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SSRPG: (More Than) Eleven Baskets of High Heels - Sa13+
Candy Display Case (Finished Fanfiction)A dazzling showcase of fully wrapped-up stories, these sweet treats are polished and ready for your reading pleasure!
It began well enough. Dylan and I met up for a butterbeer, talked in the main street - in Hogsmeade, that is - and decided to head to the Three Broomsticks. For the drink we had agreed to have together, that is. As enemies, of course.
AND! Do you know? Dylan actually believes he can outrun me. I was wearing heels, then; and, though I can run in those, too, I guess that does give him an advantage. But I don't believe he can, otherwise -- I pride myself on my running abilities! Then again, I have never seen DyDy run, and he probably would win.
Well, he told me Professor Duskurk wants him to be 'Slytherin-y.' I asked him what THAT means, and he said it must be something to do with Slytherin. Funny! BUTTT! What is not funny is the mention of Professor Duskurk. You will NOT believe what that man did!
He taught us the Cruciatus Curse!
Of course, it was of no real use. You have to feel the curse, to cast it, and I practiced on my share of ants without even batting an eyelid, because I knew I can never cast a proper Cruciatus Curse. I just pointed my wand at the little things, said, "Crucio!" and they just eyed me in a 'are you right in the head?' sort of way, and moved away, quite happily and brightly. Because, of course, my curse did not hurt them.
Not one bit.
But, back on to the topic. I told Dylan that he is not allowed to outrun me. I am... not going to hug him, if he does -- and then, of course, I could not hold back whatever was going on inside me, and asked him if he really does have feelings for some girl. He said he does, and then I was no longer in the mood to be talkative. We continued to talk random stuff ---until he suddenly grabbed my hands, and went,
"Gold. There is something I have to tell you. Thing is... I... have never said it before. I don't know how to go about saying it properly."
I can swear, I felt like my heart would stop beating, right there, right then. I could not even think properly, all I could think of was how warm his hands were. How absolutely warm. I don't even remember, now, what I replied to do that, but next thing I know, he had said,
"I think I love you."
He... he said that. Said that. SAID THAT, and I ... just sat there, staring at him, unable to comprehend what was going on. Then my mind shouted 'RUN!' and I rose to my feet and turned round to run. He grabbed my arm, though. Told me not to leave, and -- and then he kissed me.
Dylan Denver... kissed me.
I could not even resist, could not even say A SINGLE, DARNED THING. It felt like a landslide, seriously; because I had been so sure I hated him, only a fortnight ago, and -- and then I thought of Mr. T, and tore away from Dylan, and ran.
I felt angry, then. Angry at him for making me feel this confused; angry at everyone and everything. I headed straight for the Prefects' Bathroom, to wash my face - no, I was NOT crying, but I was still sure I must look a mess, all of a sudden - which was when Mr. T came up to me.
We broke up.
It was a mutual break-up. Quite a happy one, in fact. We decided to remain the good friends we have always been. Thing is, he loves Brody, and I... don't love him. I realized, then, that maybe I do love Dylan. What am I saying? Not maybe, I am CERTAIN I love Dylan. I've just never felt this way before -- never felt this intensely, never felt... never felt that there's a guy I can not let go of. But I feel that way about Dylan. It's a new feeling, but I can tell it's love.
I can say this NOW, though. Back then, I could only... feel. Feel the most confusing onset of emotions I have experienced. Though my head cleared up, after I broke up with Mr. T. It was like a huge weight had finally been lifted off me.
Because I would never have wanted to cheat on Mr. T
Well, I went back to the Three Broomsticks. I have no idea why, but I did, and -- he was still there. Dylan. He had waited for me to come back, how had he known? He said he had hoped, I would come back; and that it was okay, if I did not feel the same way towards him. The way he feels towards me, that is. I -- told him I had broken up with Mr. T. That I might possibly... have feelings for him, too.
It's amazing how hard it was to tell him THAT, when I had no problem in asking Mr. T out, on the very day I met Mr. T.
Well, at least Dylan held me close. Told him I love him. He said he loves me, too, and -- and then I told him that this was getting way too sappy, and that we need to get that drink, we originally met up for. BUT I WAS SO HAPPY! And still am!
LOVE him.
I ought to listen to Lori Louu, more often.
... and that said, I must say I need to work on my Ancient Runes homework. I made a plastic, rune-set, for the last assignment, for that subject. Even took pictures of it, to stick to the explanation I wrote about it. Let me stick a copy in here.
A copy of the Ancient Runes Homework is stuck to the next page, with a permanent sticking charm.
Text Cut: The Glashfyre Set of Runes
{ Ancient Runes, Lesson One }
Create your own set of runes. Use your imagination to create them, and give me the rune meanings.
This is the Glashfyre Set of Runes, and my attempt to make runes look shinier, happier and less morbid, professor. I love them, I really do, but you know, my younger cousin is positively SCARED of how hollow-ish and greyish most of them look.
* The Fruit
[] Bitterness:
The antithesis of the name itself.
[] Temptation:
The reach towards what is best left locked.
[] The Forbidden:
For the better good.
[] Mischief:
The spice that should not be sold. Or bought.
[] Change:
The transition from good to bad, light to dark.
[] Difficulty:
The complications we create.
* The Soil
[] Life:
The second name of death.
[] Growth:
The necessity of health.
[] Nourishment:
The provision of that, that makes us continue. To struggle.
To be.
[] Home:
A place to call your own.
[] Death:
Because the earth must claim us, for its own.
[] Mortality:
The necessary return to dust.
[] Contradiction:
The silent representation of conflicting opposites.
* The Fox
[] Wisdom:
Not in words, but within them.
[] Intelligence:
The quickness that not many possess, in truth.
[] Cunning:
How to put a stopper into death.
[] Adaptability:
Flexibility in the face of fire.
The willingness to shake hands with a dislike.
[] Camouflage:
There is something behind the bush.
[] The Hunt:
The ability to track.
* The Broken Glass
[] The End:
Of good, or of bad.
But soon.
[] Breakage:
Of a heart. Of more.
Of how to sweep away broken dreams, and pick up new one.
[] Change:
The turning of a leaf.
[] The summons:
Something else requires your attention; and urgently.
[] Shattered Dreams:
Or a very living nightmare.
* The Ruby:
[] Fire:
What burns within us.
[] Love:
There is no word pure enough to offer description.
[] Hope:
Because all is never lost.
[] Riches:
There is always a ‘hall’ for improvement.
[] Desire and passion:
What tears us apart, and pieces us together.
[] Devotion:
That passionate variant of dedication.
[] Daughters and purity:
Two more ways to say ‘love.’
[] The month of July:
Heat, midsummer and beauty.
Things to do:
♥ Get something to eat.
♥ Stop being SO VERY HAPPY.
♥ Do homework.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Well, he's always figured that her hating him for no reason meant something. Just like Gold knew that Torin was reading Shakepeare for Brody. They know each other well.
Yes, update. I want to know more! But I'll be sad too when you're caught up. Because of how Gold has been feeling.
Well, he's always figured that her hating him for no reason meant something. Just like Gold knew that Torin was reading Shakepeare for Brody. They know each other well.
Yes, update. I want to know more! But I'll be sad too when you're caught up. Because of how Gold has been feeling.
I should have an update ready, by tomorrow. I hope.
I just pointed my wand at the little things, said, "Crucio!" and they just eyed me in a 'are you right in the head?' sort of way, and moved away, quite happily and brightly.
Aww that wuz so cuute!
"I think I love you."
About time those two got to the lovey-dovey stuff!!
I ought to listen to Lori Louu, more often.
This is the Glashfyre Set of Runes, and my attempt to make runes look shinier, happier and less morbid, professor. I love them, I really do, but you know, my younger cousin is positively SCARED of how hollow-ish and greyish most of them look.
Let me say I LURVED the rune set! Especially the meanings. They were mega creative and deserve a review of their own!
Jessica's time on SS is now limited thanks to that big and BAD thing called real life