Hi all! This is my first Harry Potter fan fiction.

I hope you all like this fic. It's a one shot time fic. And it's based off the song "Anywhere but Here" by Hilary Duff. Every time i hear this song i think of Harry and Ginny being together. I am a huge H/G shipper, as well as a R/Hr shipper too. in this fic will be mostly about Harry and Ginny I really hope you like or even love this fic. So without farther a due, here is "I don't want to be anywhere but here"
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It had been two years since Harry Potter left Hogwarts with Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. Though instead of having fun and working, Harry was mostly found at number twelve, Grimmauld Place trainning for the final battle that would take place between him and Lord Voldemort. But with everything happening at once, the joy in Harry's eyes started to fad away as the day of the final battle drew closer.
Everyone knew why, and it wasn't just because of the battle, it was because Harry chose to keep himself away from those he loved. Espeacially Ginny Weasley. The only person that owned his heart truly. But she did promise him that she would wait for the day they could be together with out any worry.
So the day of the final battle came. Members of the Order, the students of Hogwarts and members of the old DA, Harry,Ginny, Ron, Hermione, The Weasley's and the teachers of Hogwarts stood in front of the large Castle to guard it from harm. The battle started, there was death, sorrow, and anger from both sides of the battle field. And in the middle of it all stood two wizards. Watching each other as they yelled spell after spell at each other. As the last Death eater fell everyone around them froze to their spots. As everyone watched the two of them yell the final two spells.
Near the doors to the castle stood Ginny. Next to her stood Ron and Hermione. Behind them stood members of the Order and DA and students and teachers from Hogwarts. Not taking her eyes off Harry, and whispering into the wide four little words "I love you, Harry." with that Harry's power grow ten times stronger. And with that Voldemort fell.
When i'm in a crowd
Or on an island by myself
Silent or too loud
Wishing i was somewhere else
"HARRY!” yelled Ginny Weasley, running to him as he fell to the ground after defeating Lord Voldemort for the last time. “Harry, don’t leave me please don’t leave me!” She begged him. She had reached his fallen body, and turned him over to look into his beautiful bright green eyes.
"It's over Gin. It's all over." harry siad, in a weak whisper and Ginny held him close to her. She loved him more than the world and was scared to lose him again.
"Harry, i love you. I always have. Please stay with me." She said, kissing his soft lips, that where still warm.
"Gin, i will never leave you. Never." Harry answered, in a whisper closing his eyes "You're the one who's keeping me alive. You always have."
"Oh Harry." She said, hugging him to herself.
You hit me fast and hard
When you turn to me and say
never change the way your are
trying to catch your eye
Things will never look the same
"Ginny?" came Hermione's voice from beside her. Ginny looked up and saw that everyone had come after her from the spot they had all stood to watch Harry kill Voldemort. Hermione put her arms around her future sister - in - law to calm her, while Ron stood behind them.
"Ginny, Harry's going to be fine. he just needs to gain his strength back." came Lupin's voice in front of her."We need to take him to St. Mungo's right away." Ginny nodded as Lupin took Harry's now sleeping body from her. Hermione pulled her into a tighter hug. Ginny sat ther crying into Hermione's shoulder when Ron spoke.
"I think we should go too." and all three of them appeared into St. Mungo's outside of Harry's room. They sat there waiting to hear how he was. Everyone from the Order, and the Weasley family was there as well. Then Five hours later a Healer cam out of the room and said that he was awake and wanted to see Ginny. Ginny stood up from where she sat next to Hermione and walked into Harry's room.
Now I can't deny
You're the moth and I'm the flame
There I go again
I should walk before I run
How can I explain
I can't stop what you've begun
There ling on a bed with white sheets lay Harry. Her one true love and her life. "Oh Harry!" Ginny said, as she ran to his open arms to feel his comfort once more.
I'm falling through the door
Flying 'cross the floor
When you look at me suddenly it's clear
You're burning up my dreams
Crazy as it seems
I don't wanna be anywhere but here
Anywhere but here
"Gin. It's all right. I'm not going anywhere for a very, very, very long time." Harry said, as he held her close to him. He never wanted to let her go ever again. Therefore makeing up his mind at last.
What goes on inside
Is a mystery no doubt
A roller coaster ride
I may never work it out
Here's the brand new me
Skates around and floats on air
I'm a sight to see
Rainbow colors in my hair
You have set me free
The one who gets me there
"Gin. I love you very much. I don't want to spend another day without you by my side." Harry begain. "Ginny, Will . . . Would you marry me?"
Ginny looked up into his beautiful green eyes. She had waited for two years to hear him ask her that question. But at the time she knew she couldn't be with him. Now they could be together forever without a worry in the world."yes. I would be very happy to marry you Harry." she answered, as he pulled her in closer, to kiss her with a passionate kiss, that he longed to give her for two very long years.
I'm falling through the door
Flying 'cross the floor
When you look at me suddenly it's clear
You're burning up my dreams
Crazy as it seems
I don't wanna be anywhere but here
Anywhere but here
Three months past since the final battle ended. harry and Ginny where now living in Grimmauld Place, after redoing everything, just like Sirius had wanted them to. It was a lovly home now. Full of happy memeries as well as sad. But for Harry redoing the house was harder than he thought it would be, just because of his nightmaries of Sirius being locked up in the house for a year and a few months. But he would have never gotten there it all without Ginny next to him.
Here is the place where
My head is spinning
Time is beginning
To race away
You come to throw me
Knock me off my feet
You give me wings to fly
The world goes crashing by again
Five years past since Harry and Ginny got married. They now had three kids, and one more on the way. Their oldest they named Lowell, for he was the only boy and looked exactly like Harry. then came two of their three daughters, Kate and Ginger. and when their fourth was born they would name her Susan. They loved their childern as much as they lover each other, and even more. And they lived happily ever after to live in peace with the world around them.
I'm falling through the door
Flying 'cross the floor
When you look at me suddenly it's clear
You're burning up my dreams
Crazy as it seems
I don't wanna be anywhere but here
Anywhere but here
THE END!!!!!!!!! HOPED YOU ALL LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!