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Candy Display Case (Finished Fanfiction) A dazzling showcase of fully wrapped-up stories, these sweet treats are polished and ready for your reading pleasure!

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Old 01-31-2007, 02:43 AM   #176 (permalink)
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I know what you mean, Katie. Although, at the moment I'm not in that situation...I take so long to post these days! I really do need to pay more attention to my fics...
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Old 01-31-2007, 03:04 AM   #177 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sylvannas Quickspeed
Ravenclaw Chapter 27

Draco walked to Dumbledore's study the evening of his detention. He was slightly nervous. No, more like EXTREMELY nervous. He had never been Dumbledore's favorite student, Harry had always been in that position. And Dumbledore hadn't been on his favorite list of people either. He didn't know what to expect.

"Cockroach Cluster." The huge eagle spiraled upwards, and Draco followed it into Dumbledore's room.

He was waiting for him.

"Ah...Mr. Malfoy....come in, come in. Close the door behind you."

Draco did as he was told and stood by the door.

"No no no Draco, come in." He waved his wand, and a chair appeared in front of the desk. Draco sat down, rather stiffly. "Lighten up Draco, I don't bite."

"Yes Sir." But Draco found he couldn't.

"Draco, for your punishment, I want you to relieve all your pent-up anger and bad feelings towards me, Harry, and especially...your family. You will never be a true Gryffindor if you harbor all this hatred."

Draco sighed.

"I don't like talking about my home life." Dumbeldore smiled.

"I know, that's why we're going to talk about it. Now start talking. What was it like, growing up in the Malfoy Manor?"

"It wasn't bad when Father wasn't there. He was alway's coming and going, my mother wasn't too pleased when he came home. Because of all the Dark Arts things."

"I see...."

"No you don't. You can't possibly see....all those nights....waiting in dread for my Father to come home...sometimes, my mother slept on the floor of my room, because Father had come home in a bad mood....she was terrified of him, when he was like that."

"Did you ever have any happy times with him?"

"Not too many. Sometimes he would take me to muggle baseball games, I really enjoyed those. But most of the time, he was either out, or in the basement and catacombs of my house."

"What about your mother Draco? Does she-"

"Love me?" Draco gave a smile, "Next to Pavarti, she's the only person who ever cared for me. She would buy me everything I needed or wanted. She....was so good to me. She didn't deserve the punishments my Father gave her. She DIDN'T!"

Draco slammed his hand on the desk. Dumbledore didn't even flinch.

"Then I got accepted into school here. My father didn't want me here. He wanted me in Durmstrang. Do you know why?"

"I shall assume," Dumbledore spoke, "That the reason was you were too close to home here, and in Durmstrang, you would be far away enough that it wouldn't matter. You would live there all year round."

"You hit the nail on the head SIr. My Father hated me. Probably because I would hide myself and my mother, so he couldn't beat her, and I didn't have to watch."

Draco drew deep breaths, and bit his finger. Dumbledore placed a hand on his head. Draco cried at this movement of affection. Dumbledore urged him to continue.

"Wh-when I-I c-came to Ho-hogwarts, and saw Harry, I saw the same boy. No parents. I was not raised properly, and neither was he. His uncle hated him, my Father wanted me to fall off a cliff and die. But the thing that bugged me was: He was happy. That I couldn't understand. Why was this boy happy, while I was so miserable. I didn't like that.....I was jealous."

"So you took it out on Harry."

"Y-yea....that's why I treated him so badly. I wanted to see him suffer. What I saw was..."

"Yourself reflected in that boy. Your possible happiness in his face. Your same tortures being handled in a positive way, and that infuriated you."


"Do you still feel that way?"

Draco hesitated for a long time. Dumbledore was patient. All the paintings were listening, leaning in. One would have almost certainly fallen out of the painting, had he not been holding on. Finally, Draco looked up at Dumbledore.


"Then you are a true Gryffindor. You have learned forgiveness. What about your family?"

"I don't think I can ever forgive my Father."

"You must try Draco. It's hard, I must try. Now I want you to come to me again.....when you have. there is no time limit."

"Thank you Sir."

Dumbledore looked at his odd watch, and chuckled.

"Well Draco, we've managed to kill three hours. Time really does fly when one's having fun."

Draco got up and moved towards the door. He turned.

"Thank you...Professor."

"You're welcome Draco."

He turned and left.

And someday, when the night is over and the dawn arrives, we'll reach up to the sky withour eyes turned toward our Lord, and all will become good and whole
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Old 01-31-2007, 03:16 AM   #178 (permalink)
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I'm sorry that I didn't comment, I was about to when my mom just came in, and she isn't Harry Potter at ALL, so I had to close the window, and then we went out and I came in time for the second post.

Hahaha! I thought that it was funny when Draco stuck out his tounge at Harry. That is such a little kid thing.
This post. I think that it was good that Dumbledore talked to Draco, makking him forgive people. I think that it's ironice that he is like Harry. I never thought about that . . . . . . pams! definately
[Performance:: Dance] [FMV:: Harry/Ginny ] [RP:: ~*Only Dream Once*~]

Powered by MAthI^__^

[FC:: Anything Wrong with That?] [FC:: Love Never Dies] [Site:: ~TNAF~]
Random fact::
Rupert Grint and I were born on the same day
*~*August 24th*~*
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Old 01-31-2007, 03:25 AM   #179 (permalink)
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Wonderful post, Katie! Dumbledore allowing Draco to let out his past and move on was a smart thing...hopefully it works and Draco can leave his past behind and start fresh!
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Old 01-31-2007, 04:32 AM   #180 (permalink)
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Another excellent post!

Wow Draco talked for three hours! It is amazing when time flies by! lol!
It great that Draco let out all his feelings! And I would have never guessed that Mr. Draco Malfoy was jelouse( spelled it wrong, sorry) of Harry!

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Old 02-02-2007, 11:37 PM   #181 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by dancerbookl View Post
I'm sorry that I didn't comment, I was about to when my mom just came in, and she isn't Harry Potter at ALL, so I had to close the window, and then we went out and I came in time for the second post.

Hahaha! I thought that it was funny when Draco stuck out his tounge at Harry. That is such a little kid thing.
This post. I think that it was good that Dumbledore talked to Draco, makking him forgive people. I think that it's ironice that he is like Harry. I never thought about that . . . . . . pams! definately
lol thanks....i shall!

Originally Posted by padfoot_88 View Post
Wonderful post, Katie! Dumbledore allowing Draco to let out his past and move on was a smart thing...hopefully it works and Draco can leave his past behind and start fresh!
i thought so

Originally Posted by Harry and Ginny??? View Post
Another excellent post!

Wow Draco talked for three hours! It is amazing when time flies by! lol!
It great that Draco let out all his feelings! And I would have never guessed that Mr. Draco Malfoy was jelouse( spelled it wrong, sorry) of Harry!

I'm gonna post later!

And someday, when the night is over and the dawn arrives, we'll reach up to the sky withour eyes turned toward our Lord, and all will become good and whole
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Old 02-03-2007, 02:11 AM   #182 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sylvannas Quickspeed
Ravenclaw Chapter 28

Harry and Garret were released from the hospital wing the next day. Harry took a deep breath of air, and sighed.

"That, Garret, is the smell of freedom."

"Smells like Peeves, Harry."

Harry looked up, and his face was covered with something warm and squishy. He heard Peeve's laughter, and Garret conjuring.

"Gimarte Releaso." Harry's face was cleared, and he saw Peeve's, floating above him, grinning. Garret pointed his wand towards Peeves. "Get out of here Peeves. I didn't just get out of the Hospital Wing, to be put back in there by you. Throw your pies at someone else!"

Peeves blew a raspberry, and zoomed backwards, and through a wall. Garret sighed.

"I wish Peeves would just disappear sometimes."

"Me too. The last thing we need is another 24 hours with Madam Pomfrey. 'Have some more chocolate Harry, you're as thin as a bone', or, 'Garret, eat less so Harry can get some.' "

Garret burst out laughing, and accompanied Harry back to the Portrait hole.

"Well, Harry...this is where I must leave you."

"Where are you going?"

"Candi wanted me to show her how to score better. Well, see ya!"

Garret left, whistling a tune. Harry shook his head. He faced the Fat Lady.


"Vanilla Bean." The portrait swung open, and Harry stepped in. It was deserted, as usual. Harry had been given leave of classes for the rest of the day. He sat in front of the fire, and fell asleep.

"Harry! Harry!" He awoke with a jerk. It was dark. He scrambled around for his bearings, and Hermione gave him another little shake.

"'Lo 'Mione.....what's the matter?"

"Nothing, only going up to the Hospital Wing and finding out you were gone. I think Madam Pomfrey has a problem. She kept asking me what you eat during meals. And she kept poking me with her wand, and asking if I was eating enough! What did you do to her?"

Harry couldn't stop laughing. He pulled Hermione into his lap and kissed her. When they broke apart, he asked her,

"What time is it?" Hermione looked at her watch.

"Quarter to six. Why?"

"You look thin, I think we should go to dinner."


Hermione tried to smack Harry, but Harry blocked it easily and Hermione leapt out of his lap. She grabbed a pillow and it connected with Harry's head. He laughed, and grabbed Hermione by the waist. She shrieked as Harry lifted her onto his shoulders, and carried her off to The Great Hall.

And someday, when the night is over and the dawn arrives, we'll reach up to the sky withour eyes turned toward our Lord, and all will become good and whole
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Old 02-03-2007, 04:13 PM   #183 (permalink)
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Aww...I wish someone would carry me off to the Great Hall! LOL
Great post, Katie! Can't wait for more!
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Old 02-03-2007, 07:06 PM   #184 (permalink)
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Great post!
I wish I was Hermione! lol!
Anyways I can't wait for more!

A very big thank you to Cassirin at Anna and Ern's Box of Every Flavor Beans for this wonderful siggy!
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Old 02-05-2007, 02:04 AM   #185 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by padfoot_88 View Post
Aww...I wish someone would carry me off to the Great Hall! LOL
Great post, Katie! Can't wait for more!
LOL Thanks, me too.

Originally Posted by Harry and Ginny??? View Post
Great post!
I wish I was Hermione! lol!
Anyways I can't wait for more!
She's so lucky...WAIT! I'm a Dramione fan! Bad Katie *thunks herself on head*

And someday, when the night is over and the dawn arrives, we'll reach up to the sky withour eyes turned toward our Lord, and all will become good and whole
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Old 02-05-2007, 02:14 AM   #186 (permalink)

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Ravenclaw Chapter 29

Dear Diary,
I was watching Quiddich practice, and you wouldn't believe what Harry was doing, especially to his team. He was like a monster. All that ordering around, I could tell he was stressed. And his team wasn't giving him any sympathy points...

Hermione and Pavarti walked down to the Quiddich field, talking about...Candi Summers.

"Do you realize what a sl*t she is?"

"Honestly Pavarti, she makes one tiny pass at Draco, and you're all over her. Leave her alone. I'm sure Draco-"

"Oh no Hermione! I'm not all over her. She's all over my man! I'm about ready to kill her!"

They reached the stands, and sat down, unseen. Harry hated it when they watched practice. He said it distracted the team.

"Listen, why don't you ask Draco not to talk to her?"

"Hermione, if I did that, he'd think I'm being overprotective."

"But you are!" Hermione almost yelled. Pavarti shushed her, so Harry wouldn't hear them. Hermione pulled Pavarti down, and they watched.

Harry was yelling again.

"Garret! You just let that Bludger hit Candi! Stop daydreaming!"

Garret swore, and flew as far from Harry as possible. Harry watched Draco and Candi throw a few good passes, then Draco dropped the ball.


"I was-"

"Ten laps around the field-"

Draco started off.

"-Without the broom." Draco stopped.

"Harry! That's unfair!" Harry flew down and met Draco.

"It's fair because I said so. Do you have a problem with that?"

Draco raised his fist. Harry started to make his move, then Ron flew down between them.

"Harry, I'm co-captain of this team, and I declare this practice over!" Harry glared at Ron. "Don't start Harry, now clear off!"

The team scattered, relieved. Draco didn't move. Harry turned away.

"You heard him Draco: Clear off. Practice resumes next week."

Draco stood with Ron.

"Thanks man. What's gotten into him?"

"Stress. He's got a relationship that he has to keep going, new players to break in, and Ravenclaw is catching up in the season. Alot on his plate, wouldn't you agree?"

Draco and Ron started up to the castle together. Pavarti joined them.

"Hey boys." Draco kissed her, and put his arm around her.

"Where's Hermione?"

"With Harry. We saw the whole thing." Pavarti had a worried expression on her face. Ron nodded.

"Yea, but he'll turn around. Hermione should be able to fix it."


"HARRY!" Harry didn't turn around. He was in no mood for anybody. Hands were suddenly on his shoulders, and were massaging his back. He reached for one of them and squeezed. Hermione.

"Hey babe."

"Harry, what's wrong? You're so tense."

"Did you see Ravenclaw's last match with Slytherin? Creamed them We're in trouble."

"I thought you played well today."

"Well isn't good enough 'Mione. We need to be great." Hermione pouted.

"You need to relax. Why don't we go up to the Common Room, so you can settle down?"

Harry turned to face Hermione.

"That...would be nice."

And someday, when the night is over and the dawn arrives, we'll reach up to the sky withour eyes turned toward our Lord, and all will become good and whole

Last edited by LyonLover417; 02-05-2007 at 02:56 AM.
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Old 02-05-2007, 04:08 PM   #187 (permalink)
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Yeah, I'm sure it'll be "nice" Harry...*wink wink nudge nudge*
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Old 02-06-2007, 05:26 AM   #188 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by padfoot_88 View Post
Yeah, I'm sure it'll be "nice" Harry...*wink wink nudge nudge*
That's funny!

And Katie... excellent post!
Wow! I didn't know... well yes I did but, Harry has never lost his temper that bad! Harry take a chill pill! Oh wait... he did... Hermione, duh!

Can't wait for the next post!
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Old 02-08-2007, 02:02 AM   #189 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by padfoot_88 View Post
Yeah, I'm sure it'll be "nice" Harry...*wink wink nudge nudge*

Originally Posted by Harry and Ginny??? View Post
That's funny!

And Katie... excellent post!
Wow! I didn't know... well yes I did but, Harry has never lost his temper that bad! Harry take a chill pill! Oh wait... he did... Hermione, duh!

Can't wait for the next post!
And someday, when the night is over and the dawn arrives, we'll reach up to the sky withour eyes turned toward our Lord, and all will become good and whole
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Old 02-08-2007, 02:31 AM   #190 (permalink)

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Ravenclaw Chapter 30

Dear Diary,
I wish Harry would tell me what's wrong. He's been acting so...weird. First, at Quiddich practice, he was so tense. Then, there was that incident where he helped Candi Summers out with her Charms work. I wouldn't be suspicous, but it took them
THREE hours. Now, that's a little too long for me. Pavarti has the same problem with Draco. I'm talking about it with her today...

"Hey Pavarti, ready to go?"

"More than ready girl, let's get out of here."

Pavarti and Hermione went out the portrait hole, and walked to the courtyard. They had special permission from Dumbledore and McGonagal to go to Hogsmeade. Hermione felt it was necessary. They skipped to where their ride was. Hermione stopped short.


"YES!" Pavarti shouted, and hugged one of the animals. It blew onto her head. Hermione looked at hers nervously. "Haven't you ridden before? I thought it would be a nice change from the carriage rides." Pavarti swung herself into the saddle.

"Oh...oh sure." Hermione scrambled on hers, and promptly slid off and hit the floor with a THUD. She got up, groaning. But she was able to mount, and soon they were off.

"Let's canter Hermione!"

"What?" Pavati spurred her horse on. The animal happily obliged, and cantered away. Hermione's horse, not wanting to be left behind, swung itself into a full gallop, in order to catch up. They crested a large hill, overlooking the Lake. Hermione began to lose her balance. She screamed. "HELP PAVARTI! I'M FALLING!"

"What? HERMIONE!" Pavarti turned her horse, and galloped to Hermione. Hermione fell, and began to roll. SHe kept rolling. And rolling. Soon, she went over the hill, and into the Lake. Pavarti dismounted and followed.

Hermione was sent tumbling into the Lake. She got up, spluttering. She heard voices. Hermione turned, and saw in the distance...Draco, Candi, and....HARRY??


"What is it 'Mione?" Pavarti arrived, breathless, and helped Hermione up. "What should I be looking at?"

"THEM." Hermione said, and pointed. Pavarti's eyes followed, and her heart stopped.

"....Draco..." She murmered. They watched.

They were having a water fight. Harry and Candi versus Draco, it seemed. Draco was cheating, and using his wand. Candi and Harry laughed. Draco sent a wave towards them, and Harry and Candi were lifted onto it. They landed, a few feet away, Candi in Harry's arms. Harry carried her over to Draco, and both proceeded to throw Candi far out into the Lake.

"WELL, AREN'T YOU THREE HAVING A GOOD TIME!" Pavarti shrieked, and they turned, noticing them. Harry turned a bright red when he saw Hermione, but Draco was calm. Draco swam towards Pavarti.

"Hey hun, how's it-"

"Why are you with her? You said you were working on your spells." Pavarti was close to tears. Draco took her in his arms.

"I did, Love. Then Harry and Candi were going swimming, and I was invited. I was tired from studying, and decided to tag along. I also practiced in the water, did you see my wave?" Pavarti nodded dumbly. "Well, there's my practice at work."
"But....what about Harry? Where did he go?" Hermione looked around. "Candi's not here either."

"That, 'Mione...I couldn't tell you. But he has some explaining to do, I can see."

"Tell us what they were doing Draco. Please?" Pavarti pleaded to Draco, and he relented.

"Well, they were going swimming, but before....maybe I shouldn't say."

"PLEASE Draco." Hermione grabbed him by the shoulders. "I have a right to know, I'm his girlfriend."

"Oh, all right. They were in the library, intimate discussion."

Hermione drew away from him. She looked all around, as if confused.

"No....not Harry....Harry doesn't....he wouldn't....cheat on me?? He's my boyfriend...there's no way..."

Hermione backed away and ran. From Pavarti, from Draco, from Hogwarts. She hid by the Forbiddon Forest, crying her heart and soul out. Suddenly, she heard a noise. Then, a loud cry. She stood up, frightened. They thing was running now. It entered her clearing. Hermione gasped at what she saw...

Nope! Not telling!

And someday, when the night is over and the dawn arrives, we'll reach up to the sky withour eyes turned toward our Lord, and all will become good and whole
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Old 02-08-2007, 03:54 AM   #191 (permalink)
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Oh!!!!!!!!!!!!! TELL TELL TELL!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!
Ahhhhhhhh!!! How could Harry cheat on Hermione!!!! How dare he!
*goes and kicks Harry*
What did Hermione see?????? Oh please post soon!
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Old 02-08-2007, 06:05 PM   #192 (permalink)
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Now that was just downright evil. You'd better post the next part soon, or I swear I will pass out from the suspense...LOL
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Old 02-09-2007, 02:23 AM   #193 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Harry and Ginny??? View Post
Oh!!!!!!!!!!!!! TELL TELL TELL!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!
Ahhhhhhhh!!! How could Harry cheat on Hermione!!!! How dare he!
*goes and kicks Harry*
What did Hermione see?????? Oh please post soon!
Hmm....maybe I'll wait a few weeks....

Originally Posted by padfoot_88 View Post
Now that was just downright evil. You'd better post the next part soon, or I swear I will pass out from the suspense...LOL
Wow....maybe I'll post after all...

And someday, when the night is over and the dawn arrives, we'll reach up to the sky withour eyes turned toward our Lord, and all will become good and whole
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Old 02-09-2007, 02:52 AM   #194 (permalink)

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Sylvannas Quickspeed
Ravenclaw Chapter 31

Since you all are desperate to know what happens, I shall pick up from where I left off....

Hermione backed away and ran. From Pavarti, from Draco, from Hogwarts. She hid by the Forbiddon Forest, crying her heart and soul out. Suddenly, she heard a noise. Then, a loud cry. She stood up, frightened. They thing was running now. It entered her clearing. Hermione gasped at what she saw...

"AHHHH!" She shrieked, and crouched low, cowaring before the giant stallion. It flung it's wings back, and beat them mercilously against Hermione. She screamed again. She heard a voice.

"Whisper! What are you doing?"

The beating stopped. Hermione looked up to see a pretty Ravenclaw girl with a halter in one hand and a lunge line in the other. She stared curiously at Hermione.

"Umm....can I help you?"

"You already did. PLease get it away from me."

"Whisper, come." The horse obeyed, and stood at the girl's shoulder. Hermione stood up cautiosly. She looked the girl over as she put the halter back on.

She was about 5'6", with golden brown hair, falling gently by the waist. She was thin, but muscular. Her face was pretty, and her hazel eyes were sharp and attentive. Hermione noticed how she handled the horse. She was very gentle, and she kept talking soothingly to the horse, and the horse responded by standing still.

"Say, what are you staring at?" Hermione blushed.

"I'm sorry, I...didn't catch your name." The girl laughed.

"Oh, my name's Sylvannas Quickspeed."

"Not the girlfriend of CJ Antoninias, right?"

"The one and only. By the way, what were you running from? You scared Whisper."

"Oh, sorry...I was....running from my boyfriend-"

"Hermione! Hermione!" Hermione turned to see Pavarti and Draco running towards her. They stopped when they saw Sylvannas. "Good, you're ok. Who's this?"

"This is Sylvannas. Sylvannas, these are Pavarti and Draco." They both said hello, and Sylvannas returned the favor. Another girl came up.

"Sylve, why didn't you bring Whisper back to-oh my. Hello..."

Introductions started all over again, and the new girl introduced herself as Pyralis Edana. She was filled in quickly, then addressed Hermione.

"So? What did your boyfriend do?"

"He....cheated on me...and we saw him doit, and now I can't find him." Pyralis gasped.

"What a man wh*re! Something must be done! What a little b@st@rd!"

"Pye, calm down, we'll think of something." Hermione looked confused.

"WE??" Sylvannas laughed.

"YES! Us girls need to stick together!" Pyralis was still seething, and Hermione began to look foward to catching Harry and getting him back.


Harry and Candi ran out of the Lake when Harry spotted Hermione. They ran into the caslte, and hid in one of the rooms. Candi was out of breath.

" she knows. Now what?"

"Well, now I'm expected to go back to her and apologise."

"For what?" Harry turned on her, amazed.

"What do you mean, for what? Let's start by...CHEATING ON MY GIRLFRIEND! For betraying the trust of the most important person in my life! I have to try and make it up to her somehow!"

Harry pulled himself away from Candi, and walked out of the classroom, looking for Hermione.

And someday, when the night is over and the dawn arrives, we'll reach up to the sky withour eyes turned toward our Lord, and all will become good and whole
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Old 02-09-2007, 03:39 AM   #195 (permalink)
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Jacqueline Marie Granger
Sixth Year
Run, Emma, Run!

That's great that Hermione's new friends want to help her! How sweet!
And Harry...
If I was Hermione, even though I love Harry, I would slap him if he came up to me apoligizing! After all he cheated on Hermione!

I'm sorry I'm being mean to Harry but it just gets me so mad!

Anyways... Great post! As always! Pams!
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Old 02-09-2007, 12:55 PM   #196 (permalink)

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LOL I will later...I'm at school right now.

And someday, when the night is over and the dawn arrives, we'll reach up to the sky withour eyes turned toward our Lord, and all will become good and whole
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Old 02-09-2007, 08:41 PM   #197 (permalink)
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Thanks for the post! It was wonderful!
Ooh...Harry had better have a good excuse...
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Old 02-11-2007, 02:57 AM   #198 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sylvannas Quickspeed
Ravenclaw Chapter 32

Dear Diary,
I'm so glad I met Sylvannas and Pyralis. Their meeting Pavarti, Draco, Ron, Kit, and I at The Three Broomsticks. Hopefully, Harry won't see or suspect us...

To make sure that nothing looked suspicious, Pavarti and Draco left first, then Ron and Kit. Hermione followed soon after. They met up at the Three Broomsticks, and went inside, looking for the Ravenclaws.

"Hey! Over here!" Hermione led the gang over to the table. There were Sylvannas and Pyralis, and they had two boys with them. Hermione sat down next to the dark-haired one.

"Hey love, where've you been all my life? Let's meet-OUCH!"

Sylvannas thumped him on the head, and turned to Hermione.

"He needs reminding once and awhile. That's CJ, my boyfriend."

"This is Joe, my boyfriend."

"Hi." Joe said, offering his hand. Hermione took it, and shook it firmly. Draco found more seats, and they all sat down. Ron called over Madam Rosmerta.

"9 butterbeers please." Rosmerta clicked away, writing down their order. Ron turned back around, and put his arm around Kit. "So, what are we going to do about Harry?"

"We'll think of something. Remember the last time something like this happened? With Lavender?"

"Boy, do I ever!" Hermione said feverently. "But I think we should be subtle in reminding him that I am his girlfriend."

"Yea, but how? By the way, if Harry doesn't work out, call this number." CJ slipped her a piece of paper. Sylvannas snatched it away.

"Stop giving out your phone number!" CJ grinned sheepishly.

"I love you honey?"

"Yea right." Sylvannas kissed him, then turned her attention to Hermione. "I get this all the time, don't be flattered. He does this to everybody. Now, about you?"

"Yea, well, what about...making Candi look like a fool? Like....oh, I don't know..."

The butterbeers arrived, cutting off Draco's thought. Madam Rosmerta passed them around, and CJ tipped her. Joe leaned back in his chair, giving Pyralis a back massage.

"Well, what if we simply trap them? Like, let's say we tell everybody that Harry knows, that you're going on vacation Hermione? Then, wouldn't HArry think the coast is clear, and go out with Candi more openly?"

"Then catch them in the act! Oh Joe, you're brilliant!" Pyralis said, and Joe beamed. Draco and Ron stood up and applauded. Joe took bows, and CJ shrieked for his autograph. After they had all settled down, Kit raised another question.

"When and how do you plan on doing this? Are you going to hide Hermione in a box? What about her classes?" Ron smacked Kit lightly on the back.

"Leave that to me, Kit my darling, leave that to me. We'll make up an excuse for the teachers. She'll be in the Hospital Wing the whole time! McGonagal won't suspect a thing. None of them will."

"Nice job Ron. Something's finally working up there!" Hermione said, and Ron thumped her on the head. Madam Rosmerta came up to them, frowning.

"Your bill. You're disturbing my pub. It's the busy hour, you know."

"But ma'am, the place is empty." And it was. Madam Rosmerta blushed.

"Just get out Mr. Antoninias. And take your crowd with you." CJ sighed, and everybody coughed up money to pay. They left, quickly and quietly.

CJ and Joe managed to amuse them for the walk home, each taking turns to pretend to be different Hogwarts teachers. CJ outdid Joe on most of them, but even CJ could not top Joe's impersonation of Professor McGonagal.

They were still laughing when they came up to the castle, and went their seperate ways.

And someday, when the night is over and the dawn arrives, we'll reach up to the sky withour eyes turned toward our Lord, and all will become good and whole
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Old 02-11-2007, 04:49 PM   #199 (permalink)
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Ha ha that was excellent! Made me laugh in a few places...
I'm surprised Hermione didn't object to missing classes in order to put this plan into action. I'm curious to see what the outcome is!
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Old 02-11-2007, 09:22 PM   #200 (permalink)
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Jacqueline Marie Granger
Sixth Year
Run, Emma, Run!

I agree! I can't believe Hermione didn't object to missing her classes! I almost passed out!
Great post! I can't wait to see how their plan works out!
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