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Old 08-11-2004, 04:00 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Hermione's Promise - Sa13+

Hermione's Promise

She looked down at the grave before her. Silent tears were streaming down from her eyes, sliding down her cheeks, until they reached the end of her chin and fell to the grassy earth below. The words carved into the grave stone still tore at her heart even after all this time. She knew the pain would never go away, the heart wrenching agony that tore at her soul. Just a few little words etched in stone were enough to kill her insides. What she would give to see him again. To hear his voice and his laughter. To see his bright red hair, and his hazel eyes. She even wanted to fight with him just one last time. Anything to make the prominent pain inside her ease just a little bit.

They had been secret lovers, their relationship hidden from the world. But now how she wished they would have put aside their embarrassment and shouted for the entire universe to hear how much they loved each other.“We know you miss him, we do too, but you have to move on.” they would say. “We know he was your best friend, but its time to let him go.” they would tell her. If only they knew that he was more then her best friend. Maybe then they would realize she would never move on in her life. Always would she live with the memory of the man she loved. The man that brought her every happiness she ever felt, the one who completed her.

At times she thought she would hear him. When alone late at night in her flat. She would be sitting on the couch in the living room, with her legs crossed at the ankles and propped up on the coffee table. A blanket covering her, and a cup of hot chocolate on the end table beside her. The television would be on, but only for back round noise. Instead, she would be reading a book, slowly drifting off to sleep, her eyelids drooping lower with every sentence she read. But she willed herself to keep awake. Afraid to fall asleep for fear of her dreams. They haunted her at night, with visions of him. Tormenting her when she least expected it. She would dream of them together, believing him to be back in her life again, only to awake the next morning to find herself alone once more. Just before she would finally give into sleep she would hear it. His soft words of love. Like a light breeze drifting through the air on a hot summer day, she would hear his words and ache for more. Ache for them to be real.

A cold wind blew through the chilly November air, causing her to shiver. Pulling her jacket tighter to her body to warm up a bit she remembered how wonderful it felt to be in his arms. His strong embrace holding her tightly to him. Taking away the cold, the hurt, the sadness she felt, and replacing it with warmth, happiness, and safety. How safe she would feel in his arms. He could hold her during the worst of times, and take all her fears away. When her parents had been killed by Voldemort it was him who helped her through it. Just by holding her, and letting her cry in his arms. Not once did he pressure her to talk, but waited until she was ready. He just sat there with her and let her grieve, and slowly she began to come back. Not all at once, but slowly. She began to talk more, and want to go out more. There were still times when she was horrible to be around. Days like her parents birthday, or their anniversary, or Christmas, and she was sure she wasn’t worth being around then. But he stayed with her, and never let her be alone unless he knew she needed to be, and he always knew when that was.

When she had lost him, there was no one to help her. Sure they had all tried. They let her cry, and have her own time. They invited her to go places. They did all they could to help her through her loss. But none of them could hold her and make her feel the way he had. She remembered Harry had tried numerous times, but it was never the same. His touch was loving, and warm, but it wasn’t the same. His was more brotherly than anything else and she needed more than that. Something only he could give her. Of course they were all tired of her now. They thought she should be over him, but they didn’t know. They don’t know how much he meant to her, how much she loved him.

Slowly kneeling in front of his grave, she brought her fingers to his name engraved in the stone. Tracing the words ever so gently, the tears falling from her eyes harder than ever before, she recalled the day he and her had secretly wed...

Spring had arrived early that year, bringing unusually warm, sunny weather to the beginning of April. There was no need for long sleeve shirts, or light jackets, the temperature was perfect. As they walked along the stone walkway towards the lake, they were surrounded by the song of the birds, and the scent of the flowers. Hand in hand they walked in silence. No words were necessary, each knew what the other was thinking, feeling.

They dressed nicely, nothing to fancy. She had on a white, tube top, sun dress, with white flowers embroidered down the left side. She wore no shoes, just a pair of white sandals. Her hair was pulled into an elegant bun, with strands of her natural curls hanging loosely, shaping her face. He wore a pair of khaki pants, and a white button down, collared shirt. He too wore sandals, but they were a medium brown color.

Her heart was beating so fast she thought it might come flying out of her chest if she couldn’t control it. She wasn’t nervous or scared, for she knew that this was the right thing. Her heart knew she wouldn’t have it any other way. She loved him with everything in her, and wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. She wanted to be his wife and have his children. No, the uncontrollable beating of her heart was due to the mounting excitement that was building within her. Finally they would belong to each other.

Looking up at him she could see the sun playing against his red hair, making it shine brightly. His eyes were like a little child’s, filled with innocense and love. His smile played along his lips, as if he was trying to make this moment serious, but couldn’t hide the excitement he was feeling.

As they walked on she let go of his hand and wrapped her arms around his, as she laid her head against his shoulder. Breathing in his scent, and feeling the warmth of his body.

“I love you Hermione.” She heard him whisper. Leaning her head up a little she met his eyes, and they both smiled at each other. He kissed her forehead lovingly, and together they walked on. She knew she didn’t have to say anything to him, he knew she loved him too.

Her thoughts drifted to the life they would have together. Night after night she had lain awake dreaming of the home they would create together. She imagined a small, but comfortable home. Painted a light blue, with white shutters. A huge garden would spread around the front yard, painting it with every color imaginable. In the back yard would be a swimming pool, as well as a Quidditch Pitch because she knew he couldn’t live without having one at home. They would have a Golden Retriever named Honey, who would sit and bathe in the sun, and play all day with the children. They would have three, two girls and a boy. Already she had picked out names, and what she believed they would look like. The boy, Matthew Christopher, would take after his father in every way. She hoped that one day he would be just as good looking as him, with bright red hair, beautiful hazel eyes, freckles, and uncontrollable blushing. Their two girls would be named Caydence Elizabeth and Deidra Genevieve. Both would have long curly hair like her, although not as bushy. She wasn’t sure whether she wanted their hair color to be brown or red, but knew that whatever color it was they would both be gorgeous. Both girls would have their father’s freckles and her brown eyes. Of course all their children would inherit her mind, and his wonderful sense of humor.

After walking for a good half an hour, the stone walkway gave way to a floor of sand. In view in front of them was the lake. The scenery was very beautiful. Just as she had hoped it would be. All around were mountains and mountains of trees, all rising higher the farther back they stood until the sunlight engulfed them and you could see no more. Along the shores flowers of every type and color bloomed, creating a magnificent rainbow that circled the two of them. The sand under their feet was a creamy white. Never had she seen sand so clean before. The lake, also, was clear. If she looked at the surface long enough she could see fish swimming around happily. In front of them stood the priest. He was tall, about six foot or so, with blonde hair and blue eyes. He couldn’t be any older than thirty. The Bible was held firmly, but gently in his hands.

“Good morning.” He greeted, a smile stretched across his face as they approached him. “I am Father O’Connell.” He held out his hand for both of them to shake, they returned the gesture and introduced themselves.

“You both do know, that there are no witnesses to this marriage?” He asked. They nodded, and he continued. “So you understand that it cannot be considered official.” The nodded again.

Together they had talked about this many times. Finally they came to the conclusion that they would marry in secret just like they had wanted, and when the war was over they would reveal their secret and officially get married.

“Alright.” Father O’Connell said. She could tell he didn’t fully agree with this, but knew they would have it no other way.

“We are gathered here today to bring Miss Hermione Ann Granger and Mr. Ronald Daniel Weasley together in Holy Matrimony.”

They locked gazes. She could see nothing but happiness in his eyes.

“Ronald, I believe you have a few works you would like to say to Miss Granger.” Said Father O’Connell.

Not taking his gaze from her, he began to speak his vows of love. “Hermione, from the first day I laid eyes on you I knew I was in love with you. You give me everything I could hope for - happiness, hope, luck, and most important, love. Forever I want to hold you in my arms, and love you. I want to spend the rest of my life showing you how much you mean to me, and how deeply in love with you I am. I love you Hermione Granger, with all of my heart.”

Silent tears of joy streaked down her face, messing her mascara. Oh, how much she loved this man. He was her everything.

“Miss Granger, you have prepared something to tell Mr. Weasley.” Father O’Connell stated.

She nodded and then began. “Ron, where would I be without you in my life? You have showed me so much, and for that I owe you a lifetime of love. I promise that until the day I die I will love you and only you. Ron, you are my hope, my dreams, my happiness. I love with all of my heart and soul.”

His smile stretched from ear to ear as she spoke her vows. Nothing she had ever said in her life was more truthful than those few sentences.

“And now, the rings.” Father O’Connell said.

“Oh yeah,” He said before he reached into the pocket of his khaki pants and pulled out a dark purple, velvet box. Inside sat the rings they had picked out together. Today would be the first and last day they wore them, until their official wedding.

“Ronald, place this ring upon Miss Granger’s finger and repeat after me. I Ronald Daniel Weasley, take Hermione Ann Granger, as my lawfully wedded wife.”

He mimicked the priest’s words. “I Ronald Daniel Weasley, take Hermione Ann Granger, as my lawfully wedded wife. ”

Father O’Connell continued. “To have and to hold, to love and to cherish.”

“To have and to hold, to love and to cherish.”

“From this day forward, for as long as we both shall live.”

“From this day forward, for as long as we both shall live.” He gently placed the ring upon her left hand. It glittered and shown in the sunlight, reflecting all the love and joy they both felt.

“Now, Miss Granger,” Father O’Connell continued. “Please place this ring upon Mr. Weasley’s hand and repeat after me. I Hermione Ann Granger, take Ronald Daniel Weasley, as my lawfully wedded husband.”

“I Hermione Ann Granger, take Ronald Daniel Weasley, as my lawfully wedded husband.”

“To have and to hold, to love and to cherish.”

“To have and to hold, to love and to cherish.” The words were coming from her mouth with ease. No second thoughts ran through her mind as she agreed to spend eternity with this one person.

“From this day forward, for as long as we both shall live.”

“From this day forward, for as long as we both shall live.” She placed the ring upon his finger. His hands were so rough against her soft, smooth fingers. Like her own ring, his glistened in the sunlight and reflected every feeling they had for each other.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.” Father O’Connell announced happily. His second thoughts about performing the ceremony seemed to have disappeared.

Before kissing her for the first time as his wife, he brought her hands to her cheeks and cupped her face. Slowly, ever so slowly, he leaned in and kissed her lightly. Together they deepened the kiss, until the passion between them could grow no further...

Two years later, he was killed during a one on one battle with Lucious Malfoy. She had been at his side when he fell, but recalled little of the events. It was all one giant whirlpool of motion, events she wished she could forget entirely. What she could remember was him and her fighting what Death Eaters they could, in order to keep them away from Lord Voldemort. That way giving Harry a one on one chance against the Dark Lord. She had just defeated Bellatrix Lestrange, and was ready to move on to her husband, Rodolphus, when all of a sudden those cold, deadly words ran through her ears, numbing her soul. Words, that till this day, still haunt her dreams. “Avada Kedavra!” Lucious had yelled. A wisp of green smoke came shooting from his wand, hitting the man she loved right in the middle of the chest. His body fell immediately to the floor, limb and lifeless. Then, in her mind, in her heart, in her soul, all was lost.

Till this day she had kept her promise, and she always would. For she could never love anyone else. He was her everything. He was the light in her sky, and the fire in her heart. He was her universe, and without him she was like a lonely star diminished of its inner glow. Until the day when she could finally join him for all eternity, she would keep her vow, and love only him.

After wiping away the tears that stained her face, she put her hand to her chest and grasped her wedding ring, which she wore on a chain around her neck. The day of his funeral she had put his on a similar chain and hid it in his fist, where she knew no one would find it. On days when she felt lonely, and needed him, she would clutch her ring, and somehow, in an unexplainable way, feel him near her. And now as she did so, she could feel his strong arms upon her shoulders, as if he was still protecting her from all her fears. Slowly she began to stand. Before turning away to leave behind her loved one for the millionth time, she whispered, “I love you Ronald Weasley. I pray and wait for the day when I can see you again.”
Her Unsung Hero
Hermione's Promise
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Old 08-18-2004, 01:11 AM   #2 (permalink)
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Oh my goodness. I am not a sappy person. A romantic, yes, but never an emotional basket case. You have done the impossible with your beautiful writing talents and fluent words: You made me cry. That was one of those bitter-sweet cries. She was so in love with him. And she would only love him. It brings backl memories in my own life that i haven't been able to move on entirely from. You are very gifted. I think you'll go very far with your skills. keep writing. You never know who you can touch. :flowersmile:

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Old 08-19-2004, 05:00 AM   #3 (permalink)
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My gosh, Shannon recommended this in UDDUP, so I thought I'd come check it out. Its amazing, I cried too! I'm still sniffling, that was beautiful. You are an amazingly talented writer and sice its about R/Hr, it was so perfect. Thank you.
Or should I get along with myself?
I never did get along with everybody else
I’ve been trying hard to
do what’s right
But you know I could stay here all night

Si luffs Hayley. She's da bomb fo' sho'. <3
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Old 08-19-2004, 05:14 AM   #4 (permalink)
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OMG!!!!!that is sooooooooooooo good!!!my eyes are are a really good writer!!post more soon this is really good!!!!i luv ron and hermione fanfics they are so meant to be of course this one is sad but i still really like it cuz they got to be together...
You're not alone, cause you're here with me. And nothing's ever gonna bring us down...

'Cause nothing can keep me from loving you, and you know it's true. It don't matter what'll come to be...
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Old 08-19-2004, 04:14 PM   #5 (permalink)
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You did it you made me cry. Movies I cry all the time but books and ff's ... never. You are extremely talented. This was amazing. They loved each other and would never love anyone else. It was so great it was brilliant.

Thanks Shannon for recomnding this.

Brittany xoxo


Harry.Ginny || True Love || Hermione.Ron

I almost wrote a song about you today, but I tore it up then I threw it away

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Old 08-19-2004, 06:25 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Thankyou so much everyone. I'm so glad you enjoyed.
Her Unsung Hero
Hermione's Promise
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Old 08-22-2004, 05:25 AM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally posted by HpLover117@Aug 19 2004, 08:48 AM
You did it you made me cry. Movies I cry all the time but books and ff's ... never. You are extremely talented. This was amazing. They loved each other and would never love anyone else. It was so great it was brilliant.

Thanks Shannon for recomnding this.

Brittany xoxo
You dont cry in books?? I cry in movies, TV, books, and I guess now FFs! LOL!! I'm such a wuss, LOL!! Did you atleast cry in OOTP,I did for like 10 minutes! LOL!!
Or should I get along with myself?
I never did get along with everybody else
I’ve been trying hard to
do what’s right
But you know I could stay here all night

Si luffs Hayley. She's da bomb fo' sho'. <3
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Old 08-23-2004, 12:26 AM   #8 (permalink)
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I can't say I cried, because it would be lying. But I did thoroughly enjoy reading your beautifully written fanfic. All the words held meaning, and you captured the emotion so wonderfully. It was bittersweet, but the simple things you exdended upon were the ones I adored.
the truth is just an undiscovered lie.
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Old 08-25-2004, 05:08 PM   #9 (permalink)
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That was the most beautiful story i have every read. You are truly a very talented and gifted writer. You captured every emotion with elegance and grace. I could picture every scene vividly.

Beauty shone in this story.

Well done, i feel the same as Shannon, that you never know who you can touch.

Annie :flowersmile:
Anyone can make you cry or smile, but it takes someone special to make you smile when you have tears in your eyes
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Old 08-29-2004, 05:29 AM   #10 (permalink)
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Thanks again everyone. I really enjoyed writing this Fan Fiction, and I'm so glad you liked it.
Her Unsung Hero
Hermione's Promise
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Old 09-07-2004, 12:05 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Oh my god! Best FF I have ever read! Even better than JKR! I almost cried!. (only coz I'm really tired and off in another world. otherwise I would've cried.) But I did cry in OotP coz Sirius is my fav character (hence my log in name - padfoot_88) and she KILLED HIM!!! I cried for half an hour, seriously. Ha! I'm seriously in love with Sirius! Sorry, off topic. AmericanWitch, I absolutely love it, you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo have to write more. PAMS! Please, I'm begging you! *on knees hands up in praying fashion* please please please please please please please!!!!!!
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Old 09-07-2004, 12:08 PM   #12 (permalink)
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Thanks again everyone. I really enjoyed writing this Fan Fiction, and I'm so glad you liked it.
Please don't tell me that was it! I want more!
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Old 09-07-2004, 10:58 PM   #13 (permalink)
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I absolutely love it, you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo have to write more. PAMS! Please, I'm begging you! *on knees hands up in praying fashion* please please please please please please please!!!!!!
Thank you Padfoot_88. I'm sorry to say, but that was the end of the Fan Fiction. It was only a one-shot. But I have other stories on this site. Her Unsung Hero, which is on page 6, and Unbreakable Spell, which is on page 9. I'm not very happy with Unbreakable Spell, I know I could have done a lot better with it. But I hope you enjoy it anyway, if you decide to read it. Thank you again!

Her Unsung Hero
Hermione's Promise
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Old 09-07-2004, 11:43 PM   #14 (permalink)
Fizzing Whizbee
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WOW!!!!! u did an awesome job!!! holy heck!!!!!! u did that so beautifully. u are a VERY talented writer, and i want more!!! but i must say, im happy thats not in the hp books. Ron is one of the best characters, and id hate to see him leave! i almost cried!!! :sorcerer:
Old 09-16-2004, 03:32 AM   #15 (permalink)
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WOW!!!!! u did an awesome job!!! holy heck!!!!!! u did that so beautifully. u are a VERY talented writer, and i want more!!! but i must say, im happy thats not in the hp books. Ron is one of the best characters, and id hate to see him leave! i almost cried!!!
I'm glad it's not that way in the books too. I love Ron, he's the best!
Her Unsung Hero
Hermione's Promise
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Old 09-16-2004, 03:50 AM   #16 (permalink)
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Oh, my god. that was so good!! You made me cry!!

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"There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved."

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Old 10-15-2004, 03:10 AM   #17 (permalink)
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Talk about've got TALENT! i looooove your ff. its soo sad and since im an emotional person when it comes to HP. i cried! big surprise. ..... just like i told Shannon wen she posted her UDDUP ...ppl as talented as u should get paid for writin these AMAZING FanFics.
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Old 10-16-2004, 01:30 AM   #18 (permalink)
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Talk about've got TALENT! i looooove your ff. its soo sad and since im an emotional person when it comes to HP. i cried! big surprise. ..... just like i told Shannon wen she posted her UDDUP ...ppl as talented as u should get paid for writin these AMAZING FanFics.
Aww, thank you so much. I have another Fan Fic on this site that is currently in progress. And I am sorry to anyone who is reading it that I haven't posted in awhile. But I have been very busy with College Applications, Essays, and Scholarships and Financial Aid. I will try to post a part of Her Unsung Hero as soon as I can, but I have no clue when that will me.
Thanks again, DarkMagicGurl!
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Old 11-26-2004, 08:06 AM   #19 (permalink)
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Oh my gosh! This ff as beautiful . It made my cry. You must continue it!!!!

But Ron was my favourite
"Shut up and Answer me"


"Dont look at me in that tone of voice"


"Here is a cup of care, as you can see it is empty"


"YOU!.... Off my planet!"

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