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Candy Display Case (Finished Fanfiction)A dazzling showcase of fully wrapped-up stories, these sweet treats are polished and ready for your reading pleasure!
Brillient chapter!!!! (:
Was really good, didn't care it was short.
I like the sound of this mission, i can tell it's going to be really interesting to read (:
Eviee <33
♥♥♥♥♥__________Chapter 17 of "A Broken Wing" Is up now!___________♥ ___________________Look Who's Back.
Disclaimer: Unless a black hole has sucked up all the sense in the world, I do not own Harry Potter.
Author's note: Thank you for waiting! I realize I haven't posted lately...
CHAPTER SIX: A long night...
Bethany's PoV:
It's funny how often we use the word, "unbearable" and still manage to bear it. For instance, the unbearable, unforgivable Crucio curse, is not quite unbearable. Horrible, yes. But if it were unbearable, I would not have survived the encounter. Which might have been a good thing, because then I would not have been sitting in the dimly lit basement in Malfoy Manor, with no one knowing where I was, and I couldn't walk through walls anymore, because I was visible with no one to see me.
Leaning my head against the wall, I sighed. Nothing to do now but wait. And waiting is "unbearable" to me.
Unfortunately, I wasn't waiting long. Right when I was about to fall asleep, Bellatrix walked in, angry, wand in hand, and ready to take out her anger on anything. And I, sadly, fell into the "anything" category....This was going to be a long night.
Scorpius's PoV:
I am a third year, with limited magic. I need more magic. How? That was what was going through my head as I sat under the tree by the lake.
I was still pondering this when William Stone came up behind me and sat down to my left.
"What are you thinking about?" William asked.
I looked at him, a sudden idea came to mind. I answered truthfully, "Your sister."
That seemed to surprise him. "Well, why? I mean, I think about her too, but you didn't know her," William responded, a confusion filling his face.
I shook my head sadly, "I know her Will, and why do you speak past tense about her?"
He looked even more confused then ever, "You can't have known her. And, well frankly Scorp, it's been two years. Most missing children don't make it past two days."
I laughed despite myself, "Will, you're a smart kid okay? But your sister is not 'most missing children'. She is not even missing...well, wasn't until this morning...."
"What are you talking about Malfoy?" William asked me sternly, I flinched. I hated being called Malfoy.
"What I'm talking about, Stone, is that your sister was here. In the castle. For two damn years and no one could see her, hear her, or feel her until this year when I..bumped into her. I was the only one who could see her, and now my not-so-dead Aunt Bellatrix has come and captured her this morning. And unless you really want to lose her, then you'll help me get her back. Because she's my best -and only- friend, and your sister, so I don't think we can let her rot in wherever my aunt is holding her."
I had done it. William now believes I have gone over the deep end. "You're insane Scorpius. You never met my sister, she never even made it to the train. And Bellatrix is dead."
I shook my head in frustration. "Then how would I know that her name is Bethany Sylvia Stone? How would I know that her birth-day is August 31?"
"You could have heard that from when we were searching for her, we gave a lot of information then," William said defensively.
"How would I know that when you were ten you wanted to be a surfer, so you took the ironing board and tried to stand on it in the minnie pool in your backyard, that is now my backyard? How would I know that when she turned seven you gave her a rose for her birthday, and soon found out that she very allergic?" I challenged him, looking straight in his eyes that looked so much like Bethany's.
His mouth opened and closed, he blinked several times, searching my unwavering face. I could see the gears working in his mind, trying to figure out how to respond. I could also see a glimmer of hope in his eyes. Then fear flashed over the hope as processed what I said about Bellatrix.
"So you...knew about my sister this whole time?"
Now I could see hurt in his eyes. I should have told him earlier. "Look, I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I know you had the right to know, More right then I did. But William, your sister is in Danger and I have to help her, and I can't do it without you."
He was silent for a long time, then, with a determined look, he nodded.
I realized what I had just gotten myself into. William, a seventh year, and me, a third year, had to find and defeat the most crazy, and angry, and evil, Witch there ever was. Then we had to find Bethany, make sure she wasn't evil yet (You know, if she had excepted the offer...) and get her out of the place. But I figured we should start with finding out where Bellatrix was holding Bethany.
I was ticked with those Men In Black freaks, because they disappeared saying they would "collect" me during the first visit to Hogsmead, which, I realized with a sinking heart, I was supposed to take Bethany to.
Sighing, I stood up. I looked at William, who was obviously expecting me to go into some heroic rant again and go after Bethany right then and there, and said, "I'm going to bed. Talk to you tomorrow. Don't mention a word to anyone." Without waiting for a response I turned and walked away, silent tears slipping down my cheeks.
I hated crying with a passion, but right then, there was nothing I could do to stop the flow of salty water.
I was going to murder my great aunt, and do it happily.
That night I was racking my brain, trying to figure out where Bella would be keeping Bethany.
I was still thinking of this when I fell asleep on the couch.
"CRUCIO!" Bellatrix's voice carried through the door that led into the basement of Malfoy Manor. Screamed echoed up the stairs.
"You could still help us girl," Grandfather's voice now mixed in with the screams. "End this all now, just say yes."
The screams died down, a shaky voice floated around my ears, "I want it finished, yes. I want you dead, yes. I won't join you, yes." Bethany.
Another cry of crucio, another round of screams. Laughter, hysterical, rang through the empty house.
Gasping, I woke up on the floor in the common room. I had fallen off the couch...
But that didn't bother me, I knew where Bethany was, and I had to get her out. Her screams still echoing in my ears, I ran out side, needing fresh air.
Sprinting outside, I collapsed onto the cooling, dew covered grass. Rolling onto my back, I discovered heavy, frozen water droplets (Also known as snow), falling from the sky. I savored the refreshing snow in the early morning, the sun was about to rise.
My heart ached knowing what Bethany was going through while I was watching the sun rise.
My heart ached for Bethany.
Now more then ever I had to save her...This was going to be a long morning.
Disclaimer: J.K.R has all rights to Harry Potter. I, do not.
Author's Note: Hmm....Enjoy
CHAPTER SEVEN: "Who are you talking to?"
Scorpius's PoV
Hogsmead day had come. Children were excited, talking about what they were going to buy and where, two boys (one with orange hair, one with black) were plotting on their way there. Snow had blanketed everything, including the frozen William and I who had woken up at five that morning.
Neither of us could have gone back to sleep if we tried so, instead, we went outside and played Quidditch, for hours. It was mostly just a quaffle and the two of us on brooms trying to wrestle it away from the other so we could get it in the goal at the end of the field. William, who was four years older then me and the captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, easily won.
By the time the rest of the students were up and on their way to Hogsmead, William was bored of winning, and I was bored with losing. We were sitting outside in the snow when I was startled to look up and see the two men-in-black wanna-bes standing in front of me.
I jumped to my feet asking, "Is it time to go? I know where she is. I just to get there. This is William Stone, Bethany's older brother, he's going to help me. Will I be allowed to use my magic during this? I mean, I still have my trace on me right? I don't wanna be kicked out of Hogwarts, not that I wouldn't be willing if that's what it meant to get Bethany...." I finally stopped, realizing I had been ranting. Also I realized William was staring at me in shock and confusion. Why would he do that? Because I forgot that no one could the two men except for me. So I added, "And why can't he see you?!"
"Um..Scorp? Who are you talking to?" William asked, getting to his feet.
I ignored him and looked at the two men. Finally one of them relented and answered all my questions slowly, still without any emotion. "It is time to go. We know where she is too. We will get you there. We know who he is. Yes. And he can't see us because we chose to be like this, rather then how Bethany was forced to be."
"Well then, make it so he can see you, because right now he thinks I'm insane."
William rolled his eyes, "Um, I'm right here Scorpius, no need to talk like I'm not. And who are you talking to?"
The men exchanged looks, though I'm not sure how they could see past those dark sunglasses. "Just tell him that we are here. We can't reverse the spell. If he trusts you, as you trust him enough to take him to rescue Bethany, then he believe you."
Never a simple answer. Sigh, with out looking at William I slowly explained, "There are two men in front of me. You can't see them because they are under the same spell as Bethany. They are this way by choice, and they can't reverse it right now. They are going to help us get to where they are keep Bethany." Gosh, I sounded insane.
William seemed to read my mind, "No matter how crazy that sounds...nothing will surprise me any more. One question though. How are we getting?"
I saw the men exchange amused glances, and I felt worried. They just said, "come". I turned to William, shrugging, and said, "However we're getting there, we're going now."
carrot lover (not) // torturously friendly // secret spy // HP nerd // <3 sparkles // who am I?
Oh dear! I feel like I've missed on the world. I read all other chapters (since the point I left off) in one go, non-stop. This goes to show how amazing your story is. It certainly grasps the reader's attention.
So first things first, ehem ehem... ready for it?
HOW DID BELLATRIX GET INTO THIS??? Sorry I hate her so much. I really hope Bethany would find a way out of trouble and escape that place. I also hope she wouldn't lose her mind and not give in easily to her demands.
Disclaimer: Unless a black hole has sucked up all the sense in the world, I do not own Harry Potter.
Now THAT made me laugh.
It's funny how often we use the word, "unbearable" and still manage to bear it. For instance, the unbearable, unforgivable Crucio curse, is not quite unbearable. Horrible, yes. But if it were unbearable, I would not have survived the encounter.
OMG sooo true!!! YOu made a very good point there!
I had done it. William now believes I have gone over the deep end. "You're insane Scorpius. You never met my sister, she never even made it to the train. And Bellatrix is dead."
Ok, now you've done it!!! Gah! Why doesn't he just believe him?
"You could have heard that from when we were searching for her, we gave a lot of information then," William said defensively.
"How would I know that when you were ten you wanted to be a surfer, so you took the ironing board and tried to stand on it in the minnie pool in your backyard, that is now my backyard? How would I know that when she turned seven you gave her a rose for her birthday, and soon found out that she very allergic?" I challenged him, looking straight in his eyes that looked so much like Bethany's.
AHA! Take that! *cough cough* Sorry! hehe Got a bit carried away here!
I hated crying with a passion, but right then, there was nothing I could do to stop the flow of salty water.
So so sad.
I was going to murder my great aunt, and do it happily.
:hack: Um good luck with that.
Now more then ever I had to save her...This was going to be a long morning.
Ata boy! Scorious to the rescue!
Sorry for making my comment so long. I figured I needed to make up for being away for so long. Such a bad reader that I am.
Hahaha! (I loved all the smiley faces with your comment BTW) I like long comments.
William CAN be so frustrating, but then again, I think I would be slow into accepting the fact that my sister was invisible and no one but this one kid could see, ear, or feel her.
Disclaimer: J.K.R has all rights to Harry Potter. I, do not.
Author's Note: Hmm....Enjoy
CHAPTER SEVEN: "Who are you talking to?"
Scorpius's PoV
Hogsmead day had come. Children were excited, talking about what they were going to buy and where, two boys (one with orange hair, one with black) were plotting on their way there. Snow had blanketed everything, including the frozen William and I who had woken up at five that morning.
Neither of us could have gone back to sleep if we tried so, instead, we went outside and played Quidditch, for hours. It was mostly just a quaffle and the two of us on brooms trying to wrestle it away from the other so we could get it in the goal at the end of the field. William, who was four years older then me and the captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, easily won.
By the time the rest of the students were up and on their way to Hogsmead, William was bored of winning, and I was bored with losing. We were sitting outside in the snow when I was startled to look up and see the two men-in-black wanna-bes standing in front of me.
I jumped to my feet asking, "Is it time to go? I know where she is. I just to get there. This is William Stone, Bethany's older brother, he's going to help me. Will I be allowed to use my magic during this? I mean, I still have my trace on me right? I don't wanna be kicked out of Hogwarts, not that I wouldn't be willing if that's what it meant to get Bethany...." I finally stopped, realizing I had been ranting. Also I realized William was staring at me in shock and confusion. Why would he do that? Because I forgot that no one could the two men except for me. So I added, "And why can't he see you?!"
"Um..Scorp? Who are you talking to?" William asked, getting to his feet.
I ignored him and looked at the two men. Finally one of them relented and answered all my questions slowly, still without any emotion. "It is time to go. We know where she is too. We will get you there. We know who he is. Yes. And he can't see us because we chose to be like this, rather then how Bethany was forced to be."
"Well then, make it so he can see you, because right now he thinks I'm insane."
William rolled his eyes, "Um, I'm right here Scorpius, no need to talk like I'm not. And who are you talking to?"
The men exchanged looks, though I'm not sure how they could see past those dark sunglasses. "Just tell him that we are here. We can't reverse the spell. If he trusts you, as you trust him enough to take him to rescue Bethany, then he believe you."
Never a simple answer. Sigh, with out looking at William I slowly explained, "There are two men in front of me. You can't see them because they are under the same spell as Bethany. They are this way by choice, and they can't reverse it right now. They are going to help us get to where they are keep Bethany." Gosh, I sounded insane.
William seemed to read my mind, "No matter how crazy that sounds...nothing will surprise me any more. One question though. How are we getting?"
I saw the men exchange amused glances, and I felt worried. They just said, "come". I turned to William, shrugging, and said, "However we're getting there, we're going now."
He shook his head but trustingly followed me as I followed the two men.
Several hours later I found myself standing next to William outside my old home.
I glanced at William, and he nodded. It was time to go in. I thankfully knew ways in, that old Auntie Bella wouldn't know of.
Walking around back, I saw my old swing set. It was a magical one of course. After I was born, my mother made my father have the house more...child friendly. This included putting in a swing set, and later moving into an actual home.
We went past the swing set and into my old play house. My father was always paranoid that someone, probably an old death eater seeking revenge, would come after him and his family. So he built a passage way from my play house into the basement closet's cupboard. It was a pretty big cupboard and we could squeeze our way into it without much problem.
Now we were standing in the old closet. Knowing that only the wooden door separated us from Bethany. We were both on edge and wanted to dash in there instantly, but we both had to wait. We needed to make sure that Bethany was alone in there.
It's a good thing we did. The next second we heard a cold, and sadly familiar, voice. "Come girl, we've been nice, we asked you politely. We will give you one more chance, then no more. Just this last chance. We're being nice."
My grandfather was there. And so was Bellatrix, "Oh come now, Lucius, she won't say yes without a little persuasion."
There was a pause, and we guessed Bethany was saying something. Then came the shout. The shout that made me have to hold William back. The crucio curse, and the scream that followed.
After the scream died down Lucius said, "We'll be back in the morning, your answer had better be yes."
We heard their foot steps up the stairs. We unlocked the door with magic, then dashed into the room. Bethany was curled up in the back corner, shaking. It was saddening to see her, usually so happy, like this.
She didn't notice us. I took a step forward and tapped her shoulder gently...
Bethany's PoV
I was pathetic. Curled up in a tight ball, hiding in the corner. My life was over, come morning the would torture me to the brink of death, then kill me.
Yep. At least I wouldn't give into their demands, and only Scorpius would miss me. I didn't have to worry about my family.
Scorpius, I hoped he wouldn't miss me too much.
Then some one touched me. Was it already morning? It couldn't possibly be. But then again, maybe it was, I didn't care...
But either way, someone touched me. And I was startled. I jumped about...as far as I could physically jumped and made this pathetic whimper sound.
Then I heard a timid voice, "Bethany?"
Scorpius...Scorpius? Scorpius!
I managed to roll over and I saw him, kneeling in front of me. "You..." I didn't know what I was trying to say. I just started to cry silently.
Gosh. I was SO pathetic. And that is like, my third time using that word. "Hey," said Scorpius lightly, "You know what?"
I blinked in confusion. What?
He stepped aside wordlessly, and I saw him. My word. My brother! And he was watching me. It was not pathetic amazing.
I looked back at Scorpius. I needed to know it was real. I could not be let down again. "Can he see me?"
"And hear you, and probably hug you."
"And is this really happening?"
"As far as I know."
William came forward as if in a dream. He leaned down in front of me. He said two words, "I'm sorry" and hugged me.
Scorpius's PoV
I kinda felt like an intruder, but we needed to leave, so I had to step up. "Um... Will? Bethany? We need to go now."
William nodded and picked up Bethany. We made our escape, though it was tricky getting Bethany though the tunnel..she managed to convince us she could crawl it on her own.
A few hours later we used portkey to get us to Hogsmead from which we flued into Hogwarts.
First thing we did was go to the Headmistress. this would be an interesting thing to explain.
Bethany, Scorpius, and William each shuffled into the Headmistresses office. It took a while to guess the answer to get past the gargoyles, but they managed it.
Headmistress Mcgonagall jumped at the sight of the three children. "What is going on here Mr. Stone?"
She turned to the Head Boy, only made sense, he could give her a sensible, reasonable answer.
"This is my sister, Bethany, that we just rescued from Malfoy Manor where Bellatrix Lestrange was...holding her captive so she would work for her to finish Tom Riddle's work."
Minerva blinked in shocked. Not quite the sensible, reasonable answer she had been hoping for. Then her eyes fell onto the girl who practically dead on her feet. All thoughts of reasoning and sensibility fled her mind.
She grabbed hold of her arm and led her to on of the chairs, which Bethany gladly sank into. She looked to William and Scorpius, "Please, start the story from the beginning Mr. Stone."
He shrugged and said simply, "I'd ask Scorpius, he knows more then I do about this."
She turned her attention the small boy who was silent for a moment then he began explaining. He started from the train, how he could kind of hear her, but William couldn't and continued, telling the whole story.
"And then we came back here and came to see you," Scorpius finished.
Minerva chewed her cheeks, an annoying habit she had picked up. She wordlessly went to her desk and scrawled out a quick letter. She handed the parchment to William, "Please go send this to ministry, and go tell Professor Longbottom to come see me. Scorpius, please bring Bethany to Madame Pomfrey."
"Yes Ma'am," they responded.
Bethany, having stayed silent during this all, was watching the sorting hat our of boredom. As she stood shakily to her feet, she could have sworn it winked at her. She shook her head, telling ehrself she was just overtired.
Scorpius reached out and put his arm around her shoulder, leading her out of the room. Once out of the room they had a silent walk to Madame Pomfrey.
When they reached the doorway Scorpius stopped her. Looking straight in her up and down. Then he shook his head, "Bethany, I cannot believe you are standing right in front of me."
She smiled weakly, "Neither can I, Scorp."
He was so relieved to see that smile again, he let out a deep breath that he had been holding since he first saw his great aunt. He returned her smile and said, "Did you know that it's possible to not breath for several, several, days?"
She laughed, really laughed. "Thank you Scorpius, for everything..."
Before Scorpius could respond the door opened and there stood Madame Pomfrey, she looked down, saw Bethany, and dropped her water glass.
Without bothering to repair the glass, she hustled Bethany in and closed the door on Scorpius. He was left with nothing else to do other then go to bed.