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Candy Display Case (Finished Fanfiction) A dazzling showcase of fully wrapped-up stories, these sweet treats are polished and ready for your reading pleasure!

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Old 04-05-2006, 12:16 PM   #76 (permalink)
dracos_comet2.60's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: listening to HIM on my Haggard earphones and searching for Bam and Malfoy with my night-visions!! :P
Posts: 250

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Riley Brandon

hey guys. i'm not posting my last chapter yet cause there is still some little snags and i want to get it right for the final chapter. to answer your questions ^ the part with harry and balloon came to me cause my lil bro connor was playing with a balloon all the time (he still has it) and it was bugging me so i took it from him and drew a harry potter face on it. lol so it came to me oh harry nad a and the part with draco and ginny well...umm...what do bf and gf normally do when they have time. lol.
~|.[Gnarly LogoS].|~

[LovE's HearT is DeatH, for me and my PoisoN GirL]
[To CrY is to know that your AlivE]
[When LovE and DeatH EmbracE]
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Old 04-05-2006, 04:27 PM   #77 (permalink)
won-won's Avatar
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Keira Strachen

lol i cant wait to read the last chapter!!!!!
- They are Legends In Their Spare Time -

<3 Jimmy Pop -- Would ya Nae?!?! <3
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Old 04-07-2006, 02:45 PM   #78 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Riley Brandon

ok guys. here it is. the last chapter of Hide And Seek!! *snif*
i really hope you like it. everyone i mean everyone please review!!! lol
btw i burst the balloon.woopz lol
ok here it is. enjoy.

chapter 14
revenge,revenge and more revenge

hermione had explained the plan for the fourth time and now everyone understood.
"we just need some bait to lure them up here then we can get it started." she mumbled.
" who's going to be bait?" asked draco. everyone looked at hermione
" it's got to be someone they cant resist hitting when they have the chance,someone who wont be able to fight back,someone who they like to attack" everyone turned around and looked at ron.
" me!? you want to send me! after i saved harry! and no one bothered to help me!" hermione and luna coughed.
"well you helped... i mean...why not malfoy!?" draco laughed
" you seriously think they'd want to hit me!" ron laughed
" hello? your malfoy! of course they would! why wouldnt they" draco smirked
" because since i am dating there baby sister i doubt they would want to harm me incase of suffereing from bat bogeys" hermione nodded. everyone looked at ron again. " ok ron! make us proud!"

the terminators watched as the four teens ran upstairs laughing. they thrashed about and were finally reliesed from the wall. they stood up.
" wheres george?" asked charlie. fred pointed to the jelly wall and started laughing. there inside the jelly was george floating around. the other boys howled with laughter. bill conjured up a camra and took a picture. " that was worth it!" he said.
the boys helped george out and conjured a cleaning spell on them. bill motioned the boys in a small circle. " ok. i think this is going to be the final,the showdown,the big bang the-
" we get it bill" said charlie. bill grinned.
" right. so we need to focus on the babies. hit them when you can. do not let them get away. and if that fails. we can always tell mom." the brothers nodded and set off up the stairs.

" who's afraid of the terminators? the terminators, the terminators, who's afraid of the terminaotrs? no-oooot ron." whispered ron as he walked quietly down the stairs. the otehrs had taken his wand so he was completely defencless. ron whistled and hummed and sang his little song so that his mind was taken away from the thoughts about being battered. ron stopped as he heard footsteps. he slowly went down each step at a time. listening to the mumbles and footsteps getting louder and louder.
" w...who's there!?" he called. the footsteps stopped. ron backed away up the stairs fearing that the terminators would catch him. ron stopped in case he was making any sort of noise. the footsteps started again. " i...i said...who's there!?" the footsteps got faster and louder. ron was on the landing of the fourth floor. he looked down and saw the ummistakable red hair. someone looked up and saw him.
" its ron! its ron we found one! get'im!" curses flew everywhere in rons direction. "SHHHUGER QUILLS!!" ron shouted and ran up the other set of stairs leading to the half floor.

everyone was in position. they heard ron and tightened thier grip on their wands. hermione flicked her wand to make sure everything was secure. hermione had put a charm on the six so that none of the stuff from the plan would backfire on to them nd get them messy. they heard rons screams and the thumping of footsteps on the stairs. " get ready!" shouted hermione.
ron ran up and on to the half landing got into his position. once they saw thst ron was up harry and luna ran and stood at the top of the stairs. behind them was ginny and behind ginny was hermione and draco. ron was right at the back. the terminators were in sight. they ran up the stairs.
" marbello!" shouted harry. hundreds of tiny marbles shot out of his wand and rolled down the stairs causing the terminators to slip over them.
" aquamenti!" shouted luna.water burst out of her wand drenching the terminaots and causing them to scream as it was ice cold. luna and harry ran to where ron was.
" batus bogem!" screamed ginny as the terminaotrs were walking up more stairs. bat bogeys flew out of her wand and started to attack the terminators. ginny ran behind draco and hermione and stood beside luna harry and ron. hermione and draco stood forward.
" sticklinius!" boomed draco. a glue like substance erupted form his wand and landed all over the termiators. they slipped and fell over each other.
" feathernus!" shouted hermione. thousands of feathers were realised from her wand and sticking all over the weasley boys. hermione and draco high fived each other and stoodbeside the otehrs ron walked forward and pointed his wand at bill who the week before set a spider into his room and ron wanted revenge. " glitterius!!" he shouted. the feathers were ripped away from bill causing him to yelp,hundreds and hundreds bits of glitter shot from rons wand and landed on bill sticking to him. the six laughed then they all came forward and stood next to each other. the pointed their wands to the terminators and each of them said there own little curse.
The six ran down all the stairs still laughing,when they got to the ground floor they saw thier copies just finishing off the cleaning of the wrecked lobby. luna poked her head through the dinning room and saw mrs weasley setting out the plates for dinner. hermione flicked her wand and the copies disapeared. the six got into the positions there copies were in and pretened to clean just as mrs weasley walked in.
she stood with her hands on her hips. " well?" she said. draco put on his innocent face. " were really sorry mrs weasley" he said. the isx saw that he flicked his wand and a bunch of flowers appered behind his back. he gave them to mrs weasley. " this is a gift for you to say how sorry we are." mrs weasley blushed.
" thank you! i can see you have learned your lesson. come in nad have some dinner" the six ran into the dinning room and sat down. the boys across from the girls. they helped themselves to chicken , potatoes,peas,gravey and other things. ron took two of everything and stuffed his face.
mrs weasley tutted. " where have those four gone!" she mumbled. just then the terminators walked in and the six couldnt help but burst out laughing. mrs weasleys eyes widened. " WHAT IN MERLINS BEARD HAVE YOU BEEN UP TO!" she yelled.
fred and george were supporting ferret ears which stuck out from there hair,courtesy from draco. they had pink hair and purple eyebrows from ginny. and harry thought it would be funny to give fred a lightning bolt scar.
bill and charlie were no better than the twins. bill was still covered in glitter from ron and charlie had his eyebrows shaven off. hermione had turned charlies skin orange and had cut bills hair (to the delight of mrs weasley). luna had done a spell which made the words I got Hexed by luna and the six appear on all four boys chests.
" it...its was them mum!" said charlie. mrs weasley tutted.
" dont you dare blame them. they were down hear all this time cleaning up the lobby! what were you doing!" the boys stood there in disbelief.
" what!...they were just up!...half landing...glitter...marbles..."
" what are marbles!?" asked mrs weasley. she shooed the four out of the dinning roomand into the lobby where everyone could have a look.
" you are not comming in here until you've cleaned up." she said.
the boys flicked thier wands but to their dismay the ears and glitter and everything else wouldnt go away.
" it's not working mum!" cried george. mrs weasley glared.
" i suppose you used those charms that lasts for months!" she barked.
" it was them! those six right there!" shouted bill.
" honestly bill. do you think i am seeing things then! who was it that cleaned this lobby!?" bill said nothing. mrs weasley nodded.
" until you are cleaned up you shall have your meal else where. i'm not having messy children at the table." mrs weasley walked off to fetch some dinner and take it through to another room. the six burst into laughter. hermione conjured up her camara once again and took her final picture. " wait til the griffindor comon room see's this" she squeled. the four boys walked towards them
" MUUUMM.. THERE TRYING TO GET INTO THE DINNING ROOM" yelled ginny to her mother.
" BOYS! YOU STEP ONE FOOT IN THAT DINNING ROOM I SHALL MAKE YOU EAT IN THE ATTICK!!" she screamed. the boys stopped. the sixx stood up and started dancing.
" we beat the terminators..." they sang.
" BOYS! I NEED YOU FOUR TO LOOK AFTER THOSE SIX TOMORROW. YOUR FATHER AND I ARE AWAY ON ORDER BUISSNESS LIKE EVERYONE ELSE AND I DONT HAVE TIME FOR A SITTER. IS THAT ALRIGHT?" mrs weasley asked the terminators. the six stopped and stared gobsmacked at the terminators who were grinning and punching thier hands.
" perfect mom! we'd love to take care of the little darlings. in fact we have a special game to play!" said bill.
" Hide and Seek!" said the four boys together.

pheww. hide and seek is finished. yes...*sniff*
please review. i kinda liked the ending. lol. i hope you enjoyed their revenge. sorry about the sugar quill saying with ron i tried to make it look like he was about to swear then he changed it to sugar quill. i know tats not how you spell sugar. well thats hide and seek finished. you should all check out my new ff in romance stories. it's called a wedding at hogwarts. please review and i hope you enjoyed this ff. you never know i might make a sequel. lol.

dracos comet xx
~|.[Gnarly LogoS].|~

[LovE's HearT is DeatH, for me and my PoisoN GirL]
[To CrY is to know that your AlivE]
[When LovE and DeatH EmbracE]
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Old 04-07-2006, 04:19 PM   #79 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Keira Strachen

wow that was an awesome ending to an awesome story!!!!!!!!!!! soooo..... when IS the sequel?? lol *joke*

- They are Legends In Their Spare Time -

<3 Jimmy Pop -- Would ya Nae?!?! <3
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Old 04-08-2006, 01:41 AM   #80 (permalink)
Keeper of Dan’s Grace
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That was a great ending I loved and love this story!! I laughed , I cried . I got upset . I dont want it to be over!!! :smash: !!!!! Please write another Comedy ff!!! Please!! Like call it Hide and Seek 2: the sequel or something!! < me. Please.... PAffS!!!!

|Another Dramione|
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Old 04-08-2006, 02:11 AM   #81 (permalink)
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OMG OMG OMG WHAT A GREAT FF! IT WAS SOOOOOOOOO GOOD I'M REALLY SAD THAT IT HAD TO END THOUGH. it also had the best ending too! every great story has an end unfortunely. well i can't wait to read your other ff soon......i'm really looking forward to it. THANKS FOR THE GREAT STORY!
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Old 04-08-2006, 10:27 AM   #82 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Riley Brandon

thank you all for your great reviews. i think once i've finished a wedding at hogwarts then i might consider doing a sequel to hide and seek. lol. until then. bye bye and thanks again for your lovely reviews. xx
dracos comet
~|.[Gnarly LogoS].|~

[LovE's HearT is DeatH, for me and my PoisoN GirL]
[To CrY is to know that your AlivE]
[When LovE and DeatH EmbracE]
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