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Candy Display Case (Finished Fanfiction)A dazzling showcase of fully wrapped-up stories, these sweet treats are polished and ready for your reading pleasure!
Hello everybody, I'm Jess! I'm back once more to present to you one of my favorite pieces and I hope you enjoy it!
Disclaimer: Everything in this story belongs to the fabulous J.K. Rowling.
After the war, Molly Weasley had a thought. Why not a little celebration party that it was over? Yes, that was what she would do. A party to celebrate; it was almost a month and yet, Molly Weasley had other plans than to just mourn. Tonight would be the celebration.
Four hours later, the tent, the decorations, food, and the dance floor were all set up to celebrate. All the while, Harry and Ginny are out in the garden of Molly Weasley's owning. The couple are sitting upon the old, white, and cracked bench that sits in the middle of all the beautiful flowers; the only thing that could make them happy at this moment of time. You only hear the silent whisper of wind that bristles along through the grass and flowers, blowing it from side to side. No word is spoken between the two, seemingly, it makes them feel comfortable. No noises, no screams, no voices who ask them for help. Their job is done from the war and nothing could ever change that.
"Harry, did you hear that? From over there?" Ginny Weasley asked, lifting her head from Harry's shoulder, to look more closely at the flowers. It had seemed that something had been hidden in the flowers.
Harry looked towards Ginny at first; her beautiful red-orange hair glimmered in the sun and her eyes, red; from crying, but that color of her eyes...was shimmering. He shook his head to focus upon the subject that Ginny had brought up. "No need to worry, Gin, it's probably a rabbit or some type of animal." He said leaning his head back upon the bench, closing his eyes.
"Harry Potter...my friend...saved me." Dobby's voice had been heard in his ear, waking up Harry to be faced with...nothing. He turned towards Ginny and she seemed to be looking down at something, a rabbit. So it was a rabbit, but where had Dobby been? "Did you hear that? That voice?" He asked.
Ginny gave him a quizzical look. "Hear what? Are you running a fever?" She asked, putting a hand to his forehead and shaking her head. "No fever." She muttered, confused. The former Gryffindor sighed; he guessed it was normal to be hearing voices after a war that had been going on for so long.
"Are you alright, Harry?" She asked, worried. A rustling of flowers was heard once more and the rabbit had vanished, leaving Harry in his thoughts. "I'm quite fine, Gin." He said nodding, staring at the spot where the rabbit once was.
After the war, Molly Weasley had a thought. Why not a little celebration party that it was over? Yes, that was what she would do. A party to celebrate; it was almost a month and yet, Molly Weasley had other plans than to just mourn. Tonight would be the celebration.
Way to go Molly
Originally Posted by WAH?
"Harry Potter...my friend...saved me." Dobby's voice had been heard in his ear, waking up Harry to be faced with...nothing. He turned towards Ginny and she seemed to be looking down at something, a rabbit. So it was a rabbit, but where had Dobby been? "Did you hear that? That voice?" He asked.
Oh my gosh. -le -
Originally Posted by 0_0
"Are you alright, Harry?" She asked, worried. A rustling of flowers was heard once more and the rabbit had vanished, leaving Harry in his thoughts. "I'm quite fine, Gin." He said nodding, staring at the spot where the rabbit once was.
a bit of madness is key | miss chanandler bong | those cunning folks use any means
mieeep, cutest little story ever!
Four hours later, the tent, the decorations, food, and the dance floor were all set up to celebrate. All the while, Harry and Ginny are out in the garden of Molly Weasley's owning. The couple are sitting upon the old, white, and cracked bench that sits in the middle of all the beautiful flowers; the only thing that could make them happy at this moment of time. You only hear the silent whisper of wind that bristles along through the grass and flowers, blowing it from side to side. No word is spoken between the two, seemingly, it makes them feel comfortable. No noises, no screams, no voices who ask them for help. Their job is done from the war and nothing could ever change that.
luuffed that, well written and just sooo true! *__*
Harry looked towards Ginny at first; her beautiful red-orange hair glimmered in the sun and her eyes, red; from crying, but that color of her eyes...was shimmering. He shook his head to focus upon the subject that Ginny had brought up.
i'm a hermione/ron shipper but i'm also an harry/ginny shipper and that part made me 'aaw' :')
After the war, Molly Weasley had a thought. Why not a little celebration party that it was over? Yes, that was what she would do. A party to celebrate; it was almost a month and yet, Molly Weasley had other plans than to just mourn. Tonight would be the celebration.
Ya for Molly!!
"Harry Potter...my friend...saved me." Dobby's voice had been heard in his ear, waking up Harry to be faced with...nothing. He turned towards Ginny and she seemed to be looking down at something, a rabbit. So it was a rabbit, but where had Dobby been? "Did you hear that? That voice?" He asked.
I like ur story so far my friend SarahLestrange says she has read ur stories in the ast and that u r an amazing author so I can't wait to read more
♥ Socelyn | #Jeness | S W A G | ShortPerson&TallPerson | Nade ♥
Status: Newest chapter will be posted on December 1st
SPOILER!!: Lily! (:
Originally Posted by LilyLunaGinnyPotter
Love the banner, love.
Lilyyyyy! Why thank youuuuhh, I try my best.
Originally Posted by LilyLunaGinnyPotter
You're so sweet, Jess.
Moi? You're the one who came up with the idea in the first place and I had to owe it back to you. Anyways you deserve it! <3
Originally Posted by LilyLunaGinnyPotter
I lurve this title. It's really interestttiing.
xD It's not thaaaaaattt creative.
Originally Posted by LilyLunaGinnyPotter
Way to go Molly
Hehe, I love writing Molly's character.
Originally Posted by LilyLunaGinnyPotter
Oh my gosh. -le -
...I dunnoooooooo
Originally Posted by LilyLunaGinnyPotter
Rabbit? I think not.
Originally Posted by LilyLunaGinnyPotter
Love Lily. *luffs on ye*
Awwwww luff you too!
Originally Posted by HINNNNNTTTTT
&& You will definitley get MOARRRRRRR. ....soon.
SPOILER!!: Josefin! (:
Originally Posted by potterobsessionist
mieeep, cutest little story ever!
Pshhh, noooooo. *shoves you away and then takes you back* Haha, thank youuuhh! <3
Originally Posted by potterobsessionist
luuffed that, well written and just sooo true! *__*
I think I'm running out of thank you's already.
Originally Posted by potterobsessionist
i'm a hermione/ron shipper but i'm also an harry/ginny shipper and that part made me 'aaw' :')
Hehe, well you'll certainly like this story because from beginning until end I'm pretty sure you'll be awwing. xD --See it's funny now to me, but probably not to you 'cause you don't know what it is. Oh goshhh, I really need to go to sleep.
Originally Posted by potterobsessionist
post more soooon?
love josefin
Yes of course!
SPOILER!!: Sara! (:
Originally Posted by snapesgrl
Ya for Molly!!
Yayyy! Molly always seems to brighten up a dayyy.
Originally Posted by snapesgrl
Dobby!! <33 But....Wha?
Uhmm, maybe it's nothing...I mean...pshhh...I only like Dobby and miss him so that's why I put him in there..pshhhh.....it's nothinggg...
Originally Posted by snapesgrl
I luffers this story!! Post more soon?
Awhhhh thanks! <3 && Yushh I will.
SPOILER!!: Jesse! (:
Originally Posted by Jesse_Longbottom
I like ur story so far my friend SarahLestrange says she has read ur stories in the ast and that u r an amazing author so I can't wait to read more
Awwwhhh tell her I said thanks and thank you as well! It truly means alot when I get more readers.
Last edited by JeshieRAWR; 12-01-2010 at 12:03 PM.
♥ Socelyn | #Jeness | S W A G | ShortPerson&TallPerson | Nade ♥
Off to the interior of the Burrow, you are faced with Miss Hermione Granger, sitting upon the ground, outside of Mr. Ronald Weasley's room. The girl knocks on the door, tear stains bury her face, and she mutters the words, "Open the door, Ron. Please." And yet, the silence carries on throughout the house except for her constant mutterings. The others are out getting ready for the party or already at the party, waiting for it to start. The brunette hoped that Ron would come out soon though; she couldn't bare handling this on her own. And yet, they haven't even talked about that kiss yet; in the Room of Requirement.
"Open the door, Ron. Please. I can't do this by myself, I need you." Hermione pleaded, it wasn't usual for her to beg. She usually could handle things on her own but not now. Not with her parents still in Australia, hopefully, and with all the tension from after the war.
She heard a quiet sniffle on the other side of the door and Ron's voice. She had thought he was talking to her but she had been mistaken, he was just putting more enchantments upon the door to lock himself in...or lock her out from him.
Hermione stood up and banged on the door as hard as she could. "I. Can't. Believe. You. Ronald. Weasley!" She screamed, running down the stairs; into Ginny's room, passing Molly Weasley who tried to help her; but Hermione just ignored her.
Molly Weasley walked up to Ron's room, disturbed by Hermione's ignorance of her. "Ronald, I will be expecting you at the party in ten minutes. If you're not there, you will be breaking some people's hearts." She said, mostly implying Hermione but her own as well. She hadn't seen her own son in a week. "Especially someone dear to you."
a bit of madness is key | miss chanandler bong | those cunning folks use any means
ohmydraco you didn't disappoint me here either!
She had thought he was talking to her but she had been mistaken, he was just putting more enchantments upon the door to lock himself in...or lock her out from him.
good written, and ooooh i can feel both their pain! *sniff*
"Ronald, I will be expecting you at the party in ten minutes. If you're not there, you will be breaking some people's hearts."
*says in best Molly voice*
sorry had to get that out of my system...anyways I loved the post I think Ron is shutting her out bcuz he is scared of rejection, but I'm not entirely sold on that idea....
Much love...
♥ Socelyn | #Jeness | S W A G | ShortPerson&TallPerson | Nade ♥
Ron's heart felt empty. Almost all of the people he loved had died, the one in mind was Fred; his brother. He missed his brother's laughter and the occasional pranks that Fred would make upon him. The crying had stopped long ago, but the memories were haunting his mind. His mother's words on the other side of the door made him feel even guiltier. He hadn't come out yet because he felt as if he left his room those memories that were special would be left behind. However, he knew that he would have to come out sometime, his heart belonged to Hermione and if he didn't do something about it now, there wouldn't be any time.
The red-haired man fixed his tie and apparated outside on the spot. Sure, he could walk there, but right now, he didn't really want to get in a distance of Hermione. When she was upset, it was quite hard trying to get away from her, especially if she was mad at you.
He walked into the tent where the music was blasting, people dancing, and celebrating. He noticed Ginny at a table by herself and he tilted his head. Where was Harry at? He walked over to Ginny and took a seat beside his sister. "Gin, where's Harry?" He asked, looking around the crowd of people to find him. "Oh, just getting us something to drink." Ginny answered, facing the people who were dancing.
Suddenly, Ginny faced Ron with a surprised look. "Wait a minute; you're out of your room!" She announced, hugging her brother. "Where is Hermione? I need to go tell her! She was crying the entire time about you and complaining about that kiss," Ginny started to go on a ramble and before Ron could stop her she saw Hermione. "Hermione!" She called her over.
Ron frowned at his sister and looked over at the girl he loved. Hermione Granger. She was dressed in a dark blue shimmering gown, she seemed absolutely gorgeous. His mouth went into a smile as he saw Hermione walking over to them, but then someone was in the way. Ron stood up to see who it was, to see who the person that was dancing with Hermione now. It was, no, you've got to be kidding me, Viktor Krum.
Last edited by JeshieRAWR; 01-08-2011 at 06:04 AM.