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Candy Display Case (Finished Fanfiction) A dazzling showcase of fully wrapped-up stories, these sweet treats are polished and ready for your reading pleasure!

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Old 09-09-2006, 10:16 PM   #51 (permalink)
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Chapter 23 – Dobby’s story.

Luna and Harry’s conversation of a few days before kept swirling around in his mind. “You will see them one day Harry.” she had said to him, when they spoke lovingly of his parents. Her ideas of death being the next great adventure had come from her Father, but it also coincided with the same sentiments as Albus Dumbledore had expressed to Harry a couple of years ago.

He kept thinking about his mother, Lily. The way she waltzed across the room in his relived memory of his first Birthday party. The way his Father had called him by the pet name ‘Tiger!’

That, Harry had never known, and he kept that little detail to himself, even Luna had no idea of this hidden fact. A fact that was buried with his parents on that fateful night, and if it wasn’t for that relived memory Harry would never have known, so he kept it buried inside of him; inside his heart.

Harry looked at the clock on his bedside table, it was 2am and Ron could be heard muttering softly in his sleep, something that he was renowned to doing most evenings.

“Mi…one, look out….trolls, trolls, Mione, hit him with that tree.” stuttered Ron, his eyelids shaking slightly, moving to the motions of his dream.

Harry smiled to himself. Ron seemed to have a very over-active imagination when in the terrain of his own dreamscape.

Harry stared up at the dark ceiling; he could only just make it out, through the pitch darkness of the overshadowed moon. He laid there, thinking to himself how much he would have loved his parents to meet Luna, and how he would of revelled in having the family life with Karis growing up as his big over-protective sister; as she had put it, that night on Christmas Eve in her letter.

His mind then clouded over, he could see the veil. He watched Sirius fall through it, as if in slow motion; to his untimely murderous death. Harry shook his head, he didn’t want to re-live it again, or even see it, but he knew it was something that would stay with him for the rest of his life.

“What is that veil?” he questioned silently to himself, it was then he realised that he had never even asked anyone about it.

Before Harry knew what he was doing, he was out of bed pacing up and down by the side of it. Trying desperately hard to remember that night after all, and picture the veil as clearly as possible in his mind.

The soft echo of voices that protruded from its hidden depths, both something that himself and Luna had heard on that fateful night; while enticing them into its midst.

Still pacing, he decided that sleep would not be on the agenda anytime soon, so he quietly picked up his invisibility cloak that had been folded shrewdly in his large brown leather trunk, and wrapped it around his body.

He took the stairs quietly, when he stopped abruptly at the flickering of candle light with the sound of footsteps not his own, and a squeaky muttering voice.

“Dobby?” questioned Harry, to the small house elf which expressed a bright woolly hat and multicoloured socks.

Dobby looked around, and then smiled, as he saw the tall young man with messy dark hair and glasses, taking off his invisibility cloak.

“Harry Potter, sir.” shrieked Dobby in delight, while clapping his wrinkled, long fingered palms together.

Harry gave him a small welcoming smile, he didn’t feel like smiling right now but the excitement in Dobby’s eyes made Harry’s heavy burdened heart lighten a little.

“Dobby is being a good elf and doing his house elf duties, master Potter.” replied Dobby with a bow.

“Don’t bow to me Dobby, I don’t deserve it.” replied Harry, while taking a seat.

Dobby surveyed Harry with a look of sadness in his large blue eyes. “Harry Potter is sad. What can Dobby do to help?” he replied, approaching Harry slowly.

“I was just thinking about my Parents, I wish I had more answers.” said Harry simply.

“Dobby can feel your pain, we house elves have many special powers that Wizards do not possess.” replied Dobby, not taking his eyes off of Harry once.

Harry took his eyes away from the blank wall and turned to look at his small friend.

“Like what?” he questioned, with an intriguing frown.

Dobby went to sit next to Harry and then stopped abruptly and looked up at Harry apologetically.

Harry smiled and shook his head. “Dobby, please sit down next to me, you are my friend, not my servant!”

“Oh, Oh, Thank you Harry, thank you, kind sir.” replied Dobby, taking his seat while pulling out a hanky to blow his now runny nose and to dab his large wet eyes.

Harry waited for Dobby to calm down before he spoke.

“I just wish I could say goodbye to them that’s all.”

Dobby blew his nose even harder. “Are you alright Dobby?” asked Harry.

“Yes, Dobby is being silly, after all, Dobby cares much for Harry Potter and it saddens Dobby when Harry talks about his parents. Dobby wants to help.”

“Dobby, you have helped me enough the last five years.” replied Harry, trying to put a stop to the elves blubbering. “You helped me in year two with the diary. You also helped me with my second task in the forth year! Do you remember that…” smiled Harry in reminiscence.

Dobby’s eyes lit up once more. “Yes, Dobby remembers helping, Dobby likes to help his friend! But Dobby also remembers that Harry Potter freed him.”

“Well I don’t think you can help me with this one Dobby, it is just something I will have to accept on my own.” replied Harry, his eyes expressing a dull sadness.

“I try.” He continued. “Everyday! Luna helps, she’s an amazing person…..” Harry was talking into the soft flame licked air; it felt good to talk, even if it was to Dobby.

“Dobby has an idea, but you must get back under your cloak and follow me!” said the elf, as he jumped off of the over-padded sofa.

“Where are we going?” asked Harry, looking mildly surprised.

“Shhh, just follow me. We don’t want to get caught by that stupid squib Filchy!” replied Dobby very matter-of-factly.

Harry suppressed the need to laugh. “Filchy?”

Dobby put his hand over his mouth to cover his small toothed smile. “Yes, that’s what us house elves call him, we don’t like Filchy, mean little squib, he talks to us like vermin. Winky put a spell on him only yesterday, so he couldn’t talk for a few hours!”

“Nice one Winky!” replied Harry with an amused smile.

“Dobby will tell Winky you said that!” replied Dobby, still hiding his wide grin with his hand.

Slowly, Harry followed Dobby out of the fat lady portrait and down the hall. They came to the stairs and Harry was careful as not to get stuck in the sinking step as he did on another occasion while out of his dormitory late one night in his fourth year.

The castle, however glistening with reflecting candle light, gave off an eerie feeling. Harry had never noticed it before on his previous night crawling escapades, but he sensed that things will not always be so quiet and peaceful. He shook the thought from his mind. He had them a lot lately. Negative impulses of thinking the worst, when in truth he was quite happy at this present time, most of his thoughts aimed around one pretty faced mousy blond hair girl, who believed in extremities beyond recognition, and wore butterbeer corks as jewellery.

He smiled at the thought of her, the quirky ways of her personality is what intrigued him the most about Luna, and every waking moment she was in his thoughts, even if he was busy doing something else, she lingered in the back of his mind.

Harry felt something flutter in his stomach, but he ignored it. Not knowing the feeling, he pushed it to one side and carried on following the House Elf through the halls of the grand periodic building.

Harry recognised this corridor even in the dullest of light. Passing Karis’ classroom he wondered if she was in there, marking papers due to her inability to sleep, or maybe she was curled up in her comfortable quarters all snuggled up in her thick hippogrith feathered quilt, sleeping softly.

Harry’s mind then moved onto Dumbledore’s Army. He smiled. Making out each of their faces in his mind so clearly. He started to get very close to all of them in his own way. Marietta Edgecombe even embraced him a few days ago after they had another practice lesson in the Room of Requirement, practising their jinxes. He had praised her in high stead for finally managing to produce a fully fledged patronus, which took its shape as a cow; something which many found rather amusing, especially Ron. He continued to say how much alike they looked when away from her presence, which resulted in another nudge in the ribs from Hermione.

Harry was quite content in his world of thoughts. When he practically walked into the back of Dobby, unaware that the elf had stopped in his track.

“We have to go down here!” whispered Dobby very quietly, while holding up a small square door that was hidden in the floor.

“A trap door…Oh great” said Harry quite sarcastically. “I have been down one of those before.” He was referring to his first year at Hogwarts, something that he still regarded as one of the obscurest years of his life, finally being told he was a wizard, something which he did not believe in its full entirety at first.

Dobby smiled his small tooth grin. “Yes, but this one is safe, this one is where Professor Karis keeps things hidden!”

Harry’s eyes widened. “Karis?”

“Yes, the Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher.” replied Dobby.

“Yes Dobby, I know who she is!” replied Harry, quietly amused.

Harry looked down at the open door that Dobby was holding up with his long skinny wrinkled arm.

“Well come on then!” Dobby whispered in urgency.

Harry moved forward and took the trap door’s round iron wrought handle out of Dobby’s hands, while the house elf quickly vanished in mid air. “Hey.” Harry said in a loud whisper, looking around the dark corridor.

“Down here!” replied Dobby, from below the door.

Harry looked down to see that Dobby was inside the secret room. “Silly boy.” muttered Dobby to himself while shaking his head.

“Alright, alright.” replied Harry precariously. He then proceeded to take one step at a time, until he reached the bottom of the small trapdoor staircase.

It had to be Karis’ room! Harry thought silently to himself. Mainly because he could barely fit down there, it was harder for him, being nearly six feet tall. Then Harry had a sudden image of Crabbe and Goyle trying to get down here and smiled at the mental picture he had in his mind, Crabbe, being stuck at the top, his head bobbing up and down as Goyle slammed the trapdoor on top of his head.

“What is Harry smiling about?” asked Dobby, his eyes wider than usual, his pupils large in the darkness.

“Oh, nothing, I had a funny thought that’s all. Uh, where are we?”

“This is the magical artefacts room. It wasn’t here before Professor Karis started teaching the school, so Dumbledore conjured another room for her to put all her collectable items in.” replied Dobby.

“Its amazing.” said Harry, looking around the small room that had a desk in the corner with old scrolls, ink bottles and quills.

Directly in front of them was a large shelving unit in oak wood. On each shelf there was an object. One he recognised as a remeberall. Another was a time-turner which he knew the ministry would have a fit about if they knew. Quite excited at the thought of getting his hands on another time-turner, he walked close and saw however that it was broken. Harry sighed.

On the shelf above the time turner there was a large crystal ball.

Harry picked one of the books up from the bottom shelf and tried to open it but it shrieked at him. “Cheating nosy scumbang, hands off!” it screeched, and he dropped it in shock.

“Shhhh, does Harry potter want to get Dobby in trouble?”

“What is that?” asked Harry, breathless while still shaking silently in surprise.

“It’s a diary, a secret diary that holds a binding spell. You mustn’t touch anything else!”

How did you find out about this place Dobby?

“I heard Professor Karis call this her relic haven once, when she was talking to Professor Snape.”

Harry continued prying, trying to take in as much as possible. There were many things that he had never seen before and he wished deep down that Hermione was with him, he bet she knew a thing or two about some of the artefacts in this room.

It was then he heard Dobby shriek in delight at something, he turned around to find the house elf holding a large sheet of parchment with two candles in gold and silver.

“What is that?” asked Harry, approaching Dobby slowly.

“This Harry is what Dobby has been looking for, Dobby knew Professor Karis had one, she got it in Germany.” replied the house elf, holding it up under Harry’s nose. “This Harry is a very rare artefact indeed.”

“Well, what does it do?” asked Harry, sweat dipping down his nose from his forehead, due to the heat protruding from the pipes that were on the back wall.

Dobby eyes widened and a large smile fell across his face. “It’s a summoning spell Harry, but it doesn’t work like a summoning charm that you get taught here at Hogwarts, this is different!” Dobby frowned, then bit his lip, finally realising for the first time that what he was doing was completely against the rules and if anyone found out, it would be the end of his time at Hogwarts.

“Dobby, you are looking worried, this is no NEWT level spell is it!” Harry replied, seeing the concern on his little friend’s face.

“No, this is an old spell, from an ancient scroll that only powerful wizards and witches can conjure, along with the power of a House Elf. There are many spells Harry that can be done only by a House Elf and no other, which is why, going back to ancient times, Wizards see it fit to have an Elf as a companion. They could help them in advanced spell work, but as time went on it became so that Elves became servants and slaves to those, as the Wizard got greedy.”

Harry listened to Dobby’s story intently, he was intrigued, he never asked how the House Elves had become Servants, he just imagined it was something that materialised at the beginning of time.

“How did it become so Dobby?” asked Harry, taking a seat on the bottom step of the trapdoor entrance ladder.

It was all due to shoddy spell work one day from a very old wise elf.” replied Dobby, shaking his head. “He made a big mistake when trying to do a binding spell, one that would allow House Elves to bind their powers to stop Wizards abusing our capabilities. However the spell back fired, making every House Elf in the world bound to one family, and to serve until he was set free by an item of clothing. Or forever serve until one’s death.”

Harry took in a deep breath, he felt appalled at what he was hearing. He always appreciated what the House Elves did, and how hard they worked. He also agreed with Hermione’s beliefs deep down about S.P.E.W. But he never really thought about it, never asked questions as to why it was so.

“I’m sorry Dobby, I guess I never really thought about it. But your free, you choose to work here, right!” replied Harry, trying to lighten the mood.

“Yes, oh Yes, Dobby is happy now. He wasn’t with the Malfoy’s, they were bad Wizards, bad family! But Dobby was a defiant house elf, not many are like that. House Elves like Winky was appalled at being set free by their master. It is now our way of life, and for many it is accepted and embraced, but it wasn’t for Dobby, because Dobby remembers what it was like before Harry Potter defeated He who must not be named, and Dobby wanted to be Harry Potter’s friend.” Dobby then walked closer to Harry and handed him the ancient scroll and the Gold and Silver candles.

“Oh, what does this summoning spell do again, Dobby?” asked Harry with raised eyebrows, as he realised Dobby didn’t answer his question earlier.

“It summons the dead. Now it is time Mr Potter! Finally…It is time to say goodbye.”
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Old 09-09-2006, 10:17 PM   #52 (permalink)
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That'll do for today, I'll post more soon.

Any comments or feedback would be great. I know it's alot to read in a short space of time.

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Old 09-10-2006, 06:50 PM   #53 (permalink)
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Chapter 24 – The Encounter

Harry stood there, staring at the small House Elf in disbelief.

He always considered Dobby as a friend because he always helped him in anyway possible, even if it meant going to extreme measures to do so; but he felt what Dobby was saying was preposterous! Harry shook his head, trying to take in Dobby’s words. Harry started to feel dizzy; he took a sharp intake of breath, while slowly positioning himself back down on the bottom step of the ladder.

“What are you saying Dobby?” asked Harry in not more than a whisper, while trying to control his irregular breathing.

“Dobby believes that this will help Harry Potter move forward.” replied the elf.

“What if Karis finds out?” replied Harry, with pounding in his ears from his thunderous beating heart.

Dobby sighed, he shuffled his large feet across the floor to the other side of the room where he gained his composure, while rubbing his temples with his long skinny fingers.

“I don’t know what will happen if Professor Karis finds out. But I do know Harry that she cares for you very much, and so therefore Dobby is more likely to be in bigger trouble than Harry Potter!”

Dobby then proceeded to sit on the cold grey stone floor with his legs crossed and his eyes closed. “Sit opposite me Harry.” commanded Dobby, while continuing to keep his eyes shut.

Harry stood up slowly and crossed the warm dark basement room and took his place opposite Dobby.

He laid out the ancient parchment onto the floor in front of him, between Dobby and himself, while Dobby, with a snap of his fingers lit the candles immediately.

“Take a hold of my hands, Harry.”

Harry was briefly motionless. “You have been speaking in first person Dobby.” said Harry, eyeing his friend carefully.

Dobby just smiled.

“Its better that way.” continued Harry. “I would like you to talk in first person all the time while in my presence.” Harry then let his own face relax and form a small smile for his friend, before doing as the house elf requested of him.

“Concentrate Harry, but read the words in full that are relayed on the scroll. Read them out loud.” instructed Dobby.

Harry looked down and saw that there was a line of text, written in an old language, the language of latin that he recognised so palpably well.

Slowly, with a quivering voice, he started to speak.

“Porta…… Barathrum… Penetralis…… Mortuus …Comperio…. Mater Matris.”

All was quiet for a few seconds, when Harry suddenly felt the air inside his breathing lungs change. It was cold, he noticed mist coming from his mouth and out through his nose. He started to shiver.

Dobby however remained composed while whispering under his breath. His eyes still closed but Harry could feel a vibration going through them both, it was penetrating their bodies via the link between their hands. Dobby then stated clearly. “parvulus amor”

Suddenly, there was light, a distant flashing of bright white light with green speckles that danced around the beam of illumination like frantic fireflies fighting for a way out into the shadows.

Harry’s heart was racing once more, his head was swimming, he was still shaking with the link that he held with Dobby, whom still had his eyes closed while concentrating profusely.

In the distance a figure appeared; a human figure that was surrounded in shards of pale blue. Gradually it came closer, walking away from the light and towards where Harry and Dobby were residing together on the floor.

Harry couldn’t move. He was scared, he had never seen anything so illuminating before, the whole idea of summoning a dead person was scary enough, but to have it walking towards him was more than he could bear. Shaking, trying to control his breathing, he wanted nothing more than to run from this pokey basement room, but he didn’t. The connection he held with his friend was powerful, and he didn’t want to break it.

Suddenly, the bright protruding white light had dimmed to the intensity of a hundred watt light bulb. And there, beaming down at the young man with his glasses and the untidy black hair that this person could relate to seeing most days of their life.

Harry tried to speak, he wanted to say so many things, his mind was racing with thoughts and questions, but his emotions got the better of him. He tried to be strong, he wanted to not shed a tear in front of this being standing in front of him, looking down into his face with surprise and yet a loving smile, with glistening mesmerising eyes.

Harry’s bottom lip trembled as he tried to say the one word that he had so long awaited to repeat.

The one word that he had said when he was a small child and yet never could repeat to their face again and remember it so clearly. A word that the likes of Dudley and other children had taken for granted; but not Harry, because he was never given the chance.

“Mu.. Mum?” he mumbled in barely more than a whisper. As tears flowed from his eyes like small fountains that spilt onto the cold stone floor; forming a small puddle in-between himself and Dobby.

The same eyes that were staring down at him now, so wide, so clear, and the most beautiful that Harry had ever seen.

She looked down at the young man, as her own eyes glassed over, and yet the large beaming smile across her face showed that this was also a moment of reckoning; for she too had not seen her son in many years, not since he was a year old.

Momentarily they were both completely lost for words, and a moments silence rang around the room, nothing could be heard except the heavy, broken breathing coming from Harry’s chest, while staring into his own eyes, those eyes that were so unmistakably his Mother’s.

Dobby sat still, his eyes closed while breathing softly, still holding the look of complete concentration on his wrinkled face.

“Look at what a fine young man you have become.”

Finally she spoke, and Harry’s over-beating heart subsided a little at the pure pleasure of finally hearing her sweet voice.

“I… can’t believe it’s really you.” He replied, his voice quivering as he tried to quickly wipe his face that was covered in wet salted tears.

“My Son. My Harry has finally found a way to call me into this world, and yet I feel I do not have much time, so I will be prompt and will save my own emotional outburst for later when I return to my own world, but you cry if you must sweetheart, as it is your emotions and your deep desire to feel them that makes you stronger than you realise.”

“I wish I had known you and Dad, I am so angry and I am so confused!” replied Harry, finally opening his heart to her, sensing too that this time together would be short-lived.

Lily bent down beside Harry but she could not feel him, or touch him for her transparency was becoming clearer by the second. All she wanted to do was take him in her arms and hold him but she didn’t even begin to try, as it would have disheartened her entirely and she felt now more than ever she just had to say what she could.

“Harry, I need you to listen to me.” said Lily, staring down at her only child.

“I have so many questions.” interrupted Harry. “And yet right now I cannot think of one of them. I need answers for things that others are not giving me. Can you help me?” replied Harry, before his Mother could continue her speech.

She smiled down at him and replied “Yes, now listen to what I have got to say Harry, as what I am about to tell you is very important!”
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Old 09-10-2006, 06:54 PM   #54 (permalink)
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Part 2

Harry sat still in silence, not taking his face away from hers, drinking in her every expression; every freckle on her face.

“I know what it is you are seeking, and I cannot give you all the answers Harry because it is simply that I do not know them. But what I will tell you is that your Father and I are at peace now, and we watch over you everyday. You have to stop grieving for us, stop asking yourself why this happened, because if it didn’t than you would also be dead too, and there would be no hope left in people’s hearts, if this had never of happened there wouldn’t be hardly any Wizarding Community left.”

“But what about Karis, you were going to adopt her, she had no-one.” replied Harry.

“Karis was to be our Daughter and in my heart and your Father’s she is and always will be. Please look after her Harry. Karis comes across as being strong and noble and to which she is most of the time, but deep inside she cries, she has many hidden burdens that in a short time you will understand.”

“It was Peter Pettigrew Mum, he was the one who betrayed you, it wasn’t Sirius.” said Harry.

“Yes Harry we know, we knew all along as we decided to change our secret keeper at the last minute. Sirius was always a good friend, he was family and he still is.”

Harry’s eyes opened in surprise. “Sirius, where is he? What was that veil in the Department of Mysteries?” questioned Harry, his stomach churned with expectancy and he started to feel light-headed at the prospect of finally knowing the truth.

Lily smiled and nodded her head. “Sirius is at peace, he is after all reunited with your Father.”

Harry put his head down, he could feel the tears welling up in his eyes, he tried to squeeze them tightly shut but it was no help at all, they flowed freely.

Lily raised her hand to touch his face but as she did she felt herself start to fade.

“Harry, I don’t have much time. Now listen to me! The veil in the ministry is a gateway to our world, the world of peace, the place where we are all destined to go once we pass from this land and move onto the next. It was unfortunate for Sirius that he fell through it, but he wouldn’t have had it any other way now. He misses you, as we all do, but know this. We are proud of you Harry, we watch over you everyday and we are so delighted in the young man you have become, and well done for finding Luna, I had my eye on her a while ago and knew you would do well together.”

She stopped to eye Harry carefully who in turn set a small smile on his face.

“The Veil Harry was put in the Department of Mysteries as it was given as a choice to old and retired aurora’s who had worked their lives fulfilling the need of good to this world. Once you pass through the veil there is no return, but do not feel that this is an answer in a desperate time of release, and don’t tell me you do not understand what I mean, I have sensed it in you. We did not give up our lives to lose you too, you do not belong with your Father, Sirius and I. You belong here, with your friends and Karis!”

Harry tried to argue with her, but he knew she was right, he didn’t want to die, but he longed to know his parents and to see Sirius again.

“We love you Harry, we always will and one day we will meet again. But until then you keep training, your occlumency is going superb and well done so far in everything you have achieved. But work harder with Karis, she needs you.”

Her hands started to disappear, along with the rest of her body.

“MUM, WAIT.” Yelled Harry, holding out his arms to her, sensing that there time was drawing to a close.

“Harry, please remember what I said. Move on, stop dreaming of the past and move forward. We are at peace, we are happy, now live your life and make us prouder of you then we already are! But be careful, as nothing is certain and I do not know the outcome of what is to happen, but all I can say Harry is follow your heart and it will lead you right.” She stopped suddenly and then changed her mild but frantic tone into one of quiet sorrow. “Please let us go Harry, you must let us go.”

Her voice was becoming distant, “I love you Harry, but now I must say something, the one thing that I know will make you strive, for as we never could say this before. But Goodbye my darling… Goodbye.”

Harry’s heart got caught in his throat, he could feel the lump in his windpipe, and he tried to stop himself from breaking down, while trying hard to reply at the same time. Before she had deteriorated back into her tunnel of light completely, he managed to say unmistakably clear and loud. “Goodbye, I love you too.” Lily smiled back at him, a tear cascading down her own transparent white face, then with a sudden flash of light. She was gone.

Harry collapsed on the ground as his legs gave way, astounded at what had just happened. His face wet with tears and yet the whirling of guilt that he always felt in the pit of his stomach since the death of Sirius had subsided. They were gone, but only for now. Luna was right thought Harry, death is but the next great adventure.


Note from the writer:

Translation of the spell: Gate-underworld/abyss-penetrate/open-dead/death-to fully find out, to disclose/truth-Mother. This is what the words mean, so from it translates closely to:

Open the gate to the underworld of the dead, to fully find out the truth from Mother.

Dobby then answers to the gateway: “parvulus amor

Which means: “Child’s love.”

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Old 09-10-2006, 06:57 PM   #55 (permalink)
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Part 3

Harry thanked Dobby who looked drained and tired from the part he played in the spell. Harry then did something that he had never done before to his little friend, he held him, held him close in a tight warm embrace that made the House Elf shiver with emotion. Harry had to lend Dobby his hanky again and told him to keep hold of it, as he didn’t think he would be needing it anymore.

As Harry walked back to the Gryffindor dormitories under his invisibility cloak, he kept going over the words that his Mother had spoken to him in her visitation that Dobby and he so successfully exceeded in conjuring. He felt a weight had been lifted off of his shoulders as he carried on walking quietly.

He was remembering her soft voice; the voice of reason. The way she had told him that she loved him made Harry feel light-headed and yet relieved that she had done so. One would think it would have made his burdened heavy heart complete, like a lead weight about to fall from his chest into the pit of his stomach and stay there forevermore, but not in Harry’s case. Lily had told him that she knew what he seeked but didn’t know all the answers, but she was right in knowing one; the one where she had said Goodbye.

Finally he fell into his bed, it was now approaching early morning and he had to be up in two hours but he didn’t care, feeling weightless he hit the pillow with a small relieved smile on his face, as he drifted off to sleep within a matter of minutes.

“Hey, wake up Potter you lazy git!” said Ron as he threw his slipper across the room, aiming it at Harry’s head. It hit, but only lightly.

Harry stirred, feeling groggy he let out a small moan of discouragement as he turned over and put the quilt over his head.

“Harry, get up, we are going to be late for class!” replied Ron as he approached Harry’s bed, and pulled the quilt off of him, which resulted in Harry sticking his head under the pillow.

Ron noticed however that Harry still had his glasses on. “Were you sneaking around last night?” he asked, while looking at his friend apprehensively.

“Go away, I’m tired.” mumbled Harry from underneath his pillow.

Ron laughed. “Fine, but first lesson is defence against the dark arts, and you’re gonna miss it!”

Harry sat up bolt upright, which resulted in him losing balance, nearly rolling off of the bed as the blood rushed quickly to his head.

“Watch it! Bloody hell Harry was you drinking last night or something?” mocked Ron, as he held onto Harry’s shoulder, helping him stabilise.

“No, but it was euphoric put it that way!” he replied, while pinching the top of his nose together and massaging around his eyes, where the clear pads of his glasses had made a small red indent.

“Uh?” replied Ron, with a confused frown.

“Don’t worry, just ignore me, I’m just really tired that’s all!”

“Well get up you lazy sod, I don’t fancy being on the wrong end of Karis, she will no doubt tell all to Bill and that’s the last thing I need, him and Mum on my case!”

“What’s Karis and Bill got to do with anything?” asked Harry, while getting up on his feet and stretching his muscles with a huge yawn.

“Oh, nothing, they are just good friends that’s all.” replied Ron, quickly turning away so Harry didn’t notice him putting his fist in his mouth, wishing to himself that he had kept from saying anything.

Finally Harry had dressed, ran his fingers through his hair, and together he and Ron grabbed their school satchels and ran out of the dorm.

“What are you so Happy about Harry?” asked Hermione as he and Ron entered the great hall and sat down sharply to eat Breakfast. “You are both very late, class starts in three minutes, so you better hurry up.” she taunted.

“What’s wrong, can’t I smile these days?” joked Harry.

Hermione smiled back. “Yes, of course. It’s nice to see you smile, but it’s generally when Luna is in your presence do we see that glint in your eye.” she replied, making Harry blush slightly.

“Don’t worry Harry, Hermione doesn’t smile at me anymore, so enjoy it while it lasts!” said Ron, throwing a playful wink at his girlfriend.

“Well come on Ron, are you not surprised, after all, you can be a complete dimwit at times!”

Harry let out a small chortle, while Ron on the other hand pretended to look hurt. “I’ll get you back at playtime Hermione!” he teased.

Hermione shot her boyfriend a playful scowl. “I’ll get you in class. Defence against the dark arts is first so this should be fun, Weasley!”

Ron gulped and turned to Harry. “I should have kept my mouth shut!”

Harry nodded in agreement, his eyes wide with amusement. “Yep Ron, you really should have!”
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Old 09-10-2006, 06:59 PM   #56 (permalink)
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Defense Against the Dark Arts was rather boring, even in Harry’s opinion. Karis made them all sit a test and they had to make a list of all the illegal curses and jinxes along with all the legal disarming spells and charms, and elaborate on why it was better to shield and protect oneself than to retaliate. Harry didn’t see the point, but nonetheless he obliged along with the rest of the class.

There was much small talk and distant whispers coming from the right hand side of the class room from the Slytherins, about Draco. He tried to listen to as much as possible like Snape had asked of him, but they were keeping very low key and didn’t let a great deal slip into the open air.

Harry and Neville spent a large part of the lesson sending notes to one another; Neville had trouble with spelling some of the spells so Harry helped him. He found it was justified as Neville knew the answers and he didn’t want to see him fail on the small inability to spell them properly. After all, he had seen Neville do many of the legal spells himself, and succeed.

“Harry. Is everything alright?” asked Karis quietly as he handed her his test paper.

“Yes, everything is wonderful actually.” replied Harry with a large beaming smile that reached his eyes.

Karis smiled back, and Harry glimpsed a small note of surprise. “Well that’s good. Looks like Luna really is a remarkable young lady Harry.” she said with a wink.

Harry smiled. “You too Karis, more than you realise.” he then leaned in closer so no-one else could hear. “I’m so pleased we met and to have you as my sister.”

Karis looked up, she had a mild expression of thanks on her face, and she gave him a small smile before he turned away and left her classroom.

After he had left, Karis frowned in wonderment. “What is he up to?” she whispered quietly to herself.

Luna had met up with them all at lunch time, and gave Harry her usual tight bear hug embrace before they sat down to eat.

This time however, Harry held her tighter, and she winced after a minute of him not having let her go. “Oh, sorry.” He replied with flushed cheeks. “I uh, just… Sorry babe.” He stuttered; feeling a little embarrassed at his clumsiness.

Luna giggled and took him by the arm, and they approached the Gryffindor table so as to eat their regular daily routine of lunch together.

Karis suddenly entered the great hall with Severus Snape by her side. She quickly glanced over at the Gryffindor table and sent a warm smile to Harry and Luna while she then proceeded down the hall to the large staff table to sit and eat her own food.

Severus sat beside her and they both immediately went for the ham and salad.

“Oh, sorry Severus, you first.” said Karis politely.

“Very well!” he replied, and stuck a large fork into a piece of honey roast thickly sliced ham.

Karis raised her eyebrows with a cheeky smile on her face. “Never heard of ladies going first then Severus?” she taunted.

“I never get a look in when its chocolate cake Karis, or fudge brownies, so you gave me a chance and I took it! Don’t try to be polite next time if that’s how you feel!” he retorted, sticking a juicy cherry tomato in his mouth.

“Don’t worry, I have known you long enough to realise your days of being a gentleman are as long gone as Bellatrix Lestrange’s brains!” she shot sarcastically, while Severus lips curled at the corners, as he found her statement a little amusing.

“Have you noticed anything odd about Harry today?” she whispered quietly to Severus, changing the subject slightly.

He looked at her, his brown eyes narrowing with a knitted brow. “Odd? No Karis, Potter has always been odd, what’s different today than from any other day?!”

“Very funny!” she replied, tapping him on the arm.

“Do you think he is up to something?” he scoffed, staring at Harry from across the hall.

Karis rolled her eyes. “I didn’t say that now did I! All I meant was, well… he actually looks really happy today.”

Severus sneered. “Well, that makes a change.”

Karis shot Snape a look of pure bewilderment. “Umm, yes, like someone else I could care to mention!”

Severus ignored her and took a mouthful of ham and pickle.

“Well why don’t you ask him in Occlumency, isn’t it about time you gave him another tutorial Karis?” he said after he swallowed his morsel.

“Yes, maybe I will. But what about the plans for you know what?” she replied, eyeing him carefully.

“Leave that with me. You find out what Potter’s up to, after all, he isn’t going to tell me is he!” replied Severus, while picking up his goblet and taking a sip of mango juice.

“Very well.” she replied, and then stood and approached the Gryffindor table where Harry and his friends were residing.

“Quick word Harry if I may!” she ordered sharply, not wanting to cause suspicion to the rest of the students.

Harry frowned. He was enjoying his time with his friends and Luna, after all, lessons were to re-commence in ten minutes.

“It won’t take long!” she continued, in a small tone of exasperation.

Harry stood up and followed Karis’ lead out of the Great Hall and into a side room that was empty in the long corridor.

“Sorry about that Harry, I don’t want to cause suspicion.” she said as she closed the door behind her.

“No problem, what’s up? Is there anymore news on Draco?”

Karis shook her head. “We are formulating a plan, but I don’t want to talk to you about that.” she replied, as she started to pace the floor, from side to side, her hands on her hips and her head down in thought. It reminded Harry of Albus, the way he did that in his office now and then, except he crossed his arms.

“Well what do you want to talk to me about?” Harry asked, waiting for her to continue their discussion. He looked at his watch expectantly.

Karis stopped pacing the floor; she bit her lower lip and looked up at him. “I sense you are ready Harry. Tonight I want us to have an occlumency lesson together, I feel time is drawing near for your need to want answers, I sense your strength.” She paused and stared Harry directly in the eye. “Especially today for some reason….” she said with a questioning frown.

Harry turned away, he felt his cheeks start to flush but he didn’t want her to see, he hated lying to her, but he wanted to keep last night’s actions between himself and Dobby.

“What time?” he replied, turning away and walking over to the far wall, pretending to look interested in the polished trophies that stood on the mahogany shelves.

“About seven, is that alright with you?” she replied.

“Yeah, that’s alright. Quidditch practise will be finished at six, so seven will be fine.”

“Right, well, I will see you in my classroom then, and you may want to bring some chocolate!”

Harry knitted his brows. “Uh, why?” he asked.

But Karis just smiled at him and approached him slowly and gave him a quick hug, before leaving the room. Harry shook his head in amazement, wondering what that was all about, as he too headed back into the great hall, to say goodbye to Luna, whom he now wouldn’t see until tomorrow.
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Old 09-10-2006, 07:05 PM   #57 (permalink)
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Chapter 25 – Karis’ Secret.

Quidditch Practise had been very successful. Ron had blocked 9 out of 10 quaffles and Harry was impressed by Ginny’s performance, she was showing further progression in her flying abilities and precise beating techniques.

“For someone so small Ginny, I really don’t want to be at the end of that bludger!” teased Harry, as they all headed toward the changing rooms together to change back into their normal attire.

“Yeah, well I just imagine its Percy’s head.” she retorted with a wry grin, looking towards Ron.

“Well than no wonder you’re doing so well then!” replied Ron, with a small frown.

“Have you not heard anything of Percy lately?” asked Harry quietly to them both.

Ginny shook her head. Whereas Ron muttered, “No, he’s still a git.” under his breath.

They slowly made their way up to the Gryffindor common room when Harry remembered he had an Occlumency lesson at seven O’clock. He looked at his watch and noticed he only had twenty minutes to spare, as practise had over-run the six o’clock deadline.

“I’m going to head down to the library, to see if I can catch Luna before Occlumency. I will see you both later!” said Harry to Ron and Ginny, who had now seemed to be a little subdued since Percy’s name had been mentioned.

Harry walked briskly around the corner, and then turned around to see he was on his own, he then sprinted down the halls, and through the corridor down to the first floor.

He arrived outside the library, putting his hand to his head and trying to flatten his hair that stuck up more than ever since Quidditch practice. “Bloody hair.” He mumbled as he opened the double doors.

He walked around the room, searching for her, eagerly.

There was a couple of Hufflepuff second years reading quietly and a Ravenclaw at the far end, who looked to be scribbling an essay frantically, dipping her quill in ink every few seconds.

He smiled; quietly he walked up behind her, putting his hands over her eyes. He bent down and whispered quietly in her ear. “Guess who?” He felt her take in a deep surprised breath, while her face beamed into a wide smile, she quietly replied.

“It’s that Potter boy isn’t it!”

Harry chuckled; as he took his hands away Luna got up and put her arms around his neck. “What are you doing here Harry? I thought you had Occlumency with Karis.” She said, looking into his warm contented eyes.

“I have, in fifteen minutes. I was hoping to catch some time with you first!” he replied, smiling down at her.

She leaned in closer; standing on tiptoes she kissed him lightly on his warm lips. He pulled her into a tight embrace; her head nestled into his chest. She felt so comfortable, so warm and protected in his hold, as she wished quietly in her mind that they could stay like this forever.

“What are you writing about anyway?” asked Harry.

Still snuggled into his chest, her ear by his beating heart, she replied. “Potions homework. Snape keeps giving me extra work to do after class.”

As soon as Luna had said it, she wished she hadn’t, as she felt Harry’s body tense in his grip.

“I’ll kill that.....”

“No you wont!” interrupted Luna in a fairly raised voice. “He isn’t worth it, and besides, as much as I know it is because I’m your girlfriend, he will not win and get the better of me. This is a battle I will win on my own! I can do his stupid assignments, and I will pass every one of them. I am a Ravenclaw after all and I will show him what little Loony Lovegood can accomplish!”

Harry looked at her intently; the determination in her eyes overwhelmed him with a sense of pride for her, as he continued to hold her in his arms.

“He is taking his disliking for me out on you, the guy is such a prat!” shot Harry, a frown of distaste on his face.

“I know, but it is making me better in Potions if truth be known. I will pass his tests with my eyes closed, so don’t worry, you have other things to deal with right now, like Occlumency young man!” she replied, a warm smile spreading across her face, as he looked down at her, his face holding a mark of deep respect.

“Well does this mean I get an extra long goodnight kiss?” he teased.

“Well that depends Mr Potter!” she replied

“On what?” he asked, raising his brows.

“You promise me to excel in your Occlumency tutoring like I am in potions.” she stopped, awaiting an answer, he however just set a small smile on his face, and so she continued. “We can show them all Harry, prove to them that whatever they throw at us, we can handle it!

“You’re right Luna, we can. After all, we are Dumbledore’s Army, therefore we can show them all!” he replied, a light-hearted note to his tone, yet a face full of serious determination that matched the one of his girlfriend’s.

Luna fell into his chest once more, as her heart leapt she felt uplifted in his reassuring presence. Harry gave her hope, made her feel stronger than she ever had in her life

They enjoyed a long passionate kiss before he left her in the library to carry on with the unjustified potion assignment.

As he slowly headed towards the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom, he thought about what Luna had said, and the words of his Mother of only the night before. He was looking forward to spending some time with Karis. He promised Lily he would watch over her, but he also intended that tonight would be the night he would show her what he was really made of.

“I will find out one more truth before this night is over.” Harry whispered quietly to himself.

The burdening secret that Karis had kept inside her heart for all these years is something Harry has been so desperately seeking for months. Karis had told him the only way he shall find out is when he finally enters her mind; at no other time would she allow it to be any other way. Stubborn cow! Harry thought silently to himself, he then let out a small grin as he saw her approaching the classroom.

“Hey Karis!” shouted Harry, sprinting towards her down the corridor. “Wait up!”
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Old 09-10-2006, 07:08 PM   #58 (permalink)
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Part 2

“Hi Harry, good timing!” said Karis, pulling him into a small embrace in the classroom doorway. “Oh, and by the way, pink is definitely your colour!” she said with a small chuckle.

“What?” he asked confused.

“Lipstick Harry, you may want to wipe it off your mouth!” replied Karis, her eyes wide with amusement.

Harry got his sleeve and wiped Luna’s lip gloss off of his face, he blushed slightly but laughed all the same.

“So did you bring chocolate Harry?” asked Karis, as she gathered up her papers and scrolls from her desk and put them in a top draw.

Harry slapped the top of his forehead with the palm of his hand, and sighed. “Sorry, I’m such an idiot, I forgot!”

“Ah, Luna making your thoughts wonder again is she?” mocked Karis, her eyes still gleaming with amusement.

“Err, yes, well she certainly is good at doing that!” replied Harry, taking a seat on the green padded two seater sofa on the left hand side of the room, by the window.

Karis laughed quietly, while shaking her head. Well I know what you mean Harry, new relationships are an exciting time, getting to know that person, the candlelit dinners and by the lake strolls….” Karis trailed off, she noticed the amused expression now on Harry’s face, and she felt herself start to blush. “Sorry Harry, I’m rambling on as usual, just ignore me.”

“Uh, No, I don’t think so! Enlighten me. Who is this person who presents you with candlelit dinners and by the lake stroll’s Karis?” teased Harry, his eyes full of mischief.

“No-one.” she replied, turning away, trying not to show Harry her beaming smile and flushed cheeks.

“Karis, you are bloody good at Occlumency girl, but one heck of a crap liar!” he replied, a big smile spreading across his face.

“OK, but you can’t tell anyone, no-one knows. Well except Ron and Hermione because they saw us together.”

“They didn’t tell me, I’ll have words with them two later!” replied Harry, feeling a little disappointed. “He better be nice Karis, or I may have to have a few words with him on how to treat my Sister!”

Karis rolled her eyes and with a small grimace, she replied. “Well Harry, that green eyed monster of yours can stay in its bed, because he is nice, very nice in fact, and you know him very well!”

Harry’s eyes widened. “If you tell me it’s Snape I swear I will kill him!” replied Harry, dreading the worst.

Karis however found that statement highly amusing and burst out laughing at the obscure and disgusting thought of it.

Harry frowned. “What’s so funny?”

“Harry, Severus Snape is more like an uncle to me than a boyfriend, how could you even think that.” she shuddered to show her offence in his statement.

“Ok, you’ve got a point… So who is it then?”

Karis sighed, knowing that she would have to tell him or Occlumency would be the last thing on his mind this evening.

“Bill Weasley.” she replied, a small dreamy expression on her face.

Harry sighed in relief. “Well thank Merlin for that! I’m pleased for you Karis, Bill is a great guy and he will look after you, I know he will!” said Harry, with a warm smile.

“Thank you Harry and yes, he is a wonderful man, and he has assured me that he and Fleur are completely finished, he told me she was too clingy and overpowering, something to do with the Veela side.....”

“Yeah, did he tell you Ron fancied her?” said Harry, laughing at the memory of their fourth year when Ron first set eyes on the pretty blond.

Karis laughed. “No he didn’t, but we don’t have time to muck around Harry, we must get started on tonight’s lesson, so stand up and look me in the eye little bro!”

Harry smirked; his face broke into a beaming smile. “OK, but I’m gonna beat you tonight though girl! You better be prepared!”

Karis’ face fell slightly and Harry felt a little guilt rise in his chest, he didn’t mean to come across so playful, he knew her memories were ones of sorrow, he just didn’t know how much.

Harry was about to apologise, when she smiled. “Don’t Harry! You are right, I need your confidence for you to be able to pull this off, after all, you need to see, as at will be easier than for me to explain.” she replied, turning away briefly to put her wand down on her desk.

“I’m ready Karis! Well I think I’m ready anyway.” he replied hesitantly.

“Hey, don’t doubt yourself, now stand still and concentrate Harry, because tonight we won’t just be using occlumency – tonight we will be using telepathy too!”

“Oh joy!” Harry muttered sardonically under his breath.

Karis looked at him earnestly and said “Now concentrate Harry, and stay strong, as this is going to be a pretty long night!”

Harry nodded in understanding, holding up his wand and staring her directly in her large dark brown eyes, he uttered loud and clear. “Legilimens.”

A pain instantly shot through Harry’s head, he was concentrating as hard as he possibly could. He could see Karis’ eyes bearing in on him. They reflected a dark shadow. He had never noticed it before, but hidden behind them were dark secrets, and somehow he had to open them.

The pain gradually became harsher and he shook his head. Suddenly he was back, in the classroom looking at her in full form.

“What Happened?” asked Harry, confused as to why it did not work.

Karis let out a small sigh. “You were not trying hard enough, I managed to block you!”

Harry felt deflated, he wanted nothing more than to exceed in his next task; the test that Karis had in mind since the beginning of their time together.

“Lets try again, I know I can do it, I felt something – I saw shadows.” said Harry, with a questioning frown.

Karis nodded lightly, and replied. “Very well, let’s try again, Concentrate Harry!”

“I am trying Karis. Trying to penetrate your mind is like trying to run over a troll with a wheelbarrow, it’s not exactly easy!”

“Yes, alright, don’t go all philosophical on me, just try your best!” she replied, a little exasperated.

“Legilimens” said Harry, with clear determination. His eyes wide, willing himself to succeed.

The pain in his head was illuminating his mind with a swirling sensation of giddiness, and then he saw her eyes again, bearing into his, blocking his entrance, but he was determined not to let her. He would break her down with every ounce of power he could muster.

He felt a bead of sweat fall from his brow, and linger lightly on his cheek. It tickled, and he quickly wiped it in frustration as the pain was becoming sharp again, but he kept his emerald stare focused and piercing.

He heard a distant voice, and he noticed a wall in front of him. Her wall! But there were pieces missing; it was working, he was breaking through.

This realisation gave Harry a surge of confidence, to do something that many were not able to comprehend never mind put into practise, was keeping his mind from drifting. In the back of his concentration however he could see Luna, telling him to try harder and strive forward in his task. So he did, and one by one each brick fell in the hidden dark, deep abyss of Karis Dumbledore’s mind.
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Old 09-10-2006, 07:13 PM   #59 (permalink)
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Disclaimer: Strictly 13+ - some scenes in this post will be unsuitable for younger readers.
Harry was looking in on a bright sunny day, the birds were chirping merrily in the trees and before him was a small lake, reflecting the sun in its wake, showing clear mirror images of the tranquil green surroundings. A little girl in a blue dress was playing merrily with a small china tea set, and lying in her arms was a small pretty doll with a pink dress.

“Well done Harry.” came Karis’ voice in the distance. She was congratulating him, via means of telepathy.

Harry was overjoyed, he had done it; finally done it!

“Harry, I have something very important to show you, please keep concentrating, but I feel this may be a little hard on you. I admit, it will be on me too, as I will also have to witness these events, but I want you to know the truth, I think it is only fair after I know everything about you.” said Karis, her voice a little distant.

“OK, I’m ready. Show me!” replied Harry, taking a deep breath.

“Very well!” replied Karis,

Suddenly a piercing scream could be heard in the distance, shattering the tranquil scene by the glittering lake. It was the scream of a woman. Whimpering sounds were coming from Harry’s host, this memory he was locked in was coming from the eyes of a child; this child was Karis.

“RUN KARIS, RUN…!” came a loud shriek from a short, petite woman with brown eyes and blond wavy hair. She looked pale, her eyes full of terror as she begged her daughter to run and hide.

Karis stood there, shaking her head in disbelief as the tall towering figure came behind her Mother, throwing her up against the wall, as the woman hit; there was a screech of laughter coming from the culprit.

Pinned up against the wall, the woman was too weak to protect herself and her small child. Karis screamed in horror as she watched this cloaked figure put his large hands over her Mother’s mouth to muffle her begs with broken breath; so Karis did what she could, what she thought was right, she went up to the figure and kicked it in the back of the leg, while submitting her own scream into the open air of the house, a high pitched child’s scream yet one of no authority.

“Right, now you will know what happens to children who do not behave.” snarled the masked figure who was now obviously, a man.

“Lucius NO!” bellowed another figure from the doorway.

Karis looked up to see another man; his hood was however off as he stared at the child; an expression of loathing on his face. “Want to see something amazing little girl?” he asked quietly.

Karis didn’t know what to do, she quietly whispered. “Please let my Mummy go.”

The man laughed, and shook his head, “No, I cannot do that, but I can show you something really special, something you have never seen before.”

“Wh-at?” stuttered Karis.

“This!” said the man. “Snape, bring him in!” he ordered. Another cloaked man came into the room and noticed the child standing there, shivering with fright.

“My lord, you are not planning to do it in front of the child are you?” said the new approaching man, whom also had his mask off of his face.

“Are you questioning my actions Severus?” replied the ordering man, nastily.

“No my lord, not at all. Please, as you were!” replied Snape with a small bow of his head.

Suddenly being dragged into the room, bound in chains was the man Karis had known all her life, the man she knew as her Daddy.

Karis started to run up to her Father, but she was thrown back by a spell that came from Lucius. He was still pinning her Mother up against the wall, who was whimpering uncontrollably for her husband.

“Shut up you snivelling filth!” spat Lucius, who now had his hand to her throat.

The man who spoke softly, the one they called my lord, looked down at the child. “So you are the Grandchild of Albus Dumbledore, the apple of his eye, I hear!” He turned his head from side to side inspecting her small trembling face. “I’m going to show you what your loving Grand Father has made me do, something you will remember forever!”

Suddenly Lucius threw Karis’ mother onto the ground, she landed on her front. Her nose hit the floor, which projected a splatter of blood on the sanded plain oak floorboards. Snape however shook his head, Karis looked up at the man who still held tight to her Father, her eyes met his and for a brief moment she sensed something, as if this man did not wish to be here.

“Throw him down Severus, let’s show Albus Dumbledore’s Grand Daughter what is done with enemies of Lord Voldemort.

Severus however did not move; he was still staring at the child, a questioning frown on his face. “She is strong My Lord; I sense power of the mind.”

“I didn’t order you to speak Severus, I asked you to throw him down!” replied the evil unhooded man.

Before Severus managed to do as he was asked, a woman walked in, a short woman with mad frizzy hair. “Don’t worry My Lord, I’ll do it!” she said with a large smirk across her face. Then without another thought, pushed the chained man out of Severus’ arms, and threw him down on top of his sobbing wife.

Karis got up and ran to them, shaking, her breath unstable as tears fell down her cheeks.

“Out of the way child!” shot Lucius, raising a hand this time instead of his wand and smacking her across the face, which ultimately knocked her small helpless body across the room into the opposite wall.

“That’s enough Malfoy!” warned Severus.

“What? You are not seriously having feelings for this Dumbledore brat, are you Snape? I advise you to have a long think about where your loyalties lie!” replied Lucius Malfoy.

“Hey, Little girl. Little Karis. Watch this!” said Lord Voldemort excitedly. Ignoring the bickering between the two men.

Defiantly she got to her feet, sobbing quietly while rubbing her small face which was now swollen, and her cheek grazed where she had scraped it on the wall.

She looked up, again to the man who she sensed may help her, may save her parents from being harmed. But he looked away solemnly and slowly turned his back and exited the room.

She began to sob louder, as the softly spoken man raised his wand at her parents who were wriggling frantically on the hard wood floor. He said loudly, with an embellished look of excitement on his face “Avada Kadavra”!

A bright green light protruded from his wand, and the mumbling and movement that she was witnessing from her parents, in the centre of the room subsided to nothingness… lifeless Silence!

The horrible lady with frizzy hair laughed a loud cackle. “Bella, grab the child!” ordered Lucius while rubbing down his robes with his hands, as if to brush off the ill notions of his actions.

“NO!” screamed Karis as she ran from the room, managing to shoot past Lord Voldemort who was admiring his handiwork on the floor with a pleasurable grin across his face.

She was running, as fast as her little legs could carry her, out the house, she ran towards her favourite place, her little garden with the lake. But as much as she tried to run away, to call for the aid of Albus, or Lily or James or Sirius, or anyone she knew who would help her. Oh how she wished they were here to help her.

She fell. She suddenly tripped over her little doll that was lying on the grass, with its pink dress and it’s painted on smile. ‘A fake smile’ thought Karis; as the cackling lady came from behind and picked her up by her long brown hair.

“Knock her out for Dementors sake!” came a voice from another man in hooded attire. “Her screaming is driving me mad!”

“Very well.” said Bella. As she put a wand to the child’s throat and said “petrificus totalis.” Before the woman apparated with the child in her arms, with a loud crack.
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Old 09-10-2006, 07:16 PM   #60 (permalink)
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Suddenly, without warning to Harry, It was dark, a dungeon with bars was facing him, a child was screaming in the background.

Slowly it became clearer, a small child was crouching in the corner, and her clothes were tattered and covered in dirt. She was crying; her tear stains were visible on her face, where they had washed away the grime and left long white streaks.

How long she had been here, left in this state; Harry did not know.

“Now my dear, tell me what it is you see.” came the cold voice that Harry recognised well. The same voice he had heard as a child, and again when he was twelve, it was the voice of Tom Riddle……of Lord Voldemort.

“A small note came from the child, a sweet voice that melted Harry’s heart.”

“I will not tell, I promised I will not tell.” she sobbed quietly.

Voldemort laughed, his high pitched screech made Harry jump.

“That’s were you’re wrong, you will tell me or I will make you suffer like I did your parents. Now speak to me child!

The little girl was sobbing but tried to speak.

“You……you…..kill…killed……..Mummy…and… my …Dadd.” she trailed off

“Yes, I did, and I enjoyed every minute of it, watching their pain! And it’s all your Grandfather’s fault. Meddling in my affairs, trying to destroy my plans, how do you think he feels knowing I have his precious Grand Daughter and have murdered his only son?”

“He will…. Kill…. you.”

“He can try, but at least for now I have a hold on the old man. I have you! And I think you have something to tell me.”

“NEVER, I WILL NEVER EVER TELL YOU ABOUT US.” she screamed at Voldemort, she stood up, defying him with every ounce of power she had.

“Petulant child, do not defy me, you know Dumbledore’s plans, you are always with him, you must know what he is up to! Tell me child or I will cut out your tongue.” He spat, his eyes glowing with red fire.

“NO, I WILL NEVER TELL YOU, YOU….YOU MURDERER!” “GET OUT, I SAID GET OUT” the little girl cried, an anger so strong welling up inside of her.

Suddenly, a surge of energy that she had never truly felt before empowered her small, delicate body.

“Voldemort looked mortified, he held his hands to his head; all the while Karis kept complete eye contact, not letting her guard down once. Voldemort was suddenly thrown hard across the dungeon against the wall. And all that remained was silence and cold darkness.

All at once and very suddenly, Karis threw Harry out of her mind and he found himself back in the present, in the defence against the dark arts classroom, he focussed his eyes and found Karis was in a heap on the floor.

Harry felt sick. That poor child, he thought. It was then Harry realised, Voldemort wasn’t speaking directly to Karis in the cell, she had screamed for him to get out. He was using occlumency, and a telepathy link from her own mind; and at only the tender age of seven; she had beat him!
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Old 09-10-2006, 07:21 PM   #61 (permalink)
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Part 3

Harry sat on the floor, his head down with his chin touching his chest, he was in shock, his heart went out to Karis and Albus, and he looked directly at her finding the courage to speak.

“I am so sorry Karis, I had no idea.” He stuttered, trying to hide his own emotions, when all he wanted to do was weep for her.

Karis wiped away a tear. “It’s alright Harry, I was saved but unfortunately, like you, my parents have also suffered at the hands of Lord Voldemort.”

Harry stood up, he motioned over to Karis and helped her up from the floor, he cupped her face in his hands. Standing there, watching her intently, she looked so young, she was no more than six years his senior, and yet like him she had been through and seen so much. This is what made her powerful, and just like him; she was striving to dedicate her life in to destroying the man who murdered her parents.

“Harry, what are you doing?” she asked, as tears flowed freely down her cheeks.

He smiled at her. Slowly he put his arms around her. The same as she did to him when they had their first lesson together. He could see her tears falling, these tears he thought, stem from one person, one monster that has ruined too many lives, broken too many hearts. He had never felt so many mixed emotions as he was feeling right now.

His first was anger. Pure unprecedented anger for what Karis had been put through by Voldemort and his Deatheaters. Seeing Bellatrix again seethed through him like daggers, he wanted nothing more than to kill her; to kill them both.

But one was the respect of a woman whom had been through everything he has, she witnessed her parents’ death and was taken as hostage, she had been a victim, a plaything for Voldemort to break down and destroy. Yet she overcame him, she beat him at his game. The occlumency test he tried to condemn her with, only made her stronger.

Harry felt the anger surge and hate deteriorate slightly in this moment. As he held his sister in his arms, feeling her relax within his strong hold.

Finally after five minutes of Harry consoling her, they broke apart so she could regain her composure.

“Karis, can I ask you something?” asked Harry.

“You can ask me anything!” she replied, brushing the loose dust off of her robes where she had earlier been crouched on the classroom floor.

“How did you manage to knock out Voldemort and then escape from the cell, without even touching him?”

Karis expressed a faint smile. “I was wondering when you was going to ask me that.” she replied. “The truth is Harry, I don’t really remember, I am only told what happened afterwards.”

“So what did happen?”

“Well after the legilimens fight with Voldemort, I had also passed out, the energy surge I experienced was very advanced, the mind of a seven year old child could never take that much force, but somehow I did, but it knocked me unconscious for two days.”

“That is some power you have there.” said Harry with raised eyebrows. What happened next?”

A young man entered my cell and picked me up and brought me here, to Hogwarts, to my Grand Father. I was saved, rescued by no-other than a Deatheater. He didn’t agree with the murders, he left the Deatheater’s immediately after the episode with my parents, and he brought me here to safety without any of the others knowing.”

Karis paused for a second and looked directly into Harry’s eyes.

“The man, who rescued me Harry…. was Severus Snape.”


Harry stood motionless for a few moments. Many thoughts were whirling around in his mind, but the one most obvious of all was he knew the main answer to the question that had him dumbfounded since the age of eleven – finally, he knew why Albus Dumbledore trusted Severus Snape so greatly.

It wasn’t because he was an accomplished Potions Master at Hogwarts, and nor was it because he promised to be an asset to the Order of the Phoenix by becoming a spy. It was for the act of compassion – and Love. It was through a choice.

“It is our choices Harry that truly makes us who we are.” Those were Albus Dumbledore’s words, spoken to Harry when he was only twelve; after he had defeated Tom Riddle and the Basilisk in the chamber. He was right, and it was now that Harry finally realised it. One could be mistaken for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, like Severus Snape. He simply got in with the wrong people when he was in his youth. But he rectified his actions, Severus knew he was not cut out to be a murderer; he was so much more than that – he would bring the murderer to justice, while still lurking in enemy ranks; for the best part of sixteen years.

Karis was surveying Harry closely, watching his questioning expression spread across his young face. She knew it was a shock for him, after all this time he dearly wanted to know the truth about Karis and Severus, and their close friendship – there bond that they share which made Harry feel a deep pang on jealousy deep inside his gut at times, especially in the earlier days of his new term at school.

Finally, Harry decided to speak. “I should have realised it when I witnessed my Birthday memory, he was there, with you. Sitting in the corner watching you eat chocolate cake. I thought that maybe you were related but I didn’t ask, I didn’t think it was my business to ask questions, as you were always so secretive.” said Harry, his eyes vague and glassy, showing signs of deep thought, while staring at a blank spot on the light blue painted wall.

Karis placed a small smile on her face and approached Harry slowly, putting her hand on his shoulder.

“I know Severus is someone you so deeply dislike, and I admit there is good reason, for he hasn’t always been the most easiest person to get on with at times; but he has a good heart, and he saved my life Harry, what he did was extremely brave.” replied Karis, with a small sigh, before continuing. “Harry. The day Severus saved my life was the day he signed his own death warrant, it is now; sixteen years later that Lord Voldemort finally knows the truth.” she put her head down, imaging her life without him, she shuddered at the horrendous thought and focused her stare on her distorted reflection in the polished classroom floor.

Harry grasped the top of her hand that was still placed on his shoulder, she replied by curling her own fingers into her palms, clasping one another tightly, they stood there, for a few moments, deep within their own thoughts, when Harry replied, “I understand what Severus did was highly commendable, I owe him that at least, but I can’t promise you that we will ever be friends, he is still so cold and the way he has been treating Luna lately is very unfair. But, I will always know why you are here, I will always remember what Snape did for you and for Remus; he is truly a champion.”

Harry then kissed Karis softly on the cheek. “I want to be alone for a while.” he told her, heading towards the door.

“Harry.” called Karis, searching his face, with a longing expression on hers, as if she still had something very important to say.

Harry turned around, the door handle in his grasp. He gave a warm smile and replied. “I know. I love you too.” And with that, he was gone.
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Old 09-10-2006, 07:22 PM   #62 (permalink)
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Chapter 26 – Running high with emotions.

Ron had a look of shock on his freckled face, whereas Hermione just stared at Harry incredulously.

“So that’s it, after all this bloody time we finally know.” said Ron, shaking his head in disbelief.

“It was a very brave thing to do! I have respect for what he did for Remus, but what he did for Karis was truly heroic.” replied Hermione

Harry nodded. “He apparated her out of the cell after she had managed to knock out Voldemort, she was unconscious herself but he managed to get her to Hogwarts without the other Deatheaters knowing.” said Harry.

“But now Voldemort knows Karis is alive and well, Voldemort must have had his suspicions it was Severus.” Replied Hermione, wrapping a lose hair around her finger.

“Yes, but he wasn’t sure, he had probably used occlumency; and being Snape is good at it, he couldn’t prove a thing. It wasn’t until Snape was seen coming to Remus’ aid at HollowValley, that he finally realised the truth.” replied Harry

Ron continued to frown, while tapping his fingers on the wooden table that was placed beside the burning fire, in the Gryffindor common room. “So, Harry. If Snape is in trouble with Voldemort than why on earth is he still conducting a rescue mission for Draco? Surely Voldemort will want him killed. Why bother even going there?” asked Ron, his tapping getting louder.

Harry shook his head and pouted his lips in question. “I dunno, maybe he sees himself in Draco, after all; Severus also got in with the wrong crowd.”

Ron nodded as if to say he understood, Hermione however disagreed. “I think he wants to help him because it is the right thing to do; he made a pact with Dumbledore when he joined the Order, he is simply fulfilling his duty.” she stated, while still entwining the same loose strand of hair around her finger.

“Possibly, but either way, brave or not I think he’s a raving loon!” replied Ron, shaking his head, his freckled face showing a sign of disbelief.

Harry expressed a deep sadness in his eyes and Hermione gently grabbed for his hand. “It was their faces.” he said quietly. “Seeing them there, laying on the floor trying to protect them selves while screaming for their daughter. It was the most horrific thing I have ever seen in my life. It felt like I was watching my own parents die.” Harry stopped speaking, as he could feel his eyes start to well up and his throat tighten with trapped air; that continued to form around his swollen Adams apple.

“Hermione and Ron just sat there, not knowing what to say. “Poor Karis.” Is all that escaped from Hermione’s lips. Whereas Ron’s tapping got louder, but it hummed notes of pure anger and frustration.

“He has to be stopped Harry, they all do!” said Ron adamantly.

It was late in the common room. Ron and Hermione had decided to stay up and wait for Harry to get back from his occlumency lesson with Karis. At first he didn’t want to talk to them but after a while of Ron coaxing him with chocolate frogs and a large glass of butterbeer, he finally relented.

“Well, I’m off to bed, I’m knackered!” muttered Harry, getting up from his chair.

“I’ll join you Harry, but I need to say goodnight to my girl first so I will see you in a few minutes!” replied Ron, glancing at Hermione, throwing her a mischievous wink.

“Yeah, don’t worry; I’ll leave you two in peace. Good night Hermione.” said Harry, bending down, giving her a quick friendly kiss on the cheek. “Night Harry.” she replied. “Oh, and close your mind tonight, you have been through enough for one evening!” she ordered, caringly.

“You can say that again!” he uttered, as he turned and trudged his way up the stairs, longing to fall into his soft alluring mattress.
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Old 09-10-2006, 07:24 PM   #63 (permalink)
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Part 2

The next two weeks were like any other, they got up, got dressed, went to breakfast and then classes. But somehow Harry felt something was different today, since he had woken up he had a feeling of dread in his gut that he couldn’t explain. He had felt something similar the night he and Dobby roamed the large school to Karis’ secret basement, but brushed it aside, feeling that maybe he was being a little paranoid.

He had met Luna at Breakfast and she had sensed that Harry was not his usual self. “Don’t worry Harry. I’ll be there with you.” She had said to him, while holding his hand, after he had told her that he felt something big was coming this way. But he let go of her hand, and turned his head away from her face; as a stab of dread penetrated his chest, at the thought of her being anywhere near him when Voldemort would ultimately strike.

After witnessing the memory of Karis Dumbledore, he didn’t want Luna anywhere near him, he had seen enough heartbreak and death to last him a lifetime and he couldn’t bear the thought of losing anyone else; especially her.

“Why are you being so cold?” she asked, her face expressing pure sorrow at the young man that she had so deeply fallen in love with.

“I don’t mean to be.” he replied, finding it hard to look her in the eye. “It’s just…. well, if something was to happen to me, I don’t want you to be there, I can’t protect myself and you too.” Harry searched her face, he thought she may cry and he couldn’t bear to witness that, he didn’t want to make her cry, but he didn’t want her to die either, so the tears that flowed down her face so freely was bearable to watch, even if it was only for a few seconds, as he quickly turned his face away again.

“Are you telling me that we cannot be together anymore?” she replied, her voice shaking as she fought so hard to control her sobs.

“I…” Harry hesitated, he didn’t want to say yes, it was killing him, the thought of it made him feel sick, and that’s when he realised. “NO!” he replied, rather shrilly; which made her sobs stop abruptly.

She searched his face with a confused frown. “Well, what are you implying Harry?” she asked with a note of frustration.

“Luna.” he started, taking hold of her hand. “When Voldemort finds out that we are together you will be a target, I’m just scared about what he would do to you. I’ve seen how evil he is. I watched him kill Cedric! I witnessed the murder of Karis’ parents. He will stop at nothing until I am broken, and you and Karis will be his main target, along with Ron and Hermione, I just know it! – I can’t explain it, but since I have been able to communicate in telepathy, I’ve been feeling more emotions too.” Harry paused for a few moments, then pointed to his scar on his forehead, and continued. “This is what bounds me to him and he will not stop, and therefore neither can I Luna, because if I do…. He will kill me. What if I’m not good enough to protect you all?” said Harry finally, putting his head down, as he fought with the comprehension of his words.

“For starters Harry, you have Dumbledore’s Army and the Order behind you, but your insecurities are understandable; I’m scared too, we all are, but I already know this. Why are you telling me things I already know?” she asked, while a frown still apparent on her young face. “Or are you trying to tell me something else Harry?” she said, her eyebrows raised; awaiting his reply.

Harry looked up at Luna, he looked momentarily surprised at her sudden calm interrogation. She smiled at him as he stared into her wet tear-streaked face. Harry felt odd, he had a flutter in his stomach that he felt once before but pushed it aside as he didn’t understand what it meant. But he did now, the realisation had hit him like a ton of bricks and it was only a matter of time before everyone else knew too, but that was what he was scared of – he would be her downfall, or could it be, she would be his?

“You know how much I care for you Luna, but I don’t think you understand what I mean.” He replied, still holding tight onto her hand.

“Then don’t push me away Harry, I know you are worried for my safety, but to be honest, I think I have the right to be more concerned about yours, so don’t ever tell me I don’t understand!” she shot back, portraying notes of anxiety.

Harry couldn’t find an answer to that, and if anything he could have kicked himself for starting this conversation with her in the first place – she always got the better of him in the end, her words were sometimes very wise, even if she was still only fifteen.

“You know what! You really are Loony!” he mocked quietly, with a small grin on his face.

“No, I’m not Harry, I just see you for what you are and I love what I see, you are not a carried burden, nor do I see you as a threat. And even if you are, then I would rather spend the best year of my life with you, then an eternity without! Now if you will excuse me, I have to go to class.” Luna started to rise from her chair but Harry still had hold of her hand, his face expressing astonishment at her words. No-one had ever expressed their feelings like Luna did to Harry. She was never afraid to speak the truth, even if they were of secrets she held locked within her breast. Her biggest secret of all was revealed to him in such a sardonic manner, that it took him a few moments of grasp what she meant.

For once Harry couldn’t say anything, he just looked at her, she stared back and finally he let go of her hand. “I meant what I said Potter, so stop trying to push me away because I won’t be pushed easily!” she then threw him a small but warm smile, and left the great hall for her first class of the day.
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Old 09-10-2006, 07:27 PM   #64 (permalink)
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Part 3

Harry noticed that Professor Severus Snape was very off in Potions. ‘Off’ was the only word that Harry could describe the Professor’s behaviour. He looked paler than usual, his beady brown eyes looked bloodshot and he seemed to have his mind on something else other than potions, and actually conducting his job as teacher.

Harry wasn’t the only one who noticed it either; many of the students sat at their desks, watching him – waiting for their today’s project to be magically manifested on the blackboard at the front of the cold dungeon classroom.

“What’s got his goat?” asked Seamus, leaning across the table towards Harry in his usual manner.

“I don’t know, but he doesn’t look too good – maybe he’s sick?” Harry replied, eyeing the Professor with uncertainty.

Professor Snape looked up to see his class staring at him, awaiting his instructions.

“What are you lot gaping at? Get your books open to page four hundred and twenty three, and read it!” he shot abruptly.

They all did as they were told, and Harry heard Seamus mutter to Dean Thomas, that Snape didn’t seem to have a problem after all.

Harry thought that maybe he would be able to communicate with Severus again via Occlumency and telepathy, but Snape would not look Harry in the eye – in fact, he ignored him completely, as if he didn’t exist. Harry shrugged, and carried on with the assigned task, but glanced up every now and then to see Snape looking over, but then quickly turn away, as if he couldn’t bear to lay eyes upon the young man.

Ron and Hermione seemed to notice too and Hermione gestured to Harry with a shrug of her shoulders, while Ron raised his eyebrows to note his surprise at the Potions Master’s unusual actions.

Harry held up his hand, while everyone stopped reading and looked up at him in astonishment.

Severus noticed, and Harry saw him let out a small irritated sigh.

“What, Potter? sneered Snape

“Well…I was just wondering sir if we were supposed to be reading, on how to….” Harry stared down at page four hundred and twenty three again and continued, “brew a vanquishing potion for hinkypunks.”

Pavati Patil and Lavender Brown started to giggle so loud that everyone in the class, including the Slytherins, followed suit.

Harry didn’t mean to come across as spiteful or vindictive; he did feel however that Snape’s mind was clearly not on the curriculum today.

Snape stood there, looking confused for a few moments, and then picked up his own copy of NE.W.T level potions by Miranda Thistlebee; and flicked to the page and found to his utmost disgust, that Harry was right.

“Potter, before you open your mouth and cause my class to be distracted and source an unworthy disarray, you may want to read the whole chapter first, you may then just realise that this vanquishing potion works on many animals, some which can be a threat to us wizards!” he shot back, and then threw his book down on the table with hard force, while wiping his forehead with a clammy hand.

Harry put his head down, he tried not to smile so Snape would notice, but he felt quite amused at the simple fact that he had just caused Severus Snape to realise that he isn’t right – all of the time!

The class remained sat there for the whole lesson, engrossing themselves to the best of their ability, in the reading of small print, on page four hundred and twenty three.


“What was his problem?” muttered Ron, in a woebegone manner. As they left potions and started to head down towards Defense Against the Dark Arts.

“Don’t know.” replied Harry sullenly, expressing a frown to match the one of his friend. “But whatever it is, it doesn’t seem good.”

Hermione was struggling frantically with her bag, when all of a sudden she screamed a loud curse word that seemed to echo throughout the main school corridor. Shocked, everyone turned around to find the bottom of her satchel had come loose with the weight of its entire belongings that she had magically crammed into it. They scattered, all over the hallway. Books, quills and ink bottles, pages and pages of notes, tutorial journals, S.P.E.W. Badges and a framed picture of herself and Ron.

Harry looked down and couldn’t help but express a large beaming smile across his face. Hermione noticed and blushed a furious red. While, Ron got down on his hands and knees and helped her collect her scattered possessions. Harry ran after the rolling ink bottles, while he heard Hermione whisper “reparo” to the cracked glass that covered the picture that Colin Creevy had taken of them together last year; the same picture that she had neatly presented; framed to Ron for Christmas.

“Why do you carry this with you?” Ron asked, eyes twinkling.

“Oh, I, just don’t want it laying around in the girls dormitories, you just don’t know what some people will do.” she replied, putting it under her arm.

Ron smiled, and stood up, his arms full of Hermione’s things. Harry came back with the inkbottles still intact. “I think you need a new bag Hermione.” mocked Harry. Which she did not seem to find remotely funny.

“Don’t worry, I have a spare one – here you go Hermione.” They turned around to find Karis Dumbledore approaching them, holding out a crushed purple velvet bag with small round mirrors sewed into them. “Wow, that’s what I call funky.” mocked Luna, as she walked past her four friends.

“Hey babe.” said Harry, giving her a quick hug and a small kiss on the cheek, in passing.

“Wow, this is beautiful Karis, wherever did you get it?” asked Hermione, her eyes alight with appreciation.

“Oh, I have travelled many places in this world, I am a collector of all things. I watched your bag split and I felt so sorry for you. It happens to me a lot too, especially when I was abroad, generally alone, in the street! Always the way….” said Karis ironically, while shaking her head.

“I will give it back as soon as I buy a new one.” replied Hermione.

“Don’t be silly, you keep it. I have many things, I need a good tidy out anyway.”

Ron looked at Karis, his eyes alight. “Wow, are you going to be getting rid of any of your relics?” he asked.

Suddenly Hermione nudged him, hard in the ribs. Harry gulped and Karis looked at all three of them in pure astonishment.

Ron rolled his eyes – the awareness hit him, and he wanted the ground to swallow him up, especially with the way Harry was throwing him deadly emerald daggers right now, and Ron thought, if looks could kill, he would have been dead in a second. Forget the Avada curse, he thought silently in his mind.

“I want a word with you Harry – NOW!” shot Karis, noticing Harry’s frenzied look towards Ron. She grabbed him by the arm, and they both headed in a fast pace, down the hall towards the Dark Arts Classroom.

Hermione and Ron quickly followed, while throwing her belongings anxiously into her new purple bag that she had instantly fell in love with.

“Ron, why don’t you bloody think before you open that gaping trap of yours? You are such an idiot at times – you have gone and put Harry right in the dilweed now!” bellowed Hermione, shaking her head at her boyfriend in disbelief.

“I already feel terrible Mione, you don’t have to go and make it any worse Love!” he fired back sarcastically,

“Seriously Ronald, I wonder if your brain is ever intact at times – it’s definitely not engaged with your mouth that’s for sure!”

Ron put his head down, he felt the guilt rise from the pit of his stomach about Harry, but most of all, he felt a pang of emotion rise into his throat that formed a welling lump. Hermione had succeeded in the art of hurting Ronald Weasley’s feelings.
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Old 09-10-2006, 07:31 PM   #65 (permalink)
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Part 4

Karis opened the door to the classroom and gestured for Harry to go into her private quarters next door. Other students were arriving, and Karis kindly asked them to sit down and get out their books, while following Harry into the adjoining study.

She closed the door, and turned sharply towards her Brother.

“How did Ron know about my relics Harry?” she asked coldly.

“Uh, I um, well, you see….. it wasn’t entirely my fault, I just stumbled over the trap door, and I just thought that maybe..”

“You thought you would be a interfering little git and have a nose around did you?” she replied, her temper rising.

Harry frowned, he hadn’t seen her this angry in a while. “Hey, well, you should know by now what I’m like Karis. How could I walk away from a secret passage? This is Harry Potter you’re talking too!” he replied, trying to lighten the mood that was now vibrating around the walls of the room.

“Harry.” began Karis, with a deep sigh. “Just because you are inquisitive, it doesn’t always give you the right to be!”

Harry put his hand in his robe pockets. He felt terribly awkward, he hated lying, but he dared tell her about the spell, he didn’t want Dobby to get into trouble as well.

“I’m sorry, but I didn’t know it was your private cellar at first, I didn’t know what it was.” He replied, shifting from one foot to another.

Karis threw him another scowl, her sneer resembled one like Snape’s, and Harry looked momentarily taken aback at her repute.

“Harry, you are great at Occlumency, but one hell of a crap liar!” she shot sarcastically while turning on her heel, and leaving the room swiftly, her crushed purple cloak billowing behind her like some windswept tail, trying desperately hard to keep up.

Harry stood there, shaking his head. She had thrown his own words back in his face. The same mocking quote that he gave her to make a joke out of something he found to be amusing; whereas, when she did it, it hurt him. She wasn’t joking; she was angry and immensely upset. And he dreaded the moment when she would finally realise what else happened in that cellar. It was then Harry thought about the spell. Why did she have it? Who was she hoping to contact one day? An overwhelming wave of guilt swept over his entire being, when he realised that maybe, that spell was for Karis to contact her own Mother.

He had the sudden urge to tell her. “I owe her that at least.” he muttered silently to himself.

Harry walked towards the door and slowly took his seat next to Neville. He sat there, awaiting the final end of lesson bell, when he would announce to Karis what he did. No more lies, he thought, as he opened his book on advanced protection spells for the magically gifted, and started to read.


The end of bell rang and everybody rose quickly from his or her seats. Hermione went to grab Harry’s arm, waiting eagerly to find out what Karis had said. “Not now Hermione, tell McGonnagall I’m stuck with Karis over an important matter, I don’t think she will mind.” said Harry, quickly.

“But Harry, we are studying animagi, you will miss the first lesson.” she replied, eyeing him cautiously, knowing that this subject interested him greatly.

“I will read your notes.”

“Will you now?”

“Yes!” he smiled.

“Fine, I won’t make notes.”


“Oh shut up.”

“Never! But I really think I should, because I’m about to tell Karis the truth.”

“Wow, there’s a first time for everything then Potter!”

Harry and Hermione exchanged an amused smirk, and she then took hold of Ron’s arm. “We will see you later then.” she said, gesturing with a nod.

“Hey Harry, you might want to conjure that protection shield around you mate.” replied Ron, with a wry grin.

Karis looked up and noticed that her three young apprentices where still in the classroom.

“Don’t you have another lesson to go to?” she asked, quite abruptly.

“Good luck mate.” whispered Ron, as he took a firmer hold of Hermione’s arm, and ushered them both out of the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom.

Harry stood there for a few moments, motionless; his mind had gone blank, and he stuttered at his first attempt of speech.

“I…uh.. Karis, I need to tell you something.” He started. His eyes fixed on her present unmoved posture. With her head bowed down, reading what seemed to be a two foot parchment of homework.

“So you have more surprises in store for me do you. Next you are going to tell me you raised the dead Harry!” she muttered ruthlessly.

Harry opened his eyes in shock. “How did you know?” he asked incredulously.

Karis looked up, her eyes first of all looking mildly amused; but as she stared into Harry’s Emerald gaze, her eyes changed, she stood up from her desk, her cheeks flushing a deep red in front of his very eyes.

She stood there, her small physique seemed to have grown suddenly with intimidation for Harry, he knew this was going to be tough. Clenching her hands, she bellowed. “Tell me you didn’t Harry!”

Harry took a step back, as he watched her reach boiling point, he spoke quickly. “I’m sorry, I was with Dobby. I was upset Karis, Dobby wanted to help; it’s not his fault.”

Karis put her head down, her eyes glaring down at her desk.

Harry continued. “I just wanted to say goodbye, and I am sorry for using your spell, I know it is a rare piece, and I feel terrible for hurting you. But I’m not sorry about what I did.”

Karis rolled her head from side to side, she took a deep breath, while massaging the back of her neck with her small hand, trying desperately hard to remain calm, she replied, “I’m trying to understand Harry, I am. But that spell is gone now, forever. It can never be used again and I doubt I will ever find another one. I am deeply disappointed in you.”

Harry once again turned his face away; he couldn’t look her in the eye.

“What did Lily say Harry?” she asked, finally, after a few moments of awkward silence between them both.

“Well, she mentioned you.” replied Harry. “She loves you Karis, and so does Dad, and well… I got to say goodbye, it was…. “ Harry tried not to choke on his last word. “Ama-zing.”

Karis stayed silent. She could sense Harry’s emotion in her own heart, and for a brief moment she wanted to say sorry and hold him. But she knew that what he did was an invasion of her privacy; a personal space that she did not take too kindly in being violated.

“Well I guess it’s over now, there is nothing either of us can do. I will however tell you Harry, If I find out you violate my personal space again, you will be sorry!” she said, pointing her finger, which reminded Harry of Professor McGonnagall.

With his head still lowered, he nodded appreciatively at her forgiveness.

“Right, well, come here, give me a hug and then get the hell out of here!” she gestured with a small smile. He did as he was told, and she ruffled his hair, having to practically stand on tip-toes, for Harry seemed to be growing inches by the day in Karis’ eyes.

“I am sorry Karis.” he said again, more meaningfully.

“Yeah, well, me too. I’m sorry the spell is gone, but if it had to go to anyone, I’m pleased it was you.” she replied, while letting go and returning back to her desk. “You better go, I have another class in a few minutes and you have already missed some of transfiguration.

Harry nodded once more while turning to exit the classroom, when suddenly he turned around; a small frown on his young face. “Karis?” she looked up from her desk. “Yes?” she replied vaguely, wanting to carry on with her marking.

“Do you know what is wrong with Professor Snape?” asked Harry, while rubbing his hand through his hair, trying to flatten the ruffling that Karis imposed on it a few moments before, which inevitably made it stand on end in its natural unruly form.

Karis looked momentarily down at her desk, with a small sigh, she replied. “He is upset with me Harry.”

“Why?” asked Harry, with raised eyebrows, as he started to approach her desk once more.

“Because he knows I showed you my memory.” she said quickly, throwing her quill down on her desk, while rubbing her temples with her forefingers. “It is something that Severus to this day is not proud of, and he feels somehow he is to solely blame for the death of my parents. He wishes things were different, and to this day he seems to want to repent his actions by protecting me and acting like a father figure.”

Harry put his hand on her shoulder. “He wasn’t too hard on you was he?” he asked quietly. While anger started once more to surge through him because of the usual critical actions from the potions master.

Karis shook her head in a way of ‘No’ but Harry didn’t believe her. “What did he say?” he asked; trying to keep his voice calm and collect.

“Well, he felt that I would distrust him, after seeing him standing there, holding my Father in chains. He thought it might once more set an irretrievable sadness into our relationship and me. But most of all he was angry that you had to see it. He knows you don’t trust him, and this may have set in stone that distrust that you feel bound to so strongly Harry.” she replied, still rubbing her temples with her fingers, with her head hanging down and her elbows resting comfortably on her desk.

“I don’t deny the fact that deep down I will never trust him, but I stand by what I said before, that he was very brave with what he did, saving you like that; but I won’t ever repent him on his actions in the first place – that is a big mistake that he will have to get over himself.” Replied Harry, sharply and with a small sneer.

Karis got up from her desk, and walked over to the window, her arms folded, her breathing heavy.

“You know what Harry!” she said coldly, while turning to face him. “You two are more alike than you would even believe possible. The pair of you are driving me insane with your petty ways and your inability to finally stand up and say; ‘Hey I made a mistake and I’m sorry!’ But No, you stand there condemning one-another because it’s just easier that way, isn’t it!” she shot, turning around and facing the window again, trying to control her emotion that was stinging her eyes as they started to well up, making the view of the whomping willow from her classroom window a big green and brown blurry blob.

Harry stood there, gaping at her, not knowing how to respond.

Silence overtook the classroom, he thought better of it and stayed quiet, he could tell Karis was still angry with him, and with Severus, which somehow made him feel a little relieved, he wasn’t the only one in the troll house, which in Harry’s mind, thought it made a nice change.

“I think I better go.” was all Harry said, as he once again turned to leave the room.

“Harry, wait.” she called gently, while turning around to face him again, her eyes glassy.

He looked up, a sudden look of guilt formed in his eyes, as he noticed her standing there, looking vulnerable and suddenly – alone.

“I just wanted to tell you that tonight there will be a meeting about the mission, Albus asked me to see if you and the D.A had made a decision yet as to your part – if any, in the rescue of Draco Malfoy?” she asked quietly, while keeping an eye on her classroom door.

Harry shook his head. “I will call a meeting tonight.” He replied, as he turned and swiftly left the classroom.

Karis watched him leave, as he closed the door she brought both hands up to her pale face, and cried into them.

She sobbed her warm salted tears into her hands, as she felt a sudden guilt rise for upsetting the two men (besides her Grandfather) that she regarded as her family, when deep down, after witnessing that memory again herself – having to relive the torment and hell that Lord Voldemort had put her through, had a feeling of self preservation; not only about herself, and the way she will react finally face to face with Lord Voldemort in this war. But it was also about Snape – the way he turned around and walked away from her before her parents were killed, it was the way he looked at her and left the room before they were endured into the hidden dark midst of sudden cold blooded and ruthless murder. It stayed in her mind for weeks, and as much as she tried to push it out she couldn’t. Once more, she had felt let down and betrayed; the idea of Severus bringing this up in their conversation unnerved her more as he had also sensed it.

Karis didn’t tell Harry the entire truth about their conversation. She left out the part where Severus tried to console her, and she pushed him away – forcefully. Tears welling up in her eyes, flowing freely down her face as she stared at the man who saved her, but also felt in her heart that he could have prevented it all in the first place – he had tarnished himself without doing anything remotely wrong since the day he had saved her life; but it was seeing him again, before that day, in her relived memory that destroyed her the most. She loved him with all of her heart, but deep down, like Harry – she didn’t trust him anymore.

It didn’t make it easier on her either, the fact that Harry still regarded Snape as an enemy; even though he has tried to get along with the Potions Master, what he had said did not help Karis in vanquishing the negative impulses and thoughts she felt against her friend – the man who saved her. After everything, the death of her parents, her growing up at Hogwarts as an only child – a lonely child. It all amounted to one thing. She owed Severus Snape a debt, for, as in the Wizarding World, like it or not, in Love or in Hate, she was bound to him for the rest of her life.

But Karis could never hate Snape, not really. But the pent up emotions that flowed out of her so freely were one of confusion. She had never been so confused in all of her life, so unlike Karis, she let the tears flow; hoping that soon, a conclusion to all of this will finally be made.
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Old 09-10-2006, 07:34 PM   #66 (permalink)
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Harry threw himself down on his bed in the Gryffindor boys dormitory. He lay back on his soft pillow, resting his head neatly in the small formed centre where his head had made the perfect impression due to it’s significant use over the last six years, and he closed his eyes.

Only two things seemed to be on his mind, and both appeared to be the one main distraction that looked to be taking it’s hold over sixteen year old Harry lately - Women!

The first being his girlfriend, Luna, whom he had only seen briefly that morning and was already missing her greatly. “Get a grip Potter!” he whispered quietly to himself, but he also smiled like he always did when he thought of her wacky radish earrings and the shoulder shawl that he gave her, which she preferred to wear on her head.

Second, was Karis. She looked so upset when Harry left her alone in her classroom, he felt terrible. He kept reliving the words that his Mother had spoken to him. The fact that Karis comes across brave and noble, and yet inside she is very much alone, and in that respect, he felt she was very much like him, which is why they normally got on so well.

He let out a small amusing smirk when two words popped into his head ‘Sibling Rivalry’ he never thought he would live the day, to believe in something so powerful as that. He knows he is any only child, but to know that his parents were to adopt Karis made a special bond in his heart for her, and until the day he dies, she will always be his Sister – no matter what! He quietly whispered into himself.

Harry then started to wonder what was happening between Bill and Karis – she never spoke about him– proving to Harry that she did like her secret private space, and he dared violate that trust again, especially now. He still felt bad about being in her black book, but he knew it would pass, there were more pressing priorities at hand.

Ron entered the dorm – “Are you ready then? We can’t exactly conduct this meeting without the ring leader.” he teased, as he sat down on the edge of Harry’s bed. “Why are you moping up here for, anyway?

Harry sat up; he stretched his arms up over his head and yawned. “I’m tired, and I was just thinking about stuff.” replied Harry, wanting to steer away from the subject.

Ron nodded, expressing a wry grin on his face, he replied. “Yeah, I know, women will do that to you!” he then winked, and Harry laughed out loud for the first time in days. “Do you have ESP Ron?” scoffed Harry.

Ron rolled his eyes. “No mate, I’m just sixteen. Now get up, lets go sort this Malfoy business out. But I warn you now, I don’t think the rest of the DA are too keen about it.”

Harry ran his hand through his hair, while straightening out his T-Shirt that he had changed into moments before. “Well come on then, let’s see what students really make of Draco Malfoy.” And with that they both left the boys dormitory together, to meet the rest of the Gryffindor DA members, who were waiting patiently downstairs in the common room.

The other house DA members met the Gryffindor bunch outside the room of requirement. Justin and Zacharias both came hurrying towards Harry, who was walking in front of the approaching group, chatting animatedly to Ron and Neville.

Zacharias interrupted their conversation. “Harry, the Order are already inside, along with Fudge and Ministry officials, it looks to be quite a heated conversation – are you sure we are supposed to be here?”

Luna approached Harry and the rest of the Gryffindor team members. “Zacharias!” she said his name very matter-of-factly, while standing head on in front of him, blocking Harry’s view. “Harry wouldn’t have told us to meet here if we were not supposed to be apart of this mission. The question I think we should all be asking ourselves, is ‘Do we want to be here?’” She then turned to Harry and asked. “Well, that is the reason we are here isn’t it?”

Harry stared at her, wide-eyed and surprised. “Well yeah, it is.” he replied, with raised eyebrows.

Neville stepped forward. “Um, Harry – if the Ministry and the Order are dealing with this, then… well maybe… maybe we should just let them deal with it.” He said, and then bowed his head down, in a way of retreat. He felt maybe Harry would think badly of him for being a coward. But instead, he was pleasantly surprised.

Harry nodded and smiled at Neville. “Thanks for your honesty Nev, I respect that, and you do not have to play any part in this.” He replied. Harry then looked around at his team of friends. “Who else feels this way?”

To no surprise at all to Harry, practically everyone put his or her hand up – including Hermione, which stunned Harry for a few moments. It was only Luna, Harry and Ron who remained unmoved.

“Very well, I guess that’s that then – let’s go!” said Harry, as he started to move towards the entrance door to the Room of Requirement.

“Wait!” said Hermione, pulling Harry back. “What are you doing?”

“I’m going to tell Albus Dumbledore and the rest of the Order that the DA have made a decision.”

“Oh” mumbled Hermione, while letting go of his arm.

Slowly they all entered the room; two at a time, and Harry could see the furious expression on Fudge’s face upon his entrance, which made him aware in that moment that the DA had come to the right decision.

“Ah Good Evening.” said Dumbledore, raising his hands in welcoming gesture. “Harry, I don’t think there is any point diddle-daddling around – have the DA reached a decision?” asked Albus, as Harry stood by Karis and Bill’s side in the now crowded room.

“Yes sir.” replied Harry. He took a small cough, and continued. “The DA have decided that due to the amount of support that Draco Malfoy and his Mother Narcissa Malfoy have with the Ministry of Magic and the Order of the Phoenix, we feel that at this time, our resources will be wasted and no necessary danger need be forced upon our group. However, if things do seem to prove more difficult, and more manpower is needed, then myself, Ron and Luna, will gladly help.”

Hermione coughed in interference – “And me. If extra services are required that is.” she said, shooting a distasteful look at Harry.

The rest of the DA nodded to each other in agreement.

Harry noticed that Karis seemed to relax her shoulders in relief, while Remus sent a warm smile to Harry.

“Very well Harry, I understand.” said Albus, his eyes twinkling over his half-moon spectacles. “I think that is a worthy decision, and very wise! So if you don’t mind, we better carry on with our plans, I suggest you all go down and have your evening meal in the Great Hall, we will see you later.”

“Yes Professor.” replied Harry, with a slight nod to his head.

The DA started to vacate the room, but Harry hesitated and looked over at Karis, who was smiling sweetly at him. Harry then looked to Bill. “Take care of her, I don’t fancy losing another member of my family, anytime soon!” he said politely, but with obvious depth.

Severus Snape shifted slightly, and Harry thought he had hit a raw nerve – could Severus be jealous?

“Don’t worry Harry, your Sister is perfectly safe with me – if it gets out of hand, I can always set a few dragons loose on the mansion!” he kind-heartedly replied, but his eyes glinted with intent, and Harry noticed that, behind the traditional Weasley mock, Bill cared very much for Karis – very much indeed!

“Hurry up Harry, I’m starving!” muttered Ron.

Hermione smiled. “For once Ron, I actually agree with you, i‘m hungry too.”

“You are relieved we are not going to help?” asked Harry.

Hermione grimaced. “Yes Harry, aren’t you?”

Harry shrugged his shoulders once more; because, if truth be told, he didn’t know how he felt.

“Well I’m bloody relieved, I didn’t fancy dying again!” piped up Justin Finch-Fletchley.

Everyone laughed out loud, and as they made their way down to the Great Hall, they all felt that tonight they made a noble decision, and Harry silently thanked Karis, for she had taught him well – as for the first time, he had walked away. In Karis’ eyes, not all battles are for fighting, and sometimes it is more appropriate to break ranks and do nothing. After all, they had the best aurors on their side, what could Dumbledore’s Army possibly contribute to this cause, other than get in the way?

“Are you worried for them Harry?” asked Luna, as she held on to Harry’s arm, while they approached the Great Hall.

“I’m petrified Luna, but they are strong, powerful and I know what they can do – especially Karis, and if I dare say it – Snape! They will be fine, and if not, we will help.”

“Do you think it will come to that?” she asked, while holding onto his arm tightly, her head nestled to the side, softly touching his upper arm. “I swear you are getting taller Harry!” she said as an afterthought, and he smiled down at her.

“I don’t know if it will come to that, but I can’t be sure. And as for me growing taller, I think you are shrinking – shorty!”

Luna pinched his arm. “Ow!” he scowled at her in a teasing manner.

Ron and Hermione noticed the mockery between the couple, and they both smiled.

“Good for you girl, tell him whose boss!” said Hermione, with a glint in her eye.

“I intend to!” replied Luna with a chuckle, while Harry and Ron smirked at each other in amusement.

“Are we going to talk about this later?” asked Cho in a whisper, to all the members who could hear her.

“Let’s just eat, have fun with our friends, and see where tonight takes us. Relax!” replied Harry, while conveying a warm smile, which made her eyes light up briefly.

“OK. See you later then.” replied Cho, while she and Marietta Edgecombe left their special group, and approached the Ravenclaw table.

“There doesn’t look to be any room on the Gryffindor table for me Harry!” said Luna, staring over the long house table that was now full of people in a wave of colours, as everyone was now sitting comfortably in normal clothes.

“I’ll make room!” he replied profoundly.

Luna smiled up at Harry, he made her feel so special, that she squeezed his arm tighter without even realising it. He noticed however, and smiled into himself and in that moment Harry felt more alive than ever.

As they approached the long bench and sat down – even though it was a tight squeeze, he had kept to his word and held tight onto Luna’s hand, determined to get her a spot; they had a couple of cold glances thrown over at them, then a girl muttered. “I’m finished anyway.” as she effortlessly rose up from the bench.

“Thanks.” said Harry to the girl, whom he recognised as a third year. She gave him a small smile, as if to thank him for noticing her courteous manner.

“Lets hope they do well!” said Luna, raising her goblet of pumpkin juice. The Gryffindor DA members all smiled and together they clinked their goblets together, wishing the Ministry and their friends in the Order of the Phoenix, well in their mission together.

Last edited by Swizzlestick; 09-10-2006 at 07:36 PM.
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Old 09-10-2006, 07:43 PM   #67 (permalink)
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Chapter 27 – Come one, Come all.

Cornelius Fudge warned his ministry officials to stay alert and to keep an eye on the Order; as much as he appreciated the help of Albus Dumbledore and his group, he didn’t trust any of them in the slightest. The ironic thing of all, was that he asked Kingsley Shacklebolt and Nymphadora Tonks; and it amazed them both at how stupid this Minister of Magic could actually be. Tonks had to control herself with all her will to reside from laughing.

“You know the plan everyone, we attack at full force together! That way, we will achieve surprise!” ordered Fudge, his face showing full determination mixed with shades of pink and purple.

“Are you sure that is wise Minister?” asked Minerva McGonnagall.

“I agree with Minerva, Minister. Surely we should split up and take different angles, will that not achieve more surprise? Especially if any of them decide to run!” interrupted Karis Dumbledore.

Cornelus rubbed his forehead with an old off-white hanky with red trim. “Now, I give the orders here little girl, you just stick with my aurora’s and you will be fine!” he shot back at her. Karis however burst out laughing, which inevitably upset the Minister further.

“And what is so funny?” he asked her, contempt in his voice.

“Sorry Minister.” she muttered, keeping her face fixed on the ‘all of a sudden’ interesting floorboards.

“Um!” he grumbled. “Well, in that case, lets get this over with, I would like to have as many of these Deatheaters detained as possible, and young Draco and his Mother back into safe hands. That’s if Master Draco is still alive of course!” said Fudge, with a concerned frown on his chubby pink face.

Karis looked towards her Grandfather and rolled her eyes. Albus twinkled his eyes at her, which made her smile. Severus Snape noticed and gave her a small nod, as if to say he agreed that the Minister had definitely seemed to have lost the plot since Voldemort’s return!

Albus then decided it was time for them all to leave and head for Malfoy Manor, within the hidden green hills of Exeter, Devon.

“Lets apparate from this room, it’s the only room in the school that allows us to travel outside the gates.” Gestured Albus, enabling a circle to form. “Ready everyone? And remember, stay on-guard and be extra vigilant, you know what is at stake here!”

Everyone nodded; even Fudge seemed to actually agree with something that the headmaster had to say.

“Hold onto your hats people.” said Karis, while aiming a small wink towards her best friend, Nymphadora Tonks.


“Ouch, you stupid woman, get off me!” spat Severus Snape, as they all apparated a couple of miles away from the manor, into what seemed to be a large barn.

“Sorry.” muttered Tonks, as she scrambled to get herself off of the Potions Master that she had so unwillingly and by accident landed on top of during apparation.

Karis noticed and turned to Bill who had a smirk across his face. “Cute couple.” He whispered quietly, and Karis chuckled quietly into his shoulder.

Bill held her close into him for a few moments. He wanted to tell her he loved her. He dreaded leaving the barn – for he knew this would be dangerous, and holding his petite girlfriend in his arms, he felt scared, more than he had ever felt in his life.

“Are you alright?” she whispered, sensing his apprehension.

“I just want you to be careful sweetheart that’s all.” He whispered back, while gently holding her away from him and staring her in the eye. He then proceeded to lean forward and kiss her softly on the forehead; Karis closed her eyes. She loved him so much and yet never told him, she never told anyone. But she believed there would be plenty of time for things like that. She was still getting used to the idea of loving someone in this way, for she had never felt anything like this before, she always kept things so private and since Bill and herself had got together, it was proving to be a real eye opener, and she relished in it – embraced it with her full entity and truly now understood the meaning of being in-love.

“I will be fine, it’s not like I am new to this Bill, I’ve had to fight my whole life.” she replied, watching him intently, mesmerising herself in his light hazel eyes. He broke their stare as he suddenly felt naked and exposed; Karis had a way of making him feel that way sometimes, due to her special gift in telepathy. He wondered at times if she already knew everything he was thinking.

Suddenly and without forewarning, he looked her direct in the eye again and whispered. “If we ever get out of this war alive, and when the Dark Lord is finally defeated….. I will marry you Karis Dumbledore!” he then let go of her shoulders and slowly walked towards the rest of the gathering group, as he was too nervous to witness her reaction.

“Now, we will have to walk the rest of the way, and keep alert.” ordered Fudge, while continuing to mop his brow with his old handkerchief that looked to be older than him.

Karis approached Severus Snape, he seemed to be very quiet and subdued and Karis knew why – she started to feel terrible about the way she had spoken to him, it was their first proper disagreement and Karis knew it was all her fault, but she couldn’t help how she felt, even though she had forced herself to try.

“Something you wanted, Karis?” he asked coolly, while keeping his eyes focused on the rest of the group, but not really seeing them.

“I just wanted to see if you was alright.” she replied quietly, and with a sense of true meaning that she didn’t quite anticipate.

“Why should it concern you now? I’ve managed to upset the one person who I look upon as a Daughter, without actually doing anything wrong since the day I..” Severus stopped talking. He took a deep breath. “Well, now is not the time Karis, we have other, more pressing priorities at hand here, and after all, shouldn’t you be with your boyfriend? Potter will be most upset if you disobey him!”

“You can patronise me all you want Severus, but first of all, I appreciate everything you have done for me, I know you saved my life, and secondly, I am not your Daughter and never will be, I had parents, who are dead because of Lord Voldemort and thirdly, don’t ever speak about Harry like that in my presence. I’ve endured both of your stupid, arrogant, petty comments, and personally, I’m sick to death of it!” she then gave Severus a sickly sweet smile, to which he found equally patronising and couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows in surprise, his lip curling, he replied. “Impressive.”

Karis scowled. “Well, I’m sick of being looked upon as a child by you and by Albus, I just hope, come my wedding day you may actually realise that little girls grow up!” she scoffed, and Severus turned to look at her abruptly. But she quickly skulked away from him, knowing that she had probably pushed his buttons, a little too far.

The twenty members of the Order were the first to exit, while Cornelius Fudge and ten of his aurora’s were the last to leave the old wooden dilapidated barn.

“I’m going to transform, Albus.” whispered Tonks, quietly, not wanting Fudge to hear that she seemed to be more in favour for working with the Order, than with the Ministry.

“Be careful.” he whispered back, his eyes full of caring intent. “Yes sir.” she replied courteously.

“Tonks.” called Karis, while taking hold of her arm. “Please be careful, if you need me, call!” she ordered, and Tonks held out her hand and squeezed Karis’, while giving her a small nod and a warm smile. “I will.” she whispered, and then suddenly, she transformed into a beautiful blackbird, and flew with immense speed, over their heads.

Finally, after about half an hour, they approached the manor. It was now dusk and the wind had started to pick up, whistling eerily through the tall tree branches. Karis shivered and Bill put his arm around her, as Severus was keeping a close eye on the two of them.

“Where’s Tonks? She should be back by now!” muttered Minerva McGonnagall to Kingsley Shacklebolt.

“Tonks will be fine, she can look after herself, and they are not going to suspect a blackbird to have any unseemly intent.

However, as soon as Kingsley finished his sentence, a loud scream was heard in the close distance, it was a voice they recognised well – it was Tonks!

Karis didn’t think twice, she ran, sprinted out of Bill’s comforting arm and ran as fast as she could towards the manor – the only thing she could think of was getting to her best friend.

“Karis, WAIT!” bellowed Albus Dumbledore, but she didn’t want to listen, Tonks needed help, and Karis would keep her promise. Tonks called, so Karis would answer!
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Old 09-10-2006, 07:45 PM   #68 (permalink)
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Severus Snape apparated, then re-appeared directly in front of Karis – stopping her abruptly in mid-track. “Get out of the way, Severus!” she screamed, pushing him as hard as she could. But he would not budge. He grabbed her hard by the shoulders and stared her directly in the eye, his expression stern and unforgiving. “Don’t be stupid, we don’t know how many of them are down there yet!” he spat, his frown highly apparent on his brow.

“She’s in trouble, and I’m not going to let them do to her what they did to my parents! I won’t, I can’t!” she was shaking her head, as her eyes started to fill with salted tears at the thought of Tonks being in any immediate danger.

Severus loosened his grip, “I know – but lets all go down together, we are more powerful in numbers!” he said, lessening his stern tone.

Karis looked up at him, her eyes glassy and glazed. “She cannot die.” Was all she whispered from her mouth, while sobs encapsulated her chest. Her breathing broken, Severus took hold of her arm and replied. “She won’t! Let’s go, and stay by me no matter what!”

“Don’t order me around Severus, I have as much right to be here as you do, I will act as I please.” she fired back at him, her face now showing renewed determination.

“Will you stop being an insolent brat for once and just do as I ask, there are things you do not understand, and I can’t explain them now but I have a bad feeling about something – and I pray to Merlin I am wrong!” he replied, his stern manner appearing in his hook-nosed face once more.

Karis sighed heavily, while rolling her eyes “Fine, she replied, sarcastically. “But when this is over, don’t even think about talking to me for at least three days!”

Severus smirked, “Fine, I’m sure I can refrain from allowing myself more hurled abuse for three days! I may even make it a week!”

Karis, although angry, did seem to find his comeback more amusing than she should have, as her fatal attempt to tell him to ‘get lost’ or her favoured mental image of smacking him hard around the head, subsided, to her just turning away, hoping that he didn’t notice the curled lip on her face.

Part 2

“They are on their way, but I must warn you. Harry Potter and his friends are not with them, they are still at the school, my lord.” said the woman, bowing her head down, praying that he would not scold her for not promising to deliver all of his desired plans.

All was silent for a few moments, when he spoke. “Stand up and look at me Nymphadora!” he said abruptly, she felt hesitant, but she did as she were told, while shooting a small glance at her aunty, Bellatrix Lestrange, who was eyeing Voldemort carefully.

“Is Albus Dumbledore on his way here with his foolish followers?” he asked, eyeing her greatly with red burning eyes. She loved his eyes! Sometimes, she would change hers to red, to match his. He liked her to do that. Sometimes, he would request it.

“Yes Master.” she whispered, a small smile glistening on her lips.

“Then you have succeeded in the one thing my Deatheaters have not this year! Come to me Nymphadora” he commanded holding out his scaly, light grey hand.

She did as she was told, and as she put her own hand in his, she pulled her lips up to his hand and gently kissed it. She heard Bellatrix sigh from behind, and her face broke out into a full smile, for Bella had never been this close to the Dark Lord.

“My child, I will never forget what you have done for me….. for us!” he said, stroking her hair. “I knew you wouldn’t let me down; you are an amazing asset to me and the Deatheaters, as an animagus you can fool even the mind of Dumbledore!

A few moments passed, as everyone gasped in awe at the woman standing in-front of them. She had kissed his hand and not his robes; he had stroked her hair, which in their eyes was a first for anyone, ever!

“I… I had no idea.” whispered one of the cloaked Deatheaters.

“Why would you? It was never discussed, my cover would have been blown if anyone, including you, knew!” she replied sternly. And not at all in the way the Order and the DA would recognise Tonks, for she did not have pink hair anymore, she did not have her traditional clumsy ways, and she definitely did not have a sweet playful smile.

She stood there, tall and proud, with piercing red eyes and long black hair. This is how he liked her to look.

“My last question to you, the one I am dying to know!” he said, eyeing her carefully. “How do we get into the school via apparation?” he looked into her eyes, and they gleamed. Her pale face beaming a large smile, showing perfect while teeth. “You can’t apparate in, only out. But, I have a surprise for you!” she replied, raising her eyebrows and giving her dark lord a playful gesturing smirk.

“Enlighten me!” he ordered softly, smirking back. He was finding her appearance desirable; he always did when she took this form. But not desirable in the way he could generate any form of relationship, the idea of Love disgusted him. But Lust was an entirely different matter!

She put her hand into her pocket to reveal something, when all of a sudden she heard a twig snap. “MOVE”! she yelled, and threw herself on top of Lord Voldemort, protecting him from a spell that had penetrated it’s way through a nearby bush.

That spell came from Severus Snape. Karis was directly behind him, and at the sound of the bellowed voice, they both looked at each other in confused questioning. “That sounded like Tonks.” whispered Snape. Karis shook her head. “No, that’s impossible!” But Severus eyed her warily. “Is it?”

But before Karis could answer, a green light appeared to be coming towards them. “Oh No.” muttered Karis, as she grabbed Severus and apparated out of the way, with only a second to spare before the Avada Curse had hit the bush they were crouching behind.

“Well that was bloody sneaky!” whispered Karis.

Severus grabbed hold of her shoulders. “How did they know we were here? How did that dark haired woman know to protect The Dark Lo… I mean, Voldemort?”

Karis was shaking her head, her pale face full of confusion, her brow knitted and her eyes wide. “I don’t know. Severus, what are you….”

“Shhh, he whispered, while putting his fingers to her lips. “Karis, you have to leave, go back to Hogwarts.”

“No!” she demanded.

When all of a sudden she heard a surge of shouting, all coming from the Order as they approached forward, along with the Ministry’s Aurora’s.

Bill came rushing to Karis and Severus’ side. “Bill, take Karis back to Hogwarts, it’s too dangerous!” Snape requested, sternly.

“No! I’m staying, I need to find Tonks. LET GO OF ME!” she yelled, as she broke free from his hold.

She ran, as fast as she could towards her grandfather; who had succeeded in binding three Deatheaters who had tried to thwart his progress to the manor.

“TONKS!” yelled Karis, looking around frantically, as a spell came hurling towards her – luckily it was a red spark, and she blocked it with ease.

What Karis did next, stunned many of the Order and Severus himself. Another spell came belting its way towards her, and she stood there, rolled her eyes and sighed, and without forewarning; she simply disappeared.

For a few moments, a couple of wizards stopped. Two Deatheaters stood there, literally dumbfounded, for she had not apparated. There was no loud crack, no lingering aura of where she had stood seconds before; the dirt on the ground lay still, silent and untouched.

Albus smiled, and quickly trapped the two spectating Deatheaters in large ice blocks, before continuing down towards the manor.

Karis suddenly appeared by Bill’s side, who had stuck close to Severus. “Jeez.” Shot Bill, as he jumped out of his skin. “How the… What the…. How the Bloody hell did you do that, Karis?” he asked, seeming somewhat stunned.

“I don’t need an invisibility cloak to become invisible, Bill!” she replied, with a wry smirk.

“I know someone else who can do that!” whispered Severus.

“So do I!” replied Karis, with a small smile. “I need to find Tonks, you two may as well cover the other’s backs, there is no point us all trying to get in the house, it looks like the aurora’s and the Order have got most things under control!” said Karis.

“Look, Karis. I’m a bit dumbfounded that anyone could have known about us coming, and I don’t recall ever seeing that woman before!” said Snape, his brow fixed in a deep scowl.

“Well, she is probably a new recruit. Now watch my back, I’m going to find my friend if it kills me!” she replied sarcastically. And as she stood up and made her way back towards the front of the manor, Severus whispered to himself. “That’s what I’m afraid of.”

Karis made careful to tread lightly near the mansion. She had noticed that many of the Deatheaters had gone inside of the large house to fight off the aurora’s, while many members of the Order, raided the rooms for Draco and Narcissa.

Karis noticed a window at the top of the house was slightly ajar, and all seemed to be silent towards the top of the building.

“OK” she whispered to herself. “You can do this Karis, you can.” she closed her eyes, and thought of something beautiful. All of a sudden an image of Harry entered her mind, and she smiled at his large emerald eyes. She whispered. “Leviosa expono” and as she did, she started to drift up into the air; floating briefly before managing to gain control of her levitating self.

Bill watched her through the bushes, his wand poised and ready to strike at any Deatheater or Wizard that he did not know or recognise that approached anywhere near her vicinity.

“Clever girl.” commented Severus, as he watched her in stunned silence.

Karis approached the window and managed to open it, and to her delight she could hear a voice, and thankfully it was one she recognised. It was her friend – Nymphadora Tonks.
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Old 09-10-2006, 07:47 PM   #69 (permalink)
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Part 3

“Harry, Harry. Are you alright?” asked Hermione, as Harry had got up from the Gryffindor House Table and staggered slightly, unbalancing him, all the while holding his stomach.

“Something’s wrong!” said Harry. “I can feel it, I…. I think Karis and the Order might be in trouble.” He looked to his friends, whose faces had all immediately fallen in bewilderment.

“What? I mean, how do you know?” asked Luna, while approaching Harry and holding tightly on to his arm. She stroked his head, and as her fingers brushed lightly over his lightning bolt scar, she felt a small tingle in her stomach too.

“I just don’t feel right, I get this sometimes, this dread in the pit of my stomach. It’s like I know when something is going to go wrong. I can’t explain it.” He whispered back, as a few looks were being shot their way by other students.

“Come on, Lets go get our robes.” ordered Hermione, and without another thought, the Gryffindor DA members abruptly left their seats.

Luna managed to catch Cho’s eye contact and gestured with a shake of her head for her to come over.

Cho frowned in concern and herself and Marietta both left their seats, Zacharias followed.

Ron waved over to Justin, who also approached them.

Gradually, all of the Dumbledore Army members congregated together in the isle gangway of the Gryffindor house table.

By this point, total silence inflicted itself throughout the entire Great Hall, as every other student in the school watched them, many exchanging confused questioning looks, while some started to whisper to each other, wondering what was going on.

“Robes.” whispered Hermione. “Now!”

Justin sighed. “If I must! But I warn you, if it gets out of hand, I’m running away!” he whispered. “I refuse to die again!”

Harry stood tall. “Justin, we need you, you are apart of the DA and the prophecy that we fulfilled – together we are stronger, divided…” Harry cleared his throat. “Well, I just don’t want to think about it.”

“Well what are we waiting for!” said Neville. “Let’s go help our friends.”

Luna raised her eyebrows, and Ron threw Neville a warm smile. “Nev’s right Harry, if there is something wrong, we should..” but Ron trailed off, as a loud scream echoed throughout the walls of the school.

Ron looked at Harry, frantic, as Luna suddenly pulled out her wand from behind her ear. “I don’t think there is any time for robes!” she muttered softly.

“STICK TOGETHER!” Harry commanded with alarm.

He then turned to the other students, many who had jumped up from their seats. Harry held his hands up. “EVERYONE, CALM DOWN!” he shouted.

Many students stopped and stared at him. Harry was surprised that they actually listened.

“THE PROFESSORS ARE NOT HERE, THEY ARE HELPING DRACO MALFOY. HE IS BEING OBTAINED MY LORD VOLDEMORT!” shouted Harry, many gasps and cries were vibrating across the large hall, and Harry felt terrible as he noticed first and second years start to crawl under the table.

He held back his own emotion that crept suddenly to his throat at seeing these small children hide, petrified. A girl, no older than eleven started to sob uncontrollably as her friend put a comforting arm around her, trying with all her spirit to console her, while her little hands were shaking violently.

“Get the younger children out of here Harry.” whispered Luna


Harry looked frantically over to the door, where a young girl appeared, crawling on her hands and knees, gasping for breath.

Harry recognised her; it was the third year that had kindly given Luna and Harry a seat at the Gryffindor House Table, upon their entrance.

She collapsed; Harry got his wand to the ready and ran over to the girl, who had fallen face down onto the cold floor, her breath still and lifeless. He took her gently in his arms, and rolled her over. All of a sudden she gasped a long breath, and silently, he prayed she would be all right. Harry was scared; it was obvious that his gut realisation had come to a head; that the once safe walls of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardly had finally been penetrated.
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Old 09-10-2006, 07:50 PM   #70 (permalink)
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Twenty minutes Earlier……

Karis levitated with ease up to a top window, the light was dim, only a flicker of one candle gave small emphasis to the boxed room walls. She eased herself in quietly, sighing in relief that the window gave way to make a bigger gap for her entrance. She tiptoed to the door in-front of her and put her ear gently up to it.

She could definitely hear a voice, and to her relief it was definitely the one of her friend, Nymphadora Tonks, but she wasn’t alone, there was another voice, a cackling voice that Karis had recognised all too well – the voice she heard only recently, but as a child, as a memory.

She felt her shackles rise, and Karis grabbed her wand tightly, as her knuckles turned white with the power that was so violently running through her Dumbledore veins. It was a power so intense that Karis wasn’t sure whether she should leave the room or not, that intensity was caused by a potent hatrid, and she wanted to hurt, deep down, she wanted to kill.

Karis shook her head to rid her disorderly thoughts, this wasn’t who she was, but it’s who Bellatrix Lestrange was, and Karis knew this! That’s when Karis had the un-idealistic idea that, in order to save her own life, maybe it was written in her stars, to take one too. This swirled, and seemed to reverberate around her mind, and she knew what she had to do, so without further thought or comprehension, she ran to the door and grasped the handle, she pulled the door open with such force that it came away from its hinges.

But what she found behind the door in that small galley-way was something so completely unexpected; she froze, standing still in her step while she tried to comprehend the actions standing in-front of her.

Bellatrix pulled her wand out of her deathly black robes. “Crucio.” she yelled, before Karis could conform.

Screaming in agony, Karis writhe and wriggled violently on the hard wood floor, trying with all of her strength to rid herself of this agonising pain that flowed throughout her entire body; feeling as if her blood was about to boil. She thought of Harry in these moments, while trying to hold strong to this inflicted evil forced upon her small bones.

Somewhere, in her reverie she held onto the hope of surviving for him, that’s what kept her strong now, the thought of Harry growing up with a sister, someone he could rely on in desperate times, and so she did the unthinkable, she closed down. Her thoughts, her feelings, everything that made Karis who she was, turned off. Because she knew that if she continued to fight, Bellatrix would undoubtedly use the Avada curse, so all she did was lay there, in incoherence, and the last thing she heard before she blacked out was the cackling of a frizzy haired Deatheater, a screeching sound of laughter and a sound that would inevitably ward evidence for restraint in a mental asylum, thought Karis, as her world lapsed into dark nothingness.

“Is she dead?” asked Tonks to her aunty, who was standing over the small woman, eyeing her carefully. “I don’t think so, it wasn’t enough to kill her, I think she has blacked out!” replied the woman in her high-pitched voice, that hinted notes of triumph. “I thought she was supposed to be a Dumbledore, well, she’s not much at all really is she!”

Tonks looked down at the young woman, who she had called her friend. But as a pleasing smirk spread across her face, she realised that it wasn’t real, it was all a game to her and she was triumphant in the fact that Karis wanted to save her, and knew the Dark Lord would be more proud of Nymphadora than ever, knowing that once more, he had the detainment of one, Karis Dumbledore.


Severus Snape was starting to become inpatient, he was holding his wand with uncertain ease, and he felt his tough grip start to mix with his nervous sweat that was now protruding with noticeable force through his palms.

“Sod this, I can’t wait anymore, I’m going in!” said Bill, as he started to rise from behind the well protected trees in which they were residing. But Severus pulled him back down by his arm. “You can’t go in there, you will thwart Karis’ progress, she can’t protect the pair of you at once!” shot Severus, his eyes dark, his brow more lined and strained than ever.

“I can take care of myself, Snape!” he replied fervently, with a frown to match the Hogwarts Professor.

“Stay here!” ordered Snape. “The last thing I need is a hot-headed boyfriend getting himself and his girlfriend, killed!”

Bill was about to argue back when he noticed a figure near the front entrance. In the darkness he could still make out the high tones of the renowned Malfoy, blond locks.

“That’s Draco!” whispered Bill, and as Severus turned to see the sixteen year old in long black robes, his face poised for war, the revelation had come all too late in Snape’s opinion.

“Tonks!” he spat it like a dirty curse word, his face full of fear and hatred.

“What?” asked Bill, with a confused expression, shaking his head.

“This is a set up, this isn’t a rescue mission, it’s a trap!” and as Severus said it, he raised and pointed his wand to the back of the student, the child that he had known since birth, and uttered a binding spell, but one with potency. “Lets see how well he takes to this lesson.” He whispered quietly to himself, as the red spark hit the back of Draco Malfoy, shattering the cold wind, and bringing upon it a deathly loud scream from his former pupil, as he fell, bound to the floor, with a piercing and burning sensation jinx spell, stabbing at his soft flesh.

Bill looked up at Snape, his face bearing contort. “Was that really necessary?” he asked quietly.

Snape sneered. “Yes, because he needs to be taught a lesson.” He then turned to face Bill. “Let’s get them out, you warn the Order! I’ll go get Karis!” and with that Severus ran head-forth to the manor, without any thought at his own transparency into the night, all he could think of was saving her, while noticing the uncanny resemblance of all those fifteen years ago.

As he entered the manor, the Order and the aurora’s still seemed to be fighting many of the cloaked deatheaters, he suddenly ducked as a spell that escaped from Kingsley Shacklebolt’s wand nearly hit him. Kingsley shot him an apologetic look, while Severus turned around and stunned the Deatheater, which to his knowledge looked to be Nott.

“We have to get out of here.” Bill yelled, as he entered the mansion behind him. “It’s a trap.”

Albus Dumbledore heard Bill’s cries and disappeared immediately, however, no loud crack was heard, which suggested to Snape he had just become invisible to check out the rest of the surrounding areas – probably upstairs of the house, in which the Order and the aurora’s were having problems in accomplishing, with the spells that seemed to be flying so willy-nilly.

Severus tried to apparate but found that he couldn’t. “Dammit” he muttered under his breath, as a non-apparation spell had been conjured onto the house.

He managed to duck a few more spells, as he reached the stairs.

“Traitor!” was bellowed by a cloaked man with a distinctive deep voice.

Severus looked up to see Rodolphus Letrange glaring down at him.

“So it would seem.” replied Severus curtly.

“I always knew you was erratic, the way you used to secretly swan after Potter and Black, I told the Dark Lord, but somehow he seemed to trust you! You make me sick!” snarled the cloaked man, in contempt, while spitting his saliva vehemently onto the floor.

“How perceptible of you, now get out of my way before I kill you, Rodolphus! Or is that what you want?” snarled Severus, his face pressed in hatred.

Rodolphus let out a loud contemptuous laugh. “You seem to have acquired a sense of humour there, Severus. Well wonders will never cease. I seem to recall you lost it when we killed the Dumbledores!” He then put his hand to his head and continued, derisively “Or was it that jumped up mudblood Lily Potter? Ummm, I can’t fully recall, my memory must be lapsing in my old age.” he replied, while throwing Severus a triumphant smirk.

Severus seethed; he felt his shackles rise and his blood boil, the heat illuminating his usual pale contorted face. “Now Now Severus, surely you didn’t think I wouldn’t notice!” continued the cloaked man, whom Severus once called a friend.

But he had hit a raw nerve, a very painful one! And it was Rudolphus’ downfall, as Severus muttered his curse without a second thought, the curse that was taught to him by his ex master and no other! A pang of dread sped through him; he hadn’t done this spell in many years, and as he did, the tattoo on his arm burned to a jet black.

Rudolphus was too late to block, and he hit the deck hard, as the cruatius curse enthralled his tall, evil swelled body.

Snape stood over the man he had gone to school with, the man who he learned to like when in his teens, and the one who enrolled into the Deatheaters with him and they both revelled in the meaning of belonging somewhere, even if it wasn’t want he had in mind, it was the belonging somewhere factor that enrolled Severus Snape into the Deatheaters, and no other.

All, until that fateful day came when he believed he didn’t belong at all, the day he saw six year old Karis fighting for her life, and the day he heard of the Potter’s death, even though he had quietly warned Lily about the marked plan for their demise. But he still held the Deatheater mark and Lily would not trust him, even after everything he did for Karis; the daughter she was to adopt, with James.

As Rodolphus laid there, twitching violently, with gasps of breath coming from his throat, he was still trying to laugh, to prove to Severus that he will not bow down to him. As the spell subsided, Rodolphus said something that Severus was not prepared to hear.

“You fool, you think you can win but you are weak. We have Karis, and in minutes Potter will be dead, stick that in your cauldron and brew it, Potions Master!”

Dread penetrated his entire being, he couldn’t let this be, and as a well of pent up emotion escaped from his lungs, he screamed at the top of his voice at his once upon a time friend, “Avada Kadavra” and as the green light escaped from his poised wand towards Rodolphus – Husband of Bellatrix, he instantly regretted it, but as the cloaked man tumbled down the stairs, and landed at the bottom with a very hard thump – Dead! Severus didn’t have time to comprehend his actions, he had not used that spell in over fifteen years and never wanted to use it again, but he did, even if he didn’t want to believe it, he was one of few in this world that could use the curse and pull it off, but he didn’t enjoy it; he let the tears fall down his face as he ran as fast as his legs could carry him to the top of the house where Karis apparated to only ten minutes earlier. But in his mind, he knew that after killing a man, albeit an evil wizard, he will never be the same again.
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Old 09-10-2006, 07:52 PM   #71 (permalink)
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As Severus reached the top of the stairs, he noticed a cloak turn the corner of the long hall way, and he followed, just in time to bump into Nymphadora Tonks, he recognised her by her usual pink hair and dippy expression. “Oh Severus!” she cried, waving her arms up in the air, to illustrate that he was a savour revelation. “Thank heavens, are you alright, I managed to get up here but I can’t seem to find Draco and Narcissa, they must be in the cellar.”

Severus eyed her carefully, he was swarmed with a small feeling of relief to find that she had no idea that he knew about Draco becoming a Deatheater, so therefore she didn’t know he had guessed of her deceit, so he did the intelligent thing – he kept his mouth shut and played along with her, hoping to find answers.

“I don’t suppose you have seen Karis, have you Tonks?” he asked matter-of-factly, trying desperately hard not to raise an eyebrow in foreboding frustration.

“Umm, no, I can’t say I have, why?”

“Because…” Severus began sarcastically. “She came up here looking for you, she was worried that you were in trouble, she thinks a lot of you; however, I can’t seem to understand why!” he replied shortly.

“Well, you never did find my clumsy ways very appealing did you, Severus.” she shot back, and he detected a tone unlike her usual nature.

Severus Snape continued to walk down the hall, he was shaking with fury, and his head swam with visions of his latest victim; the cloaked figure, falling hard down the stairs and hitting the floor at the bottom, lifeless, cold and dead. He thought of Karis, and prayed she was still alive, while trying to act as normal as possible in front of the culprit who was responsible for it all!

Tonks continued to be her usual klutz, tripping over a doorstop on the way down to the other end of the house. Severus knew this house, for he had been here before, only this year, when he was still very much an active spy in the Deatheater community.

“This leads to the roof terrace.” said Severus. “Why are we going to the roof terrace, Nymphadora? Or is there something you want to tell me?” he questioned her derisively, while raising a patronising eyebrow, to which now he could not hide, he was about to blow, and he knew it.

“Oh, I just thought that maybe we could apparate back down to the entrance and help the Order and the ministry downstairs.” she replied, as she put her hand firmly inside her robe pocket. Severus noticed, and eyed her carefully. He didn’t say a word. Not until they reached the small dark staircase that lead to the top of the mansion, onto the roof.

Without forewarning or thought for his own safety, he grabbed Tonks hard and threw her up against the wall, his wand aimed at her throat. He pinned her with his left hand, while poising his wand with his right.

“You seriously didn’t think I would fall for it, did you?” he sneered.

“I… Severus, what are you doing?” she gasped as she tried to catch her breath that was being restricted by his firm grip.

“Rodolphus LeStrange is dead, and I killed him. Go and tell that aunty of yours that it’s your fault! This is out of control, Tonks. How could you do this to the Order, to Karis? SHE WAS YOUR FRIEND!” he bellowed, shaking, his eyes bulging making them look twice the size as normal. His normal ashen grey face flushed and contorted.

In-between her gasps for air, Tonks flashed him a grin, and then within seconds she changed, into her true self, the one-self that she had been hiding from the Order and anyone else who wasn’t involved with Lord Voldemort. She turned back into the black haired, red-eyed woman who Snape had seen fifteen minutes earlier, protecting the Dark Lord.

“YOU!” he spat.

But before she could reply, there was a dangerously loud shriek, but not one of pain that was caused by a curse; it was the sound of a woman bawling. Screaming so greatly that all of a sudden the house gave an air of stillness, spells subsided and duelling shouts reduced to silence, as Bellatrix Lestrange had been fighting with Bill Weasley, to find she had suddenly tripped and fallen across her dead husband, at the bottom of the winding staircase.

“I guess you don’t need to tell her then, Tonks. It seems she has stumbled across his useless, lifeless corpse!” Severus spat, in fury.

Nymphadora just stared at him, her face that was grinning at him moments before had fallen into one of complete shock.

“What, you didn’t think I was capable did you? I would die for the Order, and especially for Karis. I am already a marked man Tonks, what does it matter to me if he dies or not, or you for that matter!” he snarled, his eyes showing intense hate that even she had never seen before.

“I guess I had you all wrong Severus, you truly are a ruthless Deatheater, even if it’s not in your heart anymore, it still flows in your veins.” she replied, her eyes glinting at him, hinting some form of approval.

“Yes, you had me wrong, I am ruthless, and I was a Deatheater, but it was never in my heart! Now tell me, Where is Karis?” asked Snape, trying to keep calm and not show her any sign of weakness.

“She’s Dead!” spat Tonks, a smirk gliding across her face.

Severus saw red, and as much as he wanted to kill her, he knew he couldn’t, he needed to know if she was telling him the truth. So he did the next best thing, he hit her, hard in the face, making her nose splatter his fist with fresh crimson blood.

“Show me!” he demanded. “Or you will suffer more than just a broken nose!”

Tonks tried to throw him off of her, but he was too strong and too full of retched hate, that he would not budge.

“Let her go, Severus!” A strident yet softly spoken voice came from behind him.

Severus’ arm started to burn, the pain was so intense, that he had no choice but to rub it. He knew that tone, and he knew that now more than ever, he was in the most dangerous predicament of his entire life.
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Old 09-10-2006, 07:54 PM   #72 (permalink)
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“Hello Voldemort!” said Severus, as he gently swallowed his dismay, and turned to face the cloaked figure standing behind him, eyes burning the same shade as Tonks’, his scaly snake like features glowing in the dim light that was the top floor of Malfoy Manor.

“Foolish bravery as you dare to speak my name!” replied Voldemort, while surprising Snape by giving him a small wry smirk.

“I would call you My Lord, but, as it happens, I don’t believe you are so I won’t fool either of us by doing so.” he replied, managing to keep his usual curt tone.

Tonks straightened up her posture, and wiped her bloody nose on her blue robe. A present that Karis had bought for her Birthday; before bellowing. “Don’t you dare talk to the dark lord like that!” she was furious at the audacity of the greasy haired murderer.

“Shut up, Nymphadora!” ordered Voldemort. And she looked to him in surprise; as it was not often he reprimanded her.

“You surprise me Severus, even to this day you pretend that you are a servant of good, yet you kill a long-standing friend, the man you once called a best friend. I feel your hatred, and I feel your power, unfortunately, that power derives from Love. Love of a child, who is now a grown woman in whom you wish solely to protect. It’s rather disappointing.”

Voldemort then started to pace, motioning his thin less than human form from side to side, deep in thought.

“Where is she?” asked Snape. His wand hand fixed around the wooden shaft, waiting to protect himself at any given moment.

“She’s alive, for now.” He replied, still pacing.

“Take me! Let her go, I’ll do whatever you want me to, just let her go, you don’t need her!” replied Severus.

However, Lord Voldemort had no time to reply as Bellatrix Lestrange came running up to them in a harebrained frenzy, pulling at her frizzy locks, screaming at the top of her voice. “HE’S DEAD, MY RUDOLPHUS IS DEAD, I’LL KILL THEM, LET ME FIND THEM MASTER, LET ME MAKE THEM SUFFER.”

“Bellatrix, shut up woman, I’m talking!” He replied, while glaring at Snape.

“But,….Master.. he was loyal to you.” sobbed Bellatrix, throwing herself onto the grubby old carpet, that lined itself throughout the darkly lit hallway. While clinging onto the bottom of his robes, wailing, feeling as if her own heart had been pulled out and tossed aside like some piece of rotten meat.

Snape would not bow down to him, and neither would he allow to show any emotion at the loss of a husband, or an evil Deatheater at that! Who had clearly wanted him dead, because as much as he was not proud of killing again, Severus was not sorry for saving his own life!

Voldemort sensed this, and even though he would not tell Severus, he held a mark of respect for his ruthless courage, albeit a hindrance to himself, he could not deny what Severus was able to do was truly remarkable.

“Let Karis go and you can have me! Let Bella give it her best shot!” said Severus, standing tall and proud, knowing that he could probably ward her off, but it would prove a serious and deadly competition.

“That will not be necessary, Severus!” came another voice, it was the unmistakable vocals of Albus Dumbledore, but upon his customary echo, he was no-where to be seen.

Tonks panicked. “Bellatrix” she called, as the distraught Deatheater stood up abruptly, in-front of Lord Voldemort, ready to defend. “Catch.”

Tonks then proceeded to take out of her pocket a small trinket. It was a silver handheld mirror that Severus recognised straight away as Karis’, it was what he had bought her, for her eighteenth Birthday.

She tossed it over to Bellatrix, who still seemed to be a little dazed. Still holding onto the Dark Lord’s robes, she caught the mirror in her hand, when suddenly herself and Voldemort felt the uncomfortable pull in their navel, as their world started to spin obsessively away from their view.

Severus gasped and Albus quickly bound Nyphadora Tonks up against the wall in solid metal chains, as he showed his true solid form.

“It’s the Hogwarts Portkey!” yelled Albus, frantically. He then turned to the black haired woman, with fire burning red eyes. “Tell me where she is, Nymphadora, and I will spare you your life.” His acid tone made her intake a quick nervous breath.

“She’s chained up on the bed, in Lucius’ bedroom.” replied Tonks, solemnly

Severus felt his stomach twist with dread, he hoped that was all it was, a place to keep her tied, and kept the ghastly thought of it being anything else, to the back of his mind.

“Severus, get Karis, tell her to communicate with Harry immediately via telepathy. I will deal with Miss Tonks!”

“Yes sir.” replied Severus, giving the Headmaster a small bow, into which Tonks sneered and spat onto the floor in disgust.

“As for a traitor, you must be the most cleverest one I have ever met, however, your time has come to repent, Nymphadora!” spoke Albus, while making her chains tighter around her body, which evidently made her yelp like a sad child.

“You said you would spare me, Professor.” she replied, her eyes full of menace.

“From death, yes! But do you really think after everything you have done I will let you get away Scot-free?” he replied with a question, but telling it more, as a bold statement.

His blue eyes that once twinkled did nothing of the sort; instead they were full of disappointment, and fury.

“You see Nymphadora, it all makes sense to me now, and I’m surprised I didn’t see it sooner.” continued Albus. The Moody capture was set up by you, because Voldemort knew that we would be keeping watch at Azkaban that evening because you told him.

Last year in the Department of Mysteries, you were fighting alongside Sirius, when Bella stunned you, I admit, it made me wonder, but I let it slide as just being unfortunate. But it was you who told Voldemort about Harry’s close relationship with Sirius, which is why he wanted Sirius dead, to hurt Harry. It was you who told Kreacher to visit Narcissa, and he obeyed, simply because you are also a blood relation to the Blacks, he could have only answered to you and Sirius. And it was you who set up tonight. Got close to Karis so she trusted you and didn’t suspect to inflict on you the legilimens spell to find out what you were really up to. But, instead you leave her for dead and throw the only portkey we have to the Room of Requirement to Lord Voldemort and Bellatrix Lestrange, while putting innocent lives of children in danger. So, now, you really think I will let you just walk away?”

Tonks eyed him carefully, she knew he wouldn’t kill her; Albus Dumbledore was too noble for that. Instead he dragged her to the roof terrace by means of her black hair and held onto her tight, while apparating into the cold night, to the Order of Merlin headquarters. “You think Azkaban is bad, Nymphadora. You wait and see what the Order of Merlin has in store for traitors like you!”
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Old 09-10-2006, 07:57 PM   #73 (permalink)
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Chapter 28 – WAR at Hogwarts!

Present time – 20 minutes lapsed…….

Harry held the young girl in his arms, as a tear trickled down his cheek, he looked into her disbelieving eyes. “It’s my fault, this is all my fault.” he muttered softly, as he tried desperately hard to prevent himself from breaking down completely.

“Harry…..don’t.” whispered Hermione, as she cast her hand on his shoulder, trying to console him as a silent tear of her own cascaded solemnly down her face, on it’s own accord. She wiped it quickly with the back of her hand, wanting to show strength for the D.A. and the witnessing students that had now began to raise the panic alarm - again.

Luna helped a few of the smaller students out from under the table, and showed them to their head of house prefects who were all trying fervently to arrange a uniformed line.

“Quick, they are coming, you must all go…NOW!” came the hurried and frantic voice of Nearly Headless Nick as he floated into the Great Hall. “Stay calm children, you must stay calm.” He said to the horrified faces of the younger students.

“What the hell is going on?” asked Millicent Bulstrode as she came waltzing up to the ghost, her face pale, yet an obvious flicker of excitement glazed her ordinary scornful eyes.

“Deatheaters, two of them, in the building.” He spoke so fast and with obvious fear. “You must go back to your dormitories immediately.” while hysterically shaking his head, which made his deep wound in his neck flap open and closed, which did not seem to ease the panic of the smaller children, by any means.

Harry looked up at Sir Nicholas. “Who are they?” he asked adamantly.

“Bellatrix Lestrange and The Dark Lord, HE’S HERE…..” bellowed Nick, as he flew out of the Great Hall again, crying desperately for them to leave and follow his lead.

Screaming erupted louder than ever, as the students ran out into the corridor and head-long towards their dormitories, many had fallen over in the panic, and members of the DA rushed over to help them up. One little girl sat in the middle of the Great Hall and screamed at the top of her lungs, and Ron ran over to her and put his hand over her mouth to quiet her down, “It’s alright, everything is going to be alright.” He warned her, but as his own voice broke, she didn’t believe him, after all, even to her he was still a sixteen year old teenager, what experience did he have in protecting her from the most evil and powerful wizard of all time?

As the screams and shouts dissipated into the distance of the school, a skipping sound could be heard coming from the corridor outside the entrance of the great hall, and the sound of a deranged woman, singing. Sadly, it was a voice that Harry recognised, and one that made the hair on the back of his neck stand up on end, he clenched his fist as he heard her quote these words, in her mocking baby tone.

“Come little children play with me, let me show you how to be, I’m going to kill the Potter boy, mangle him up like a puppy toy.”

“I really think we should Run now!” muttered Justin, to his horrified looking friends. Marietta Edgecombe started to make way to the door, but Cho grabbed her arm. “No, we do this together.”

Marietta looked frightful, but she relented and stopped her own planned getaway, as they all turned to Harry for instructions.

“I’m inclined to agree with Justin.” replied Harry. “But Cho is right, we are united which means something, we have to stick together – no matter what.”

Neville started to move away from the group. His face flushed red, his wand held tightly in his hand, and as he backed away, he could only think of one thing – Revenge. Lord Voldemort was Harry’s arch enemy, and Harry would have to face his demons in his own time, Neville however had a demon of his own.

Bellatrix Lestrange was not just a Deatheater to Neville, she is the reason his parents are restrained to a bed due to their mental state, which she inflicted on them! She is the reason Neville never knew his parents. They were no better than dead in his eyes, and she would pay!

As the skipping got closer, so did Neville to the door, unaware by the rest of the DA, as they were listening to Harry, he was telling them to stick together, and going through some of the protection spells that they had learnt in their time spent as Dumbledore’s Army.

Neville turned to look at his group of congregated friends who were huddled together, he felt guilty, because he knew he should be there with them, huddled together like the prophecy they fulfilled, but he had to get her, he would make her regret what she did.

“Someone is missing.” Neville heard Harry say, as he turned around to quickly see Neville’s silhouette leave the hall, Ginny noticed too and screamed his name, but he did not reply, as his own footsteps could be heard thundering down the corridor, towards the skipping that could be heard echoing softly in the close distance.
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Old 09-10-2006, 07:59 PM   #74 (permalink)
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“SEVERUS, COME ON!” yelled Karis as she took the steps to the roof terrace three at a time, her heart pounding, her face full of contorted rage.

Severus had managed to untie Karis from the double four poster bed, which belonged to Lucius Malfoy.

Her robes were dishevelled and her hair was straggling untidily over her face, she had red welted marks on her wrists where the ropes were grasping her tightly, and yet to Karis, none of that mattered. Especially after Severus explained to her in full about tonight’s most recent occurrence.

She gasped in shock and then collapsed in his arms, begging, pleading for him to help her. Nothing else mattered now – all except one, and that was getting to Harry before Voldemort did. She struggled frantically within her reverie to get her emotions in check, and all she wanted to do now was get the job done. “The muggles had it right all along, Severus.” she had whispered to him as he helped her regain the feeling back into her jellified legs.

At first, Severus was relieved to see she was still alive, but he was concerned about her mental state – the news he gave her was shocking, and she had reacted most devastatingly to it. He realised this when she told him he did the right thing in killing Rudolphus LeStrange. And her comment on muggles uneased him more, as he knew what she was referring to – ‘Killing in war!’

As she opened the door to the roof terrace, she noticed three Deatheaters standing there, seeming to have an in-depth conversation about muggle slavery, and how it should be condoned in the wizarding world.

Lucius Malfoy glanced up to see the untied Karis Dumbledore staring back at him. He pulled out his wand but he wasn’t quick enough. Karis belted out a spell, known as the defiant curse of Erran. She had read about it in one of her ancient scrolls and always wanted to try it, and the rage that she felt seconds before subsided slightly into a triumphant smirk, as Lucius Malfoy started to scream as his head and ears started to swell up, resembling that of a hot air balloon, his body lifting quickly from the concrete ground.

The other two deatheaters, who Karis did not recognise, stared up at him in disbelief. “Accio Wands” she yelled again, and all three wands came flying towards her, which she gladly destroyed with a fire-eating dragon spell. The two Deatheaters stood there, amazed, as Lucius was still yelling something about how he will rip her heart out and feed it to his snake.

“Yeah, whatever Lucius!” she scoffed, as he was floating up higher into the night sky, his head twenty times its normal size, making his tall thin body look like an oversized matchstick.

Severus Snape opened the door and caught a glimpse of Lucius floating up in mid air, he had only recognised him by the long blond hair and his pathetic whimpering.

Many of the Order members had managed to get out into the grounds of the manor. It was now surrounded in intense darkness, and the only thing that could be heard was the loud whistling of the wind, echoing past the fat tree trunks, and through the long thin branches.

Karis grabbed hold of Severus tightly by the hand, “Ready?” she asked. Severus gave a nod and immediately they both apparated with immense trepidation, to the only place they could go that was close enough to Hogwarts; Hogsmead.

The rest of the Order members were still holding off a few Deatheaters that followed them outside. The opposing side were outnumbered, due to Albus managing to tie many of them up in non-apparation holding shields, before his departure with Nymphadora Tonks.

Draco Malfoy was still bound to the floor, murmuring in agony with the holding spell that Severus Snape had earlier inflicted upon him. Bill Weasley looked down at his pathetic state, and immediately released the spell with a flick of his wand. Upon his release Draco’s body went limp in relief.

“Hogsmede. Now!” bellowed Bill, as soon as the last few Deatheaters were either unconscious, or wrapped in spells, such as the devils snare gripper, which would not let go of its victim until sun-rise, so they had to endure a very long and uncomfortable night.
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Old 09-10-2006, 08:00 PM   #75 (permalink)
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NEVIILE – WAIT!” screamed Ginny, but it was no use. Neville Longbottom was running, head-long, towards Bellatrix Lestrange – his wand poised, beads of sweat dripping from his brow onto his cheeks, which he rubbed away quickly with his sleeve.

“Oh no, this can’t be good!” muttered Ron, while still holding onto the small little girl who he had finally managed to calm down.

She was whimpering quietly in his arms, and he felt in that moment, so proud of himself. He had never really thought much about children before – why would he? He is only sixteen, but he felt thankful that this child now looked to him as a form of protection, a friend. As he stood up, the girl clung onto his tall lanky leg, and he had to usher her with ease. Un-wrapping her deathly gripped small fingers off of him, as he managed to walk her over to a small chair at the back of the main hall. “Stay here, by the tall curtain, make sure you are not seen.” He whispered to her, and she nodded; as she did he rubbed the top of her head with his hand, ruffling her soft blond hair, in reassurance.

He then pulled out his wand, and ran down towards Harry, who was already heading for the door with the rest of the D.A.; to go in search of Neville Longbottom, before he got himself killed by, Bellatrix Lestrange.


Running with fast pace and erratic beating hearts, the group managed to catch up with Neville. The thing was however, Neville was on the floor, rage covering his face as his hands were clamped tight around Bellatrix Lestrange’s throat. She was trying to kick him off, while desperately attempting to breathe for air.

The look upon their faces was one of shock. It was the last thing they expected to see as they turned the corner, because silly as it may seem to them now, they had feared for Neville’s life!

Hermione started to walk forward, but Ron stopped her. “Looks to me Neville is doing alright on his own.” he muttered quietly.

“He’s going to kill her.” she replied, her eyes wide.

“Good!” spat Harry, as he stood there and watched Neville, with his purple contorted face swelling with pure hatred for this mad evil witch who was still adamantly fighting for her life - Desperately trying to breathe!

“I can’t watch this.” said Hermione, as she turned away. Ginny was crying, seeing Neville like this was heart rendering, for it was not the Neville she knew, and it scared her.

“Neville, please stop It.” she finally said through her sobs, but he didn’t listen. “NEVILLE, PLEASE.” she begged, but still, he carried on, lifting and then slamming the woman’s head down onto the hard stone floor.

Ginny didn’t have to think anymore, she ran over and jumped onto his back, trying to hold him away from her. Harry couldn’t let it continue now, not now Ginny was in the firing line and could easily get hurt. But before he could do anything, Ron had also leapt forward with force and pushed Ginny away as he grabbed Neville by the chest and with all of his strength, tried to get him off of the half-dead Bellatrix. Whose eyes were bloodshot and bulging from the pressure, where Neville had held tightly, squeezing with his entire force; engulfed in the hatred that was now profusely pouring out of his hot and sweating palms, onto her scrawny thin neck.

The rest of the Order jumped in and held Neville off of the Deatheater, who lay there, drained, while striving with the life-force she had left, to take in enormous gasps of air.

Ginny was sobbing loudly, and Luna pulled her into a warm embrace. Even Luna looked at Neville in disbelief – this was so unlike him. She had never seen hate empower someone so fiercely. Not even Harry.

Neville was still being held down by the D.A. Mainly - Justin, Zach, Harry, Ron, Dean and Seamus had the upper hand, due to having the extra body strength; more so than the young ladies of the group.

Neville was breathing very heavily, his face still purple but a lighter shade as he was trying to re-gain his self-control. “Nev.” said Harry, crouching down and staring him directly in the face. “Nev.” he repeated, as Neville was still staring at the woman. “NEVILLE!”

“Is she dead?” Neville replied quietly, and Harry noticed a dark shadow glaze across his hazel eyes. “Nearly.” Harry replied “She is still alive but only just!”

All of a sudden, Neville started convulsing violently. It was so unexpected, that the group holding him down jumped back. Harry, however, continued to seize hold of him with his entire body weight and Ron quickly jumped in once more to help. “Harry, what’s wrong with him?” asked Ron, frantically. But Harry didn’t understand what was going on either, but he held him tight in his arms, and as he did, the shaking subsided slowly, but Neville’s eyes continued to change. The shadows seemed to be fogging over his pupils, and then clearing the way to cover his retina.

Harry let go immediately and grabbed Ron by the arm and pulled him back. “MOVE!” he yelled, as he and Ron both fell back onto the floor a few feet away from the now deathly pale and still as stone, Neville.

Luna and Hermione went running over to them, as Harry and Ron stood up quickly.

“Get out!” spat Harry, at once.

“What?” asked Seamus, looking mightily confused! But Ron told him to “shhh” as Harry wasn’t talking to any member of the D.A. He was looking into the now burning red eyes of Neville Longbottom, and talking to someone else. That someone was highly gifted in the art of Legilimens; Harry reminded everyone that it wasn’t Neville laying there now; It was Harry’s worst nightmare coming true – another friend was in jeopardy, due to the evil mastermind of, Lord Voldemort.
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