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Candy Display Case (Finished Fanfiction) A dazzling showcase of fully wrapped-up stories, these sweet treats are polished and ready for your reading pleasure!

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Old 07-15-2007, 07:23 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Elijah Wilde
Default Jason Isaacs Fan Club - Sa13+
Farmer Carter | | Ama's Secret

Well done guys! Here is the first chapter:

Chapter 1: Freedom

Lucius Malfoy sat alone in his single cell on his prison bed in Azkaban prison. He had been in the same dark cell ever since that night he was caught for doing what the Dark Lord had assigned him to do: to get the prophecy from the Department of Mysteries. It wasn't great being in prison with the Dementors on guard, but one day they deserted their posts to join the Dark Side. Since then, a group of Aurors had guarded the prison and Lucius Malfoy waited; he waited for someone to get him out of Azkaban and to give him his freedom.

It's been ages, Lucius Malfoy thought, as he stood up and began to walk around, the chains connected to his handcuffs following him loudly. For months I've waited to get out of this filthy place. But, no, I have to stay here, not having the feeling of being free in months.

Lucius breathed heavily. He missed his wife, Narcissa, and his son, Draco. He had heard a whisper that his son had been given an assignment by the Dark Lord himself. He was proud of his son. Very proud indeed. If only he could tell his son this face-to-face.

"They'll have to come," Lucius muttered under his breath. "They'll just have to. The Dark Lord will need as many followers as he can get. They'll have to come."

Lucius sat back down on the bed. He rolled up the sleeve of his prison clothes that revealed the Dark Mark. It was slightly burning, a sign that the Dark Lord was getting more powerful by the hour. He put the sleeve back down wondering, just wondering, if the Dark Lord would need him to fight for him in the war.

Lucius lay down on his back. He slowly closed his eyes and imagined that he was far away from the walls of Azkaban. "They'll have to come. They'll come. They'," he said aloud, falling fast asleep.



Lucius woke with a start. Someone or something was trying to get inside the prison. He immediately stood up and walked up to the bars of his cell, chains following him.


"They're here," he shouted, the thudding noises echoing throughout the prison. "It has to be them."

Thud! Thud! BANG!

Lucius jumped. He wasn't expecting the huge bang. He walked backwards until his back hit the wall. He quietly breathed until he heard a soft familiar voice. "Lucius...Is that really you?"

Lucius walked forward, his face to the bars of his cell. "Narcissa."

Lucius saw that Narcissa had threw back her hood revealing her pale face and blonde hair. "Lucius!" Narcissa clenched on to Lucius’ handcuffed hands, tears beginning to flow down her face. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too, dear," Lucius said, remembering how it was to feel Narcissa's soft skin.

"Mother! Did you find father?" came a voice.

"Yes, Draco. Over here," Narcissa said, her head slightly turning.

"Father!" Draco said, his face coming into Lucius' few.

"Draco," Lucius said. "I..."

"Lucius Malfoy," came a cool, calm voice. "Nice to see you."


"Yes. Now let's get you out of here. Alohomora!"

Lucius' cell door clicked and it was unlocked. Snape walked into the cell and relieved Lucius from his handcuffs. "Thank you, Severus." Lucius said, his hands finally feeling relieved after all those months.

"Come on," Snape said, walking out of the cell. "We have to get the others.

Lucius followed as Snape and Draco freed the other Death Eaters. Narcissa stayed at Lucius' side. After every Death Eater who was imprisoned was freed, they walked through the passages of the prison until they found the exit. As Lucius walked out, he saw Bellatrix there standing guard and there were fifteen bodies lying on the ground motionless.

"Lucius!" Bellatrix said, noticing that Lucius was looking at the bodies. "Aurors. Didn't see what was coming."

Lucius smiled. "Nice, Bellatrix. Very nice. Took the pleasure in doing it?"

"Oh, yes. My pleasure indeed," Bellatrix replied proudly.

"We can have time for chit chat later," Snape said, walking in front of Bellatrix. "We have to leave this place. Now."

They all began to walk away from the prison without any trouble at all. Snape and Bellatrix lead the way as the rest of them followed. The other Death Eaters were following closely, talking amongst themselves.

Draco walked up next to his mother. "Father, I missed you so much."

"I missed you too, son," Lucius replied, looking into his son's eyes. "It's great, this is. Freedom."
When I look into the
all that I see is

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Old 07-16-2007, 11:42 AM   #2 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Elijah Wilde
Farmer Carter | | Ama's Secret

Here is the second segment :]

Chapter 2: Decisions

I needed to figure out where my family and I could go, having just made my escape from Azkaban. Even though I was finally free, I realized the road ahead would not be easy. I knew that the Dark Lord was really angry with me because of my failure to obtain the Prophecy for him during the battle at the Department of Mysteries. I’m sure he considered that entire incident nothing but a big fiasco and that I had failed him miserably. I knew I would pay a heavy price if I dared to come back to his presence at this point in time and there was no way I was willing to pay that price. I needed to get away, go some place where no one associated with the Dark Lord or where any of the Death Eaters could ever find me.

After much thought, I finally hit on the perfect solution. The Dark Lord knew nothing about my friend’s estate in the south of France. Esteban was a very discrete sort, he spent hardly any time at his mansion and I knew that he would have no objection if I went there and hid out for a while. None of the Death Eaters knew anything of my association with Esteban, so I felt fairly safe in going there. I had never mentioned him to anyone I knew, not even my wife or son. I have found that the fewer people you trust, the better.

Narcissa and I decided that I would go ahead to the mansion and she and Draco would join me later. They were staying in a remote part of Scotland where it was unlikely anyone would come across them, and we both thought it was best to keep separated for the time being, just in case.

I apparated to Esteban’s mansion and felt something I hadn’t felt in a very long time, a sense of freedom. I was never really free because of my bonds and allegiance to the Dark Lord and on top of that, the time I had just spent at Azkaban had been a nightmare. No one can possibly imagine how unbearable the Dementors are, how relentless and terrible,
or understand the constant fear that soon you will be the one to receive the kiss. It felt wonderful to have the freedom to walk around without anyone bothering me, watching me. I was at peace for the first time since I could recall. That is until the day she came.

I was enjoying a quiet walk near the garden when I felt something, an indescribable sensation that something wasn't right. By the time I realized what was happening, and tried to pull my wand, it was too late for me to do anything about it, which was surprising since I'm such a cautious, careful person who is not easily surprised. I heard the word ‘Incarcerous’ from out of nowhere and then ropes were suddenly on me, binding me and keeping me from escaping from this intruder who had suddenly apparated her way into my world. Who was she and how had she found me?

Somehow she seemed familiar, this slender young woman with the short, tousled, mousy hair. But wait; there was a slight trace of pink in those unruly locks as well.

“How dare you.” I turned to her. She really wasn’t that old.

“Who are you and why have you come here?”

“Who am I? You know who I am, Uncle Lucius,” the young woman said. “I’m your niece.”

“That’s impossible,” I responded, “I have no niece.”

“Yes, you do,” she insisted. “I’m Andromeda’s daughter, Nymphadora Tonks. You can’t pretend you don’t know me.”

I hissed. “Andromeda Tonks is no member of my family or my wife’s.” It was true; the woman was dead to both of us. She had had the nerve to marry a muggle and here this creature was, her halfblooded offspring. I suddenly remembered where I had seen this girl before. It was at the Department of Mysteries, she had been fighting on the side of the Order of the Phoenix. I shuddered. Was she here to arrest me and take me back to Azkaban again? And how did she find me?

“I know you’re wondering how I found you, right, Uncle Lucius?” This Nymphadora creature seemed to read my mind. “It was easy, I was able to sense your thought pattern and figure out where you were. Sometimes I’m able to do that, though not all the time. This time it was easy, and I’m not here to arrest you. I’m here to bargain with you.”

We had entered into the mansion by this time. As we were entering the sitting room she tripped over a small hassock that was near the fireplace. It wasn’t even near the path of where anyone would walk. My, this is a clumsy one, I thought. I wondered how true her words were about her sensing where I was. She seemed so inept and inexperienced.

“Well, since I have no choice in the matter, you might as well tell me what you have to say so I can be on about my business,” I sighed. The ropes were starting to become uncomfortable. I knew that I had to humor her or she wouldn’t release me from my bonds. “What is it that you propose?”

“We all know that you failed You-Know-Who and that he’s not happy with you. How can you go back to him now knowing that he’s angry with you? There’s no telling what he might do. You’re in a really bad position right now, certainly not one for bargaining. They already have plans to kill your son, my cousin Draco.” I shuddered. How dare she call Draco her cousin? She was certainly cheeky enough.

“My wife’s family disowned your mother a long time ago. They want nothing to do with you or your mother and haven’t since the day they kicked her out of the Black House,” I told her in my most pompous, arrogant tone possible. My, the Blacks were an embarrassment, I thought. For such a noble family they had many members who were not even deserving of the title ‘wizard’ and Andromeda was certainly one of them. I knew that Narcissa and Bellatrix were worthy, but I could think of no other Black in recent history that I could say the same thing of.

She shrugged. “Say what you want, but that’s the way it is and you know it. I am just here to help you and hopefully save Draco’s life and yours as well. Are you interested in what I have to say?”

I nodded. Draco was probably lost to me anyway; I needed to save my own life and couldn’t worry about anyone else, even my own son. My philosophy has always been to put yourself first, look out for your number one because no one else is going to. “Okay, what is your proposal?” I asked, bored. I had no intention of giving her an answer, at least nothing so certain as a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ at this point, this filthy half-blood daughter of the muggle Ted Tonks. She was lucky I was even speaking to her in the first place, but then again, she held all the cards in her hands at this point.

“It’s very simple. You work with us against the Death Eaters, tell us where He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is hiding and share information with us. In return, we will work to get Draco out of danger and see that no harm comes to you. You aren’t really safe here, you know. If I found you, somebody else might be able to find you, as well. We have the power to make sure that you stay safe. Why don’t you consider what I’m saying, at least?”

I thought for a few seconds. It was a very tempting proposition, in a way, but I still wasn’t prepared to risk everything by switching to the side of the Order. I had no interest in their plans, didn’t condone anything they did and didn’t understand them. They have no concept of why it’s so important to keep the bloodline of wizards pure, that mixing with muggles taints the magic and makes wizards far less powerful than what they are, thins out the great line of wizards we have had throughout history and ensures that we ourselves will one day have no magic and be nothing but muggles ourselves. I was very proud of my pureblooded line and had no respect for any wizard who didn’t feel the same way. This girl was trash to me, a half-blood who wasn’t worth my time or attention. Narcissa and Bellatrix would have been appalled if they knew I had even spoken words to her. But like I said, she held the cards so I was putting up with her.

I turned to the girl with a fake smile. She was gawky and not very attractive at all to me with her sad, heart shaped face and messy short hair, so very unlike my beautiful Narcissa. “I’ll think about your plan,” I said. That was all I would do. I wasn’t prepared to give up the Death Eater cause at this point, especially when it was the cause I truly believed in and I was still convinced that it was the cause that would win in the long run. “Can you at least free me of my bonds? I’m not going to do anything.” It was true. Though I had nothing but complete loathing and contempt for the girl, I had no intent to do anything to harm her, at least not at this point. “How about it, Nymphadora?”

She suddenly became very upset. “Don’t call me Nymphadora!” she exclaimed. “I prefer to be known as Tonks.” I shuddered, the very thought of actually wanting to be called by that muggle name. “All right then, Tonks,” I said resignedly. “I will give it my consideration and I promise that you’ll be safe if you release me.”

She lifted her wand and said the spell that released the ropes from around my body. I breathed a sigh of relief. “In return, will you promise not to come back here again, and that you will tell no other member of the Order of the Phoenix where I am? I presume you haven’t already done so, have you?” The girl nodded that yes, she had kept my secret safe and not told anyone. “Thank you, Tonks," I finally said. "I will consider what you’ve told me and I will send an owl to you if I decide to take you up on your offer.”

She smiled at me. “I appreciate it, Uncle Lucius,” she said. She looked like she was barely out of her teens. What was the Order thinking, enlisting the help of a young girl like this? “All right, we’ll leave it at that,” I said. “Is there anything more you need from me?”

”I don’t think so,” she answered. “I’ll be on my way, then. But do think about our conversation.”

With that she pulled out her wand and apparated away, leaving me alone with my thoughts once again. I knew that now was not the time to make any kind of decision one way or the other. I decided to stay in hiding here until I could figure out exactly what I did want to do. I had to think about what was best for me. But I was pretty sure that the Order of the Phoenix had no place in any plans I would be making in the future.
When I look into the
all that I see is

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Old 07-17-2007, 09:46 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Elijah Wilde
Farmer Carter | | Ama's Secret

Jason Isaacs, part three:

Chapter 3: Pride

After the strange mudblood girl, Tonks, had left my presence, I realized that the time to make a decision was fast approaching. As always, I needed to ensure that my interests were served and not worry about anyone else. I wanted to discuss the matter with my wife, Narcissa, and was relieved that I would be seeing her very soon. For the time being, the best thing I could do was simply stay in hiding and mull over my choice.

It was a great relief when both Narcissa and Draco arrived by floo the next morning. I was very concerned for Draco's safety, given the fact that he had failed the Dark Lord by being unable to kill Headmaster Dumbledore, as had been his set task. I knew that as upset as the Dark Lord was with me, he was going to be still more upset with Draco. My
conversation with Tonks did nothing to assure me of his safety in the future, quite the contrary, in fact. I thought his days were probably numbered, so I might as well enjoy my time with him while I could. The three of us spent the first day together just enjoying each other’s company, none of us wanted to argue. But the time did come when Narcissa and I were finally alone and we would have to have our conversation.

"I don't know how to say this, but I had a visitor while the two of you were gone," I started.

"A visitor?" Narcissa answered with both concern and disbelief. "But who could have found you here? It wasn't Snape, was it?"

"No, it wasn't Snape," I told her. "It was actually the most ridiculous young half-blood woman I have ever seen. She tried to convince me to join the Order and, most shocking of all, she claimed to be your niece."

"My niece!” she exclaimed. "How could that be, I have no niece. Bellatrix is my sister and she has no children."

"I'm afraid she claims the other one is her mother, not Bellatrix," he said pointedly.

Narcissa's reaction was predictable. "How dare such a person even have the nerve to contact either one of us!” she practically shouted. "That blood traitor she claims as her mother doesn't exist to me and never did."

I grasped her hand, calming her. "It's all right, dear, she's gone now," I said softly. "But the fact that she showed up here in the first place has made me very much aware of the fact that things are quickly coming to a head between the Dark Lord and the Order and that I need to decide which side I'm on. I feel if I don't take a side then none of us are going to be safe much longer. So I need to make sure I reach the right decision."

”As you always do," Narcissa assured me. One thing I could say for Narcissa, her faith in me never wavered, no matter what the circumstances.

I gave a sigh. She was right; I did always make the right decision. I knew there was no way I was going to side with the Order; they were a ragtag bunch which included the likes of a werewolf, a clumsy half-blood and a paranoid old man with a fake eyeball. The Death Eaters, on the other hand, were the side I truly believed in, their cause was the same cause as mine and the true warriors were all on that side anyway. The Order had no chance against fighters like Bellatrix, Rodolphus or even Snape, and not one of them would last even a second against the Dark Lord himself. It was crystal clear to me which side would win in a battle. It only took a minute to figure that out.

"I've made my decision,” I announced, turning to my wife.

She nodded wordlessly. She knew which side I would be taking all along.

After our conversation Narcissa and I just sat together for a while, holding hands under the stars and enjoying the beautiful night and each other’s presence. Who could say what was going to happen after this day? I didn't care about anyone else; I only hoped that all three of us would survive and that we would be together again soon.

I would be leaving tomorrow night to return to the service of the Dark Lord. He was going to be angry but we both knew that it was best to suffer his rage and face his punishment rather than gamble with the ineptitude of the Order.
When I look into the
all that I see is

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Old 07-18-2007, 08:13 AM   #4 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Elijah Wilde
Farmer Carter | | Ama's Secret

Here we are, part 4:

Chapter Four: Voldemort

Had I known what awaited my return to the Dark Lord’s service, I wonder if I would have made the same choice that I had. No matter how much I ponder this question, I know in my heart that I would have gone back to him, even if the price were my own head on a silver platter; I cannot escape my pride.

Upon arriving at the Riddle house, I was instantly seized. “Ah, Bellatrix, is this really any way to treat family?”

Her smile was sadistic as she shoved her wand harder against my larynx. “Why Lucius, what a wonderful surprise,” she spat. “You didn’t really think he’d let you come home after abandoning us, did you?”

“Abandoning? Bella, you miss understand—“

“I miss understand nothing!” she shouted, her wand shooting out angry red sparks that left welts upon my flesh. “You left us! You deserted us! You are nothing to the Dark Lord, Lucius, but a deserter and you will be ki—“

“Bellatrix.” A high cold whisper penetrated my entire body like sharp shards of ice. Cold and calculating, the Dark Lord stepped from the shadows, his red eyes glistening with an unknown desire, watching Bellatrix with her wand still upon me.

“My Lord,” she said, falling into place at his side. Her mad eyes remained trained on me as I stood against the wall. The Dark Lord gained her attention, receiving a smile as he trailed a long, thin finger down the side of her cheek.

“Ah, Bellatrix, you are too good to your master,” he said. “Go see that the others do not disturb us.” He motioned for her to leave and she did so, though she threw me an angry look before departing. “Lucius Malfoy, you’ve returned.”

Had this been anyone but the Dark Lord, I would have sneered. However, those with power were meant to be feared, and fear him I did.

“Yes, my Lord.” I muttered.

“Do you think you deserve to be welcomed home?”

A trick question. I was proud, not stupid. “My Lord, I am most unworthy. I humbly beg your forgiveness and ask only that when I am punished, you do not hold back. I do not deserve such mercy.”

He would like to hear that, I was sure. Upon further inspection, he did look very pleased with my answer. A laugh only proved to unhinge me, sending shivers of fear throughout my body, my only thought: What would he do to me?

However, tonight I would not find out, for tonight I was to retire to the den with the rest of his followers. Sleep and eat, talk of unimportant things, discuss the future we had with the Dark Lord; our conversations were merely trivial and my worst fears were not upon the far but the near, the immediate future; my punishment.
When I look into the
all that I see is

Last edited by Leeness; 07-18-2007 at 08:13 AM.
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Old 07-18-2007, 03:53 PM   #5 (permalink)

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Am I the only one that had visions of Hank Azaria dancing around in a red Gloria Estefan wig in The Birdcage slam into their head with the mention of a name like Esteban? O_o Yes? Ok. Just checking.

It's great! I love the first person narrative of Lucius. It's just so fitting to his arrogant and pretensious demeanor. Even though I know how it ends, I'm looking forward to more. Great job guys!
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Old 07-19-2007, 11:20 AM   #6 (permalink)
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Elijah Wilde
Farmer Carter | | Ama's Secret

Thanks for commenting!

Chapter Five: Punishment

I was not under the impression that mercy was one of the Dark Lord’s fortes; I was not deluded enough to think that he would go easy on me. If I had wanted weakness, I would have joined Potter and his band of muggle-loving, impure imbeciles. No, I trusted power and the Dark Lord was nothing if not powerful. However, merciful was most certainly not part of the package.

Let it never be said that I, Lucius Malfoy, am not perceptive.

Morning; there is no peace in it, only the grating sound of birds chirping and a nagging fear in the pit of my stomach that today is the day I die. I wake up on the floor. Clearly the small, lumpy cots we are provided with are to blame; Lucius Malfoy would never fall out of bed.

I stand up, my bones cracking as I do. A thought occurs to me: What if he does worse by me than just the Cruciatus curse? I shivered despite myself. The others were still sleeping; Bellatrix was probably in her special, private suit, she was his pet after all and the only female. Why should she be forced to sleep with foul, disgusting pigs such as these? I, of course, grin and bear it.

The morning routine within Voldemort’s ranks is anything but ordinary. He is usually up at the crack of dawn, and usually in bed as late as can be. He hates letting time slip by him without accomplishing something, you see, and what he wants more than anything is to kill Harry Potter.

Now the trouble with killing Harry Potter is you can’t. We’ve all tried, I’m sure. Who wouldn’t want to? After all that stupid Gryffindor boy is nothing but an arrogant little brat. He only thinks he’s something special. He is not.

I still wonder, to this day, why it is exactly that Voldemort wants him dead so badly. Perhaps he’s just angry because he couldn’t kill him as a child. He certainly seems to think it only a minor draw back but underneath the frustration is only mounting and for some reason, I think, he’s almost afraid.

Afraid of the Boy Who Lived? I laugh to myself, a soft chuckle at first that slowly grows in pitch and suddenly I think I am something akin to madness. Oh, what a day this is going to be.

I walk through the house, dust rising in my wake. The Dark Lord was nowhere to be found and that bothered me. Upstairs I found Bellatrix sleeping though I was not sure whose room it was she was in. I was certain she slept somewhere nice, but the room was so lavish.

“Lucky girl, aren’t you?” I muttered darkly. Why she should get such fineries and I be reduced to sleeping on moldy, lumpy cots, and dusty, grimy floors was beyond me.

I traveled back down to the lower levels, heaving a sigh as my foot touched down. “Nothing to be done.”

“On the contrary, Lucius, I believe there is much to be done.”

I nearly shot out of my skin at the sound of Voldemort’s voice. There he was just sitting in the lounge, sipping a red wine, almost as though he were living in the lap of luxury, almost as though he had been waiting for me.

“M-my Lord?” I hate when my voice wavers. I had always told Draco that is the surest sign of weakness, that and shaking hands. Speaking of which, I balled my hands into fists, trying to curb my sudden fear and desire to run screaming.

“Yes, Lucius much to be done. As I recall, you were the one who told me not to go easy on you,” he said, that oh so sadistic, inhumane smile playing on his lips like something sweet, lingering for so long.

I’m going to die, I thought.

“Shall we get started then? We do not want to waste the day, do we?” Oh how that smile sent chills through my body; I almost visibly shivered. I didn’t notice it, but he had already pulled his wand out. A sudden flick and muttered word were my only warnings before the most unbearable pain tore at my body.

Coherent thought should be impossible through all this pain. Who is that screaming?

Then all fades to black.

I wake up on that same dusty floor as before, only this time the light in the room has shifted and I’m sore. I open my eyes slowly and the second I do, pain takes my body once again. I didn’t even hear him speak that time.

Blackness once more.

I’ve come to the realization, somehow through my slowly unhinging mind, that I am so much screwed. I’m not one for such foul language; I may use the word ‘mudblood’ from time to time, but really, it’s not so much an insult as a truth, an absolute truth.

I try to move, but a groan escapes me. Pain once more takes over my body. This time, I do not fall into the black oblivion; he wants me to stay awake for this.

“Lucius,” the Dark Lord says, “Do you know how long you have been under the Cruciatus curse?” he asked, teasingly. He was enjoying this so very much.

“N-" I began to speak, but my throat was raw and I couldn’t continue.

He merely laughed. I hadn’t the energy to move and when I fell, my face was suddenly very wet and warm. How humiliating.

“It is now seven o’clock Lucius. We started this session of ours at…” he paused, probably for dramatic effect, “exactly ten minutes to ten. Tell me, Lucius, are you mad yet?”

“M-my Lord,” I spoke, “I am still-" I had to stop. My throat hurt too much and there was the taste of blood in my mouth.

“Still sane?”

I nodded. “Yes, my Lord. And still able to serve you,” I finally managed.

“Are you?” His voice was high and cold with amusement. “Why should I let you? I should just kill you now.” He seemed to consider this. “But where would the fun be in that? You’ve only had to endure this for ten hours and ten minutes, minus a couple of breaks I took. It wasn’t nearly as fun when you passed out so completely that last time that you didn’t even scream, merely twitched. Like so."

He must have raised his wand for suddenly I was twitching and screaming in pain.

Screaming, in itself, can be torture. My already raw throat, bloody and swollen could only take so much more. Another minute of this and my vocal chords would be beyond damaged. Even talking would be impossible.

Beautiful, heavenly peace fell when the curse was lifted. I suddenly realized that Bellatrix was in the room and she was speaking to the Dark Lord.

“He sent you this, my Lord,” she was saying.

Silence for only a minute, then the sound of something ripping and parchment being unfurled.

“How very interesting,” he said, amusement sugaring his voice. “It seems Harry is ready to end this. He truly is deluded to think that he can defeat me.” The Dark Lord laughed. “Tell everyone, Bellatrix. Tell them that it’s time to kill those who oppose us. War is upon us and I intend to make the chaos so sweet.” He laughed that cruel laugh I had actually grown accustomed to.

“Yes, my Lord,” Bellatrix said. An odd pitch to her voice suggested excitement.

“Ah, Bella,” he murmured.

“I’ve waited so long for this,” Bellatrix laughed. No, she giggled in response. “After he is dead, we will celebrate all night and into the week even. Muggles will fall and all the impurities in the wizarding world will be extinguished. Oh, yes, my Lord, and we shall carry Potter’s head on a spike to show them all how weak he truly was.” She was so breathless with excitement I almost didn’t hear her.

“Go now.”

Bellatrix’s footsteps died away within seconds. I was suddenly aware that the pain would be returning or else it would be death I felt next.

The Dark Lord stood for a long while in silence. I didn’t dare look at him, much less move. I hardly even breathed.

“Lucius,” he finally spoke, “I wonder. You say you are able to serve me…” he paused once more for effect. “I want you to prove it. Prove your loyalties to me and I will spare your life.”

With all the strength I could muster, I forced my head up. “What is it you wish me to do?” My throat hurt worse than anything I could imagine, the blood threatened to bubble up, but I kept my composure, or as much composure as a man who’s been tortured can keep.

“Your son, Draco, has failed me countless times. I fear he is wavering in his conviction. He is a liability. I am almost certain he may be a spy.” The Dark Lord gave me such a penetrating glare that I could actually feel it slice through me to the core as he scoured my mind for any knowledge of this supposed truth. I, of course, knew nothing. His gaze shifted and he was no longer trying to kill me with daggers for eyes. “Very well, I want you to kill him, Lucius. Kill him and bring his body to me. I do not care how you do it. Use the curse, use a dagger, either way is sufficient as long as he is dead.”

I stared, unable to believe what I was hearing.

“You will do this lest I deem you unworthy and kill you and then him. To stand by my side when we triumph, you must kill your son.”

The funny thing is if the Dark Lord says you do something, you do it. He does not ask, he demands and right now he was giving me no other options. If he’d told me to do his laundry for the rest of my life, I would do it because that is how it works. If he told you to lick his dog clean, you would do it and you would not leave a single hair on that dog un-licked. If the Dark Lord tells you he wants socks with little snitches on them, you get him those socks or die trying because if you don’t, you’ll die anyway.

I nodded and he left the room.

I lay there for hours after that; my body was too sore to move, my throat to raw and swollen to call for aid or even drink water. I just lay there mulling over everything that had just happened.

An ultimatum. The worst kind. An ultimatum issued by the Dark Lord: kill or be kill. How simple and yet, how complex.

In my condition, I don’t think I could have gone anywhere. I’m almost positive I would have clinched myself trying but the prospects were not good: be clinched temporarily due to faulty apparation or be clinched permanently by the Dark Lord? Well, that was a no brainier.

Apparating was difficult, but not nearly as difficult as seeing my son lying in bed sleeping and looking just like a Malfoy should. Why had he returned to the Dark Lord? I had hoped they’d stay in Scotland. Apparently I set my hopes too high.

I pulled my wand from within my robes and prayed he didn’t wake up. My prayers of course, went unanswered.


His eyes were barely open, squinting in the dark. He hadn’t been asleep at all, I could see that so clearly now.

“Yes, Draco?” I said, my wand now in my hand.

“What-" he seemed to be at a loss for words. “What are you doing here?” he finally managed.

“I came to say good-bye.”


With that I raised my wand. I knew, before I said the curse, before I even brought it down, that he would never again love me as a son should love his father. He would hate me from this moment on. It was just too bad it was his last.

“Avada Kedavra.” I hissed and the jet of green followed. He was dead before he hit his pillow, looking frightened, angry, and very sad.

I sat down on the bed, taking his hand in mine and I did the unthinkable: I wept. It’s odd really, now I stop and think about it, that I don’t really care that much. I just killed my son and I really don’t care but I’m still crying about it. Why?

I collected myself, stood, pulling the body of my one and only son, my heir, into my arms and at that moment the door opened.


My heart stopped. Narcissa.


“What are you doing here?”

I laughed at that. “I came to say good-bye.”

“Good-bye, but why? What do you mean?”

“Not to you, Narcissa. To Draco.”

“To-" And just like that she realized what was happening and nothing could prepare me for what she did. “D-Draco?” she called.

Apparently, the lack of an answer was enough for her and she broke. I heard her fall to the floor and as I apparated away, her sobs echoed through me like the ringing of a very loud bell and her last words would stay with me for the rest of my life.

“You- never- I never want you to come near us- me again! I hate you! You sick, worthless-" I believe somewhere in there she started throwing hexes at me, but by the time the hex reached me, I was already on my way to the Dark Lord, my bounty in my arms, just like when he was a little boy.

“Lucius, back so soon?”

He was so sadistic. But he was all I had left and maybe he was all I ever had, ever was, ever could be.

“Yes, my Lord.”

“And you’ve brought us a guest, it seems.”

I nodded, unable to speak. Narcissa’s sobs and shouts still ringing through me.

“Ah, lovely. It seems you are truly my servant.”

I bowed, laying my son at his feet and kissing his outstretched hand. “My Lord, I am yours forever.”

“Good. Very good. Now throw the trash out, won’t you?” And with that he kicked Draco’s body towards me and left me to my musings and my task. I was to be the trash man tonight and by morning all that would remain of my deed would be a mound of upturned dirt and a memory.
When I look into the
all that I see is

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Old 07-20-2007, 12:10 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Elijah Wilde
Farmer Carter | | Ama's Secret

The sixth installment:

Chapter 6: The Final Battle

I was in a rather dark mood because of recent events. I killed my son to save myself. What type of person does that make me? Maybe I should have gone with the Order. No, that wouldn’t have helped. Thoughts like these rushed around my head for all of the next day before the Death Eater meeting we had that night.

Death Eater gatherings were never very big to-dos. They were more like everyone who was brave enough came and those who weren’t probably weren’t alive for very much longer. During the gatherings everyone listened obediently to the Dark Lord and this meeting was no different.

I sat around with the rest of the Death Eaters, trying to concentrate, but sad thoughts kept plaguing my memory. I was having trouble paying attention until I heard something that caught my mind.

“Tomorrow we will have our victory!” yelled the Dark Lord, “That daft boy and his band of hooligans will fall, we will succeed, and the wizarding race will be clean once more.”

From where I was sitting you could almost hear everyone’s excitement. I had known previously that Potter had called out the Dark Lord for this duel of fates but I didn’t know it was to be this soon.

“At Godric’s Hollow we shall finish this foolish war,” the Dark Lord continued. “Be ready, my faithful servants. Be ready!”

With that the meeting ended, leaving us all to ponder our fates. This battle was going to be difficult but finally all of our hard work will pay off. If I wasn’t so upset about the events of the previous week and loosing almost everything that had ever meant anything to me, I might have actually been excited.


We apparated to Godric’s Hollow that night. It was quite out of the way of any form of civilization. Go figure, that’s just where Potter would have wanted it. He would never do anything that could endanger the stupid muggles or any of the disgraces to the wizarding community.

The Dark Lord didn’t arrive with us. He would probably enter when he felt it would benefit him most. That idea was very smart on his part. Once we take care of the unnecessary people he can come and take care of Potter. The Dark Lord doesn’t need to throw away his time on the rest of these unfortunate wastes of flesh.

As soon as we got there the battle started. I got myself stuck in a duel with that clumsy halfblooded thing that calls herself my niece. She wasn’t as horrible a fighter as I would have thought she would be. I was shocked when she almost defeated my defenses with a very strong Blasting Curse. I was getting fed up with messing around with her. She was
a waste of my time and a complete waste of magic. I disarmed her with a particularly strong Expelliarmus and then used Petrificus Totalus to bind her body. I walked over to her where she lay motionless.

“You are no relative of mine,” I sneered. “Avada Kedavra.”

“No, Tonks!” I faintly heard someone yell but I was too preoccupied to care. The Dark Lord had just arrived.

“You will pay for this, Voldemort,” Harry yelled. “This is where it started. And this is where it will end.”

“Do you actually think you can win, Potter?” mocked the Dark Lord. “You will die and the muggles will fall. The Wizarding world will once again be pure. You are fighting a losing battle. Give up now and I may spare your loved ones.”

Potter didn’t even seem to think twice about it. “NEVER!” He yelled and the duel once again began. I didn’t see much of what was going on with the Dark Lord and Potter because I got caught up in a duel of my own with a man I wasn’t very familiar with. He had shabby robes and light brown hair. He didn’t look like he was well enough to duel but after spending so long in Azkaban, who was I to judge ones wellness?

We dueled for quite some time, throwing defensive spell after defensive spell. He was rather good for being from the Order. Then I recognized him. He had taught my son when he was in school. Lupin, was it? Yes, I think that was it. Taught Defense Against the Dark Arts. No wonder he could repel my curses so easily.

At some point he yelled something at me that sounded like “This is for Tonks,” but I was suddenly distracted by what was going on with the Dark Lord’s battle with Potter. The Dark Lord did not look too good.

I heard someone shout an ‘Avada Kedavra’ that I was sure was aimed at the Dark Lord. I saw a green flash of light and then everything was black.
When I look into the
all that I see is

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Old 07-20-2007, 09:59 PM   #8 (permalink)
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*cue suspenseful music*
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Old 07-22-2007, 12:44 PM   #9 (permalink)
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The End :]


Blue birds
Falling slowly from the sky
Like little rain drops
Oh heavens, why?

Sweet little blue birds
What did you do
That hurt you so much
And gave you this doom?

Did the war scare you?
The world below caked with life
And certainly- death -
Did it put you in strife?

Oh sweet blue birds
Don't worry
You're safe now

Bright flashes of green and red
Their master fell and with him -
All of his followers
Repenting for their sins

The boy who lived
Well, he's fine
He got rid of the Dark Lord
And is now divine

Poor blonde follower
Tried so hard to prove his worth
But fell before his master

Sweet little blue birds
You are free again
Evil is no longer
There's no need to explain

And so the Great War was over. It lasted for forty-three nights. Innocent lives were taken by black souls, their last breaths filled with longing for the lives they could have had, had they never stepped foot on Hogwarts.

The great Harry Potter was an even bigger legend before and was not ashamed. He did not boast but let everyone know of the details of Voldemort's last moments. They would believe him this time. No one would think him a liar.

Ron and Hermione stood by his side, scraped hands grasped in one another's, surprised and blessed to be standing with everyone who fought for their cause who survived. This time would never be forgotten.

As the few Death Eaters who remained searched the streets for Merlin knows what, a scream was heard. Narcissa, wiry and thin from battle, both in the street and with herself for what had happened, stooped over a fallen body, caked in mud and blood. She howled as her long, thin fingers lifted her husband's head, placing it gently on her lap. Shaking, she brushed the fallen hairs from his face. She gazed down at him, tears falling freely from her eyes.

"Oh, Lucius. My dear, husband." She rocked back and forth, her entire body breaking beneath her. Her son was gone, taken by the very man who raised him and now he was gone, the only man she would have ever spent her entire life with. Gone, without any proper goodbyes. No amends made. No sorrows said. Nothing forgotten. Or forgiven. She had nothing to live for now. Her family was gone. Her Lord. If the Order found her, she'd be doomed to death. She wanted to rejoin her family, but not now. Not yet. Not by the likes of them.

"I will see you again, Lucius. Soon. I promise," she whispered into his ear then slowly placed his head back down on the ground. Slowly climbing to her feet, she left the mess behind her, disappearing into a veil of fog, never to be seen again by the Order or anyone else for that matter.
Well done to the JIFC. I am so pleased you managed to join in on our competition! Thanks for all your hard work and producing such a splendid piece!
When I look into the
all that I see is

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Old 07-22-2007, 10:26 PM   #10 (permalink)
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We finished. Yay.

It was a good run. I love the way it turned out. I am very proud to say that I helped write for this FC. Everyone did a wonderful job and the ending was brilliant.
You're not alone, cause you're here with me. And nothing's ever gonna bring us down...

'Cause nothing can keep me from loving you, and you know it's true. It don't matter what'll come to be...
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Old 07-23-2007, 03:21 PM   #11 (permalink)

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This was great! I loved the ending, and I'm very proud I had a part in the writing of this FF, as well. Good job, everyone!
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Old 07-30-2007, 02:33 PM   #12 (permalink)

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Great job! I love the first person narrative of Lucius. You guys did a great job of taking hold of his arrogant demeanor in that fashion. And I liked the ending with Narcissa, such an unfinished finish to the lives of her son and husband and she never had her goodbyes. Great job!
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