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firebolt_flyer 11-05-2005 05:06 PM

OMG!! I'm a....!!!!!!!!! Sa9+
this is going to be fairly short, however i hope it will be funny. it is about what each of the HP characters would do if they woke up one morning to find they had become a member of the opposite gender. each one is documenting a very short period of time. the characters i am planning on doing r harry, ron, hermione, neville, draco, and ginny. if u have any requests for other characters, just ask... :eyebrows: now lets get started :one_brow:



I sit up and yawn. I look over at Ron's bed and see a snoring lump under the mound of blankets. He must still be asleep. So are Neville, Seamus and Dean.

I throw my legs over the side of the bed and stretch. An abnormally long lock of hair falls in my eyes. PLEASE tell me my hair hasn't started growing while I'm asleep like it did that time at the Dursley's....

I walk over to the bathroom and quietly close the door so as not to wake anyone else up. Heading over to the shower, I breifly glance at the mirror. WOAH! Double-take! Staring a bit blurrily back at me is someone that has waist-length, untidy black hair and has about the same build as me, but in a more "female" way. Must be because I don't have my glasses on....

I dash back in to the dorm, making a bit more noise than before. I grab the glasses off my bedside table and run back to the bathroom. I look in the mirror again with my glasses. A girl who can't be a day older or younger than me looks back. How the heck did she get where my reflection should be?!

Slowly, I raise my right hand. At exactly the same time, so does the girl. A gawk. So does she. I run my hand through my hair distractedly. So does she. But my hair isn't what I expected. It's long. Too long. I grab a fistful of it and pull it in front of my eyes. This is NOT normal.

I look back at the girl in the mirror. She's pale and sweating. I'M sweating too, and I'm probly pretty darn pale, even though I can't see. I put a hand on my forehead, still watching my "reflection".

No. When my fingers push the hair away from the place where my scar is, I see the girl has one too. Exactly the same. Exactly.

I look down at the floor, trying to understand this. But it's not just my face and hair that've changed....

I stare for a second, than poke uncertainly at my...ahem...SELF. This is SO not right....

I move one of my feet. This foot is considerably smaller than it was last night, and I'm a lot closer to it as well. Okay. I am freaked out now. If I look like a girl, feel like a girl, and see like a girl, then there is only one possible answer: I am a girl. But I'm NOT a girl! I wasn't a girl last night! Maybe I'm going mentle. Maybe I should go to St. Mungo's.

Then a horrible thought crosses my mind. Ginny! I can't go out with Ginny now! How will I ever explain this? Ginny will just think I'm some girl who she never noticed before. This is NOT good....

Maybe Hermione knows about situations like these. Somehow I doubt it, but I'll see I suppose. Until then, I think I'll go creep out Ron...a little joke never hurt anyone...heh heh.


Its a little lame but so wut?! anyway, I hope u like it, and if u dont i shall cry, even tho i wont. Neville shall be very funny, and so shall Malfoy. until then, whoever reads this!!

Raazia 11-07-2005 04:50 PM

oh wow...i like ur idea aaaaaaaa lot
hahaha...i'm surely gonna enjoy it
and i love harry's...but are you gonna finish it....or is it already the end
and yah, i already have a SNAPE.....hehehe...that should be funny

Silver Knight 11-07-2005 09:36 PM

this is brilliant! I love it already! I can't wait to see how Hermione or Ginny react...oh Ron's going to freak...hehehe, I can't wait! Keep it up! :P

slitherinssecret 11-07-2005 10:01 PM

I love it!!! It's just plain hilarious( sp?!!) You should do Snape!!!:evil:

mitalee_90 11-08-2005 05:47 AM

wow its awesome ! where are the others? ooh.. i'm soo eager

firebolt_flyer 11-08-2005 06:16 AM

I shall do snape!!!!! i wanted to see if ne1 wanted to have him cuz i wasnt sure if he was a good idea, but now every1 wants him so i shall!!!!!!

Silver Knight 11-11-2005 03:19 AM

YAY! pams. :shifty:

snake in the grass 11-11-2005 11:49 AM

I love it! It's just Awesome! YAY SNAPE!!! :bow:

Brisk 11-22-2005 01:48 AM

lol this is COOL!!

snake in the grass 11-28-2005 01:10 AM

your location.
Don't hide <_< !!! Just post!!! :bow:

padfoot_rox93 12-08-2005 02:27 AM

Hi Kenzie!!! Mwahahaha, yes, I know your name. You're in TFFC ^_^ Anyway, it's an awesome start. Lol, wonder what everyone will think!! PAMS!

madwatsonfan 12-08-2005 01:43 PM

cool cant wait for next post. :lol:

gailann93 12-09-2005 09:07 AM

Loving it!!! So my type....I also have a request...LUNA maybe....please show the active side of her....hahaha.....Keep on posting!!!!

Mrs Felton 12-09-2005 06:04 PM

Kenzie :glomp: This is awesome. Can't wait 2 see Snape and Ronnie and Draco. PAMS

Marjerie Bluton 12-09-2005 06:13 PM

LOL this is gonna be hilarious!!!!!! I can't wait to see how my Ronniekins reacts!!!!! PAMS!!!!!!!! :)


Wrobel 12-09-2005 06:17 PM

hahaha brilliant i wonder if dan would make a hot chick

mystical 12-10-2005 08:33 AM

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: ...that was sooooo funny ...
plz post more and soon ...
(can't wait to see what snape look like )

Peeves02 12-10-2005 06:52 PM

Ooh! this is yummy! lol i cant wait for Snapes reaction! PAMS and BUMPs please!

SnoggingLupin13 12-12-2005 12:58 AM

Hahaha! Awesomeness!!! I want Snape please!!! And Lupin, if that is possible!! OMG when you do Ron you have to have some awesome Ron and Hermione scene!! Please??

Brownie points to you my dear!!

bazla 12-20-2005 04:30 PM

ITS AWESOMEEEEEEE it will be more funny if u do it on SNAPE

H. P. + G. W. 12-22-2005 01:59 AM

I'm ttly freaked out! I cant wait for more!

firebolt_flyer 12-22-2005 09:17 AM

i thought i was not gonna update nemore but oh well. here...i'll just do the ones every1 wants 2 c and then w/e.....

just so u kno if the boys ones r really lame and dumb and w/e its bcuz i am a GIRL and dont kno exactly how boys would react. newayz.............



i sit bolt upright in bed, looking around wildly to see what could've possibly made that horrible grinding sound. there is a similar sound (though MUCH quieter) coming from neville's four-poster. then i notice my own breathing. darn...i never realized when seamus bugs me about snoring that i seriously do i have a problem with it.

i tumble out of bed onto the floor. i've never been very good at waking up...but the weird thing is, something the same color as my hair flops down in front of my face. i absentmindedly brush it away and notice it is my hair! ah well, probly just dean's idea of a way to get back at me for putting fred and george's super-stick toothpaste on his pillow the other day. i stumble over to the bathroom door and go in.

there's definately something wrong with the way the stumble feels though. it's like i've shrunk or something! and why are my fingernails pink?! and, no doubt about it, i have something around my ankle. i'm n not so sure i want to know what it is, either....

as i enter the bathroom i glance in the mirror. why are my eyelashes like that?? and why is my face about 5 inches lower on the glass than it was yesterday? and WHY am i WEARING a TANK TOP that is LIGHT GREEN and PINK?!?!?

i poke my nose, and so does this bizarre girl-ish version of myself in the glass. i stick out my tongue. so does girl-ified me. i move in front of the full-view mirror. i stare for a moment, and then let out a scream. a high-pitched, girly scream.......


LAME!!! yay!!! more 2day!!! go LAMENESS!!!!!

Mrs Felton 12-22-2005 10:07 AM

:rotfl: That was brilliant. He's wearing a pink and green tank top :lol: Post more plz!!

H. P. + G. W. 12-22-2005 03:45 PM

Post more soon! :)

SnoggingLupin13 12-22-2005 07:50 PM

Oh no!! Poor Ron!! And pink nails!!! hehehe... you are SO evil.

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