this is my story my 1st story so tell me if you like it
"Thanks again Lunna, for coming"
"dont sweat it ginny i've always wanted to see you'r home"
"I still cant believe snape gave us all this work to do over break." ginny said dipping her quill in ink "i mean come on its almost christmas!"
"I dont understand why snape does'nt like you guys. He didnt give us any work" luna heard ginny mumble "jerk" under her breath
"hes such a jerk i wish i can just hex him!"
"Ginny , Lunna!" it was Hermione at the door her bushy hair in a pony tail "come on Harry's here" she turned around and her skirt swaid from side to side when she walked. Hermione grew a little over break
Lunna got up and walked to the door "Ginny ,are'nt you comig?"ginny looked up and felt a little wierd inside
",yes i'll be down in a minute"Ginny smiled, Lunna rose her ibrow and walked out. Ginny ran to her mirror, tide up her hair and rubed her face and ran down stairs.
"Hi Ginny" Harry said running his fingers through his hair
'hi " Ginny whent red and smiled
everyone was sitting around the table ready to eat
"Ginny dear" said miss. Weasley giving everyone a plate "can you show harry to his room. You remember what room it is, right
'yes mother" Ginny went even more red "come on Harry" Harry looked down and his bags where gone "dont worry harry you'r bags are alrady up stairs"
Harry and Ginny felt funny they where both alone in a hallway, no one around .
"So Ginny are you still with Dean? "
Ginny smiled and said "no, i like someone ells, but i dont think he likes me. Well harry this is you'r room
"Thanks Ginny" he smiled and Ginny smiled back "and i do like you, a lot"
he moved a little closer to her and Ginny felt the bed behind her
harry took the clip from Ginny's hair and put on the side table. He put his hand on the back of her head and could feel her soft hair. Put his other hand on her waist , Ginny put one hand on the bed and the other on Harrys shoulder.
Ginny felt her heart in her stomach but it felt good Harry put his lips to her's and gave her a kiss and Ginny gave him a kiss back before you knew it they where kissing each other more and more ginny felt harry's hand in her shirt and he rubed her back. Ginny fell back on the bed.
"are you ok?" harry asked, his arm still on her waist. Ginny grabed him by his shirt and began to kiss him more
"harry?" ginny said trying to talk while she was kissing him
"ya?" harry replied
"they are going to wonder where we are"
"oh...... right... lets go."
Ginny put her clip back in her hair and puld her shirt down. Harry fixed
his hair and wiped his lips, they walked out. When they got to the kitchen
Lunna,Hermione,and Ron where looking at them in a wierd way
"oh good your here " miss. Weasley said serving avery one food
Ginny sat across Harry and they smiled at each other.
