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Candy Display Case (Finished Fanfiction) A dazzling showcase of fully wrapped-up stories, these sweet treats are polished and ready for your reading pleasure!

View Poll Results: If YOU could write an Ottery fic, *pshaw* you say, what would you have more of?
Ottery & Teddy, duh! *Because this isn't a loaded answer LOL 8 38.10%
Vampires, those bloodsucking smexy things ... Oh, Edward ... 4 19.05%
Werewolves, I'm so totally Team Jacob OMG! *fangirlsqueel* 8 38.10%
Whooping Cough, cholera, and other assorted maladies ... no? 3 14.29%
Strawberry Shortcake as the new Slayer, move over Buffy & she's after Ron! 4 19.05%
Rupert & Freddie because it's an Ottery fic, duh! Bring on the cute boys ... 6 28.57%
Global domination ... because it's Teddy's secret agenda neways ... 6 28.57%
Teddy but not Ottery's Teddy, Teddy Lupin ... *gasps of shock & cannon fire* 6 28.57%
Excessive amounts of violence & taudry smooch scenes *squeeeeeeeeeeeee* & chocolate 7 33.33%
Love, love, love, love, crazy love ♥ 19 90.48%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 21. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 10-30-2009, 04:33 AM   #151 (permalink)
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Thumbs up Happy Trails to you, until we meet again. Da da da da da
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Wow Ottery, that was quite a wrap up. There's just one thing I want to ask, Ha Ha just teasing! I can't believe it's over. It's been a lot of fun, and excitment. Thanks for giving of yourself, it's been a pleasure to read this just like all your other stuff. And I still have Human Nature, and, A Christmas Carol Adventure. This really was a great one and I'll probably come back and read it again a few times. See ya over in the other universe.
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Old 10-30-2009, 04:38 AM   #152 (permalink)
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It's ... ENDED?

I.. well... I really can't review, OttySt, I can't digest this.
End... the end.. but - no way, me no like ends at all and...

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Old 10-30-2009, 06:21 AM   #153 (permalink)
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While I did spot a couple of grammar errors, I spotted absolutely no plot holes. I think your safe.

I loved the ending. Just let me Beta it before you close the thread, please.

Sorry I kept getting all your stories confused It should be easier to keep them straight now though

As I said before, no one writes romance like you

Your flavour is strawberry. You're a sweet person and a Gryffindor at heart. You
see risks and know they are just another part of life. You are loyal
and hold your loved ones close, their happiness is your prize. ♥
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Old 10-30-2009, 06:19 PM   #154 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by OttySt View Post
Readers: Thank y'all for reading but it's time to put this puppy to bed. Let's see if I can do it with this post.
The summer breezes still flowed through the green leaves of the trees, on branches where birds still sang sweetly to the squirrels who ran frantically preparing for the fall across the paved streets of the rich neighborhoods of Paris.
Well-described! Good job. <3
Teddy flicked his wand and the bagel exploded in Ottery's hand. Ottery for his part took his wand out and emptied the jar of marmalade over the boy's head. Teddy then proceeded to randomly cause objects to fling themselves at the dark haired boy.
I love these two, they are THE AWESOME'NESS! =DD
Teddy's muffled voice cried out something to the effect of, "It'll be a cold day in a hot place when I ..."

"So, everyone gets a happy ending, boo hoo. I'll cry tears later when you give me my wand back and I can conjure a hankie." Teddy replied.

"What about operation: recoup revenge and resume?"
Hehe, this made me smile. IloveyouOttySt.<3
"Such impudence from one so young."
"What? How?"

"Ottery wasn't born yesterday, Zabini." Prince replied.
Why do I love these bits so much? *writes them down*
Clucky answered in the affirmative, "Cluck caaaaaaaaaaaw!" she said, fondly remembering that Chanticleer in France she'd left behind.

Luckily for them the Patil twins were in town visiting family. They'd run into each other and there would be another whirlwind adventure for them before the summer was through.
Awww, nice wrap-up, OttySt. I LOVED it. <3

Post more soon, mmkay?

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Old 11-14-2009, 07:31 PM   #155 (permalink)

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Sooo many updates...but I'll read 'em all soon

I happened to find a reply I was meant to post but didn't from centuries ago...might as well not let it get wasted right? I'll post again soon!

Originally Posted by OtterySt.Catchpole View Post
Obi-Wan K'Lari: Wait, what? The owl was talking? So you liked my revelation about Octavius, huh? Sadly, it's my only one after Blaise, this really isn't a suspenseful story it's more of a mishmash of comedy and tragedy and love ...

I didn't know you liked Kanye Lari, 'nuff said. *Stops bashing*

Well Freddie doesn't have to die but ... well ... I don't know ... maybe? What if I let him die just a little?

Nanowrimo is pretty cool Lari, but it is very difficult. Super hard. You have to keep motivating yourself no one else does and you don't win a prize or anything at the end of it sadly. But if you have 50.000 words down that's a novel so ... fix it up and you can sell it, yes? I got 20.000 last year and I had to bail out half way through the month. The story was seriously stupid and life just kinda got in the way. *sighs* But not this year, I hope. LOL We shall see. I was trying to make this fairy tale novel and ... well fairy tales lend themselves to short stories not complicated stories.

Don't lean too close love ... but I love how intense you are about reading my fic.
Yeah, when it saw Seamus and Dean That's what makes it suspenseful

It's okay to bash I don't like him as a person, he's too arrogant :/

YUSH PLEASE! Only a little bit...or you can make him "die" and come back to life....nursed by Madison to full health I need a happy ending

Oh good point I'll be looking out for your book That sounds really interesting! I really hope you finish this time *cheering squad* GOOOO Otty! In any case I'll be rooting you on So write, write, write!

Originally Posted by OtterySt.Catchpole View Post
"Seriously, my pants?" Ottery exclaimed.

"I needed to transform something and they were the only thing around," Tiffany shouted back.

Originally Posted by OtterySt.Catchpole View Post
"No, those are for Prince, he asked me to get him some if I was in Egypt." Then he pulled out a long cylinder and smirked. It contained within it the object so many people sought.
Not a horcrux I hope? Or if it is...let it be Otty's shorts

Originally Posted by OtterySt.Catchpole View Post
"I don't know about the dress Ottery sent me," Luna said by way of starting a conversation, sensing that perhaps Ginny wanted to talk. "I think I'm going to make some modifications to it."

"It's Vera Wang, Luna," Ginny said.

"Our dresses have names?" Luna asked. "I would have liked to have been able to pick the name of my dress. But I guess the person who made it should have the honor."

"No, Luna. The designer is Vera Wang. Haven't you read Witch Vogue? She's one of the best muggle designers."

"Oh," Luna said. "Designers of what?"
That is so AWESOME!

Originally Posted by OtterySt.Catchpole View Post

First off I'd like to give out a thanks and a shout out to my friend Obi Wan K'Lari for her siggy. I'm seriously, seriously flattered, honored, floored, and all manner of blushing it was one of the sweetest things ever. I didn't ask her to do it but she did it out of the kindness of her own heart ... and that's sweetness you can't buy. Thank you Lari!


Originally Posted by OtterySt.Catchpole View Post
Freddie didn't know what possessed him at that moment but he well knew, at least his father had told him once, the best way to shut up a woman was to kiss her. So he did just that. Madison tried to bite his lips but even though she struggled she gave in to his tender entreaties. She fell back on the ground and he lay over her kissing her and enjoying it immensely.
Madison for her part was amazed that Freddie was such a great kisser, for such a shy boy.

Freddie didn't get to finish his sentence because just then he was stunned again. Only this time it was by Madison's kiss. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him passionately. Though all his ribs hurt and he would have liked to have gone to an infirmary just then to make sure he had no internal bleeding, Freddie didn't mind the pain because Madison's kiss was working as a pain reliever.

"Oh, Freddie you poor sweet boy," she said, kissing him and playing with his hair. "If I had only known. Where do you hurt baby?"

"Right now? Everywhere," he replied with a dazed expression on his face.
This is sooo sweet! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! <3

Originally Posted by OtterySt.Catchpole View Post
The other chickens might laugh, but Reginald Rooster would wait. He would wait forever if he had too, for his plucky love ? Clucky. He knew she was out there somewhere likely romancing that sandy haired fool Seamus, but he didn't care. Once she got her fill of adventure she would come home to his loving wings and together they would settle down and start a nest of their own. Who knew maybe Lenin the pig or Money in your pocket could be the best man at the wedding.
This is cute too! Yay! Clucky has a...rooster-dude!

Originally Posted by OtterySt.Catchpole View Post
Still, if she'd thought he was joking with her she'd never forgive him and if she never forgave him she would never look at him and if she never looked at him then he'd never be able to apologize and if he couldn't apologize he couldn't tell her he liked her back. Giovanni hopped after her as Prince watched from a tree top laughing. Love was funny but this was ridiculous.
Oh yay! I actually thought Gio didn't like Laura I'm glad he I can love him almost as much as Freddie...almost

Originally Posted by OtterySt.Catchpole View Post
The Slytherin boy took a drink from his butterbeer and sat in silence alone with his thoughts of Luna Lovegood glad that no one around could hear his thoughts. His father would think he was a fool. Mother wouldn't object, after all Luna was a pureblood wasn't she?

I love it.

I read the post where Freddie and Blaise "fight" before the party so I'm all excited

ZOMG! it's OVA??!?!? Okay, keep the thread open...I wanna put in my final comment before it closes *selfish*
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Old 11-14-2009, 09:09 PM   #156 (permalink)
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Talking *Whistles and is shifty* Oh what the hey ... LOL
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Epilogue II: Because every story could use one ...

AN:I'll be back later with a zero issue that's a prequel in comic book terms maybe ... I don't know ... maybe ...


Excerpt from Freddie's Journal dated end of Summer:

I wanted to go to the beach in the South of France as a way to say goodbye to the summer, but ... well, Madison is a hard girl to argue with. She did a little arm twisting, and I mean that in the literal sense, but I'm proud to say I only gave in when she kissed me. Well, not after the first one ... I'm not that weak.

The boy sat at his desk thinking about what had happened at the beach in Tahiti.

A little black boy came running down the beach with a coconut that had an umbrella in it, Madison payed him and took a sip. The boy stood there staring at her lithe form looking so beautiful in the sunlight and she turned and spotting him there kissed him on the cheek.

"Hey!" Freddie complained.

"I've got one for you too," she said and walking over to him kissed him. "Life sure is funny."

"I should say," Freddie replied giggling, "But if that's funny then I'd love to see down right hilarious."

Madison of course slapped him across the face, "I'm not that kind of girl," she teased and running after her Freddie picked her up and ran with her into the water. "Fredrick James St. Valentine you wouldn't ..." They were in the water laughing and splashing before she could finish.

The Airship Arceus flew overhead. Ottery and Teddy in their swim trunks were standing on the other side of the rail ready to jump over it. Tiffany meanwhile in a bikini and sarong sighed and walked over to them with a clipboard in hand.

"You know I could be working for Bill Gates right now or with MI6," she muttered.

"Yeah, but they're not half as much fun," Teddy remarked cigar in his mouth.

"Besides, they wouldn't give you a fruit basket for Christmas like I do," Ottery added nodding and smiling.

"Yes, no one beats the incentives you offer, Ottery," Tiffany replied. "Like getting to wear beach wear at the beach."

"Exactly," Ottery nodded.

"So we doing this or what?" Teddy exclaimed, getting bored with standing around too long.

"Yeah!" Ottery exclaimed.

"Boys, I think I should warn you ... the waters are shark infested."

"So?" Teddy asked. "Be nice and I'll bring you a fin," he winked at Tiffany.

"Be still my heart," she replied. "Oh, and Ottery, before you forget, you don't know how to swim."

"Wait, I don't know how to swim?" he asked.

"Go and ruin the fun why don't you," Teddy remarked then pushed Ottery off the airship into the deep blue waters of the ocean below.

"Go. Save him. Or I'm making the rest of your existence miserable." Tiffany threatened.

"Promise?" The girl smirked and pushed the brown haired boy off the ship.

Giovanni and Laura were riding on a bike, Giovanni driving and Laura sitting on the handlebars when they heard Ottery's scream and a giant splash.

"Wow, the boss's got guts," Gio remarked.

"He does if those are shark fins. They are right? Look at them all circling there ... wow, Ottery really is a daredevil," Laura replied.

"Let's go get ice cream to celebrate the coolest boss ever." Giovanni said.

"Mint chocolate chip?" Laura asked.

"Yes, and for the lady Banana nut."

Laura turned around and kissed the boy and the bicycle went crashing into a bunch of bushes. They laughed and giggled. Meanwhile Prince sighed and purred on the bar top of the local outdoor bar. "These kids are never going to change are they?"

There was laughter and danger and funny drinks with coconuts and umbrellas and sharks and dancing and mostly fun and friendship, before an owl came in from Dumbledore asking for urgent help from Ottery and his friends. It seems the wizarding world was in trouble again. But when isn't the world in peril, no?

The end?
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Old 11-15-2009, 05:44 AM   #157 (permalink)
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AN:I'll be back later with a zero issue that's a prequel in comic book terms maybe ... I don't know ... maybe ...

So, what do you do when your not busy? I don't know how you do it.
I was just here yesterday (I did say I was going to read this a few more times). This is so fun
There was laughter and danger and funny drinks with coconuts and umbrellas and sharks and dancing and mostly fun and friendship, before an owl came in from Dumbledore asking for urgent help from Ottery and his friends. It seems the wizarding world was in trouble again. But when isn't the world in peril, no?
This is like a wrap party for the end of the assignment, Like on sci-fi shoes the heros are all about to have a party, after saving all mankind, and they get news that they have to go save the world again. No rest for the weary. Or it's like a wrap party, but, Ottery has something to find in the waters of the ocean he needs to get before evil villains get it to rule the world. What's he into now? I love it. My imagination runs wild when I read your stories.
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Old 11-28-2009, 05:34 AM   #158 (permalink)
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I read this AGES ago, the last update I mean, and I knowww I haven't left a review, but I love it, and I love you. Gimme some hours, 'kay?

-rushes off to dress for the day-

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Old 11-28-2009, 05:45 PM   #159 (permalink)
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Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaac cccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But this story ended
i loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Absolutely astonishing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!please pm me so we can catch up ok?
And dang ss changed on me.
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Old 11-28-2009, 07:42 PM   #160 (permalink)

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I finished reading this fic! *feels immensely proud that she caught up* and it's FANTABULOUS! I'm really glad you decided to keep everyone alive

I'll be sticking around for that zero issue!
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