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| Candy Display Case (Finished Fanfiction) A dazzling showcase of fully wrapped-up stories, these sweet treats are polished and ready for your reading pleasure! |
01-27-2004, 12:58 AM
#1 (permalink)
| Streeler
Join Date: Sep 2003 Location: Portugal
Posts: 228
| His Little Healer II - Sa13+ Note from FF STaff: This thread has had all comments pruned from it so you may enjoy the story without interruption. -evlpez
Harry Potter belongs to Warner Bros, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Heyday/1498 films, JK Rowling and Raincoat books. I don't lay any claim to it.
Hello, so many of you asked me to do a Sequel to His Little Healer, and now, here it is!
Yes, i know i'm writing another ff at the moment, but i had a few ideas to this one, and i needed to write them before i forgot!
Here is the first chapter... It's kind of sad, but it's necessary to explain what's going on.
Please, read and tell me what you think.
If you haven't read His Little Healer, you should search it and read it first, ok?
*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/ His Little Healer 2 Chapter 1 – Only Pain is Real These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase My Immortal - Evanescence
“At last, the Prince killed the bad witch, with his silver sword, and ran to the Princess’ side. Gently, he kissed her rosy lips, and her eyes slowly opened… She was alive, and they loved each other. Nothing would ever stop them from living happily ever after!” Ginny read the end of a bedtime story, to a now sleeping Cassie. “It should end like: and they lived happily, until he died on duty and left my life empty, except for the pain!”
Cleaning the tears that kept running down her face, Ginny kissed Cassie’s cheek, and covered her properly, with the pink covers.
“Is she asleep?” Julie asked, when Ginny returned to the living room. “Are you crying?”
“Yes, she’s asleep… I just hate to read those Happily Ever After endings…” she said, sitting close to her best friend.
“Oh, Ginny… You’re still so hurt.” Julie whispered sadly, hugging her friend close to her. “He wouldn’t want to see you so sad and melancholic!”
“I spend my days, smiling as if I’m a happy woman, when on the inside, I’m dying with all this pain…” Ginny sighed, trying to avoid the tears she knew were going to spill in a few moments. “I have to wait until Cassie is asleep to drown myself in tears. I don’t want her to see me like this!”
“I understand you Ginny… And I know you loved Draco! You still love him, but he died, and now it’s time for you to move on! Ginny, nearly two years is enough time to try to forget!” Julie said, softly. “I want the old Ginny back!”
“I want Draco back! I want his pranks back! I want his laugh, his smile, his scowl, his caress, his body close to mine, his love for me, … I WANT HIM BACK!!!” Ginny yelled, starting to cry once again.
“I know… I want him back as well, but that’s not going to happen!” Julie said, crying as well.
“All I have left to remind me of him, is Cassie! What if I don’t raise her, as he wanted? What if she never forgives me for not being her real mother?” she whispered, worried. “Why did he leave me?”
“Stop this right now, Virginia Malfoy!” Julie said, furiously. “You are a fantastic mother to Cassandra! For the last nearly two years you’ve always put her above everything else, and that shows how much you love her! She calls you Mother! She loves you, Ginny… Draco died, and he’s not coming back, so, please, try to put your life back on tracks, and be the Ginny I once met!”
“It’s hard, you know? But I’m still trying… I’m trying…” she whispered.
“I know you are… Well, Mark is waiting for me, at home. I’ll see you Sunday at Harry’s wedding ok? Goodbye, darling.” Julie said, preparing to leave.
“Goodbye Julie, and thank you for everything!” Ginny tried to smile, but failed, as she watched her best friend Disapparate.
“All alone again…” she whispered to the big house Draco had bought for their life together. It was never meant to be so empty of people, but now it was.
It had been 2 years since she had married Draco Malfoy, the man she loved more than anything, and the father of her child to be born.
Ginny had been pregnant when they married, and the couple had adopted Cassandra, Draco’s sister, as their own child.
The recently married couple had been extremely happy for three months, until the day Draco was called to a secret Auror mission, along with Harry.
It was just a normal day, with Cassie at the Burrow, Draco working for the Ministry, and Ginny working as a Healer at St. Mungo’s. But, as soon as two Aurors appeared at the Hospital, to talk with her, Ginny knew everything was wrong.
There had been a raid to a Death-Eater’s manor, and Draco had been killed by one of the deadly traps.
Ginny still remembered the feeling that swept through her, as she heard those words. Soon enough, her world went black, and she fainted on the floor.
Two days later, she woke up at last, and her mother was there, by her side, comforting her, and once again, delivering bad news.
She had lost her baby… Her only link to Draco… The news had made her abort spontaneously her 5 months old baby.
Once again, the pain was too strong to bear, and took her a long time to go back to their house, and to be able to take care of Cassandra, and herself, once again.
So, 21 months later after his death, Ginny still cried for him, for their baby, for the love they had, for the happy life they could never share…
Yeah, i know it's sad, but this is the start, ok?
Bye. :sorcerer:
Last edited by evlpez; 01-07-2007 at 08:32 PM.
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01-28-2004, 11:09 PM
#2 (permalink)
| Streeler
Join Date: Sep 2003 Location: Portugal
Posts: 228
Ok, here is another chapter! The action will start on the 3rd chapter!
//~~//~~//~~//~~//~~// Chapter 2 – The memories won’t go away
“Good morning, Healer Malfoy. We have a young woman with contractions!” a nurse said, happily. Although they helped pregnant women to have their babies practically every day, the smiles still reached their faces when another sweet kid was born.
Smiling back, Ginny followed, and helped the extremely sweated girl, who was breathing quickly and crying due to her contractions. She had to be about 17 or 18 years old.
“So young… These girls need to learn some contraceptive charms!” Ginny whispered to Joanne, who nodded her head and gave her a sad smile.
“I know… But remember, you are a Healer, and still you forgot to take precautions two years ago!” Joanne answered, but as soon as she said the words, she clapped her hands on her mouth. “Sorry Ginny! I didn’t mean to say that!”
“It’s ok, Jo… I know you didn’t do it on purpose! Well, let’s help this girl, shall we?” Ginny sighed, placing herself in front of the girl’s legs. “Hello, Christa, my name is Ginny Malfoy, and I’ll be your assisting Healer. Now, I need you to push to the count of ten, and then stop and breathe deeply, ok? Push… One, two, three, that’s it, I can see the head, keep going, and ten… Stop a little and breathe! The head is out, but now you have to push really hard to bring the rest of the baby out! Push!”
In a few seconds, a little baby covered in blood lay in Ginny’s arms, who cried of happiness for the young mother, and cried of sorrow for what she could never have.
“Congratulations, Christa! You have a beautiful baby boy…” Ginny whispered, placing the baby on his mother’s arms.
“Thank you Healer… Thank you so much!” the girl said, crying with happiness, watching the little bundle in her arms, yawning and moving his little arms.
“Good job, Ginny…” Joanne whispered in her ear, before they both left the other nurses taking care of the newborn.
Yes, even after two years, it was still hard to work with pregnant women, and helping to delivery their babies, but Ginny had learned to put her emotions on hold, and do her job properly.
“So, is everything ready for your marriage?” Ginny asked, as they washed their hands, full of blood.
“Yes, everything is ready, but I’m so nervous… Harry is nervous as well! He’s always asking me if I’m feeling happy, if I’m sure, saying that he loves me, all the time… It’s very funny, and sweet at the same time,” Joanne said, giggling along with Ginny. “I really love him, Gin… I hope we have a happy marriage!”
“I hope so, Jo… I hope so…” Ginny whispered, sadly. “Well, I’m going to the Burrow to pick Cassie, and then I’ll head home… I’m dying for a nice bath and a nice cup of tea!”
“Ok… I’ll see you tomorrow at the wedding!” Jo agreed, and watched Ginny Disapparate.
“Mom? I’m here!” Ginny called, waking in the Burrow’s kitchen.
“Mommy,” a girls voice called, before Cassie came running into the kitchen with her arms open.
Laughing, Ginny held Cassie in her arms, kissing the girl’s cheek with tenderness.
“Hello, Blondie… Did you have fun, today?” she asked, while Cassie kissed her cheek as well, but a lot louder.
“Yeah… Granny taught me to knit… I’m doing a scarf for you!” the girl said, sounding extremely happy. “Come, I’ll show you!”
Putting the girl back on the floor, Ginny let her push her to the living room, where her mother was knitting near the fireplace.
“Hello Mom!” Ginny said, kissing her on the forehead. “How has she behaved today?”
“Cassie is a sweet child, Ginny! She behaved very well… I only had problems when Ron came home, and taught her to fly on his broom!” Molly Weasley said with a disapproving face. “She’s a girl! Not some boy, to fly around… My granddaughter will not learn to fly! She will play with dolls!”
“Where’s Ron? I’m going to kill that git!” Ginny greeted between her teeth. “Is he nuts? He could have hurt her!”
“He’s not home… But, she didn’t get hurt, Ginny! In fact she flied really well… She’s a natural on a broom,” Molly said, smiling a little.
“Tomorrow I’ll give him a piece of my mind… Now, I’m going home. I’m so tired,” she complained, brushing the red hair from her face.
“Ok, sweetie… And see if you eat properly, you’re looking a little skinny!” her mother complained, before standing up to kiss her granddaughter goodbye.
“Mom… You say that everyday I come here to pick up Cassie! I’m fine…” she complained, smiling happily.
“Mommy… Look, the scarf will be grey, just like Daddy’s eyes!” the girl said, happily, showing her the little piece of silvery wool, nicely knitted.
“It’s beautiful, darling… Just like your Daddy’s eyes…” Ginny whispered softly, watching Cassie’s smile get even bigger. “You are a good girl!”
This was another reason why it was so hard to forget Draco. Cassie remembered her of him, and she couldn’t stop talking about her Daddy. Besides, she had his blond hair, his silvery-grey eyes, and his perfect nose… There was no mistake that she was his sister.
The next morning felt like she was running a bloody marathon. Cassie splashed the entire bathroom floor with her bath water. There was more water on the floor than on the bathtub. Then, she didn’t want to wear the white dress Ginny had bought her.
“No, Mommy! I want the green one! Daddy will like to see me on the green one!” the girl cried, throwing the white one on the floor.
“Cassandra Malfoy, you will not behave as a little baby! You will wear the white dress, just as Joanne asked you to!” Ginny said, trying to sound authoritarian, but just one look at the pout on Cassie’s lips, and she surrendered. “Fine, you’ll wear the green dress, but Joanne will be sad!”
“YAY! Daddy will be so happy…” the girl screamed in joy, making Ginny want to cry.
‘What the hell is she talking about? I’ve already told her he’s gone… Why is she saying those things?’ Ginny thought to herself, trying hard not to shed tears in front of her little girl.
Cassie looked beautiful on the green dress, and Ginny finally got the time to take care of herself. After a short bath, she put on her light make up, let her red hair down, falling in beautiful waves, and put on her baby blue dress, that showed her nice curves, and floated all around her. Placing her silvery sandals, Ginny and Cassie finally left their house and went directly to the closest fireplace, linked to the Floo Network. And from there, to the specially prepared, for the wedding, fireplace in Hogwarts.
More as soon as i can, ok?
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01-30-2004, 11:04 PM
#3 (permalink)
| Streeler
Join Date: Sep 2003 Location: Portugal
Posts: 228
| Chapter 3 – The Wedding
“Hey, Gin! Over here!” someone called her, as soon as she came out of the fireplace, on the Hogwarts Grounds.
“Hello Harry! How are you feeling?” Ginny asked with a happy smile, while Cassie ran to Harry’s open arms, and hugged him strongly.
“I’m completely nervous… I’ll be ok as soon as I see Jo!” he sighed, kissing Ginny’s cheek in a brotherly way. “Cassie, you look beautiful today!”
“Thank you, Uncle Harry! I want my Daddy to see me in this green dress!” Cassie said, sounding extremely anxious.
Ginny shivered when she heard those words come out of Cassie’s mouth once again. But she wasn’t the only one to react. Harry became extremely pale, and his eyes opened even more in shock.
“What? Cassie… Ginny?” he mumbled, tongue-tied.
“Don’t worry, Harry… She has spent the entire morning talking like that, saying that she would see her daddy today! She still hasn’t accepted the truth…” Ginny apologised, picking Cassie from Harry’s arms.
“Oh Merlin…” he whispered to himself as he received the new guests. “This is going to be difficult…”
Ginny walked gracefully across the green field and joined her family. Between hugs and kisses, she found out that Ron and Hermione would be marrying soon, and the happiness flooded through her, making her forget about her problems… for now, anyway.
“I’ve missed this place so much… This is the only place where I feel safe and happy!” Ginny said to Hermione, as they walked alone nearby the lake. Cassie was being entertained by Ron and the twins, and the girls were having a gals talk.
“I understand you, completely… I miss our meals together in the great hall, I miss the Library, I miss the friendships, I miss the corridors, I miss everything… Everything!” Hermione agreed, whipping a tear from her cheek.
“I wish I had never left this school… The real life is too hard. I wish I was a little innocent girl again!” Ginny sighed, trying her best not to cry, while she looked at the school’s entrance. “Two years since I’ve been here for the last time… A lot happened since then.”
“Yes, it certainly has. But you know what? Hogwarts will be here waiting for us, whenever we want to come back.” Hermione smiled, watching their reflexes on the Lake’s calm waters. “Look at us, I would never imagine us gathering here to testimony Harry’s wedding. Everything will be fine, we just have to believe in our destiny, and try to build a beautiful future!”
“I hope they have better luck, than I had!” Ginny sighed, stopping on her tracks. “Well, we should go back, the wedding is about to start…”
The Great Hall was nicely decorated with flowers, and a red carpet along the corridor left unoccupied between two rows of chairs, for the guests. In the middle of the row of chairs, the entire Weasley family was already sat, and awaited for both girls. Ginny sat on the chair with her name, and the other two chairs next to her, were reserved to Julie and Mark.
“Good morning, Ginny!” a happy voice said.
“Hello Julie… You look gorgeous!” Ginny smiled, standing up to greet Julie and Mark, who held little Alex in his arms.
“Thank you, you look astonishing as well!” Julie laughed, bending to kiss Cassie’s cheek. “Hello sweetie… You look very pretty in green!”
“Thank you, Aunt Julie…” Cassie said in a educated tone.
“That girl acts like a true Lady… Amazing!” Mark said, smiling.
“Only when she wants to, Mark! And here is my sweet Alex… Hello gorgeous!” Ginny whispered, holding the year old boy in her arms. “Can I hold him through the ceremony?”
“Of course, Ginny! Sometimes I think he likes you more than he likes me…” Julie complained with a gentle smile. “You are great with kids!”
“Well, Alex won my heart… When he grows up he will break every girl’s heart in this school!” Ginny laughed, kissing the blond boy’s cheek. “And if I had had a boy, they would both break the girls hearts… Just imagine! Two blondes, running around Hogwarts, sending smiles at those little girls…”
“Ginny, don’t go that way…” Julie whispered, holding Ginny’s hand between hers. “Look, here comes Joanne!”
Joanne walked into the Great Hall, and walked slowly to the altar, where a nervous Harry waited for her. She looked beautiful in her white dress, contrasting against the red carpet beneath her.
The next 45 minutes were of pure hell to Ginny. She wasn’t witnessing Harry’s wedding… She was reliving hers, two years back in time, in that same room, with that same people.
When the people started to leave the Great Hall, Ginny woke up from her thoughts, and realised that Alex had fallen asleep in her arms.
“Oh, Alex fell asleep… Here, let me take him off your arms! You must be tired…” Julie said, reaching for the boy.
“Julie, do you mind if I stay here for a few moments with Alex? I want to think a little…” Ginny asked. “I’ll be out in a few moments.”
“Ok, Ginny, just don’t make yourself more unhappy than you already feel like!” Julie said, kissing her cheek. “I’m taking Cassie with me, alright? See you in a few moments…”
And there she was. Alone in the Great Hall, with the warm sunrays coming through the high windows, warming her and making her glow in the light.
She could hear the happy laughs outside, but she didn’t move. All she could see right now, was the image of Draco, Cassie and her, standing at the Altar. Flashback
‘I think we’ll be very happy…’ Ginny stated, kissing Cassie.
‘I’m sure we will…’ Draco corrected. ‘Weasel!’
‘HEY!’ Ginny yelled, laughing in his arms. ‘There will be no wedding night for you, little mister!’
‘Oh, I think you’re wrong! I know you can’t resist me…’ he replied, kissing her softly, in a promise of a long happy marriage. End of Flashback
Boy, were they wrong…
“Ginny?” a male voice said, from behind her.
That voice made her shiver from head to toes… Only one person was able to do that, and he was no longer among the living ones.
Refusing to allow her mind to play tricks on her, Ginny closed her eyes, and rocked little Alex in her arms, feeling the wonderful smell of baby powder, nappies, and that unique scent the babies have.
If she hadn’t miscarried, her baby would be almost the same age as Alex. They would have been best friends; they would play together all the time.
After she had lost her baby, Ginny became attached to little Alex, and loved to be with him. She was lucky that Julie allowed her affection for the boy.
“Ginny, please!” the man’s voice said once again. And once again, shivers ran through her entire body.
“Go away, you’re not real, you’re not here, and I’m hearing voices in my head…” she said, sounding hurt, standing up to leave the room. As she turned around, Ginny stopped abruptly, and her mouth opened in shock.
“I’m real Ginny,” the man said, “and I’m back…”
“Draco?” she whispered, before she sat back down on her chair, shivering from the shock. The next moment, fresh tears spilled from her eyes, as she looked at the figure of the man she had lost two years ago.
There you go, another chapter. Thank you for the reviews! They mean the world to me...
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02-01-2004, 07:01 PM
#4 (permalink)
| Streeler
Join Date: Sep 2003 Location: Portugal
Posts: 228
| Chapter 4 - Explanations
After spending the last two years dreaming and hoping he would come back to her, Ginny didn’t believe that the man in front of her was Draco.
“Fred and George Weasley, this is not funny… Where did you get some of his hair to do the Pollijuice Potion?” she said, furious. “How can my own brothers do this to me? Do you like to see me suffering, is that it?”
“Ginny, I’m not Fred, or George… It’s me!” he said, with a gentle smile.
There he was, beautiful as always, although a little paler. His hair was longer, brushing his jaw in a sensuous way, and his eyes were colder.
Watching him from head to toes, and hearing his soft voice, Ginny started to cry.
“Who are you, and what are you doing with Draco’s form?” she demanded.
“Ginny, it’s me, Draco… I’m not dead, I never was!” he whispered, coming closer to her, but she took a step back.
“No, you can’t be him…” she replied, although her heart knew that she was facing the real Draco Malfoy, in flesh, blood and temper.
“How are you supposed to act when the one you love pretends to be dead for two years, and suddenly, appears again in your life?” she thought, sobbing silently.
“Ginny, I’m so sorry… Please, don’t cry! Everything is going to be alright, I promise!” Draco said, kneeling in front of her, with sad eyes. “I love you, Weasel. I always have and always will…”
“How can you say that after all you’ve put me through? How could you leave me, Cassie and our baby?” she said furiously, but keeping her voice down, to keep Alex from waking up. “How could you fake your own death and make me cry for you, every single night until I fall asleep?”
“I didn’t mean to make you suffer…” he whispered sadly, caressing Alex’s face with gentle hands, and love in his gaze. “Is this my son? What’s his name?”
“Oh dear Merlin… I can’t take this anymore!” she thought to herself, standing up and running out of the Great Hall.
Next to the lake, there were two gigantic tents, where the wedding party was taking place, and Ginny ran to join the others.
As soon as she walked in the tent, everyone saw her red face from crying, her body shaking badly and the scared look on her eyes.
“Ginny, calm down, sit over here!” Harry said, helping her seat on a chair, and taking little Alex from her arms to give him to Julie. “Everything is going to be alright, Ginny… Just take everything slowly!”
“YOU KNEW? ALL THIS TIME AND YOU KNEW?” she screamed in shock, surprising all the guests who were looking at her with curiosity.
“What’s going on? Ginny, what is it?” Molly Weasley asked, sitting herself close to her sobbing daughter.
“I only found out yesterday! I haven’t seen him yet… He’s in there, isn’t he?” Harry asked, with a worried expression on his face, while he looked to the school’s main doors.
“Yes, he’s in there…” she mumbled, resting her head on her mother’s shoulders, while Molly Weasley hugged her tightly.
“Ginny, love, what’s going on? What are you talking about?” she asked, scared.
“Draco is alive, Mom… He’s here in Hogwarts!” Ginny said in a low voice, but apparently everyone heard, as they all started to comment.
“HE’S WHAT?” Julie yelled, looking furious, and crying at the same time. “DRACO PHILIP MALFOY, YOU CRAZY GIT, SHOW YOURSELF!”
A few minutes later, Cassie ran out of the tent, looking extremely happy.
Everyone stood quiet, watching the blond man kneel on the ground to hug Cassie, crying with happiness.
“Hello, darling! Gosh, you’re looking beautiful!” he said, kissing his little girl.
“Oh, Daddy, where were you? I’ve missed you…” Cassie laughed, hugging his neck with her little arms, while he stood up holding her.
“I’ve missed you to, sweetie! I love you…” he whispered in her ear, coming closer to all the guests.
Harry was the only one to approach Draco and hug him friendly, while the others just looked shocked.
“Everyone, Draco and Ginny need to talk, so please, no questions for now…” Harry said, looking serious. “You’ve got a lot to explain, mate!”
“I know, Harry, I know…” Draco sighed, handing Cassie to Harry, and coming closer to Julie, who was now sitting next to Ginny, still holding her son in her arms, although he was now awake. “Hello Julie…”
“Oh Philip, what have you done to us?” Julie sobbed, standing up to kiss and hug her nephew.
“I’ll explain everything, Julie. I promise!” he said, looking at Alex. “Can I hold my son?”
“He’s not your son…” Ginny said, coldly. “Alex is Julie’s son.”
“He is? But, where is our baby? When I left you were pregnant!” he asked, looking desperate, searching for a two year old baby among the guests.
“The only baby you’ve got is Cassie!” Ginny said, standing up, to face him, whipping her eyes and breathing deeply. “On that day, I’ve lost two of the things I loved the most in my life! I lost you and my only link to you… our baby!”
Draco’s eyes shimmered with tears, and looked extremely guilty.
Ginny’s heart told her to hold him in her arms, forget the last two years and love him freely, but her mind stopped her from doing so. She had to remember all the suffer she went through, because of him…
“I’m so sorry…” he whispered, holding her strongly in his arms, running his hands through her soft hair, feeling her wonderful essence and the feel of her skin against his. “Please, forgive me…”
Ginny sighed deeply, circling his waist with her arms, loving the feel of him again, but soon she stepped away from their hug.
“Harry, Joanne, I’m sorry I’ve ruined your wedding…” Draco smiled sadly, facing the new couple. “Ginny and I are going inside the school to have a long conversation…”
“Everything’s ok, Draco! It’s good to have you back, but please, don’t you ever make Ginny suffer again!” Joanne replied, hugging Draco with a sweet smile.
“You will face all the Weasley boys after that conversation, so be prepared!” Ron menaced, looking murderous, just like all of his brothers.
Draco nodded in agreement, and started walking towards the castle, side by side with Ginny. He tried to hold her hand, but she refused the touch.
“This is going to be so hard… I only hope everything ends well…” Draco thought, watching the woman he loved. She had been the only thing that kept him from giving up for the last two years, and he wasn’t going to lose her. He would do anything just to stay close to her.
As i promised, here is another chapter!
Thank you for the reviews!
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02-03-2004, 12:06 AM
#5 (permalink)
| Streeler
Join Date: Sep 2003 Location: Portugal
Posts: 228
| Chapter 5 – The truth behind the lie
The couple walked in silence to the castle, and from there, they went up to the Astronomy Tower, overlooking the school and its grounds.
“I’ve missed this place so much!” Draco sighed, looking out the window, to the beautiful summer day.
“Me too…” she replied, sitting on a chair, waiting for him to start his explanation.
“How are you?” he asked gently, coming to sit close to her.
“How should I be, Draco? First I was told you were dead, on that same moment I’ve fainted, and woke up two days later to find out that I had lost our child, and that I didn’t go to your funeral. I have never felt so bad in my entire life! It took me a lot of time to be able to go back to our house and take care of Cassie, again… I’ve cried myself to sleep every single night, thinking of you, and now, out of nowhere, you come back to my life, saying you were never dead! How should I react? Can you tell me?” she said, angrily.
“No, I can’t… I can only hope that you find it in your heart to forgive me, after I tell you everything that happened!” Draco said, preparing himself to start talking.
“Two years ago, Harry and I were trying to gather proofs about Pansy’s involvement with the Dark Arts. After a few months of research and watching her closely, we found out that she was involved in a Death-Eater’s circle, as they were trying to do what Voldemort wanted all along. To kill Muggles and Muggle born…
We called our best Aurors and attacked the Parkinson’s Manor, where the group was meeting. I was fighting one of the Death Eaters and he, purposefully, pushed me to one of the many traps in that house. That trap, in particular, was extremely deep, and the only way out was the way in. Impossible to achieve from the bottom of the pit.
Well, not impossible… When I was a little kid, I used to go to the Parkinson’s and play Hide and Seek with Pansy. I always went to the Dungeons and pushed a certain block to open a small hole leading to that trap, and I would hide in there. She never knew where did I hide…
After I fell on the trap, I had an arm and leg broken, my whole body was bruised, I was bleeding badly, and I fainted after the fall.
When I finally woke up, the entire house was silent… The Aurors had already left. I’ve tried to find my wand, but it was broken into pieces…
I’ve dragged myself to the stone I knew so well and opened the door to the Dungeons. It took me two days to climb the two floors, and get into the office where I used the Floo Network to call the Aurors back to the house.
They took me to a Healer, and as soon as I was well enough to talk, the Minister of Magic visited me, saying that I had two options… I could keep on working undercover, or I could work among the Dementors in Azkaban.
I said I wanted to come back home, but he told me that my family thought I was dead… I chose to go under cover…
I‘ve spent the last two years drinking Polyjuice Potion, to take the form of Marcus Flint, and walk among the other Death Eaters.
Yesterday, I called the Aurors, and together, we attacked the group, killed some of them, and arrested the remaining ones. Having completed my job, I was allowed to come back to my real life…
I owled Harry telling him I was alive, and he replied telling me he was getting married today, to come here at Hogwarts and from there we would try to understand what was going on!
So, I came to see you again, to explain you everything that happened with me, and to tell you I love you more than anything in the world…” Draco concluded his long explanation.
Ginny listened to everything with tears in her tires eyes. She now knew what he had been trough, as well… She wasn’t the only one to suffer, all this time! The Minister was the only one to blame of their situation.
“Draco, I understand what happened and what you went through, but, couldn’t you at least write me a note saying that you were alive?” she asked, sadly.
“I could, but I was under great danger, and I didn’t know if I would survive in the end. I didn’t want you to suffer my death twice, in such a short amount of time…” he said, standing up and going back to the window.
“Ok… I understand your reasons, but I need time to calm down, to clarify my thoughts, to decide what I want…” Ginny said, watching him.
“You don’t love me anymore…” he mumbled, whipping his eyes.
“Draco Malfoy, if I didn’t love you, why would I cry for you every night? Why would I be here, listening to you? Why would I avoid every single man that asked me out?” Ginny said, coming closer to him. “I do love you… I never stopped and never will!”
His face lit up with a beautiful smile, and he turned around to face her, opening his arms, calling her to a hug.
“I respect your decision, but can I at least touch you, for a hug?” he asked, shyly.
“Oh, you can do much more than hugging…” she laughed for the first time, in a long time, running to his open arms. “I love you, Ferret boy, and I want to be with you, but right now, I need time… That’s all!”
Ginny placed her arms around his neck, and caressed his soft hair, like she always did when they were together. He smiled happily, and held her hips against his, showing her that she still held power over him and his body.
“Gosh, I’ve missed your touch, and your smell, and your smile, and everything about you…” he said, kissing the tip of her nose.
Smiling, she kissed him softly, waiting for his answer. Soon enough, the kiss turned from sweet and gentle, to urgent and passionate.
Two years full of sorrow and unhappiness disappeared, as they finally loved each other under the warm sunlight, on the floor of the Astronomy Tower.
I know i was supposed to update When the Angels Cry today, but this chapter was stuck in my head!
Hope you like it!
Thank you for the reviews!
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02-06-2004, 10:28 PM
#6 (permalink)
| Streeler
Join Date: Sep 2003 Location: Portugal
Posts: 228
| Chapter 6 – Back to the Party
“What the hell are they doing? The night is falling, and they are still inside the school…” Ron complained, looking at the school entrance.
“There are two options to what is happening… Option number one: they are shagging each other senseless! Option number two: Ginny killed him for good, and is trying to find somewhere to hide his body…” Hermione joked.
The Weasley boys all looked at her with shock and worry on their faces, but Hermione, Julie and Joanne all laughed amusedly.
“My bet goes to the first option!” Joanne and Julie said at the same time, laughing even harder.
“My bet goes for that one, as well!” a female voice said behind them.
“Ginny!” all her brothers screamed at the same time, when they saw her standing close to the tent entrance with Draco holding her in his arms.
“I’m glad someone was having fun, while I have to wait until later tonight!” Joanne joked, pecking Harry’s cheek.
“And I promise it will worth the wait…” Harry said in a seductive voice, kissing her gently.
“So, have you talked? What have you both decided?” Molly asked, worried with her baby daughter.
“Yes, Draco told me what happened, and from there I took my decisions… Draco will come back to our house! Cassie has spent two years away from her father, and they both have the right to be close to each other. I asked Draco to give me some time to decide what’s happening next in our relation…” Ginny explained, smiling.
“What’s there to decide? You were the one to say you were both doing it all day, today!” Hermione said, stunned.
“Well, we were both really needing to be close again… I’m sure you guys don’t understand what it’s like to be two years away from the most sexy woman on the face of the earth!” Draco laughed, kissing Ginny’s cheek. “But she’s right… She needs time to recover from the shock, and I’ll be there to support her, and to make sure our relation starts all over again!”
“Oooh, that’s so romantic…” all the women sighed, dreamily.
“What is? Not being able to sleep with your own wife until she wants to?” Harry asked, amused when all the women tried to slap him in the head, for being cruel.
“Harry, you better not say much more, or you won’t have any for the next couple of months…” Joanne said, with a scowl on her face.
“Fine, fine… I take it back, ok!” he said, quickly, with his face purple with embarrassment.
“Well, if you are willing to take him back, then I conclude that all this death fake was not his fault…” Arthur Weasley asked his daughter.
“No, it wasn’t… That was Minister Fudge’s fault…” Ginny said, looking serious. “And he’s going to pay for what he has done to my family and to my psychological health…”
“Well, all I have to say is, Fudge be careful, because here comes the Weasley family, ready to kick your but!” Fred laughed, and soon all the other joined him.
“Daddy… Are you going home with me and Mommy?” Cassie asked, hugging Draco’s legs.
“Of course, sweetie… Daddy won’t leave you again, ok? I promise!” he told the little girl, holding her in his arms and kissing her cheek.
“That’s good… Can you tell me a bed time story, tonight?” she asked him, with her silver-grey eyes wide open in excitement.
“I would love to, Cassie!” he smiled, as the girl kissed his cheek and giggled.
“Well, now that everything is ok, I’m dying to eat something! I’m starved…” Ginny laughed, kissing her daughter, and going to a table full of food.
“Oh, Draco, I’m glad you are back! She hasn’t been eating properly for the last couple of years. You’re doing good to her!” Molly Weasley said excitedly, as she hugged her son-in-law.
Draco hugged her back, and joined Ginny on her quest for food.
“So, when’s the wedding?” Ginny asked Hermione, as they ate surrounded by the whole family.
“In a couple of months… I’m already taking care of everything!” Hermione said, with a huge smile on her face.
“That soon? Wow… You guys should have been married for a while now! I can’t understand why you waited for so long!” Draco said in a friendly tone.
“Me neither…” Ron laughed, hugging Hermione closer to him. “Malfoy, when will you tell us what happened?”
“Ron, I’ve already told that story once, today… Can you all come at our place tomorrow for the long explanation?” Draco asked, sipping his wine.
“Sure… We’ll be there tomorrow after dinner…” Ron agreed, and then stood up. “Mione, I’m tired, can we go home now?”
“Ok, Ron… My poor baby is tired, and I must go home to put him to sleep!” Hermione said with a wicked smile on her face.
“What’s wrong with these women today? They are all talking openly about their sex lives, as if we wanted those pictures in our minds… YUK!!!!” George complained, looking disgusted.
“Oh, by the way, Hermione, you were right… The Astronomy Tower floor really has a Cushion Spell on the stone floor, and it really is comfortable…” Ginny whispered to Hermione, giggling.
“Ah ah… I knew it! I’m thinking about going back there one of this days to give it another try…” Hermione laughed, along with Ginny.
“Hermione, you are talking dirtier everyday that goes by… I guess that’s the bad influence from my brother…” Ginny replied, hugging her friend to say good-bye.
Soon, all the guests were gone, except for Ginny, Draco, Cassie, Mark, Julie and Alex. Draco, Mark and Harry were talking quietly on a near-by table, while the girls were on another table, with Cassie sleeping in Ginny’s arms, and Alex playing with his toys on the floor.
“I haven’t seen you this happy for some time…” Julie said, smiling at Ginny.
“I haven’t been this happy for a long time, Julie!” Ginny replied, caressing Cassie’s face with tenderness. “He’s back, Julie… He’s alive!”
“I know, darling, I know! I’m very happy as well…” Julie said, whipping away some tears.
“Ginny, now that we are the only ones hearing you, how was the really coming back?” Joanne asked, curious.
“Well, I shouldn’t discuss my sex life, but it was spectacular… Two years full of tension and hurt, dissolved in the most amazing love making I ever had!” Ginny said with a dreamy expression.
“Wow… Your face shows how much you liked it!” Julie laughed at her friend’s red cheeks. “Why do you want time, Ginny? I mean, you slept with him today, why can’t you go back to your old life with him?”
“Yeah, good question, Julie! Why?” Jo agreed, curious.
“All that sexual tension between us had to be released… We wouldn’t be able to be close to the other if we didn’t make love… And it was awesome! But now, I need time to know what to do next. Remember, according to the law, I’m a widow, and Draco is dead! We need to make the Minister correct Draco’s situation, he needs to be alive according to the law, so that we can decide if we get married again, or if we just live together, we need to know if he has his job back… We have so many things to do, before we can think properly of our relation! And, the most important of all, I need to know this new Draco… He is changed; I can see it in his eyes, in his face… He went through a lot, and I need him to help me know him again!” Ginny explained, looking to the love of her life, across the tent.
“So, it will be like dating again?!” Jo concluded, and Ginny nodded her agreement. “Good… So, tell me, Ginny, will you sleep with him on the first date?”
“JO!!! What’s going on with my friends? They are all getting dirty minds!” Ginny laughed, like she hadn’t laughed for a long time.
“Well, will you?” Julie asked, laughing as well.
“Probably…” and the three of them laughed together again.
“It’s great to see her laughing again, mate! She has been so off, lately… It made my heart ache each time I saw her!” Harry said, watching the three laughing girls.
“It’s good to see her, period!” Draco corrected, watching them as well. “She was the only thing keeping me going, for all this time. Each time I thought about giving up, because the situation was getting too complicated, I would think of her, Cassie and our baby, and I would gain new strengths to fight!”
“After she lost you and the baby, she was so depressed… She locked herself inside her old room at our apartment, crying and screaming in pain! I thought she was going to be crazy for the rest of her days!” Mark said, sadly. “I’m glad you’re back, Draco! I just can’t understand why Harry and I never knew you were alive! We work at the Auror Headquarters as well!”
“Fudge had it all planned… There was a specific group of Aurors in charge of my undercover! But, that’s past, now… All I want from now on, is think about my life with Ginny, Cassie and, hopefully, a baby, really soon!” Draco said, smiling happily. “A baby to make up to Ginny and to my self… A proof of our love!”
Another chappie!
Don't you all love me?
Oh well, thank you for the great reviews, and i'll write more really soon, ok?
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02-16-2004, 08:26 PM
#7 (permalink)
| Streeler
Join Date: Sep 2003 Location: Portugal
Posts: 228
Hey, i don't have my computer yet, but i've managed to bring you another chappie!
Hope you like it!
Kisses, from me!
*/*/*/*/*/*/ Chapter 7 – Preparing Revenge
Soon Ginny, Draco and Cassie Flooed to the fireplace, closest to their house, in Muggle London.
“She’s so beautiful!” Draco sighed, holding a sleeping Cassie in his arms. “She’s such a good girl… You’ve done a great job educating her, Ginny!”
“Thank you… I’ve had a great help from my whole family!” Ginny smiled, caressing the girl’s hair, while they walked home. “My brother Ron is starting to teach her how to fly a broom! Mom says she’s a natural on a broom…”
“Really? Well, she takes after both her parents… You were a Chaser and I was a Seeker!” he smiled proudly, truly acting as if he was her father.
“We need to have a serious talk with Cassie… I have a few questions to make her!” Ginny said, thoughtfully. “How did she know we were going to see you today? She cried this morning, because she wanted the green dress to please you… She’s knitting a grey scarf because it’s your eyes colour! How did she know all this time, that you’re alive?”
“I have no idea…” he replied, thoughtfully, as they walked inside the house. “Merlin, I’ve missed this place…”
Ginny closed the door and watched as Draco paced the whole house with a smile on his face. It really felt good to have him back.
“Why don’t you make us some tea while I dress Cassie with her pyjamas and put her in bed?” Ginny asked, taking the little girl from his arms.
“Ok… Good night, Princess!” he whispered in Cassie’s ear, kissing her softly.
Ginny went to Cassie’s room, and while she undressed the sleeping girl, she couldn’t help but think how happy she was today… Draco was back in her life, he still loved her, and they would be a happy family again!
Dressing Cassie with her pyjamas, and placing her inside the bed, Ginny kissed the girl’s forehead and went to the living room where Draco was waiting for her with a gorgeous smile on his face.
“Cassie’s worse than you, when it comes to sleep!” Ginny joked. “You can be in the middle of a thunder storm and she doesn’t wake up!”
“That’s my girl…” he laughed, as she sat close to him on the couch.
“Draco, tomorrow I want to go to the Ministry of Magic and have a conversation with Fudge…” Ginny said, looking extremely serious. “I want to know if you’re willing to make him pay for what he did to us!”
“Yes, I am… I’m not the only Auror to whom this whole thing happened… I’ve heard of more people faking death and having to obey to Fudge’s blackmail!” Draco said, sipping his tea. “What are you planning to do?”
“Demand a public apology, a public explanation of what happened, the correction of your file… You are not dead and I’m not and widow, so I would like if that information was erased from our files! I want to take Fudge on court and make him lose his Minister position! He should have left that position a long time ago!” Ginny said, playing with the hem of her dress.
“Very well, we’re on this together, and we will be victorious!” he smiled, holding her hand in his.
“I sure hope so…” she sighed, tiredly. “Draco, I wanted to tell you that I’m extremely happy that you’re alive, and most of all, I’m happy that you left us against your will… I love you, and I will be here for everything you need, if you promise you’ll never leave me again!”
“Ginny, you know that one day we all die! All I can promise to you is that I’ll love until the day I die, Virginia Malfoy!” he whispered in her ear, nibbling her ear lobe. “Do you blame me for the loss of our baby?”
“I used to blame myself, Draco! I’ve never blamed you… I’ve blamed my self for not being stronger. But now that’s in the past… I want to build a brand new life with you and Cassie, and forget what happened! But first of all, I want revenge from those who took this two years and our baby from us!” Ginny said, trying hard not to cry. She really was sick of so much crying, lately.
“Do you want to have a baby?” he asked, full of hope.
“There’s nothing I want the most than have a baby with you, Draco!” Ginny smiled, happily. “And you?”
“That’s my biggest wish as well… As soon as you feel ready to restart our marriage, I’ll be right here, waiting for you, ok?” he said, smiling happily.
“Oh, I think I’m ready…” she laughed as she hugged him.
“Boy, that was a quick decision!” he laughed as well. “I guess I’m still irresistible, uh?”
“I’ve really missed the Draco Full-Of-Himself Malfoy!” she smiled, caressing his beautiful face. “Come, let’s go to bed… Tomorrow is a big day!”
Draco leaned against the doorframe, while Ginny opened and closed several drawers.
Their bedroom looked exactly the same. Their wedding picture was still on top of the chest of drawers, the book he had started to read 2 years ago, was still on top of his bedside table, as if waiting for him to come back to finish reading it, and apparently, his clothes were all still there.
“Here, take your boxers and t-shirt and go have a nice shower…” she said, giving him the said clothes.
“Don’t you want to share?” he asked, with a sexy smile on his face.
“Why not?” she replied with a wink.
That truly was the sexiest and most enjoyable shower they ever had. After the shower, they both fell asleep in each other’s arms, on the soft white silk sheets.
The morning sunlight was coming through the window of their room, making Draco wake up.
‘I can’t remember when was the last time I’ve slept so well…’ he thought, looking at the redheaded angel sleeping on his chest. She looked as beautiful and innocent as she had the night he met her at Julie’s apartment, and that was part of the things that made him love her so much.
Running his fingers along her soft hair, Draco sighed with happiness. That’s when he heard a girlish giggle. Looking up he found an amused Cassie, standing by the door, wearing a cute little green summer pyjama.
“Hello, Princess! You’re up early! Come here…” he called, with a wide grin.
“Good morning Daddy!” she yelled, running to their bed and jumping on top of it, to kiss her father.
“Ssshhh, you’re going to wake up Mommy!” he laughed, as Cassie lay down on his free side, with her blond head on his pillow.
“She already has…” Ginny mumbled, opening her chocolate brown eyes. “Good morning, Blondie! Good morning, Blondie Senior!”
“You call her Blondie?” Draco laughed.
“Well, she is your daughter, isn’t she?” Ginny smiled, covering herself with the bed sheets.
Draco kissed her gently on the lips, and then sat up in bed.
“It’s great to have both my girls in the same bed!” he joked, receiving a slap in the harm from Ginny, as she laughed.
“Pervert!” she whispered in his ear, as she sat as well, and Cassie placed herself between them. “Cassie, Mommy and Daddy need to talk with you about a few things… Is it alright with you?”
“Yes, Mommy… But, it wasn’t me!” the girl said, pouting.
“Oh, oh… I know that pout! Fred and George do it whenever they’ve done something bad! Cassie, what have you done?” Ginny asked, laughing at her daughter’s surprised face.
“Well… I was flying on Uncle’s Ron broom and I hit a vase, and it crashed! Do you think, Grandma will be sad with me?” Cassie asked, with tears shinning in her eyes.
“No, she won’t be sad with you, but you have to tell her the truth, ok? You must always assume the wrong things you do…” Ginny said gently, as her daughter hugged her strongly.
“Ok, Mommy… I’ll tell her!” Cassie said in a soft voice.
Draco watched all this with an enormous smile on his face, and pride in his chest, as he watched the wonderful education that Ginny was giving to little Cassie.
“Well, Princess, we wanted to ask you how did you know I was going to the wedding yesterday?” Draco asked, caressing Cassie’s arm.
“I’ve dreamed about it, Daddy! And once I’ve dreamed that your face was changing to an ugly man’s face, and you had an ugly mark on your arm… It was a really bad dream!” Cassie explained, making a disgusted face.
Draco and Ginny looked at each other in shock. How could Cassie know anything about Draco taking the Polyjuice Potion and having a fake Dark Mark on his arm?
“Alright, darling… That was all we had to ask you! Now, let’s get up and ready to leave!” Ginny tried to smile. “You’ll stay with Grandma today…”
“Yes, Mommy! I’m going to say I’m sorry… Can we take her a new vase with flowers?” Cassie asked with a smile full of hope.
“That’s a great idea, Princess!” Draco smiled, as Cassie left their bedroom. “It’s amazing how sweet she is! She’s a perfect copy of yourself!”
“Thank you… But, I’m worried about these dreams she’s having! We need to find out what’s going on!” Ginny sighed, as she hugged Draco.
“I agree, but today, we’re going to worry about Fudge…”
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02-29-2004, 04:06 PM
#8 (permalink)
| Streeler
Join Date: Sep 2003 Location: Portugal
Posts: 228
Hello Everyone... Good news and Bad news...
My computer is back and it's healthy again... Bad news, the internet files are not working and i can't get on Internet, so wednesday a tecnician will come to my house to try to fix it, ok?
I have more chappies for all of you and i'm sorry for not updating earlier but i ended my exams yesterday and i needed to study.
Here are two chapters and please, FORGIVE ME, OK?
Love you all with my life, Carina.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 8 – The Counsellor
Have you ever tried to walk through a huge crowd with a person by your side, who was supposed to be dead?
Well, it really wasn’t easy for Ginny and Draco, as you can imagine.
Earlier that morning, they had left Cassie at The Burrow, with a vase of flowers in her hands. Molly Weasley heard her Granddaughter’s crime confession.
“I’m sorry Granny… I’m a bad girl! Are you sad with me?” Cassie asked, touching her chest with her chin.
“Oh, my sweet Cassandra!” Molly Weasley wiped the tears from her face, and smiled to her granddaughter. “I’m not sad with you, darling! But you have to promise me you’ll be more careful, ok?”
“I promise, Granny!” Cassie smiled that wonderful smile that only children can give you, and threw herself on her grandmother’s arms for a tender hug. “I love you, Granny!”
“I love you too, Cassie…” Molly whispered against Cassie’s blond hair, watching Ginny crying as well, and Draco smiling lovingly at his sister / daughter.
“Enough crying! I think I’ve spent enough tears for a life time, already!” Ginny chuckled, and refreshed her face. “Cassie, I want you to behave, and from now on, you’ll only fly on a broom when an adult is with you! That means that Uncle George and Uncle Fred don’t count, alright?”
“Yes, Mommy!” Cassie giggled, hugging Ginny’s legs.
Draco laughed at Ginny’s words, and lowered himself to be on the same level as Cassie.
“I want to see you flying… I’ve heard that you are very good on a broom! Maybe we can go on a ride soon, the three of us… What do you think?” he asked.
“Yeah! Can we go today, can we?” she asked, jumping up and down.
“We’ll see about that, later! Now, we have to go, Draco…” Ginny warned, looking at her wrist watch.
Draco hugged her and together they Apparated in Diagon Alley. A few people watched the couple Apparating, and immediately recognised the blond man, as Draco Malfoy.
Soon enough, a huge crowd was surrounding them making a lot of questions, looking very confused and shocked.
It took them quite a while to walk down the street, and when people kept recognising Draco, Ginny pulled his hood over his head, to hide him. Well, let’s say that their walk was much quieter that way.
As soon as they arrived at the Ministry of Magic, they went to the security desk to inspect their wands.
“Draco Malfoy’s wand? Who are you, and what are you doing with an dead Auror’s wand?” the man in charge of the security asked, furious.
Once again, Draco had to show himself, and once again, a lot of questions were asked.
Hood over his face again, the couple walked hand in hand to the golden elevator, which was already crowded, but the two of them fitted in. After a few stops, Ginny and Draco left on the Wizards Legal Advice floor (a kind of lawyer’s firm).
They were received by Padma Patil, and it took them the whole morning to explain what had happened, and to plan what to do next.
“I’ll try to talk with the people you mentioned, Draco, and if we get them on our side, Fudge won’t stand a chance against you guys on court! About talking with Fudge, I agree, but first let me present the charges against him. He’ll be notified to go on court and then we can have a nice talk with him… But I must be present if you want to do everything within the law!” Padma said, sounding extremely professional. “Remember that we are fighting the Minister of Magic! He has a huge power over all of us…”
“Can he menace you to drop the case?” Draco asked, holding Ginny’s hand in his, and caressing it with his thumb.
“Yes, and I’m sure he’ll try! But, don’t worry, there’s nothing in the world able to stop Padma Patil from getting what she wants, and I want to help you!” she smiled reassuringly. “Draco, did anyone tell you if you could go back to work?“
“No, they didn’t tell me anything… They just told me, ‘You’ve done your job, now go away!’, that was all I needed to hear, to come back home…” Draco said. “What do you think I should do?”
“Well, it would be great if you went to the Auror Headquarters! If they expel you and tell you that you’re no longer an Auror, that will be great for your case!” Padma said, excitedly. “That would be another thing against Fudge! And, I have an idea, but first I need your authorisation.”
“What is it?” Ginny asked, curious.
“My sister, Parvati, works at the Daily Prophet, and I could tell her everything about your case, and she would write an article (a good one) about how unfair the Ministry of Magic was with your family, we could mention the lost of your baby (if you’re ok with that), we could say that little Cassandra had to grow up without her brother, that was now her father, … There’s so much we could write on that article, to make Fudge look guilty! What do you think? Are you willing to be the centre of attentions for a while?” Padma asked, looking from one to the other, with a huge smile on her face.
“Draco, I will do anything you want to do…” Ginny said, looking deep into his eyes.
“Ok… We accept your idea, Padma! Ginny, it’s going to be hard with everyone on our backs, trying to talk with us, some will even try to destroy our image! Are you ready?” Draco asked his wife, worried.
“As long as we’re together, I’m ready for everything that comes on our way!” Ginny smiled and kissed him.
“Gosh, you make such a nice couple!” Padma cooed, blushing a deep shade of red. “Well, let’s go to the Auror Headquarters and see what they tell you, Draco! If they do what I think they’ll do, then I’ll immediately meet my sister and tell her all about your case! By tomorrow morning, all the Wizarding Community in England will now about the Malfoy’s sad story…”
The three of them went to the next floor, to the Auror Headquarters, and tried to remain calm and smiling.
“Ginny, Draco! Hey, what are you guys doing here? Hello Padma, looking great as always!” Harry called with a huge smile, as he ran in their direction.
“Harry… You’ve married yesterday and you’re already trying to win other women’s hearts?” Ginny laughed, as Harry hugged her. “And what are you doing here? You should be on honey moon!”
“Yeah, I should, but I’m full of work and Jo didn’t get the vacation she asked for!” Harry explained, as he shook hands with Draco. “We’ll wait a little longer! So, what are you three doing here?”
“We’ll explain later, when the whole family gets together at our house! You’re coming, right?” Draco asked, smiling.
“Of course! HEY GUYS, LOOK WHO’S HERE!” Harry yelled to his Auror colleagues. Most of them came running to compliment Draco and tell him how happy they were to see him alive, but some remained on their seats, looking worried.
“Malfoy, can I ask you what are you doing here?” Chester, the Auror’s captain, asked him, coming closer to the crowed with a furious look on his face.
“Hey boss, I’ve just came to say hello to my colleagues! I need to come back to work as soon as possible!” Draco lied, trying to get some answers.
“You don’t work here anymore, Malfoy!” Chester replied coldly.
“I don’t?” Draco’s face became genuinely sad and disappointed. “But, I was undercover for the last two years!”
“According to the records, you weren’t!” Chester said, smirking evilly. “Now, please, leave this floor… You are no longer welcome!”
Draco stood there, speechless and looking hurt.
“But, Chester, that’s not fair…” Harry tried to help, but Ginny shut his mouth with her hand, smiling gently.
“Harry, thank you for trying to help, but there’s nothing you can do!” she said, removing her hand. “We’ll be waiting for you and Jo tonight, after dinner! About you, Chester, I can’t believe you’re doing this to one of your best Aurors and one of your best friends! Have a nice day!”
With her arm wrapped around Draco’s waist, the three of them left the room, heading to the golden elevator.
“Draco, are you alright?” Ginny whispered in his ear, worried with his pale face.
“I’ll be ok, darling… As soon as I destroy Fudge, I’ll be perfectly fine!” Draco replied, smiling weakly.
“I know how much you love your job, but don’t worry, soon enough you’ll be back on action!” Ginny said, reassuringly.
“She’s right, Draco! We’ll win this case… Now, I want you two to have a wonderful day together, and I’m going to meet my sister right now! Don’t forget to read the Daily Prophet tomorrow!” Padma smiled sweetly, before getting out of the elevator on her floor.
Ginny and Draco entered Diagon Alley once again, enjoying the feel of the sun on their faces.
“So, what do you want to do today?” Ginny asked, sighing happily.
“First, I want to have lunch with you in a nice restaurant, then I want to have a hair cut, and then I want to by a present to my littlest Princess!” he replied, holding her in a strong embrace.
“But I like your hair like this! It makes you look so darn sexy!” Ginny winked, kissing his jaw.
“Are you saying that I’m not sexy when I have short hair?” he pretended to be offended.
“I said you look sexier! You can be sexy even if you’re wearing rags!” Ginny smiled sweetly. “But, please, leave your hair like this… I like to run my fingers through it when we make love!”
“Your wish is my command!” he laughed at her blushed face and then kissed her passionately, before they headed towards the crowded streets of Diagon Alley. Chapter 9 – The Newspaper
“Mom, Blondie, we’re home!” Ginny called, when they Apparated in the Burrow’s empty living room.
“In the kitchen!” Molly yelled back.
“Hmm… It smells great in here!” Draco sniffed the air around him. “I’ve missed the smell of your mother’s home made cookies!”
“I hope you’ve missed the taste, as well, because we’ve backed dozens of chocolate chips cookies!” Molly smiled, as the couple entered the kitchen.
“I’ve helped Granny! She let me make those!” Cassie said, pointing to a tray on the counter, full of heart shaped cookies.
“Really? WOW! They look fantastic, honey…” Draco smiled, watching her little face smile with pride for her work. “Can I have one, please?”
“They’re hot, and you’ll burn your mouth!” Cassie said, with her hands on her waist, in a perfect imitation of Molly Weasley and Ginny.
“Well, would you look at that! She looks and sounds like you, Mom!” Ginny laughed.
“Let’s not forget that you do that, as well, Ginny!” Molly laughed as well. “Draco, you’ll have a cookie later… For now, I want the three of you out of my kitchen, while I clean this mess! Go to the garden and enjoy the warm sun!”
The little family obeyed and laid down on the warm grass, under the shadow of a huge tree, near the pound, where white ducks swam.
“Where did you go, Daddy?” Cassie asked, sitting on his stomach.
“I went to a shop, and bought you a present…” he smiled at her surprised face. “Do you want it?”
“Yes! Give me! Give me!” she screamed excitedly, jumping up and down on his stomach.
“Hey, calm down!” he laughed, trying to protect his belly from her jumps. “Ginny, can we do magic in front of her?”
“Yes, you can, Draco!” Ginny smiled. Draco had a lot to learn about his family.
He took a little object from his pocket and with a tap of his wand, he made it return to its normal size.
Ginny sat in Draco’s arms, as they both watched Cassie unwrap the gift… Finally, all the wrapping paper was shredded into pieces, and the box was opened.
As she opened the box, Cassie jumped in surprise and screamed loudly in a high pitched tone, until she ran out of air.
“Daddy! I love it! Thank you!” the girl screamed over and over again, hugging both of her parents with her little arms, and kissing Draco’s cheek repeatedly.
“You’re welcome! Now, get on it and show me what you can do!” Draco smiled lovingly, as Cassie held a little pink broom, especially made for kids and bewitched to fly low and avoid obstacles.
Cassie started to fly around the garden, giggling happily, while both her parents watched her, proudly.
“She loved your present! Well done!” Ginny smiled at his happy face.
“It’s so good to be here and be a part of her life…” he sighed. “There can’t be anything better in the world than being with the woman you love in your arms, and your child giggling on a broom!”
Ginny laughed and kissed his cheek, slowly kissing her way to his lips.
Someone cleared its throat and they broke the kiss to find Hermione looking at them.
“Hello, Mione! Sit down, we’re watching Cassie fly on her new broom!” Ginny smiled.
“She has shown me the broom already! Maybe now Ron will stop trying to kill her on his broom!” Hermione laughed, sitting next to them. “When Fred and George see that broom, they’re going to remove all the protection charms, you know that, don’t you?”
“Oh, we’ll see about that!” Draco smiled, sounding mysterious. “Don’t forget to come to our house today, after dinner, ok?”
“Yes, we’ll be there, Draco! We’re dying to know what’s going on…” she confessed. “You’re both looking extremely happy. It’s great to see you two together again!”
“I totally agree!” Ginny and Draco said at the same time, breaking into a fit of laughter.
Later that night, the Malfoy’s house became full with family. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley; Charlie, Bill and their wives; the twins; Ron and Hermione; Percy and his wife; Harry and Joanne; Julie and Mark…
Draco explained them what had happened to him, then Ginny told them their plan and their conversation with Padma Patil. After answering all the answers from their family, it was way past 1 a.m..
“Well, you’ve both been through a lot, and deserve to have revenge… You may count on all of us!” Mr. Weasley said sincerely, and all the others nodded their heads in agreement.
“Thank you, all of you… Your support means everything to us!” Draco smiled, placing an arm around Ginny’s shoulders.
“Hey, Draco, there’s an owl on your window!” Harry warned, pointing to the little brown owl.
In a few minutes, Draco sat back on the couch, next to his wife.
“Parvati Patil as sent us a letter saying that she supports our fight, and that she’s sending us the first copy of the Daily Prophet, printed a few moments ago.” he explained, opening the newspaper, and starting to read for everyone to hear. Fudge Destroys Family
Two years ago, Draco and Virginia Malfoy were newlyweds, with a little adopted child, Draco’s sister, Cassandra Malfoy, and they were expecting a baby. The couple lived happy, with Virginia working as an Healer, and Draco as an Auror, until the day Draco and his colleagues had to invade a Manor full of Death Eaters.
Draco Malfoy was imprisoned in a trap, and was able to get out of it due to pure luck, although all his body was broken and bruised, as the fall was extremely high. The Ministry found out that Draco Malfoy was alive, but didn’t reveal this fact to anyone.
Virginia Malfoy was told that her husband had been killed and with the shock, she ended up miscarrying, being in come for 2 days.
Draco was visited be the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, who menaced the young Auror. Whether he kept working under cover, in the middle of the Death Eaters, or he would be sent to Azkaban. Draco Malfoy wanted to go back home, to his wife and daughter, but unable to do so, he chose to go undercover.
For 2 years he lived under someone else’s image, until, recently, he and the other Aurors destroyed the group of Dark wizards, and Draco was able to come back to life…
Virginia Malfoy and her family had the shock of their lives with Draco’s return, but are doing their best to accept the situation.
But, a lot of damage has been done: Virginia lost her baby due to a fake death, made up by Cornelius Fudge; the couple was unhappy for two years; little Cassandra lost her father on the most important times of her life…
None of this can be replaced, so, Draco and Virginia Malfoy are now seeking justice. The couple wants Fudge to go on court and answer for his actions.
We can only hope that this couple’s suffer isn’t forgotten, and we hope that justice will be done.
Parvati Patil, for the Daily Prophet”
“Well, she was loyal to the story!” everyone sighed in relief.
“Tomorrow, the reporters won’t leave your door!” Julie said, worried.
“No, don’t forget that they can’t do much in the Muggle London!” Ginny smiled. “And, I went to St. Mungos today and told them I’ll stay at home for a month, just to take care of this case!”
“Very well, take care, the three of you, and we’ll see you soon!” Mrs. Weasley kissed her daughter and they all Disapparated.
“I hope we win this fight!” Ginny sighed, in Draco’s arms.
“If love wins at all the times, then, we will win, because I love you more than anything in the world!” Draco replied, as they lost themselves in a kiss full of tenderness and love.
There you go, i hope you liked these 2 chapters and please, be patient ok? As soon as my Internet is ok again, i'll post more!
For now you can say thank you to my aunt for letting me use her computer.
Bye and love ya all!
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03-07-2004, 09:49 PM
#9 (permalink)
| Streeler
Join Date: Sep 2003 Location: Portugal
Posts: 228
| Chapter 10 – The Menace
On the next day, the Daily Prophet sold out extremely fast, and they had to print more newspapers. All the wizarding community was talking about the Malfoy’s sad story, and what a terrible person Fudge was.
The couple’s main target was accomplished. They had the public on their side, against Fudge.
On that same afternoon, Draco, Ginny and Cassie were having fun in their house’s garden, when Julie, Mark and Alex arrived.
“That article was like a bomb! Everybody is talking about it…” Julie smiled, watching Cassie and Alex play with her new broom.
“That’s great! The public opinion will be a great help!” Ginny sighed. “Cassie, don’t let Alex mount the broom… He’s too young for that!”
“Yes, Mommy!” Cassie replied, obeying the order.
“Alex is a beautiful baby!” Draco smiled, watching the little boy.
“Yes, he is…” Mark agreed, proudly. “And we have good news…”
“I’m 3 months pregnant!” Julie smiled happily.
“Really? That’s great, Julie! You’ve always wanted a big family!” Ginny laughed, hugging her friend.
“I’ve loved to be pregnant of Alex, and now I’m sure I’ll have a baby girl!” Julie laughed as well, caressing her belly.
Draco watched Ginny’s face become sad, as she watched Julie caress her belly, and pulled her to his lap.
“Hey, I don’t want to see you sad! I love the happy Virginia!” he whispered in her ear. “We’ll have our own kids really soon!”
Ginny smiled and kissed him, lovingly. Julie and Mark ended up staying for dinner and light talk, leaving before midnight.
It was the middle of the night, when Draco woke up to some soft noises. Looking at the red head on his chest he smiled, and put his wife’s head on her pillow, and got up from the bed, pulling on his boxers.
The noise stopped and Draco held his wand, walking to Cassie’s bedroom. As soon as he opened the door, he found her bed empty and the sheets were thrown all over the floor. Trying hard not to panic, Draco researched the entire house, and when he walked in the living room, the sight he found made his heart stop.
Cassie was sitting on the floor, against the entrance door, with her arms and legs tied with strong ropes, and her mouth was covered with a black scarf. Her little eyes looked extremely scared, making Draco’s heart shrink with worry.
Draco ran the entire house again, searching for the person who had done that, and came back to Cassie when he found no one. As he was freeing Cassie, Ginny walked in the room and went hysterical with what she saw.
Each rope that Draco took away from Cassie made a few words in black paint appear on the living room’s white wall.
“This time was just a warning… Give up while you can!”
Ginny ran to Draco and held Cassie in her arms, afraid of what could have happened to her baby and what still could happen.
“Draco, what’s going on?” she whispered, as he hugged both his girls, worried to death.
“This message is from Fudge… I’m sure of it! But the carrier of the message is an Auror. Only an Auror would be able to get through the wards!” Draco answered, watching the black paint on the wall slowly disappear on its own will. “For now, we must tell this to Padma and find somewhere to stay hidden…”
“But, according to the law we have to get a Secret Keeper of our location… Whom do you want to choose?” she asked, smiling to the little girl sleeping in her arms.
“Who’s better than Dumbledore?” he smiled, standing up and helping her up, as well. “Let’s pack the things we need and we’ll leave in the morning, alright?”
While Ginny packed their clothes and personal items, with Cassie sleeping on their bed, Draco searched the house for any kind of threat. As soon as they were ready, they’ve put the miniatures of their bags on their pockets and Apparated to Hogsmead, as the first rays of sun crossed the sky.
Silently they walked to the castle, both very alert to any kind of movement around them. They walked inside the Great Hall as the teachers were eating their breakfast.
“What’s going on here?” Snape asked, standing up.
“If you’d keep your voice down, my daughter would be able to sleep properly!” Ginny said, releasing her fury on Snape.
He shut up immediately, and stared at his two former students and Cassandra.
“Ginny, calm down…” Draco whispered in her ear, kissing her cheek softly. “Professor Dumbledore, we need your help… Can we talk?”
“Of course… Why don’t you leave Cassandra in the Infirmary with Poppy? She’ll come back to you as soon as she wakes up!” Dumbledore said, walking to their side.
“NO! I want her close to us, Draco!” Ginny sighed, caressing her baby’s face.
“Ginny, Dumbledore’s right… We need to talk and Madame Pomfrey will take good care of Cassie!” Draco insisted. “You both go ahead to the Headmaster’s office and I’ll be there in a few moments!”
True to his words, ten minutes later Draco walked in Dumbledore’s office, and the couple started to explain everything to Dumbledore. The fake death, the menace and the court case against Fudge.
“We want to go into hiding… We must protect ourselves and Cassie!” Draco explained. “Can you be our secret keeper?”
“Yes, I can, Draco!” Dumbledore smiled, looking at the couple. “But you’ll both stay here until you can find a safe place to stay… Fudge will know that Hogwarts is the first place you would go to!”
“Thank you, Professor… But, I don’t know where else we could hide!” Ginny sighed, a little calmer. “It’ll be great to come back to Hogwarts fro a few days!”
“Grimmauld Place will be ready to receive both of you in a couple of days… What do you think about that?” Dumbledore asked with a smile.
“Oh, I never thought about that! Does it still exist?” she asked, excitedly.
“What are you both talking about?” Draco asked, confused.
“Yes, that house still exists… It has been a little abandoned since the war ended, but I’ll have someone to clean in up!” Dumbledore said. “Now, where do you want to stay? Gryffindor Tower or Slytherin Dungeons?”
The couple said at the same time.
“Draco, the Dungeons are too cold and humid to Cassie!” Ginny explained, holding his hand in hers.
“But, the Gryffindor Tower is too … too… “ Draco tried to find something bad to say about the Gryffindor tower and the result was, “too Gryffindor!”
“Yeah, nice reason!” Ginny laughed and Dumbledore chuckled.
“Gryffindor Tower it is! I’ll send the house elves to take care of everything! While they do that, why don’t you show the castle to Cassandra? I believe she knows it well already, but the real visit would be much more fun!” Dumbledore said, as if he knew something they didn’t.
“What do you mean, she already knows the school?” Ginny asked, suspicious.
“Well, little Cassandra Malfoy likes to visit me, once in a while, and we take long walks around the school…” the Headmaster smiled.
“Yes, she comes to me in Dreams… She has always said, during this two years, that she visited you once in a while! Apparently you didn’t sleep the enough for her to visit you, Draco!” Dumbledore explained.
“Do you mean that she’s a Seer?” Ginny asked, surprised.
“Not a Seer… A Dream Walker!” he corrected. “And a powerful one, at that!”
“Oh bloody hell!” Draco whispered to himself.
“Draco, don’t swear! You’re in front of the Headmaster!” Ginny joked. “Well, we’ll accept her powers and try to help her the best we can…”
“I’m sure you will… Now, go have your walk with Cassandra! Oh, and don’t forget to go to the kitchen, I’m sure you’re all hungry!” Dumbledore waved, as the couple left the office and sighed. “Fudge won’t win this time! Draco and Virginia will get justice in the name of the entire wizarding community…”
Thank you for your reviews.
Love, Carina
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03-12-2004, 10:04 PM
#10 (permalink)
| Streeler
Join Date: Sep 2003 Location: Portugal
Posts: 228
| Chapter 11 – Just family
After leaving Dumbledore’s office, Draco and Ginny walked slowly down the halls, and in hand, remembering old times.
“Draco, you were such a pain in the bottom, back then!” she giggled, placing her head against his shoulder.
“Me? I was not!” he faked surprise. “I was just a young boy with bad parents and no friends!”
“I know, but still, you made everyone’s lives a living hell! I’m glad you changed in the 7th year, though… You did the right decision, in helping Harry to defeat Voldemort!” she sighed happily. “That day when the battle was over… I looked at you and thought that maybe you weren’t that bad as Ron used to say you were… Maybe you were just a teen with problems and needing someone to help you!”
“And you thought that I was handsome, in the middle of the battle field!” he joked, kissing her temple.
“Yes, that as well! But, from that moment on, although I’ve kept hating you, I’ve decided to give you the benefit of doubt!” Ginny smiled, stopping them in the middle of the Main Staircase. “I love you Draco!”
“And I love you too, Weasel!” he smiled, kissing her gently.
“I’m scared with all this, you know?” she said, as they started to walk again, towards the Infirmary.
“I know you are, because I am, as well… But, we’re safe here and Cassie is with us… We’ll win this case and be free to go back to our lives! I promise!” he said, comforting her.
“You know what? There’s something I want to do, while we are here in Hogwarts!” she whispered in his ear, in a sexy voice.
“What is it?” he asked, curious.
“Try out the Astronomy Tower again!”
“Oh, you nasty girl!” he laughed. “I’m sure we can have that!”
In a few moments they arrived at the Infirmary, and watched their little girl sleeping on a cosy bed.
“Sometimes I find myself remembering the day that house-elf appeared at St. Mungos with this little girl in his harms… I was so happy when he said she was a Malfoy!” Ginny said, wiping a tear from her face. “And now, I’m worried with her, once again! A Dream Walker!”
“Dumbledore didn’t look worried about her powers, so it must be something good, don’t you think?” Draco said, caressing Cassie’s face. “We only have to find information about Dream Walkers so we can help her control her powers!”
“Ok… Tomorrow I’m going to the Library and do some research!” Ginny agreed, placing her arms around his waist.
“And I’m going to meet Padma and tell her what’s going on!” Draco said, hugging her strongly. “We need to make this lawsuit go faster if we want to remain safe…”
“Just be careful, Draco… Don’t let them follow you here, ok?” she pleaded, nervously.
“Don’t worry, everything’s going to be alright…” he promised, kissing her.
“Mommy? I’m scared… The bad man hurt me!” Cassie cried as soon as she opened her little grey eyes.
“I know sweetie, but he won’t hurt you ever again, I promise! Daddy made him go away!” Ginny smiled sweetly, lying in bed next to her little Ferret, as Cassie hugged her mother as tight as possible. “I’ve heard that you like to come here, often!”
“Where are we?” she asked, curious, looking around her.
“Hogwarts’ Infirmary… I suppose you forgot to visit this part of the castle while you were dreaming!” Draco smiled amusedly, at the surprise on his daughter’s face.
“Oh, that’s great! Dumbly? Dumbly?” Cassie called happily.
“Who are you calling?” Draco laughed at the name.
“The man with white beard! I like him lots! He always takes long walks around the castle with me! He’s so dummy!” Cassie explained, smiling again.
“You mean, Professor Dumbledore? Dumbly?” Ginny laughed as well, at the ridiculous name, for such a powerful wizard. “Oh well, Dumbly is at his office right now, and we are going to the kitchens to eat something… Are you hungry, darling?”
“YES! I want pancakes, pumpkin juice, toast with strawberry jelly and chocolate chips muffin!” the little girl yelled happily.
“Is that all you want?” Draco asked, sarcastically. That little girl sure had a lot of appetite.
“NO! Of course not! I want you to carry me there, on your back!” she said, batting her eyes at him and pouting.
“How can I resist such a beautiful face?” Draco laughed, picking her up and placing her on his shoulders, with her little hands holding on his jaw.
The house-elves served them with dozens of different types of food, and Ginny laughed hard watching Draco and Cassie eat way too fast, trying to see who was the fastest one to eat a tray full of pancakes.
They took Cassie on a tour around the castle, telling her stories of what had happened in his room and in each corridor.
“Soon, you’ll come to this school as well… And then, I’ll loose my baby!” Ginny said, sadly, as they walked to the Gryffindor tower.
“No you won’t, Mommy! I love you!” Cassie said, kissing her mother’s hand tenderly.
“I love you too, darling… Well, at least you’ll be a Gryffindor!” Ginny sighed happily, waiting for Draco’s reaction.
“I sure hope so…” Draco mumbled under his breath, but Ginny heard him.
“Did I hear you right? Did you just say that you want Cassie sorted into Gryffindor?” Ginny asked, shocked with his unexpected words.
“As you say, the Gryffindor Tower is warmer, cosier, the people are nice and take care of each other… If she’s sorted into Slytherin, she’ll be a cold person, locked in her self and she’ll have a terrible personality! I want my daughter to be a happy girl, just like you!” he said, sounding sincere.
“That was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard from you, Draco! And that makes my love for you grow even more!” Ginny said, hugging him, while Cassie was cornered between their legs.
Draco and Ginny kissed passionately until Cassie started to tug on their robes.
“Mommy, Daddy, that’s yucky! Uncle Fred says that it’s not hygic…” Cassie said, doing a disgusted face.
“It’s what sweetie?” Draco asked with a smile, holding her up in his harms.
“Oh, hygienic… Well, your uncles know nothing about these things!” Draco smiled, kissing her cheek.
“OH! A Weasley back on Hogwarts!!!” The Fat Lady shrieked on the big painting.
“Hello… Yes, I’m back, but not for long! Can we go in, please? Professor Dumbledore didn’t tell us the password!” Ginny smiled.
“Of course… The password is Dreamy Girl! Honestly, the passwords that man makes up!” The Fat Lady said, bored, before she opened and let them go in the tower.
Everything was as she remembered… The red walls, the warm fire crackling on the huge stone fireplace, the cosy couches, the big windows looking out to the school grounds and lake…
“Home…” she whispered, crying with happiness.
“Well, this really is different from the Slytherin Dungeons… It’s much nicer!” Draco agreed, dropping his daughter on the couch. “So, what do you want to do today?”
“I want to play with Sevvie! Can I? Can I?” Cassie asked excitedly.
“Sevvie? Who’s that? A house-elf?” Draco asked, curious.
“No… Sevvie lives on that place with a lot of big pans!!! We cook together, sometimes!” Cassie explained happily. “Last week we did a Sleeping Dr… Dr… I can’t say it!”
“A Sleeping Draught?” Ginny said, her eyes huge. “You do Potions with Snape? Oh my good Merlin, my child has everyone wrapped around her little fingers!”
“Well, it’s a surprise that Severus likes you, but I’m happy he does! He was always a role model for me, you know… And Cassie will be a great Potions student when she joins Hogwarts!” Draco smiled, tickling Cassie, making her scream with laughter. “Well, let’s all take a good nap and then we’ll search for Snape, ok?”
“Yes, Daddy! I want to sleep with you and Mommy, can I?” Cassie asked, excitedly.
“You sure can… Let’s go!” Ginny led them to a new room, where the house elves had already prepared a king sized bed; everything was decorated in a rich velvety red. Opening a door close to the bed, Ginny found a little room in light green, a perfect copy of Cassie’s bedroom at home.
Smiling, the three of them went to sleep together on the same bed, protecting each other from any harm.
I know it’s not full of action and suspense, but I wanted to show you all that they do love each other and do act like a family.
Thank you for the reviews, Carina
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