Note that I do not own any of the Harry Potter characters.
I, Kris Johnson, was sitting outside beside my friend Lily Evans, who was watching James Potter making sure he doesn't do anything stupid. I was also watching someone, but it wasn't in the same way as Lily. I was watching Sirius Black. I had a major crush on him, but he would never know for I was too shy to tell him. Lily looked over at me and saw that I was staring at Sirius.
"Oh, go talk to him!" Lily said nudging me.
"I just can't, and you know very--" I stopped short for there in front of me stood Sirius.
"Hi, Kris, Lily," Sirius said flashing us with his best smile.
"Err...hi, Sirius," I was starting to blush, I could feel my cheeks getting warm. No! Not now!
"I really need to go in and study," Lily said while standing up.
I watched helplessly as Lily walked to the castle and enter,
I'll get her for this! I thought staring after Lily. There was a long awkward silence between me and Sirius. Neither knew what to say, so Sirius sat down in front of me and we stared at each other. Sirius would open his mouth to say something but then he would close it again. He did this for about thirty minutes before he said, "Want to go out?"
I stared at Sirius, I was shocked that he liked me too, but then she saw James laughing his head off over by the tree. I stood up and walked over to James and said, "James Potter! Did you put him up to this?"
Remus was about to say something but I said, "Don't even dare to stick up for him, Remus!"
James made a look of mock shock and said, "I? James? Put Sirius up to asking you out? No! Never!" He made one mistake, he winked at Sirius.
I was so furious, I couldn't speak. I slapped James then I walked over to Sirius and gave him a hurt look. I bumped into Sirius so hard I almost knocked him over, I wasn't really mad, I was hurt. How could Sirius do that to me? I thought we were friends, but I guess I thought wrong! I didn't notice where I was going so I walked into my brother. I didn't look at him for I had tears in my eyes.
I felt him rest a hand on my shoulder, "What's the matter, Kris?"
I shook my head, I couldn't tell him about this, could I? I looked at him and said, "It's just that...that Potter. He knows I like Sirius and he told Sirius to ask me out! As a joke!"
Matt looked sorry for me, he knew how I felt he had went through almost the same thing once. He was looking at me when he said, "What makes you think he doesn't really mean it? I mean when me and him talk he mainly talks about you." I look surprised but happy when I said, "He does? What does he say?" I needed to know.
"Well he says that he thinks you're cute, I think he does like you, sis." Matt smiled and added, "Go apolagize to him and tell him how you feel about him."
I nodded and ran off to find Sirius but I bumped into a Gryffindor girl with red hair and green eyes, "Sorry! I didn't see you!"
The girl said, "That's alright, I'm Katie Moulton." Katie held out her hand for me to shake.
I took her hand and shook it, "Kris Johnson, I'm in Gryffindor also." There was an awkward silence then Katie said, "I'll catch you later!" She ran off up the stairs. I started to look for Sirius but I stopped for there was a first year standing in front of me. "I...I was told to give you this." He held out a peice of paper, I took the paper and the first year ran off. I saw slanted writing and my heart sank, I unfolded the piece of paper and saw:
Miss. Johnson, please come to my office, I like leamondrops, Albus Dumbledore. I walked to Dumbledore's office, when I reached it I opened my mouth to say the password but at that moment the gargoyle leapt to the side and there stood Dumbledore himself. "Hello there, Miss. Johnson, please enter." I followed him into his office and sat in the chair across from him, I had been in here once before but that time I was with Matt. I didn't even want to think of that was horrible, that day I had found out that my parents were missing, their still missing. "Miss. Johnson, I heard that you had a run in with Mr. Potter, am I correct?" I nodded my head. "You do know that we have a no fighting rule, do you not?" I nodded again. "The why, may I ask, did you slap Mr. Potter?" I opened my mouth to speak but at that moment Professor McGonagall came in with none other then Sirius Black and James Potter. "I caught these two hexing Mr. Snape!" She let go of the boys and waited for Dumbledore to speak. "My, my, my. There has been alot of people in trouble today. Detention all three of you, lines, Mr. Potter, Mr. Black you will write 'I will not hex, curse or jinx Severus Snape'. Miss. Johnson, you will write 'I will not hit James Potter.' Your detention's will be in Professor Mcgonagall's classroom. Now you all need to go to bed, goodnight to you all. Professor you stay behind, please."
When we all were outside his office James started laughing, "What did you get lines for, Johnson?"
I glared at him and then said, "Sirius, may I have a private word?"
Sirius looked at James, who shrugged, then Sirius looked at me and said, "Sure."
Sirius followed me in an empty classroom, I shut the door behind him then I turned to face Sirius. I took a deep breath and opened my mouth to speak but he put his hand over my mouth, he had a smile on his face. He knows, I was thinking. He removed his hand and leaned in to kiss me but then-
"Oooohh! Ickle fithies out of bed! Should tell, I should!" You guessed it, Peeves.
Sirius took my hand and we ran out of the classroom and down the hall and ran right into Mrs. Norris. We dodged her and kept running with no idea to where we were headed. After what seemed like hours we stopped and panting we looked around, we were near the Ravenclaw commonroom. "I...I think we're safe n-" Sirius started. "What are you two doing out of bed?" We turned and there stood Professor Slughorn, "I asked, what you two were doing out of bed." I looked at Sirius then Slughorn, "We were in Professor Dumbledore's office then we started walking and talking and didn't relize where we were 'til now."
"Oh well if that's it, well you two better hurry along to bed."
"Yes, Professor." Sirius and I said together.
We walked slowly back to the Gryffindor commonroom, when we reached the painting of the fat lady Sirius held my arm. He turned me to face him and looked into my eyes, I got lost in his gray eyes. He leaned in to kiss me again but- "Am I suppose to just stand here and wait for you two to kiss or are you going to say the password?" We turned to the fat lady and Sirius said, "Grimwick." The fat lady swung open and we walked in and saw that the commonroom was empty. I looked at Sirius and thought, is it not meant to be? He seemed to know what I was thinking because he pulled me to the couch and sat me on it then he sat beside me.
"Look, I do like you, I always have." He looked into my eyes, "Kristina Mae Johnson, will you go out with me?"
I was shocked but I smiled and said, "Yes, I will."
" will?" He looked as shocked as I had felt. I nodded and he leaned in and I felt his lips against mine. Oh how wonderful it was! We kissed for what seemed like hours. When we broke apart, I layed against him and put my head on his shoulder. "I know it's too soon to say this but, I-" I started but just then who just happened to walk in? You guessed it, James.
"You what? You loooooove him?" James said in a sing-song voice.
"Oh, shut up, James!"
"Make me, Sirius!"
"Both of you shut up! You're going to wake everyone up!"
James smirked and said, "Make us."
"Fine! I will!" I whip out my wand and used a sliencing charm on the both of them. I laughed as they tried to talk, "Are you two going to shut up?" They nodded so I took the charm off. James stomped off to the boys' beds and Sirius laughed, "That was fun." He kissed my cheek, "'Night, Krissy." He followed James up to bed, I had a big smile on my face when I walked quietly in the girls' dorm. I got changed and into bed and the smile stayed on my face the whole night.
I got shook awake the next morning by Lily, "Kris! Kris! Krissy!" I sat up rubbing my eyes and yawning, "Krissy, Sirius is asking for you." I jumped out of bed and got dressed, fixed my hair then I went downstairs to the common room. I jumped when someone said, "There you are!" I turned to my right and there stood, "Sirius!"
"What?!" He smiled.
"You scared me to death, that's what!" Seeing his smile made me smile. He kissed my cheek then said, "I'm sorry, Krissy." He rapped his arms around me and held onto me, "Want to go to Hogsmeade?" He kissed my cheek again. "We can't, we've got lines, remember?" Oh, boy, I know that smile! "Sirius, we can't!" He pouted, "Why not?" "Because I...well just because!" He laughed at me.
Sirius squeazed me and pouted and gave me the puppy eyes, "Oh alright!" He beamed and turned me to face him, I rapped my arms around his neck and smiled at up him. We were about to kiss when Remus came up to us and said, "Err...sorry to bother you but I was told to give you this, Kris." He held out his hand that had a note in it. I had let go of Sirius and took the note, I opened the note and read;
Kris, I really need to talk to you. James.
Post Two Post Three Post Four Post Five Post Six Post Seven Post Eight Post Nine Post Ten Post Eleven Post Twelve Post Thirteen Post Fourteen Post Fifteen Post Sixteen Post Seventeen