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Old 08-13-2010, 10:50 PM   #226 (permalink)
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Werecats are people too! Reader of Fan Fictions

Harita: Hello Harita, and thanks! I'm glad you liked it. And I also am glad Harry is ok.

Emily Black: Hello Emily. Ginny is sort of low on her sensitivity isn't she. Poor thing has been dealing with a lot lately. I don't blame her. Siblings often say things to each other just expecting things said not to be taken literally. But, it was cruel of her to say that, even if she didn't mean it.
This part kind of made me laugh. With Ron knowing how Harry sleeps and all.
Well, he has been a room mate for nigh on three years.
Thanks Emily.

Obi-Wan K'Lari: Hello K'Lari.
Ohhhhh you should upload them to Photobucket and then use the image link things (the ones with [IMG])
Thanks K'Lari! Between you and Katie, I think I'll get it done.
Wait...did I miss something?
They saw Harry's memory. Remember when Lily sent her Patronus, and said it wasn't Sirius, but Peter who betrayed them? So, they are just all excited, they forgot about the Charm Lily put over Harry about him being safe as long as he stayed with her sister till 17.
HARRY!! Ohhh, but it looks like he's angry!!
Looks are deceiving! But, hey! How could you see into my next chapter?! Are you hiding in the shadows with Crookshanks?

Morag: Hello Sophie. I hope you're home safely and resting up from your vacation. I'm sure you had a great time.
Ginny was a little cold towards Ron and Hermione.
Yes, she was. The thing you need to remember is that she is still a child in many ways. Although she is very mature, she still has a mind set of a young person who just had the best day of her life, and it appeared that the boy she was wild about had the same feelings towards her. Now, not only will he not remember this day, but it looks to be her only chance of happiness is not going to recover to his normal self. She is just devistated.
I hope ginny apologises to Ron and Hermione soon.
I appreciate your sense of right and wrong. She really does need to appologize doesn't she. But, I don't know why she would need to appologize to Hermione. Ginny didn't say anything hurtful to her. Hermione was just hurt because of the hurtful things she said to Ron.
Your doing a fantastic job!
Thanks Sophie!

Tina 6080: Hello Tina! I'm thrilled you loved it so much.

Miss Weasley: Hello Katie girl!
She pretty near knocked Ginny for a loop in her attempt to get to Harry... and then. she has the nerve to bark at Ginny! I love how she was so self-absorbed.
Yes, I had originally had her say, "Goodness child! Watch where I'm going!" Just cause it would be funny, and to lighten the scene some. I decided that it would have been uncharacteristic of her to say something so self important. She isn't that way. But also in fairness to her, Ginny was walking not watching where she was going.
I knew my boy Harry was stronger than any old insect!
Yeah, but you have to admit, they did nearly get the best of him.

Great work, Connie... I can't wait until Sirius and Lissydove meet up again... Hey? What happened to my count down?
They are quite anxious themselves! The count down is at the end of the responses.Thanks sweetie.

Thanks to everybody for reading. I'm sorry for being late for this posting. I helped my daughter move, and was bushed when I got home. Next Thursday hopefully, will be Chapter 39, "The Explanation" In two weeks posting, will be, "The Reunion" Hope you all enjoy this chapter.


Hope to Be Forgotten

Madame Pomfrey put the lights on as Dumbledore came in.
“Ah, so it seems Harry is back. I must say, I’m delighted.” He winked at Harry and cupped Harry’s head in his hands. He looked at Harry’s bright eyes and pulled him to his chest and said, “Thank God.”

“Harry!” everyone yelled. Immediately Harry was surrounded by anxious laughter. Everyone gathered around him and greeted him with hugs and gentle pats on the shoulders. Hermione and Ginny, both on either side, hugged him and kissed him on the cheek. They jumped back when Harry winced and subconsciously put a hand on his ribs. He turned red in the face, smiled, and thanked them both.

“You scared us, mate! Why didn’t you answer us when we called you?” Ron was pumping Harry’s hand still.

“Er, well, I don’t know. I woke up really hungry. I got up to find I didn’t know where I was at or how I got here. My clothes are gone and I was looking for a shirt or a robe. I couldn’t see, because I couldn’t find my glasses. I was going to get a light from my wand and couldn’t find that either. I didn’t know you lot were here, and when I heard somebody scream my name, I thought it was,… well anyway, I must have turned too quickly. I suddenly got very dizzy, the room was spinning crazy fast.” He answered as he backed into the bed, and sat on it.

“Er, Could somebody tell me what’s going on?” Did Voldemort attack me?” A collective gasp went around the bed from everyone present, with the exception of Dumbledore and Lissydove. Harry was getting embarrassed with all the attention, and he was hardly dressed for company.

“Wait till we tell you about Sirius Black!”

“And the Fat Lady!”

“And you’ll be able—”

“Let’s first let him be checked over by our Nurses with the, “LED Monitor,” Dumbledore interjected quickly.

“Hogwarts has a computer?” asked Harry, looking around squinting.

“Here, Harry,” Ginny handed him his glasses.

He took them and put them on. He smiled warmly at her as if it was just him and her there, and said, “Thanks Gin, that’s loads better.”

Ginny blushed at his smile and the shortened name as an endearment from him. She only smiled and nodded back to him.

“Computer?” nearly everyone asked with a quizzical look on their faces.
Lissydove and Hermione laughed. They understood the confusion. Lissydove pointed to the mirror.
“LED Monitor?” they both asked Dumbledore

“Yes—Lissydove’s Enlightenment Details Monitor.”
Harry looked at the mirror and his mouth dropped open. A white turban bandage was on his head. He was very white; a massive bruise was on his jaw and around his ribs. “What happened to me?”

Dumbledore smiled and told the twins, Hermione, Ron, and Ginny to join him in the hallway, while the nursing staff looked over Harry. “I’ll fill you in when I come back in,” he told Harry.

They stepped out, and Dumbledore looked at the group of young people. “I’m afraid Harry can’t be told of Sirius Black being innocent yet. We don’t know what effect the memories will have on such a young mind. You see, if he was to remember, it would be the very memory that we witnessed a few hours earlier. I saw the horror and terror on your faces as you saw it. It was nearly unbearable for you to watch. Think of what it will be for him. We need to protect him from that for the moment. So, what I’m going to have to do is modify your memories, so you don’t accidentally tell him. Dumbledore swiped his wand over the twins, Ron, and Hermione. They froze in the position of just starting to object.

Ginny looked at herself then at Dumbledore. “Sir?”

“Yes, Ginny. I didn’t include you in on the spell. I want to speak to you. “You are very young for what I am about to ask of you. But I think you are up for the challenge.”

Ginny swallowed hard and nodded her head yes.

“You are all very close to Harry, but I’m afraid the rest of them wouldn’t be able to keep from telling him of his nightmare. You, on the other hand, it seems have been keeping a secret from him for who knows how long. And truly, I haven’t singled you out, Harry himself did that. He chose you to tell his secrets to. Even if he hadn’t been bitten by the Imps, he had the feelings for you that the Imps brought out. So, what I intend on doing is making you Harry’s Secret Keeper. When Harry finds out about that night, then you will lift the spell off of Ron and Hermione, so they’ll remember Harry’s memory. Now, one more thing.” He held out his hand and caught a small bottle with some bright purple liquid in it. “This is very similar to a love potion, but it will not make anyone fall in love with you, and it is odorless. It has some of the same ingredients, but not the ones that cause love to be aroused.”

He reached over and pulled a couple of Ginny’s hairs, and uncorked the bottle. He put the hair in and, as they disintegrated, the fluid turned clear. “Excellent, now, this will not fully mature for a couple years. Harry will be in his fifth year when it starts to mature. You will wear it as you would wear perfume, sparingly though. In his sixth year it will be fully matured, and you will wear it the same way, but only on times that you know you’ll have close contact with him. There is enough here only for wearing it sparingly at that time. You will wear it even if you are dating another boy. Although Harry will not remember the events of this unfortunate event, it is embedded in his mind of Ron’s violent reaction against him being with you, in any way other than a friend or sister. That is why you need this little helper. I’m sure we agree that one of Harry’s many attributes is his extreme loyalty. Even with this little helper, he will struggle to give in to the feelings he has for you. And it will be you, who at the correct moment, will decide when to force the issue, and he will surely comply. Just make sure it is the right time and not a moment sooner. I must tell you this also; this is not only effective on Harry. Other young gentlemen will be affected also, which is fine. It is not good to confine your growth into maturity to just one young man until you have a commitment to him.” Sadness came over his face as he continued. “There will be a time, unfortunately, in a few years, that he will be separated from you. At that time, find something that he will surely have with him at all times and mist this on the object some time when he’s not around. That way he will think of you and have strength to continue on. He has a very difficult life full of hardship and turmoil ahead of him.” He looked at her and asked her if she would be able to handle things. “You are extremely strong, but if you would rather not have this accountability, I will surely understand, and I will wipe your mind of everything I just told you and that of which I ask of you.”

Ginny stared earnestly at him. She was quiet, and then said she wants to do it more than anything in her life. “Our hearts will dance together yet. I’ll take care of this, my little helper, and Harry’s secrets.”

“And, Ginny, take care you don’t give up your life waiting on Harry. Enjoy your other suitors, but be careful not to let them fall deeply in love with you, unless you fall for someone other than Harry, which is fine, just please do not ever wear this around Harry ever again.”

“Yes sir, but I’m sure that won’t ever be an issue.”

“Thank you, Ginny, and now, my young friends need to forget what they were just about to object to.” He was smiling and his bright blue eyes twinkled at his own wit.

“Sir,” she interjected quickly before Dumbledore had time to continue on with the others.

“Yes, Miss Weasley?” He wasn’t at all angry at being interrupted and looked at his questioner patiently.

“Sir, I wanted to tell Ron I’m sorry for treating him the way I did. I need him to forgive me for saying what I did about why did I have to be his sister. So, I was wondering if they’ll remember anything that’s happened.”

“That is an excellent thing to ponder. What are your sentiments on the subject?”

“Well, Sir, I think they should only have to forget Harry’s memory. Especially Ron. He needs to learn to think before he acts.”

“And you don’t think that this was too cruel of a lesson for Ron to remember the rest of his life, that his act in haste nearly cost his best friend his life.”

“Sir, we were brought up to be responsible for our every action. I hate that Ron has to remember this, but maybe it will help him in the future. I know he would think the same way if he were given the choice to forget or remember. Also, Sir, thank you for, “my little helper”, but I was wondering if you could make a pocket small and secure for me to keep it safe in until I get to my trunk.” She held open her robe, looking at the inside expecting to see a small pocket appear. And sure enough one did with a zipper to hold it secure.

“Thank you, Sir.”

“You are surely welcome, dear, and your concealment pocket is just large enough to put your lemon in also. But first,” he touched the lemon and it became petrified and shiny.

“This will keep your keepsake through the ages, without it turning into a smelly piece of rotten fruit, and it will also conceal the secrets you keep.” He noted the smile she gave him for her thanks. “I’m glad you want them all to remember everything but the memory. It’s good we are both of the same mind.” And with that, he waved his wand over the twins, Ron, and Hermione.

“But, Sir!” they all said at once. “Please, sir, I don’t want to forget what I did to Harry. I mean, I wish I hadn’t done it and wouldn’t have it to remember…”

“Yeah, Sir, we don’t want to forget either. We jumped the gun judging Ginny and Harry, just as much as Ron.” Dumbledore smiled and looked at Hermione with an expectant look.

“Umm, well, I don’t want to forget either. I’m always too quick to judge that Ravenclaw girl, although, they are strange and everything they claim just isn’t true!”

“As you wish then.” He turned and winked at Ginny, who smiled back at him. He had made them forget what he wanted to without them even knowing it.

Crookshanks was happy with Dumbledore’s choices and ran back in beside Harry’s bed, then jumped up and nibbled his chin. Madame Pomfrey was about to object most stringently, but Crookshanks made her change her mind.

Harry put his hand on him and stroked his fur. “’Lo, Shanks. I’m okay,” he said, laughing lightly. “Thanks for asking.” Harry looked at Madame Pomfrey and Lissydove.

“Please, if I could leave the Hospital Wing to go down to the Great Hall, Professor Dumbledore could tell me what happened to me, and I could get something to eat.”

“No, you most certainly cannot! You were nearly dead for hours, and you’ve just wakened from a comatose state. You will stay in this bed, and you’re visitors need to leave, but for the Headmaster, if he has to stay.”

Crookshanks winked at Lissy and told her in her mind that he would go to Sirius and set up a meeting with him tonight at 1:00 A.M. “Meet Dobby the same as you were to meet him a few hours ago.” She nodded her head and smiled widely, showing her beautiful dazzling white teeth. She covered up for her sudden happiness by going to Harry and telling him she was so glad he was going to be alright.

“Do you know what happened to me? Are you going to stay with me also?”

“Yes, I do know what happened, but I‘m going to leave and let Professor Dumbledore talk to you. Here you go—something for you to eat. Please, Sir, when you’re done, have Harry drink this and allow him to get back to bed.” She flicked her wand and a pajama shirt appeared in Harry’s hands. She and Madame Pomfrey left and retired for the rest of what remained of the long night.

Harry slipped into his shirt as quickly as he could, eyeing his food that was waiting for him. Then he sat on the side of his bed and adjusted the tray to him so he could begin eating.

“Er,” he looked awkwardly at Dumbledore, who smiled at him bemusedly. “Professor, Sir, would you like to join me?” He turned his tray to make it easy for Dumbledore to take what he wanted.

“Thank you, Harry, I believe I will. I will get my own tray instead of ravaging yours though.”

The Headmaster conjured up two straight chairs and a small table complete with his meal and a pitcher of hot chocolate for both of them. “One can never have enough chocolate, no matter what form it’s in. Come, Harry, let’s eat here where we’ll be more comfortable.”
“Yes Sir.” Harry got up slowly and reached for his tray, but it disappeared then reappeared on the table opposite of Professor Dumbledore.
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Old 08-13-2010, 11:09 PM   #227 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Connie View Post
He looked at Harry’s bright eyes and pulled him to his chest and said, “Thank God.”
Awe, that was sweet. I Dumbledore.
He smiled warmly at her as if it was just him and her there, and said, “Thanks Gin, that’s loads better.”
Ginny blushed at his smile and the shortened name as an endearment from him. She only smiled and nodded back to him.
Cuteness! They need to get together soon!
“This is very similar to a love potion, but it will not make anyone fall in love with you, and it is odorless. It has some of the same ingredients, but not the ones that cause love to be aroused.”
Awe, I love how Dumbledore let her remember and everything and gave her the "love potion"
At that time, find something that he will surely have with him at all times and mist this on the object some time when he’s not around.
Oooh, I wonder what object she chooses!
Great post, Connie! Please PAMS!
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Old 08-14-2010, 01:00 AM   #228 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Connie View Post
“Er, Could somebody tell me what’s going on?” Did Voldemort attack me?” A collective gasp went around the bed from everyone present, with the exception of Dumbledore and Lissydove. Harry was getting embarrassed with all the attention, and he was hardly dressed for company.
Aww the wee soul doesn't know whats happend. Cute

He smiled warmly at her as if it was just him and her there, and said, “Thanks Gin, that’s loads better.”Ginny blushed at his smile and the shortened name as an endearment from him.
You write them so well! It's just how you imagine it at that age!

“Yes—Lissydove’s Enlightenment Details Monitor.”
Complete genius I don't know how you come up with things like it! I love it!

That is why you need this little helper.
Wish I had a little helper ! Only for certain boys like Harry Potters though!

“Our hearts will dance together yet. I’ll take care of this, my little helper, and Harry’s secrets.”
I liked this little line

“One can never have enough chocolate, no matter what form it’s in. Come, Harry, let’s eat here where we’ll be more comfortable.”
He got that right!

This was a great post, Connie! I love the relationship Dumbledore and Harry have. I was going to say he's like his grandfather but it's more like a friend now that I think about it. It's really sweet!
Soph x
p.s I had a great holiday thank you. Though I'm bck to school on Monday and it's exam year I'm so scared though I don't know why? Looking forward to next weeks post! It may just be that it will ge me through this first week back!
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Old 08-16-2010, 04:45 PM   #229 (permalink)

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They saw Harry's memory. Remember when Lily sent her Patronus, and said it wasn't Sirius, but Peter who betrayed them? So, they are just all excited, they forgot about the Charm Lily put over Harry about him being safe as long as he stayed with her sister till 17.
Ello! Ooooooh i gettit now!!

Looks are deceiving! But, hey! How could you see into my next chapter?! Are you hiding in the shadows with Crookshanks?
...werecats are people too

Oooooooooooooh! I think I know what's going to happen! haha, I'm getting good at this Postttt Conners! Please *bow*
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Old 08-16-2010, 05:50 PM   #230 (permalink)
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An excellent chapter! I love how you wrote the little scenario about Ginny's future love life. JK always went on and on about it, and it always frustrated me! Now, I know it was Dumbledore's special potion. One question then? What item of Harry's did Ginny finally put the potion on, to make him fall head-over-heels in love her?

And back to that funny little lemon... Dumbledore actually petrified it! The lemon... ugh! (I still like the kiwi idea! )

You made Ginny the Secret Keeper!!! That was sooo good! I mean who would/could do a better job. An excellent idea!

I also liked the idea that Ron's memory about the damage he'd caused to Harry was kept intact. The boy is definitely using his fists and strength a bit too much lately. It will surely help him to reign the anger in???

Ahhh.... good old Crookshanks.... I can not wait until Sirius and Lissydove are finally reunited... *sighs*

Great work, Connie.
I can't wait until Thursday!
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Old 08-20-2010, 05:59 AM   #231 (permalink)
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To all my readres: Thank you so very much for reading. I hope you aren't growing weary of the story. Next week is, "The Reunion" then there will be five more chapters and the Epilogue. Then that's it! I really hope you enjoy tonight's chapter.

Emily Black: Hello Emily. Yeah, I love Dumbledore. He's the greatest.
Awe, I love how Dumbledore let her remember and everything and gave her the "love potion"
Now, I know I was very careful to make sure it is known that it isn't a love potion! Really though, it is only some of the ingredients that are the same.
Oooh, I wonder what object she chooses!
Great post, Connie! Please PAMS!
I bet you can guess if you think on it. But, I won't tell you if you're right or wrong. You will find out later though.
Thank you Emily

Morag: Hello Sophie. Thanks for the sweet things you say.
Complete genius I don't know how you come up with things like it! I love it!
It's not genius, it's just part of the story. Fumbledore is the one who came up with it, what with his abundance of gray matter. But, thank you just the same.
Wish I had a little helper ! Only for certain boys like Harry Potters though!
You do sweetie. It's bottled up inside you and matures gradually till it is full strength. The ingredients are: salubrious (wholesome), personality, emotions, charm, impulsive, ardent(passionate), and love. Or for short all in one bottle, it is: SPECIAL. You have it, just as all of us do. Dumbledore got all Ginnys ingredients from her hair. The other ingredients was just the things that makes people who are interested aware of their emotions. Don't try to grow up to fast or these ingredients won't get to mature.
This was a great post, Connie! I love the relationship Dumbledore and Harry have. I was going to say he's like his grandfather but it's more like a friend now that I think about it. It's really sweet!
Thank you Sophie. And yes, I think you are correct. He has always been a friend to Harry, a loving friend who he says himself cares too much for him, for what he knows he has to do. He doesn't want Harry to have to go through it.

Obi-Wan K'Lari:Hello K'Lari! hehehe
...werecats are people too
Are you going to teach my Crookshanks Ninja moves? He'll still be a, 'Werecat Ninja' know that? I crack myself up with my jokes. Or wait, maybe I'm just delirious cause it's so late, and I have a headache.
haha, I'm getting good at this
What do you mean? You've always been good at it. Thanks K'Lari

Miss Weasley: Hey Katie girl! Thanks for commenting and saying those sweet things.
I love how you wrote the little scenario about Ginny's future love life. JK always went on and on about it, and it always frustrated me! Now, I know it was Dumbledore's special potion. One question then? What item of Harry's did Ginny finally put the potion on, to make him fall head-over-heels in love her?
Yes, I agree, it was always such a shy cute attraction on her part, then all the sudden it's wam bam, I love you man! To much too soon in my opinion So, I just played up her attraction and made it love to shy to come forward cause she is too young. The potion, as I already told the above readers, isn't a love potion, and and it doesn't cause Harry to fall in love with her. It just makes him think of things he associates with Ginny. For instance, he thinks of smells he thinks he remembers smelling at the Burrow. Soon these things he only associates with her to be all the things he loves. And he only thinks these things when he is around her. This causes him to constantly think of her, and his love for her grows. Now, I have given you a tremendous clue as to what she sprays it on. Please don't anyone say anything if you figure it out.
You made Ginny the Secret Keeper!!! That was sooo good! I mean who would/could do a better job. An excellent idea!
Thank you sweetie. Oh, and yes, I hope Ron does learn to control his anger. But, I don't know. Do you think he does? Cause he get's mighty hateful in the last book.

Ok so there you have it folks. I hope you enjoy tonights chapter. And like I said earlier; Next week is Chapter 40, "The Reunion"


The Explanation

“Now, Harry, I’ll tell you a shortened version of what happened, and if you have any questions, ask when I’m finished. This will allow you to start eating, as I know you must be hungry.”

“Okay, Yes, Sir, Thank you, Sir. I can’t understand why I’m so powerful hungry, tired, week, and sore,… and beat up.” he said looking at the Monitor again while picking up his fork.

Dumbledore smiled and proceeded to tell Harry what happened. That since he and Ginny couldn’t go to Hogsmeade, they had spent the day flying at the Quidditch Pitch.

“It got late and upon returning to the castle; Ron heard you say things you did with Ginny. He thought you dishonored her, and with rather an impressive mighty swing of his fist, hit you, breaking your jaw. You were knocked unconscious before you even hit the sidewalk. At which time your head did hit the sidewalk, your skull was broke open, and you nearly bled to death. You’ve been unconscious, and as Madame Pomfrey so stated, nearly dead since the time you hit your head till just moments ago.”

The professor paused and the merriment in his twinkling blue eyes was joined by a playful smile. He was so enjoying his tale to Harry. He took several bites of his food and a drink of his chocolate milk while watching Harry. The boy had food on his fork, but it was stopped midway to his mouth, which was open, but not because of the food he was about to eat.

“I have an excellent idea. Let’s just enjoy our meal while it’s still hot, and then I’ll tell you about the Blimppen Blobbers and how they infected you and Ron.”

“Yeah, okay, I’d like to hear… th… the what, Sir?” They ate their meal with small talk, and Crookshanks quietly left them to it. He had Sirius to deal with now.

Crookshanks Apparated into the Shrieking Shack, catching Sirius in a powerfully agitated state of mind. He wheeled around on Crookshanks and yelled at him. “You have some explaining to do!”

“You need to stop now before things get unpleasant.” Crookshanks walked over to Sirius and told him to get his wand. “I’m going to explain things to you after you perform a bit of complex magic. I only know the spell from Dumbledore doing it earlier.”

Sirius grabbed up his wand, still very cross looking, but listened to the spell and the description of the wand movement. The wand movement was hard because Sirius couldn’t imitate Crookshanks’ movements correctly.

“Just change into Jim and show me!” Sirius said heatedly.

“I can’t take that chance. The spell you’re going to do is to encompass the entirety of this shack from an infestation of flying insect like Imps. They can be out in the open or within the cracks of the walls and floors.

“Let me try again. Just pay close attention, and do what I‘m doing.” Crookshanks tried standing on his back legs and clumsily moved his front paw the way Dumbledore had done it. “Now, you try it again.”

Sirius moved his arm around again trying his best to imitate Crookshanks.
“No, no, no! It’s all wrong! You’re not trying hard enough!” he accused impatiently.

Sirius raged and looked wildly about. “Well maybe if I change into a dog, I can mimic you better!”

“Don’t be a fool! It’s not me you need to mimic! And besides, even if you could get the movement right, which is doubtful, you can’t hold your wand in your paw! Get real!” Crookshanks was getting very distraught and getting nowhere quick with Sirius.

“Don’t call me a fool! Forget this,” he said pointing his wand at Crookshanks. “I’m going up to the castle now to see Lissydove! If you want to transform into your overgrown pussycat self, then go ahead. I’ll cut you down, before you have a chance to move!”

Instantly Crookshanks did transform, and he was upon Sirius before he could move his wand. “Lucky for you I wasn’t in the heat of trying to save my life. You forget I have magic. I altered your mind to forget what you were about to do with your wand for a fraction of a second. Enough time for me to get the upper hand.”

“Awe! Now that’s just not fair!” Sirius said with anger in his voice.

Crookshanks roared with laughter. But, that’s the way it had to be. Now, let’s try this again shall we?” Sirius nodded his head and Crookshanks looked into his mind and knew there wouldn’t be anymore tricks. He backed off of Sirius and lifted him off of the floor with great ease.

“OK. Now, Dumbledore waved his wand in a wide arc around his head and then said the spell, then snapped his wrist like a whip.”

Sirius thought a moment and swept his arm around exactly as Dumbledore had done.
“That’s it! Now say the spell with it.”

A grin formed on Sirius’s face, as he waved his arm in a wide arc over his head, and then snapped his wrist saying,

“Purge this shack and all it encompasses of all demon manifestation.” He performed the magic effortlessly. Instantly there was popping and zapping noises, as if pellets were ricocheting all around them, even in the upstairs and the tunnel.

“Wahoo!” he yelled as popping and cracking tingled all over him. “Well that was an experience I won’t soon forget!” Then looking at Crookshanks in the full fledged Werecat, he turned white and said, “Look, Crookshanks, … I don’t know what came over me. I know I was feeling murderous for not getting my date, but, I couldn’t ever…”

“Good.” Crookshanks became Jim and walked over to Sirius, looking him over. “Do you have any open wounds on you, even a pulled hang nail?”

Sirius looked over his hands and said he didn’t think so. “What’s this all about, Jim? And, what was the emergency that ruined my date?” A mischievous smile settled on his handsome face.

“Do you remember going up to the castle and ripping the Fat Lady’s picture?” Jim asked while watching Sirius hard.

“Well, yeah, seeing how it was just hours ago. Although, now I can’t, for the life of me, know why I did it. I know it’s been on my mind to hurry up and capture him, so we can clear everything up. I want to get on with my life.”

“Okay, since you remember, then, there aren’t any in your bloodstream. I understand how you feel. Do you remember on the Quidditch Pitch watching Harry and Ginny, you commented about the mosquitoes being bad?”

“Yeah, I’m getting a little put off with all the questions, Jim. Can’t you just tell me what’s going on?”

Jim sat on a chair and motioned Sirius to do the same. “Those weren’t mosquitoes. They are known as Blimppen Blobbers.”

Sirius smirked. “Sounds like something that Lovegood fool would think up.”

“Yes, well, I don’t know who discovered them, and I’ll thank you to not speak indignantly about the Lovegoods. I have a special fondness for the Lovegood child.”

Sirius smiled wryly. “You have a love interest for her?”

“Don’t be ignorant, Sirius! Werecats can’t have that kind of relationship with humans.
The Lovegood child is the master of my love, Moondrop.”

“Oh, of course, excuse me. I didn’t know, I mean, Moondrop, yeah, I forgot. So these Imps, they’re bad things? What happened… Was it Harry… Did something happen to Harry?” Suddenly Sirius was overly anxious with worry.

“Settle down, everything is okay now. The Imps attacked Harry when he went to fly yesterday morning. The last thing he remembers is entering the pitch to fly. He is awake now, but very confused. Dumbledore is explaining what happened and why he woke up in the hospital wing all busted up.”

At this, Sirius jumped up, the chair falling over behind him. “How did he get busted up?” he roared.

Jim looked at Sirius, allowing him to see how annoyed he was with him. “You need to calm down and let me talk,” he remarked as he sat there until Sirius yanked up his chair and let himself drop into the seat. The angry man huffed indignantly, and scowling under his furrowed eyebrows, told him to, “Go on then!” while still very angry.

“When Harry and Ginny got up to the Castle, Harry was telling Ginny what a good time he had with her.” He continued on telling him all Harry had said to Ginny, and meanwhile, Ron and Hermione had been looking for them. When they came around the corner and heard the things Harry was saying, Ron, who by this time had been bitten by the Imps also, misunderstood, thinking Harry had dishonored his sister. “Ron then threw a mighty right hook and knocked Harry unconscious. The worst part was that Harry’s skull was broke open, and the Imps entered his bloodstream. They kept the Nurse from healing him, and he nearly bled to death. He is all fixed up now, and mending just fine.”

They talked for quite a while and soon Sirius settled down. He felt bad about Ron having to remember the ordeal the rest of his life.

“And Harry doesn’t remember flying and spending the day with Ginny?”

“No, sadly he won’t remember. He did have a wonderful time, and he was able to talk of everything he had heavy on his mind.

“This must be especially tough on Ginny. I don’t know her, but, I can tell by special observations that she cares dearly for Harry. At her age, you would think it was a sweetheart crush, but I can tell it’s the real thing. Very young she is for that to happen. And Harry not being able to remember the things he told her makes it worse.” He shook his head sadly.

“Now, young man, speaking of great disappointments, you must be very saddened yourself that your date didn’t come to pass with Miss Lissydove.” Jim smiled humorously at Sirius.

“You better know I was!” Sirius said convivially, with his eyes laughing merrily.” He got solemn for a moment. “I’ll tell you what though, I was seriously afraid I ruined everything with the foolish thing I’d done. I nearly ruined everything. It would have devastated me to the point of death if I’d been caught and sent back to Azkaban.”

“Well, don’t dwell on it. I’ve set it up with her for the same time tonight. Dobby will take her to the forest, a little further in this night though. Hagrid won’t be delirious with intoxication tonight. We must be more careful.”

“What of the Imps? Will we be in danger of them?”

“No, Dumbledore and you have eradicated them within the boundaries and within this shack and tunnel. We are all safe from them. So, get some sleep and be prepared to meet your Miss Lissydove.” Jim started to leave but turned back to Sirius. “By the way, I’m curious. What did you do when you got in the Gryffindor tower? And how did you get away without being spotted?”

Sirius shook his head and blew out his breath. “That was a very close call! I got in there, and I must make up with the Fat Lady. She was quite terrified. I got in there and went straight up to Peter, when I heard a great commotion. I knew I had been discovered, and there was no way out the way I got in. I scrambled out the window and clung to the Turret. I called for Dobby, and bless him, he came and Disapparated us back down here. He wasn’t at all happy with me and I received the biggest lecture, and he made me promise not to lose my head anymore.” He laughed and asked Jim if it was necessary to make Dobby his Nanny.

With that bit of humor, Jim winked at him and told him to be ready at 12:55 in the morning, and he’d see him then.

Last edited by Connie; 11-23-2010 at 11:07 PM.
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Old 08-20-2010, 04:45 PM   #232 (permalink)
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NEXT WEEK!!!! Okay... an excellent chapter! I like how you got a way from Harry and Dumbledore and used Sirius and Jim to discuss the Imps. I especially enjoyed your explanation for Sirius' destruction of the Fat Lady's picture... it fit perfectly... imagine that!

Oh!!! I really enjoyed Sirius' escape plan! I wonder what would've happened to poor Sirius if Dobby had been busy making mince pies or something...

I really enjoyed Sirius' idea of turning into his animagi form to try and produce Dumbledore's tricky spell... I guess he could've put the wand in his mouth and done some fancy foot-work and arobics?

Lastly, This is my favourite line...

“You have some explaining to do!”
Don't ask me why... but Lucy and Desi seem to come to mind... what say you?

Like I said at the beginning... an excellent chapter; I'm waiting, not so patiently, for the next one! Only six more days until the much anticipated meeting... I can't wait!

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Old 08-20-2010, 05:41 PM   #233 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Connie View Post
He wheeled around on Crookshanks and yelled at him. “You have some explaining to do!”
Sirius is so cute when he's mad
Sirius raged and looked wildly about. “Well maybe if I change into a dog, I can mimic you better!”
I love his sarcasm.
Jim sat on a chair and motioned Sirius to do the same. “Those weren’t mosquitoes. They are known as Blimppen Blobbers.”
I really like the explanation of why he attacked the Fat Lady. It really does fit nicely and everything
..."What happened… Was it Harry… Did something happen to Harry?” Suddenly Sirius was overly anxious with worry.
Awe, his fatherly side taking over
“Well, don’t dwell on it. I’ve set it up with her for the same time tonight. Dobby will take her to the forest, a little further in this night though. Hagrid won’t be delirious with intoxication tonight. We must be more careful.”
EEeeeppp! I'm excited for their date

Great post, Connie! Please PAMS!
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Old 08-20-2010, 08:30 PM   #234 (permalink)
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Hey Connie Great Chapter but this really caught my eye!

then there will be five more chapters and the Epilogue
WHAT!!!! Why does it have to end? Your such a good writer too! Oooo... will you have a sequal??? Please say yes!

“How did he get busted up?” he roared
Sirius-Seriously Calm the jam! Take a chill pill!

Now, young man, speaking of great disappointments, you must be very saddened yourself that your date didn’t come to pass with Miss Lissydove.” Jim smiled humorously at Sirius.
But then there's always next week!

I was going to say PAMS Connie but I'm scared it's going to end all to soon. It seemed like only yesterday it was six weeks or something untill the reunion but it's now only next week. And I'm worried that the next five weeks will fly by. Please don't let this end . It was a great post. Sirius must keep calm and carry on.
It was excelent!
Soph x
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Old 08-21-2010, 09:38 PM   #235 (permalink)

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Are you going to teach my Crookshanks Ninja moves? He'll still be a, 'Werecat Ninja' know that? I crack myself up with my jokes. Or wait, maybe I'm just delirious cause it's so late, and I have a headache.
Or vice-versa lol, sleep deprivation happens to the best of us love

What do you mean? You've always been good at it. Thanks K'Lari
This is funny because I've forgotten what I figured out XD

khehehe, I grinned at the mention of Luna as Crookshanks love interest

Ohhhhhhhhhh! I hope Sirius doesn't get caught meeting Lissydove!
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Old 08-27-2010, 12:37 AM   #236 (permalink)
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Hello everyone! Well, here we are at the time everybody has been waiting for. The Reunion. Please don't be too disappointed. There really isn't that much to do with Sirius and Lissydove. But, I challenge everyone to see if there might be another reason for the title of tonight's chapter.

Miss Weasley: Hey there Katie girl!
I especially enjoyed your explanation for Sirius' destruction of the Fat Lady's picture... it fit perfectly
I especially enjoyed your explanation for Sirius' destruction of the Fat Lady's picture... it fit perfectly
Thanks sweetie
I really enjoyed Sirius' idea of turning into his animagi form to try and produce Dumbledore's tricky spell... I guess he could've put the wand in his mouth and done some fancy foot-work and arobics?
I'm glad you enjoy Serius's sarcasm, I do too.
“You have some explaining to do!”
Don't ask me why... but Lucy and Desi seem to come to mind... what say you?
Actually, that was a bit I added with you in mind. I'm thrilled you picked up on it.

Emily Black: Hello Emily.
Sirius is so cute when he's mad
I begg to differ with you if it's ok. I think he's cute all the time. But, his anger does bring out more personality doesn't it.
Awe, his fatherly side taking over
And he didn't even have any practice at it.
Great post, Connie! Please PAMS!
Thanks Emily.

Morag: Hello Sophie.
WHAT!!!! Why does it have to end? Your such a good writer too! Oooo... will you have a sequal??? Please say yes!
I'm wondering if it's been drug out too long as it is. And we haven't gotten to the climax yet. Which the climb starts next week. And, no I don't think there will be any sequals. I put up my notebook and pen when I finished writing this months ago. But thank you. You're very sweet.
Sirius-Seriously Calm the jam! Take a chill pill!
He needs instruction dealing with patience doesn't he.[QUOTE][And I'm worried that the next five weeks will fly by. Please don't let this end . It was a great post. Sirius must keep calm and carry on.
It was excelent!
/QUOTE]Sophie, this story ending isn't going to be a bad thing. It's been great all of you letting me entertain you for a little while. I've loved every minute of it. But, all things need to come to an end to preserve any quality of sustenance it had. Thank you sweetie.

Obi-Wan K'Lari: Hello K'Lari.
This is funny because I've forgotten what I figured out XD
You're such a goof!
khehehe, I grinned at the mention of Luna as Crookshanks love interest

Ohhhhhhhhhh! I hope Sirius doesn't get caught meeting Lissydove!
: Well, you never know, it is risky what with Hagrid not being under the influence. We'll see.

Thank you everyone. Next weeks chapter 41, "Harry's Secret" will be posted next Thursday or Friday. I do hope everyone enjoys the chapter tonight.


The Reunion

Crookshanks appeared at the Ravenclaws’ door and spoke to the bronze Eagle, and it granted him passage in. Moondrop, my love, are you able to come to me? I am here by your fireplace. In a matter of a minute, Moondrop came to him. They touched noses as cats do when they greet one another. “Are you well? Do you need anything?” he asked her in their minds.

“I am fine, and I am well cared for by my master. I’ve been down to visit with Dobby a few times, and he has given me check-ups, keeping me fit. He has made me very at ease with not being able to keep our son. He is a very good friend. My master is very sensitive to my needs also. She took me to the school nurse, the young one, to make sure I was okay. She, the Lissydove human, told her to take me to the kitchen and ask for Dobby, and that he would be the best one to help her with me.”

“The poor elf was taken aback at first, but as soon as he saw me and Luna told I was pregnant, he was fine. He realized who I was. He checked me over and instructed my Luna in ways to care for me properly.”

“So, I’m thinking about three more weeks, and our precious little ones will arrive. I’m so excited, and I know you must be also.”

They had curled up, entwined with one another on the hearth with the fire embers glowing just enough to cast a mellow light on the couple. Moondrop started purring loudly, and with Crookshanks staying quiet, she drifted asleep. He laid there with his love’s head lying over his neck and his front paws around her rib cage. He could feel his little ones moving around and was thankful for his blessings.

When the sunrays began to stream into the hospital wing across Harry’s bed, he received four visitors. Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and Crookshanks came in quietly though, as they saw that Harry was still sleeping. It was Sunday morning, and it was hard to believe all the tragedy that had occurred happened only yesterday. It had been only very early this morning when Harry had awakened and was fine for the most part.
The three looked at him resting there, his color pretty much back to normal with a hue of red on his cheeks. He was on his left side with the covers pulled up around his neck and his left foot hanging out over the side of the bed. Ron smiled and pointed this out. He motioned them to step away from Harry’s bed so they could talk softly without disturbing him.

“Didn’t I tell you that’s how he sleeps?” he said, being all proud of himself. “At least we know he’s resting well.” They talked amongst themselves and very soon, Professors McGonagall and Dumbledore came in.

“How delightful to see each of you,” said Dumbledore. “You are, I assume, awaiting our young friend to awaken?” Merriment was written all over his face and sang from his voice. “I’m afraid he won’t waken on his own. We enjoyed a very nice meal very early this morning, and then we talked of the incident that occurred. He was most persistent in asking very precise questions.

“For instance, was Ron mad at him? What did he do to make Ron hit him? Why didn’t Ron try to find out what was going on before he hit him? What was going on, and how did he end up getting to fly with Ginny? Was she just bored because everyone else was at Hogsmeade, and decided she would rather fly with him instead of being bored? Does she still hate him for the whole Chamber of Secrets ordeal? The questions went on for quite some time. Madam Pomfrey was quite put out with us, I must say. I finally had to put a sleeping drought in his hot chocolate to cause him to be unable to stay awake. I gave him his medicine, and he climbed in his bed and went right off to slumber.”

“Will he be mad at me when he wakes up then?” Ron swallowed hard as he asked with great trepidation in his voice.

“I think it would be fair of him to be upset, but he is quite an enchanting young man. His disposition is quite unique. We’ll just have to wake him up and see. Shall we then?”

They all nodded their heads and moved over to Harry. They were surprised as the Headmaster tickled Harry’s foot that was dangling over the side of the bed. Quickly, Harry pulled his foot in and told Dudley to quit being mean, and that he was tired and wanted to sleep. Dumbledore smiled sadly and sat softly on the edge of the bed. “Harry? Wake up, son,” he said in a very soft and kind manner.

Harry opened his eyes and tried to open them wide, blinking out the sleep in them. Professor McGonagall handed him his glasses. “Thank you,” he said to her. He looked at each one slowly, and then he broke the silence.

Looking at Ron, he smiled and said, “Alright there, Ron?” Ron was overcome with relief and took the two strides over next to him. He doubled his fist and didn’t punch Harry, but put his knuckles on Harry’s shoulder with a small push, and said he was just fine now that Harry was okay. It was a testament of Harry’s loyalty in Ron that he didn’t flinch when he saw Ron come at him with his fist doubled. He just grinned at him. This then made Ron know that he was still Harry’s best mate.

Harry looked at everyone again and his eyes rested on Hermione. “I s’pose I’ve got all kinds of homework to catch up on that I was s’pose to do yesterday.” He giggled as the expression on her face changed to a serious look.

“Well, yes, you do have that Potions’ essay on werewolves and how to kill them for Professor Snape. And the Charms’ practice, and then there’s the Transfiguration essay, but that’s not due until next Tuesday, but really you can’t be putting it off, and …”

“Hermione,” Ron rolled his eyes. “Give the man a break! He’s been mostly dead for eight or nine hours! I’m sure you can help him catch up.” Then remembering McGonagall was there, he turned red in the face and said, looking sheepishly at her, “A little help is okay, isn’t it?”

The smile on Harry’s face was still fixed on his face when Crookshanks jumped up on his bed. “’Lo Shanks, been keeping late hours have you?” Crookshanks curled himself up in a comfortable ball where Harry could easily pet him and closed his eyes, being thankful Harry was okay.

Ginny laughed just loud enough that Harry heard her. He looked at her with a question on his face, but didn’t ask her anything. “Ginny,” he said quietly, “I don’t know what went on yesterday, but I hope I didn’t hurt you or scare you. Professor Dumbledore said we were flying together.”

“Yeah, it’s all good. I saw you going to the Quidditch Pitch to do some flying and decided to go watch, and, er, well, tell you I was thinking of trying out for Quidditch next year. I was wondering if you could help me with my balance on the broom.”

His face lit up. “That’s awesome, Ginny! Was I helpful to you?”

“Oh, yes! Er, more than you know! You taught me loads of your moves, and it was really a lot of fun. Thank you, by the way.”

Harry was beaming. “I wish I could remember. It sounds like a lot of fun. Flying is fun, even when you’re learning. I really wish I could remember,” he said wistfully.

“So do I … wish you could remember,” she said softly.

Everyone chatted for awhile, and then Harry was looked over and dismissed and told he could go to his common room to finish recuperating. He first had to promise that he would be still and not get excited over anything. “No running, jumping, skipping, FLYING, or any other physical activity for a week” was the order from the Nurses.

Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny were on their way to the seventh floor when Draco, and his two henchmen hurried to the other side of the corridor, looking at Ron and said, “I didn’t say anything! We aren’t doing anything!” They hurried on their way throwing looks over their shoulders till they were well away from them.

“What’s got their Fruit of the Looms in a wad?” asked Harry watching after them curiously.

The others laughed as they told of Ron’s threat to Draco.

Harry stopped and looked at Ron with his eyes wide. “Well done there Ron. Really!”

They continued on and Ron said, “I wasn’t being brave or anything. I had those demon Blimpy thingies pestering me and all. I should’ve restrained myself better.”

Harry put his hand on Ron’s face and started talking seriously, but then couldn’t help himself and a wry smile came on his face. “Ron, you exercised control just fine I think. Excellent really.”

Ron looked over at him and cocked his eyebrows wondering what Harry had on his mind. “How so?” he asked cautiously.

“Well, from what I’ve been told, you threatened Draco and allowed him to run off.”

“Yeah, that’s right.” Ron said still waiting for something.

“Well, there you go! You showed great restraint! Just minutes before, you accused me of something and cleaned my clock for me.”

At first Ron looked like he’d been slapped in the face. Then he saw Harry smiling at him and laughed. “You ever going to forget about that?”

Harry broke out laughing. “Ron, I don’t remember a thing of it. You’ve got nothing to worry about. I was just yanking your chain a little. Let’s hurry up and get to the common room fireplace, these corridors are freezing!” And indeed his lips were showing signs of being blue.

They gathered around the fireplace and chatted well into the evening, laughing and Ginny told of some moves Harry taught her, and how she was anxious for the following school term so she could try out for Quidditch. At last the evening was full and nothing was left to do but retire to bed.

12:50 was upon Crookshanks and he popped into the shack as Jim, to find Sirius dressed in splendid dark purple dress robes and hair washed and brushed, his curls and waves a motion of good looks befitting his handsome rugged face. The cologne he was wearing was just strong enough to be tantalizing. Jim winked at him and said Miss Lissydove will swoon at the site of him.

Jim and Sirius appeared at the given location and, at that moment, Dobby showed up alone. Sirius’s eyes widened, and as Dobby looked around, he smiled and disappeared. Only a second later, he reappeared with Lissydove.

Jim and Dobby walked a short distance away and kept lookout while their charges ran swiftly into each other’s arms.

The two humans clung to each other tightly in the magical forest with night birds singing their songs, warning of doom and despair. Small animals scurried away in fright as leaves were moved by something traveling in stealth. A heard of Centaurs galloped nearby and alarmed the birds into flight. Hippogriffs galloped and then flew off, their wings moving massive amounts of air, making a deep swooshing sound. Wolves were baying to each other to let all know of a loved one lost or perhaps an easy kill spotted some place close for the pack to feast upon. In the midst of these ordinary sounds one would hear in this particular forest, were the two humans standing as statues in the same spot they were when they were brought together, oblivious of all noise and movement around them. A solitary beam of moonlight shone brightly through a break in the thick canopy above the forest, falling brilliantly on the couple. Finally, Sirius pulled Lissydove away from him and looked at her through his smile and tears of elation. She was wearing the very dress she wore for Lily’s wedding.

“Lissy, you make me dizzy.” It was corny but those were the very words he used on her those many years ago, the night he asked her to be his wife. He put his hands through her hair and filled both hands with her thick golden curls. He rubbed them on his face and inhaled the fragrant shampoo that enriched her hair. He gently pushed the hair clear of her shoulders and softly put his lips on her neck. His hands went around her waist and upon her bare back, one resting on the small of her back, the other moving up her spine to stop amid her shoulder blades. Sirius softly moved his lips, kissing his way up to her jaw, then across her cheek, and came upon her lips. A more passionate kiss has probably never been received by anyone other than the one Lissydove was receiving.

Jim said something and Dobby disappeared. A few moments later, he reappeared with the minister and his wife of the church where James and Lily were married. They walked over to the couple, still enraptured with one another. They stopped, first surprised, and then happy to see the minister, and stood respectful to him in the moonlight with God giving His blessing through songbirds chirping the splendor of the soon to be consummated union.
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Old 08-27-2010, 01:22 AM   #237 (permalink)
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I loved it... I loved it.... I loved it!!!! So simple; yet so complete... so gentle and serene. So much love... yet no smuttiness. Excellent!!!

The way you set-up the scene surrounding the reunion of Sirius and Lissy was pure magic... I just wish it were me! And the kiss... sigh... so romantic and all encompassing. Pure heaven.

I also really enjoyed the reunion between Moondrop and Crookshanks. He is a man, I mean cat, of true love and character. Someone/thing to be proud of. They were blessed to have found each other!

And what about Dobby? He was so discreet... a true gentleman.

All I can say, Connie, is that this was one of your best chapters! It was very well written and full of so much love. Now what I want to now is... will the marriage actually happen? I mean, can anything in Sirius' tragic life ever be this simple?

I really look forward to the next chapter. I must know if they actually get married!

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Old 09-03-2010, 12:20 AM   #238 (permalink)
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Miss Weasley: Hello Katie girl!

I loved it... I loved it.... I loved it!!!! So simple; yet so complete... so gentle and serene. So much love... yet no smuttiness. Excellent!!!
Thanks Katie. I really wanted to have love be the shining factor here. I didn’t want their reunion to be pretentious. I didn’t want lust to interfere with the pure emotion they were feeling. And so I wanted to show just enough of the physical display to communicate their pure and unyielding and fathomless love they have for each other.

The way you set-up the scene surrounding the reunion of Sirius and Lissy was pure magic... I just wish it were me! And the kiss... sigh... so romantic and all encompassing. Pure heaven.
Thank you! They both have given up so much of their lives to an unjust set of circumstances that I wanted to put them in a place where their very lives could well be in jeopardy, but they would have nothing to lose by trusting Crookshanks and Dobby, because they used every bit of their being just being able to get to this point.

I also really enjoyed the reunion between Moondrop and Crookshanks. He is a man, I mean cat, of true love and character. Someone/thing to be proud of. They were blessed to have found each other!
I am glad you enjoy this, because Crookshanks is very dear to me. I wanted him to be a character of love and honor from the beginning to end. I loved giving him a love in his life that made his existence meaningful. And I loved writing them so very much in love and yet have the same overtone of a tragedy love story, as Sirius, and Lissydove; in love all these years and never having the chance to even touch each other’s lips, hair or even fingertips. And also, the love of Ginny for Harry. Another tragedy love story, of her finally getting to live a day knowing what it would be like for Harry to love her, and then to have it taken from her. The tragedy with Moondrop and Crookshanks is to be so much in love with each other, and only being able to have this love to live with daily as long as their masters are at Hogwarts.

And what about Dobby? He was so discreet... a true gentleman.

All I can say, Connie, is that this was one of your best chapters! It was very well written and full of so much love. Now what I want to now is... will the marriage actually happen? I mean, can anything in Sirius' tragic life ever be this simple?

I really look forward to the next chapter. I must know if they actually get married!

Yes, the wedding really did happen right there in the, Forbidden Forrest. And, I don’t think it was simple at all. The place they were at is very dangerous, all the things going on all around them. It might appear to the rest of the Forrest that there are four defenseless humans, a cat, and an elf to overcome. But, we know the power of House Elves, and Werecats don’t we. Thank you Katie girl for commenting. You don’t know what this means to me!

Thank you to everybody for reading, and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I hope you did. Next week Chapter 42, “Fatherhood Becomes Crookshanks” will be posted next Thursday or Friday. Only I was wondering if you all would like me to post twice a week now. After this week, there will be 4 chapters and then the Epilogue. It’s up to you. Let me know please. Thank you everyone for reading. Please enjoy tonight’s chapter.

Chapter Forty One

Harry’s Secret
Two weeks passed since Harry was released from the hospital wing, and he was completely healed. Although he begged continually to be able to fly, Madame Pomfrey was reluctant to allow it. Finally one day he went to the Hospital Wing and went to the bed where the LED Monitor was and laid down on it.

“Madame Pomfrey?” he called out. He didn’t have to be quiet because there wasn’t anyone occupying any of the beds. Madame Pomfrey and Lissydove ran over to him when they heard Harry calling and saw him lying on the bed.

“What is it child? What’s happened to you now?” Madame Pomfrey asked anxiously.

“Nothing, I want to fly, I need to practice for Quidditch. We have a game and I can’t convince you that I’m okay, so I had an idea. See the LED Monitor?” They both looked at it. It just showed Harry lying on the bed. “Now, LED Monitor, show me if I’m okay and able to fly.” The mirror showed Harry standing, nodding his head yes with his thumb up and smiling gleefully. Harry looked to Madam Pomfrey and pleaded, “You’ve checked me and you said everything is back to normal, so please let me fly.”

Harry burst into the common room with the news he was allowed to fly and could practice. He left out the part that Madame Pomfrey had threatened to take away his broom if he came in injured again from flying.

There wasn’t much practice time for Harry, but it was obvious to Oliver Wood that Harry was on top form. He felt they had the game cinched. But it was not to be. It was a very cold and blustery day with curtains of torrential rain falling from the black ominous looking clouds. The match would be played in horrid conditions.

It was such a thrill for Sirius to watch Harry fly, he considered the risks and felt it safe to climb to the top of the stands as Padfoot. The thunder was rolling and crashing. A lightning bolt lit up the stands as Harry happened to be straining to see the Snitch just over the very stands where Padfoot was watching Harry. The bolt of lightning silhouetted the huge dog, and Harry stopped mid flight, staring right at it. How many times now had Harry seen the Grim? Oliver yelled at him. The new Hufflepuff Seeker had spotted the Snitch. Harry saw it and his heart leapt to his throat.

Harry put on a burst of speed and was just about to pull even with Cedric. “Yes, I can get around him!” All at once, the rain that was falling turned to ice. It was becoming unbearably cold. Harry had played in freezing rain before, but this was different. He started hearing that woman screaming again. Harry was alarmed as he started feeling light headed. He was going to faint! Frantically, he jerked around. No less than ten feet behind him was a cluster of Dementors and hundreds swarming behind them to come after him. He couldn’t go down, he had to climb up. He was about to lose control but made a maneuver that straightened him, and he thought maybe he was getting away. He turned back around to find him flying right into one. Its putrid mouth was open, and its rotten hand grabbed his broom. Harry heard the screaming very loud now. He must be with her, but he can‘t see her. She was begging for Harry’s life. Suddenly, he knew who she was.

“Mum! Can’t someone help my Mum? Please!” Frozen rain was cutting into his skin, but he knew nothing of this or the fact that he was falling without his broom from a height that would kill him when he hit the ground.

Dumbledore saw the scenario unfold before him as the Dementors went after Harry. Rage filled his whole being and he ran onto the field. He cast his Patronus, and, just then, other Patronuses joined the silver phoenix. They began rounding up the Dementors, and Dumbledore then concentrated on Harry, who was falling rabidly to his death.

Everyone was screaming in the stands and Cedric Diggory, boasting the captured snitch, turned gleefully and triumphantly to respond to the crowd, only to find they, (with the exception of the Slytherin spectators) weren’t screaming because he had just caught the snitch. He looked at where they were pointing and saw in horror the Dementors leaving and Harry falling to the ground. He could see Harry was unconscious and raced his broom to where Harry was falling. Would it be possible for him to reach Harry in time to save him? He was sure trying for all he was worth to make it happen.

Dumbledore’s spell greatly slowed Harry’s rapid decent, and the enchanted ground gave way and bounced Harry like a trampoline when he hit. Dumbledore was upon him instantly. “Accio LED Monitor three!” The small handheld mirror Lissydove made appeared in his hand. He held it in front of Harry so his image came in view.
He sighed with relief. “No broken bones, only shaken innards.” The mirror disappeared and the powerful wizard snapped his wand and a stretcher appeared. He carefully put Harry on it and walked along side of it as it floated up to the castle.

“Nice attempt, trying to catch Harry, Cedric. Outstanding.” His smile was gratifying, but fire was in his eyes as he looked towards the entrance gate. He was going to be going down there to have it out with the Dementors after he delivered Harry to the Hospital Wing.

Harry started to come to, with the team, Ron, and Hermione all dripping wet, whispering. Some were saying they thought he was dead, others saying they hoped they would never make Dumbledore as mad as what he was at the Dementors. “He was so scary! Madame Pomfrey was scary! ”another said. Harry’s eyes opened wide. Harry’s first thoughts were of Madame Pomfrey’s last words to him.

“What happened?” Everyone looked at him and started talking at once, telling him everything. He looked over at Madame Pomfrey, who was not the least bit happy. “Did somebody get my Nimbus?” Harry asked worriedly, still watching Madam Pomfrey.
“Umm… Harry?” Ron dumped a bag of broken broom pieces onto the bed. He picked up a piece that had the word, “Nimbus” on it. “Professor Flitwick said it can’t be repaired. I’m sorry, mate.”

Harry looked at it, saying to himself more than anyone else, “I can’t believe she would do this.” He looked at Madame Pomfrey with sorrowful eyes.

Ron was still talking. “After you fell off, it got caught in the wind and blew into The Whomping Willow, and it just kept thrashing and breaking and …”

“I got the picture, Ron,” Harry said dejectedly.

Madame Pomfrey saw Harry looking at her, and then when he looked at his broken broom, then back at her, she realized he thought she broke it for getting hurt while flying. Her heart filled with compassion and went to the group and told them Harry needed to rest now. The team left, but with permission, Ron and Hermione stayed behind. They tried to cheer him up, but he just kept looking at his broom. In a few minutes and more unsuccessful attempts at cheering him, they left.

Madame Pomfrey went over and reached for the broken broom. “I want to keep it” was all he said. She looked at him and sat on the side of his bed. He looked up at her, surprised at her sitting beside him.

“Do you hurt anywhere? I’ve pretty much set you right what was wrong.” She put some chocolate in his hand. “You’re still pretty wan from the Dementors. Of course, you know this’ll help tremendously. I’m really sorry about your broom, Honey.” She spoke softly and ran her fingers through the hair over his forehead that always falls foreword, and brushed it back off of his face as mothers’ and older women’s always do for some reason.

Just then he remembered being held close by a woman. She was cuddling him, kissing him, and running her fingers through his hair, pushing it off of his forehead. “I know that owie really hurts. Tom didn’t mean to hurt you. You were hurting him and he was trying to get away from you. Mommy’s going to call Auntie Lissy. She can fix that bad cut all better. Okay, Honey?”

“Honey? Are you hurting somewhere?” Harry refocused to the present to find Madame Pomfrey worriedly feeling for fever on his forehead and both sides of his neck.

“No, I’m fine. Thanks.” His answer was softly spoken. Tears overwhelmed the wells of his eyes, and they fell over his young face. “I just, for the first time in my life, remember my Mum, and she wasn’t being murdered by Voldemort.”

“Do you remember that night then?” she asked sorrowfully.

“I keep remembering things, and then I can’t remember a thing. I don’t understand. But lately, every time I have a run in with a Dementor, it’s the only thing I hear and this last time, I knew it was my Mum. Just now, I … I saw her. She was holding me close to her and comforting me.” He stopped and looked down at Crookshanks, who was curled up on his belly and chest.

“You always seem to be around when I need a friend, don’t ya, Shanks? Madame Pomfrey?”

She smiled, “What is it, Honey?”

“Would you not tell anyone I can remember these things? I don’t know, but, well, it seems like whenever I start putting things together, all of a sudden I don’t remember what I’ve been working out. At first, and for a long time I thought I had some kind of brain disorder, it scared me. But, now, I wonder if somehow my memory is being modified. Do you think that’s possible?”

“First of all, it is with reluctance that I tell you this. I was never in favor of the memory modifying in the first place. I was told that you went through too much of a horrific tragedy to be able to cope with it. I say let the brain do its job, and the life being protected will be better off healing itself naturally. I went to the Dursley’s, excuse me, your Aunt and Uncle Dursley, the day after you were taken there to give you a physical and found you to be perfectly healthy. I knew then that your memory had been modified, but differently than the Longbottom child’s.”

At the look on Harry’s face, she anticipated his question before he could ask it. “Please don’t ask me why his was modified. I have been sworn to secrecy. I’m sure, though, that you will find out the reason later. At your Aunt and Uncle’s house, you would smile and ask about your Mummy and Daddy. I was heartbroken. They, your relatives, didn’t like you being there. They tolerated me being there, hoping I’d keep you myself. I would have loved to; I even asked if I could. Professor Dumbledore told me that although he himself would loved to have kept you, it was safe for you only at the, your Aunt’s house.”

“Er, did you know my parents well? I mean, you knew them from school, but, did you know them otherwise?”

A smile was upon her face, and a look of pride mingled with her gentleness. She reached over and her fingers pushed back the rebellious hair that was once again falling across his forehead. “I did. It was me your Dad called when your Mum went in labor. They wanted to have their baby at home. I delivered you into this world. Miss Lissydove was in Muggle training to be a Nurse, and also her being your Mum’s best friend, came over and observed. I’m so thankful she is here. I’m afraid it wasn’t me or any of my magic that saved you last month, but she and her Muggle training was what did it.”

“Ah, excellent!” Dumbledore stated exuberantly as he strode in the room. Harry looked at Madame Pomfrey with asking eyes. “Promise not to tell.” He tried to will her to read his thought. She winked at him and turned to the Headmaster.

Yes, he’s awake and filling up on chocolate, once again I might add. Honestly, this child ends up here more often than a ground hog runs from his own shadow!” she said in a stiff professional manor. But as she turned to Harry, she winked again and smiled slightly. And with that, she turned swiftly, bustling her skirt around and leaving the pair to talk.

Harry’s eyes met with the brilliant sparkling blue eyes and felt they were searching him. Harry put his mind on his Nimbus and spoke with a disappointed voice. They say the Whomping Willow did this,” he said, holding up the piece that had the word Nimbus on it that Ron had. He wasn’t going to think about anything he didn’t want to forget. Just in case.

“I regret that happening, Harry. We can be thankful you weren’t still on it though when the wind carried it there,” he said, watching Harry. Though, the cause of it losing its rider in the first place was still possibly just as bad.”

Harry grunted a small huff. “I don’t know, sir. If you don’t get your soul sucked out, then you can recover quite nicely with the help of some chocolate. I mean, after all, who doesn’t like chocolate, Honeydukes’ finest at that. And The Whomping Willow? I was battered, bruised and quite sore for days after Ron and I had our run in with it last year.”

He was relieved to see Dumbledore’s eyes were not drilling through him any longer, but genially, watching him and enjoying the conversation.

“Harry, I’m sorry you have questions you want answers to, and naturally so, but do you understand why I don’t want you to know yet?”

Harry suddenly had a feeling of disquiet. He didn’t want to talk to the Professor about this in fear of him finding out what he was figuring out and things he knew to be true. He took to straightening the blanket he was under, trying to figure out if he could change the subject without causing suspicion. Finally, he decided on the best course of action was to tell him how he felt about the subject.

“Sir, if you don’t mind,” he looked directly into Dumbledore’s eyes, wanting to say this as respectful as possible. “I’d rather just not worry about the things I’m not supposed to know yet, and trust that you’ll tell me when you see fit. I guess you have reason to think I’m not old enough, or maybe I’m not strong enough to handle the truth. Whatever reason you have is good enough for me, and I’ll just wait till you decide to tell me.”

“A very nice try, Harry, but, I know more about you than you think. And I know that you are always searching for the truth.”

Harry felt heat come to his face. Still, he controlled the anger that was building within him.

“Sir, I don’t see why I have to be kept in the dark about something I don’t have. Something I had, but was taken away from me, before I could even …” He stopped what he was saying, got out of bed, and walked to the window beside his bed. He looked out into the world he wasn’t allowed to live a normal life in. He fought the tears that were being called on by the heat in his face and the fury in his heart. It got the better of him and he rounded on the Professor.

The angered young man asked him point blank, “Sir, am I the only person in this school who has had even just one loved one taken away at the hands of Voldemort or any of his people that work for him?”

“No, certainly not.”

“And do they know what happened to them? Why they’re not with them anymore?”

“Yes, but some only to a certain degree.” Dumbledore was quiet with his answers, but he was troubled with the questions asked. Never the less, he allowed Harry his questions. After all, it was himself that came in and brought up the subject to Harry. And Harry did try very politely to dismiss the subject, and so, he thought it only fair to allow Harry to carry on, even if it ended in a rampage of Harry’s rage. He had gone in with the thought that maybe he would offer Harry a chance to talk about or around what was keeping him in such deep thought a lot of the time. He thought that perchance he could satisfy the curiosity that caused Harry’s thirst for answers all the time. But he should have known Harry wouldn’t settle for this morsel of information while he knew he had a wealth of information being kept from him.

“Harry, come back here and sit down.” A piece of the Nimbus fell off as Harry sat down, and Dumbledore pointed his wand to it and caused it to fly up into Harry’s hands. “Ask what you need to know Harry and I will answer you as truthfully as I can.”

Harry licked his lips and took a deep breath. “Why did Voldemort try to kill me?”

Dumbledore hung his head then raised it and looked into Harry’s determined eyes. It was the very question he was afraid to give Harry the answer to.

“Just a short time before you were born, a prophecy was made. It was told to Voldemort that you were the chosen one and that you alone would have powers that he would not have. Voldemort decided that you needed to die.”

“But, powers he doesn’t …? I don’t know any special powers. Snape …”

“Professor Snape.”

“Yes, Sir, well, he says I’m an idiot and doesn’t know.” Harry was getting worked up and could hardly sit still. He decided to change tactics before he was deemed too excited and childish and not allowed to ask anything else.

“Sir, how could I have these powers if I don’t even know I have them? Do you know what this power is?”

He studied the Headmaster and saw a look in his eyes he didn’t like.

“Er, umm, it’s okay, let’s just forget it, sir. It’s okay. I’ll just wait till I’m ready to know, sir.” He tried a smile and hoped the Headmaster bought into the suggestion.

“An excellent idea, Harry, and I’m sorry, but one day you will find out, but this is not the time for that to happen. You are much too eager, and I can’t have you putting things together before you have all the facts. I have only come into new evidence of the worst kind and need to know more before I inform you. It will be you that has to kill Voldemort or be killed by him. I need to find out about some Horcrux’s before anything else. I do however want to let you know that I have the utmost confidence in you and your abilities. I care for you more than I should. Yes, I’ll even say I love you as a father loves his son. I too would love to have kept you and raised you, adopting you as my son. But that would have been very selfish of me and very bad for you. You’ve been raised by the worst family, without love and compassion, yet you generously give of both. Forgive me, Harry, but as I said already, you are much too important to the fate of the wizarding world to let you know these things which I need to find out more about. I know you would go off on your own if need be to find the Horcrux‘s, and not fully understanding the depth they reach too, makes it too dangerous, not only for you, but for the entire wizarding world. There will be a time when I will tell you everything I know, and the two of us together will be Horcrux hunters. And still, though we’ll have all the information, it will be extremely dangerous.”

“Professor Dumbledore?” For the first time in his life since he knew Professor Dumbledore, he looked as though he was caught off guard. He recovered quickly enough though.

“Yes, Poppy?” he called. Madame Pomfrey came hurriedly into the room, “I have only one more thing to do.” She put a hypodermic syringe, without the customary needle attached to it, to the back of his head. I want to withdraw a small amount of gray matter to examine, just to make sure that previous injury haven’t allowed any swelling to occur. I’ll be able to tell if I detect any blood in here. I’ll be back in a few seconds.” She left and disappeared into her office for only a short time and came back out and announced, “Young man, you are free to leave here when the professor is done visiting you. Would it do any good to tell you to please try and stay safe? And please let me know when you are leaving, you can pick up your personal items.” Once again Madame Pomfrey left the room for her office.

Dumbledore watched her leave, then turned back to Harry and lifted his wand he had hidden under his robe. He had silenced Harry while the Nurse was there. Then, as Harry opened his mouth saying, “No”, Dumbledore swept his wand and said “Obliviate!”

Harry looked at the Professor with a confused look on his face.

“I truly am sorry, Harry. And I agree with you whole heartily.”

“About what …”

“Yes. About what the Dementors do when they catch you, with the exception of sucking out your soul, they could not have done the damage to your broom, as The Whomping Willow did to it. Just as you were saying about the injustices it happened onto you and young Mr. Weasley last year.”

“Oh… right sir.” He laughed a futile laugh at the attempt of humor.

“Well, Harry, we should get down to the Great Hall and eat before we miss out on our meal. Don’t forget to stop and see Madame Pomfrey before you leave.” And Dumbledore walked out, whistling a tune called, “Camp Town Races.”

Harry walked over to Madame Pomfrey and asked her if she wanted to see him.

“Yes, Honey. Here are your personal things you had on you when you came in. And this is a book I’m sure you’d love to read.” She put the thick, handsome leather bound book in his hands. She whispered softly, just barely loud enough for him to hear. “The secret password is, ‘Harry’s Secret’s’.”

At the utterance of the words, the book opened into a very small pensieve with a small vial of gray shimmering stuff. “This is a book that shows you the story instead of you having to read it. Just poor the vial into the bowl and watch it. You can copy it and store it away if you ever think you’ll lose it, and keep this one in your memory.” She was definitely speaking in a code to him, and he was very curious as she said slowly, “Your memory. Don’t read it when you’re around anyone, as they won’t understand it.”

Harry looked at her and smiled politely. Then he nodded his head and said, “Thank you, Madame Pomfrey.”

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Old 09-03-2010, 03:27 AM   #239 (permalink)
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I could have sworn I commented on this chapter, but I don't see it, so I guess I hit preview instead of post comment...
Originally Posted by Connie View Post
They touched noses as cats do when they greet one another.
Awe, they are precious
“So, I’m thinking about three more weeks, and our precious little ones will arrive. I’m so excited, and I know you must be also.”
That's so exciting! I love kittens! They are the cutest!
He was on his left side with the covers pulled up around his neck and his left foot hanging out over the side of the bed. Ron smiled and pointed this out.
Aha, that made me laugh. Good ol' Ron
Quickly, Harry pulled his foot in and told Dudley to quit being mean, and that he was tired and wanted to sleep.
I can actually see this happening, too funny
“So do I … wish you could remember,” she said softly.
Hehe, I'm sure she does
“I didn’t say anything! We aren’t doing anything!” They hurried on their way throwing looks over their shoulders till they were well away from them.
I loved this bit!
Sirius dressed in splendid dark purple dress robes and hair washed and brushed, his curls and waves a motion of good looks befitting his handsome rugged face. The cologne he was wearing was just strong enough to be tantalizing.
Oh man, I can only imagine how sexy he looks right now.
“Lissy, you make me dizzy.” It was corny but those were the very words he used on her those many years ago, the night he asked her to be his wife.
This was toooo cute!
They stopped, first surprised, and then happy to see the minister, and stood respectful to him in the moonlight with God giving His blessing through songbirds chirping the splendor of the soon to be consummated union.
Awe, that's awesome! I'm glad they got married
Great chappie, Connie! And I did pick up on Moondrop and Crookshanks' reunion too Now, on to the next one

Originally Posted by Connie View Post
The mirror showed Harry standing, nodding his head yes with his thumb up and smiling gleefully. Harry looked to Madam Pomfrey and pleaded, “You’ve checked me and you said everything is back to normal, so please let me fly.”
This was too cute and very amusing.
“Mum! Can’t someone help my Mum? Please!”
This part was heartbreaking. Not much else needs to be said except that it's heartbreaking.
“I can’t believe she would do this.” He looked at Madame Pomfrey with sorrowful eyes.
baha, this part was amusing! Very funny, Connie!
Just then he remembered being held close by a woman. She was cuddling him, kissing him, and running her fingers through his hair, pushing it off of his forehead. “I know that owie really hurts. Tom didn’t mean to hurt you. You were hurting him and he was trying to get away from you. Mommy’s going to call Auntie Lissy. She can fix that bad cut all better. Okay, Honey?”
Awe, this was so cute, but kinda sad in a way.
Yes, I’ll even say I love you as a father loves his son.
I really liked this whole part. I've always seen Dumbledore as one of the many father figures in Harry's life.
Then, as Harry opened his mouth saying, “No”, Dumbledore swept his wand and said “Obliviate!”
Ahh, yes, I figured he'd modify Harry's memory. I think it's better this way because I don't think he was truly ready for it until sixth year...
She put the thick, handsome leather bound book in his hands. She whispered softly, just barely loud enough for him to hear. “The secret password is, ‘Harry’s Secret’s’.”
“Your memory. Don’t read it when you’re around anyone, as they won’t understand it.”
That's pretty cool, I must admit. I'm glad she gave this to him.
Great post, Connie! Fantastic writing as always. Please PAMS!
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Old 09-03-2010, 07:48 PM   #240 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by emilyblack View Post
I could have sworn I commented on this chapter, but I don't see it,
Emily you did cause I also commented and your comment was there. I don't know whats happened

Originally Posted by Connie View Post

“Didn’t I tell you that’s how he sleeps?” he said, being all proud of himself. “At least we know he’s resting well.”
I think someone feels bad about punching Harry!

“Ginny,” he said quietly, “I don’t know what went on yesterday, but I hope I didn’t hurt yor scare you. Professor Dumbledore said we were flying together.”
Aww...Harry is such a gentleman!

The two humans clung to each other tightly in the magical forest with night birds singing their songs, warning of doom and despair. Small animals scurried away in fright as leaves were moved by something traveling in stealth. A heard of Centaurs galloped nearby and alarmed the birds into flight. Hippogriffs galloped and then flew off, their wings moving massive amounts of air, making a deep swooshing sound. Wolves were baying to each other to let all know of a loved one lost or perhaps an easy kill spotted some place close for the pack to feast upon. In the midst of these ordinary sounds one would hear in this particular forest, were the two humans standing as statues in the same spot they were when they were brought together, oblivious of all noise and movement around them. A solitary beam of moonlight shone brightly through a break in the thick canopy above the forest, falling brilliantly on the couple.
This was beautifully written. The descriptions were excellent. You could picture everything down to the last detail.

“Lissy, you make me dizzy.”
They stopped, first surprised, and then happy to see the minister, and stood respectful to him in the moonlight with God giving His blessing through songbirds chirping the splendor of the soon to be consummated union
Aww..Its so lovely. I'm so glad they are finally man and wife!

“What is it child? What’s happened to you now?” Madame Pomfrey asked anxiously. [/QUOTE] Something usually always happens to Harry. I can understand why that is her immedient response

“Nothing, I want to fly, I need to practice for Quidditch. We have a game and I can’t convince you that I’m okay, so I had an idea. See the LED Monitor?” They both looked at it. It just showed Harry lying on the bed. “Now, LED Monitor, show me if I’m okay and able to fly.
Aw bless the wee clever cloggs

“Mum! Can’t someone help my Mum? Please!” Frozen rain was cutting into his skin, but he knew nothing of this or the fact that he was falling without his broom from a height that would kill him when he hit the ground.
Aww. Thats a shame. Poor harry

Everyone was screaming in the stands and Cedric Diggory, boasting the captured snitch, turned gleefully and triumphantly to respond to the crowd,
Ceedric, do something usefull and help Harry!

Dumbledore’s spell greatly slowed Harry’s rapid decent, and the enchanted ground gave way and bounced Harry like a trampoline
Phew! I'm glad he's safe!

Great Post Connie. I know it's only a short review but I've been told to get off the internet now. Personally I think it's up to you how many times you post but I'm just frightened it ends to quickly.
I think now we'll see Lizzy and Harry get closer. Looking forward to your next chapter.

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Old 09-06-2010, 01:15 AM   #241 (permalink)
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Bet you thought I wouldn't post! Well, here I am, and here you go...

I really enjoyed this chapter! I think the best part was when Harry's memory, about his mother, was jogged after Madame Pomfrey called him, "Honey".

Just then he remembered being held close by a woman. She was cuddling him, kissing him, and running her fingers through his hair, pushing it off of his forehead. “I know that owie really hurts. Tom didn’t mean to hurt you. You were hurting him and he was trying to get away from you. Mommy’s going to call Auntie Lissy. She can fix that bad cut all better. Okay, Honey?”
I love this memory so much more than the memory of his Mum's murder. Truly inspirational, Connie.

I also love how you continue to use the Mirror of Erised as an LED monitor! When Harry came in and jumped up onto the hospital bed and asked Madame Pomfrey to check him to make sure he was well enough for flying, I couldn't help thinking about a convicted man who pleads for a lie detector test to prove his innocence...

Finally, I never really thought much about Madame Pomfrey before, but I do believe I actually like her. You were truly creative when you had her give Harry the mini pensieve at the end of the chapter... it has all of the memories from that night in it right? So if he wanted too, Harry now has all of the answers to all of his questions? I wonder what Dumbledore would say if he knew about it? Frankly, I don't think Dumbledore had the right to obliviate Harry's memories not once but twice. Go Madame Promfrey!!! You're my newest hero!

Great work, as always, Connie. I can't wait until Thursday's new post. I will be sad to see your story end...

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Old 09-07-2010, 01:36 PM   #242 (permalink)
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heya Connie again posting after a long time sorry...for such a late all your posts and they are really nice...but i wanted to read more about Sirius and Lissy ...a little romantic buff i am.........
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Old 09-09-2010, 05:56 PM   #243 (permalink)
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Werecats are people too! Reader of Fan Fictions

Emily Black: Hello Emily.
I could have sworn I commented on this chapter, but I don't see it, so I guess I hit preview instead of post comment...
That has happened to me several times! I thought I was getting too forgetful to run the computer correctly, but then Sophie said this:
Emily you did cause I also commented and your comment was there. I don't know whats happened
So, maybe we did post, and technical problems in the SS system had a glitch. So, we won't worry about it. Thank you for commenting on both chapters.
Awe, that's awesome! I'm glad they got married
Great chappie, Connie! And I did pick up on Moondrop and Crookshanks' reunion too
Thank you for all the things you said you loved, and the 'Reunion' I was wondering if anyone would pick up on was of Ron and Harry getting back in good graces with each other. A bit unfair maybe? But, I didn't say it had to be a romantic reunion.
I really liked this whole part. I've always seen Dumbledore as one of the many father figures in Harry's life.
Yes I agree. And it irks me that he didn't ever give Harry the opportunity to know this. But, I fixed his wagon. It's now in the book of Harry's Memory.
Ahh, yes, I figured he'd modify Harry's memory. I think it's better this way because I don't think he was truly ready for it until sixth year...
I know right? I hate to think what would happen if he went off to kill Voldemort without knowing about the Horcrux's!
That's pretty cool, I must admit. I'm glad she gave this to him.
Great post, Connie! Fantastic writing as always. Please PAMS!
Thanks Emily.

Morag: Hello Sophie. Thanks for telling about the posts disappearing. It gave me a big sigh of relief.
Aww...Harry is such a gentleman!
You know, I really think that Harry decided to make himself be the way he is
in every asspect to be opposite of what Duddley was.
This was beautifully written. The descriptions were excellent. You could picture everything down to the last detail.
Thanks Sophie. I wanted it to be wonderful, but not take away from the story line.
Something usually always happens to Harry. I can understand why that is her immedient response
Yes. Can you imagine if she was the Head Mistress of Hogwarts? "There will be no dangerous sports played!"
Great Post Connie. I know it's only a short review but I've been told to get off the internet now. Personally I think it's up to you how many times you post but I'm just frightened it ends to quickly.
I think now we'll see Lizzy and Harry get closer. Looking forward to your next chapter.
The review was wonderful. Don't worry about the length. I'm justthrilled you said it was a great post. And honestly, I was worried when only Katie posted the last time. It's childish of me, but I was afraid everyone was tired of my story. I've been watching the view count and sense I'm still getting views up until the day I post, then I won't start posting twice a week. And as for it ending to quickly; It's like a roller coaster ride. The last giant climb at the end of the ride is the climax of the story. It unfolds at the top, and the plunge to the bottom is the ubrupt ending, but the Epilogue brings it to a gentle stop. I do hope you enjoy it.

Miss Weasley: Hey Katie girl!
I really enjoyed this chapter! I think the best part was when Harry's memory, about his mother, was jogged after Madame Pomfrey called him, "Honey" ...
I love this memory so much more than the memory of his Mum's murder. Truly inspirational, Connie.
Thank you sweetie! I loved giving Madame Pomfrey glory here. She has always been an unsung hero to me. And I thought it was high time he was able to remember something other than his Mum being murdered.
Finally, I never really thought much about Madame Pomfrey before, but I do believe I actually like her. You were truly creative when you had her give Harry the mini pensieve at the end of the chapter... it has all of the memories from that night in it right? So if he wanted too, Harry now has all of the answers to all of his questions? I wonder what Dumbledore would say if he knew about it? Frankly, I don't think Dumbledore had the right to obliviate Harry's memories not once but twice. Go Madame Promfrey!!! You're my newest hero!

Great work, as always, Connie. I can't wait until Thursday's new post. I will be sad to see your story end...
Yes, it is all the memories of Dumbledore's vist. Madame Pomfrey was never a believer of mind control. She believed it inhibbited the brain from healing the body properly. I tend to agree with her. But, I think Dumbledore believed his reasons were enough to over ride any medical reasoning. And I also agree with him, so we'll just have to see whhat developes from this.
Thanks for everything saweetie.

Harita: Hello Harita! I've been missing you!
heya Connie again posting after a long time sorry...for such a late all your posts and they are really nice...but i wanted to read more about Sirius and Lissy ...a little romantic buff i am.........
Oh, so sorry about the lack of Sirius and Lissydove. But, afterall, the story isn't about them. And at this point of the story, I didn't want to stray away from the climax. Thanks for taking the time to catch up and commenting. Take care of your studies.

Thank you to each of my readers. I hope everyone is enjoying the ride. Next Thursday's post is, Cahapter 43, "Dumbledore Puts A Hard Freeze On Harry's Plans"


Fatherhood Becomes Crookshanks

Crookshanks ran ahead of Harry, and as soon as he was out of sight, he popped to the pre designated place for when Moondrop was ready to deliver her kittens. She meowed softly as Crookshanks approached her. Dobby was on hand to assist her when she needed it. Delivering a Werecat is problematic for one reason. They are not born all feeble and fragile, but in a fully transformed Werecat the size of a six week old kitten. This often causes severe tearing and bleeding for the mother cat. Many times, the strain is too harsh and inhibits the delivery of the rest of the litter, causing death to the mother as well.

Soon after Dobby’s help, Moondrop delivered all her precious babies. They were all cleaned and fed and resting comfortably when Dobby excused himself so he could attend to his duties in the kitchen. But before he left, he informed Moondrop he would return in three hours to get Tom so he could feed him and set him up in his own home with Dobby.
All the Hogwarts’ house elves occupied cozy little niches, off of the Hogwarts’ kitchen.

Crookshanks and Moondrop watched their little ones as they all slept. Names weren’t picked out, as this was the Master’s job. Before long, little Tom went to his mommy. He wanted to eat some more. Crookshanks told him he needs to go outside and look for his food. He got up and nuzzled Moondrop and took his small son out into the world to start his education. Crookshanks started by first teaching Tom to respect life and only take what he needs to sustain his own life.

They returned within the hour and found Dobby waiting for him. Tom was skittering around the room, mimicking his moves for Moondrop, the moves his daddy taught him. A small vole was his catch for the day and very proud he was. Crookshanks was a bit proud himself.

“Be careful you don’t get attacked, Dobby. Young Tom is an accomplished hunter and protector.” Crookshanks laughed his warning to Dobby.

Dobby was watching the young Werecat and bowed to Crookshanks, “Oh yes, sir, Friend. Dobby is being very fearful of young Tom, and Dobby will be careful to keep Dobby’s self safe. But young Tom should also be careful of Dobby. Dobby can be very ferocious too.” He put his small hands up and wiggled his fingers. “Growl,” he said. But after all, the word “growl” isn’t menacing at all. Tom looked at him and turned his head sideways in curiosity. Then Dobby whispered loudly, “Boo!” Tom jumped and turned in mid air. When he landed on all fours, his back was arched, his hair bristling, and he learned he could hiss and spit. His little paw came up with sharp little claws extended. Crookshanks roared his pleasure with his young son. Dobby laughed his nervous laugh and told Crookshanks he needed to get young Tom down to his new home to feed him his milk.

“I want to play with Daddy!” Tom said defiantly. Crookshanks put his face close to Tom’s and told him frankly that he is to obey Dobby at all times and without question or any back talk. Then he put his paw on Tom and told him he was proud of his hunting skills and that he would be down to visit him later to play. “Now, go eat, and be a good boy.”

“Dobby, thanks for your help today. You saved my whole family’s life. Thank you. You are a great friend. Oh, and do many human young ones go to the kitchen?”

“The young Wheezy twins is most often visiting the kitchen for snacks and drinks, Friend.”

“Okay, when you get there, would you point them out to him if any show up, and make sure he knows not to harm them or be fearful of them? I’ll refine his teachings on them later tonight when I see him.”

Crookshanks turned and saw his precious daughters suckling nourishment from his beloved Moondrop. Weary from her day of giving birth to her babies, he saw her face imbued with love.

“I knew you were a keeper first time I saw you at the Magical Menagerie.” He winked at her and stroked each of his little ones on their heads. Nuzzling his Moonlight around the face once more, he said goodnight.

Crookshanks pranced into the Common Room and looked for an available lap to curl up on and rest, for he was very weary, but wanted to catch up on all the goings on. Harry’s lap was available, so he swaggered over to him as a new father does when he comes to a group of friends he can boast his fatherhood to. Loneliness came over him for James. It was many a time when they spent long periods of time in conversations together, and he could talk to James about anything. He wanted to tell James of his family. He wanted his praise and congratulations. He went ahead and jumped on Harry’s lap and sat, looking him in the eyes.

“Hello, Crookshanks, you look like you need a friend.” Harry smiled at the cat, rubbed his head fondly, and scratched behind the ears, and then stroked his fur.

Just then Ginny came running in, completely out of breath. Ron saw the excitement on her face and said, “What is it Ginny? Someth’n wrong?”

“No, as a matter of fact, something is right! Hermione, Luna’s been upset all day because her cat has been missing. Remember, she‘s pregnant?”

“Yeah, is everything all right? Did she find her?” Hermione asked, just as excited as Ginny was.

“She didn’t find her, but that House Elf, Dobby, the one Harry freed last year, found her. He said she delivered her kittens, five of them and they’re all snow white like Moondrop and girls! Luna wants us to go see them. Wanna come?”

“Yeah, I do!” Hermione reached down in her excitement and grabbed Ron’s hand and pulled him with her. “Come on, guys, let’s go see them.” Ron was red in the face at being drug along, but was kind of glad in a weird way to be with Hermione. Why did he feel strange each time he was close to her? He managed a quick look back at Harry, and asked if he was coming. Crookshanks got excited, but then to his dismay, Harry said he’d see ’em another time. “You guys go on. I think I’ll stay here and chill out a bit.”

Everyone left, and Harry laid his head back on the back of the overstuffed comfy chair. He was petting Crookshanks methodically. “Crookshanks, have you ever felt like you’ve forgotten something and you can’t figure out what it is? I know it’s just here in my mind, and I can’t bring it to the front so I can see it.” Crookshanks got up, moved over, and prodded Harry’s side as if he was trying to move something.

“Something uncomfortable for you there, Shanks?” Harry opened his robe and pulled out the book Madam Pomfrey gave him. “Curious, this,” he stated. “I wonder what makes her think I’d enjoy reading … hang on—she handed it to me and said something about my memory, and ‘The secret password is Harry’s Secrets.’” And at that, the book opened up onto his lap. “It’s a… er … I don’t know what it is.”

He picked up the vial and followed the instructions. After he poured the silvery stuff into the bowl, he tapped it smartly on the side with his wand. Everything that was talked about this evening in the hospital room with Dumbledore came into view. Harry watched with astonishment at his conversation with Dumbledore. He was outraged at Dumbledore modifying his memory.

“I knew this happened to me. I kept thinking I’d figured things out, and then, it’s like I wasn’t thinking of anything at all. I’ve got to find a way so I don’t forget these things again.”

He read the vial for the rest of the instructions. “I can make copies of this.” So he did, and while he made his copy, he wondered what Horcruxes were. Harry put away his book and looked at Crookshanks. “I’m going to get to the bottom of this later. I need to think on it a bit.”

“Now, I’m thinking YOU might have some explaining to do.” Crookshanks looked at Harry.

“Yes, he was talking to me. What does he mean?” Crookshanks wasn’t sure he should touch Harry’s mind to find out what he was thinking, sense Harry was concentrating so hard on him.

“Let’s see, a cat’s gestation period is about nine weeks, and this Luna girl got her cat the same place and time period as Hermione got you. You disappear and show up all hours of the day and night. I’ve been down here, deep into the night by myself thinking in the quiet stillness of the dark, and I see you either coming or going, more than a couple times I might add. Do you have a girlfriend, Crookshanks? Are you a proud daddy? Yes, I think that’s what that swagger you had when you came in here was all about. Well, congratulations, Big Daddy!” Harry pulled Crookshanks up on his back legs, and had his front paws in his hands. This caused him to be able to look right into the eyes of the new daddy. “Crookshanks, you … seem familiar to me. I keep getting this feeling, but it’s like looking through dirty wavy glass. If I could…”

Hermione, Ron, and Ginny came back with the girls cooing about the cutest little kittens they’d ever seen. Ron said he guessed they were actually cute. Harry looked at Crookshanks and smiled. “The parents must be very proud.”

Last edited by Connie; 11-23-2010 at 11:11 PM.
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Old 09-14-2010, 05:25 AM   #244 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Connie View Post
I was wondering if anyone would pick up on was of Ron and Harry getting back in good graces with each other.
Ohh, haha, I completely forgot about that one.

They are not born all feeble and fragile, but in a fully transformed Werecat the size of a six week old kitten.
Awe, I love kittens
This often causes severe tearing and bleeding for the mother cat. Many times, the strain is too harsh and inhibits the delivery of the rest of the litter, causing death to the mother as well.
But this is no bueno
He got up and nuzzled Moondrop and took his small son out into the world to start his education.
This is so precious! One, because Moondrop and Crookshanks are just too cute and because I love how he's a Daddy now.
Dobby can be very ferocious too.” He put his small hands up and wiggled his fingers. “Growl,” he said. But after all, the word “growl” isn’t menacing at all. Tom looked at him and turned his head sideways in curiosity. Then Dobby whispered loudly, “Boo!”
That part just made me laugh. And I can totally see Dobby saying something like this.
“I knew this happened to me. I kept thinking I’d figured things out, and then, it’s like I wasn’t thinking of anything at all. I’ve got to find a way so I don’t forget these things again.”
Eeeep! Yay! I'm kind of glad he gets to remember!
he wondered what Horcruxes were. Harry put away his book and looked at Crookshanks. “I’m going to get to the bottom of this later. I need to think on it a bit.”
I still don't think he's quite ready for the whole truth yet though...
Are you a proud daddy? Yes, I think that’s what that swagger you had when you came in here was all about. Well, congratulations, Big Daddy!” Harry pulled Crookshanks up on his back legs, and had his front paws in his hands.
Awe, this part was cute.
“Crookshanks, you … seem familiar to me. I keep getting this feeling, but it’s like looking through dirty wavy glass. If I could…”
Awe, why'd they have to interrupt his thinking process??
Great post, Connie! So sorry it took me forever to get back to you. Please PAMS!
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Old 09-14-2010, 10:23 PM   #245 (permalink)
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Hey Connie!!!

Great chapter as usual. It seems like I've been waiting for this chapter forever! First things first... can I have a kitty please!!!! A fluffy white one... with a long, bushy, curly-Q tail...? I'm going to name her Princess... I'll even buy her a tiara...

I really enjoyed the birth of the kittens; it was done rather tastefully. Crookshanks was so cute; he was a really proud Poppa! I could just imagine his chest puffed out!

Little Tom is the greatest! Only an hour or two old and already he is talking back to his Daddy.

My favourite part was the interplay between Dobby and little Tom. I can remember, as a child, trying to scare my older cousins, and I think I must've look almost identical to Dobby, except for the greenish tinge of his skin... I think! You did an excellent job in describing his appearance. I thought for sure that little Tom was going to attack Dobby though... I'm so glad that he had the forsight not to... That Dobby can be a pretty tricky fella!

I'm so glad Harry finally looked inside the book that Madam Pomfrey slipped him. If I were Harry, I think I'd go in search of Dumbledore and give him a wee bit of his own medicine!

Yay Harry!!!! Big Daddy!!! I always wondered what Crookshanks was doing during his long excursions into the Forbidden Forest. I mean, Sirius wasn't that interesting... But then, Moondrop... well, she must've been his incentive... right?

Excellent chapter, Connie! I'm so sad that your story is slowly coming to an end. So... are you writing a new one? *hint, hint* I'd read it if you did...

Looking forward to your next post,
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Old 09-17-2010, 06:07 AM   #246 (permalink)
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Thank you to everybody who read this week. It means so much to have readers. Thank you. We are winding down to the end of the roller coaster ride, just be careful of the quick turn at the bottom. Next week chapter 44, "Crookshanks Tells His Past"

Emily Black: Hello Emily. Thanks for commenting. I always look forward to the comments.
This is so precious! One, because Moondrop and Crookshanks are just too cute and because I love how he's a Daddy now.
I loved writing these two characters, as much as I loved writing Harry and Ginny.
That part just made me laugh. And I can totally see Dobby saying something like this.
I like Dobby having more of an emotional range to his character than a sad sack trembling elf. I hated that they left him that way in the movies, when in the books he became confident and personable I think.

Eeeep! Yay! I'm kind of glad he gets to remember!
Yeah, I felt sorry for always modifying his memory. And it came to the time in the story when he gets to find out. So, who do you think was right Dumbledore, or Madame Pomfrey?

I still don't think he's quite ready for the whole truth yet though...
So you think Dumbledore was right. We'll see.

Awe, this part was cute.
I thought maybe Harry might have played with Tom this way when he was a baby. And so I made like it was natural to put him in this position to talk to him. Maybe Harry wanting Tom to change into Jim or something, cause he did sometimes when Lily wasn't around.

Awe, why'd they have to interrupt his thinking process??
Great post, Connie! So sorry it took me forever to get back to you. Please PAMS!
I know it right?! Thanks Emily

Miss Weasley: Hey Katie girl!
Hey Connie!!!

Great chapter as usual. It seems like I've been waiting for this chapter forever! First things first... can I have a kitty please!!!! A fluffy white one... with a long, bushy, curly-Q tail...? I'm going to name her Princess... I'll even buy her a tiara... Thanks sweetie. You can for sure have one! The name is fitting, but do you think she will wear it?

I really enjoyed the birth of the kittens; it was done rather tastefully. Crookshanks was so cute; he was a really proud Poppa! I could just imagine his chest puffed out!Glad you liked it. I always strive for tasteful. Yes, he was a proud Poppa wasn't he.

Little Tom is the greatest! Only an hour or two old and already he is talking back to his Daddy. Shhh don't encourage him Katie. Remember who will be teaching him his lessons. Daddy doesn't allow backtalk!

My favourite part was the interplay between Dobby and little Tom. I can remember, as a child, trying to scare my older cousins, and I think I must've look almost identical to Dobby, except for the greenish tinge of his skin... I think! You did an excellent job in describing his appearance. I thought for sure that little Tom was going to attack Dobby though... I'm so glad that he had the forsight not to... That Dobby can be a pretty tricky fella!This was fun to write. And Dobby is really easy to write because he is so lovable. You just have to imagine things that would make him respond in his way. And yes, it is good young Tom didn't persue his thoughts, because his first lesson might have come from Dobby. He was put in his care afterall.

I'm so glad Harry finally looked inside the book that Madam Pomfrey slipped him. If I were Harry, I think I'd go in search of Dumbledore and give him a wee bit of his own medicine!Katie you and Harry seem to be on the same wave length. You reckon thats what Harry meant when he said he was going to get to the bottom of this later?

Yay Harry!!!! Big Daddy!!! I always wondered what Crookshanks was doing during his long excursions into the Forbidden Forest. I mean, Sirius wasn't that interesting... But then, Moondrop... well, she must've been his incentive... right? Ahhh the power of love!

Excellent chapter, Connie! I'm so sad that your story is slowly coming to an end. So... are you writing a new one? *hint, hint* I'd read it if you did...

Looking forward to your next post, Thanks sweetie. It's time though. No, I don't think so. But, thanks for your loyalty and dedication.
Dumbledore Puts a Hard Freeze on Harry’s Plans
Harry stewed and fretted on his memory so much through the evening and even more so after he went to bed. He wasn’t able to sleep at all, and when the blackness of the night began to lift, and things were just visible in his room without the use of his wand’s light, he realized that sleep was lost to him, and he wouldn’t be sleeping, so it was with frustration he forced himself out of bed. He dressed in a haphazard way and went down to the common room. He sat in front of the fire and watched the flames until he became emotionally intoxicated with hate for the one person in his life he loved and respected the most.

“Why did Dumbledore spoil everything? Who does he think he is, deciding what I can, and can’t remember? Why does he think it’s up to me who has to kill Voldemort? Of course I am going to be the one to kill the evil wizard, but not because Dumbledore says! If he knows I’m s’pose to do the killing, why won’t he tell me what this so called power is that I have that Voldemort doesn’t have? …”



He was rattled out of his stupor and focused on his surroundings. The fire was embers, and Ron, alongside Hermione, was standing over him, shaking him with a most concerned look on their faces.

“You all right, mate? You look like Dr. Jekyll after he’s just turned into Mr. Hyde! What’s up with that?”

“Yeah, well, I’m going to go have it out with someone who mistakenly thinks he can run my life!” Harry jumped up quickly, causing Crookshanks to fall unceremoniously onto the floor. Harry looked surprised at him and said off handily, “Sorry, Shanks, I didn’t know you were there.”

He turned from his friends with their mouths open and stomped out, fuming. He turned back around quickly and said, “And don’t you two follow me, trying to talk me out of it either!”

“Who is trying to run your life?” Ron called after him as he and Hermione ran after him, out of the portrait and down the staircase.

“Dumbledore!” was the reply, with much animosity in his voice. He took off running and ran full force into Professor Dumbledore, who happened to have just come around the corner. Harry bounced off of him and hit the floor hard. Dumbledore reached down and pulled Harry up, but didn’t release his wrist. He looked quickly at Ron and Hermione, who were staring at one another, told them to go back to bed, and that he would take care of Mr. Potter, and then he disappeared around the corner.

Ron and Hermione turned back at Harry and Dumbledore, only to see that they were gone. They ran up to and around the corner and saw an empty long corridor.
Once again, they looked at each other with frightened looks on their faces.

“Hermione? I think Madame Pomfrey let Harry out of the Hospital Wing too soon. Do you think we should go tell her?”

“No, I think maybe that’s where Dumbledore took him. If he hasn’t, then I’m sure he’ll see to Harry’s needs.”

They returned to the common room and started to each of their own dormitories. Ron’s thoughts drifted back just a short bit ago. He had gotten up when he found Harry was gone from his bed. He was concerned about Harry, for he had seen that Harry was awake each time he woke from Harry fidgeting in his bed all night.

“What’s up, mate? What’s got you so anxious?” he had asked Harry. There wasn’t any answer, just Harry staring into the fire. He grew worried and called Hermione until she hurriedly came down the stairs, tying her robe together. They both had tried and finally succeeded in getting Harry to come around. He was awake, just so deep in thought, staring into the fire embers.

That was the strangest thing yet in being Harry’s best friend.
He sometimes had the worst luck trying to figure out what was going on inside Harry’s mind. “See ya in a bit,” Ron yawned and said to Hermione. She yawned as well and nodded as she traipsed up to her waiting bed.

Ten minutes later, Ginny received a note from Fawkes, Dumbledore’s pet Phoenix. She quietly gathered certain items: Harry’s shirt she had cleaned and kept, the petrified lemon, and a small vial. She looked at the note a second more, then touched Fawkes and disappeared, reappearing in a place just off of Dumbledore’s chambers.

An immobile Harry was standing on his feet in the midst of a room of broken articles of this and that. Harry’s fists were clenched and at his sides. Harry’s eyes were trained on Dumbledore. It scared her to see the look he had on his face—nothing but contempt, loathing, seething anger, and terrible hurt. His face was wet with tears, and his mouth was open as if he were shouting.

“I’m sorry for waking you from, no doubt, a very good night’s sleep. The thing is I’ve had quite a disturbing awakening myself.”
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Old 09-17-2010, 04:14 PM   #247 (permalink)
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Hi Connie, sorry for posting so late, but it's been a busy week. This is one of my favourite posts!

“Be careful you don’t get attacked, Dobby. Young Tom is an accomplished hunter and protector.” Crookshanks laughed his warning to Dobby.
I loved this part. It's so nice to see Tom settling down and I think it's s cute to have a Young Tom! He always puts others before himself but I'm glad he's looking out for himself. He seems to take fatherhood in his stride!

Do you have a girlfriend, Crookshanks? Are you a proud daddy? Yes, I think that’s what that swagger you had when you came in here was all about. Well, congratulations, Big Daddy!”
I love how Harry thinks he knows Crookshanks, though he just can quite put his finger on how. He acts so good with him! I'm sure Harry will make a great dad someday!
Looking forward to tonights post Connie. I'm sure it will be great! PAMS!
Soph x
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Old 09-17-2010, 04:32 PM   #248 (permalink)
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Hey Connie! This was great!

“Why did Dumbledore spoil everything? Who does he think he is, deciding what I can, and can’t remember? Why does he think it’s up to me who has to kill Voldemort?
Aww Harry, Dumbledore only wants whats best for you! It may not seem like it but for the long-term, he's looking out for you!

“Who is trying to run your life?” Ron called after him as he and Hermione ran after him, out of the portrait and down the staircase.
I think Harry needs some space, guys. I know your looking out for him but give him an hour to himself- he'll come round!

Harry’s fists were clenched and at his sides. Harry’s eyes were trained on Dumbledore. It scared her to see the look he had on his face—nothing but contempt, loathing, seething anger, and terrible hurt. His face was wet with tears, and his mouth was open as if he were shouting
Aww please don't cry Harry. Dumbledore and Ginny are here now, though, I worry that Ginny might be quite scared as she is still young, though, so is Harry

My favourite thing about this post is the fact that everyone is looking out for Harry. I think, he thinks that the world is so agaist him and everyone hates him when really they've got his back. PAMS!
Soph x
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Old 09-17-2010, 05:18 PM   #249 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Connie View Post
“Why did Dumbledore spoil everything? Who does he think he is, deciding what I can, and can’t remember? Why does he think it’s up to me who has to kill Voldemort? Of course I am going to be the one to kill the evil wizard, but not because Dumbledore says! If he knows I’m s’pose to do the killing, why won’t he tell me what this so called power is that I have that Voldemort doesn’t have? …”
Awe, poor Harry I always felt bad for him because of all of this.
“Hermione? I think Madame Pomfrey let Harry out of the Hospital Wing too soon. Do you think we should go tell her?”
Leave it to Ron to lighten the mood
An immobile Harry was standing on his feet in the midst of a room of broken articles of this and that. Harry’s fists were clenched and at his sides. Harry’s eyes were trained on Dumbledore. It scared her to see the look he had on his face—nothing but contempt, loathing, seething anger, and terrible hurt. His face was wet with tears, and his mouth was open as if he were shouting.

“I’m sorry for waking you from, no doubt, a very good night’s sleep. The thing is I’ve had quite a disturbing awakening myself.”
I wonder what he wanted Ginny for And what will he do now that Harry knows? Will he erase his memory? But that won't do much good will it? If he's got the memories Pomfrey gave him?
Fantastic post, Connie! Please PAMS!
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Old 09-22-2010, 05:47 PM   #250 (permalink)
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Another great chapter... seems I say this alot doesn't it? Well, you can't change the truth, can you?

I'm so glad that Harry finally stood up to Dumbledore! He may be old and look like he's going to blow away, but he still has to face-up to his decisions, as good or bad as they are!

I had to laugh when you had Dumbledore tell Ron and Hermione to stay put... when have they ever done what they were asked to do when it comes to Harry? I mean, they're just too nosey for their own good! I also enjoyed how you had Harry and Dumbledore disappear so quickly. You have to really watch that Dumbledore; he's a slippery weasel!

So... big question... Why did Dumbledore call for Ginny and why did she bother with the icky lemon? I mean, I can understand her being asked to bring the magic potion... but the lemon? You know how I feel about that lemon, Connie... should've been a kiwi with a couple of feathers stuck on for wings...

Can't wait for tomorrow's post... I may be late in my comment, but never fear... I ish here!!! Love the chapter; keep up the great writing!

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