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Love in the time of Whooping Cough ♥ A Series of Adventurous Romances - Sa13+ by me 4 you with love ♥ to my love ♥ Isabella ♥ http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v6...fwhoopjpeg.jpg Disclaimer: All of the HP characters belong to J.K. Rowling, all the characters I create belong to me, as does the story but not the concepts created by J.K. Rowling who pwns, no infringement is implied. It's her world, I just live in it. "But I'm a werewolf," the red haired boy argued obstinately. "They hunt my kind." "And I'm a villainess. Do you think we're just allowed to roam free wherever we like?" "You're just being silly," he chided her, his fingers on her lips trying to hush her coming objection delicately. She kissed his fingers sweetly. "Stop that, Madison, you know we can't … be together," the boy objected. He stood with his back to the great oak door, one hand on his wand, the other holding one of the dark haired girl's wrists. "Any minute now, they're going to barge down this door and they're going to kill us." "All the more reason not to object to my being with you, Freddie. Can't you understand I love you?" "I understand you're going to get us killed," the boy replied. He had it all worked out in his mind, the things he would tell her, how he would react to her entreaties and how he would be the ultimate stoic. His heart, however, had other ideas racing a hundred miles a minute, his breath short and his hands sweaty. To say Madison was a beautiful girl was to say the Mona Lisa was a famous painting, the moon was a big rock, and American History was a short story. Freddie couldn't help feeling an attraction to her but he was a werewolf and she ... well, Madison was just a confused young girl. *WHAM* Something slammed against the door pushing Freddie into Madison's arms. "In about two seconds I'm going to throw you on the ground, blast that door, and kill those idiots, dead! I'm trying to have a moment here!” Madison screamed. "Those idiots as you so quaintly put it, are the ministry's aurors, Madison. They saw us leaving a heist. They think we were in on it." The girl shrugged her shoulders at him. "I'm a werewolf, you're an ex-" "Retired, sort of." "Retired," he continued, "villainess. We're hardly not suspicious." "You're so cute, Freddie. But don't apologize for what you are." Madison kissed the boy on the lips, despite his feeble objections. And his objections were pathetically feeble. The door shook then and Madison opened her eyes to see the blade of an ax through a crack on the door. "Ouch," the boy cried, touching a small cut on the side of his head. "I guess they mean business." "Freddie, you're bleeding." Madison pushed the boy aside, took her wand out of her cloak and proceeded to open the door. "No, I mean business." "Love's funny," Freddie thought to himself, and he might get to enjoy it, if he didn't end up getting killed for it. AU: A totally non-canonical, alternate universe take on the Harry Potter universe, with occasional cameos by our heroes, and characters we know and love (that means you bad guys). A heavy emphasis on the romance, and the action ... Zip, Bam, Wow, you kiss marvelously ... :D So :read!: already. Another tiny snippet, I'm trying to get the hang of this story yet ... Part Two Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 7.5 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 The Kellybear Post Part 12 The Shing Post Part 13 The Chuck Norris Post Part 14 Post 76 Part 16 Post 17 It's only Love Post Post 18 Post 19 Post 20 Post 21 Post 100 or No. 22 Post 23 Post 24 This Fic is out of Control Post or No. 25 Post 26 Post 27 Post 28 Post 29 Post 30 The Now Post or No. 31 Post 32 Post 33 Post 34 Post 35 Post 36 Post 37 Post 38 Post 39 Post 40 Post 41 An American Werewolf in Paris Thanx Kels When in Paris do as the Parisians do or What? No Samurais? or The End! |
Your numero uno reader, here. -sticks an "OtteryIsMine" tag over your ficcie- I knew it was an OttySt. fic just by reading the title, love it! No one else could have come up with something like that. :lol: && one word: MORE! Quote:
We'll always have...the airship? Look everyone, a poll! :lol: Love is indeed funny ... :loved: More story soon ... And Maxie, uhm, who's stalking whom? :poke: :spork: :lol: |
-stalkhugsyouYAY |
Another tiny snippet, I'm trying to get the hang of this story yet ... Firstly, everyone keep your pants on! Disney buying Marvel IS NOT the end of the world ... And now, to my story ... Madison fired hexes and stunning spells out into the hall of the castle, knocking a few ministry aurors on their backsides before Freddie could grab her arm, pull her back and shut the door again against the spells they fired off at them. "Woman, are you insane?" the boy asked shocked by her audacity. "What I am is frustrated that you keep trying to stop me. Those fools hurt you." "Can we please plot our escape and try to spend less time trying to be action heroes?" Madison pointed her wand at the wall opposite them and it exploded. "I can have a zeppelin here in like two minutes, what's your point?" Draco Malfoy walked the streets of Paris, alone. The wet drizzly evening brought a cold chill that had him pulling his jacket closer around him. He was in France to visit his grandmother, the crazy old battle ax always wanted to see him between terms. Tired of her constant crowing about his lack of accomplishments he had stepped out in the middle of dinner, kicking Fifi, that obnoxious fluffy white cat of hers, out of the way before leaving the mansion. He could have taken his broomstick and simply gone. Mother would have understood, father would scold him later Draco was sure, but that would be under normal circumstances. Something had happened last summer with the escape of Sirius Black. It was a pity really that the serial killer had not done Harry Potter in. But Potter rarely bothered Draco when he was away from Hogwarts. He had his own life to lead ... now if he could just figure out where he wanted it to go? Pansy's constant nagging about wanting to go out places infuriated him. There were a lot of girls in Slytherin, but Pansy wanted to act as if she had exclusive rights to him. Draco didn't much care for anyone having any rights to him at all. He walked past a muggle cafe and thought about stopping for a drink. The muggle world was infinitely fascinating with it's baseness, but the idea of sitting around so many non-magical people well, you wouldn't sit down to drink with a bunch of hippogriffs now would you? Filthy beasts would probably kill him, anyway. There was no way Draco Malfoy would ever go near those creatures again. He wondered what had ever possessed him to take Care of Magical Creatures in the first place but really he never paid much attention to the classes he chose. Not paying much mind to where he was going or what he was doing Draco suddenly found himself standing staring at a small shop in between two busy cafes on a very busy Paris street. Smoke from cigarettes, filthy things, the scents of coffees and cappuccinos as well as cakes floated in the air with the talk of the evening. The Magic Box, the storefront read, and it was brightly lit inside. Something about the place, perhaps the mystery, for the windows were so brightly lit from the inside he couldn't tell what kind of place it was, or the fact that it seemed invisible to most of the people around it or walking down the street that attracted him to it. It reeked of magic; it couldn't be a muggle establishment obviously. So, Draco Malfoy walked in. AN: This takes place after PoA & maybe it will follow Draco's romantic exploits since he has more interesting things to be than simply Harry's archnemesis ... maybe? I don't know I'm making this up as I go along. Obviously, it's Steampunk, and I'm thinking of throwing Otty & Teddy in it, too. It's all about the love ♥ peeps, romance a go-go. Thank you Maxie for being my only reader ... :lol: I only really need one, just someone to keep me going :glomp: |
In your second Reader:) I love this Really alot!!!!! And Hey..You have a sexy huffie reading this story...Lol jk.... Anyways...It was Great!!!Amazing!!!!! Fantastic!!!!! WRITE MORE!!!!!! PAMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -Xavier:)- |
Hey, can I join in. I do love a good story, and this looks promising. |
I"m just really sleepy kids ... *yawns* maybe tomorrow ... Hello Xavier, and welcome to my fic, two readers are better than one :yes: I'm glad you're here and I hope you like the story and romance because in between the fight scenes there will be a lot of romance ... :gasp: Hey, Connie, how did you find me? Isn't one of my labyrinthian stories enough for you? :lol: Thank you for coming, but I promise this one is just for fun and a lot less serious in tone and nature. More like a romantic comedy ... one hopes. Giovanni was red haired from birth and a menace from the moment he could walk. An unrepentant mischief, he lived forever in Dumbledore's office, in Professor Snape's classroom doing detention, or Professor McGonagal's sight as she thought it best to hedge her bets. Hopelessly without merit, in his families eyes, as the boy is always getting into trouble his grandfather Don Didio bought Giovanni a cat, the old man having a soft spot in his heart for his son's son. The cat's name is Prince, though he's anything but, much like his master, the cat is a bit of a trouble maker. Giovanni and Prince hailed from a small seaside village in Italy but ended up in Hogwarts when troubles arose back home with the rise of an evil Dark Lord. Sadly, much the same problem would come to plague Hogwarts with the appearance of Harry Potter at Hogwarts the very same year that Giovanni began to attend. Suffice to say, as Giovanni's grandmother was oft quoted as saying, "that boy doesn't just breed trouble he calls it!" This she followed with a broom or some other such object hurled at her grandson's head, because he was eavesdropping. Life in Porelmar was sweet, Giovanni's summer days spent mostly in the pursuit of girls or candy or shots of firewhiskey, because despite what everyone might think of him, outside of his family or in, he never truly went looking for mischief, it just found him. Being always on the run from one family member or another for some offense or another, Giovanni often times found himself in the city and away from the village and the white sanded beaches where he was raised. Ciudad Veridica was not so far away from home that he couldn't walk there in two hours, however, Giovanni and Prince liked and usually managed to weasel their way onto the back of someone's cart, or the backseat of a car, or the bed of a truck. Flying on a broom would have gotten them in serious trouble, because while the whole village of Porelmar was a magical community, the city of Veridica was mostly muggle population. None of these things had ever been occasion to stop Giovanni from his mischief but Prince had been adamant that he would not fly on any broom when so many villagers and wizards were trying to shoot them down. AN: for some weird reason this just isn't coming out all at once ... i'm going to have to sleep on it ... sorry for the half post ... this story i'm totally making up on the spot so that's why all the bad grammar and redundencies, feel free to point them out I won't be offended. thanks again y'all for reading and i'll be back to finish this and maybe beta this post ... :yes: |
I was popping around here and there for (a bit of light reading)* to keep me occupied till your next post on "Human Nature" when I seen this title, and I thought this looks like an Ottery St Catchpole thread, so I decided to check it out. And thank you very much I can keep up just fine, cause I;m not running after the train, I'm on it. *Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets |
I LOVED IT HUN!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!! AWESOME!!!!!!!!! PAMS!!!!!!!!! -Xavier:)- |
Do you want waffles and a quick get-away? Or I forgot to finish this post ... Connie ... *huff* Connie ... if ... if you're on ... the *huff* train why don't ... *huff* you give us ... give ... a hand ... *Ottery's running after the train carrying Teddy on his back cuz he's too lazy to run* I thought we were supposed to be running the train? *At times Teddy has to smack Ottery because he can't remember what he's writing in his fic cuz he's got so many stories running around the train station of his head* Xavier you're too cool thank you for reading :glomp: I hope you all like what I'm doing so far ... I haven't started any of the killing or maiming yet, :lol: but there will be romance ... time to introduce more characters ... that's always my formula for fun stories :lol: So here goes ... ;) "Of course the book doesn't say how you can summon up a dragon. I told you it wasn't a manual on the dark arts!" the cat exclaimed as he peered at the book in Uncle Anselmo's study. Neither he or Giovanni were supposed to be there. Uncle Anselmo was an old man and he owned a lot of valuable books on magic and wizardry and it was known that some of them were of a questionable nature but where exactly he kept those tomes was a secret. "Does it at least say how you can turn metal into gold?" Giovanni prodded his more 'ambitious' nature calling out to him. "Why don't you come over here and look for yourself? Do you think it's easy for these paws to turn pages?" Prince remarked annoyed. He sat down on the tall stool and closed his eyes and held his head up to the ceiling effectively his way of saying "You suck. I don't want to play with you anymore." "Oh, What? What did I do now?" the boy complained. Poopie diaper alert guys, I'd rather be doing this but ... I'll be back laterz *sighs* I really wished I could have finished this scene ... I still don't know where it's going ... |
Oh Ottery, you're not running along side the train. You and Teddy are running the train, your brain is just in a nightmare state caught between the different universes you travel in. Take the time you need to gather up yourself, rest a bit, then post somemore. We'll all be waiting. |
That was just too GREAT!!!!!!!! I LOVED IT SOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 I REALLY DID!!!!!!!!! IT WAS JUST LIKE... WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! PAMS!!!!!!!! -Xavier:)- |
There's some steampunk for you ... er maybe ... I need to work on it LOL Connie & Xavier, you two are the driving force behind this fic. You guys totally r0x0rs and you're the reason I post ... I'm so glad you all are so patient it's easier to write the story, have it beta'd and then post it all nice and neatly into scenes but ... sometimes I like to guerilla style write these things, the element of spontaneity, and deadlines (you know, you haven't posted in a day and your readers are getting antsy ... ) so ... it makes the stories a lot wilder, more exciting and so much more random :lol: which is funny because all my stories are like that ... :yes: Neways ... Why didn't someone tell me I was running the train? *Ottery screams and Teddy bails out as the train careens towards a set of broken tracks and a cliff* :faint: "If I was talking to you, you'd know," the cat replied. "You are talking to me," the red haired boy complained. "Aww c'mon Prince, don't be like that?" "I'm not talking to you, I'm merely informing you that you're a doofus," the cat replied lifting his head and looking away. He started to lick his paws. "Fine!" Giovanni complained and ran out of the room slamming the door behind him with such force that books fell off the shelf. Prince stuck his tongue out at the boy. "I can't believe those idiots are firing at me?" Madison yelled. "Just keep running, okay?" Freddie complained. Gah, but girls could be whiners. He would have sighed if he could have but he was trying to conserve what breath he could running up the castle's stairs. "Stupid ministy dorks!" Madison yelled unleashing a shower of snakes on the unsuspecting aurors. Freddie banged his head against the rooftop of the tower, as he rubbed his noggin the roof exploded out. "What the ..." "I used Alohamora," Madison explained. "That's a pretty powerful way to use it." The boy complained between coughs and pushing the dust out of his face. "When I'm angry, my spells tend to ... work ... really, really well." Madison explained. "I can't help it, so shut it!" She yelled at the boy and dragged him out onto the roof by his collar. "Lumos!" Freddie covered his eyes as the girls wand exploded in a beam of light turning the tower into a makeshift lighthouse. "Oh, dang !@#$, %^$#, !@#$%^&*()$#!" Madison exclaimed. Freddie ventured to open his eyes as the light from the wand stopped as Madison ushered, Nox, and he could see the large zeppelin flying their way through the city lights around them. How had he gotten into this mess in the first place? He just prayed that the ministry's aurors didn't recognize either of them or he was going to be in a soup of trouble when he got home. NOt that he wasn't already, as late as it was. He had told his mum he was just going out with his mates around the block for a walk and a cup of tea. He hadn't bargained on everything that had happened since Madison had cornered him in the alley. The Magic Box was a colorful menagerie of things, furry animals in cages, birds of different types, the walls were lined with bottles of all kinds of shapes and colors and descriptions with inscriptions in runes and tongues now dead. It all assailed him at once as he entered the place. A strong scent of magic, powders like he used in potions, the after scent of some spells and candy? It was a weird place. There were tables near the window over looking the street and glass cases where you could find food and drinks displayed or magical items it were as if The Magic Box were an assortment of places in one place. The shop was like an apothecary, coffee shop, antique store, pet shop, magic store. It left Draco dazzled. There was nothing like it back at home or even Hogsmeade. "What am I doing here?" he asked himself, sighing. "Fate called you here, of course," a familiar voice called out of the depths behind the bead curtain. He turned around to look at her. What the devil was she doing here? Though in retrospect, he would admit, the shop did suit her personality. |
"Neways ... Why didn't someone tell me I was running the train? *Ottery screams and Teddy bails out as the train careens towards a set of broken tracks and a cliff* " Not to worry! This peticular cliff falls off into a wormhole to the other alternate universe where "Human Nature" has left its readers hanging on another cliff. I do love both of these stories, and I'm starting to get a little antsy cause we're leaving on vacation Mon. morning, and going to a place where there isn't any internet. :( AND-- we won't be back till the end of the month. Do you see my delima, do you feel my pain? Just kidding it'll be great seeing everyone. I'm just anxious to get back already. I'll miss you and your threads and everyone who posts on them, it's great to have friends. Now, on to this story. I'm wondering who runs the magic store. My imagination runs wild, I'm thinking it's a Weasley chain and Ginny, no wait, Hermione, no, Ginny AND Hermione runs it! I love imagining in between cliffhangers, but, love it better when you post. Catch ya later. |
I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! REALLY!!!!!!!!!! I JUST LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hehehehehhe (Going a little crazy here..) BUT I CANT HELP IT!!!!!!!! I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!! MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!! PAMS!!!!!!!!!!!!! -Xavier:)- |
Ottery i didn't know you had another fic. i'm so happy you do. i love reading your stuff. can't wait for more to this one its awsome. |
*strolls in* ILOVEYOU AND YOUR UPDATES! They make my day, I love the action! && the romance. :loved: *strolls out* |
HEEEYYYYY!!! :gasp: Ooooottttterrrrryyyy! How did I not know you had this here? :cry: How can I read everything you have here if I am so uninformed? My :ninja: FanFic stalker powers must be weak. I love the title and :woot: Quote:
hehe I'll come back and read all when it's not 3:26 in the am. :glomp: |
"The Magic Box was a colorful menagerie of things, furry animals in cages, birds of different types, the walls were lined with bottles of all kinds of shapes and colors and descriptions with inscriptions in runes and tongues now dead. It all assailed him at once as he entered the place. A strong scent of magic, powders like he used in potions, the after scent of some spells and candy?" This reminds me of how JK Rowlings describes when Harry walks into potions class with Snape. Now my imagination runs wild again. You really are a "master of misdirection"*! Catch ya later. *The Unauthorized Autobiography of Ottery St. Catchpole" |
First the replies ... THEN the update *is sneaky* Wait, what? I've got readers ... :lol: This was supposed to be my super top secret story but ... it leaked out to the press :lol: Too bad SS doesn't allow for writing under pen names no? :P Will miss you while you are gone Connie ... do you know how to check your PMs? That User CP thing ... click on it and then you can upload avvies and all sorts of crazy things neways PMs are private messages so ... send me one when you're back 'kay? You'll have lots of posts to read ... maybe ... :faint: I've got writer's block. Xavier, I love your use of the ! you know? :lol: seriously dude I love it. Everyone should be as enthusiastic as you about reading my fics *looks at everyone else and expects more !* :lol: Thanks for sticking around and here's hoping my next post rocks enough to earn more ! Little Trooper where you been hiding? LOL I haven't seen you in ages. Then again I was hiding too :lol: welcome to my fic I hope you like it, it's completely random but it has love :lol: Maxie you're a love ♥ *fires the cannons for you* Lissy♥Love found us :lol: and we found you on Facebook, you really like that thing don't you? :lol: I prefer lj but ... whatever. You're here ... read, enjoy, have pizza :pizza: I want pizza and Miyazaki already :lol: can't wait for Monday. Connie ... again????!!!!!!!!11111111111 :lol: j/k. I read your usernote, you're too sweet Connie and I hope you have fun where you're going. I will miss you and try to post lots in your absence so ... here goes. |
First the replies, then the update, you said. WHERE IS THE UPDATE, MEESTERR? *eyes you* |
new readerr I'm sooo sorry about not posting in this story yet! I've been soo busy!! Anyways I absolutely LOVE your story! It's amazazing!!!! PAMS!! :) Jess |
I'm sleepy. *goes to bed* She walked the outer deck of the zeppelin letting the night air waft through her long dark hair. Madison was in love with the boy but if he couldn't see it ... or maybe he didn't want to see it, what was she to do? Perhaps, she'd been too pushy coming at him like that. Madison sighed and didn't think about it, too much. Boys were boys and boys are stupid and love was just some stupid thing for teenage girls and so what if she was one that didn't mean she had to act stupid because of it. There were other things on her plate than simply boys. Still, she couldn't help feeling the way she did about Freddie. Madison sighed, all she could think about was another heist. Being a muggle cat burglar was exciting, being a wizarding world cat burglar well that had levels of excitement that you couldn't begin to imagine. Madison walked back into the ship towards her quarters where she was sure the golem would be waiting with the diamonds from the robbery. Of course, she and Freddie had not been involved, how could they when they were busy running away from the authorities somewhere else? It hadn't been coincidental, the Aurors finding them outside that alley. Freddie for his part had other things to contend with. "Yes, mother, I'm fine. I'm with a friend. Well ... she's a girl but, ... no Mom we're not in the same room. No it's not like it's a sleep-over ... I'm on a zeppelin Mom. What tone of voice I'm trying to explain ..." Freddie covered his face as he talked into the pocket watch spell phone his mother had given him. A pocket watch that he wore on a chain around his neck that allowed him to talk to anyone anywhere by floo. "Don't you cover your face when I'm talking to you, young man!" the woman's head screeched floating eeriely over the pocket watch. "Oops," the boy exclaimed as he shut the watch. "I'll deal with this later." The boy flopped onto the bed in his quarters. It wasn't so bad having rich friends but, he knew he would pay for that little indiscretion in the morning. In that instant he just felt tired. Madison was beautiful, smart, witty, any number of things but she was also trouble as tonight had shown and she was rich. It wouldn't look right being with her but, well, Freddie couldn't help feeling it was right. But, since when he had ever trusted his heart? It always landed him in trouble. "Well if it isn't LoOny LOvEgoOd," Draco Malfoy replied as he turned to face the girl. "A bit far from the asylum aren't we?" "Well, you're still an as, Malfoy. Funny how things don't change even if the setting does." Luna paused to contemplate that. Malfoy stared at her as if couldn't make up his mind if he wanted to slap her, or hex her. The young Ravenclaw looked up at the boy, "Oh, hello Draco, you're still here?" "You're an idiot," the boy said darkly. "Your dark lord is vanquished, there are no more followers. The Death Eaters all of you will fall. My father was right to have left you scum. The new age of magic is going to be ushered in by my Dark Stalkers, not your foolish old brotherhood." "You're a fool boy," the man gasped, clutching the cut that ran across his Dark Mark. "Am I?" the young, blonde haired boy said. "We'll see won't we. Or at least I will, because I'll be around ushering in this new era. You however ... won't. Avada Kedavra!" A flash of green light and the man lay dead in the darkened room. He sat in a pool of dirty water as more water dripped down onto his corpse. "You really shouldn't play with your victims like that Octavius," a dark haired boy standing in shadows remarked. "Why not? I like to have fun now and again," Octavius replied laughing wildly. |
OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GUESS WHAT..... GUESS...... I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! THAT WAS SOOOOOOOOOOO WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!! IT WAS GREAT!!!!!!!!!! THE BEST SO FAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (ehehheheheheheeh i loved it.) YOU HEAR ME? LOVED IT!!!!!!!!! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!! MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!! PAMS hun:) -Xavier- |
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