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EmmaRules 03-02-2007 01:37 AM

My Angel - Sa9+
Thanks for the banner Linda Hagrid!!!

This is my first FF, enjoy. :hello:

Hermione Jane Granger sat on a hard stone bench, one of several hundred other stone benches that looked exactly the same. It was an ordinary stone bench that gave the ordinary amount of pain, numbness, and general discomfort to the rear end of whom ever had the misfortune of deciding to sit upon it. She had been sitting on this bench for several hours, watching a small pen in the center of the rows-upon rows of identical benches. In the pen was a large mud pit and one carefully placed rope. Everyone was watching the pen and waiting for………..pop! Two figures appeared in the pen, one was tall and thin with flaming red hair, and the other was also tall, but his hair was a much more subdued color and he was distinctly round shouldered. Both men picked up and end of the rope and turned to face each other on opposite sides of the mud pit. As they turned to face each other the crowed began to shout. Hermione sat up as straight as it is possible to sit when stone benches are involved, her eyes glued to the scene unfolding in the pen. Suddenly she was in the pen, but she was not herself, she was the rope! Holding what seconds before had been her feet was Victor Krum, and holding what seconds before had been her arms was………..

“Ron!” Gasped Hermione (although she did not really gasp it out loud because she was a rope.) Hermione realized she was the rope in a game of tug- of – war. Suddenly Ron and Victor both began to pull on her. Ron gave a huge tug, and then Victor did, and then Ron, and then Victor. Just when Hermione felt like she was going to split in two, everything went black, and she woke up. It took her a minute to realize where she was. It so happens that it was the summer, and she was staying at Ron’s house. Their last year at Hogwarts had been three years ago (except for Ginny who had finished school two years ago.) Hermione breathed a sigh of relief when she realized where she was, and that she was still human. She slipped her feet into her ‘Fluffy the three headed dog’ slippers that Ron had given her to replace her bunny slippers (Fred and George blew them up.) She giggled quietly as she relived the memory of her bunny slippers soaring past her window before blowing up and stunning a few very young garden gnomes. Percy, who speaks gnomic fluently later in formed them (with a disapproving scowl at Fred and George) that the young gnomes had then run back into their holes shouting that the sky was falling. Hermione had suddenly remembered a muggle story called Chicken Little, her mother had read it to her when she was six or seven years old. Hermione giggled even harder as she pulled back the green curtains that hung down to the rather dusty floor and watched the sun begin one of its daily voyages across the sky. Ther were still a few stars twinkling, it looked as though someone had taken a handful of diamonds and scattered them across the sky. Hermione had always drawn great comfort from the stars. When she had been about seven years old she had watched a movie called The Lion King. In the movie the movie one of the characters had said something to the effect of ‘The stars are the great kings of our past watching over us.’ Hermione had believed that the stars were the great kings of the past watching over them, and after the recent loss of her grandfather (whom she had considered to be a king at the age of seven) she had always thought that that he was one of the stars in the sky, and that he came out every night to watch over her. As she starred at the sky she thought that she saw one of the stars wink at her. After all of the stars had all vanished from the sky her eyes drifted down to the two small square boxes on the desk. She sighed as she realized why she had had that dream. It had all started about a week ago. That day had started just like all the other days of vacation so far. She had gotten up and made herself two pieces of toast and a cup of coffee, and then she had gone back to her room to watch the sun rise and to wait for the Daily Prophet to arrive. Just then the sun illuminated what appeared to be a small flock of owls flying towards her window. Three of the owls were trying to carry a small, but extremely heavy package. The other two were carrying a letter and a copy of the Daily Prophet. Hermione opened the window and allowed the owls to fly onto the bed. She untied all of her mail, and began to read an article entitled Increase the accuracy of you spells,and charms As she glanced at the desk where she had placed the other mail she had received, the name of the person who had sent it caught her eye.

Thank you for reading the first part of my FF. I hope you enjoyed it. :bye:

happy to be alive 102 03-02-2007 01:37 PM

Hello! My name is Happy.

Great story so far..........poor Hermione, tug of war is hard enough to be on one end of the rope, none the less the rope itself!



EmmaRules 03-03-2007 12:09 AM

Hello Happy,

Thank you for your comments, I really appreciate it. It's nice to know that someone has enjoyed the begining of my FF. Please keep reading, I will post the next part of my FF as soon as I can.


EmmaRules 03-03-2007 12:34 AM

This is the next part of my FF, enjoy!:snitch:

“Victor.” She whispered quietly. “I wonder what he could be writing about.” With that she picked up the letter and began to read as follows:

Dear Hermy-o-ninny,
I miss you. Now that you have finished school would you come stay with me in Bulgaria? Hermy-o-ninny, there is something I want to ask you, but I do not know how. Perhaps you should just open the box, I will send it with another owl.
Victor Krum

She reached for the package wondering what Victor wanted to ask her. She slowly opened the box, and nearly dropped it as a huge diamond ring was revealed. She knew at once why three owls had been needed to carry it. The diamond was the size of a small potato. On the inside of the box was a note that said: Dear Hermy-o-ninny, Vill you marry me? Love, Victor. Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

“Hermione let me in, I know you’re awake.” It was Ron. She and Ron had been dating for some time now, but she had forgotten to tell Victor that. She stuffed the letter under her pillow and said:

“Come in Ron.”

“Good morning ‘Mione.” said Ron before kissing Hermione on the forehead.

“Good morning Ron, isn’t it a kind of early for you to be up?”

“Well, yah, but there is something I need to ask you before Fred and George wake up.”

“O.k. Ron, ask away.”

“Not here ‘Mione, somewhere else.”

“Like where?”

“How about the apple orchard?” Hermione knew he must be going to ask her something important. The apple orchard was the only place where Fred and George wouldn’t bother him. She and Ron had had their first kiss in the apple orchard. When they arrived in the orchard Hermione noticed how red and delicious the apples looked that morning, just as they had looked three years ago when they had had their first kiss.

“What is it Ron, what do you want to ask me?”

“Well, I…… It’s kind of hard to say.”

“Then why don’t you write it down?” At Hermione’s suggestion Ron raised his wand and flicked it in the direction of a pile of apple blossoms that had fallen off the trees in a recent rainstorm. The blossoms rose of the ground and began to form words.

“Close your eyes, and wait till I’m done writing.” Whispered Ron.

“O.k. Ron.” She closed her eyes, trying not to think about the letter she had received. She kept asking herself if she was really unhappy about the letter, or if she was happy, deep down. No, she couldn’t be happy, she loved Ron. No, she loved them both, but in different ways. She just hadn’t sorted out her feelings yet, but she knew she would have to, and soon.

Thank you for reading.:angel:

GinnyRocks713 03-04-2007 04:49 AM

hi i'm a new reader and i think that this is a great story so far.

EmmaRules 03-04-2007 11:54 PM

Hello Cheyenne,
Thank you for reading. It's nice to know that you are enjoying me FF. I hope that you enjoy the rest.


I am also an H/G shipper.

EmmaRules 03-09-2007 08:06 PM

“O.K. ‘Mione, open your eyes.” The sun had risen higher while she had her eyes closed, and at first she couldn’t see anything. As her eyes adjusted they sought-out the message Ron had written. It read:

‘Mione, I love you, will you marry me?”

“Oh Ron.”

“Please say yes ‘Mione.” Whispered Ron. “I love you.” He was holding out a small box. She took it; her hand was shaking so badly she could hardly keep a firm grasp on it. She opened it and a ring was revealed. It was much smaller than the one Victor had given her, and it had a pearl not a diamond, but it seamed to shine with a light from within.

“I know it’s not much,” stuttered Ron “but it was my Grandmum’s engagement ring, and I thought it might give us good luck.”

“I…..I….I ….don’t know…….can’t……oh Ron…….you see……..uh. At that moment Hermione collapsed.:help:

EmmaRules 03-12-2007 11:40 PM

“What happened Ron?” said a voice from near by.

“I was ….. Um…… taking a walk with Hermione and she just collapsed.” Hermione could tell that there were people all around her, but she could not tell who they were. She wanted to open her eyes but her eyes did not seem to want to open.

“We’ve been in St. Mungo’s for nearly three hours.” A voice exclaimed.

“When is the healer going to come back?”

“Ah, here is the healer. Healer Brunswick, how is Hermione doing?”

“She is recovering nicely Mr. Weasley.”

“Good, Good. Healer, do you know what caused her to collapse.”

“Yes, it was an extreme overload of very strong emotions.”

“Hey, I think Hermione’s coming ‘round.”

“Hermione, Hermione can you here me? Hermione opened her eyes, the bright light in the ward gave everything a ring of light that (to her) looked like a halo.

“Am I dead?” asked Hermione

“No, your still alive dear.” replied Healer Brunswick

“Are you sure?”

“Yes I’m sure. I’ll leave you alone with your visitors. Just call me if you need anything.”

“How are you ‘Mione?” called a girlish voice.

“Ginny, is that you?” asked Hermione

“Yah, it’s me, now please answer my question!”

“I believe that I am fine, but you should refrain from enumerating your poultry prior to the process of incubation.”

“English please ‘Mione.”called a deep friendly voice.

“Harry!” called Hermione “It’s good to see you, but I was speaking English.”

“Hermione!” said Harry in an exasperated tone.

“O.k. I said don’t count your chickens before they hatch.”

“You’ll be fine. The healer said that you’ll be back to The Burrow by dinner time tomorrow.” Ron was the only person who had not said anything and one look at Ron told Mr. Weasley that he needed to do something.

“I’ve got to go to work.” said Mr. Weasley with a wink at his wife.

“I should get dinner started.” Mrs. Weasley also winked

“George and I have work to do.” called Fred, catching on.

“Ginny and I have plans.” exclaimed Harry who had also caught on. After they had all left Ron and Hermione were left alone. There was a long embarrassed pause before Ron said:

“I’m sorry Hermione.”

EmmaRules 03-13-2007 07:32 PM

“For what?”

“For causing you to you know……… collapse.”

“It wasn’t your fault. I just have a lot of complicated things going on right now.” Ron walked over to her bed side and kissed her on the forehead.

“‘Mione I just want you to know that I’m here for you if you need me.”

“Thanks Ron.”

“I’ll see you later ‘Mione.” Said Ron as he walked out the door

“Later Ron.” She replied as the door clicked shut.

EmmaRules 03-13-2007 07:39 PM

“Here you go.” said Healer Brunswick handing Hermione her wand. “Do you feel up to apparition, or do you want to use flu powder to get back to the Weasley’s house.

“I think I’ll use flu powder, just to be safe.”

“I believe that is a very good chose. You would have made a good healer!”

“Thank you Healer Brunswick, but I’m very happy with my job for the Daily Prophet.”

“Miss Granger, remember to drink lots of fluid, and get plenty of rest.”

“Good-bye Healer Brunswick.”

“Good-bye Miss Granger.”

“Back to the Burrow.” shouted Hermione over the roar of the green flames.

“Welcome back Hermione.” shouted the Weasley family as she appeared in the fire place.

“My goodness.” She replied “You sure know how to scare someone half to death.”

“We’re just glad that your back ‘Mione.” Exclaimed Harry

“Thanks Harry.”

“Oh, Hermione, you have a visitor.” Exclaimed Mrs. Weasley

“Really, who is it?”

“Vicky.” Ron muttered in a mocking tone

“Victor is…….. is here.”

“Yep.” said Harry quietly. This is not good, thought Hermione, not good.

“He’s waiting for you outside.” whispered Mrs. Weasley.

“I, I guess I’ll go see what he wants.” mumbled Hermione. As she walked to the door she could feel all of their eyes on her back. She opened the door and walked toward the hill where victor was waiting for her.

“How are you feeling Hermy-o-ninny?”

“I feel fine.”

“That Veasley fellow told me that you collapsed.”

“Yah, I did.” She replied in a dull tone.

“Are you sure you’re all right Hermy-o-ninny.”

“Yes, I’m sure Victor.”

“Then, vhy didn’t you ansver my letter?”

“I’ve been at the hospital Victor.”

“Did you not have free time?”

“Well I did have free time, but I’ve had a lot on my mind, and……”

“You have had him on your mind, haven’t you.” said Victor said, gesturing towards the Weasley’s house.

“Victor what are you talking about?”

“You have had that, that Ronald Veasley on your mind haven’t you, you love him don’t you?”

“Victor Ron and I, well you see we, um, are…………… "one look into Victor’s eyes told Hermione that if she told him the truth it would break his heart, and her heart couldn’t let her do that. “are just friends.” she lied . As soon as she said “just friends” Victor’s eyes lit up.

“Than vill you marry me?”

“Victor I still have to think about it, I just got back from the hospital, and I’m tired. I’ll go get some rest, and I’ll give you my answer later O.k.?”

“O.K. Hermy-o-ninny, but……..” Hermione did not hear the rest, she had already run into the house. She ran past the Weasley’s, and Harry, and ran up to the room she was staying in. She flopped onto the bed and fell asleep. Hermione had strange troublesome dreams, most of which involved tug-of-war, she was dreaming a particularly vicious game when she heard someone calling her name.

EmmaRules 03-15-2007 07:43 PM

:read!: Please

EmmaRules 03-16-2007 11:39 PM

“‘Mione, ‘Mione wake up, I need to talk to you.”

“Oh, hello Ron, what is it?

“Well, I just wanted to ask you if you’ve decided yet about, about, well, you know what I’m talking about.”

“I haven’t really thought about it Ron. I’ve had a lot on my mind.”

“You’ve had “Vicky” on your mind, haven’t you?” As Ron said this Hermione was reminded of her conversation with Victor. Ron and Victor were a lot alike, she thought to herself, even if they didn’t see, it everyone else did.

“Victor and I are just friends Ron.” snapped Hermione, “and don’t call him…….”

“Vhat.” interrupted a voice from behind the slightly open door. “Hermy-o-ninny you said that you and Veasley are just friends.”

“Just friends.” yelled Ron “We’ve been dating for Three years. Hermione said you two are just friends.” Hermione sat huddled in the corner. She watched them fighting. She couldn’t think straight, she couldn’t even sit straight. It seemed like her whole world was crashing down around her. “What have I done,” thought Hermione, “what have I done.” She found that her thoughts were drifting to Ron. She thought about the day she had met him. She remembered the exact shape of the little smudge of dirt on his nose. She remembered his face, pale and bloody, as he fell to the ground after deciding to sacrifice himself so that Harry and Hermione could get to the sorcerers stone. She remembered the way he had looked at her when he had awoken. She remembered what he had said. He had said:

“Hermione, you’re an angel, and someday you’re going to be my angel.” Her memories changed to her first kiss with Ron. She remembered the greenish light coming through the trees. She remembered Ron’s main of flaming Red hair blowing in the breeze. Her eyes had closed, and then they had kissed. It had seemed like fireworks were erupting everywhere, she was sure that it was the most wonderful feeling in the world, or maybe the Galaxy, or maybe the Universe. She thought about her first kiss with Victor, when they had kissed there might have been one firework, but it was the kind that fizzles out and dies. At that moment she knew what her decision was, she saw it plain as day. Unfortunately Victor did too, he raised his wand and before anyone could do anything, there was a bang, and Ron fell to the ground.

“Ron.” yelled Hermione “Victor what have you done?”

“Hermy-o-ninny I………………”

“Mr. Weasley, Mrs. Weasley, anybody.” cried Hermione “come quickly!”

“What is it Hermione?” said Ginny as she and the other Weasleys entered the room.

“It’s Ron, Victor did something to him. We have to get Ron to the hospital.”

What happened next was all a blur. All Hermione really remembered was a haze of grief and confusion. She remembered that she had returned to The Burrow earlier than the others, but she could not remember why. She remembered having strange dreams and than waking up and going to stand by the window. That’s where she was standing by the window watching the sun rise.

Hermione walked down stairs, the house was still and quiet, as though it too was waiting to find out Ron’s fait.

“Good morning.” came a tired voice from the shadows, making Hermione jump.

“Oh, it’s you Ginny.” replied Hermione trying to catch her breath. “Is there any news about Ron’s condition?”

“Hermione, healers don’t even know what Victor did to Ron.”

“How….. how could they not know, they’re healers they have to know.”

“We just have to except that they don’t know, but they are working as hard as they can to figure it out.”

“Why don’t they just make Victor tell them what happened?”

“Hermione Victor is dead.”

“What? How did it happen.”

“Hermione, do you remember anything that happened last night?”

“I,I remember some things, but everything else is just a blur.”

“Well, after we lifted the full body-bind curse you put on him, he jumped up and started trying to curse everything in sight. One of the curses bounced of something and hit him in the chest. We tried to get him to the hospital, but by the time we got there he was……….. was already, you know.” After saying this Ginny burst into tears.

“Ginny, what’s wrong? You never liked Victor very much.”

“It’s just, just……..”

“Just what Ginny?” said Hermione in a calm soothing tone.

“I’m afraid.” replied Ginny in a whisper that was barely audible.

“Afraid of what Ginny?”

“I’m afraid that Ron is going to die too.”

“Oh Ginny, I’m afraid too, everyone is afraid, but we have to be strong, for Ron, for your family, and for ourselves.”

“That’s a very hard thing to do Hermione, a very hard thing.”

“I know it is Gin, I know it is.” Ginny fell asleep, her head resting on Hermione’s lap. A little pink book lay open on floor Hermione was about to close it when her own name caught her eye.

Dear Journal, (Ginny had refused to call anything a diary since her first year at Hogwarts.)
I am so worried about Ron. I thought that the healers would know for sure what Victor did to him, but they have no idea at all. They have tried all the simple remedies, but nothing has worked. The way Ron looks scares me, I think it must have scared Hermione even more than it scares me because she went to see Ron alone, and when she came back to the waiting room she was screaming that she wanted to get back to The Burrow. I am almost as worried about Hermione has am about Ron. The house is so silent; the only thing I can hear is mum sobbing. I feel so lost.
- Ginny

Happy St. Patrick's day.:irish2:

Ginny14 03-17-2007 01:21 AM

Hey i thought i would read yours since you read mine! yours is really good I can't wait for you to post again i really want to know whats going to happen to Ron!!

EmmaRules 03-17-2007 12:27 PM

Hey thank you for reading, it means a lot to me. I will post the next part soon.


Happy St. Patricks day!:irish2:

Weasleygurl 03-17-2007 11:33 PM

Oh my gosh, this fic is awesome! Pams, please!

EmmaRules 03-18-2007 02:05 PM

Hi Weasleygurl, thank you so muck for your comment. I am working on the next post and I will probable have it ready some time today. Thank you for reading my FF.


GinnyRocks713 03-18-2007 07:22 PM

i'm sooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry i haven't been here for a long time but i was grounded and i couldn't go on the computer and now i feel really bad but i loved all of the posts!!!

EmmaRules 03-19-2007 08:45 PM

Thanks for your comments Cheyenne. Here is the next post.

“Ginny.” whispered Hermione as she lifted Ginny’s head off of her lap. “I’m gong to St. Mungo’s. I’ll be back in a few hours.” Hermione turned around and began walking toward the door.

“Hermione, wait.” said a groggy voice from behind her. “I just want to warn you that you might be a little upset about the way Ron looks.”

“I love Ron, I don’t care how he looks.”

“Hermione, if you wait a minute Harry can drive you there.”

“He needn’t bother, I can get there myself.”

“It’s no bother at all, Harry’s going to visit Ron anyway.”

“Thanks Gin.”

“Ginny I’m leaving.” came a deep voice from the kitchen.

“Wait, ‘Mione is coming with you.”

“O.K. I’ll wait for her in the car.”


“Yes Ginny.”

“Aren’t you going to say good-bye?”

“Good-bye Ginny.” replied Harry with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

“Harry, you know that’s not what I ment.”

“O.k. I’m coming.” Harry walked into the room and kissed Ginny on the forehead.

“Good-bye Harry.” said Ginny contentedly.

“Good-bye Gin.”

GinnyRocks713 03-19-2007 08:57 PM

*squeals* that was a great post!!! *squeals again for the fun of it* i'm very hyper right now so BEWARE!!! heeheehee... this is way too much fun... don't know wat i'm on about but oh well!!! :)

danismine 03-20-2007 01:53 AM

Hi, new reader. Great story. I hope Ron is alright.


Ginny14 03-20-2007 12:54 PM

Oh that was really good your a great writer, and i can't wait for more oh nad i know you were waiting so my next two chapters are up!

EmmaRules 03-20-2007 11:53 PM

Hello Roshni, thank you for reading. I am working on the next post and I will have it done as soon as I can.

danismine 03-21-2007 01:13 AM


Hello Roshni, thank you for reading. I am working on the next post and I will have it done as soon as I can.
:hello: Meg
that's great. i can't wait for the next post.


EmmaRules 03-21-2007 08:17 PM

“I’m coming, I’m coming.” shouted Hermione as she ran into the living room. Harry and Hermione walked to the car in silence, both deep in thought. Hermione was trying to remember some of the events that had taken place the night before. Harry was thinking about how pale and sickly Ginny had looked ever since she’d seen Ron. He had to admit that Ron’s appearance was a bit startling, but it seemed like Ginny was over reacting. After she had seen Ron she had become overly protective, and scared all the time. It was the opposite of the way Ginny usually acted.

“Harry.” Whispered Hermione.

“Yah, Hermione.”

“I’m worried.”

“About Ron?”

“No, I mean yes I’m worried about Ron, very worried, but there is something……… something else.”

“What is it?” inquired Harry in a worried tone.

“I can’t remember some things that happened last night, there seem to be hours where I can’t remember anything that happened last night, nothing at all. It’s almost like……”

“Like someone put a memory charm on you!” exclaimed Harry as the car screeched to a halt.

Sorry this post is so short. I'll Post the next part soon. ~Meg:bouncep:

Little Trooper 03-21-2007 09:03 PM

New reader here. Great story can'at wait for more.

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