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Old 11-06-2006, 08:30 PM   #26 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sylvannas Quickspeed
Ravenclaw Chapter 7

Hermione breathed deep the crisp autumn air. Technically, she should be ordering new robes for the school year, but Hermione felt like she needed this little outing. I think I'll go over to the Leaky Cauldren and buy some more butterbeer, she thought to herself as she strolled along. Not noticing the people walking around her, she didn't see the small child she bumped into.

"Ooops! Sorry!" Hermione picked her up. The girl stared into Hermione hazel eyes with her bright blue ones. The girl glared at Hermione.

"Watch where you're going lady! Mommy doesn't like it when people don't see me. You'll get in trouble." With that, the girl flounced away.

Hermione stared after her. Kids these days. Shaking her head, she went into The Leaky Cauldren.

Tom, the barman, set up two butterbeers before Hermione could order.

"You looked like you needed them, and you don't look like the kind of person to drink." Tom said in his wheezy voice. Hermione smiled and set 10 sickles on the bar.

"Keep the change Tom, and thanks." Tom swept the money out of sight, and began to take more orders.

Hermione sat on one of the stools and looked around. She saw Hagrid and waved. Hagrid didn't see her. She called out,

"Hagrid!" Hagrid turned around, then shouted,

"Hermione! Look Out!" Hermione turned around to see Tom the barman swinging a bottle of Firewhisky at her head. It connected, and she crumpled to the floor. Hagrid cried out in rage, and charged Tom. Tom grabbed Hermione and Apparated.

Tom apparated not far from town, in fact by none other than Malfoy Manor. Suddenly, Tom's shape changed, and Pansy Parkinson stood in his place. She looked at Hermione in disgust.

"Filthy Mudblood." She spat, and kicked Hermione. Hermione moaned. Pansy levitated Hermione and began to march towards Malfoy Manor with her prize.


Draco was just closing up shop. He was gald Hermione had not come down, the place was a wreak. Robes were everywhere, and poor Lily and Sam were trying to pick everything up. Mark was counting up the money at the register, but had promised to help out. Draco sighed. What he wouldn't do for a nice glass of muggle beer.

Suddenly, Hagrid burst through the door.

"Hagrid! The store's closed! And....I don't think we have any in your size..." Hagrid waved Mark's remark away.

"Where's Draco? I need to find him!"

"Draco's in the stock room. Oy! Draco!"

Draco came running out.

"What's the matter Mark? Oh, it's you Hagrid. What's up?"

"Draco, I don't know how to say this, but....Hermione's been kidnapped."

Draco gaped.

"K-kidnapped?...But....she's upstairs...."

"No Draco, I saw her in the Leaky Cauldren. I went to say hi to her, but then Tom....he....hit her with a bottle of Firewhisky. I tried to stop him, but he took Hermione and Apparated away. Draco, are you ok?"

Draco had fainted.

And someday, when the night is over and the dawn arrives, we'll reach up to the sky withour eyes turned toward our Lord, and all will become good and whole
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Old 11-06-2006, 08:33 PM   #27 (permalink)
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Oh, no! Draco fainted and Hermione was kidnapped! OMFG, you have so got to post! Don't leave me hanging on the edge of a cliff! I might fall off! PAMS! You'd have one reader(s) left if I fell off!
listen and you can hear the distant sounds
of someone humming a familiar song

the sounds of raindrops echo across the horizon
and shoot your wish up to the sky

Last edited by emma_rlz; 11-06-2006 at 09:00 PM.
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Old 11-06-2006, 08:59 PM   #28 (permalink)
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Dumbledore's Licorice Snaps Chipotle!

Ahhhhh!!!!! What did you do!? This is horrible!!! You've hurt me inside! Guess that's what I get for hurting you, when I killed Malfoy!!! I'm sorry! Just post!!! ARRRGGGGG!!!!

I posted, just so you know!!!
Have at thee!
But who's that ghost who keeps walking by my door?

Tell me, how long could you hang on to a word?
Who do you carry the torch for, my young man?
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Old 11-07-2006, 12:57 AM   #29 (permalink)
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WOW I'm a bit confused Kat I didn't know they got married(but then again I haven't finished the first one yet...LOL) Can't wait for the next chapter(S) I'lm beginning to like this ship>>>LOL HAHAHA

You only,
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Old 11-07-2006, 01:02 AM   #30 (permalink)
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KK girlie umm I know this is a double post(I think) but just marking my place I"m at Chapter 6 (GO HERMY!!! WOOP) Nice choice on the name...Love is in the air hehehe

Banner by JessAvie by S_PotterDon't wake me...

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Old 11-07-2006, 02:18 AM   #31 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by emma_rlz View Post
Oh, no! Draco fainted and Hermione was kidnapped! OMFG, you have so got to post! Don't leave me hanging on the edge of a cliff! I might fall off! PAMS! You'd have one reader(s) left if I fell off!

Originally Posted by Freds Pirate Girl View Post
Ahhhhh!!!!! What did you do!? This is horrible!!! You've hurt me inside! Guess that's what I get for hurting you, when I killed Malfoy!!! I'm sorry! Just post!!! ARRRGGGGG!!!!

I posted, just so you know!!!
kk, I'll read asap!

Originally Posted by EmmaWatsonCrazy View Post
WOW I'm a bit confused Kat I didn't know they got married(but then again I haven't finished the first one yet...LOL) Can't wait for the next chapter(S) I'lm beginning to like this ship>>>LOL HAHAHA

You only,
tsk tsk Kit, you have to finish one to enjoy the other!

Originally Posted by EmmaWatsonCrazy View Post
KK girlie umm I know this is a double post(I think) but just marking my place I"m at Chapter 6 (GO HERMY!!! WOOP) Nice choice on the name...Love is in the air hehehe

Any post is fine Kit, Yea, Cara is a pretty name.

OK, Chapter 8 is on it's way.

And someday, when the night is over and the dawn arrives, we'll reach up to the sky withour eyes turned toward our Lord, and all will become good and whole
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Old 11-07-2006, 02:55 AM   #32 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sylvannas Quickspeed
Ravenclaw Chapter 8

Hagrid carried Draco back up to his and Hermione's apartment. He fixed some tea, and layed Draco on his bed. Hagrid went through Draco's fridge, and found a cold pack. He layed it on Draco's head, and Draco began to stir. Moaning, he sat up.

"Uhhhhh.......Hagrid? Wh-what happened?" He turned and rolled out of bed. Draco went over to Hagrid. "Hagrid, you have to tell me where Hermione is. I have to get her back."

Hagrid started to speak, but stopped when he heard the tea go off. Mumbling to himself, he made two cups of tea. He handed a steaming mug to Draco, who accepted it, but refused to drink.

"Oh Draco, drink up and stop being subborn. We'll get Hermione back, don't you worry. But it won't do her any good if you won't get anything to eat or dink. You got ter be strong, Draco."

Draco nodded, and sipped at his tea.

"What now Hagrid? Do you know who has her?"

"I couldn' tell ya Draco. Mos' likely, yer father's got her now. So our bes' course o' action, is to go to yer old house. Malfoy Manor."

Draco spit out some of his tea, spewing all over Hagrid. Cursing, Hagrid went to get a towel.

"Now, don' be doin' that now Draco! I just took a show'r, no need fer you ta give me another one!" Hagrid sat back down. Draco got up.

"Hagrid, I'm ready to go get Hermione. Are you willing and ready to come with me?"

"Draco, Draco, sit back down fer a sec. You know that Harry and Ron would be rarin' ter go and help ya get Hermione back. Now it wouldn' be fair to just, dash off and leave those two in a rut. Go ter them Draco, an' tell em about Hermione. I'll watch the store. Good luck Draco."

Draco disapparated.


Harry and Ginny lived in Godric's Hollow. They had bought and built a house on the ground where his old family house once stood. Ginny and Sam were cooking dinner, and Harry was working on the garden. Ginny teased him about it, but growing trees was what he loved best. Giny was laughing at a joke Sam just told, when a large crack was heard in the living room. Ginny gasped, and went to investigate.

"Draco! What on earth are you doing here?" Draco gave Ginny a quick hug, and gave Sam a hug as well.

"Harry...I need to talk to Harry. Ginny...Hermione...was kidnapped by my father. I need Harry's help." Ginny stood speechless, then turned to Sam.

"Sam, go get your father. Tell him Uncle Draco's here." Sam dashed out into the garden.

Ginny lead Draco to the couch. Harry came in.

"Draco? I heard Hermione's gone. When are we leaving to get her back?" Draco was relieved when he heard the resolution in Harry's voice.

"As soon as I get Ron. Then we're off. Of course, Hagrid sent an owl to the Order, so they are on the alert. Ready?"

"Yea.Ginny, I'll be back as soon as we have Hermione." Ginny nodded, looking anxious. Harry kissed her, and gave Sam a hug. "Now you be good, and mind your mother now, ok?" Sam nodded. "Ok Draco, let's get Ron."

Draco and Harry apparated to Ron's house.


Ron had married Lavender, and they were living in Ireland. Ron had deceided to go back to his Irish roots. Lavender had opened a horse farm, and both were quite content. It was quite a suprise to them , when Harry and Draco turned up at their ranch. Ron was coming out of the stable, having just put his Thoroughbred mare, Lillian, back in her stall.

"Why Harry, Draco! Hey guys! Come on into the house! Lavender! We've got company!" Lavender bustled out. Her huge belly was apparent. 7 months pregnant with their first child.

"Well, hello boys! Wouldn't you like to come in for awhile? I was just starting dinner."

"I'm sorry Lavender, but we need Ron's help. Hermione's been kidnapped by Lucius, and we three need to get her back."

Ron's expressionwas set. He glared at the ground. He looked up.

"Let's get that son of a wench. He kissed Lavender goodbye.

"Lav, the new boy I hired, tell him to live out in the barn. He can use the extra room in it. Tell him to watch out for the horses, and keep an eye on the house. And you."

"Don't worry about me Ron. Just get Hermione back, OK? Then you all can come over, and we'll have dinner."

Draco, Harry, and now Ron, apparated, hoping to reach Hermione before Lucius could do any damage to Hermione....or Cara.

OK, all I got left! Tomorrow..No School! I can post tomorow!

And someday, when the night is over and the dawn arrives, we'll reach up to the sky withour eyes turned toward our Lord, and all will become good and whole

Last edited by Ozzy; 05-13-2007 at 10:28 AM.
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Old 11-07-2006, 06:55 PM   #33 (permalink)
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NO school? ARGH! I LOVED IT! Sorry it took me a while to reply! PAMS!
listen and you can hear the distant sounds
of someone humming a familiar song

the sounds of raindrops echo across the horizon
and shoot your wish up to the sky
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Old 11-07-2006, 06:56 PM   #34 (permalink)
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Awsome Possum! Posties more!!!! more more more!!! Loved it by the way! Ron and Lavender, huh? Kinda weird couple...I always thought so in HBP...I guess I don't know that much about her...
Good, good! Post more!!!
Have at thee!
But who's that ghost who keeps walking by my door?

Tell me, how long could you hang on to a word?
Who do you carry the torch for, my young man?
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Old 11-07-2006, 07:54 PM   #35 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by emma_rlz View Post
NO school? ARGH! I LOVED IT! Sorry it took me a while to reply! PAMS!
that's ok...

Originally Posted by Freds Pirate Girl View Post
Awsome Possum! Posties more!!!! more more more!!! Loved it by the way! Ron and Lavender, huh? Kinda weird couple...I always thought so in HBP...I guess I don't know that much about her...
Good, good! Post more!!!
yea, I was debating on making up a character....but i didn't have enough tim eto create a personality for her.

OK, Chapter 9!!

And someday, when the night is over and the dawn arrives, we'll reach up to the sky withour eyes turned toward our Lord, and all will become good and whole
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Old 11-07-2006, 08:25 PM   #36 (permalink)

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Ravenclaw Chapter 9

Pansy burst through the large oak doors of Malfoy Manor. Dropping her load unceremoniously on the floor, she walked through the house, looking for Lucius.

"Lucius! Lucius! I have her! I have the mudblood! My love! I did as you asked! I-" She stopped. Lucius was in her bed...with another woman! Pansy stared. The girl was unknown to her, but Lucius was definitly Lucius. She cleared her throat. Lucius stopped making out with the girl and looked up.

" dearest Pansy. I do hope you brought the mudblood to my house. Pansy, meet Veronica. She just happened to be strolling by, and I ...invited her in. She was so excited to meet me." Veronica grinned, and began to put her clothes back on. Pansy was furious and stunned.

"Why Pansy darling...don't act like your jealous of me," Veronica sneered. "Just because Lucius needs more attention when your gone, doesn't mean you've been replaced."

Pansy pulled out her wand. Veronica stopped smiling.

"Pansy, put down your wand."

"Accio Hermione!" Hermione came whizzing through the air. Pansy caught her and shrieked at Lucius.

"Is this how you truly are Lucius? Then I'll take the mudblood back!"

Pansy disapparated. Lucius swore.


Harry, Ron, and Draco stared at the huge mansion. Draco got the shivers. Harry noticed and put a comforting arm around his friend.

"Don't worry Draco, we'll get Hermione back. She's only a few yards away."

"No, my house has millions of passageways and rooms. It could take forever to find Hermione." Draco held in his tears.

Ron looked away. He had loved Hermione for the longest time. Seeing Hermione and Draco together had been a huge shock. But seeing him like this, so dejected, realizing that this was all his fault, Ron's hatred for Draco melted away. Ron also put an arm around Draco. The three men stood like that for a few moments, gathering strength from each other. Draco looked up.

"Let's go guys." The three of them walked up to the gate, when the gate flew open. A feminine blur crashed into Harry. Both were sent careening to the ground. Ron and Draco stared. Pansy Parkinson!! Ron gasped, and Draco swept Hermione into his arms.

"Enervate." Hermione's eyes opened. Seeing Draco, she wrapped her arms around him, and threatened not to let go. Ron pulled up Harry, and both surveyyed Pansy. Pansy glared up at them.

"Well well well Harry, look what we have here. Pansy Parkinson. What, Lucius doesn't need his pet anymore?" Ron mocked her. Harry stood by, not stopping Ron. Pansy opened her mouth.

"Yes, and I hate him for it. That's why I brought Hermione back." She spat. Ron and Harry froze.

"You...were bringing us? Why would you do that?"

"Why else? To get back at Draco's father! I hate him so much! I want to see him fall! Let me help you," She pleaded, "I know all his secrets, what he's going to be doing. Let me assist you! I promise, I won't let you down!"

Ron, Harry, and Draco, who had been listening despite kissing Hermione, went in a circle to talk about Pansy's proposal. After a few moments, they came back. Draco put his arm around Hermione as Harry spoke.

"Well Pansy...despite the fact that none of us trust you, we are going to bring you back to the Order. They will most likely question you about what Malfoy's been doing. Then, we'll see whether or not you can be trusted."

Pansy stood up. She gave a look of gratitude. Willingly, she signaled that she was ready to go back.

With a pop, they all apparated back to Grimmald Place.

And someday, when the night is over and the dawn arrives, we'll reach up to the sky withour eyes turned toward our Lord, and all will become good and whole
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Old 11-07-2006, 08:28 PM   #37 (permalink)
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Oh, Pansy has a heart? Since when? PAMS!
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of someone humming a familiar song

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and shoot your wish up to the sky
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Old 11-07-2006, 11:46 PM   #38 (permalink)
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KK Kat what's up it's me being a faithful reader cause I'm your bestfriend in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD(Right???) LOL I love it so far i've read up to chapter 8...she must not die get to her Dracoooooo...ahhh she can't die my favorite(Ok the only person l like) can NOT die!!! BOOHOO... ok i'm a little confused about the pams thing LOL.... just a few more days till... I see KATIE!!! WHOOP


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Old 11-08-2006, 02:02 AM   #39 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by emma_rlz View Post
Oh, Pansy has a heart? Since when? PAMS!
eh, I got tired of Pansy being the bad girl. Or did I

Originally Posted by EmmaWatsonCrazy View Post
KK Kat what's up it's me being a faithful reader cause I'm your bestfriend in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD(Right???) LOL I love it so far i've read up to chapter 8...she must not die get to her Dracoooooo...ahhh she can't die my favorite(Ok the only person l like) can NOT die!!! BOOHOO... ok i'm a little confused about the pams thing LOL.... just a few more days till... I see KATIE!!! WHOOP


signing out
LOL I can't wait for it. Yes, of course ur my bestest friend in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD!!!

OK, I'm gonna post chapter 10 b/c i <3 u all!

And someday, when the night is over and the dawn arrives, we'll reach up to the sky withour eyes turned toward our Lord, and all will become good and whole
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Old 11-08-2006, 02:46 AM   #40 (permalink)

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Ravenclaw Chapter 10

Harry and Ron went with Draco, Hermione, and Pansy to Grimmald Place, where the Order resided. Harry had given the huge house to The Order, since it reminded him too much Sirius. Pansy eagerly held the door open for all of them, and was regarded with suspicion by the rest of the Order. She took it with stride, because she knew that she had earned it. But she was willing to change.

Harry and Ron set up tea, and Lupin and Tonks tried to make Pansy feel at home. Pansy accepted gratefully, knowing how hard it was to feel welcome in a place that was filled with hatred for The Malfoys and anybody connected with the Dark Lord. Lupin stood up.

"Miss Parkinson, I know how hard it is to give up old habits, but we're all sure, or at least, most of us are sure, that you will be able to help us, and renouce the Death Eaters." Pansy nodded eagerly.

"Yes, I wish to do just that! You have no idea how much I want to change! I'll tell you everything that you need to know! Just please...give me a chance."

Harry stood up.

"I personally, don't trust Pansy Parkinson. But...I am...willing to trust her information. But," He glanced at Pansy, " you shall be watched most carefully Pansy. And if you deem worthy, we'll let you breathe more freely." Hermione stood up as well.

"It's not you Pansy, it's your history. We just don't think your that trustworthy. Please try to understand we're doing this in yours and our best interest." Pansy smiled.

"Of course I understand Gr-...Hermione. And I will do my best. I promise."


After the meeting, most of the Order left. Harry and Ron said goodbye and went back to their wives. Draco took Hermione and went to leave, but Hermione stopped him.

"What about Pansy?" Draco sighed. He turned to Tonks.

"Tonks, what about Pansy?" Tonks frowned.

" I think she's staying here, but who's going to watch her?"

Hermione yelled.

"Wait here!" She disapparated. 30 seconds later, she came back, smiling. Within 10 seconds, a crack was heard, and Dobby the House Elf was at her feet. Dobby looked up and grinned.

"Dobby is here to look after Miss Parkinson. Dobby is doings it for Harry Potter and Miss Granger." Draco gave Dobby a hug.

"Good for you Dobby! Make sure you don't let her out of your sight, ok?" Dobby nodded so hard his ears flopped.

"Yes Mr. Malfoy. Dobby will do his best."

"Good. Now, if no one objects, I'm taking my wife home and putting her to bed. I hope no one objects, because if they do, it's kinda too bad. Dobby, I'll be checking up on you and Pansy." Hermione and Draco disapparated.

Dobby turned to Pansy, only to discover that she wasn't there anymore!

"Miss Parkinson?" Dobby searched for Pansy.


Pansy had slipped away to the owl room. There, she took one of the owls and attached a message:

Dear Severus,

I'm in The Order's hideout. They said they were going to trust me. I'm awaiting your owl for further instructions. Since I am no longer taking orders from Lucius, I shall be listening to you and to you only.


She smiled as she watched the owl fly away. She turned to hear Dobby calling, and went down to meet him.

OK, that's all I got right now. I'll post tomorrow either in the morning, or when I get back from school.

And someday, when the night is over and the dawn arrives, we'll reach up to the sky withour eyes turned toward our Lord, and all will become good and whole
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Old 11-08-2006, 07:21 AM   #41 (permalink)
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So she's not oactually good, she's working for Snape now? PAMS!
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Old 11-08-2006, 02:14 PM   #42 (permalink)
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Dumbledore's Licorice Snaps Chipotle!

Sorry I took so long! Hmmm... she's really weired...(Pansy) I'm confuzzled!!!PAMS!!!
Have at thee!
But who's that ghost who keeps walking by my door?

Tell me, how long could you hang on to a word?
Who do you carry the torch for, my young man?
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Old 11-08-2006, 07:59 PM   #43 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by emma_rlz View Post
So she's not oactually good, she's working for Snape now? PAMS!
yup. She was always working for Snape. She was playing a double role, but she's still for the Death Eaters. That's the all important fact.

Originally Posted by Freds Pirate Girl View Post
Sorry I took so long! Hmmm... she's really weired...(Pansy) I'm confuzzled!!!PAMS!!!
That's ok Taylor.Be Confuzzled NO MORE!!

OK, posting chapter 11........

And someday, when the night is over and the dawn arrives, we'll reach up to the sky withour eyes turned toward our Lord, and all will become good and whole
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Old 11-08-2006, 08:33 PM   #44 (permalink)

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Ravenclaw Chapter 11

Draco had taken Hermione back to their apartment. Hagrid had taken care of their shop in the best way he could. Unfortunatly, that wasn't very good. Lily, Sam, and Mark were running around, trying to get everything organized. Hagrid was sent to that back room to stock, and that's where Draco found him.

"Darn kids...tink they own the whole place! Stuffin' me back here with the boxes..." Hagrid grumbled as Draco Apparated in the stockroom. "Hoppin' Hippogriffs! Draco! Why do ya gotta gimmie a heart-attack?" Hagrid dropped the box he was carrying. Draco helped him pick it up.

"I'm sorry Hagrid. I didn't think anyone besides Mark would be back here. He's so used to me popping in now and then. Why did they stuff you back here? You don't"

It was true. Hagrid was walking stooped. His head constantly was smacking the ceiling. Hagrid scowled.

"Lily said...I would be more helpful stocking shelves." He raised his hand to stop Draco's protest. "She said that...after I broke 3 shopping carts, knocked down 5 rackes of robes, sat on Sam, and...oh yea, blew up the register. DONT," he said to Draco, "Don' ask me how I managed ter do that."

Draco turned away, trying to stifle a chuckle. He turned around.

"I'm sorry I recruited you Hagrid. You can go back to Hogwarts now, and don't worry about the damage done. Hermione won't know, because I'm not going to tell her." Hagrid sighed with relief.

"Thanks Draco. I really don't need to be hexed by the cleverest witch of your age." Hagrid left the store, almost flattening poor Sam again, this time against the wall.


Pansy stared out her window. Her bedroom was nice, but more than ever, she missed Lucius. His hands, his lips, his arms, his...well, you get the point. Every second not spent with him was torture. The only thing she could do was talk to Mrs. Black. She was such a nice lady.

"Pansy dear, how is my dear cousin, Narcissa?" Mrs. Black asked her over tea. Well, Pansy had tea. Mrs. Black didn't. But the point was the same. Pansy hesitated before answering.

"I'm...not sure Mrs. Black.."

"Please dear, call me Regina."

"That's a beautiful name Regina."

"Well dear, I didn't always used to be in a painting. I used to belong to the Order Of The Phoenix. Then they kicked me out...after I did a very great deed."

"What did you do?"

"Well, I hated the Dark Lord with all my soul when I was young. So...I destroyed one of his Horcuxes. I left a note in a replacement Horcrux. I knew I was safe, since hardly anyone knows my middle name is Agnus. I thought it was very clever of me. But after I did it, I wished to be out of the Order. I wanted to live a different life, not chasing after the Dark Lord forever. I felt I had done my part. The Order didn't see it that way. So when I married my husband, who was very pro-pureblood, I took up his ideas and cast out my past. Of course, The Order did the same. That's why I'm not in their member picture." Mrs. Black said this bitterly.

Pansy stared in awe of this woman.

"But why are you in the picture?"

"Before I died, I spoke a series of charms to a self portrait of me, so when I died, I would be able to look after my house, and my children. Never did I dream that mudbloods and half-breeds would dare come and live in the Noble House Of Black. That's why I scream at them. I wish them to leave. I'm very glad your here Pansy. At leats there's one pureblood that hasn't disgraced her name."

Pansy laughed.

"I'm glad to be here too Mrs. Black. I'm working on getting all the impure witches and wizards out of your house. By help of Severus Snape."

"Severus! You must give him my best regards when you write to him. My husband and I thought most highly of him."

Pansy nodded, then got up to leave.

"Goodbye Regina. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"Goodbye dear. And get rid of these wretched people that are living in my home."

"I will...don't worry."

Well, I think that there was alot of information in this chapter...

And someday, when the night is over and the dawn arrives, we'll reach up to the sky withour eyes turned toward our Lord, and all will become good and whole
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Old 11-08-2006, 08:58 PM   #45 (permalink)
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OOHHHH! PAMS! I loved it! HAHA! HAgrid blew up the register! How'd he do that?

listen and you can hear the distant sounds
of someone humming a familiar song

the sounds of raindrops echo across the horizon
and shoot your wish up to the sky
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Old 11-09-2006, 05:15 PM   #46 (permalink)
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Dumbledore's Licorice Snaps Chipotle!

HAHA!!! LOL! That's funny! Hagrid's hilarious! So...Sirius's mum is...R.A.B? weird! Heh, post soon!
Have at thee!
But who's that ghost who keeps walking by my door?

Tell me, how long could you hang on to a word?
Who do you carry the torch for, my young man?
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Old 11-09-2006, 09:36 PM   #47 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by emma_rlz View Post
OOHHHH! PAMS! I loved it! HAHA! HAgrid blew up the register! How'd he do that?

Yea, I thought you might get a kick out of that...

Originally Posted by Freds Pirate Girl View Post
HAHA!!! LOL! That's funny! Hagrid's hilarious! So...Sirius's mum is...R.A.B? weird! Heh, post soon!
FINALLY! Someone noticed! I was hoping someone would notice the R.A.B. hint! Taylor, u made my day!

In honor of Hagrid blowing up the register for reasons and abilities unknown, and for Taylor's discovery, I shall post chapter 12

And someday, when the night is over and the dawn arrives, we'll reach up to the sky withour eyes turned toward our Lord, and all will become good and whole
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Old 11-09-2006, 09:39 PM   #48 (permalink)
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YES! THANKS YOU! I did pick up on it, but I was kinda laughing to hard to comprehend it! LMAO!
listen and you can hear the distant sounds
of someone humming a familiar song

the sounds of raindrops echo across the horizon
and shoot your wish up to the sky
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Old 11-09-2006, 09:57 PM   #49 (permalink)

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Ravenclaw Chapter 12

Pansy ate dinner with Dobby and went upstairs to her room. HEr owl awaited her with a note attached. Pansy unrolled the parchment.


Don't give up on Lucius just yet. I heard about Veronica. My most sincerest apologies go out to you. I know that you hoped to start a family together. But never mind about that. The plan with Granger was not successful. I know that you were acting on emotion, so please believe me when I say that it's not your fault. But now it's more important than ever that we get her and the unborn child. If this child lives, our whole organization of Death Eaters will disappear forever. That cannot happen. Since I am no longer a friend of the Order, I cannot retrieve you myself. As much as you hate her, I shall be sending Veronica to fetch you. You will bring Granger with you. No matter what you do. I don't care how you do it. Just make sure she's with you when you leave. Veronica will be picking you up next week, so get ready.

Written in love and haste,


Pansy reread the letter. Veronica! She slammed her fist down on the table beside her bed, scaring the owl and sending it across the room, hooting.

"Shhhhhhh!" Pansy held a finger to her lips to quiet the owl. Pansy replied to the letter, and sent the owl on it's way. She flopped down on the bed. One week. She had one week to get Hermione to Snape. But how? How? A plan began to form in her mind...


Hermione set up dinner for Draco. He was working late at Gringotts. She didn't like him working long hours, but it was important to have the gold for when Cara was born. Tonight's dinner was his favorite, Chicken Parmesean. He loved that muggle food so much, she had bought alot of the ingredients, so she could make it whenever he was in the mood. Humming as she cooked, Hermione listened to the radio.

An owl flew in through the window. Hermione stopped humming. She went over to the owl and unwrapped the message on it's leg. But it was for Draco, and a charm was on it, so only he could open it. Hermione shrugged, and put the letter on the table.

Soon Draco came in. Hermione went over to him.

"Guess what's for dinner?" She asked as she hugged him.

"You?" Draco asked with a smirk as he kissed her.

Hermione pulled back, laughing.

"Try again, hotstuff."

Draco wandered into the kitchen.

"Chicken Parmesean! Hermione!" He turned around and swept Hermione into a bear hug. She gasped for air while laughing.

"Draco! The baby! Stop!" Draco put her down, then kissed her.

"Draco, there was a letter for you. I couldn't open it." Draco walked over to the table and picked up the letter. Ripping it open, he scanned it quickly. He turned pale, and apparated.

"DRACO!" Hermione screamed. She picked up the letter.


This is to be read by you and only you. I must see you alone. If you bring, or even think about bringing Hermione, I shall have her killed. it myself. Come to Grimmald Place. At once.


Hermione grasped the edges of the table, trying to fight off unconscience. She failed, and she fainted, while the parmesean burned.

Short, yes. Interesting...I'll let you judge. I'm sorry it's late, I usually post at 3, but today I went with Simaan to get my parent's anniversary gift.

And someday, when the night is over and the dawn arrives, we'll reach up to the sky withour eyes turned toward our Lord, and all will become good and whole
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Old 11-09-2006, 10:13 PM   #50 (permalink)
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Dumbledore's Licorice Snaps Chipotle!

YAY ME!!! I caused you to post! YES!! LOL! OMG! Pansy...and Draco...Hermy...ARG! It's just too much!
Have at thee!
But who's that ghost who keeps walking by my door?

Tell me, how long could you hang on to a word?
Who do you carry the torch for, my young man?
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