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Candy Display Case (Finished Fanfiction)A dazzling showcase of fully wrapped-up stories, these sweet treats are polished and ready for your reading pleasure!
♥ Socelyn | #Jeness | S W A G | ShortPerson&TallPerson | Nade ♥
Alright so I'm going to have to put my comment into a textcut because It's going to be longer than usual.
Text Cut: Ze Comment
Originally Posted by MahSSBFF<3
Poppy must die! Or at least have her mouth tapped shut. Thank Jess you the best! Your my SS Best Friend! P
Exactly what I was thinking!!!
Awww you're mine as well!!
I was thinking that we should have our School RPG characters become friends or something. Then we can make graphics or something like that!
Originally Posted by Marcyluffehh!!!
I understand, I couldn't post for over two months cause of school! Totally sucks. But I can't wait till Winter Break. And I might have a snow day tomorrow. And I got a feild trip to play at the sciene museum in Chicago for orchestra Friday!
I hate school!
Ahh I want a snow day really really bad, but we've only had one snow day so far.
OoOh cool!!
Originally Posted by MacaroniYUMM<3
And you better post later today.
So I'm going to take that as you like the story?
Originally Posted by Marcy<3
P.S. Really? I am! Your a better writer than me though.
Psh, yea yea yea.
I love your writing, it inspires me!
Originally Posted by Marcee
Chapter 21:
Let The Torture Begins
Wow the title even scares me. xD
Originally Posted by Maaarrrcyy!
"Sounds-Hugo! Stop it!" Rose yelled smacking her brothers hand harder. "Ow!" He yelled holding his hand. "I just wanted a little itty bitty bite." He mumbled. "I've seen how itty bitty your bites are Huey, and believe me, there not so itty bitty."
Hahaha, I love Hugo, he's too funny!
I mean if he's the son of Ron you know he's going to want a heeeeuuggeee bite.
Originally Posted by Marcee
And yet I still have no clue how to make an actual heart on SS.com.
Originally Posted by Meearrrccccyyy<3
The Three Broomsticks had never been so packed. Students of all age (except the first and second years) and all houses were there. Even a couple of professors had showed up, deciding that they wanted to see what all the huh bub was all about. A few tables had been cleared from the middle and had been replaced with a stage.
I mean if the Three Broomsticks was always so packed you know it either had to do with Professor Slughorn drinking too much firewhiskey or it's Poppy, so since this story is not about Professor Slughorn I'm going with Poppy.
Lovely chapter Marcy!!!
On to the next chappie!!......
Originally Posted by MAHSSBFF<3
Alright, so as you may all know, I've been posting like a lot more than I usually did. But I'd like to do a little shoutout to my SS Buddy....Hermione<3Ron! She's been a loyal fan since day one, so THANK YOU Jess! Your the best.
Awww thank you Marcy!!! <3
Nuuu [] you're the best!
Originally Posted by MarcyMarcyMarcyMarcyMarcy
Chapter 22:
The Torture Continues...
I don't think I can handle it, , but that would mean I would have to stop reading this SUPERAWESOMEAMAZINGFANTASTICSUPER-WAIT DID I ALREADY SAY THAT- STORY!!! xD [Btw congrats on your 22 chapter Marcy!]
Originally Posted by EEeP! Marcy! xD
Of course! She was probably in those giggling bushes. He knew there was no such thing as giggling bushes, not even in the magically world.
I mean even I would know that.
Originally Posted by :( I hate Poppy!!
Rose felt like crying. Her eyes were filled with tears, but she kept holding them back. She was not going to cry, she was not going to cry. She sat up a little straighter in her chair as the kissing scene came closer. And then it happened. Jenn and Cameron kissed and it sent a flashback through Rose's head. She could just fell her lips meeting Scorpius's and sharing there first kiss together.
Poor Rose!!!
Poppy is too evil!!!!
I think she's evillerr [is that even a word, no wait now it is! ] than Pansy!
Originally Posted by Marcccyyy(:
But she saw it. He had turned around from his seat and was looking at Rose, disbelief on his face. Rose stared back, hoping he'd say something, but all his does was turn away from her.
What? That's all what Scorpius does?!?
Originally Posted by Mahhhrrrrcy(:
Scorpius couldn't believe it. The girl that he'd been trying to talk to all week about his mystery girl was actually his mystery girl. Rose Weasley. He had had a crush on her. She was pretty, smart, and intelligent, everything. But he knew that SmartyGirl was more. Much more. But they were the same exact person. He turned around again to see if Rose was still there, but she was gone.
He turned and looked at Poppy who still stood on the stage, smirking wide. She caught Scorpius looking at her and walked off the stage towards him. She bent down nexxt to his ear and whispered, "Your welcome." Before walking away.
If I was him I would've yelled at Poppy!!!
She's evil!!!!
Poppy was so evil! I feel so bad for poor Rosie. This was a good chapter. I can't wait to see what happens! PAMS!!!
I know, I felt so evil when I was writing this chapter. Now all I need is an evil laugh....
Originally Posted by Hermione<3Ron
Alright so I'm going to have to put my comment into a textcut because It's going to be longer than usual.
Text Cut: Ze Comment
I hate school!
Ahh I want a snow day really really bad, but we've only had one snow day so far.
OoOh cool!!
So I'm going to take that as you like the story?
Psh, yea yea yea.
I love your writing, it inspires me!
Wow the title even scares me. xD
Hahaha, I love Hugo, he's too funny!
I mean if he's the son of Ron you know he's going to want a heeeeuuggeee bite.
And yet I still have no clue how to make an actual heart on SS.com.
I mean if the Three Broomsticks was always so packed you know it either had to do with Professor Slughorn drinking too much firewhiskey or it's Poppy, so since this story is not about Professor Slughorn I'm going with Poppy.
Lovely chapter Marcy!!!
On to the next chappie!!......
Awww thank you Marcy!!! <3
Nuuu [] you're the best!
I don't think I can handle it, , but that would mean I would have to stop reading this SUPERAWESOMEAMAZINGFANTASTICSUPER-WAIT DID I ALREADY SAY THAT- STORY!!! xD [Btw congrats on your 22 chapter Marcy!]
I mean even I would know that.
Poor Rose!!!
Poppy is too evil!!!!
I think she's evillerr [is that even a word, no wait now it is! ] than Pansy!
Wow! I've missed a lot. Sorry, my computer was being dumb.... Soooooo much drama, but I love drama! Those chappies were absolutely fantastic. Poppy sucks; she's evil. Definitely Pansy's kid. And Scorpius; he better go after her. I feel so bad for Rose. Those chapters remind me of The Cinderella Story with CHad Michael Murray and Hilary Duff. It was AWESOME!!!!! PAMS PAMS PLEASE!!!!!
That's okay, I wasn't expecting you too.
Originally Posted by emilyblack
Wow! I've missed a lot. Sorry, my computer was being dumb.... Soooooo much drama, but I love drama! Those chappies were absolutely fantastic. Poppy sucks; she's evil. Definitely Pansy's kid. And Scorpius; he better go after her. I feel so bad for Rose. Those chapters remind me of The Cinderella Story with CHad Michael Murray and Hilary Duff. It was AWESOME!!!!! PAMS PAMS PLEASE!!!!!
That's fine, at least its working now. Everyone loves drama, whole point of the story! And the story is based off A Cinderella Story, I said that in the very first post I think.
Alright so here's another chapter! And I just wanna say thank you to all the fans who are still commenting. I'm sure I lost quite a few readers when I got my writers block way back in like what? August? But anyways, I'll have a Christmas special up on either Christmas Eve, or Christmas Day!
Chapter 23:
A Nobody
Scorpius watched as Poppy walked towards her friends, bursting out in her evil laugh when she finally reached them. She caught him staring at her and smirked waving flirtacilously at him. Rolling his eyes Scorpius stood up walking over to her. He grabbed Poppy's arm and dragged her away into a empty area. "What you did tonight is lower than anything you've done before." He began releasing her. "Why did you do it?" He asked. "Because! She deserved it!" Poppy yelled. "She took you away from me! She doesn't deserve you, I do!"
Scorpius stared at Poppy before turning around and walking out of the pub. Poppy just wasn't getting it. He didn't like her! Just like his father didn't like her mother. When would she finally understand? Pushing his thoughts of hatered for Poppy away, Scorpius focased his attention on Rose. Was she still here? Hiding somewhere in Hogsmeade?
He began looking around, but the red head was no where to be seen. Sighing he started to walk slowly back to the castle, snow beginning to fall around him. Scorpius pulled the necklace out of his coat pocket, looking at it. He needed to talk to Rose, but it was the last day at Hogwarts before Christmas break. Maybe he'd catch her on the train tomorrow...
Rose was sitting at the Gryffindor Table, trying her best to ignore the thousand pairs of eyes staring at her. It seemed like everyone knew about the performances at Hogsmeade. She had spent the whole night crying into her pillow, wondering why it had happened to her. When she had finally fallen asleep she had a horrible nightmare. She had dreamed of the play. While she was leaving Scorpius caught up with her, telling her that he regretted kissing her.
Hearing the sound of chais being pulled out, Rose lifted her head to see who it was. Albus, Lily, and Hugo were sitting down beside her. "Rosie you look...awful." Hugo said noticing his sisters puffy red eyes. "Thanks." Rose mumbled taking a sip of her orange juice. Since she didn't feel like eating, Rose pushed her plate towards her brother, who took it and began scarfing everything down. "Are you feeling better?" Albus asked taking a sausage from his sisters plate.
"Not really." Rose replied taking another small sip of her juice. "I just want to get home."
"Well your out of luck, were going back to the burrow for Christmas," Hugo said. "I heard mum and dad talking about it last time we were there." Rose sighed and leaned her head against her arm. Great. There was nothing worse than Grandma Molly stuffing your face with food when you don't want to eat. "We better get going." Lily said after a while. She grabbed Albus's arm and pulled it towards her. "It's 10:30. The train leaves at 11."
They finished eating and pulled the coats on before making there way towards Hogsmeade. Rose felt like crying again when they passed the Three Broomsticks. She was never coming back here, never. They arrived at Hogsmeade Station and boarded the train, there belongings already in their compartment. Just as Rose was about to enter the compartment, a arm grabbed hers and pulled her away into the compartment next door.
"What the heck?" Rose asked turning around to see who her kidnapper was. It was Scorpius. "Look I just want to talk to you." He said sitting down, motioning Rose to do the same. But she remained standing. "There's nothing to talk about." Rose said. "Yeah there is. I want to apologize for what Poppy did last night. I didn't know she was going to do that."
"I don't care, really, no big deal."
"If it's not such a big deal, than why are you avoiding me?"
Rose looked up and looked directly at Scorpius. "Why do you even care? Why would you like me? I'm just a nobody." She turned around and slid the door open. "But-"
"Just leave me alone!" Rose left the compartment and ran down the train corridor. She found an empty compartment and sat down in it. For the rest of the train ride Rose cried. She hated how everything was happening to her. Maybe her parents would consider homeschooling...her mom was smart, she could teach Rose.
♥ Socelyn | #Jeness | S W A G | ShortPerson&TallPerson | Nade ♥
If only they knew that they liked both of each other!!!
Rose needs to give Scorpius a chance to at least talk!
You write the characters amazing!
Its just like I pictured them to be!
I cant wait for the next Christmas special!!
I know this chapter is short, but I have plans so I know you’ll understand! So I just want to wish all of you (whether you’re a fan or not) a Merry Christmas. From me to you. So have fun doing whatever you’re going to be doing, I hope you love your presents, and got everything you wanted! I know I did. That’s about it! I love you all! Merry Christmas!
Chapter 24:
A Christmas Surprise
The rest of the train ride was a blur for almost everyone. Rose cried through most of it, Scorpius sat in silence trying to decide what to do next. Lily, Albus, and Hugo wondered where Rose was, but decided it was probably best not to bother her where ever she was. The only one who seemed to enjoy the ride home was Poppy. She sat in her usual compartment, laughing her evil laugh. “And did you see her face when I yelled her name out?” Poppy asked, bursting into laughter again. “I’ll never get tired of it.” She stopped laughing, cueing Catalin and Jenn to do the same.
The train finally pulled in platform 9 ¾ at King’s Cross Station and everyone rushed off the train. Instead of find her parents and her aunt and uncle, all Rose saw was Harry and Ginny, her cousins waiting with her things. “Thanks for getting my things guys.” She said smiling. “I was in the bathroom.” She added as her Ginny gave her a questioning look. “Oh. Well let’s go, your parents are waiting at the Burrow.” Harry said turned around.
Christmas morning finally came. And with it came another blanket of snow. All the kids rushed down the stairs into the cramped living room. The parents sat on the couches, sipping coffee or hot chocolate. The kids grabbed their presents and the sound of paper ripping filled the room, followed by:
“I love it!”
“It’s amazing!”
“No I love it Grandma it’s…uh…itchy…?”
Rose had received a peacock feathered quill from her brother. A bunch of Wonder Witch products from her aunt and uncle. WWW products from Uncle George. Honeyduke sweets from Albus. A signed copy of Hogwarts a History from Lily. And matching earrings for her necklace from her parents. Sigh, the necklace. She had made up an excuse that she left the necklace at school on accident. “Let’s go outside and have a snowball fight.” Albus said. Everyone stood up to go outside (including Ron, Hermione, etc.), but Arthur stopped them. “Wait!” He yelled going behind the tree. “There’s still one more present.” He said coming back around. “It’s for Rosie.” Arthur said handing the present to her. Rose took it and looked to see who it was from.
To: Rosie
From: You Know Who
She slowly tore the wrapping out to find a small velvet black box. She opened it, smiling softly at what she saw. Her necklace. It was her necklace. She lifted it out the box and held it up. “It’s your necklace.” Hermione said smiling. “Looks like someone noticed you left it and sent it.” Ron said smiling too. “Well lets go have that snowball fight!” Someone yelled. Everyone ran outside, everyone except Rose. There was a note in the velvet box. She pulled it out and read it.
I’m still sorry. And I think we should talk. Meet me by the One-Eyed Witch at 11:00 P.M when we get back to school.
Merry Christmas Rosie.
“Rose are you coming? Your mom just nailed your dad in the face with a snowball!” Lily yelled. “Coming!” Rose said stuffing the note into her coat pocket. And as she ran outside she whispered, “Merry Chirstmas Scorpius…”
Oh my gosh! SCORPIUS YOUR SO SWEET!!!!! <3<3<3<3
Your much nicer then your dad,
thanks for the update.. AWESOME JOB!
But Draco can be really sweet too....sometimes.
And your welcome!
Originally Posted by Hermione<3Ron
He is sooo cute!!!! <333
I KNOW! Why cant boys be more like him....and look like Draco.....
Originally Posted by emilyblack
Awe, that's sooooo sweet! I'm liking Scorpius a lot; definitely not like his dad. Great update! Please PAMS PAMS... Oh and HAPPY CHRISTMAS (:
He is a lot different than his dad, I think that's was kind of my goal. Not making Scorpius so mean and cold like Draco. Merry Christmas.
Originally Posted by PotterGirl714
That is so sweet! He sent it awww!!!!!!!!! PAMS! I Love it please post more super sooN!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll post soon, don't worry.
Originally Posted by harita
aw...that was so sweet and nice post....ah...that Poppy and her evil laughter...arggg...and Scorp he was so sweet....
hilarious...i can actually imagine Hermione doing that on Ron
must have had awesome time writing this one...
waiting for more...
I think Poppy's evil laugh is very funny...sometimes.
I did have an awesome time writing this chapter. That last line actually happened to me last Christmas. My mom hit my dad in the face with a snowball. But I think it's more funny with Hermione and Ron. You can just imagine his face turning really red.
OMG! your mum hit your dad with a snowball on his face! hilarious... i agree it is much better with Hermione and Ron...they seem to give a perfect effect......waiting for more...
OMG! your mum hit your dad with a snowball on his face! hilarious... i agree it is much better with Hermione and Ron...they seem to give a perfect effect......waiting for more...
Yup. It was on accident of course (though Hermiones was in purpose...) And they do have the perfect effect, they are the perfect couple of course!
__________________________________________________ ________ UPDATE! I'll post sometime this week, promise! And Happy New Year if I don't get a chance to tell you all tomorrow!