |
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