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Ron&Hermione(L) 06-06-2010 11:16 PM

Ok guys its kind of a draw so ill just drag it out until we get a winner :P this will be a short post because i'm making it up on the spot but i hope you enjoy it :D


I sat in the pitch black cellar all alone. I think the only think out of place was the smile i had plastered on my face. It was kind of funny really, i could tell that someone was always watching me all the time and i liked the way they always looked on edge because i was acting so cheery, i didn't feel that way however i felt guilty because i knew we were going to die. the door made a loud clicking noise and someone walked in. I couldnt tell who because it was so dark.
"lumos." i heard her whisper. No way! she did not have the nerve to come in here!
"What do you want."
"to apologies"
"what for? for pretending to be my friend? for kidnapping us? for probably killing us aswell? And think about Neville this will crush him!"
"Ginny you have to listen to me. I genuinly like you I never intended to, but your just so nice and iv never been treated like that by anyone before but i was in to deep. and i never, ever ment to hurt Neville. and i never thought i would fall in love with him but i did and its going to kill me to see him face when he finds out what I've done." she said starting to cry.
"Can you just leave please. i just want to be alone i don't want to think about what will happen to us." i said
"Ginny?" Hayley asked wairily. "Why do you keep saying us ?" Oh crap ! i was saying it because Harry told me it would make things seem more real, now i couldn't seem any realer. I was going to loose everything. i let out a giggle the kind of one that made you sound like you should be in saint mungo's.
"I'm saying it because..." i took a deep breath this was the second time i had said it the first time was to harry. i had heard it before, sure, when madam pomfrey had told me and them a couple of more times when dumbledore and magonagall had said it but now i was going to have to say it again.
"...because I'm pregnant."

OK guys SORRY don't hate me PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's how my plot line kinna turned out. half way throught writing i asked my sister to pick a number and this is how the voting turned out i know its kind of random . I'll take constructive critisism but im still going to do it the way i want it so if you don't like it then DON'T read it!!!!! sorry for being harsh forgive me :D

ENJOY the post:D!!!!

Ron&Hermione(L) 06-06-2010 11:19 PM

Does anyone want me to e-mail them when i post ?

Emileyn 06-07-2010 12:33 AM


Originally Posted by Ron&Hermione(L) (Post 9428578)
Ok guys its kind of a draw so ill just drag it out until we get a winner :P this will be a short post because i'm making it up on the spot but i hope you enjoy it :D

Hehe, that's what happened to me when I did it :) Haha.

No way! she did not have the nerve to come in here!
I'm totally with Ginny on this one! The only way I will like her in any way is if she helps Ginny get out of there.

for kidnapping us? for probably killing us aswell?

"...because I'm pregnant."
Ooooooo, I was wondering why she was saying "us" as well! Oh My Lanta!! I wasn't expecting that!

OK guys SORRY don't hate me PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hehe, don't worry, I don't hate you :) Some things have happened in my story that weren't planned either, so I get it :)
Oh and, if it isn't a bother, then please PM or something when you post, so I know I won't miss it :)
Great post!! PLEASE PAMS!

Connie 06-07-2010 12:39 AM

Hey Kerri, thank you for your diligence into the night to post.

"Ginny you have to listen to me. I genuinly like you I never intended to, but your just so nice and iv never been treated like that by anyone before but i was in to deep. and i never, ever ment to hurt Neville. and i never thought i would fall in love with him but i did and its going to kill me to see him face when he finds out what I've done." she said starting to cry.
I'm so glad she went to Ginny and told her what was going on with her. I'm sure Ginny would rather have heard along with that, that she had a plan to get her out.

"Can you just leave please. i just want to be alone i don't want to think about what will happen to us."
I understand how she would be feeling this way, but, I think I wouldn't want her to leave if she was truely sorry for what she did. Then maybe a plan could be made to help her get free. I'll be watching for your next post. You don't need to tell me if you don't have time. I check everyday twice to see if there are any new posts to stories I'm following.

KatielovesHP 06-07-2010 08:12 PM

Great post Kerri!!!!!!!!!
I am so happy you decided to go with this plot line, our Chemistry talks paid off. You're great. :D

Morag 06-07-2010 09:38 PM

Finnaly.... You posted! Three Cheers for Kerri!!!
Ahhhh.... Ginny's Preggers...but not married to Harry yet (please excuse my morals!)....but still, they're going to have a baby.. wooo! I'm so excited now! Like I have this this huge grin on my face.
S x
p.s yeah could you email me when you post if its not too much bother. Ta

Ron&Hermione(L) 06-08-2010 07:19 PM

Ah sophie who said they aren't married ? There's more than one plot twist :P

KatielovesHP 06-08-2010 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by Ron&Hermione(L) (Post 9435510)
Ah sophie who said they aren't married ? There's more than one plot twist :P

What is that supposed to mean? You haven't told me this part!!!!!!! I thought I knew everything!!!
Chemistry talk tomorrow Missy!!!!!! :O

Emileyn 06-08-2010 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by Ron&Hermione(L) (Post 9435510)
Ah sophie who said they aren't married ? There's more than one plot twist :P

Haha, yeah, what does that mean?? I wish I was in Chemistry tomorrow so I would know! :P Not fair! :) PLEASE PAMS so we can ALL know!! :)

Ron&Hermione(L) 06-09-2010 07:24 PM

I hope you enjoyed the twist i suppose i kind of ruined my other one but oh welll :P this is goin to be a small post of Hayleys reaction in her POV ENJOY :D

Hayley POV

"You... you're what ? I'm sorry i dont think i heard you propperly, did you just say your pregnant?" Oh crap this was not happening. i had kidnapped a pregnant person. Wait..
"but you and Harry aren't even married." i shot at her but as i watched her her face slowly got redder.
"Ok so i'm guessing you are married. do you mind telling me how because i am positive that your brother would never approve of you getting married man he is going to freak."
"Dumbledore told us not to say anything. He married us in his office a couple of months ago when we asked him because of the full Harry might die thing and I'm guessing on the wedding night ..." she trailed off pointing her stomach. "You know i dont even know why im telling you this its your fault that me and my baby are going to die!" she spat at me tears rolling down her face.
"Ginny, look at me." i grabbed her face "You can't tell anyone anything you have just told me ok because they will use it against you." she nodded then i continued. "I'm going to get help ok i apparrate to the burrow, Harry will be there, and they'll get you out of her ok? just hang tight." I got up, wand in hand, and turned on the spot thinking only about the burrow when i opened my eyes i was standing at the door. i tooka deep breath and knock

Enjoy !!!

Emileyn 06-09-2010 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by Ron&Hermione(L) (Post 9439026)
"Ok so I'm guessing you are married. Do you mind telling me how because I am positive that your brother would never approve of you getting married. Man, he is going to freak."

Haha, well I'm glad they got married first :)

"I'm going to get help, ok? I'm going to apparrate to the burrow, Harry will be there, and they'll get you out of here, ok? Just hang tight."
Well, at least she's trying to help Ginny get out of there.
Great post!! PLEASE PAMS!! :)

Connie 06-09-2010 10:53 PM

Hello Kerri, this was a great post! Short but still great! :)

"Dumbledore told us not to say anything. He married us in his office a couple of months ago when we asked him because of the full Harry might die thing and I'm guessing on the wedding night ..." she trailed off pointing her stomach.
I love Dumbledore!

"Ginny, look at me." i grabbed her face "You can't tell anyone anything you have just told me ok because they will use it against you."
Just assuming here if I may, that sense you didn't mention Ginny's hand burning thing when Hayley took her face, that Ginny believes her, and can now have a ray of hope. I love it! I love hope. A person always needs to have hope!
Great post Kerri. I'll be watching for your next one.

KatielovesHP 06-10-2010 03:29 PM

Great post!!!!!
Love you and this story!!

Lily<33 06-11-2010 03:11 PM

Omg! PregnAnt??? Ahhh!!!!! Anyways...great post! PAMS!

Morag 06-13-2010 03:40 PM

Ahhhhhh... They got married! Ok, I'm crying tears of joy Kerri. Aww this is so sweet. I love it. I'm supposed to be studying for a chemistry test! PAMS Kerri. This is awsome!
S x

Bookworm 06-21-2010 05:46 PM

Wow,I haven't visited this thread for a really long time.:blush:
But,I just read everything I missed (again,:blush:),and I loved it!
PAMS!I love this story!:loved:

Originally Posted by Ron&Hermione(L)
Does anyone want me to e-mail them when i post ?

I do!I'll send you a PM with my email in it,okay?

PuppySara 06-22-2010 02:00 AM


Originally Posted by Ron&Hermione(L) (Post 9428578)

"Ginny?" Hayley asked wairily. "Why do you keep saying us ?" Oh crap ! i was saying it because Harry told me it would make things seem more real, now i couldn't seem any realer. I was going to loose everything. i let out a giggle the kind of one that made you sound like you should be in saint mungo's.
"I'm saying it because..." i took a deep breath this was the second time i had said it the first time was to harry. i had heard it before, sure, when madam pomfrey had told me and them a couple of more times when dumbledore and magonagall had said it but now i was going to have to say it again.
"...because I'm pregnant."

OMG I love it that's so shocking!!! I think it's good that Harry and Ginny got married before that happened though. Keep writing

-Kaylei <3

Bookworm 06-26-2010 12:45 PM

Please,PAMS!I need more of this!:cry:

Ron&Hermione(L) 06-28-2010 08:06 PM

Hey guys :D I'm hoping to get a post out tonight !! I'm so sorry i havent posted in a while i have been kind of caught up :P i started to watch Vampire Diaries and it got kind of distracted :P Its sooooooooooooooo good !!!!! any way ill try get one of tonight :D

Ron&Hermione(L) 06-29-2010 03:39 AM

Hey first of all who saw the new trailer ? OMG epic or what ? ok here is the next chapter of the story :D

It was a couple of minutes before the door opened to reveal who i guessed to be Mrs Wealsley.
"Uhm Hi. Is harry here?" i asked her not waiting for her to speak first.
"Oh! Yes...yes he is. Why don't you come in."
"No I'll just stand out her thanks." I so bad. This woman I had never met before was beening so nice to me and littledid she know that I had kidnapped her pregnant daughter, well she didn't know about the pregnant part, and put here life in danger by the most powerful dark wizard of all time. She left to go and get Harry then returned with him five minutes later.
"I'll leave you two alone." I could tell by the look in her eye that she was wondering why a girl was at the door for her daughters boyfriend. Harry gave me a look aswell which he voiced once Mrs Weasley had left.
"What are you doing here ? Where is Ginny ?" Hmm how do i tell him ?
"Ok Harry. Just because I like you I'm going to tell you everything but first I want you to promise me that whatever i say you are going to listen until i finish because it is very improtant." i said emphisising the last two words. He looked confuse but nodded.
"Ok. Uhm." i looked about. I grabbed his hand and dragged him over to little bench that was at a distance from the house so she wasn't in danger of getting heard by anyone inside the house. He raised an eyebrow at me.
"Trust me your gonna want to sit down." I took a deep breath and desided just to jump into the deep end. "Well i have a list so I'm gonna just... ok. I work for Voldemort, I have been watching you since i got to Hogwarts, I kidnapped Ginny and then found out that you two were married." He looked shocked, trying to work out everything i had told him "Oh! and I'm forgeting the most important one. The cherry on the cake. About twenty minutes ago i found out that not only had i kidnapped my friend, i had kidnapped my friend who was two and a half months pregnant!" When i had said this his face went as white as snow.
"She told you? Why?" he whispered. " I mean she obviously knew you were working for him."
"I went to check on her and we were talking and she kept refering to herself as 'we' so i asked her and she told me."
"If you work for Voldemort why are you telling me this?"
"I'm telling you because i want to help you get Ginny out and i don't want to work for Voldemort anymore. I want out."

I think I'm going to start to do chapter questions:D

Chapter Question: Should Neville be in the Burrow and find out that Hayey works for Voldemort?

Sorry forjust leaving it there but its 4:30 in the morning here so i think I'm gonna go to bed Enjoy !

Connie 06-29-2010 05:01 AM

Hello Kerri. I'm so happy you posted! This is a great chapter, and I'm loving how you have kept Harry being sensible. I loved how Harry always kept his head in just about every situation. He is cautious about what she is telling him, and questions her the way he should. You've done a very good bit of writing to make this obvious. I can't wait to see what he does to rescue Ginny, and I hope Haley is kept safe from Voldemort and his followers.

Chapter Question: Should Neville be in the Burrow and find out that Hayey works for Voldemort?
Ummm, of course it's your story, so I think it should be however you want to write it. If you're asking our opinions, then I have to say no, unless you can explain what Neville would be doing there. It would have to be something believable, and I just can't imagine any reason he would be there. Plus, I think it would be more intimate that Haley tell's him at his place, and he ends up saving her from one of Voldemorts lesser hinchman or something. Something believable. Neville isn't a great wizard yet afterall. Just my thoughts, but, I'm sure you'll come up with your own idea. Whatever you do, I'm sure I'll love it, cause you do very well with your writing.
I'll be watching for your next post.

Oh, yes, I saw the trailor. I guess for the most part it looks good. I think they did wrong by taking the last fight out of Hogwarts. The distance between Harry and Voldemort is too far apart, cause how will Harry be able to catch Voldemorts wand from that far distance. And it isn't s'pose to be a long spell meeting at the center and the spell's duel. Harrys spell hit's Voldemorts curse causing Voldemort's to reflect back to him, and he dies. Quick and simple. Harry catches the wand, and ... Anyway, sorry, but you asked. :)

Morag 06-29-2010 09:35 AM

Hi Kerri! I'm sooooooo Happy you've posted :D
If I was Harry, I would have flipped! I hope Ginny is ok and stuff, but I'd still be dissoning Haley. It up to you about the Nevile thing but why don't you make it that she takes harry to Ginny then goes to find Nevile...Just suggesting, its your story remember.
S x

Bookworm 06-29-2010 09:55 AM

Aww,this chapter is great!I wonder how Harry feels right now...
And poor Ginny!But...Haley isn't that mean after all,is she?I hope she's good.
I love your story.

Ron&Hermione(L) 06-29-2010 01:56 PM

thanks i just hope my nextpost lives up to your expectations


Thanks I'll post again soon :D


Thanks! well she was but has seen the error of her ways.

Thanks Guys I promise i wont wait as long next time for my next post:D

Emileyn 06-29-2010 02:42 PM

Great chapter, Kerri! I also like that Harry's kept his head in the whole thing, but I would have blown up at her. I can't wait to see how Harry saves Ginny. As for the question, it's up to you... I agree wtih Connie on the whole I can't see why he'd really be there, and I think Haley needs to tell him herself instead of overhearing it... But it's your story, and we'll love whatever you write :)
Great post! PLEASE PAMS! :)

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