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Candy Display Case (Finished Fanfiction) A dazzling showcase of fully wrapped-up stories, these sweet treats are polished and ready for your reading pleasure!

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Old 08-20-2007, 01:37 PM   #1 (permalink)

Teddy's Founder
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Erin Harley
Fifth Year
Default In The Name of Teddy Lupin - Sa13+

This is a one-shot on the last moments of Remus and Tonks.

Genre - Romance

Until Death Do We Part

'Remus? REMUS?'.

Remus turned - that was Dora's voice. Dora, his beloved Dora - what was she doing here?

'Dora, go home!' Remus cried, using a shield charm to block a curse Dolohov had just sent at him.

'No, Remus! We're fighting for Teddy, both of us. You're his Dad, and I'm his Mum - and we always will be, alright? We'd die for our little boy, we agreed on that. And you AREN'T dying alone!' Tonks said, running up.

'Hopefully I'm not dying at all,' Remus said, swiftly knocking out Dolohov and pulling his wife into a small broom cupboard.

'Well, that would be preferable. But if you go, I go. Until death do we part,' Tonks replied, smiling.

Lupin stared into the understanding teal eyes of the woman he loved, the woman he had married, the woman who had given him a son.

'I love you, Dora' he whispered.

'I love you too, Wolfie,' she smiled back. 'But we can't stay here forever - Bellatrix was following me as I came to find you'.

Remus nodded.

'What about Teddy?' he asked.

'I think I've told everyone this a thousand times - he'll be safe with Mum. She'll look after him. And if we don't make it out alive, she'll make sure Teddy always remembers us, and why we died...she promised me that,' Tonks said, smiling sadly. 'I've brought a picture with me, and left him the letter'.

'The one for him to open the night before he goes to Hogwarts the first time?' Remus asked. He got a playful whack over the head.

'No, the letter he's meant to open when he marries Minerva McGonagall - of course, the one he's meant to open the night before his first Hogwarts year!' Tonks laughed, grinning.

'Well, doesn't look like there's much time left, Mrs Nymphadora Tonks-Lupin,' Remus said, smiling sadly.

'Usually, I'd tell you not to call me Nymphadora, Mr Remus John Lupin-Tonks. But I suppose I can make an exception for the man I adore,' Tonks replied.

Remus took her hands.

'Shall we do what we agreed to do?' he asked. Tonks nodded, and they both took out there wands, and rested the tips against each other.

'In the name of Teddy Remus Lupin, our son,' they both said together. 'We solemnly swear that we are up to no good'.

What looked like silver ribbon erupted from the wand tips, and tied them together, before loosening them again.

'For richer or poorer, husband,' Tonks said, taking Remus' hand and squeezing it gently.

'In sickness or in health, wife,' Remus replied, kissing her softly.

'For the rest of our lives,' they both said together, and left the cupboard hand in hand.

Two cries of Avada Kedavra would have been the last thing the couple ever heard, had they not spoken at the very last moment.

'Until death do we part.'

So, I really hoped you liked it! I was feeling down about them dying so I decided to write what I thought was a sweet little One-Shot about their last moments. Sorry if it's horrible, but I needed something to do instead of wailing about their deaths, and this was the first thing that cartwheeled into my crayzee mind .
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Old 08-20-2007, 07:57 PM   #2 (permalink)
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*sobs* *literally sobs*
That actually made me cry!
That was really lovely, very good characterisation... *wails*
I loved Tonks, she was great! *sobs*
~Join Ginny, Bonnie, Tonks, Sybill, Harry and Evanna FCs!~

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Old 08-20-2007, 08:02 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Maddz, you have officially made me cry now, and it's not easy to make me cry. That was such a sweet one-shot! Oh, god, I'm gonna have to go try calm myself down now. The writing was so brilliant, I almost felt I was seeing it first hand!

Lena xXx

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Old 08-20-2007, 08:19 PM   #4 (permalink)

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I told myself that if I have a reply on the first day that I posted it, it would no longer be a one-shot. So it is no longer a one-shot. Thank you Wendy and Lena, thou hast been my inspiration!

Chapter Two - Why?

Andromeda closed the small book, smiling sadly at her four year old grandson, who's head occasionally fell onto his chest. Bless him, though, he was trying his hardest to stay awake.

'Do you know why I asked for that to be written out properly, as a book?' Andromeda asked quietly, trying not to make the boy jump.

Teddy shook his head, his eyelids drooping over the same teal eyes that had been described in the story.

'Because this is very important - to me and to you. I hope that one day, you will take this to Hogwarts with you - and maybe read it, once in a while, and remember that they said your name not long before they died, because they loved you so very much, Teddy Bear,' Andromeda sighed, running a hand through Teddy's aquamarine hair.

It was a shade off Teddy's usual turquoise, but he was still getting used to his powers, and he didn't really mind anyway.

'Nan,' Teddy murmured sleepily. 'Why did they have to die?'.

This was a question Andromeda honestly didn't know how to answer. Tears fell down her pale cheeks, making her eyes look darker than ever.

'There was a war, Teddy Bear,' she said fondly. 'A pointless war, and so many deaths that needn't have happened. But your Mum and Dad died fighting for you to have a better life, just like fifty others died fighting for their little boys and girls, or brothers and sisters, or anyone they loved, to have a better life. So just because they didn't have to die, they didn't die for nothing'.

'I don't understand though, Nan...' Teddy yawned, his hair slowly fading back to brown, an obvious sign that he was shattered. 'How can something un-needed be worth anything?'.

This was a big question for a drowsy four year old to answer, and Andromeda sighed.

'I'll tell you when you're older, Teddy. Now then, come on, bedtime,' she instructed, picking up her grandson and taking him upstairs to the small bedroom that used to belong to her daughter.

The bubblegum pink wallpaper had been replaced with sea blue paint, and it was no longer the girly domain it used to be - but it was plastered with pictures of Ted, Dora and Remus.

Andromeda sighed. Although she had dismissed Teddy's question, she herself was asking one very simple question herself.


Last edited by DontCallMeNymphadora; 08-20-2007 at 08:20 PM.
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Old 08-20-2007, 08:22 PM   #5 (permalink)

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Hope is the only thing stronger than fear.

Thats so sad.So if its no longer a one shot.PAMS

She Can't Help Herself. Her Mind Won't Slow Down.

Watch Out! There's A NEW Ravenclaw In Town.

Last edited by HOPEendures; 08-20-2007 at 08:25 PM.
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Old 08-20-2007, 08:27 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Ahh, poor Teddy! He totally doesn't get why he's got no parents! Now I want to jump into the story and give him a big hug, which is absurd! And I love how you put in
plastered with pictures of Ted, Dora and Remus.
I just love that line because it shows no matter what, Teddy'll always have his parents watching over him!

I'm rambling, aren't I? I'll shut up now.

Loved it!

Lena xXx

listen and you can hear the distant sounds
of someone humming a familiar song

the sounds of raindrops echo across the horizon
and shoot your wish up to the sky
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Old 08-20-2007, 08:41 PM   #7 (permalink)

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Hehehehehe. I'm hoping this one will get you, because it certainly got me!

Chapter Three - Watching Over

'Is everything alright, Dora?' Sirius asked, moving over to her.

'Teddy's feeling low,' his cousin muttered, staring through what looked like a window, where an eleven year old boy could be seen sitting with his head buried deep in his hands.

'At least you can see him, right?' Sirius comforted Tonks, hugging her close.

'Yes. I've always wondered what this place is, but never thought to ask. Well...what is it?' Tonks replied, looking around.

It was like a busy metropolis - skies of blue with a bright yellow sun shining over a city full of deceased witches and wizards, going about daily life. The "Life Windows" was a huge building, full of small rooms, one for every person who came to live here, where they could see what was going on back in the land of the living, and replay special moments if they wanted to.

Tonks and Remus liked to watch milestones in their son's life - his first word, his first Christmas, his first birthday. Both were glad to see that Harry had an active role in his godson's life, which Lily and James were also proud of.

Tonks and Remus had settled in quite well after the first few days, unlike Fred, who had wandered around like a small dog, pining for a long-lost owner.

Still, Sirius and the others had attempted to cheer him up, and it had worked considerably - he was now running a Weasleys Wizarding Wheezes for dead people, which was alive - well, maybe not literally alive - and thriving so far, especially with the youngsters who were going to Hogwarts.

Yes, there was even a Hogwarts there - with Albus Dumbledore as reigning headmaster, and many of the teachers who had died teaching their old subjects.

'It's the afterlife, Dora! Where all witches and wizards go, except for the bad ones. They just get..."Poofed",' Sirius said, shrugging.

'Poofed?' Dora asked, raising an eyebrow slightly.

'No, not THAT kind of "Poofed". I mean eliminated - from life. Kind of like a Big Brother eviction, except without Davina McCall and you don't get cheered on by everyone when you get out on the other side. Unlike you of course - the welcoming comittee was immense for all of you lot after the Battle,' Sirius commented. 'James just jumped on me and shrieked "Who's afraid of the Big Bad Curtains?". Still, it was nice to see him. He was a good ally for when I was shouting at Remus the year after I died, because of how he was making you feel...'.

Tonks seemed to only have registered one part of Sirius' speech.

'I have one question,' she announced. 'What on Earth is Big Brother? Is Davina McCall a telephone company mascot or something?'.

Sirius raised his eyebrows, tapping her on the shoulder.

'Technically, Mrs "Inquisitive" Lupin, those were two questions,' he said, taunting her.

Tonks gave him a swift punch in the stomach and grinned, before going back to watching her son.

She hoped Teddy knew he was watching her.

Please don't get this chapter mistaken - they aren't in Heaven, because I wouldn't write that. They are, as Sirius says, in the wizarding afterlife - all magical folk go there when they die.

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Old 08-20-2007, 08:53 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Ooh ... three posts in one day. Nice.

When I read the first line, I wondered what on Earth was going on, but I'm glad you cleared that up. My first thought was "How on Earth is Sirius comforting Dora when Teddy's 11?" but when Sirius explained, it all became clear.

Aww, poor Fred! I feel sorry for him! But a Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes shop in the afterlife .. so Weasley twin like. And I love your reference to BB! Nice on, Tonks, for calling Davina a telephone company mascot!

Lol. I tell ya, this is the best fic I have truly read in a while that I've been really interested in!

Lena xXx
listen and you can hear the distant sounds
of someone humming a familiar song

the sounds of raindrops echo across the horizon
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Old 08-20-2007, 09:14 PM   #9 (permalink)

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Thank you! Well, there's more. These are relatively short chapters, but I have quite a lot of them planned out. Sometimes they'll be set in the Afterlife, other times in Teddy's time, but since it switches between his ages from time to time, I'll always mention his age in the story . Enjoy once more!

Chapter Four - So Alone

Teddy groaned.

'S'up, Teddy?' asked his best friend, Severus Richards, from the bed next to his own. Lots of people had been named Severus after Snape had been proved innocent fifteen years ago.

'I can't believe we're taking our OWLs - tomorrow!' Teddy replied, feeling utterly despairing.

'Bet you wish you took some of those potions earlier, don't you?' said a malicious Gryffindor fifth year who seemed to despise the fact that he hadn't been sorted into Slytherin, and also despised Teddy.

'Shut up, Carl. You know I wouldn't take them anyway - flushing them down Moaning Myrtle's toilet was part of my prefect duties, I know - but I wouldn't waste my galleons on utter rubbish like that,' Teddy said firmly. 'All it will do is put you in the Hospital Wing for three weeks'.

Carl muttered something and rolled over.

As Severus did the same, Teddy had an idea. Harry had given him directions to a magical mirror, just before his first night at Hogwarts, where he could see his true desire.

Teddy knew that the only thing he really wanted was to see his parents again, so he softly padded out of bed, and followed Harry's instructions.

The mirror had words written backwards on it's frame, and Teddy deciphered them immediately. He stood, watching the mirror expectantly -

And they were there.

Remus and Nymphadora Lupin, his parents.

They both looked around twenty-five years old, although Teddy had known the exact ages of both of his parents when they died - Dora had been twenty-six, and Remus had been thirty-eight.

Maybe he wanted to see his parents when they were at their favourite age - but this didn't matter to him.

All that mattered was him, his parents, and the look of utter pride that they wore, looking down at him lovingly.

Teddy Remus Lupin slept peacefully that night.
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Old 08-20-2007, 09:31 PM   #10 (permalink)
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I'm a new reader!!

I love it! It's great, perfect. Can't wait to read more!!
Keep up the good work!

the batcave | keep holding on,
'cause you know we'll make it through,
make it through. just stay strong.
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Old 08-21-2007, 10:56 AM   #11 (permalink)

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x6 x4
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Awwhh this is way good.
I loved the bit about bb, it made me laugh out loud and get
shouted at haha.
It's the end of the show. Of the historemix. We switched up the flow. And we changed the prefix

But we want to say. Before we drop the curtain. Nothing is for sure. Nothing is for certain
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Old 08-21-2007, 11:46 AM   #12 (permalink)

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x7 x5
∞ 17 | RP entrepreneur | defies gravity | Miss George is flawless | blanket burrito lyfe

Wow. Thats really all I can say. One syllabul. Its fantastic, the use of both lives is such interesting.

Little Miss new reder Shannon x

[Grimoire]__________________________________________________ ____________

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Old 08-21-2007, 01:11 PM   #13 (permalink)

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Thank you very much! I'm glad you're all liking reading it, because I definitely like writing it! This will be sticking around for quite a while, because I'm doing many short chapters instead of a few big ones! Enjoy!

Chapter Five - Results

'Teddy, will you stop worrying?' Andromeda asked with a sigh, looking up from her copy of the Daily Prophet, which bore the headline "OWL Results today - Celebration or Shambles?". There was a debate over whether the wizarding youth today was becoming stupid.

'Nan, I can't! And you didn't really help me either, saying "Your mother and father got perfect OWLs, you know!" over and over again!' Teddy cried, pacing up and down the floor of the small kitchen.

He slammed his fists down impatiently on the breakfast bar, groaning.
'When is that wretched Hogwarts owl going to come?' he asked, tapping his foot impatiently.

Andromeda chuckled slyly, putting her cup of tea down and shaking her head amusedly at her grandson.

'Nymphadora had exactly the same reaction on the day her results were due. And do you know what I said to her?' she asked, raising an eyebrow at Teddy.

Andromeda had caught the sixteen year old's attention - after all, she always had been good at giving advice.

'What?' asked Teddy.

Andromeda pointed at her cup.
'Go and get me another cup of tea,' she laughed. 'You're so nervous, you forgot to boil the water and add any milk, just like your Mum was. Don't fret so, Teddy'll do fine'.

Teddy nodded, nervous.


Remus yawned widely as he entered the room, holding two cups of sweet white coffee.

'Morning, love,' he greeted his wife. 'OWL results today?'.

Tonsk nodded, her hands holding tight onto the bar that was placed against the wall. Her knuckles were white, as she was grasping it tightly.

'I'm sure he's done fine, but....I'm really not sure who's more nervous, me or him!' she laughed.

Remus put an arm around her shoulder.

'Dora, if he's anything like us, he'll have passed it with flying colours,' he said, raising an eyebrow.

'If he's anything like us, he'll be one un-modest little devil,' Tonks quipped, without turning around.

Remus decided he had to agree. Otherwise, Tonks would go into one of her "Women are always right" speeches that she adored so much.


Teddy gasped as a handsome tawny owl flew through the window of the small house, landing neatly on the breakfast bar. There was an envelope attatched to it's leg.....

Teddy detatched it with quivering hands. He was so desperate to do his parents proud.

Andromeda smiled serenely at Teddy's anxiousness.
'Calm down, Teddy Bear,' she told him, a hand on his shoulder.

Teddy walked slowly away, pulling the letter from inside the envelope. He read it in his head.


Pass Grades: Outstanding (O), Exceeds Expectations (E), Acceptable (A)
Fail Grades: Poor (P), Dreadful (D), Troll (T)

Astronomy: O
Care of Magical Creatures: O
Charms: O
Defence Against the Dark Arts: O
Divination: E
Herbology: O
History of Magic: O
Potions: O
Transfiguration: O
Ancient Runes: E
Muggle Studies: O
Arithmancy: A

Teddy re-read the parchment several times, trying to let it sink in. Then, suddenly, he gave a roar of delight.

'I PASSED THEM ALL!' he shouted, throwing his arms around his grandmother's neck. 'Nine "Outstanding"s, an "Exceeds Expectations" and an "Acceptable"!'.

Andromeda gave a shriek of happiness and whirled Teddy around, despite the fact that she was ageing.

'Oh, Teddy!' she said, delighted. 'We'll have to have a party - tomorrow! We can invite the Potters, and all of the Weasleys...yes, all of them! Fantastic, Teddy! Oh, your parents are going to be so proud of you!'.


Tonks gave a scream of joy when she heard Teddy's results, almost knocking Sirius, who had just come in, off his feet.

'What is it?' he asked, rushing up to the window.

'Teddy's passed his OWLs.....all of them! Nine Os! Oh, I've never been so proud in my life!' Remus cried, spinning Tonks around in his arms.

'I'm guessing this means it's party time?' Sirius asked, a rogueish grin on his face.

'Of course!' Tonks enthused. 'I heard that Cherry Smith's twins have got theirs today, and Richard Carlton - we'll all have to throw a party!'.


While Andromeda rushed off to fetch her owl from the garden, Teddy smiled up at the picture on the fridge of his parents, attempting to ice skate in Winter.

'I hope I made you proud, Mum and Dad,' Teddy said, before running off to fetch his own owl.

Awww, wasn't that last little bit sweet? I loved writing that! And for the OWLs, I just followed the format in HBP!
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Old 08-21-2007, 01:17 PM   #14 (permalink)

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Okay i haven't read the other chapters just the first and im crying already, i don't think i want to read more. I am just happy reading that first post. It feels good to have someone write about them, but sad to relive the memories. You did a great job.
Tara Kensington-
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Old 08-21-2007, 01:19 PM   #15 (permalink)
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I've said it before, it's hard to make me cry but you've managed it. That was so sweet! I'm glad Teddy passed and that last little bit was so adorable! And I love how Tonks is being the proud mother - and almost knocking Sirius off his feet!

I can't wait for the rest, because you have me gripped!

Lena xXx
listen and you can hear the distant sounds
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the sounds of raindrops echo across the horizon
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Old 08-21-2007, 07:29 PM   #16 (permalink)
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New reader alert!

That was brilliant!I don't think I've teared up this much since I read the ending of DH (which was last night...again :p) You're awesome! I can't wait to read more! It takes a lot to get me teaerd up, no other FF has done it, you're the first lol

You showed the emotions so well it's truly wonderful, I loved how you pportayed Tonks as a true, happy mother.

Forget the future signature;
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Old 08-21-2007, 09:27 PM   #17 (permalink)
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Aww, that was great!! I can't wait to read more!!
the batcave | keep holding on,
'cause you know we'll make it through,
make it through. just stay strong.
'cause you know I'm here for you, I'm here for you
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Old 08-22-2007, 07:55 PM   #18 (permalink)

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Wow, you are an awesome writer! I love your story and subject matter.
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Old 08-22-2007, 09:03 PM   #19 (permalink)

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x8 x8
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Maddey! This! Rocks! PAMS!!!

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Old 08-23-2007, 06:00 PM   #20 (permalink)

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Awwwe thats was soo sweet.People seem to make me cry easliy.PMAS.

She Can't Help Herself. Her Mind Won't Slow Down.

Watch Out! There's A NEW Ravenclaw In Town.
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Old 08-24-2007, 10:01 PM   #21 (permalink)

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Thank you to everyone! This one isn't as long as usual because I am tired *yaaaawn* , but it's great that you all enjoy it!

Chapter Six - A Big Birthday

Teddy Lupin's seventeenth birthday.

Seventeenth birthdays were always a big event in the wizarding world, but it seemed that half of wizarding Britain was descending on Andromeda Tonks' house for the occasion.

As Teddy awoke on the first of May, the first thing he did, as he always did on his birthday, was smile at the picture of his parents.

'Good morning Mum, good morning Dad! I'm seventeen now, you know. Well, I know you do....I can tell that you're still watching me, even though Nan says it's preposterous. It isn't, though, because I can tell it's true,' he smiled at the picture, of his parents ballroom dancing in the Autumn park, laughing as Tonks tripped over everything that was there and Remus kept a hand around her waist, steadying her.

Then there was the Christmas one, with lots of other people on the photo too - Molly and Arthur Weasley, the twins, Bill and Fleur, Ron, Hestia, Dedalus, Kingsley...and right in the middle were Remus and Tonks, the former resting a loving hand on the latter's bump.

That's me.... Teddy thought, smiling warmly. He hugged the picture close to him, before setting it back on his desk and sprinting downstairs.

Andromeda was waiting for him, an enormous pile of presents on the terracotta sofa.

'Wow!' Teddy gasped, throwing his arms around his rather frail grandmother.

'Your parents left you this,' Andromeda said warmly, as Teddy relinquished his hold on her. He took the brightly wrapped present (the turquoise, pink and brown colour scheme had obviously been his mother's choice) and slowly peeled away the paper.

''s.....Mum....Dad!' Teddy gasped, looking at the watch. It was the traditional wizards coming-of-age watch, with gold stars instead of hands.

Andromeda felt tears fill her eyes as she watched her grandson, who looked awestruck at his gift.


Remus and Tonks were crying openly as they watched their seventeen year old son open his birthday present from them, and it filled them with pride as they saw his response.

'I never thought I'd live to see myself having a son, let alone watching my son come of age,' Remus mused, an arm around his wife.

Sirius, who had just walked in, objected.

'Actually, you aren't living to see it, because-' he began.

'Shut up, Sirius,' Tonks cut across, sniffing happily as she watched her son's delighted expression.

'So, what was going on seventeen years ago right now?' Sirius asked interestedly, resting a hand on his younger cousin's shoulder.

'Well, what time is it? Around seven o'clock?'. Tonks grinned. 'Teddy Remus Lupin had just been born'.

Remus' grip tightened on Tonks' shoulder, before pulling her into a warm embrace of mourning, celebration and just plain emotion.


'Hapeeeeeeee birfdey to ooooo!'.

Serenity Weasley may only just have learnt how to sing "Happy Birthday", but you had to admit that it was sweet.

Everyone clapped for her, and then the present-opening began.

Harry and Ginny Weasley had given Teddy a Golden Snitch, which he was very pleased with, having been made Gryffindor Quidditch Captain that year.

From James, Albus and Lily Potter, he had received a bar of Honeydukes' Best Chocolate, with Harry remarking that if he was anything like his father, he'd find a use for it.

Ron and Hermione had given him an Ireland Quidditch Team shirt, because Teddy was a big follower of them, even though he wasn't the slightest bit Welsh. Rose and Hugo had also chosen to give Teddy some sweets, this time in the form of a packet of Deluxe Sugar Quills.

Kingsley Shacklebolt, the Minister for Magic, had arrived fleetingly to wish Teddy a happy birthday and drop off his present. Kingsley had taken a liking to the boy, having been partnered on various Auror and Order missions with Teddy's mother.

The tickets to the Holyhead Harpies versus Tutshill Tornadoes game had come from Ginny, because she was playing Seeker for them.

Minerva McGonagall had also dropped by, with a large tartan tin (Teddy had a suspicion that it was a lifetime supply of Ginger Newts, which he wasn't too pleased about, but it's the thought that counts, after all).

Neville Longbottom (or "Professor" Longbottom) hadn't been able to come, because his grandmother had died (aged one hundred and fifteen, which wasn't a bad age) not long ago, but McGonagall had brought his card and gift with her.

Teddy had been thrilled with the various Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes products George had given him, and the enchanted razor he had received from Bill and Fleur.

Still, his favourite gift might just have been the small kiss Victoire had bestowed upon him shyly. Just maybe.

Yet while all of this was going on, Teddy knew that he had no chance of getting the gift he truly longed for - his parents to return.


Tonks and Remus looked at each other, both of their eyes full of seriousness.

'Tonight?' Tonks asked, smiling serenely.

'Tonight,' Remus repeated, returning the smile.

Next time...Teddy is in the garden halfway through the party, when he gets involved in a rather interesting conversation.....
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Old 08-25-2007, 06:27 PM   #22 (permalink)
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'I never thought I'd live to see myself having a son, let alone watching my son come of age,' Remus mused, an arm around his wife.

Sirius, who had just walked in, objected.

'Actually, you aren't living to see it, because-' he began.

poor remus.

i am currently stalking all of your lovely teddy fics. please post more soon!
rainbow lightning skies graphics.

//mychem-ing with ann//wentworth-ing with maya and carla//
Close my eyes when I go to bed, and I dream of angels who make me smile,
I feel better when I hear them say, everything will be wonderful someday.
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Old 08-25-2007, 07:36 PM   #23 (permalink)

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Hope is the only thing stronger than fear.

Sirius just makes everything funny.I loved it it's so sad yet so cheerful.PMAS

She Can't Help Herself. Her Mind Won't Slow Down.

Watch Out! There's A NEW Ravenclaw In Town.
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Old 09-07-2007, 04:03 PM   #24 (permalink)
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New reader!!!! It's making me cry!!!!!!!! PAMS!!
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Old 09-07-2007, 04:11 PM   #25 (permalink)
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I've read the first post...made me laugh of course, and almost cry XD
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