Just so ya guys know, this is a two-shot. I'll post the first half of it now, and as soon as this is up (and I see it
This two-shot is based on the song It's You by Ryan Cabrera. I haven't seen any one-shots or two-shots with any Ryan Cabrera songs yet, so I thought heck, why not? I mean, once I liked this song I started trying to figure out what kind of Dramione story would suit it.
That's one reason why it's so long. It makes more sense if it is
(which is why it's a two shot as well. 1 is because it's long and 2 is because there're two different parts that don't really flow together as well so I thought separating them would be best).
Speaking of flow, I've been working on that with one-shots (in this case two-shot). I found when I read over my one-shots they didn't flow that well, so I've been working on that. Tell me what you think flow-wise as well, I'm open to suggestions! 
This post is the longest. The last/2nd is really short. It just explains things really...
Story: Draco and Hermione were a couple in 7th year, but after Hogwarts they were forced to break up because of Draco being forced (yes, forced), to become a Death Eater. They knew their relationship would have to end, but he never imagined it would be so hard. It’s been a few months since graduation and since their forced break-up and he’s thinking back a very short time before the Final Battle is to start. Before he knows it, he's in the midst of battle in Godric's Hollow, battling the one person he had only hoped to see again... --- Another night goes by without sleeping
'Cause I know I won't wake up next to you
Another life goes by without dreaming
And I can't help but think that mine will too
Draco lay in bed, looking at the stone wall on his right. The bags forming under his eyes meant nothing to him, his body was tired but he himself couldn’t sleep. Every time he closed his eyes, he saw Hermione in the distance, yet despite how he’d try to get closer, she would get farther away.
His thoughts drifted to graduation, it was the best and worst day of his life. He thought of how Ron tripped on the last stair that led up to the stage to get your diplomas and his burning red ears afterwards. But yet shortly after that the ceremony itself had ended. As soon as it had, he caught Hermione’s eye and signaled (subtlety) for her to meet him behind one of the walls of the castle.
Tears formed in Draco’s eyes when he remembered her beautiful, soft expression taken over by tears and the last time he held her close. Her warmth was his haven, and that had been taken away from him...
I'm standing before you with this label on my head
I'm pleading before you for you to understand
Draco rolled in his bed and shook his blonde head, trying to push away the image of Hermione at graduation when he said they had to break up. He recalled the tears staining her face, her make-up starting to run. He remembered what she kept on saying, ‘You could join the Order and run away... you could get away from what you’re making your life...’ He kept telling her he couldn’t. He wished dearly that he could just abandon his destiny and join the Order to fight what has destroyed his life, but he couldn’t without having his mother killed, and he loved her to much to do such a thing. He could hear her pleas in his mind, her begging him to stay, to have his mother join as well, but that was just crazy; Narcissa Malfoy had always and will always be a supporter of the Death Eaters and nothing would ever change that. Draco could only hope Hermione understood why he chose to stay with his Father as a Death Eater.
Baby it's you
When I look up in the sky I see you
Then I turn and close my eyes
It's you
When I'm sitting all alone in my room
Everything reminds me of you
Draco sighed and gave up his attempts to sleep. He swung his legs over his bed and paced around his room, trying to think of any possible way to fall asleep without...
His eyes flickered to a broomstick figurine of one of the chasers from the Irish Quidditch team on top of a box. Draco’s stomach dropped when he remembered leaving his mother in the booth at the Quidditch World Cup in the summer before going into 7th year and met up with Hermione (they had started going out secretly halfway through 6th year), and wandered around the shopping areas together. She wandered off and came back with the figurine in her hands and gave it to him, knowing the chaser she had gotten was his favourite player. He kept it ever since.
After a moment of thought, Draco recalled hiding a picture in the box below the figurine. Walking up to it, he carefully placed the figurine on the shelf bottom and opened up the box. Surely enough there was a picture taken by Ginny (she found out halfway through the last year) with him and Hermione in a deserted corridor, one arm around her shoulder and his other hand was waving at the camera while Hermione was leaning against him and waving and smiling as well.
Draco held the picture and sat down on his windowsill. He then looked out and into the black night, a sliver of the moon hanging in the sky and the stars places around the sky. As Draco started to look at the stars, a collection of them seemed to turn into Hermione’s smiling face. Draco fought back tears that threatened to fall.
“Draco,” a sharp voice broke into his wallowing thoughts.
Draco looked to his door and tensed when he saw his father standing there with his hood, robes, and mask on. His father glared at him.
“Why aren’t you ready?”
Draco then felt the gripping sting of the Dark Mark on his tender, pale flesh. He knew it was time.
Draco quickly changed into his robes and, much against his will, put on his mask. This mask was the sole thing that destroyed his life, it had left him sleepless for days on end, and it had pulled him away from the one woman he had learned to love.
The time is slow and I am sinking
Into a hole blackened with lies
And though I made it myself
You stand watching as my life passes me by
Draco apparated into the home of the deceased parents of Harry Potter. All the Death Eaters that had survived the Battle of Hogwarts stood in the same room, circled around Voldemort and the dead body of the snake Nagini.
“We have waited for this day for 17 years,” Voldemort said in a rasping voice as he paced slowly in the middle of the circle. “This ‘Order’ is outside of this home at this very moment, nearing their deaths.”
Draco repressed his shock and worry; he knew Hermione was a member of the Order of the Phoenix (clearly). If she was one of the dead in the end, he couldn’t even imagine how he could live to see another day.
Suddenly the creaking of floorboards sounded up the stairs and into the old master bedroom. Draco’s heart beat wildly in his chest, horrified for a split second that the house was being broken into. Voldemort’s lips twisted into a cruel smile.
“It is time,” he said. “Now go!”
The Death Eaters filed out and quietly made their way down the stairs. Draco lingered behind and left last. He then slowly made his way down the stairs and saw everyone in mid-battle. Even before he could make it to the floor, Draco was flung over the banister and into the wall of the other room. He crumpled to the ground momentarily, but was then flipped upside-down in the air and hung by his ankles.
“You’re going to have to do better than use one of Snape’s old curses,” he taunted.
Draco was then dropped to then ground and handed on his back heavily. He quickly got up and whispered, “Crucio.”
The sound of a woman’s scream tore through his ears. Draco kept the curse on her for a few moments until finally letting her get back up shakily. As soon as he did, he nearly fainted; it was Hermione. His shock distracted him just long enough to cause Hermione to throw him into the wall again. His mask fell off as he fell to the floor, lying on his side as his head throbbed in physical and emotional pain.
I'm standing before you with this label on my head
I'm pleading before you for you to understand
How much I adore you
I'll be there till the end
When everything falls down
Will you hold my hand?
Draco’s consciousness was started to drift from the hit to his head. He heard footsteps and felt a foot push on onto his back. He moaned as he fell onto his back. Looking up, he saw a blurry vision of Hermione’s perfect, natural curly hair above him. Draco was unsure if his blurry vision was causing him to see things, or was Hermione still shaking ever so slightly from the power of the Cruciatus Curse?
“You... you actually...” Hermione’s voice cracked.
It took all of Draco’s strength to withstand looking back into Hermione’s pained eyes. When he saw tears building up in her eyes, he had to look away.
Draco flopped his head back so he could look up at Hermione. “Please... just understand it’s... for your safety... and my family’s...”
“Since when have you cared for your father?”
“I... never have...” Draco fought to stay conscious. “Mother...”
Hermione dropped to her knees beside him. Tears fell down her cheeks and onto his robes. She the pulled off the pointed hood and let his sleek blonde hair cascade out of it. She laid the hood a few feet in front of his head (to make it appear that he was still wearing it).
As Draco’s consciousness started to slip, he reached out to Hermione with all the strength he could muster. She took his hand lightly as her tears continued to fall.
“I’m so sorry...”
“I love you...” Draco head then dropped as he went unconscious.