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Old 09-08-2006, 08:14 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Harry Potter and the Orb of Refinement - Sa13+

Legal bit: This fanfiction is purely for fun and hopefully for your personal entertainment. I do not own any of the characters portrayed by JK Rowling, except one character which is my own. I've not set out to plagerise the works of JK Rowling, and never intend to do so.

This fanfiction is finished, so plenty of literature will be posted in a short period of time.

Please leave feedback, any comments will be highly appreciated.

Harry is sixteen in this story, it takes place just after 'Order of the Phoenix' so therefore no reference to the 'Half Blood Prince' will be expressed; so no spoilers for those who haven't yet read the 6th book!

Harry Potter and the Orb of Refinement.

Chapter 1. - Harry’s Decision

It was 8:00pm on Privet Drive; the sky was turning a dusky Gray, while the sunset still slightly visible above the rooftops, projecting pinks and yellows and lighting up the all too familiar surroundings that Harry had grown accustomed to in his sixteen years of existence.

Harry was staring out of his bedroom window, watching the remaining sunset until it disappeared entirely from his view; alone with his thoughts and his feeling of emptiness, Harry wanted this day to end like all the other days since his beloved Godfather had passed away in front of his very eyes, murdered by his own cousin, Bellatrix LeStrange.

Harry could still hear the high-pitched laughter and her scream of triumph as Sirius fell through the veil, with a look of sorrow gliding across his tired eyes.

“Why didn’t I stop it, I could have tried something, anything,” Harry said aloud to himself while stepping away from his window and lowering himself onto his bed, holding his head in his hands while his guilt whirled inside his gut making him feel nauseous and dizzy.

Hedwig hooted softly from her cage which was perched on top of his wardrobe, Harry looked up and gave her a small appreciative smile; she always knew when Harry was feeling down, in fact, Harry felt the only person that really knew how he felt was Hedwig, his snowy white owl with large amber eyes.

“You’ve got to stop feeling like this Harry,” he thought silently to himself, as he knew Sirius would not have wanted Harry blaming himself. The only consolation that Harry felt about Sirius’ passing was that he died fighting, he died doing something he believed in, he died a hero, and he died free.

There was a loud knock on his bedroom door, Harry got up with a start and opened it slowly, not feeling ready to talk to anyone.

“Come on Harry, you must eat something, don’t want your freaky friends to think we are neglecting you, you have been writing to them every three days haven’t you Harry?” said Uncle Vernon, while staring at Harry with a mixture of loathing and nervousness.

“Yeah, I’ve been writing,” replied Harry in an exasperated tone.

“Watch your manners boy," shot Uncle Vernon. "The fact that we still allow you to stay here even though we could be at risk from those Dementoid thingy’s; I strongly suggest you keep a watch on your tone, now come along, Petunia has just laid out dinner.” His large round face glowing a light shade of purple.

Harry rolled his eyes as Uncle Vernon turned and walked away, then he followed shortly after him, down the stairs and entered the kitchen.

Dinner was a very quiet affair; Harry never said a word and this seemed to please the Dursley’s as they always liked to pretend Harry didn’t exist, this also suited Harry because he didn’t want to talk to them anyway.

After dinner Harry went back to his bedroom and slowly started to tidy up his room, it was only seven days until school started again, so he had to get his trunk packed and ready for the departure back to Hogwarts for his sixth year.

As he opened the trunk he noticed a ray of light shine from the bottom, Harry knew straight away what it was, the mirror.

This small handheld mirror is what Sirius had handed to him before the start of the new term last year, the last time Harry had seen his Godfather in the flesh, before the battle at the Ministry of Magic that led to his untimely death.

Something then immediately struck Harry, “Why was I so stupid?" Breaking into Umbridge’s office was totally unnecessary, he could have used the mirror to contact Sirius, if only he knew he had it! He forgot to check what it was Sirius had handed him on that last morning at number twelve Grimmauld Place.

Last year Harry had broken into the new Headmistresses office to use the floo network to contact Sirius, but the last time he and his friends got caught, and Kreacher had lied to Harry about Sirius’ whereabouts, Kreacher, how Harry hated that house elf for lying to him. If it hadn’t been for him, Sirius would still be alive because Harry wouldn’t have gone to the Ministry of Magic in the first place, if only he knew about the mirror then!

“Well its useless now,” Harry said to himself and picked up the broken shards of glass and put them in a small envelope and tucked it under his secret floorboard under his bed.

Harry was about to put on his pyjamas when he started thinking about number twelve Grimmauld Place, the house where Sirius grew up, the place that he called home, even though Sirius didn’t like it, it was still the only place Harry could go and feel close to him. Harry thought about this for an hour, whirling it around in his mind, the Order of the Phoenix, that was it!

He wasn’t going to mope around and feel guilty anymore, he was going to get his revenge, he was going to fight and if it meant dying in the process than so be it. His parents had to fight, Sirius had to fight, Dumbledore has been fighting since the beginning, and so shall he.

Harry packed his trunk, picked up Hedwigs cage and got his broomstick out from his wardrobe. A flash of anger passed through him when he saw his broomstick, there were scratches along the long shiny handle.

“That blasted woman Umbridge,” Harry said loudly. She had chained Harry’s broom up in the dungeons last term, and in the process chipped and scratched its beautiful wood, but then Harry remembered who had bought him this broom and he felt himself let out a warm smile.

Once he had gathered his belongings, Harry slowly descended the staircase; he could hear the television and knew the Dursley’s were lazing on their sofa watching the news. Upon hearing Dudley’s voice asking his mother if he could have another chocolate bar from the fridge, he knew he was doing the right thing by leaving, he didn’t want to have to stay in this place a minute longer. “Especially if it meant looking at that goofball for another day,” Harry thought to himself.

“Where are you off to Potter, visiting one of your weirdo pals?” retorted Uncle Vernon. Dudley let out a laugh, Harry shot him a distasteful look and Dudley immediately fell silent.

“Yes, so I will see you next summer, I will be staying with friends and they will accompany me back to Hogwarts,” Harry replied.

They all looked at him and Harry could have sworn that Aunt Petunia was about to say something but thought better of it and quickly closed her mouth.

There was a small uncomfortable silence and with that Harry said, “Well see ya then,” and with that he headed for the front door.

Chapter 2. – Back to the Order.

It was a wonderful feeling, the night air blowing through Harry’s untidy dark hair, his glasses askew, but it was flying that made Harry feel better at once, giving him the strength of what he was now determined to do.

The houses looked so minuscule from where Harry was right now, soaring near the stars, at this moment in time he wished he could stay up here forever.

Finally, number twelve Grimmauld Place was in view and slowly and carefully Harry descended and landed right outside the all-familiar house.

Harry entered quietly, it was very dark in the entrance hall and he was careful not to bump into anything, after all, he didn’t want to wake Mrs Black up, that portrait was enough to petrify anyone especially in the dark.

Harry slowly put his broom down and untied his trunk, and then placed Hedwig on a dark mahogany side table near the foot of the stairs. He was about to enter the kitchen when there was a flicker of light coming out from underneath the door, he didn’t enter, he knew someone was in there, then he heard voices, so gently, Harry pressed his ear to the door.

“Do you really think that will help Professor? It didn’t work last time, look what he did, I will not have a repeat like last year, I’m sorry, but I will not have any part to play this term.” Harry knew that cold voice, it was Snape.

“Albeit Severus, what Harry did was wrong and an invasion of your privacy, but all the time I am the headmaster of Hogwarts I have vowed to protect him and all of my students, these are dark times and this time we must not fail,” replied Dumbledore

“Albus, do you really think he is ready, after what happened at the Ministry, he is only sixteen after all,” said Professor McGonagall.

“Minerva, Harry has shown courage and bravery beyond his years, if anyone can end the reign of Lord Voldemort than it is Harry, and I intend to help him every step of the way” Dumbledore paused for a second, and then continued;

“This Order was started by the most prestigious Witches and Wizards I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. Those friends of ours Minerva are no longer here, only this handful remains. I would love nothing more than for Harry to lead a normal life, but it is written in his stars, there is nothing we can do, except give him the encouragement and knowledge that he deserves.”

Harry realised that Dumbledore would die if it meant saving the Order and Harry, but this wasn’t a good thing in Harry’s heart, he didn’t want anyone else to get hurt, if it was written in his stars, then he should do it alone.

“Well said Albus, and you’re right, he can do this, I see in him the determination of his father, but its going to be tough, and as you know I cannot be there for him all the time,” said Remus Lupin.

Upon the sound of his voice Harry’s heart leapt, Remus was here.

“That has been duly noted, so when you are not there, one of us will be,” said Dumbledore.

“Please forgive me Professor but I do not think he is ready," spat Snape. "If it hadn’t been for the Order he would have been killed a long time ago, Potter thinks he knows, but he doesn’t know anything, he can’t even get a D in Potions. I think you underestimate the power of the Dark Lord, you have not seen what I have.”

“Severus, I am fully aware of the powers of Lord Voldemort, having fought him myself on numerous occasions, and it was I that witnessed Harry come face to face with him at the Ministry and manage to look him in the eye. I am a true believer that if you can stare death in the face, you can triumph, I believe in Harry.”

Dumbledore had an edge in his voice, and no one in that room dared to disagree with him.

“Oh Albus, I love that boy like a son, I couldn’t bear it if anything happened to him,” cried Molly Weasley.

“Now now, don’t go getting yourself upset dear, we are all here to help him,” said Arthur Weasley.

Harry could almost hear him cradling her gently around the shoulders. He loved the Weasley’s, they were the closest thing he ever had to having parents.

“I don’t know Albus, I care for Harry very much, but losing Sirius may have had a big knock on effect, we don’t know how well he’s taking it, or if he’s taking it at all,” said Tonks.

“I agree with Tonks,” said Molly Weasley in-between her sobs.

“Now you lot listen 'ere, dat Harry is a good lad he is, strongest and bravest young man I hav’ ever known, if Dumbledore says he can do it, then he bloody can,” Interrupted Hagrid.

“This is ridiculous, as much respect I hold for the order, you are putting our hopes and risking our lives on a sixteen year old boy who has so far just been lucky! He is not ready I tell you, he cannot do this,” Snape retorted angrily.

“Now listen here Severus, you’ve always had something against that boy, why can’t you just accept the fact that it is he who has to live with this everyday like the rest of us but more so, I’ve seen him suffer in silence, but like us he carries on, he’s a strong lad and your just going to have to deal with it,” said Arthur Weasley in a tone that Harry did not recognise, could Arthur be annoyed?

Snape stared at Arthur, his nostrils flaring.

Harry had heard enough. All at once he flew open the kitchen door and took a step inside, to his amazement the whole of the order were there, even Kingsley was standing silently in a corner.

One by one Harry looked them all in the eye. Everyone looked rather taken aback, however, Mad Eye Moody didn’t seem to change his expression once, not even upon Harry’s entrance, he realised straight away that Moody knew he was behind that door.

Finally Harry spoke “How considerate of you all to conduct a meeting about my future without the audacity of inviting me to it, I’m honoured, really I am.”

“Ugghh, hello there Arry’ just ah thought you might like our supp-” Harry lifted his hand to silence Hagrid, stopping him in mid sentence.

“It was never a question of support Hagrid, we have always supported each-other and I appreciate everything you have all done for me, but what I don’t appreciate is you discussing me behind my back with what and how I’m supposed to be feeling.”

“Harry, this puts me in an awkward situation and I hope you accept my sincere apologies, but before we were to conduct your training, I had to make sure the Order was in full agreement,” said Dumbledore.

“Training, sir?”

“Yes Harry, you have to be prepared for this war, because that is what it will be once Voldemort has gathered all of his followers, and we must be sure that you are ready.”

Dumbledore surveyed Harry with a very kind but concerned expression and continued. “Harry, you remember what I told you in my office at the end of term, about the prophecy?”

“Yes I remember.”

“Then you will understand that in order to proceed you must be ready.”

“I understand sir. When shall we begin?”
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Old 09-08-2006, 08:37 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Chapter 3 –Re-united


“What? I’m here, holy cricket Ron are you trying to make me go deaf?”

“Oh sorry, it’s just…. Look….. Mum and Dad have sent us an owl, we have to use the Floo network and go to 12 Grimmauld Place.”

“What, now?”

“Yes Hermione, now!

“Does it say why? I hope nothing is wrong, quick Ron, get your Hogwarts trunk together, I’ll go and get Ginny, Fred and George can Apparate.”

Ron nodded and they both headed for the stairs.

Hermione had arrived at the Weasleys only last night, she always enjoyed staying with them before the start of new term at Hogwarts.

Finally Ron, Hermione and Ginny had their trunks packed and stood in front of the fireplace.

“We will meet you there guys” said Fred

“Yeah, just think we won’t have to go spinning in that stinky smoky cesspit.” said George.

Both the twins started laughing while Ron shot back a scorned frown.

“Look Ron, if it’s any consolation, we are going to be right in the troll house, we forgot about the Order meeting, Mum is going to muggle murder us I swear!” said George

Now it was Ron’s turn to laugh.

“You could have missed something really important, really you two, if you both had brains you’d be dangerous, more so than you are now.” shot Hermione.

Fred and George smiled at Hermione, as much as they detested her I told you so attitude, they couldn’t help but love her.

“Remind me to sneak a fizzy wobbler sweet in her drink later George will you.” said Fred as they both tried to conceal a laugh.

“Can’t you tell Mum we are both sick, tell her we made a concoction that didn’t work the way we wanted it to, she will understand.” said George

“Uh, No she won’t and anyway, I want to watch Mum muggle murder you.” said Ginny in a fit of giggles.

I don’t think we are going to get out of this one George, we will just have to give Mum the Weasley charm, hell knows Dad’s done it for long enough.” replied Fred.

“Well, we will see you there then.” said Hermione very matter-of-factly.

With that, Ron, Hermione and Ginny both chanted out loud in a clear voice, twelve Grimmauld place, holding their Floo powder, while the nauseating spinning motion swallowed them one by one.

Part 2

“Alas, I see here Harry your friends have arrived, in record timing too.” said Dumbledore, gesturing to the open fireplace in the large gloomy kitchen.

“Harry, oh Harry it’s so good to see you.” screeched Hermione, flinging her arms around Harry’s neck.

“Alright mate.” said Ron with a nod.

“Hey guys, missed me?” replied Harry in a mocking voice.

Ron smiled, “Don’t push it Potter.”

Fred and George had apparated only a few seconds earlier and were crouching in a far corner of the room.

“How delighted we are for you to join us, no need to hide, I know you’re here.” said Dumbledore in a calm manner.

Fred and George slowly stood up, they could see by their Mother’s face they were in severe trouble, she was burning an aubergine purple.

“If you both wish to be apart of this order, I suggest you take it more seriously, I’m sure you have a very good reason for your tardiness, but one right now I do not wish to hear, do you understand me Fred? George?” said Dumbledore, his tone full of authority.

The twins both started shaking their heads, with a sincere apologetic expression across their faces.

“Very well, do not let it happen again.” said Dumbledore.

“What was the rush Professor, why are we here?” said Hermione, looking admiringly at the order, she was feeling overwhelmed that they felt she so significant to be at what obviously looked like an important meeting for the Order.

Dumbledore looked at Harry, Hermione looked at Dumbledore then at Harry, Ron looked at Hermione, Ginny looked at Ron and the twins looked mighty confused.

“Uh, well, the Order has come to the conclusion that I need to start my training.” said Harry

“Training, oh I see, for Voldemort and his followers.” replied Hermione.

There were a few gasps in the room, Ron was one of them. Snape’s expression changed from being disgusted at their presence to being plain angry at her simple expression of the dark lords name, as if it were someone she knew personally.

“Well that’s good, Merlin knows we need it, does this mean sir that we can continue with the D.A? Because I rather enjoyed that.” said Ron

Dumbledore smiled, his blue eyes lit up like the rising sun in the morning, remembering the D.A. and that it stood for Dumbledore’s Army.

“Ah, yes, the D.A, how could I forget? Well Ron, I don’t think that would be a problem, but I would prefer it if there was a teacher in your presence when these extra lessons are conducted, and I must advise you that they are to be taken in your own time and not be allowed to interfere with your school academics.”

Harry looked a little deflated by this, he thought silently to himself over and over again, please not Snape, please don’t let it be Snape.

“Professor, I imagine all of the teachers are very busy, Harry is a wonderful tutor, and nobody got hurt last time.” Said Hermione, she felt very brave but a little shameful at questioning Dumbledore’s moral principles.

“That is very true Miss Granger, however I would feel more comfortable if you had assistance, I will appoint someone for you who I feel would be sufficient.”

Everyone went silent, then a thought passed through Harry and he knew he could not steer away from the subject for any longer, he needed to prepare and he was determined to do whatever it was he had to.

“Professor, do you still want me to take occlumency lessons?”

Severus Snape shifted in his chair looking at Harry with a defensive frown, this pleased Harry.

“Ah yes Occlumency. Harry I thought I may teach you but with the extra security around the school at this time and my extra duties, unfortunately I cannot. Therefore I have appointed someone else to teach you. I warn you Harry, this person is powerful and so it may prove very difficult for you, but I know you will try your best.”

“Who is this wizard who will be teaching me, sir?” questioned Harry with an inquisitive brow.

Dumbledore paused and glanced towards the kitchen door entrance.

Harry turned and followed his stare. Standing there was a person that Harry had never met before, but instantly liked the look of.

“Not a wizard Harry, a witch, I would like you all to meet Karis Dumbledore, my Granddaughter.”
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Old 09-08-2006, 08:42 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Chapter 4 – The Introduction

Everyone turned and looked at Karis, with her beautiful long brown hair, big brown eyes and petite frame.

“I’m sorry I’m a little late, I didn’t get your message until half an hour ago Grandfather, Fawkes took a while finding me, I was in Germany.”

“Not a problem at all Karis, I am just very pleased you could make it, please, do come in and meet the rest of the Order.”

Dumbledore gestured with his hands and Karis walked forward with a kind smile for everyone in the crowded kitchen.

Harry kept staring at her, Karis Dumbledore, the Grand daughter of the most powerful sorcerer in the world, he knew immediately that being her student was going to be hard work, her aura alone bellowed power but she had an air about her that Harry could not explain, she really was stunning.

Karis shook everyone’s hand, and then something quite unexpected happened, Karis walked over and stood directly in-front of Professor Snape, she slowly leaned in closer and put her arms around him, and they stood there embracing for a short while.

Harry turned to Ron and noticed that his mouth was hanging wide open; he knew Ron was thinking the same thing as he was; what in merlins beard was this all about?

However; the strange thing was no-one else seemed to hold the same clueless expression as they did, but with the uncomfortable silence that followed within the crowded atmosphere, they finally parted.

“Well it really is great to be here, I wish it could have been sooner but I have been very busy in Germany, I have much news but firstly I want to meet my young apprentice.”

Karis turned and walked slowly towards Harry; with their eyes meeting he felt himself blush and they both exchanged a warm smile.

“Hello Harry. My Grandfather has told me much about you of course, I am pleased to be here at last, and as I understand it I will be tutoring you in Occlumency!”

“Uh, yes that’s correct, I didn’t know until recently but I’m looking forward to working with you Professor.”

“Bless you Harry, I like that but we can’t have two Professor Dumbledore’s now can we, please just call me Karis, but Professor Karis in the classroom, alright!”

Harry seemed a little taken aback with her down to earth attitude but nodded in agreement and carried it with a polite smile.

“I am looking forward to working with you too Harry, but I will not lie to you, it will be tough, I expect full dedication if we are to ascertain our goal, do you think you are prepared for that?”

Karis surveyed Harry sincerely, and he knew she was a true Dumbledore alright, she was very much like Albus in her manner; Harry held an instant respect for this young woman.

“I will do anything to make sure Lord Voldemort will never reign like before, I will do anything in my power. That I promise you!”

“That’s good to hear, maybe you won’t find it so hard after all, all I need is your dedication and hard-working enthusiasm and I believe you will succeed.” finished Karis, with a wink.

Harry’s heart started pounding, he crossed his arms hoping that nobody else in the room could hear the thundering walls of his chest trying to escape, she made him feel good about himself, special even, in the presence of Karis Dumbledore, he felt hope.

Part 2.

“Come on everyone, tuck in, there is plenty of food here, I think Kreacher has over ordered again.” said Molly Weasley

“Kreacher, you mean Kreacher is here?” retorted Harry, angrily

Tonks walked over to the table and put down a big bowl of mashed potato, she smiled at Harry gently “Yes, unfortunately he refuses to leave as he believes that he still serves Mrs Black by means of her portrait, if a house elf believes his mistress is still well and giving orders than his magic will not work, he will not let himself be free, and besides we cannot let him go anyway, he knows too much, he is a risk and must stay within these walls, an escape to Narcissa will be very dangerous for us and we cannot let that happen”.

“Can’t we just lock him away then or something?”

Hermione looked at Harry with a disapproving frown “Harry, it’s not Kreacher’s fault, he, well you know he needs help mentally.”

“Mentally, he needs a good kick up the backside if you ask me.” said Ron, in-between a full mouthful of mash potato and peas.

Harry glances across the table and notices that Karis is staring at him; he feels slightly uncomfortable and starts shifting in his chair.

From across the room they heard Ginny explode into a fit of giggles, Fred, George and Ginny were whispering and had total look of misdemeanour on their freckled faces.

“Oh No, what are they up to?” asked Ron, while secretly wanting to be apart of whatever clever prank or scheme they had up their robe sleeves.

“I have no idea, but they want to watch their step, the Order is not a place to be pulling pranks.” replied Hermione.

“You know what Hermione, I think it is, we all need a little lightening up, after all we have got a lot of hard work ahead of us, so it’s about time we had some fun!” interrupted Remus Lupin. “I have a lot of respect for Fred and George and what they have achieved, how they managed it Merlin only knows, but they are doing a wonderful job.”

Harry smiled and nodded “Spoken like a true marauder.”

Remus laughed at Harry’s statement

“You are right Harry, never too old to have fun, stay here a moment”.

Remus then departed from his seat and walked over to where Fred and George were congregated with Ginny, and within a minute they all seemed to be conversing together quietly.

Within minutes Remus came back to the dinner table and resumed his seat next to Harry, “I think I better sit back over here.”

“What is going on Remus?” asked Ron

“Ah, you’ll see.” he replied, all the while holding back a chortle.

“Harry, do you think Mum and Dad will ever find out how Fred and George managed to start Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes?”

“I don’t know, but I have a feeling they wouldn’t approve, that’s why I kept it quiet from them, they have done a lot for me and I wanted to show my gratitude and if it meant getting Fred and George out of your parents hair for a while then I knew I was doing something right”.

Ron and Hermione both started laughing

“You’re right, they do drive her up the wall, but I think she misses them a lot, they are always at the shop these days, what with Percy still being a total git even though he now realises we were right all along about Vol, uh, you know who, I think she misses having a full house.”

“Oh Ron, when are you going to start calling him by his name?” interrupted Hermione.

“OK then Mione, Tom Riddle, ha there you go!”

“Really, I thought you may have got over that by now.”

“You, Harry, Remus and Dumbledore are the only one’s who do, I just don’t feel comfortable speaking the name of the dark lord.”

Harry patted his friend on the shoulder, “It’s OK mate, no-one expects you to, but Hermione is right, if we are to defeat him you have got to get over it, as much as I wish it were different, we are all in this together.”

Ron looked a little deflated, but he knew they were both right; after all it’s just a name. As for Harry, Ron knew more than anything that his friend would do this on his own if he could, not wanting them to get hurt.

All at once there was a scream of laughter and a loud crash.

Harry rolled his eyes “What’s Tonks gone and done now has she” but he stopped in mid sentence and his eyes and face lit up like Christmas had just come early.

Professor Severus Snape was wobbling all over the kitchen, his legs had been turned to jelly, he had a look of horror spread across his eagle like face and his greasy black hair was hanging over his eyes, the crash was Snape falling into a plate stand, as shards of porcelain scattered all over the floor.

Fred and George were in hysterics, Harry could not help but join in, Hermione had a smirk across her face yet something told him she did not agree with their antics, Ron was bright red in the cheeks from laughing so hard, it made his hair look like it was on fire.

“Yes, Yes, very good Fred, George, another successful concoction I see.” said Dumbledore, his eyes twinkling.

Snape flashed dangerous eyes at Dumbledore, he was completely dumbfounded, he felt the least he could do was reprimand Fred and George for their defiance in the presence of the Order.

“That is our new Fizzy Wobbler, congratulations you are the first to try it Professor Snape, how do you feel to have the Weasley tester privilege?” asked Fred

“Yeah, we normally charge for that.” said George

“Privilege, you pretentious jumped up immature brats, how dare you.” shouted Snape.

“Now Now Severus, it was after all just a prank, surely you did them when you were young.” said Karis Dumbledore, her large dark clear brown eyes mocking Snape.

Snape looked at her with surprise.

“Well No, I didn’t actually; I had better things to do with my time.”

Ron leant over to Harry and whispered, “Yeah, like becoming a death eater.” Harry nodded.

“That will teach Snivellus to bad mouth my best friend.” said Remus Lupin to Harry so only he could hear.

Harry’s heart leapt slightly, he always felt that Remus had a lot of time and love for Harry, but he felt it most from him right then in that single sentence.

“How did you do it Remus?” enquired Harry

“I snuck the sweet in his butterbeer when he wasn’t looking.”

“Excellent, well you proved yourself tonight; you will always be a true Marauder.”

“Well thank you Harry.”

“Oh boy, there is going to be serious trouble, Mum doesn’t look too happy.” said Ginny

Ron and Ginny both stopped laughing immediately as Molly Weasley’s face resembled something of uncle Vernon, she was burning purple and for a moment Harry thought she may explode.

Arthur Weasley intervened, seeing his wife about to have a nervous breakdown, he thought it best to calm the situation, “Ok, show’s over, I think that’s enough for today boys, I have got to get going, got plenty of work to do back at the Ministry, there have been more raids then ever in past weeks, what with recent events, the ministry is on full security alert.”

“I understand, you must all go stand your posts, Kingsley, Tonks, Moody, keep me owled, any progression let me know immediately; if you can’t get me, advise Karis.” said Dumbledore

Karis approached Albus and the rest of the group slowly, smiling brightly “Yes, I will be staying at Hogwarts permanently from tonight, I also forgot to tell you all, I’m the new defence against the dark arts teacher”.

Harry, Ron and Hermione turned abruptly to look at her, they all felt very relieved, Harry more so, he couldn’t stop himself, he let out a big smile, Karis turned to look at the trio, and smiled back at them all, Harry blushed slightly and quickly put his head down. However It took a few seconds for Harry to realise he was being watched, by no other than a scowling Professor Severus Snape.
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Old 09-08-2006, 08:46 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Chapter 5 – Settling in

The majority of the Order had left 12 Grimmauld Place; all that remained was Harry, Ron, Hermione, Molly Weasley, Ginny, and Remus Lupin.

Molly was tidying up in the kitchen when she motioned towards them.

“Now come along dears, it is time for you to unpack your things, and before you go to your rooms, take these with you, Professor Dumbledore brought them along personally this evening, they are your Hogwarts supply lists and I was thinking that maybe tomorrow we could take a trip to Diagon Alley, I’m sure we could all do with the fresh air, is that alright with you Harry?”

Harry looked up at Molly, he could tell she was trying to keep his mind away from what happened at the end of last term, he smiled politely at her and couldn’t help but notice how much older she was looking, she looked tired.

“Yes, that’s fine.”

“Very good, well up you go now, me and Remus will get things tidied up down here.”

Molly gave each of them a big hug and kissed them on the cheek. “Have a restful night’s sleep and we will visit Diagon Alley after breakfast.”

Remus took hold of Harry by the shoulders and pulled him to one side.

“I’m staying here Harry, I hope you don’t mind but Professor Dumbledore assured me it was alright, I know it must be hard for you but I want you to know that I am here when you need me, we have plenty of time to talk things through, but you hold in there mate alright!”

“Thanks Remus, but I will be OK, Sirius wouldn’t have wanted me to mope around, I have done that since the end of term, I now know what I have to do, I can’t let him down.”

“You could never let him down, he was proud of you Harry, like we all are.”

Harry tried to fight back a tear; Remus felt he may have been too forthcoming and released his shoulders. “Now you lot go upstairs to bed, get plenty of rest as it will be a big day tomorrow.”

“Goodnight to you all”

Many goodnights and sweet dreams were exchanged as the four of them exited the kitchen.

Harry, Ron Hermione and Ginny slowly dragged their heavy trunks up the stairs, Harry opened the bedroom door to Sirius’ old room, a flood of emotion took its hold and a small gasp escaped from his throat. “Get yourself together Harry, he would not have wanted this.” he said quietly to himself.

Harry walked over to the low single bed where Sirius once lay and put down his trunk, after a few minutes he heard footsteps come from behind him, they entered the room.

Ron and Hermione both walked towards him, Hermione put a gentle hand on Harry’s shoulder while giving him an apologetic yet friendly smile.

Ron looked a little awkward, “You all right Harry?” asked Ron while fidgeting with his hands in his trouser pockets.

Yes, I’m fine, it’s just a little weird being here without him, but I have to get used to it, I have to keep a clear head right now.”

“You know we are always here if you need to talk.” said Hermione

“Thanks, but I’m fine, really.”

They thought it best to change the subject; Harry gestured for the both of them to sit on the bed.

“Did you see Snape’s face when he was wobbling all over the kitchen, it was bloody hilarious.” said a very excited Ron

Harry started laughing, “Please remind me to thank Fred and George when we next see them.”

“You do realise Snape saw us laughing, he is going to make our lives hell at Hogwarts this year, I really wish Fred and George didn’t do that to Snape, even though I admit it was rather amusing.”

“Could have been worse Mione, could have been one of us.” chuckled Ron

Hermione giggled “Well, yes that’s true.”

“Talking of Snape, what in the world’s name was that all about with him and Karis hugging like that, you don’t think they are together do you? What would she ever see in that slimy old git anyway?” said Ron

“I don’t know, but I have a feeling Harry will try and find out.” Hermione replied

“Why do you say that?” asked Harry

“Because I saw the way you looked at her, Snape noticed too, you have to be careful Harry, Dumbledore would not allow his Granddaughter to join the Order unless he had a very good reason, something big is coming and the Order knows it, Karis would have been last on his list to be here, think about it.”

“Hermione is right Harry, and after all we still don’t know why Snape is in the Order in the first place, what could he have done so important that Dumbledore trusts him, it’s a question that still hasn’t been answered, why are they protecting him?”

“I don’t know Ron, I will find out, I have to, maybe something will come up in occlumency I don’t know, but either way I will find the answer, and as for Karis, yes she’s nice but she is Dumbledore’s Grand daughter and maybe a little too old for me anyway and besides, after what happened with Cho, women are the last thing on my mind right now.”

Hermione burst out laughing, “Harry, you’re sixteen years old, don’t tell me women are the last thing on your mind, and you as well Ron for that matter because I know you both too well.”

Ron raised his eyebrows “I have no idea what you’re talking about Mione.”

“Oh you have no idea what I am talking about, well OK then, what about the letters you and Loony Luna Lovegood have been sending each-other over the holidays?”

“You have been going through my stuff!” shot Ron, looking very agitated and turning a deep shade of rose.

“No, actually Ginny told me.”

“I’m going to kill that sister of mine. Anyway nothing is going on with me and Luna, nothing at all, in fact she kept talking about Harry.”

Harry turned to Ron. “She’s been talking about me? What has she been saying?”

“Well she asked if you and Cho were really over and she kept going on about the DA, oh and how she wants to thank you for making the Quibbler so popular again after your exclusive interview. She kept saying how her Father is so elated because he was making Galleons, and that he may start another side project.”

“What, like how to find the abonable snowman?” shot Hermione

Ron chuckled, Harry rolled his eyes.

“That’s good, I’m pleased for her family, I like Luna, and she really helped us in the Department of Mysteries.

“You really like Loony Lovegood?” asked Hermione, quite incredulously.

“Don’t call her that, she’s not Loony, she’s just different, she feels like an outsider and I know that because she told me, it’s not her fault, and in ways I can relate to that.”

“Oh my, Harry and Luna, Malfoy would have a field day winding you up about that one.” said Ron.

Harry frowned, his eyes narrowed “Malfoy, wonder how his summer holiday break has been now his Death eater of a Father is behind Azkaban bars, I hope Lucius rots.”

“I just hope they stay behind bars Harry, now the Dementors have regained their position behind Voldemort, I don’t know how long Azkaban will remain standing, he is going to want to release his Death Eaters, more the merrier in his little reign of terror.” said Hermione

Ron piped up “The Order are working hard along with the Ministry of Magic, Fudge has many aurors on different shifts covering the prison. I heard Mum and Dad talking about it the other night, they thought I was asleep but instead I borrowed some of Fred and George’s extendable ears.”

“When Azkaban is targeted, I guess that is when we will really know.” said Hermione

Ron looked confused. “Know what?”

Harry knew what she meant and answered on her behalf. “That the war has started.”

“I thought the war was already here.” said Ron

“No it isn’t, if you think this is war now, you haven’t seen anything yet.” replied Harry.

They sat in uncomfortable silence for a short while, Hermione decided to break it.

“Anyway boys, I’m off to bed, I will be next door with Ginny, I will see you both at breakfast. Ron are you staying in here?”

Ron gave Harry a questioning look, Harry looked down at his feet.

“No, I will be in the other room where I used to share with Fred and George, I think Harry would like to be alone in here tonight.”

Harry gave Ron a thankful expression. “Goodnight, see you both in the morning.”

“Goodnight Harry” and they both left the room.

Harry lay down on his back and stared up at the ceiling, he was pleased he was alone in Sirius’ room, but he felt sad and there was a bitter emptiness in the pit of his stomach. “Why did you have to leave me Sirius?” he said aloud, hoping he would get an answer, but none


Slowly after three agonising hours of tossing and turning, Harry finally drifted off to sleep.
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Old 09-08-2006, 08:56 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Chapter 6 – Diagon Alley

“WAKE UP, WAKE UP” shouted Molly Weasley “BREAKFAST IS READY”

Harry slowly opened his eyes, it took him a few seconds to realise where he was. He strolled over to the mirror which was hanging on the wall by the bedroom door.

“Bloody hair” he mumbled under his breath, all the while trying to flatten it with his hand. He opened his eyes wide and looked closer at his tired reflection. Faint tear streaks had marked his handsome face; his eyes were slightly blood shot. Harry bowed his head and clenched his fists, for a moment he wanted to punch the mirror in front of him.

NO, I will not let this beat me, stay focused. He thought to himself.

Slowly he started to get dressed, when Ginny came running in through the door. “Harry, Mum says Hurry up we have to leave in, Oh my, sorry Harry.” Ginny put her head down; she was blushing a violent red, luckily for Ginny, Harry had quickly turned his back to her upon her entrance.

“Uh, don’t worry; tell your Mum I will be down in two minutes.”

“OK, see you soon” said Ginny trying desperately not to stutter, awkwardly she left his room.

Harry smiled to himself, poor Ginny he thought, he could see she was so embarrassed walking in on him with little to no clothes on.

Ginny shut the door to Harry’s room and took a deep breath.

I cannot believe I just did that, she thought to herself, her face still burning from the incident. She smiled, not sure whether it was out of embarrassment or the fact she thought he looked rather good, “Get that out of your mind Ginny Weasley, he’s practically family.” she silently whispered to herself while shaking her head as if to rid her mind of thoughts.

Standing up straight and tall, she started to descend the stairs.

Harry entered the kitchen shortly after; sitting at the table was Molly, Ron, Hermione, Ginny and Remus, along with a new visitor, Mad Eye Moody.

“Morning.” Harry mumbled.

“Oh Good Morning dear, sleep well?” asked Molly, surveying him closely.

“Not too bad, took a while to dose off but I got there in the end.”

Ron spoke up “Yeah me too, need a new mattress, all lumpy that one, its years old I bet.”

“Yeah my back hurts a little this morning and my neck.” said Hermione

Mad Eye looked at them “Listen to you three rattling on, anyone would think you were older than I am.

Remus laughed “Yes, I must admit though Alastair, them beds are getting old now, maybe it is time to start tidying this place up, get new things in, make it cheerier, what do you think?” He aimed his question towards Harry.

“Sounds good to me, just don’t touch my room OK, I like it the way it is.” replied Harry

Ron and Hermione looked at Remus, they knew what he meant, his room was Sirius’ old room, and he didn’t want anything changed.

“Very well.” he replied, putting his head down and finally admitting to himself that Harry was taking Sirius’ death harder then he was letting on.

Molly clapped her hands “Right now, come on eat your breakfast, sausages, bacon and eggs today, would you like some bread with that any of you?”

A few yes pleases were mumbled across the table, Harry on the other hand didn’t want anymore, he felt he may struggle with the large portion of food that Molly had already ladled onto his plate.

“Can we go and visit Fred and George in Diagon Alley Mum?” asked Ginny

“No, not today Ginny, I do not want to see those boys for a while, not after what they did last night to poor Professor Snape.”

“Oh come on Molly, it was only abit of fun.” Interrupted Remus.

“It may have been funny for the rest of you but Professor Snape is a member of the Order and last night was a very important meeting, they embarrassed me and Arthur. I have no idea where we went wrong with those two!”

Mad eye Moody started whistling, he had a smirk across his face “I must say, Severus didn’t seem too happy about it; he would never make a good ballet dancer would he.”

“Oh I don’t know Alastor; I think he would look good in a pink frilly tutu and white ballet shoes.” Laughed Remus.

A loud eruption of laughter filled the kitchen in Grimmauld Place, everyone found it funny except for Molly; she shot them all a look of disgust, and carried on cleaning the dishes.

Finally everyone had finished their Breakfast.

“Right, well I think it best that you use the Floo network to get to Diagon Alley.” said Mad Eye Moody.

“Do you think it will be safe using the network from Grimmauld Place Alastair?!” replied Molly Weasley.

“Oh yes, Dumbledore has cloaked the system, keeping our fireplace safe, he felt it wise after what happened last term” Moody looked at Harry.

Harry knew straight away what he was implying, now that they could use the network meant Harry could arrive and leave as he pleased, no more complications, and no more deceit from Kreacher!

“Right then, lets go!” said Molly

Lupin approached forward “I will not be going, I am feeling very tired, but you all please go ahead, get your supplies and I will meet you back here later on.”

“But you must come” replied Harry, “I’m sure the fresh air will do you some good.”

“No Harry, I think I will have a lay down, I will see you later.”

Harry looked disappointed but understood, Remus needed his rest, after all, he knew that it would be a full moon that night and he would have to leave for the Shrieking Shack later that afternoon.

“Now grab your floo powder. Harry you go first” said Molly.

Ron smiled and nudged Harry “Make sure you end up in the right place this time Harry, no sneaking off down Knockturn Alley.”

“I’ll try my best” replied Harry sarcastically.

Harry stepped into the fireplace and shouted “DIAGON ALLEY.” and with a puff of green smoke, he was gone.

Part 2

Safely Harry arrived at Diagon Alley, in the fireplace of no other than Fred and George’s shop.

“Harry, welcome to Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes, have a nice trip?” asked Fred

“What am I doing here? I thought I would arrive in the Leaky Cauldron, isn’t that the normal meeting place?”

“Yeah, but Dumbledore thought it safer to arrive in our shop, being we are apart of you know what.” replied George with a wink.

Harry smiled and continued “I don’t think your Mum is going to be too happy, you really upset her last night, but I just want to say Thank you!”

“No probs Harry mate, Snape is a slimeball, plus he always gave us a hard time in potions, even though we were probably the best in the class.” said George.

Fred smirked “Yeah, I think he is gutted that we finally made it out on our own, we are making a packet in here, all those lovely gold galleons, and we have you to thank for that Harry, so whatever you need, you just let us know.”

“Thanks, I will bear that in mind.”

There was a commotion at the fireplace, finally the others had arrived.

“What in Merlins name am I doing here? I want a word with the pair of you!” Cried Molly.

Fred and George gulped. “Hello Mum, how corking to see you, as always.” said Fred.

“Don’t give me that, your actions last night were inexcusable, you embarrassed me and your Father, don’t you ever do anything like that again. You disgraced our name and you are never too old for me to give you an ear-bashing!” she was waving her finger while her vocal tone was hitting a high pitch.

“Sorry Mum, but we had to try it out on someone.” said George, trying desperately hard to hide his amusement.

“Yes, but not on a bloody Professor of Hogwarts and a valuable member of the or.” Fred quickly held his hand up, “Mum, not here, remember!.”

“Ah, yes, I lost myself for a minute. All I am saying is don’t ever do anything like that again.”

With that Molly grabbed hold of Ginny and Ron, and beckoned to Hermione and Harry that it was time to leave and finally fulfil their supply lists.

Molly and Ginny walked in front by about 5 yards, while Harry, Hermione and Ron tagged along behind.

“Did you see the look on Fred and George’s face when Mum started having a go at them. They have always had a knack of getting in trouble, always makes me laugh though.”

Hermione smirked “Oh, and you haven’t got the knack Ronald Weasley?”

“Well if you put it like that Hermione, I guess it runs in the blood.”

“Either that or I am a bad influence on the pair of you.” replied Harry.

““I wouldn’t say that Harry”, continued Hermione, “I think we are all as bad as each other.”

“Harry look.” said Ron pointing “It’s the new firebolt elite, WOW, can you imagine the look on the Slytherin’s faces if the whole Gryffindor team had one of those.

“Yeah, it is a beauty. Have you read this? It says here it can reach speeds of over 120 miles per hour.”

“Bloody hell Harry, that’s faster than the original firebolt.”

“Yeah I know, but I love my one, I wouldn’t change it for the world. Did I tell you, that stupid bag Umbridge has scratched the handle.”

“Yeah, old cow. Well at least we haven’t got to put up with her again. Did you ever find out what the Centaurs done with her?”

“I was hoping they would have eaten her.”

Hermione laughed “Centaurs don’t eat humans.”

“Oh, so what do they do then brainbox?” Mocked Ron

Hermione threw him a frown “Well I don’t know exactly, but they scared the daylights out of her, did you see her in the Hospital Wing afterwards, she didn’t seem to be the same Umbridge, put it that way!”

The trio were still looking at the broomstick when a cold voice came from behind them.

“Look at this, Potter and his minions come to admire the new Firebolt Elite. Don’t know what your looking at Weasley, your family would have to starve for a year to able to afford one of those.”

“Malfoy.” said Hermione, with disgust as if it were a curse word.

“Yes Granger, didn’t think you wouldn’t ever see me again did you?”

“I was more hoping instead of thinking Draco.”

“Umm, yes, well a filthy little mudblood like you never did have any taste.”

Harry narrowed his eyes and stared Draco straight in the face.

“Draco, how is your Father, I hope he’s not rotting too quickly in Azkaban, I would like him to suffer for a little longer.” Harry smirked

Draco looked shocked. Harry sounded so cold.

Hermione and Ron looked at Harry incredulously.

“Don’t you ever speak about my Father in that way, he will be out soon, you’ll see.”

“I don’t doubt it Draco, in-fact I can’t wait until he escapes, so I can put him away again.”

Draco’s face turned to stone, his anger was rising and all at once he reached out and punched Harry squarely in the face, knocking off his glasses.

Harry stood tall and looked Draco in the eye. Blood started to trickle slowly from his nose to his upper lip; Harry licked the blood with his tongue and shot a cold smile.

“Is that the best you can do Draco, my aunt hits me harder than that. I never thought you would use a muggle form of violence, being so against the muggle world and all.

“I will kill you Potter, you and your mudblood girlfriend and this pathetic red haired loser, just wait and see.

“I will be waiting, and I will be ready, pass that message on to your pals, especially the ones of your Father!”

Draco quickly and abruptly turned and walked away.

Hermione poked Harry in the arm. “Are you mad Harry, look at you, your bleeding.”

“Don’t fuss Hermione, it’s just a nose bleed, besides I let him have that, but never again, that’s the closest Draco will ever get to hurting any of us, I promise you that.”

Harry, Ron and Hermione exchanged a look between them, one that they had used on numerous occasions, generally when they were in trouble or up to no good. It was the look of understanding.

“Come on, we better get our supply of books.” said Hermione, and with that, they slowly made their way to Flourish and Blotts.
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Old 09-08-2006, 09:04 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Kelly i forgot how good your writing was. I cant wait to read more.


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Old 09-08-2006, 09:11 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Kazters
Kelly i forgot how good your writing was. I cant wait to read more.

*Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee* Hiya hun, thank you for your comment, and your wish is my command. I have the whole story to post! lol I could be here all night.
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Old 09-08-2006, 09:17 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Chapter 7 – The First Warning

Stacked up with books and new ingredients for the up and coming new term at Hogwarts, the trio finally decided that it was time to go back to Grimmauld Place.

The sun was shining and with the temperature rising, Diagon Alley was bustling with shoppers. From the top of the hill all you could see was bundles of colours from different cloaks and hats.

Hermione looked around; she set eyes on a small child, no more than 4 years old with her family.

“Wow, I don’t think I have ever seen Diagon Alley this busy before.” said Hermione

“Yeah I know, maybe because it’s the new term soon, everyone like us is stocking up on their supplies.” replied Ron

Harry looked around him, “Yeah, your right, well I think a well deserved ice cream sunday at Fortescue’s is in order.”

“Ah, mate, you read my mind.” said Ron while patting Harry on the back. “I’m having the triple.”

“Ron, you always have the triple.” said Hermione while rolling her eyes. “I seriously don’t know where you put it.”

Slowly they walked up the hill towards Fortescue’s when they heard shouting.

“HARRY, RON, HERMIONE, WAIT UP!” running up the hill towards them was the unmistakeable physic of Neville and tagging along behind was Luna Lovegood.

Neville was out of breath; Luna was very pink and flustered in the face.

“Hey Neville, Luna.” said Harry with a nod.

“Am I glad to see you three.” said Neville with a sigh of relief. “I’ve just seen Draco with Crabbe and Goyle, they tried starting a fight with me and Luna. Draco didn’t look too happy.”

“Neville, Draco is never happy.” said Hermione “Are you alright? You seem very flustered.”

Luna spoke before Neville could answer “I myself just ignored them, people like Draco Malfoy will get his comeuppance one day, my Father always says that about mean people.”

“Well, your Father does talk sense sometimes then Luna.” replied a mocking Ron. However Hermione nudged Ron in the side.

“Ouch, watch it”. He said turning to look at her, eyes wide, Hermione looked at him menacingly, “Ron, don’t be rude.”

“You’re a fine one to talk; you call her Loony all the time.”

“That’s not the point, and I only say it to you and Harry, not to anyone else, it’s not very nice.”

“Uh, you wanna both join us for an ice-cream?” Harry gestured to Luna and Neville.

“Oh, I would love to.” replied an overjoyed Luna. Neville nodded in agreement and they all entered Fortescue’s together.

Ron ordered the biggest triple Ice-cream Sunday they had on the menu, when the waitress bought it over to the table, it was bigger than his head!”

Hermione laughed at the enormous mound. “Ron, you are such a pig.”

“No, I am a growing young man Hermione.”

Harry grunted “Don’t worry Hermione, I’ll share one with you, I can’t eat a whole one like freckles over there either.”

“Oi, Potter.” joked Ron.

“I like your freckles Ron.” said Luna, with a dreamy expression clouded over her face.

Harry and Hermione turned their heads away, looking sideways near the window, so as not to show their amused expressions; they tried with all their might not to burst out laughing.

Ron started blushing and expressed a silly grin across his face to try and hide his embarrassment but it just made him look guiltier.

Luna continued staring at Ron then said. “Thank you for your letters over the holidays, I really enjoyed reading them. I don’t get many letters from friends, maybe because I don’t actually have any. It was mad last term wasn’t it, what we did at the Department of Mysteries.”

“SHHHHH” shouted Harry and Hermione. “Will you keep your voice down!” Harry looked at Luna and Neville, and then spoke.

“Look, what happened last term we have to keep to ourselves, no-one and I mean no-one must know what we did. We were stupid, we could have been killed.” Harry put his head down briefly but slowly regained his composure. “Someone I care about dearly died because I was irresponsible.”

“Harry, no you wasn’t, it was not your fault. How were you to know Kreacher was lying.” interrupted Hermione, with her face full of determination.

Neville shifted in his chair, he wanted to speak up, but didn’t know what or how to say it.

He started stuttering, everyone at the table looked at Neville, awaiting his words patiently.

Finally he spoke. “I just want to say Harry how sorry I am about what happened and well…… I……... just wanted to thank you for…. um…. saving my life.”

All was silent for a few seconds, then Luna butted in. “Yeah, me too. I want to continue doing the DA, Harry if it wasn’t for you I would have never got out of there alive.”

Harry looked up at them. “I don’t deserve this; it wasn’t me that saved your lives. I put you in that dangerous situation in the first place, if it wasn’t for the Order, we would all be dead”. retorted Harry, in a faint whisper.

“I disagree Harry, I am proud of what we did, and if we can just continue with the DA then maybe we have a shot at winning this thing that’s heading for us all.” said Neville

Everyone looked at Neville. Harry couldn’t help but think how much he has changed in the last year. Grown up and matured into a brave young man that only 3 years ago would have been extremely hard to envision.

The waitress arrived with the rest of the ice-cream orders; they all sat in silence for a few minutes devouring the mouth watering combinations of the best ice-cream in town.

Part 2

Harry got up from the table and looked at Neville and Luna. “We have to go now, but I guess we will see you on the train to Hogwarts, if you want, we’ll save you both a seat.”

Luna looked out of the window, her expression changed from dreamy and vague to totally horrified.

Harry remembered that look of hers; she had it at the Department of Mysteries. Very slowly he asked her what was the matter, but before she could answer Hermione screamed out.


Out in the street there were roughly 20 men in black masks and long black cloaks coming towards them.

“Deatheaters.” cried Luna

Diagon Alley erupted into sheer panic, women were screaming for their children. Husbands were screaming for their wives. Baskets and bags of mixed potions and ingredients were scattered in the street. Glass could be heard shattering in the close distance.

“Oh no” was all that escaped from Harry’s lips

“Where are Ginny and my Mum?” asked Ron frantically.

“Ron, they might have gone back to Grimmauld Place. We have to get to Fred and George’s shop immediately.

“Yes, but how on earth are we going to get through that lot? “

AAHHHHH” Harry screamed. He was holding his scar, it was searing in pain. He fell to the floor, his body was shaking violently.

“HARRY” Hermione screamed. “Harry you have to fight him, close your mind Harry, please, close your mind.”

“Harry, listen to Hermione, you have to.” panicked Ron

Hermione was in tears, Ron was shaking. Luna and Neville just stood there feeling totally helpless.

Slowly after a minute or two, Harry regained himself and with help from Neville, finally got to his feet.

Hermione grabbed hold of Harry and hugged him tight “Harry are you alright? What happened?”

“Voldemort is Happy, he didn’t enter my mind, just to show me he is happy about something. It’s never hurt like that before with just an emotion, only when he enters my mind completely.” Harry was rubbing his forehead.

“It means he is getting stronger.” said Hermione

“Oh No.” mumbled Ron

This was all for your benefit Harry. Look they are leaving Diagon Alley.” Hermione was pointing to the now dark cloaked figures in the distance.

“You’re right, this is a warning, it means the war has started or at least is close. We have to get back to Grimmauld Place immediately, I have a very big suspicion Azkaban will not be standing for much longer.”

Ron’s face suddenly overcame with a look of shock.

“But my Dad. Harry my Dad is on watch tonight.”

Hermione shot Harry a look of dread “We have got to find Professor Dumbledore and Karis immediately.” she cried.

“But they are at Hogwarts” replied Ron

Harry stood up tall and looked intently at his friends. Ron, Hermione, Luna and Neville watched him in anticipation, they wanted direction and they looked at him for it.

Harry thought for a few seconds then finally spoke.

“Forget about that seat reservation for the train Neville.“ Harry then looked to them all. “Pick up your things; we are leaving for Hogwarts immediately.”
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Old 09-08-2006, 09:27 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Chapter 8 – Hogwarts

“You lot wait here, I have to try and get us clearance, give me just a few minutes.” said Harry

“But Harry wait” said Hermione grabbing him by the arm “How are you going to do that? Nobody is allowed entrance into Hogwarts before the start of term, it’s completely empty.”

“It’s not empty Hermione, Dumbledore is there, along with the rest of the Professors, they live in house.”

“Well, we can’t exactly ride our brooms there can we Harry!” replied Ron

“OK, come with me, I was going to send an Owl to Dumbledore but I think there may be an easier way. “

Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville and Luna ran off down the hill towards Weasley Wizard Wheezes.

There were small crowds of witches and wizards, congregated in alleyways and shop doorways, many were muttering to their family members and friends about what took place only ten minutes ago in peaceful Diagon Alley. Some were shaking their heads in disbelief; others were trying to deny it as if it were just a prank by some children, trying to blank it out of their mind, if by doing so, it never happened and the stories of the imminent war will never materialise.

“Don’t you think it would be better to go to Grimmauld Place first Harry?” said Hermione sharply.

“No Hermione, no-one will be there, Remus would have left for the shrieking shack by now, the Order will be standing post and Karis and Dumbledore will be awaiting news at Hogwarts, it will be a waste of a trip.”

“But at least we can get our things.”

“No, we can get them later, we all have our wands, that is all we need right now.”

Finally they got to Fred and George’s joke sweet shop and entered quickly.

“HELLO” shouted Harry

“FRED? GEORGE?” bellowed Ron

“There not here, they must have left.” said Hermione

“Maybe they disapparated to the Ministry to warn Fudge and the others?” replied Ron

Harry knelt down in front of the fireplace and grabbed a handful of floo powder and tossed it in. He said in a loud clear voice “Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Headmaster’s office.”

Harry’s head was spinning; all he could see were green fuzzy circles in front of his eyes, making him feel very nauseated.

Suddenly he was looking directly into Professor Dumbledore’s office.


There was silence for a few seconds, and then Harry noticed the bottom of a long purple crushed velvet gown.

“Harry, I was expecting you. Please come through, bring the others.”

Harry was taken aback for a few seconds; he didn’t expect to hear Karis’ voice at the other end.

“OK, give me a couple of minutes.”

Harry then released his head from the fireplace and was immediately back in the shop.

“Come on, we have to go, we have access to Hogwarts but I don’t know how long the fireplace will stay open for. I will go first, you follow behind.” Harry said to the others.

One by one they entered the fireplace with their floo powder, and were endured again to the unpleasant experience of Floo travel.

Part 2

Black smoke puffed from the fireplace into the warm comfortable air of Professor Dumbledore’s office.

Harry felt at ease, the smell was so familiar. He never noticed it before, but as soon as he fell out of the fireplace, he felt like he had just arrived home.

“Harry, I am so pleased you are alright” said Karis holding him gently by the shoulders. “I heard what happened. Fred and George managed to disapparate, they went to Grimmauld Place first, but it was empty so they went to the Ministry. Cornelius Fudge sent immediate word. I was going to go with Albus but I knew you would be in contact.”

Harry looked surprised “How did you know?”

“Well Molly said last night that you will be going to Diagon Alley today to fulfil your requirements for the new term, when we heard about the attack I knew straight away you would all be there, so I waited here.”

“What is happening Karis?” asked Hermione with panic in her voice. “Has the war started? Has Voldemort got all his followers now? Is Azkaban no longer safe?” Hermione shot question after question.

“Hermione, slow down a little bit, I still don’t know for sure what the point of the visit to Diagon Alley was all about, I think it was a warning though.”

“What kind of warning?” asked Ron

“I have a feeling it was a ‘BE PREPARED’ one. I can’t think of another reason he would summon his remaining Deatheaters to parade themselves in broad daylight in the busiest street in London.”

Luna looked at Karis for what seemed like the first time since their arrival. “Who are you?” asked Luna

“Oh yes, I haven’t met you yet have I, but I have a faint suspicion you may be Luna, am I correct?”

Luna looked impressed and replied with a vague smile and a nod.

“You must be Neville.” said Karis, looking at Neville with a beaming smile.

“Uh, Yes, I am Neville Longbottom.” he held out his hand and Karis shook it gently.

“Well it’s nice to meet you both, and to see that you are all safe.”

Karis slowly walked around the table to her Grandfathers chair.

“You used good initiative coming here tonight, but right now I insist that you contact your families to let them know that you are alright, and then I will ask the house elves to prepare dinner. My Grandfather will be back shortly. But for now go to the Owlery and get letters to your loved ones immediately. Oh and just to let you know, on your way back up, the password through the entrance is Fizzy Wobbler.” Karis winked at Ron.

Ron and Hermione both suppressed a laugh.

Karis then turned to Harry “Except you Harry, you can stay here with me; I want to talk to you about something.”

Ron looked at Harry with his questionable what the hell is all that about? look, Harry shrugged his shoulders and slowly Ron, Hermione, Neville and Luna left the office and made their way slowly up to the Owlery.

Part 3

“Harry, please sit down.” Karis held out her hand and motioned him towards the seat opposite.

Slowly she surveyed Harry with a kind and gentle expression, Harry felt butterflies in his stomach.

“What happened Harry?”

“Well, we were eating ice-cream and then Luna and Hermione saw the Deatheaters coming down the street. People started to panic, things were being broken in the chaos….”

Karis was shaking her head at him and he stopped talking.

“Harry, I know what happened in Diagon Alley, I meant what happened to you? What did he say?”

“Oh, sorry. Well he didn’t say anything.”

“But your scar hurt?”

“Yes, it hurt but I just had the impression he was happy about something. I also pick up on his emotions sometimes, normally if he is really happy or angry.”

“I see.” Karis said while nodding her head, drinking in every word.

Karis continued “He is getting stronger, his legilimens skills are very powerful, this is why we really need to start your training soon. I will make arrangements.”

Harry looked up at her “Does this mean I will have to stay here until the start of term?”

“I would like that to be the case; it is however against the school rules. I will be breaking them already in my first term, but I guess I could persuade my Grand Father, if that is what you want of course?”

“Are you kidding, having the whole of Hogwarts to ourselves, that would be amazing.”

“It won’t be a walk in the park Harry, we will be practising Occlumency every day, you will be tired and drained and will probably have to take a few migraine potions from Madame Pomfrey, but I promise I will help you all I can, but I will need you to help me achieve that also.”

“I understand and I also know it is a case of having to learn legilimens, I don’t have a choice, because he cannot know about the Order or Grimmauld Place.”

“That’s right Harry, he can’t.” Karis stared intently into Harry’s green eyes. Something told Harry that she would be an amazing teacher, but she would also expect a lot from him, working with Karis Dumbledore was going to be tough!

The office door flew open and Ron, Hermione, Neville and Luna came rushing back into the office, they were panting heavily.

“What’s the matter.” said Karis in a state of urgency.

“Peeves, bloody Peeves, he started chucking stuff at us, told us we were trespassing.” spluttered Ron

Karis looked relieved and Harry laughed out loud.

“Yes, I have had a few run-ins with Peeves already; I did kind of miss him though.”

Harry looked across at Karis, she seemed to be reminising about something.

“You’ve met Peeves before?” enquired Harry

“Well Yes, of course, everyone knows Peeves, how could you not miss him?” replied Karis with an amused chuckle.

“He is a total nightmare, but considering he did help out a little with Umbridge last year, he isn’t all that bad I guess.” said Hermione

“Yes, I was told about her. Anyway you must be hungry, let’s make our way down to the kitchens, being a Marauder’s son Harry, I’m sure you know the way.” Everyone let out a well deserved laugh, and it was for the first time since the end of last term, Harry actually felt a pang of happiness.

Part 4

“You see, you have to tickle the grapes on the wall.” explained Harry.

“I know Harry, I was kidding, can’t we teachers have a sense of humour?”

Hermione spoke “Karis, why do you refer to yourself as teacher and not Professor?”

“Not much gets past you does it Hermione?”

“No it don’t” said Ron

Hermione nudged Ron again in the side, he shot her a frown.

“Well the truth is Hermione I’m not a qualified Professor, but that is between just us alright!” replied Karis. “The press would have a field day if they knew and I don’t want to have to answer to too many parents. But the way I see it, Remus Lupin did a superb job in teaching you so there hasn’t always been a true Professor teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts.”

“Remus was the best, oh, but I’m sure you will be just as good, if not better.” said Hermione, feeling a little embarrassed at her quick clumsy remark, she knew Harry would be giving her daggers right about now.

Finally they entered the kitchen. It looked the same as usual and Harry was pleased to see an old friend approaching him in his usual bow.

“Tis Mr Potter sir, Dobby is so happy to see you.”

“Hi Dobby it’s great to see you too, how have things been?”

“Ah, been quiet with no students, but we have had parties, Master said it was alright to have parties now and then, and we are allowed Butterbeer and as much food as we can eat. It is so nice working for Master Dumbledore, and I still get paid every week, I am up to seven sickles.”

“That’s great Dobby, you seem very happy.”

“Yes sir Harry, Yes.”

“Well, How about feeding us lot up then, were starving.” interrupted Ron.

The house elves all beamed smiles at the small party that had congregated in their kitchen and within minutes they were eating at their own table with stacks of food that only Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry could suffice.

“Hey everyone, I almost forgot, Karis said she will try and get us to stay here until start of term, so I can extra lessons in Occlumency before lessons start.”

Ron and Hermione’s faces lit up “Excellent” said Ron.

“I can use the library and get a head start” replied Hermione

Karis felt awkward. “Well Harry I just meant you.” she looked apologetic

“Oh but…. Please Karis….. We need help too.” said Ron, with a pleading expression like a puppy dog begging for a biscuit.

Karis shrugged her shoulders, how could she turn them down she thought, she caved in “Oh, OK, I will see what I can do. “I think Neville and Luna should go back to their families though, does that sound fair?”

Neville and Luna both agreed, after all, they didn’t want to have any extra work.

“You know what Karis, you’re the coolest teacher we’ve had yet.” said Ron, beaming at her.

“You won’t be saying that in a week’s time I can assure you, you do realise this means that I will be working you harder!”

Ron’s face fell. Hermione was ecstatic; more work the better as far as she was concerned.

Harry however laughed at Karis, knowing full well, that she for the second time tonight was only kidding.
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Old 09-08-2006, 09:33 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Chapter 9 – The first steps

Albus had just disapparated from his headmasters office at Hogwarts and arrived in the auditorium at the Ministry of Magic.

He was greeted by a very flustered Cornelius Fudge, and his right hand man and not so popular Percy Weasley.

“Albus, thank you for coming. said Cornelius Fudge holding out his hand.

“No problem Cornelius, I understand you have taken appropriate steps to what happened this afternoon.” replied Dumbledore looking over his half moon glasses.

Yes of course, I have every Aurora on the case, we are on full alert. I have my best men and women guarding Diagon Alley and I am awaiting word from Arthur Weasley and Nymphordora Tonks regarding the status at Azkaban.”

“What is Mr Weasley doing there, he is not an Aurora.” interrupted Percy.
Dumbledore felt a slight pang of sorrow at Percy’s remark; he knew deep down Percy was concerned a little, even if they were not on talking terms, Arthur was still his Dad.

“He insisted he assist Tonks, don’t ask me why, wanting to feel more important I suppose.” replied Fudge

Dumbledore shot fudge a look of apprehension but smiled politely.

“Very well.” Dumbledore looked around making sure he could not be overheard. “Cornelius, I have a bad feeling that Azkaban will be a target tonight, you must and I mean must be prepared. I will of course help you were I can, but I advise you administer an evacuation process to surrounding areas, after all we do not want innocent people to get hurt!”

“Albus, that would spread a world of panic”” shot back Fudge.

“Not necessarily Cornelius, I advise it.” Albus took a few seconds to collect his thoughts and continued. “A war with Voldemort and his Deatheaters is imminent, and you must remember he is getting stronger everyday, I sense it and I will be having words with Harry later too, I am sure he also feels it, he now has a strong almost human based form and is capable of administering all sorts of complications.”

Fudge was holding an expression of defiance, as much as he knew Albus Dumbledore was a powerful wizard, he was still the head of the Ministry of Magic and always made a point in announcing it at any given opportunity.
Meanwhile Percy Weasley had his head down while scribbling frantically on his note pad.

“Albus, I do not wish to spread any more panic in our community, we had enough of that this afternoon; however I will think about what you said and will let you know what I decide.”

“Very well Cornelius, I’m sure you will make the right decision.” With that Albus Dumbledore disapparated with a loud crack in front of Fudge and Percy Weasley’s eyes.

“Well how rude.” said Percy

Cornelius stood there with a concerned expression, then slowly turned around and walked away.

Part 2

Albus arrived outside Azkaban Prison with his wand to the ready, it was starting to get dark, “Lumos” he whispered and a bright light shone from the tip. “Arthur?” he called. “Tonks?”

“Over here Albus” replied Arthur Weasley.

Albus hurried over to where Arthur was keeping watch with Tonks, on the far side of Azkaban prison left of the entrance. All was very quiet, not the welcome Albus was quite expecting.

“Have you anything to report?” asked Albus to them both.

“No, not yet, funnily enough there has been nothing.” replied Arthur.

Tonks moved in closer “Albus, I have taken many forms this evening and walked all around the prison, and the surrounding area, doesn’t seem to be anything strange going on, not yet anyway, but I can keep searching.”

“Please do. I understand that Cornelius has his best Aurora’s on the look-out too, you may see one or two of them.”

“Yes, I have already bumped into Kingsley, he’s the best they have.” replied Tonks with a polite smile.

“They have you too Tonks, as an animagus and an Aurora, that combination makes you a very valued member indeed, trust me!” Albus’ eyes were twinking.

Tonks looked away, and Albus realised that he may have embarrassed her.

Have you spoken to Cornelius, Albus?” enquired Arthur, breaking the silence.

“Yes but he still does not seem to accept there will be imminent attacks, I advised him to evacuate close surrounding areas but he seemed to think it will cause an array of panic.”

“Closing his mind as normal then, making us pick up the pieces and do all the work.” shot Tonks

“I’m sure he has his reasons, but yes I’m afraid he can be very difficult.”

“Don’t you think it’s strange though Albus, no attack on Azkaban yet, especially after what happened today!”

“Not really Arthur, Voldemort did always like his games, that was a warning, when Azkaban is targeted we won’t know until it happens, which is why we need to be extra vigilant.”

Tonks Laughed. “You are starting to sound like Alastor.”

“Yes, I guess I am. Dumbledore chuckled. Where is our magic eyed friend anyway?”

“As far as I know he is at Grimmauld Place.” replied Arthur

“No. Fred and George went there to warn about the attack in Diagon Alley and found it empty, that’s why they went to the Ministry.”

Tonks carried a concerned frown. “Well if he isn’t at Grimmauld Place, and not at the Ministry, where is he?”

“He might be at his home.” said Arthur

“If he went home he would have heard by a member of the Order about the attack and he would have been in touch by now.” replied Albus

All was silent for a few seconds, then Albus looked at Arthur and Tonks with a look of total despair.

“What is it?” asked a worried Tonks

“It wasn’t the plan to attack Azkaban tonight, it was a diversion in tactics, and a cowardly one too. Dumbledore looked down briefly then continued. “The first steps have been taken, his first target is members of the Order to try and break us down and then he will go after Harry.”

“We better tell the others immediately. How did he know Alastor was still in the Order?” said a panic stricken Arthur

“Well, he would have known nothing has changed from before, but besides me he decided to target the oldest in the Order, probably thinking they are weaker.”

“I don’t understand, he would have seen them surely, with that magical eye of his.” Arthur was turning a pale grey with worry.

“Yes, he would have put up a good fight I’m sure, but if there was too many of them he wouldn’t have standed a chance on his own.”

“Poor Alastor, interrupted Tonks, while shaking her head “The Dark Lord will kill him if he doesn’t tell him what he wants to know, oh what a rotten thing to do.”

“Yes, I should have known, after all, he’s done it before.” said Albus, sadness clouding across his usual sparkling light blue eyes.

“I’m going back to Hogwarts to advise Karis and the rest of the Order, you may stay here or leave as you wish. Arthur, your son Ronald is at Hogwarts, I understand Harry and Miss Granger accompany him and they will be staying at the school until the start of term, and like my Grand Daughter I sincerely recommend it. It’s not normally the order of things but at least they will be safe.”

“I think that’s a good idea, keeps them out of trouble – but then again!?” replied Arthur with an expecting frown, knowing they would probably get up to all sorts of things. “How did you know they were there?

Dumbledore smiled at Arthur. “Occlumency my friend, Occlumency!”

Last edited by Swizzlestick; 09-08-2006 at 09:36 PM.
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Old 09-08-2006, 09:42 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Chapter 10 – Alone in Hogwarts

Harry and Ron were in their Gryffindor dormitories, it was quiet and they enjoyed the silence and the privacy of having the common room completely to themselves.

Hermione was sitting in the corner with Crookshanks curled up on her lap reading a book while Harry and Ron were playing a game of wizard chess on the table opposite.

“This is so cool Harry, and so great of Albus and Karis to allow us three to stay here before the start of term.” said Ron

“More like wanting to keep an eye on us you mean.” replied Harry with a wry grin.

Hermione rolled her eyes “Really Harry, this is such a privilege, here alone at Hogwarts, it’s a great opportunity for us to get a head start.”

“Is that all you think about?” shot Ron, eyeing her as if she were some alien from another planet. “There are more important things than hanging around the library, like learning new defence spells and making full use of the room of requirement.”

“Well it’s alright for you two.” said Harry in exasperation “I have to do Occlumency lessons while you two swan off and make the most of your free time here.”

“Don’t give me that rubbish Harry, you can’t wait to have some free time yourself with one Miss Karis Dumbledore.” said a mocking Hermione.

Harry blushed a little, because deep down, he knew she was right.”

“Have you seen Dumbledore yet? enquired Hermione. “I didn’t see him come back last night. In fact I haven’t seen any of the professors today or Order members.”

“No Hermione, great isn’t it; we spend a whole day in Hogwarts and don’t see one professor, that is my idea of heaven. That’s a point, what time is lunch?” said Ron, rubbing his groaning stomach.

“Well that’s what you always think about Ron, your gut!” shot Hermione

“Come on, lets walk down to the kitchens, I’m sure Dobby and the others won’t mind.” said Harry

Slowly they exited the Gryffindor common room and made their way down the hall and the spiral moving staircase.

“I’m surprised we haven’t bumped in to Snape yet!” said Harry

Hermione was shaking her head and waving her hands but in a slow motion, her face was full of despair, “shut up. She whispered

Ron ignored her.

" No, I don’t want to bump into that snivelling old git either, he’s probably hell raising with his little masked friends as we speak.” replied Ron

All at once, like lightning, Ron was grabbed by the scruff of his neck; he didn’t know what was going on, Hermione put her head down and whispered what sounded along the lines of “What an idiot.”

Ron was turned around by the culprit that was holding him, looking directly into his eyes was no other than Professor Severus Snape. Ron‘s face lit up brighter than Fred and George’s end of term firework extravaganza. “Is that so Mr Weasley?" It was Snape, his top lip quivering and his dark beady eyes flashing dangerously.

“Uh, uh.. Hello Professor, just..uh…going to get some food! Was Ron’s pathetic hope for a comeback.

Snape threw Ron down to the floor. “Don’t you ever talk about me like that again; you know nothing about me and what I do for this school and the Order. Fifty points from Gryffindor!"

Harry flashed Snape a frown, his eyes narrowing in defiance. “School hasn’t started yet, you can’t deduct points.”

“I meant next week Potter, when school starts, clearly you will be below the other houses already and on the first day too! Get out of my site before I deduct another fifty!”

Harry kept eye contact with Snape, all he could think of was how much he hated him, deep down he was hoping Snape would go into the Legilimens spell just so he could show him how much.

Snape turned away and walked back down the hall.

Hermione turned to Ron “You idiot, I tried to warn you!”

“You were waving your arms Hermione and looking at me like a lunatic, I thought you were going to announce that you had a revelation or something. You should have just nudged me in the ribs, that’s normally my cue to shut up these days.” replied an agitated Ron.

“Oh, I don’t hurt you that much, you are such a hypochondriac.”

Harry rolled his eyes and left them to bicker among themselves. They seemed to be doing that a lot lately he thought.

Part 2

Harry, Ron and Hermione were finally nearing the kitchen when they saw Professor Dumbledore approaching them. He looked tired and older than the end of last term; Harry felt deep inside that there was something wrong.

“Hello Harry, Ron, Miss Granger.” said Dumbledore, putting on a brave face, but nonetheless still delighted to see them.

“Professor Dumbledore, it’s good to see you.” replied Hermione.

Ron nodded and smiled at the Headmaster.

“Please will you three come with me to the great hall there are things we need to discuss.” said Dumbledore

Slowly one by one they followed their wise headmasters lead.

Albus opened the main doors to the great hall, standing there in front of him was members of the Order of the Phoenix, including Molly and Arthur, Bill, Fred and George Weasley, Nymphadora Tonks, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Minerva McGonnagall, Severus Snape, Mundungas, Hagrid, Remus Lupin and the new recruit and new defence against the dark arts teacher, Karis Dumbledore.

“Hey Harry, great to see you again” said Tonks, while approaching Harry with a warm hug.

“Why don’t you three sit down.” gestured Dumbledore

Harry, Ron and Hermione did as they were asked and slowly took their seats at a large dark oak table. The rest of the order followed.

Dumbledore however remained standing and everyone was watching him in anticipation, waiting for him to speak.

Albus slowly took off his half moon spectacles and wiped them on a clean cloth. He coughed to clear his throat and looked up at the Order, one by one he gave a concerned yet warm smile to them all.

“I’m afraid I am the bearer of bad news.”

Looks of confusion and panic shot across the table. Harry heard Molly let out a small whimper, not wanting to suffer the uncomfortable silence Dumbledore continued to speak.

“Last night, Arthur, Tonks and Kingsley were on watch at Azkaban, I am pleased to say however there has been no attack on the premises or nearby, but we are to still keep alert. However, it has come to our attention that while the Ministry of Magic and the Order were on watch at their posts, a valuable member of the Order and friend was taken from us.”

Molly gasped out loud, while Tonks stayed silent, just staring down at her feet. Harry could feel Hermione start to shake beside him, Ron also noticed her scared reaction and slowly motioned his hand over to hers, she gripped it tightly as if it was something she had to hold onto or she may fall.

“Albus, its Alastor isn’t it.” said Minerva McGonnagall.

“I’m afraid so Minerva, Yes.” replied Dumbledore “Unfortunately we were caught unawares, I thought the first target would be Azkaban so Voldemort could release more of his followers to empower his army. But I feel when Diagon Alley was targeted yesterday afternoon; it was used as a ploy in order to kidnap a member of the Order.”

“But how Albus, how did they know?” asked Molly

Harry shot an ill glance at Snape.

“The end of term when we fought at the Ministry of Magic, Voldemort was very upset about the lost prophecy, he wanted to know more than anything the remnants of its containment, which of course was kept from him. I believe the only way he thought he could find out is to take a member of the Order. I am however still not one hundred percent on how he found Alastor.”

Remus looked up with a solemn and sad look in his eyes. “It’s all my fault. said Remus. “Alastor has been accompanying me to the Shrieking Shack every full moon, he likes to take a walk in Hogsmede. If I am correct, Alastor must have been taken just after he said Goodbye to me, he said he was going back to his home to get some rest.” Remus then put his head down, hanging it low in shame.

Diagon Alley was a detour, there must have been two groups, one to wreck havoc in the busy street and one to kidnap Alastor from his own home.” said Kingsley, he looked at Remus with sorrow. “It’s not your fault Remus, none of us was to know this was going to happen, do not blame yourself!”

“Yes Remus, after all it could have been both of you, they have obviously been keeping watch on you for them to know he was accompanying you in the first place.” said Minerva

“Those slimy evil blighters, the audacity of em, who d’they think they are!” snapped Mundungas.

Molly Weasley rolled her eyes. “They do whatever they wish, they are Deatheaters, I thought you may have realised that by now, but instead of doing your job and listening out for planned attacks, you’re out there trying to sell your knocked off cheap rubbish.” shot Molly Weasley

“Ay, it’s not all cheap Mo.” replied Mundungas in a mocking tone.

“Don’t call me Mo!” Molly shot back with red glowing cheeks and narrowed eyes.

Minerva looked agitated and finally interrupted “Excuse me, as much as it pains you to both be in one room at the same time, in case you haven’t noticed we have a major crisis on our hands here!”

Harry glanced over at Karis, she was playing with a loose thread on her robes, wrapping it around her finger in a nervous display, she was looking quite distraught, which came to a surprise to him, considering she hardly knows Mad Eye Moody.

“That must be it.” said Arthur Weasley. “They planned the attack in Diagon Alley to keep the Ministry and the Order distracted from other areas; this must have been planned for months like Minerva said. Alastor lives on his own, he would have been the easier target, it all makes sense now.”

“The only thing is, we don’t possibly know where they have taken him.” said Kingsley

Everyone turned to Harry, he was caught unawares and felt very uncomfortable, 'what could I possibly know', he thought.

Albus spoke “Well that is true Kingsley but this is where I feel Karis and Harry come in.”

Karis glanced up at her Grandfather; she seemed to have been taken unawares too!

She straightened her posture. “What is it you would like us to do?” asked Karis.

“You and Harry must start your Occlumency studies immediately; I recommend a first lesson after dinner tonight.” Albus then turned to Harry. “I know this is going to be very difficult for you Harry, but the life of a good friend to all of us is at risk here, as much as I believe Alastor would rather die than tell Voldemort about the prophecy, we cannot take the risk. As you know he has powerful legilimens skills. Last term you saw what he was planning but he was deterring you from the truth, leading you into mortal danger, we cannot let that happen again.”

Harry understood what Albus meant. If Voldemort tricked Harry again he would lead the Order and he into danger like before, they could not endure another trap, last time a good friend died, and he vowed he would never let that happen again.

Harry nodded to Karis and they both smiled and acknowledged Dumbledore’s actions, after all he was right, Harry had to block Voldemort out completely and learn to finally reflect the truth from his lies, this meant he had to not only learn to block Voldemort but learn to enter his mind too.

Albus gave a motion to everyone that the meeting was now over, but before the Order departed, Albus had one final thing to say, he looked over at Harry, Ron and Hermione.

“Before we all leave, I want to make it aware to the rest of the Order that as you are now sixteen I feel it best if you were advised more on a regular basis about the Order’s movements, which is why you three were invited here today. I must however advise that any matter that is discussed will not pass these walls! I know this is not normally the wishes of the Order and I admit, myself - but as Harry is to undertake these precarious tasks, he will need your full support.”

“Yes Professor, we understand.” replied Hermione, beaming.

Ron looked at Albus with his mouth gaping wide open, shocked that they were now apart of the Order in some way, even if it was just to help Harry. Hermione gave him the usual nudge. “Uh, Yes Professor, No problem!”

Albus nodded to acknowledge their verbal agreement. “Please, you three stay here, said Albus pointing, I understand Dobby has prepared something special for dinner.”

With that the rest of the Order exited, and left Harry, Ron and Hermione alone in the overwhelmingly huge walls of the Great Hall within Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
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Old 09-09-2006, 08:41 AM   #12 (permalink)
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Chapter 11 – The first occlumency lesson

Harry, Ron and Hermione were sitting at the large table in the great hall, none of them felt ready to talk, all they could think about was Mad Eye Moody and how terrible this recent incident has affected themselves and the Order.

Hermione was looking very glassy eyed and Ron felt a huge pang of comfort towards his friend. Slowly he got up from his chair and motioned over to her. He knelt down and put his arms gently on her shoulders. Slowly she lifted her head and looked Ron directly in the face, tears slowly started rolling onto her cheeks and gently he pulled her close into his chest and embraced her while she cried softly, not making a sound, just letting her silent tears take over her in her bid to cry for a friend who helped save their lives only seven weeks ago.

Harry put his head down, Why can’t things ever be straight forward he thought to himself.

He then slowly stood up and punched his fist into his hand; he was feeling angrier by the minute. “How many more people have to get hurt.” He shouted, like venom as if he was fighting a snake with parcel tongue.

“I know it just doesn’t seem fair, it makes you wonder if we will ever be free of him.” replied Ron in a tired and sad tone that Harry never heard from his best friend often.

Hermione wiped her eyes, deep down she felt silly, and she wanted to show she was strong.

“Are you alright Hermione?” asked Ron in what was no-more than a whisper.

“I’m alright; don’t fuss over me, just being silly that’s all. The Order will get Alastor back I know they will, and we can help, you heard what Dumbledore said, we are apart of the Order now, we are here to help Harry.”

Harry was feeling more agitated. “I don’t want you getting hurt; I wish Dumbledore never said that.” he quickly turned away, not wanting to see there disappointed faces.

“Well your stuck with us whether you like it or not.” Hermione shot back.

Harry knew he couldn’t argue with her, so instead he stayed silent.

All at once there was a small voice coming from behind them, it was the unmistakeable high pitched tone of Dobby, but he was not alone, standing beside him was Winky looking much more presentable than the last time they saw her. Winky’s dirty grey dress was now a light shade of blue and she had a pink ribbon tied around her long pointed ears.

“Wow, look at you Winky, you look wonderful, off the butterbeer now are we?” said Hermione while smiling at the small house-elf.

“Yes miss, Winky is better now, thanks to her friend Dobby, he helped Winky when she was sad, missing old master.” replied Winky

Dobby beamed at Winky, he was so pleased she spoke highly of him; he twirled around on the ball of his foot to show his appreciation.

Hermione chuckled; “Well that’s what friends are for.” she glanced over to Harry and Ron. They noticed her reaction and Ron let out a warm smile, Harry however stared straight ahead and didn’t acknowledge her kind gesture.

Dobby clicked his fingers and magically at the blink of an eye a huge platter of food appeared on the table where they had been sitting previously.

All of their favourite food was laid out in front of them. “About time.” said Ron, while quickly taking his seat and grabbing a chicken leg and a large dollop of mashed potato and a spoonful of peas.

Harry gave a small yet polite smile to Dobby and thanked him for the food.

“Will you be joining us?” Harry asked the elves. “No, No, this is the surprise, I wanted to show Harry Potter that Dobby helped get Winky better.” replied the elated House Elf.

“OK, well you look after yourself, and thanks again for the food.”

Dobby’s eyes opened wide and at once both house-elves bowed to Harry and as quickly as they came, they disappeared.

“Can’t believe all this great food, look Harry, we even have blueberry muffins.” said Ron in excitement.

“I don’t know how you can eat at a time like this Ron.” said Harry, looking incredulously at his red –haired friend.

“Got to keep our strength up, we are gonna need it mate.”

“Ron is right, you need to get your strength up, you have to go to Karis soon, please eat something.” said Hermione

“Now whose fussing Hermione?” said Ron. “Really, you sound like my Mother!”

“Oh shut up Ronald Weasley.” said Hermione

“No, you shut up, why don’t you fill that mouth of yours with some food and then that way I can have a couple minutes of peace.”

Harry couldn’t help but let out a laugh at Ron’s comment to Hermione. “You two really have to stop fighting with each-other, looks so obvious to me that you may actually like one another……. Really like one another!” said Harry mocking them both.

“Don’t be stupid, Harry!” stuttered Ron, ears burning a bright fuchsia.

Hermione’s cheeks also seemed to be glowing a pale shade of pink.

“Yeah, whatever.” replied Harry, and slowly he starting walking towards the door to leave the Great Hall. “Don’t wait up; this is going to be a long night!”

“Let us know what happens.” shouted Hermione as Harry was exiting the room.

Part 2

Harry was concentrating on his breathing first, his heart was pounding inside his chest and he felt light-headed “Get a grip you moron” he whispered under his breath. The truth was he felt nervous, nothing like he felt when he was to have occlumency lessons with Snape, this was worse, he had to open his mind and try to block Karis Dumbledore, he started to feel sick at the thought of himself screwing it up, because for the first time, he actually cared about what she would think of him.

'Hope she isn’t too disappointed', he thought.

He finally reached the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom and stood looking at the door for a few seconds, still breathing heavily he regained his composure and knocked with a clenched nervous fist.

“Come in Harry.” Karis replied through the door.

Slowly he entered the classroom. It looked different to last term; Karis had made her mark on it already. The walls had been painted a calming blue and hanging on the walls were ancient looking scrolls with old text.

“They are old spells.” she replied. “Ancient text that many witches and wizards used for protection around the sixteen hundreds, defence against the dark arts Harry is not just about warning off an enemy in a fight, it’s also about preventing it in the first place. Well, trying to anyway!” she explained with a hearted authority.

“I have never been told about those.” replied Harry.

“I know, they are not in the curriculum but I think they are useful to have around.”

“Well, I’d like to learn a few, I know the others would too, plus it would help with the DA meetings.”

“I don’t think that would be too difficult to administer, I will have a think about it.”

Harry nodded to show he understood.

“So Harry, how are you feeling?” enquired Karis

“I’m sorry about Alastor, he helped saved my life seven weeks ago, I can’t believe he’s, well you know…” Harry trailed off.

“I know, it is a great pity, but the Order will try everything they can to get him back, but you have to understand that your Occlumency is more important than ever now Harry, I fear what lengths Voldemort will go to, to make sure he gets what he wants, he has no compassion as you know.”

“Yeah, don’t I just!” replied Harry

“Now are you ready?” asked Karis

“No, I’m never ready for this, it hurts like hell!”

Karis smiled at his effort to make light of the situation. “Hold your wand up Harry and look at me.”

Harry stood directly in-front of Karis and lifted his head and looked her directly in the eye.

Karis gave him a warm smile and without hesitation lifted her wand and in her usual friendly manner she whispered “Legilimens.”

Part 3

Harry could feel her penetrating his mind, he couldn’t see her face, only her mesmerising large brown eyes, he could feel his head pounding through his ears.

He was with Ron and Hermione, they were in the Shrieking Shack, wormtail was crouching on the floor begging for his life.

“NO” shouted Harry, you can’t come in, you can’t”. He tried fighting her, she was so strong, he found it difficult, all he could see was her large burning penetrating eyes.

“CEDRIC” Harry shouted. “NO.” Cedric was lying still on the floor in the graveyard, laying there helpless, he could hear the shriek of Voldemort laughing, Cedric was dead.

Harry tried to concentrate, please NO, I can’t take it, PLEASE STOP.” He yelled at Karis.

Suddenly, she broke the tie. Harry was sweating, his head was pounding, he held it in his hands.

Karis looked at him with sorrow. “Harry, you have to concentrate. Where were you in that last memory?”

“In a graveyard, that was the night Voldemort came back.”

“I see.” replied Karis. “You have to concentrate Harry, I know this is hard but I insist we continue, now stand up and look at me.”

Harry was slightly astounded at her persistence, she was not relenting one little bit.

He got to his feet and looked at her, his head was swimming but he knew he had to try and fight her.

Once again – “Legilimens” was spoken feely in the room, and Harry was immediately thrown back into another memory he would rather forget.

It was dark; Neville was moaning in pain, he had broken his ankle. Ron was giggling continuously; Hermione was unconscious on the floor next to Ginny and Luna.

'No, brick wall, brick wall, just keep thinking, brick wall.' Harry was saying aloud in his intruded mind. Slowly a few bricks had fallen on the floor in the department of mysteries, Harry looked at them slightly confused – then more bricks started falling down. A wall was being built between himself and his memory, it was gaining, higher and higher, it was building.

Harry’s head was searing in pain, but he had to keep the wall going, he felt it, he was blocking her out.

The wall was built, in front of him, he couldn’t see her eyes anymore, he had finally done it!

Karis broke the connection. “WELL DONE HARRY.” She praised him with sheer delight.

“Now that was step one.”

Harry looked bewildered. “Uh, Step one?”

Yes Harry, that was the easy part, I only touched the surface, but you have to learn to block deeper than that – you showed me a memory that you would rather forget, but it wasn’t too hard to see it and you did take your time in building that wall, but the point is you did, and I am very proud of you. No normal sixteen year old would ever have been able to do that.”

Harry looked proud of himself. “That was easier than I thought it would be.” He said.

Karis raised her eyebrows at him in surprise. “Oh really, well I see Professor Snape has taught you well, so if that’s the case why don’t we go up a level?”

Harry felt disheartened, he thought he had succeeded enough for tonight.

“Stand up then Harry, lets see how you do with the advanced level. Prepare yourself; you may be in for a shock!”

Part 4

Harry gulped; he wished he kept his mouth shut!

He looked Karis in the eye, his heart started to melt at the sight of her, he was taken unawares, he had no idea what was going on, she never said anything and neither was she holding her wand yet she was there, in his mind, in full crystal clear vision.

He screamed, his head was searing in pain, he thought it may burst open at any minute, he was holding his head in his hands, he wanted to rip it off his shoulders, he couldn’t bear it, he could see her eyes, they looked as if they were on fire. Suddenly there was a voice. “Harry, concentrate, please try, it can only get easier from here.” It was Karis, she was talking to him, through his own mind, this wasn’t legilimens he thought, this is telepathy!

Harry felt the cold floor hit him hard, he was confused. He felt weak.

A triumphant scream bellowed out, echoing across the walls, Sirius was falling through the veil.

“SIRIUS!” Harry yelled, “SIRIUS.”

Lupin grabbed Harry, holding him tight around his chest.

“Get him, save him” panicked Harry. “We can still reach him”, Harry was struggling hard and viciously but Lupin would not let go.

“There’s nothing we can do Harry….nothing…He’s Gone.

“HE-IS-NOT-DEAD” cried Harry

Harry was running, running so hard he couldn’t breathe, “IM GOING TO KILL HER.”

Karis was overwhelmed with what she was witnessing, she had no idea Harry had seen this much, but still she persuaded, “Fight it Harry, Fight me, you have to fight me, TRY!”

Using all her power, she had to find the core and break it down, what is Harry’s weakest moment I have to build on, Karis thought to herself.

Harry’s head, it hurt so much, he was screaming for release, Harry felt the creature use him again… “If death is nothing, Dumbledore, Kill the boy”. Screeched Voldemort

“Let the pain stop, thought Harry, Let him kill us, end it, death is nothing compared to this, and I’ll see Sirius again.”

Karis stopped; she lost her balance slightly and had to steady herself. Harry was on his knees, he was white with pain, shaking and highly distraught.

“So that’s it Harry, you wanted to give up, you wanted your life to end.” said Karis, looking at him with tears welling up in her large brown eyes.


He finally did it, he admitted his weakest moment to the woman he respected and admired the most. He felt like a failure, he sobbed so hard, he couldn’t see anything; his glasses had steamed up making the room and everything around him a total blur.

Suddenly and without warning he felt a tingle; arms were being closed around him, he could smell the scent of jasmine, it was her perfume, and they were both on their knees in the now dark cold classroom.

She held him close into her; 'he is not a boy' she thought, this sixteen year old was a man, and he had endured more pain and loss than any young wizard she had ever known.

She held him for as long as she possibly could, trying to be brave and give him words of love and encouragement but she felt his pain because she saw it, in his eyes she lived it with him. Karis tightened her grip, and they sat there on the floor, cradling each other, while Harry sobbed quietly into her shoulders.
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Old 09-09-2006, 08:48 AM   #13 (permalink)
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Chapter 12 – Start of Term

The rest of the week passed quite uneventful at Hogwarts. Harry, Ron and Hermione were expecting more eventful activities to take place, but Harry had been so subdued since his first lesson with Karis that Ron and Hermione decided to go off and do things on their own.

Mainly visiting the library if Hermione got her way, and Ron would tag along and sneak within the restricted section and find books on the most darkest and bizarre subjects to make him feel like he was doing something worthwhile.

Whenever they asked Harry how his Occlumency lessons were going he would just say things like “Oh, you know, pretty tough.” Or “Got a headache, I don’t want to talk about it.”

Occlumency was now Harry’s pet hate, as much as he liked Karis, in a way he also despised her. Mainly because he felt weak in her presence; she was the first woman he ever really cared about except from Molly Weasley. Yet somehow he could relate to Karis easier.

She did not look much older than Harry, yet she was the most powerful and wisest witch he had ever met and therefore he found that intimidating at times. He also couldn’t help but wonder what her connection with Professor Snape was. He had been too pre-occupied to ask her in lessons, but he felt she may tell him it was none of his business and then he would feel worse about himself having intruded into her privacy.

Ron managed to get Harry out for a few hours a day by practising their flying and catching skills for Quidditch. Harry just liked to feel the exhilarating speed of his Firebolt, it was the only time he felt free.

It was 9am on the first day of the new term. It was September 1st and they were feeling quite relieved school was going to finally start, after all it had got quite boring after the initial idea and excitement of being alone at Hogwarts, it wasn’t all cracked up as they thought it would be and were looking forward to the noise and hustle and bustle of other students.

“Ya know what Harry, I don’t think I want to stay here next year.” said Ron with a mouthful of sausage and egg.

Hermione looked at Ron in disgust.

“Wha Mione?” I’m hungee.” replied Ron innocently, while still chewing.

“No, it was rather boring wasn’t it!” interrupted Harry

“Well, I have had a great time, and I think I have had a good head start, you really should have both made the extra effort.” said Hermione, rolling her eyes at them both.

“I have had a head start, more than you could ever realise.” shot Harry.

“Well Harry, you haven’t told us what’s been happening in Occlumency!” said Ron

Ron and Hermione both looked up at Harry in anticipation.

“OK, OK, If you really want to know the first lesson was hell. I saw things I didn’t want to…. I saw Sirius again.” Harry paused for a few seconds to catch his breath. “I watched him fall through the veil, I saw everything that happened at the Department of Mysteries and I didn’t want to!”

Harry put his head down; he felt heat rising in his cheeks.

Hermione felt guilty, Ron looked sad.

“I’m sorry Harry you had to see that, but I thought Professor Snape showed you how to block, you were getting really good at It.” replied Hermione

“I know, but she’s tough Hermione. The only time I have ever felt pain like it is when Voldemort penetrates my mind, and he can only do that because of the curse.”

Whoa, she must be really good at legilimens!” replied Ron, his food still half eaten on his plate, which seemed a rarity in the least.

“No, it’s more than that, her legilimen skills were the same as Snape’s, nothing much different, but somehow she went deeper, she didn’t even need her wand nor did she say a spell, she was just there, inside my head, I thought I was going to die with the pain, it hurt so much. That’s when I saw the Department of Mysteries again.”

“She didn’t use her wand or a spell?” questioned Hermione, looking mythed at the possibility.

“Nope, she just looked into my eyes and concentrated, her eyes were burning into me like fire; it was weird!”

"Oh my Harry, Karis Dumbledore must be able to do telepathy.” said Hermione, shaking her head in disbelief. “Gosh that’s really rare. I was only reading about it in the library a few days ago. Believe it or not it’s rarer than Parcel Mouth and that’s saying something – incredible!”

“Scary if you ask me” replied Ron, now tucking into the rest of his sausage and egg.

“That’s what I thought, I knew it was more than legilimens, which is why Dumbledore asked his Grand Daughter here, she’s probably the only person he knows that can do it.” replied Harry.

“Yes of course.” Hermione clapped her hands. “That’s why he asked her to stay here and become part of the Order, I knew there had to be a really good reason, because if she can do telepathy, and teach you how to access it in your mind, you will be able to deter Voldemort and find out what he’s really up to.”

“Well yes, that’s the idea anyway, whether it will work or not is another story. Recent lessons have been the same though.”

Ron stopped eating and looked up “But Harry, how can you make someone become telepathic if it’s a rare gift? It’s like me and Hermione asking you to teach us parcel mouth, it doesn’t make sense.”

“Karis said that it was the advanced level, I don’t think it’s impossible to open the mind to telepathy, it’s a higher form of legilimens, it’s just a matter to focusing your mind to do it, after all, we still don’t truly know what our brains are really capable of.”

“Well good luck with that mate, rather you than me!” replied Ron, while finishing his last morsel of breakfast.

Hermione and Harry however stuck to their tea, toast and marmalade.

Part 2

“Now you three, I don’t want anyone knowing you stayed here this past week.” said Professor McGonnagall in her usual stern manner. “Firstly because it’s against the school rules and secondly, because we do not want anyone to think anything suspicious!

“Yes Professor.” they all repeated at once.

Mcgonnagall nodded in agreement “Now, you will enter the Great Hall behind the rest of the students, you can keep a watch from my classroom doorway, as soon as you see them congregating you must join them and mingle in.”

“But Professor, what if they notice we were not on the train, I know Malfoy will; he always likes to grace us with his presence before the start of term!” said Harry quite sarcastically.

Minerva raised her eyebrows but then continued to speak. “Well then tell him you missed the train and had to travel here by special permission via Floo Powder, and that you have all received detention.”

“Oh he will revel in that.” said Ron, rolling his eyes.

“Very well Professor, we understand.” Interrupted Hermione.

“Now, I understand we are fifty points down Ronald Weasley!” shot Mcgonnagall

Ron went red. “Yeah but that wasn’t my fault, Snape just hates us.”

“No he does not Ron, you should have known better than to bad mouth a Professor in the first place, where are your manners? Show some respect, you are 16 and nearly of age so start acting like it!”

With that Mcgonnagall swiftly turned on her heel and walked away.

Ten seconds later they bumped in to no other than Professor Severus Snape, sneering at them, he looked as if he felt them to be bugs that needed to be quashed quickly.

“Remember, fifty points…” he mocked, while walking away and joining Mcgonnagall in quick step.

“Moron that bloke, really is!” said Ron in exasperation. “I’ll show him, we will beat his slimy arrogant team at Quidditch, that’ll wipe the smirk off his face!”

“Oh Ron, you are so competitive!” replied Hermione.

“Good for the spirit Hermione, especially when it comes to beating Slytherin.”

Harry nodded in full agreement. “Wish I could play Quidditch, I haven’t had confirmation yet that I’m back in the team. Not too sure how Ginny will take it though if I am.” said Harry

“Ah, she will be alright, I think she wants to be beater anyway.” replied Ron.

“I guess we better change into our robes, they will be arriving soon.” stated Hermione. Slowly they each made their way back to the Gryffindor Common Room.

Finally from the classroom doorway they could make out the large round physique of Rubeus Hagrid approaching the main doors of Hogwarts with little bobbing heads of 1st years hurrying to keep up behind.

“Right, in a few minutes the rest will be here, remember what Mcgonnagall said, wait until the lobby is busy first.” said Hermione

“Yes, yes we know Mione, we ain’t deaf!” mocked Ron

“Well sometimes I do wonder Ronald Weasley, you have already got us in trouble and that’s before school even started!” shot back Hermione.

“Will you two stop arguing, you’re both doing my head in!” said Harry.

Hermione looked hurt, Ron however laughed out loud, he found it somewhat amusing.

“Well tell her, she started it!” said Ron, pointing to Hermione.

“Hey, you’re the one who couldn’t keep his mouth shut!” Hermione was going red and getting very flustered.

Harry had heard enough. “Forget it, the pair of you, I wish you would just sort it out whatever is on your minds and grow up, talk for once instead of arguing and maybe I can get some peace around here!” Harry stormed out of the classroom and down towards the lobby.

“Now look what you’ve done Hermione, Harry is going through enough at the moment without you starting!” shot Ron.

Hermione was close to tears and placed her hand on Ron’s chest and pushed him, he stumbled backwards.

“Oh, now you’re getting violent, C’mon Hermione, just punch me and get it over with!” Ron was laughing at her. “Here, right in the chin, what you waiting for!”

“Don’t make fun of me Ron, I was only telling the truth!”

“Hermione, after everything we have been through together, you still treat me like we’re 1st years. You have got to stop it and for Merlin sake lighten up a little!” What is wrong with you? You weren’t like this last term!”

Hermione burst into tears. Ron felt guilty; after all he cared for her more than she could ever know.

Ron approached her slowly, deep down he was still expecting an outburst, even a punch maybe. However Hermione relented while Ron wrapped his arms around her and hugged her softly. “I’m sorry Mione.” he whispered quietly into her ear.

Part 3

“Arry, great to see you again.” said Hagrid, acting all surprised for the sake of the now hoard of approaching students.

“Hey Hagrid, how was the trip across the lake?”

“Ah, ya know, the kids loved it!” replied Hagrid with a wink.

“So uh, I understand you missed the train Arry, where’s our young Ron and Hermione then?”

“Oh, they will be down in a minute, I think they are working out some issues!”

“I see.” replied Hagrid, with a wide smile. “Cute couple I always thought!”

“Yeah, just wish they would work it out, the tension is killing me!

Hagrid and Harry both exchanged a knowing look.

“Well Arry, I better get these first years filled in and you better make your way into the Great Hall ready for the sortin. Oh, and I understand Malfoy was not best pleased that you were not on the train, if ya know what I mean!”

“Don’t worry, he will have many more chances to try and hex me this year I’m sure!”

Hagrid expressed worry in his large round chubby bearded face. “Don’t get caught Arry, family like them just ain’t worth it!”

“I know Hagrid, trust me, I know!”


Finally the Great Hall was loaded with students of all ages and many who Harry already knew.

He had received a high five from Seamus Finnigan and he had also been subjected to a hundred questions from the rest of his fellow pupils at Hogwarts.

“Now the papers are saying Harry that he is really back, Ministry are pooping their pants I bet.” said Seamus. “My Mam said I couldn’t go out at all over the Summer Holidays, I’m actually pleased to be back here for once!”

“Yeah, I wasn’t aloud out either once the Daily Prophet ran the story, good interview in the Quibbler by the way Harry!” said Dean Thomas.

Thanks Dean, well, had to get my story across; everyone thought I was raving mad didn’t they!”

There was a few guilty expressions thrown across the table.

“I believed you Harry.” said Ginny with a wink, knowing full well she couldn’t say anything about what happened last term, but she was a full witness.

The big double doors to the Great Hall opened again, in walked Hagrid with the dwarf size 1st years, again trying to keep up. At the back of the line Harry noticed a head of red hair getting closer, then a bushy brown mess. It was Ron and Hermione; they quickly approached the Gyffindor House table and sat down, both looking flustered and red.

Harry leant over to them “Where the hell have you two been?”

“Uh, well we took your advice Harry and decided to talk.” replied Ron, in a whisper.

“Ron apologised!” said Hermione. Then she shot Ron a smile.

“Just apologised?” enquired Harry

“Well yes and uh…, well… Ron asked me out.” Hermione put her head down, she was beaming but embarrassed a little at the same time.

“OH FINALLY, about time!” said Harry, playfully punching Ron in the arm.

“SHHHH Harry, we don’t want anyone to know yet!” said Ron

“Oh come on Ron, everyone knows you like each-other, does this mean you are going to stop bickering and start acting like grown ups?”

“Don’t know if I can go that far Harry.” laughed Ron.

“No, that’s true, but it’s a start.” said Hermione.

All three of them had a wonderful moment, finally Ron had plucked up the courage to ask Hermione as his Girlfriend, which pleased Harry, he wanted nothing more for his best friends to be happy and was relieved they finally did it after all this time.

The sorting hat was brought out by Professor Minerva McGonnagall and each first year in turn was sorted into their house.

“Is it me, or is that sorting hat looking a little worse for wear?” said Ron

“It’s an old hat Ron, as old as this school; of course it’s looking worn.” said Hermione

“Ron is right, it didn’t look that bad last year, it has more holes.” said Harry.

“It’s all out of sing too, which is strange, normally always has a song.” said Ron

“It has nothing to sing about, it warned us of the dangers last year, the old hat is finally out of song, poor thing!” replied Hermione.

“Welcome, welcome students, to another year at Hogwarts.” said Dumbledore, arms raised in the air as to embrace each pupil in the whole school.

“As you know Lord Voldemort and his DeathEaters have returned and I apologise greatly for this negative approach to my opening speech, but all the time you are inside Hogwarts your safety is assured. If however any of you notice anything suspicious I want you to report it immediately to a Professor or a Prefect in your house.”

There were a few mutters in the hall, the first years were looking a sheepish white. Harry couldn’t help but feel a little sorry for them.

“You may also notice there have been a few changes to the staff. Hagrid has returned to his post of care of magical creatures, Professor Trelawny and Firenze will be taking turns in divination, and I want you all to give a warm welcome to the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Karis Dumbledore, and before you ask, yes, we are related, she is my Grand Daughter.”

There was a loud conversation build up in the Hall. Harry, Ron and Hermione stayed silent and gave her a welcoming friendly smile. Harry looked over to the Slytherin table to see Draco’s reaction, he was carrying a look of sheer horror; this pleased Harry immensely.

Draco turned to Harry scowling, Harry winked and smiled at his arch enemy and slowly turned away.

“Right then, without further ado, I order you all to tuck in!” Dumbledore clicked his fingers and as every year, the tables in the hall were magically turned into a feast that would undoubtedly feed an army.
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Old 09-09-2006, 09:01 AM   #14 (permalink)
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Chapter 13 – Let the Lessons begin

“What a great start of term, our first lesson Harry is with Karis, this should be very interesting.” said Hermione while scanning her new timetable with awe.
“Excellent, can’t wait to see what she is going to teach us.” replied Ron, looking very pleased.
“She will work us hard, that’s all I can say, I’ve still got a headache from our last occlumency lesson.” moaned Harry, while rubbing his forehead in a bid for sympathy.
Hermione laughed. “Harry, you love having lessons with her, don’t lie!”
“I’m not lying, I really admire her, she is very cool actually. I’d never thought I would say that about a teacher, but she is, and yes she is attractive, but it’s not what you think, how could it be, she’s my teacher and well I’m sixteen, so end of story!”
“We know Harry, Hermione was only joking.” replied Ron.
“I wasn’t actually Ron!” replied Hermione. “Our Harry here has a crush on his teacher!”
“No I don’t Hermione, stop saying that!” Harry was getting agitated at her mocking.
“Yes, you do, but it’s completely normal, she is stunning and well…... you’re a hormonal sixteen year old male – it’s completely understandable!”
Harry and Ron looked at each other with a look of pure amusement; they couldn’t help but burst out laughing at Hermione’s last statement.
“Well, I think Hermione might just have a point there Harry!” mocked Ron.
“Whatever, I don’t care what you say, she’s a good friend and I can really relate to her, maybe because she’s older than me I dunno, but it’s not the done thing is it, dating your teacher!” laughed Harry.
“No, it isn’t but you won’t be her student forever Harry!” replied Hermione while winking at him.
“Talking about hormonal, just look at you two, don’t you think about anything else?”
“Uh, well come to think of it, no actually Harry, but you’re only sixteen once right!” replied Ron, nudging his friend playfully in the arm.
Harry smiled at Ron and Hermione; he could tell they were so happy to finally be able to express themselves. He couldn’t help but feel a pang of jealousy at their relationship though, not because they were his friends, but because he had never felt what they were feeling.
Sure he had a crush on Cho, he thinks Karis is great too, but he had never been able to express his feelings to anyone. He had never had a girlfriend, not someone he could relate to in that way.
“Your only sixteen once right!” rang through his head, Ron was right of course but Harry felt older than his years, after what he had seen and learnt about the prophecy, he didn’t feel sixteen and one of his biggest fears is that he might not even reach his next Birthday.
However Harry resumed himself to the fact that it was his duty, and he would do everything in his power to fulfil it, even if it meant not feeling love, because right now all Harry felt was numb.
'Sixteen and already secretly training to fight an impending war. Who needs love and complications when you have that to deal with'. Harry thought silently to himself.
They entered the classroom, Harry noticed that Karis’ ancient scrolls had been rolled up, no doubt to protect them from prying eyes.
“Welcome everybody, please come in.” said Karis, with a welcoming smile.
Everybody took their seats. Harry however was disheartened to see that they had to share this class with Slytherin. Draco Malfoy and his cronies, Crabbe and Goyle were sneering over at Harry, Ron, Hermione and Neville.
“Ignore them Harry, they ain’t worth it!” said Neville, patting Harry on the shoulder.
“I know Neville. So how are you since Diagon Alley? We haven’t had a chance to really talk.” asked Harry.
“I’m alright, was more concerned about you really, how’s the head?”
“Oh, it’s alright, you know…”
Neville nodded in understanding.
Harry leant forward to his friend and spoke quietly. “Neville, you know what you said to me at Diagon Alley.”
Neville looked at Harry with surprise. “Yeah, I do, and I meant every word of it!”
Harry smiled, but continued nonetheless. “Well it’s me who should be thanking you, thanks for sticking by my side, I would have been strangled to death by that Rookwood if you didn’t stab him in the eye with your wand.”
Neville laughed, yeah, it was a bit mad what we did wasn’t it, and my Nan still hasn’t forgiven me entirely for breaking Dad’s wand, but I have a new one now, I guess I will test it out soon, haven’t had a chance to use it yet.”
“Well maybe you can hex Malfoy. That would be a good place to start!” whispered Harry.
They both laughed together at the pleasing prospect.
Karis approached the front of the classroom. “Now, everyone, as you know there is already a Professor Dumbledore present in this school, so to avoid confusion, please call me Professor Karis.”
“Right, well moving swiftly on…” Karis continued
Malfoy moved closer in to Crabbe and Goyle. “Yeah, like one Dumbledore isn’t bad enough!” he muttered under his breath loud enough for Harry and Neville to hear.”
Harry scowled at him. Karis noticed his turned attention to Draco.
“Mr Potter, are you present in my class or do you feel it beneath you to listen while I am talking?”
Harry looked at Karis in shock; he was not prepared for her to scold him in class.
Draco laughed along with his overgrown beastly friends.
“And what’s your name?” she demanded, looking directly at Draco.
“Draco Malfoy, I’m sure you may have heard of my family, Professor.” He shot back, sounding quite pleased with himself.
Karis narrowed her eyes, Harry could tell she was angry at his remark, something told him though she already knew who he was.
“Oh wait it rings a bell, hang on…. Uh…. Nope sorry, don’t recall Malfoy.”
Draco went red in the face; Crabbe laughed out loud, and then fell immediately silent at the look of disgust he received from his group leader.
Harry could hear Ron and Hermione trying not to laugh; as he turned to look at his them he could see their heads hanging low and their shoulders were shaking in a desperate attempt to keep quiet.
“Now pay attention the pair of you, I may look young, but I certainly am not stupid, and you say anything under your breath again Mr Malfoy I will hex you myself!” said Karis.
Harry was surprised she had even heard him, Malfoy now looked embarrassed, which made a nice change from his usual cocky self he showed only moments earlier.
“Right, well as I was saying, I would like you all to please set yourself up into pairs, we will be doing some duelling practice, as you have had the summer term to chill out and do things you teenagers do, you may be a little rusty and well we can’t have that, plus I want to see what you’re made of.”
Harry automatically teamed with Neville as they were seated together, Ron and Hermione were inseparable anyway and Harry noticed to his amusement that Crabbe and Goyle practically linked arms, leaving Draco without a duelling partner.
“Ah, Well this day is turning out pretty well, Mr Malfoy, you can partner with Me.” said Karis, with a pleasurable childlike grin across her pretty face.
Harry felt a pang of jealousy, Draco was teaming with Karis, and he couldn’t quite fathom the idea.
“Now, firstly I want you to just start off by disarming your opponent, I know this is easy stuff but trust me, it’s helped me out a few times I can tell you.”
“Right, well I hope you all know that the blocking spell is Protego, but there is a spell which should always be used before any fight or hex, especially if you want to calm the situation, because fighting is always the last alternative, can you tell me what it is?”
Everyone looked dumbfounded at the question, even Hermione didn’t raise her hand which was a first!
“Oh come on, this is very disappointing, I am talking about disarming only, can you not think of one spell to disarm your opponent?” Karis was looking quite incredulous at her class.
Harry even looked confused. 'What could be more important than blocking?' He thought.
“Oh for goodness sake! Draco, point your wand at me and pretend you want to hex me!”
Draco smiled, slowly his face turned to pure hatred, Karis felt quite taken aback but still she continued to smile. She lifted her wand with her right hand and held out her left, and said clearly “Accio Wand
Suddenly Draco’s wand shot out of his hand, he looked quite shocked at the prospect, yet she looked at him with the same friendly smile, her expression not changing, once.
Everyone started laughing, Harry could see Hermione was fuming with herself, it was something so simple.
“With all due respect Professor, we already knew that, that’s kids stuff!” shot Draco.
“Yes, it is first year stuff and yet you all failed to remember the basics, you are so preoccupied with wanting to learn the advanced, you forget the first rule of Protection. What more protection do you need then to seize your opponent’s wand?”
Everyone in the class started muttering, they all felt completely dim-witted, especially Harry!
“Remember, whenever possible a feud is the last resort, if you can stop it, than please do so!” said Karis, looking at her new recruits, while slowly walking from one side of the room to the other.
“The smartest thing that any person can do is collect themselves and walk away. But only whenever possible! If facing death then obviously that’s a different matter. But the protection spells you learn when you are young, you tend to forget when you grow older. A favourite of mine is Petrificus Totalus. So I suggest everyone grab a cushion and start practising the spells you know. But If I see anything untoward, there will be serious consequences!”
There was a burst of excited chatter in the classroom.
“We have never done this before” Harry heard Millicent Balstrode say from across the classroom.
“Hey Harry, this is just like the DA.” whispered Seamus Finnigan.
“Yeah, but keep your voice down Seamus, we don’t want any Slytherins to know about that.”

“Oh yeah, sorry!” replied Seamus “Hey, this Karis seems pretty cool, quite fit too, about time we had a decent looking Professor for once!”
Harry couldn’t help but laugh at Seamus’ remark, because deep down he was relieved, after all he wasn’t the only one who thought it. He felt quite normal, just for those few moments, Harry actually felt like a teenager.
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Old 09-09-2006, 09:06 AM   #15 (permalink)
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Part 2

“Hey Harry, do a Patronus.” said Neville, eyes illuminating. “Go on; show Karis what you can do, and those Slytherins for that matter.”

Harry laughed. “We are supposed to be blocking Neville; everyone will think I’m just showing off.”

“OK Harry, play it your way! “EXPELLIARMUS”. shouted Neville.

Harry flew up in the air and landed on his large foam cushion, slightly winded.

“Neville!” Harry shouted. “That was so out of order!” he was shocked at his friend, but still he was laughing, this was a different side to Neville, Harry had never seen him act this way before, but he liked it.

“Well done Neville, caught Harry unguarded there I see.” said Karis from across the classroom. “Harry, I’d watch out if I was you!”

Draco threw Harry a grin. “Hurt did it Potter?” he shouted.

“Not as much as I’m gonna hurt you Malfoy if you talk to me again!” retorted Harry.

Karis shot Harry a frown, but at the corners of her mouth Harry noticed a small mischievous grin forming.

Harry brushed himself down and quickly lifted his wand, Neville was totally unprepared. Harry shouted “IMPEDIMENTA”

Neville froze like a statue, Harry released him after a few seconds and Neville fell back on his cushion. Harry was in a fit of hysterics, he didn’t realise how much he missed this.

Harry looked over at Karis, she seemed to be playing it safe with Draco. He threw a stunning spell at her; she said “Protego” and blocked it.

“Well done Draco, not fast enough though I’m afraid. Would you mind if I just walked around the class and checked on everyone to see how they are doing, seems to be fine at the moment but I just better make sure. You can team up with your friends over there.”

Karis turned away and started to review the pairs of students in her class. Draco started to walk over to Crabbe and Goyle.

Harry saw it as if in slow motion, Draco turned on his heel and swung his arm around and aimed his wand at Karis’ back.

Harry’s heart started racing. “LOOK OUT” he shouted.

A red light flew out of Draco’s wand, Harry watched in horror as it flew across the classroom.

Everyone stopped what they were doing, Hermione screamed, Ron’s mouth was hanging open and his eyes were bulging, they resembled large beetles.

Karis turned quickly, “Reflecto Accio” she shouted so fluently fast.

A large shield appeared around her and it reflected Draco’s beam of light. It shot back towards him, now he had a look of terror in his eyes. Karis still had her wand raised. It was going to hit him, Harry felt a slight twinge of excitement, Draco was going to get hit by his own evil attempt to curse Karis.

Karis however said a spell that Harry did not quite hear, the red beam of Draco’s hex had stopped in mid air, it started to crackle, then a shot of silver liquid rose out of her wand, and turned the spell into ice, levitating only two inches away from Draco’s stomach. Then gently it shattered into small pieces onto the floor and disappeared.

Everyone in the class stayed silent.

Harry felt his anger rise from the pit of his stomach, he was losing it, he knew it was wrong, but still he couldn’t help himself.

Harry lifted his wand, and without another thought, he shouted “Stupefy”

Draco was hit in the chest with Harry’s spell and fell back hard onto the cold classroom floor.

Everyone in Gryffindor ran towards Harry and stood by his side as the Slytherin’s raised their wands. Staring at each-other with hatred so intense Harry felt like the war had already started, face to face, two sides, detesting one another, looking ready for battle.


Harry had never seen her angry before.

“POTTER, TWENTY POINTS FROM GRYFFINDOR!” Harry put his head down, he felt deflated, but only momentarily.

“MALFOY. FIFTY POINTS FROM SLYTHERIN!” she shouted. The look on the Slytherins faces made Harry feel better at once.

“Why do I get fifty and Potter gets twenty!” spat Draco, scowling and red with anger.

“Because, you tried to curse me while my back was turned and that is the most cowardly thing any one could do. I will be telling Professor Snape about this, I will also make sure you will be serving detention!” she turned to Harry. “And you shouldn’t have retaliated, it was under control!”

“What he did was wrong.” shot Harry “I had to do something.”

“You should of just watched me, you may have learnt something, but instead your temper got the better of you.”

“You will learn Professor after a while, that Potter-here-always-likes-to-save-the-day.” Interrupted Millicent Bulstrode sarcastically.

“Saving instead of disrupting I am more in favour for Miss Bulstrode, and I don’t recall asking for your opinion!” Karis then turned to the rest of the class. “Sit down all of you!”

“Except you” she said, pointing to Draco. “Take this note to Professor Snape immediately and no dawdling, I have eyes everywhere!”

Draco snatched the note out of her hand, and stormed out of the classroom, slamming the door behind him.

“Right, homework! I want a two foot parchment essay on Defence in the Dark Ages. I believe its chapter five. To be in by next lesson, you have one week!”

There were a few grumbles in the class. Harry however felt relieved; at least he didn’t have to do detention with Draco.

“Don’t worry mate; I’ll get the twenty points back in Herbology.” said Neville quietly.

Harry let out an appreciative smile and got down to reading chapter five.

The sound of the end of class bell chimed and one by one they headed for their next lesson.

Throughout the day there were many talks about what happened in Defence Against the Dark Arts with Draco and Professor Karis. Many patted Harry on the back for his Stupefy hex. But the main part of the conversations where about her conjured protection shield, Harry was also encapsulated by her power, the only other time he had seen a spell like that was last term at the Ministry of Magic in the Atrium, by no other than Lord Voldemort himself!

Part 3.

Ginny flung her arms around Harry as soon as he entered the Gryffindor Common Room, she had tears of happiness forming in her hazel eyes.

Harry had no idea what it was about, but she was beaming at him, so excited in fact she found it hard to speak.

“Harry, oh, Harry, congratulations, Oh we are SOOOOO going to win!”

“Ginny, what the hell are you talking about?” replied Harry, looking confused.

She grabbed Harry by the hand and led him to the Common Room notice board. There pinned on the corked frame was a note.

To all Gryffindor Students

I would like to remind you all that now term has started once again and we have Professor Albus Dumbledore re-instated as Headmaster. It is his wish that Quidditch will now resume as normal. May I congratulate Miss Ginny Weasley in her new role as beater, and welcome back Mr Harry Potter as seeker!

I have also been asked by certain house elves of Hogwarts to advise you that any small knitted clothing found in the Gryffindor Common room will no longer be tolerated, and they will instigate a strike. So will the culprit please refrain from practising their needle work inside the school!

Also, due to these difficult times, students are not allowed to wonder outside into school grounds after 7pm, this will change to 6pm when Winter approaches.

May I welcome our new first years, and I expect you to all offer a helping hand in their settling in period.

If you have any problems, please speak to one of your house prefects. Mr Ronald Weasley or Miss Hermione Granger, or alternatively, please come and see me.

Last but not least, I am also DELIGHTED to announce that all Education decree’s instigated by Professor Dolores Umbridge throughout last year have been annulled.

Yours sincerely

Professor Minerva McGonnagall


Head of Gryffindor

A large crowd of red and yellow had gathered at the notice board and were scanning the letter, Harry felt a lump form in his throat, and a wave of emotion engulf him. If Professor McGonnagall had walked into the Common Room at that precise moment, he would have kissed her!

“You see Harry, you’re back, there will be no stopping us now, when are we going to practice?” asked Ginny

“We will have to ask Angelina, but she is in her final year now and I imagine she’s really busy. I’m so pleased to be back in the team though Gin, it’s just cool to be apart of Quidditch and the DA.” said Harry beaming. “At least this start of term is going right, so far….”

Ron came in and patted Harry on the shoulders “Well done mate, knew you would be back on the team. “

Hermione however had a deep frown on her face while reading the notice from McGonnagall.

“Oh leave her.” said Ron, noticing Harry watching her. “She’s got the right hump about that, Oh but she’s happy for you though mate!” quickly correcting himself.

“Yeah, well you have all that to contend with now Ron, good luck mate!” Harry chortled.

Ron gave an amusing smirk to his friend. “Yeah, but she’s worth it.”

“Yeah, she is.” replied Harry, with a warm smile.

Hermione came storming over to where they were both standing. “I can’t believe that woman, how dare her! What’s wrong with what I did? I was only trying to help the poor House Elves, I think the slavery of them is wrong, I will continue with S.P.E.W. I don’t care what she says!”

Hermione then walked off in a stupor and sat by the small lit fire.

Ron looked at Harry with a helpless expression and said quietly. “Nah, I take it back, she’s a nightmare! A total loony and I have no idea what I’m letting myself in for!”

Harry laughed out loud. “Like I said, Good luck mate!”

They both approached Hermione and took residence in the empty padded chairs next to her, and all sat looking into the fire. Harry remembered the last time he gazed into this fire, he saw Sirius looking back at him. He shuddered at the memory, and tried desperately hard to push it to the back of his mind.
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Old 09-09-2006, 09:11 AM   #16 (permalink)
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Chapter 14 – The DA

Harry, Ron and Hermione decided it was time that they held another meeting regarding the DA and the new arrangements.

“Do you still have the coins?” enquired Hermione to Ron and Harry.

“Yeah, lucky though, I nearly spent it in the holidays.” replied Ron.

“I imagine everyone else kept theirs.” replied Harry. “Work your magic Hermione, let’s set up a meeting in the room of requirement. Quidditch practise isn’t starting for another week, there should be no excuses!”

“No problem, what time?”

“Tonight, at seven, I will get the Marauders Map out, to make sure we don’t get caught coming back.”

“Better tell Karis.” replied Ron.

“Yeah, no probs, I’ll go tell her now.” With that Harry left the room.

Hermione turned to Ron. “I’m worried about Harry. He’s holding something back. I wish I knew what it was.”

“You know what Hermione? I think your right. I can’t believe I’m agreeing with you!” he replied with a wry smile.

“I wish I knew what was in the prophecy, we never was told what it said.”

“It’s because no-one heard it, Neville broke it by accident.” replied Ron

“Didn’t you hear Dumbledore in the meeting? He said that Voldemort probably took Mad Eye Moody because of the Prophecy, which means he must know what it said, or something about it at least.”

“I never even thought of that. But then again You-know-who is a total crackpot, he is just desperate, he’s clutching at straws.

“If that’s the case, then I fear for Alastor, if he has nothing to tell them, then he’s no better than dead. “

Ron looked at Hermione in submission; after all she had a point, a very good one indeed.

“Whatever it is, it can’t be good. I just hope Karis can really pull this one off. Harry needs guidance. Dumbledore hardly looked at him once last year and now he brings in his Grand Daughter, probably the light of his life to help Harry, I still don’t get it.” replied Ron.

Hermione nodded in full agreement.

“Karis is cool, but I just can’t help but wonder what this is all about. I think Harry knows.” she replied.

“Hermione, if he knew he would have told us.”

“What if he did hear the prophecy when it smashed and he’s too scared to say anything?” said Hermione with her voice rising high with emotion. “He’s putting on a brave face I know it. We both know him better than anyone Ron, and well, I heard something when we were at Grimmauld Place but I haven’t told anyone.”

Ron shot a look of expectancy at his Girlfriend. “What did you hear?” he nudged closer to her on the sofa, so there arms were touching.

“You remember when we said Goodnight and left his room?”


Well I couldn’t sleep, so after about an hour I went downstairs to get a drink of water, I heard voices from the hallway. I heard Phineas Nigellus portrait tell Lupin that Harry was crying for Sirius in his sleep, I also heard him say that he heard Harry shouting, something about dying at the hand of the other. I don’t understand what that was about, but I’m scared for him.” Hermione slowly put her head down.

Ron put his arm around her shoulders.

“I didn’t want to leave him, but something told me to leave him alone that night, he needs time to grieve Hermione, we all loved Padfoot.” Ron took a deep breath and continued to speak. “I don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t have you, this is hard for us all I know, but you have made it easier for me just being here.”

Hermione looked up at Ron with tears welling in her eyes, she felt overwhelmed with what Ron had just said, she felt exactly the same, Ron was a strength that she desperately needed to hold onto, they were strength for each-other. Gently she leaned in closer and they both shared their first long embracing kiss.

Part 2

Harry approached the door to Karis’ classroom. He was about to knock when he heard voices. Quietly he put his ear to the door and tried to listen to what was being said, thinking that he could have really done with some extendable ears right about now.

“I can’t believe he did that Karis, I am so sorry.” Harry recognised those dull tones as belonging to Professor Snape. “I know he has had it hard, he’s not really a bad kid.”

“I know Severus, he’s confused. His Dad is in Azkaban, his Mother is a head case, who I’m pleased to say I only ever met the once, but what he did was still wrong.” replied Karis.

“Yes it was inexcusable, and I will make sure he receives detention.”

“OK, but...” Karis trailed off then continued. “Severus I am concerned about him and Harry, they hate each-other, I couldn’t just sense it, I could really see it. I think we may have trouble with those two.”

“Well yes, Potter is unpredictable, much like his Father in that respect.”

“Just because you didn’t like James, don’t take it out on Harry, he’s a great young man, he has a big heart and has been though so much, surely you realise that.” said Karis.

Harry felt a warmth travel through his body; she was sticking up for him. He was seething however at Snape for talking untoward about his Father.

“Well No Karis, I don’t. He has been through a lot but he brings it upon himself, he takes matters into his own hands without thinking of the consequences. He would have been killed if it wasn’t for the Order.”

“I appreciate that but it’s not all his fault. If you had continued with the Occlumency and were more supportive towards him, he wouldn’t hate you so much, and you would both learn to get along.”

“I will not argue with you over Potter, he has caused enough trouble, and I refuse to let him interfere with us.”

All was silent for a few moments. Harry’s head was reeling, he felt sick inside. They must be a couple he thought. He was so mad at Karis, he felt like she had let him down. Talking about him behind his back to one of the people he hated the most. She was younger than him too, she didn’t look much older than 22 years old, what was she thinking, and what did Dumbledore think about this – does Dumbledore even know? These were just some of the questions Harry was tormenting himself with, while still leaning against the door straining to hear the rest of the conversation.

“Nothing will ever jeopardise what we have Severus, nothing at all.” replied Karis.

These last words she spoke rang in Harry’s head like church bells. He felt so angry; suddenly he swung on his heel and stormed back towards the Gryffindor Tower. He didn’t want to see her or talk to her, in fact he was disgusted by her - And he felt the one person he really started to care for, respect as a teacher and a good friend had betrayed him more than anyone.

Harry entered the Gryffindor Common Room to find the Creevy Brothers, Seamus Finnigan, Dean Thomas and Neville Longbottom all sitting with Ron, Hermione and Ginny.

The Patil twins were also hanging around. Suddenly Harry remembered why. The DA Meeting. Hermione had already done the protean charm on the galleon coins, and people were assembling together for the first lesson of the new term.

“Are you alright Harry?” asked Ginny, noticing he was looking pale in the face and was carrying a defiant frown.

“Uh… Yeah I’m fine. I’ll go get the map, and then we can head out.” replied Harry, while storming for the stairs that lead to the Male dormitories.

C’mon Harry, we don’t have long, we are already late, what are you doing?” shouted Hermione from the stairway.

Harry was sitting on his bed looking at his wand, lost in his thoughts. He was still reeling over what he heard. Why Snape? He kept thinking to himself. Anyone else would have been alright, but why him?

Slowly they all made their way to the Room of Requirement, Harry keeping a close eye on the marauders map for signs of anyone anonymous approaching.

Ron looked across at the map and noticed a name approaching nearby, a name that Harry had his eyes fixed on, yet he held a defiant frown and was starting to grip his wand until his knuckles turned white.

“Harry, are you sure your alright?” asked Ron, looking at his friend with uncertainty.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” replied Harry irritably.

A swish of a crushed purple cloak could be heard and slowly Karis approached the awaiting crowd. With a large smile and eyes twinkling, she felt quite surprised at the number of students who were involved in this venture.

“Hey Karis, oh, I mean Professor Karis.” stuttered Ron.

“Yeah, wow Professor, what you did to Malfoy was awesome.” interrupted Seamus Finnigan, while looking at her with awe.

“Well, he deserved it, but I don’t make a habit of it, and I would have done the same to any one of you, regardless of who it was.” replied Karis.

Harry looked up at her; she stared straight in his eyes, and her expression changed very slightly. Karis felt that there was something on Harry’s mind, even though, she knew he wouldn’t tell her straight.

“What’s the matter Harry?” she asked.

“How did you know about the D.A. gathering, I didn’t get a chance to tell you.” retorted Harry with an unduly abruptness.

“I have a galleon that Professor Dumbledore gave to me, to make sure you didn’t try sneaking off without me knowing, he thought it best.” replied Karis. “Good job he did too, because Harry, you didn’t tell me!”

Hermione and Ron exchanged looks, as they believed that was his mission earlier.

“But surely Harry that is not all that is on your mind, please share!” said Karis.

“Well, I just wondering where you learnt that shielding spell, I remembered afterwards that as I saw Voldemort do it last year, then maybe your not telling us everything. After all you seem to enjoy the presence of a once Death Eater.”

There were a few loud gasps and a quiet muttering in the DA crowd.

Hermione was gaping at Harry in amazement; Ron was shaking his head and started to turn pink in the face. Ginny however out of shock kicked Harry in the shin. “Ouch, Gin, what are you playing at?”

“I could ask you the same question!” she retorted.

Karis however just continued staring at Harry, to the point where he started to feel uncomfortable and albeit would he want to admit it to himself, rather guilty.

“It’s not what you think!” she whispered to him, then she turned away to look at the others, who all felt rather uneasy.

“Right, well I guess you all know how to enter the room. Harry, would you like to go first?” gestured Karis.

“Harry, hello, would you like to go first?” she repeated.

“Uh, yeah, sorry.” stumbled Harry awkwardly, he seemed to be in a daze. Karis had thrown him completely off-guard, he felt silly about his abrupt behaviour with her.

“Very well then, let’s go!” replied Karis.

One by one they strode three times by the hidden door and entered.
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Old 09-09-2006, 09:15 AM   #17 (permalink)
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Part 3

“Now, I understand Harry here has been teaching you all very well over the last year, and so I would like to see what you have been practicing.” said Karis, eyeing the class. “So what have you been doing exactly?”

“Well Professor, we have all learnt the Patronus charm.” said Neville, beaming from ear to ear.

“Really? Well, grab a partner then and show me what you can do.” replied Karis. “Would you like to partner with me Harry?”

Harry felt terrible; he couldn’t look her in the eye. “Yeah, alright.” he replied quickly.

“Excellent, well I will go grab the cushions, I had no idea this was how you practised, I always find that duelling is always the best form of learning, you need to put it into practise!” said Karis, smiling at Harry. “I just hope you don’t find my classes boring now!” she giggled and walked to the cushion mound.

Hermione quickly strode up to Harry. “What was that all about outside?”

“Nothing, doesn’t matter!”

“Yes it does, what did you hear, what are you not telling me and Ron!” she prodded him in the side.

“I…nothing, quick she’s coming.”

Hermione let out a long exasperated sigh, and quickly rejoined Ron.

“Right then Harry, show me your Patronus.”

“OK, Hang on, just got to think of something happy, find that quite hard sometimes after some of the things I’ve seen and heard!”

“Understandably so Harry, take your time!”

Karis overlooked Harry’s second dig of the day towards her.

“EXPECTO PATRONUM” he shouted.

The tip of his wand came alight; it was so bright it filled the whole room. There standing in the middle was a beautiful stag, it nodded to Karis and then at Harry, they nodded back politely and as quickly as it came, it had disappeared.

Everyone started clapping, including Karis.

“Well done Harry, well done!” she praised

“Now, who wants to see mine?” asked Karis.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at Karis with excitement, especially Harry, he was intrigued.

She stood there with her eyes closed, thinking of her happiest memory.

She held up her wand, still with a wide smile on her face and said clearly “EXPECTO PATRONUM”

From the tip of her wand came a bright white light, there seemed to be waves, they were so high, trailing through the centre of the room, and suddenly with a huge leap came the most beautiful bright dolphin. It jumped up from the waves and swan straight past Hermione’s head. She was watching in awe, then as fast as it arrived like Harry’s stag, it disappeared.

Everyone started clapping, Harry for a split second forgot about his grievances, and saluted her on the most amazing patronus he had ever seen.

“That was so cool Karis!” said Ron, with amazement.

“Well thank you Ron.” she replied, beaming. “I am very pleased she chose me, as Dolphins are the sign of peace, love and tranquillity, I am very honoured to have her.”

“You mean, our patronus chooses us?” asked Luna

“Yes Luna, they are a guide, once they walked, or in my case, swam, this plane many years before us, they are like guardian angels. Some witches and wizards oppose the idea, but I like to believe it, because it’s gives me a sign of hope.”

“I know why mine chose me.” said Harry, more thinking to himself but he said it out loud nonetheless.

“Me too Harry, I knew as soon as I saw your Stag. I saw him in pure form once, many years ago when I was a child.”

“You knew my Father?” asked Harry incredulously, his eyes open wide.

“Yes, but we will talk about that another day.” she winked at Harry and smiled, then turned to the rest of the class.

“Right, well I don’t think I need to be here, you all seem to be doing very well, so I will leave Harry here to continue with the training. Remember, not long after 8pm please, we don’t want you losing any more points! Keep your eyes and ears open, and please remember to keep this strictly between us!”

She politely bowed to Harry and the rest of the class, and then turned and excited the Room of Requirement.

Part 4

“Well that went well.” said Neville with excitement. “Did you see my Patronus Ginny?”

“Yeah, it was great, mine was alright, was a bit wispy though, still not getting a proper form!”

“Ah, it will come with time, you’ll just have to keep practising.”

“Yeah, maybe we can practice together sometime?”

Neville looked taken aback at Ginny’s invitation. “Uh, yeah..sure Gin, that would be cool.”

“Right well I am off to bed – Thanks Harry that was great.” said Ginny, sticking her thumb up.

Harry shot her a thankful nod.

Neville yawned. “Yeah, see you lads later, I’m off too.” he gestured to Ron and Harry.

They all said goodnight.

Hermione waited until it was empty. “Now, tell us what the hell is going on.” she said, with determination in her voice. She grabbed Harry by the arm and sat down next to him on the over filled sofa in the Gryffindor Common Room.

The fire was flickering lightly, projecting shadows of flames on the walls around them.

It was late and everyone had now retired to their dormitories. Except for Harry, Ron and Hermione. They were determined to find out why Harry was so rude to Karis, especially considering they had a trusting and blossoming friendship on the horizon. For Hermione and Ron it didn’t make sense, moreover, they wanted to know what he meant.

“I told you… it’s nothing.” replied Harry, keeping his head down, unable to look them both in the eye.

“Well, sorry Harry but it don’t look like that to us.” said Ron, shaking his head.

“Wow, can see you two are getting on well, your actually taking sides with Hermione these days Ron.” mocked Harry.

They smiled at his enthusiasm to change the subject, but to no avail were they going to allow him the pleasure to push them away once again.

“You heard what Dumbledore said, so did me and Ron.” stated Hermione. “We know that the Order know about the Prophecy’s containment, because why else would Voldemort take Alastor? You know too Harry and you’re not telling us!”

Harry looked up at her momentarily in surprise. She could see she hit a raw nerve.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about Hermione.” he shot back.

“Ah, sorry Harry, but we think you do, and we want to know. We are in this together, and after everything we have been through, don’t do this to us, for Merlin’s sake Harry stop pushing us away!” said Ron, with a maturity of seriousness that stunned Harry.

Harry put his head down again, he knew he couldn’t steer clear of it anymore, they wanted to know and after everything they had been through, he owed them his honesty, but he knew it would hurt them both, but if they wanted the truth, then so be it!

“I think you better both sit down.” said Harry.

“I am sitting down.” replied Hermione.

“It’s just….. well, this is going to be very difficult, and whatever you do, please try to understand that I am OK, I’ve come to terms with it and I expect you to as well!”

Ron started to look incredibly concerned and quickly sat in the chair opposite the sofa.

Ron took a deep breath and smiled at Hermione, following it with a wink. He looked at his best friend and nodded in the way he always did when there was something on his mind, the nod of understanding and prolonged friendship that all three of them had always endured since the tender age of eleven.

“OK Harry, tell us.” said Ron with rising confidence. “Tell us everything!”
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Old 09-09-2006, 09:19 AM   #18 (permalink)
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Chapter 15 – Understanding

Harry looked at his friends with admiration. He had no idea what he would ever do without them both; they were a rock for him to lean on whenever he lost his footing.

“I know what the prophecy said.” Harry said quickly.

Hermione and Ron’s eyes both lit up for a second, and then quickly they regained their worried expressions. Hermione and Ron sat there, awaiting Harry to continue.

“Right, well I didn’t hear the Prophecy when it smashed because of the commotion, but Dumbledore was with the seer when the prophecy was relayed. He managed to remember it word for word and he told me. Well, he showed me, through his pensieve.”

“When was this?” enquired Ron, looking surprised.

“In his office after the Department of Mysteries, when you were taken to the hospital wing. I was sent back to Dumbledore’s office via a portkey.”

“What did it say Harry?” asked Hermione in no more than a whisper, while holding her breath and clutching her hands tight, afraid of what may be coming next.

“You want it word for word do you?” mocked Harry.

“Yes, and don’t joke, I want to know…. Sorry.” She looked up at Ron. “We want to know, word for word!” she replied, throwing her boyfriend a smile.

Harry closed his eyes and concentrated, he wanted to make sure he was absolutely sure of how he was going to deal with this.

“Ok. Firstly let me explain what happened.”

Harry went on to tell Ron and Hermione that Albus had gone to a small room above the Hogs Head pub in Hogsmeade to interview a lady for the new position in Divination. He was told that she was the Grand daughter of a renowned and respected seer, and that this woman also had the gift of sight.

“That woman is Professor Sybil Trelawney.” He continued. “Albus believed she was a fake and was about to leave the room when Trelawney spoke the prophecy.”

Ron looked stunned. “You mean she isn’t a fake?”

“No Ron, but she can’t see at any moment, it’s just sprung upon her, like in the third year when she warned me about Sirius coming. She was right then!”

“OK, Harry carry on.” spoke Hermione, getting agitated.

“The prophecy is this.” He coughed to clear his throat and again closed his eyes; he didn’t want to see Ron and Hermione’s face once he had finished announcing his foretold destiny.

“The One with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches… born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies… and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not…and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives… the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies…”

Harry continued to keep his eyes closed; all was silent in the room. That was until he heard Hermione. She was trying to be so strong, but Harry knew she was crumbling, the wall that she always formed to reflect any false hope or negativity was falling away.

He felt a movement coming from across the room; Harry looked up and sees Ron gently patting Hermione on the shoulder. She was now crying hard and Harry quickly got up from the sofa and bought her back a tissue.

“Oh…oh Harry, dat is ba..baad. Wh..wh..why didn’t earlier?” she sobbed.

“Because I didn’t want you getting all worked up like you are now Hermione. After all, it just means I have to train. I have beaten him before I can do it again!”

Ron looked up at Harry. He noticed that Ron was also glassy eyed, but it was Ron who was keeping it together for Hermione as Harry was shaking and his voice started to tremble.

“Harry, I think I know what that meant.” said Ron.

This made Harry smile.

Hermione wiped her eyes and pulled herself together.

“I know what it means.” she stated. “It means that Harry and Voldemort have to go head to head and Harry is the only one who can kill him, but one cannot live without the other. So either way, your both going to die.”

“Not necessarily Hermione.” Cut in Harry. “Dumbledore said that I have to kill Voldemort to survive, I am the only one who can kill him, that’s all it means.”

“Are you sure Harry?”

“That’s what Dumbledore said. I asked him if it meant that one of us has got to kill the other one in the end? And he said Yes!”

“I don’t know Harry, what if it means you have to kill each-other for this all to end?” asked Ron.

“No, I’m the one with the scar, this curse. If I kill Voldemort it will be over, all over.”

“And if he kills you?” asked Ron

Harry put his head down. “Then I would have failed.”

Hermione stood up from the sofa and swayed into Ron who steadied her with his comforting arms. She closed her arms around Harry and Ron’s necks, and they stood there in one big warm embrace.

While still holding them both, Hermione spoke. “Whatever it means Harry, Ron and I will be here with you, no matter what. That prophecy is just the beginning. You will train, you will work hard and we will be with you every step of the way. Like Ron said, after everything we have been through together, I now know that this is the reason why. It’s not just your destiny Harry, it’s ours too.”

Harry’s heart melted at these spoken words and he couldn’t help but feel emotional, he rested his head on Hermione’s shoulder and sobbed quietly.

Ron looked up into the eyes of his Girlfriend, and at that moment, not only did he feel that she was absolutely right, but he realised for the first time that he was in-love with her, and right then in that special moment, he felt that everything for the first time in his life, finally made sense.

Part 2

Harry pulled himself together and all three of them sat down on the over filled sofa, and they all started to stare into the fire.

“Harry?” said Hermione in a questioning manner.


“You still haven’t told us why you were so mad at Karis earlier.”

“Your right, I haven’t.”

Hermione smiled. “Well, why? Tell us, it can’t be as bad as the prophecy surely!”

Harry kept staring into the flickering flames while he spoke.

“I overheard a conversation between her and Snape. She was sticking up for me as Snape was being his usual self and badmouthing my Dad.”

“You’re joking!” said an exasperated Ron.

“No, wish I was. Anyway, I don’t know what is going on between them but I got the impression they were together.”

“You mean together in, as a couple?” enquired Hermione.

Harry nodded. “But I think I may have been wrong, there’s a lot more to this than meets the eye. I don’t know what to think anymore.”

Hermione put her hand on Harry’s and squeezed it tight.

“Karis is great, I can’t see her wanting to jeopardise anything here, I see the way she is with you Harry, she really cares you know!” replied Ron

“I know she does. But I’m finding that difficult too.”

“Why?” asked Ron

“Because I really like her, but I hardly know her, it’s just difficult. She is keeping things from me too, she can look at anything inside my mind, yet she chooses to keep herself distant, I have no idea what her story is.”

“To be honest Harry that is none of your business.” replied Hermione.

Harry turned away from the fire and looked at Hermione. “I know.” he muttered and turned away again.

Ron had a smirk form across his face. “What do you mean, you Like her?”

“Oh shut up Ron.” shot Hermione

Harry smiled. “I think she’s special Ron, she has a great energy. I really respect her.”

“Until you overheard the conversation with Snape?” asked Hermione

“Well, no, I didn’t know what to think about that, but something tells me I’m going to find out, and hopefully, that time will be soon.”
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Old 09-09-2006, 09:28 AM   #19 (permalink)
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Chapter 16 – Mad Eye Moody

It was dark, cold and all that could be heard was the dripping of water from the roof onto the stone floor within the derelict building.

Alastor couldn’t make out where he was. He had been stunned in a fight with 12 Death eaters on his way home. He tried to protect himself, and yet there were too many for him to ward off alone.

Thank fully he had managed to conceal his magical eye during the battle and hid it in his oversized brown coat, just before they stunned him into silence and darkness.

He woke up here, there were bars facing him and while he breathed he could make out the cold air coming from his mouth and nose, as if he was smoking a muggle cigar which he had tried many years ago when he was 17.

All over his body he ached, his head, torso, arms and legs felt sore. He had cuts on his face and arms where he had fallen, and this was also due to two death eaters, who had tried to torture him upon the Dark Lord’s orders, to find out the full containment of the Prophecy, foretold by Sybill Trelawney.

“Tell us you old fool, tell us or you will suffer something so formidable, you won't remember your name come tomorrow.” came the harsh voice of Rookwood. The man that Alastor fought in the Department of Mysteries only a couple of months ago, and the monster who nearly choked Harry to death.

“I don’t know what it is you need to know, the Prophecy has been destroyed.” He shot back, weak and exhausted from this horrific ordeal.

The second Death eater kicked Alastor in the stomach, making him wince and bowl over in pain. All the while holding a wand to his neck.

“You lie!” he snarled.

The large iron door slowly creaked, and a chill entered the room. Alastor started to shake but made a mental note to keep himself under control.

“Move over Lucius. Let me have a try.”

Lucius Malfoy bowed down low. “Yes Master, please do. We cannot get him to speak my lord.”

“Useless, the pair of you. Get out of my way, leave us.” shot Voldemort to his loyal servants. Slowly they both scrambled out the door and quickly closed it behind. Leaving Mad Eye Moody and Voldemort alone.

“We meet again Moody, I’m surprised your not dead yet, but then again been hiding behind dear Albus no doubt, and protecting that brat Potter. Well your time has come now Alastor, to tell me what I want to know.”

“NEVER.” spat Alastor. “I will never tell you. I would rather die then become a slave unto you. You make me sick. You should have stayed a parasite!”

Voldemort let out a loud terrifying laugh, before holding up his wand.


Alastor screamed in pain and writhed on the floor. It felt like every bone in his body was on fire. In the background all he could hear above his own screams was the high-pitched laughter of Lord Voldemort. Rejoicing in his right to will pain and suffering on this weak old man.

Slowly the pain resided and Alastor lay motionless on the stone floor, gasping for breath.

“Now, you WILL tell me what it is I wish to know Mad-Eye, or I will let that curse you despise so much last a little longer next time.”

“You can curse me all you wish Voldemort, but I will never bow down to you, I will not shame myself and destroy everything I worked for, not for a brat like you.”

“A brat? Umm, yes, I was wasn’t I. Tom Riddle is dead Alastor, I killed him a long time ago.”

“Potter will kill you, you know!”

Once again Voldemort let out a shriek that made the walls shake. His red eyes bearing in on Alastor like radar beams about to strike.

“Fool. A boy of sixteen could never beat me! Looks like your friend Albus has been planting false hopes and dreams into your tired old little brain. Potter will not reach his next Birthday that I can assure you!”

“You said that before, when he was one years old, you tried to kill him and yet it was your downfall – you are weak, you always have been.”

“Weak I hear you say. Well we will see about that!”


“Ahhhhh” was all that could be heard around the cell, the screams of agony that this chamber had grown accustomed too, many times before.


Harry was sweating; he was holding his head in pain, screaming in his sleep for release.

“GET KARIS.” screamed Hermione, while taking the stairs two at a time towards the male Dormitories.

“GET HER NOW RON.” she bellowed.

Ron jumped up, with Neville and Seamus by his side, looking frantic at each-other.

Quickly they ran down the stairs and out of the Gryffindor Common Room. As fast as their legs could carry them they sprinted down the long halls towards the Professor dormitories on the fourth floor.

They reached the second floor when they saw Professor Snape doing his last evening duties before retiring to bed.

Severus looked up and saw three tall bodies running towards him.

“Professor, we need Karis now, it’s Harry.” said Ron, puffing in exhaustion.

“Come with me.” He replied without further questioning and together the four of them went to collect her.

However, before Snape even opened the door to the Professor apartments Karis was already dressed and ran straight into them.

She looked frantically at Severus and then at Ron. “He needs you Karis.” said Ron in panic.

“I know. Lets go.” And as fast as they could, they ran together towards the Gryffindor tower.

They entered and Karis took the dormitory stairs three at a time, ripping the bottom of her purple crushed velvet gown.

Severus was closely behind with Ron, Neville and Seamus closing in.

Karis looked down at Harry and could see he was still dreaming, sweating and talking in his sleep, holding his head. She could see he was in much discomfort, especially when he let out a scream and started to convulse violently on the bed.

Hermione was crying and Ron was white with fright.

Karis leant over him and was about to put her hand on his head when Severus grabbed her and pulled her back.

“You can’t Karis, he will know.”

“I don’t have a choice Severus, he is going to find out eventually anyway. Death eater’s children go to this school – you knew this was going to be a risk.”

“If you do this now Karis it is over for the both of us.”

“My job is to help Harry, he’s not pulling out of this one, he is in too deep, I have to get him out.”

Severus looked at Harry with a saddened expression. Ron noticed this too, he couldn’t believe however he was going to prevent Karis from helping him.


Karis looked up at Ron shocked, but it made her come to her senses. “Severus. You have to let me go.”

Snape looked up at her, his eyes were beady and his lip was a quiver, he couldn’t bear it any longer, and stormed out of the dormitory.

Karis walked towards Harry, she leant over him and put her hand on Harry’s head, slowly she closed her eyes and concentrated, eventually entering onto the hidden depths of Harry’s intruded mind.


“You see, you cannot beat me Alastor, you are the weak one.” said Voldemort, laughing at the sight of Alastor arching in pain on the floor. “You have no idea of what I am capable of.”



Suddenly Voldemort stopped. Alastor was still trying to catch his breath when he saw Voldemort start to sway; it was as if he was losing his balance.

Voldemort clutched his head. “NO, No, it can’t be.” He was muttering while shaking his head violently.

Karis was delving into his mind, she was using Harry as a link to disconnect them both. Harry had sunk into Voldemorts mind in his sleep without realising and couldn’t escape, he had gone one step too far and only Karis could pull him out.

“But….., but your dead.” Voldemort mumbled. While clutching his head in pain.

“GET OUT.” she bellowed at him, her eyes burning into his red eyes, like fire.

Karis used all of her strength to break the connection between Harry and him, but she was finding it difficult as it was Harry who made the connection in the first place.

“My death eaters killed you, you cannot be. No, you cannot be.” he cried.

“They thought they killed me, but like you, I escaped them, like you, they were weak.”

“You lie!....... I have been betrayed.”

“No lies. The deatheater who killed me thought he had done so, I have a powerful gift you know. Now get out and leave Harry alone.”

Voldemort started laughing. To Alastor he looked completely mad, talking to himself and laughing while clutching his head. He had no idea what to think.

The link was dwindling, Karis could see Harry between herself and Voldemort, he was growing stronger. She couldn’t comprehend the pain he must be feeling, but he was fighting.

For a split second she felt so proud of him. “Leave Harry alone Tom, or I will kill you!” she spat like venom.

“Karis.” she heard a distant cry. “Karis get out.” But she was still delving into the red eyes, that was until she saw one brick fall, followed then by another. Two had landed on the floor in front of her; she turned and witnessed Alastor looking aghast in a cell. But it was too late, the connection was broken and as she regained her own consciousness, she fell hard to the floor in a heap in the boys dormitories, and Harry, she had noticed had fallen right beside her. She quickly reached out for his hand and grabbed it when suddenly to them both everything turned black, and all that remained for the pair of them was still dark silence.
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Old 09-09-2006, 09:35 AM   #20 (permalink)
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Old 09-09-2006, 09:42 AM   #21 (permalink)
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Part 2

Karis felt it first, the gathering of people around her. She was comfortable, and realised she wasn’t on the floor anymore, but in a bed. The presence she felt around her was one of warmth and love.

Slowly she fluttered her eyes open. Looking down at her was her Grand Father, Albus Dumbledore. He carried a look of concern, and his once sparkling blue eyes were now reflecting a dull grey.

“Good to see you’re back sweetheart.” He said, smiling down at her.

“How’s Harry, I saw Moody, in a cell, poor Harry, where is he.” she stuttered.

“Shhhhh, calm down, Harry is going to be fine.”

She closed her eyes again, as one tear escaped and trickled down her cheek.

“Karis.” came the voice of Severus Snape.

She opened her teary eyes and he motioned towards her and took her by the hand. Slowly she sat up and he wrapped his arms around her and embraced her softly.

She peered over to her left and saw that Harry was lying still in the bed beside her. Madame Pomfrey was dabbing his head with a wet flannel.

“Is he going to be alright?” asked Karis to the school nurse.

“Yes, he will have a headache I can guarantee that my dear, but he will pull through.”

Severus let go of Karis and she turned to her Grand Father.

“He knows I’m alive, I couldn’t stop him from seeing me or feeling my presence.”

“I gathered as much, especially when Severus here told me what you did, but I would have done the same.” Albus started pacing beside her bed, deep in thought. His expression could tell a thousand words, yet somehow Karis could not interpret one of them.

“He was in a bad way, I couldn’t leave him.” she said, trying to justify her actions further.

Severus turned away to face the window, when quietly he started to speak.

“He knows about me then I take it.”

“No, I told him I made his Death eater think I was dead, I feel we may have got away with it.”

“I guess I’ll find out soon enough.” He muttered under his breath.

Karis looked over at Harry. To her he looked so young and yet so worn and tired. She smiled to herself, remembering that Harry had fought so hard in separating his thoughts; he had managed to disconnect himself and Karis. She started to feel that the occlumency lessons they shared were now starting to pay off. She was proud of him, because it was through her guidance and one of the Order that he was now growing incredibly strong.

She looked away from Harry and stared at the back of Snape, he was still looking out the window, staring at the grounds, lost in his own thoughts.

“Severus, as much as it distastes you as to why I’m here, you can’t keep trying to save me, I’m not a child anymore!”

Severus stared her in the eye, but threw her a scowl. “I never said you were, I just want you to realise the danger you are in!”

Albus coughed as a way of interference. “Karis is fully aware of her position Severus, but she is right, her job is to help and train Harry, by whatever means possible. We need you to respect that.”

Severus stayed quiet and continued to stare out of the window. “Of course.” He replied and then turned and left the hospital wing.

Karis lied back down on her bed, as she was still feeling a little woozy from the earlier ordeal.

“I will leave you to rest now, but call me if you need anything.” said Albus, throwing her a warm smile.

“Stop fussing, I’ll be fine.”

Albus left the Hospital wing seconds later. Karis rolled over onto her left side, and felt delighted all at once, to see two large emerald green eyes smiling back at her.

Part 3

“Hey Harry, welcome back. How are you feeling?” asked Karis softly.

“I have a migraine from hell but other than that I think I’m alright.” He replied, patting down his body to make sure everything was still intact. Karis laughed at his repartee, suddenly feeling better herself at his woken presence.

Karis continued to stare at Harry, she could see he was starting to feel a little uncomfortable but she ignored him.

Harry pretended to be busy, by sitting up and plumping his pillows and straightening out his blanket.

“Harry.” said Karis in a questioning tone.

“Yes Karis?” He turned to look at her again.

“I am really proud of what you did, disconnecting me like that. You showed a great will of power, I think Voldemort was a little surprised too.”

Harry put his head down; he almost forgot about what happened, like he tried to push it to the back of his mind, as if it was all just a dream.

“Yeah, it was hard. I guess the lessons we are having are finally paying off ay!”

Karis nodded in agreement.

“Look, I know it is probably difficult for you right now, but I need you to tell me what you saw. it’s important Harry!”

“Yeah, alright.” he said exasperatedly, wanting to rest before he went into details, but knew it was now his duty to tell her everything, it was after all their responsibility. “I saw Mad-Eye Moody in a cell, with Rookwood and Malfoy. They were beating him, trying to get him to talk about the prophecy. This can only mean one thing!” his anger started to rise and he balled his fist and punched his opposite palm. “They have escaped from Azkaban!”

Karis sighed loudly, “Of course, now I know why Albus was so concerned here earlier, I knew there was something incredibly wrong!” she said, looking more worried than ever. “Sorry Harry, carry on, what else did you see?

Well they failed in getting Alastor to talk, so Voldemort came in and took over. He used the cruatius curse twice and each time I….”

“It’s alright Harry, they can’t hurt you now.” Karis eyed him contentedly, helping him to continue.

“I….felt it, as if it was me.” Harry found these last words difficult. He could only imagine the pain that Alastor was going through, he felt like he had failed him in someway in not being able to prevent it.

“That’s good though Harry, because it means you were still you even though you were inside his thoughts and his mind, it means you are taking the first steps into beating him. He will now find it very hard to manipulate you like before. But I need you to tell me how you did it – how did you enter his mind?”

Harry looked out the window, losing himself deep in thought; there were a few moments of silence, until Harry finally answered.

“I thought of Alastor and what he was going through, I thought of Voldemort and wondered where he was. It was Ron and Hermione who helped me.”

“In what way?”

“I told them about the prophecy; they took it rather well considering there best friend will eventually become a murderer.”

“You can’t think like that Harry, you must kill Voldemort in the end but it will be for the right reasons. I know murder is never good but some good will come out of it, you must believe that.”

Harry smiled and faced Karis.

“I know, that’s kinda what Hermione said in her own way.”

“You love her very much don’t you!”

“Not in that way.” Harry replied quickly. “She’s Ron’s girl, she always was. But yes I love her like a sister, and Ron like a best mate, because he is.” replied Harry, thinking fondly of both his best friends, and then continued. “When it comes to the happiness of the people who are dear to me, I never hesitate to do whatever it takes, even when I have to run very serious risks.”

“Those are wise words Harry, you have been hanging around my Grand Father for way too long.” laughed Karis.

“No, it wasn’t Albus who taught me that Karis. It was you!”

Karis turned away from Harry, she felt a pang of emotion engulf her and willed herself not to show any form of weakness in front of him. After all, she was here to help Harry. She had begged her Grand Father to finally become apart of the Order so she could help him in his occlumency training after she had received the note from Severus, explaining his actions as to why he will not teach ‘That Potter Boy’ anymore. She felt for him and knew he needed her help, especially after the way Albus spoke so highly of Harry when he apparated to her 3 months ago, when the Ministry tried to arrest him.

Now, having got to know Harry well, she see something familiar about his will and persistence, at the age of sixteen she had the same qualities, but the reason why, she could not relay, she found it difficult to open up to anyone, but slowly and gradually she felt that maybe soon, she might have to.

“What are you thinking about?” asked Harry, looking questionably at her.

“Oh.., Was just thinking about Alastor.” she felt guilty for lying, even though she was highly concerned for Mad-Eye Moody.

“He stuck up for me you know!” said Harry with a wave of sadness clouding his tired reflection. “He told Voldemort he would rather die than betray Albus and the Order.” Harry turned to look out the window again to hide his emotions; even though he now had a lump form in his throat and felt his chest start to tighten, all the while hoping that Karis would not ask him another question because he dared not speak.

She got up from her bed and went over and sat by Harry’s side, he moved up a little so she had plenty of room. He however did not look at her.

Gently she put her right hand on his head and started stroking his hair.

“Do you remember me telling you that I knew your Father?”

Harry turned round quickly, nearly spraining his neck in the process. Staring up at her with his large green eyes, wide and expecting.

“Yeah, you did, how did you know him?”

Karis smiled. “Well, I was six when I first met him. My Father was on business and my Mother was poorly so Albus said he would look after me for a few days. Of course he was in the Order and Voldemort was at full strength. My Mother didn’t want me playing outside but while she was ill in bed, I of course disobeyed. So she thought it best I come to Hogwarts where my Grand Father could keep an eye on me.”

Harry let out a small chuckle, trying to visualize a disobedient six year old Karis, with her large brown eyes and long wavy hair.

“Anyway I met the whole Order. They spoilt me rotten, giving me sweets and throwing me around and keeping me amused. James and Sirius took me under their wing, as did Lily, your Mother.” Karis said this last sentence with a compassionate nod.

Harry’s face was full of belonging, he loved where he was right now, listening to a new tale about Sirius and his parents.

“One day I was lonely, I started to cry because I missed my parents. For the record, My Father was the high administrator for the Order of Merlin, a much respected Man. My mother was always quite poorly after I was born, she had many problems through pregnancy and childbirth, we both nearly died, but thankfully we pulled through.”

“Wow” replied Harry with concern. “You nearly died?”

“Yeah, we both did, but Madame Pomfrey managed to apparate my Mother here to Hogwarts just in time after she received a distress call from our owl, Moggins. I was actually born here in Hogwarts.”

Harry smiled and waited for her to continue her story.

“Anyway, one day like I said I was lonely and upset. Your Father picked me up and cuddled me, told me I was to be a brave little girl and that he would show me a secret. Sirius was there too and told James to stop being silly and that he was to under no circumstances show me how to work the marauders map!”

Harry burst out laughing, as did Karis at the happy memory.

“But you were six, how would you know how to work the map?” asked Harry, still laughing.

“Yeah I know, looking back I don’t think Sirius really understood kids too well.” she chuckled.

“What happened after that?” asked Harry with expectancy.

“Right there before my very eyes James turned into a beautiful Stag. I was in awe, shocked too, but in awe nonetheless. Sirius found this amusing and then decided it would be fun to turn into a black shabby looking dog. As you can imagine it made my day, I was six and believed I had a dog and a stag for pets. The really cool thing about it too is that I knew it was a secret, even at six years old I knew instinctively not to tell a single soul what James and Sirius could do.”

“Sounds like they really cared for you Karis.” said Harry, beaming at her.

“Yes, they did. I wish I got to know them better. All I have of your family Harry are wonderful happy memories. Especially the one when I noticed a small rounded swell on Lily’s belly.”

Harry’s eyes widened further in surprise.

“Yep, that’s right Harry, I remember when Lily told me she was having a baby, I was so excited. I remember asking her if I could hold it when it was born.”

“And did you?” asked Harry, looking incredulous.

“Yes I did, when that baby was born I was one of the first in line to hold it. I was still only six and nearly dropped you on your head! I remember that much; I have never seen my Grand Father move so quick across the room.”

Harry was highly amused but stunned at what Karis was telling him. All he kept thinking about was what she had said about his parents and Sirius, taking her under their wing, they recognised too that she was special. He now knew why he felt a connection with her; he had already met her before. Even though he was too young to remember, there paths had crossed, she had watched him grow gradually inside his mothers womb, and she was one of the first to hold him when he entered this world.

Harry looked Karis in the eye for the first time since he overheard her conversation with Snape before the first DA meeting. She smiled back at him while still stroking his hair.

“Thank you.” He whispered.

“Your welcome.” she replied smiling. Now get some rest, you have a Quidditch match tomorrow and you are going to win aren’t you Harry!”

“You betcha, I’ll win it for you, big sis! He replied in a mocking tone.

Don’t go saying things like that Harry, you will have me getting all emotional and well, that’s just ugly! But if you do win, I may just show you how to conjure that protection shield!” she shot a wink at him, and patted him on the shoulder. “I’m off now, I feel better, so young man I will see you tomorrow!”

“Bye Karis, and thanks again.” replied Harry, his eyes still alight with joy.

“Goodnight Harry.”

Karis turned and left the hospital wing, she felt a weight had been lifted from her shoulders, but only momentarily. There were still many things that Harry did not know, but right now, what he did know was enough.

Harry lied on his back staring up at the ceiling, mulling over what she had told him. He was so happy that they cared for Karis; he really wished he could remember them. That was until he realised that she had not mentioned Severus Snape once in her happy reminiscence.

Last edited by Swizzlestick; 09-09-2006 at 09:47 AM.
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Old 09-09-2006, 09:50 AM   #22 (permalink)
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Part 4

Karis strode as fast as she could to her Grand Father’s office. She was angry that Albus and Severus never told her about the attack on Azkaban, or whether there even was one. Karis had to make sure that Malfoy and Rookwood had escaped, because if they had not, then Voldemort would have succeeded in manipulating Harry again, and that was the thing she was dreading the most.

“Fizzy Wobbler”.

Suddenly the gargoyles moved and the winding staircase rotated. She didn’t even knock on the entrance door, she just threw the door open.

“Ah, I thought I told you to rest Karis!” exclaimed Albus as she approached him.

“I’m fine, so is Harry, he is awake and I have found out something very interesting and want to know why you didn’t tell me!” she shot in agitation.

Albus looked up from his desk, surveying her with a surprised frown “Let me guess – Azkaban?”

“Got it in one, Malfoy and Rookwood are with Voldemort as we speak. What happened?”

Albus gestured for Karis to sit down in the chair opposite; he looked tired and slowly took off his glasses and wiped them on a cloth, while pacing the floor.

“You know the situation we have here Karis, the one with Severus!”

“Yes, he is putting himself at great risk and still trying to protect me in the process, he needs to focus, I don’t need saving, I’m a big girl now!”

“Yes, well he cares for you; he has done for a long time.”

“I know.” she replied, putting her head down, feeling shameful at her hurtful remarks. “It’s just I have to watch out for Harry, please tell me what happened!”

“Very well, I will tell you everything, but please do not let anyone else know, only members of the Order are aware, Harry, Ron and Hermione must not know about this!”

“About what?”

“At exactly seven o clock last night Severus had a calling….. The calling!” He eyed her carefully to make sure she understood what he meant.

Karis nodded. “The dark mark!”

“Yes. He had to leave. He was given a mission for the evening. To make a polyjuice potion in the form of me. Voldemort highly appreciates Severus, as he has a direct link to me and the Order, he doesn’t know however that Severus is on our side as a spy, and that is how it has to remain.”

“Yes, of course! she stated in surprise. “Give the polyjuice potion of Albus Dumbledore to an imprisoned Death eater, the ministry wouldn’t batter an eyelid. Who was the other poor culprit?”

“Kingsley.” replied Albus.

“Right, so Severus had ready made polyjuice potion, got hair from you and Kingsley and fed it to Malfoy and Rookwood. Hang on….., Kingsley’s bald!”

“It doesn’t have to be hair just from the head Karis. And yes, I’m afraid that is what happened.” Albus was still pacing.

“Eww, I don’t think I wanna know!” replied Karis, screwing up her nose.

She was however inside deeply upset, she was so angry at Severus, but she knew he didn’t have a choice. He still had to take orders from Voldemort if he was to succeed in helping Mad-Eye Moody and the Order in this fight.

“They beat Alastor you know, they really hurt him. I don’t know how long he is going to survive in there.” said Karis, holding back a tear.

“Yes it is most unfortunate, but at least we know where he is now!”

Karis just nodded; she didn’t want to talk about it any more.

“OK, well I’m going to bed now, school starts in a few hours, and there is a quidditch match I want to watch today. I take it we are carrying on as normal with the school!”

“Yes, we don’t want anyone to know about this Karis, it’s not just Severus’ neck on the line now, if the Ministry knew what Kingsley and I did, there would be serious repercussions. But you must understand we did it for Severus. We need him now more than ever!”

Karis stood up from the chair. “I know, just wish it was all over, that’s all.” then she turned and left the room.

Albus kept staring at the closed door, just for a few seconds. “So do I sweetheart, so do I.” he solemnly muttered under his breath.
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Old 09-09-2006, 09:55 AM   #23 (permalink)
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Chapter 17 – Gryffindor vs Slytherin

Harry got up from the hospital wing; he managed to get some more sleep after Karis had left him in the early hours of the morning. He had happy dreams, one where he imagined Karis holding him as a baby, and nearly dropping him on his head. But instead of Albus running to aid her it was Professor Flitwick and Luna Lovegood.

Luna was telling Karis off, saying that if she touched baby Harry again she would turn her into a Nargle. Harry never did ask Luna what a Nargle was, something that infested Mistletoe if he remembers rightly, well in Luna’s world anyway!

Excellent, Quidditch today Harry thought to himself while walking back up to the GryffindorTower, feeling excited about the match and looking forward to seeing Ron and Hermione.

“Not so fast Potter!” came the snide remark of a voice Harry recognised well.

He turned around slowly, while rolling his eyes. “What do you want Malfoy?”

“Just wanted you to know, that you better watch that back of yours!”

“Oh really…..?” replied Harry slowly, with a surprised mocking frown. “Draco, If you are referring to your Father escaping from Azkaban, I already know, and I can assure you, his freedom won’t last long!”

Malfoy sneered but laughed nonetheless. Crabbe and Goyle joined in.

“It won’t be long until all our Father’s are free of Azkaban, and then the fun really will begin Potter, just mark my words!” shot Malfoy in jubilation.

“What makes you think I care?” replied Harry, keeping calm.

“Because Potter, that is where you are weak! You care too much, and he knows it, and so do we!” Draco then walked closer to Harry, sneering at him in hatred. “You’ll be next, and that new little friend of yours!”

Harry felt his stomach start to turn into knots, he knew exactly what Malfoy was imposing. “You leave her alone!” shot Harry, his face now matching his rival.

Malfoy again let out a cold laugh, while throwing his head back. Crabbe and Goyle as usual stood there and grunted.

“You can’t beat her anyway, she is more powerful then you could ever imagine, she’s a Dumbledore, and we all know who’s scared of the big bad Albus now don’t we Draco!” Harry said steadily. “You think you know, but Draco, you know Nothing!” Harry said this last word right up-close in Draco’s face, resulting in Malfoy taking a step back.

“Is that what you really think Harry? Well if you say so…” Draco said, with a smirk.

Harry frowned, while feeling a slight pang of dread in the pit of his stomach. “What do you mean?” Harry questioned.

“Let’s just say, I think that mad old man Moody doesn’t have much longer!” shot Draco, laughing.

Harry saw red, he knew now that Draco had contact with his Father, probably telling him to spy on Harry. Lucius also knows about the Order, which means Draco must know everything.

Harry pulled out his wand and stuck it up close to Draco’s neck. “Tell me what you know or I will hurt you so bad Draco, you will wish you were dead” spat Harry with venomous hatred.

Draco however remained staring into Harry’s eyes, defying him.

“Well, I guess you really should see what I can do.” said Harry

Without giving it a second thought and without thinking of the consequences, Harry lifted his wand and cried “Legilimens.”

Draco started to scream, holding his head in pain. Crabbe and Goyle stood there in shock, not knowing what to do next; they didn’t understand what Harry was doing, or what was going on for that matter.

It was cold, Draco was standing in a classroom, Harry recognised it immediately. Standing there in front of Draco was Severus Snape.

“Now, I take it you have spoken to your Father Draco?” asked Severus

“Yes, I will be happy to direct any messages from you to him about the happenings in this place.”

Snape smirked.

“Very well. Tell Lucius that I will get him out soon, tell him to hold tight!”

Draco smiled at the Professor. “Yes sir, I will tell him. What about Potter and that old crackpot Albus, won’t they suspect anything?”

“Don’t worry, I will deal with them, you just relay the messages I give you, and don’t ask questions!”

Draco nodded “Yes, sorry Professor.”

“Now leave me!”

Draco exited the Potions classroom.

Harry was then immediately looking directly in the face of Luna Lovegood, his friend who helped him at the Ministry, who Harry found to be quite unusual, but he liked her nonetheless.

“Tell me Luna, or my Father and his friends will kill you and that nutcase of a Father of yours!”

Luna stood tall. “I don’t know what your talking about Draco, if you don’t mind, can you get off of my rope, you are standing on the hem!”

“Think your smart do you? If that’s the case then why does everyone call you Loony Lovegood?” said Draco nastily.

“Well, maybe it’s because I am, never really thought about it!” replied Luna, expressing another dreamy expression.

“My Father told me you were there, he recognised you, now tell me what happened, what did you see? I’m warning you Luna!”

“I didn’t see anything, I got knocked out by some mental woman with wild hair – does that answer your question?”

Draco threw her a triumphant smile. “Ahhh, I take it you met my Aunt Bella then!”

Luna scowled and gave a sarcastic little laugh. “Nice family you have there Draco, now get out of my face before I turn you into a bouncing ferret… Oh, sorry, that’s already been done hasn’t it!”

Draco grabbed Luna by the neck and threw her onto the ground, she started to cough. “Tell Potter, that his friends can’t protect him forever.” spat Draco, he then quickly turned on his heel and stormed away.

“Moron!” Luna shouted after him. But Draco continued down the hall.

Harry released his spell and disconnected himself from Draco’s mind. He was amazed at Luna and her actions, she kept so calm and didn’t tell Draco anything, she kept her promise and Harry felt a wave of admiration for the dreamy eyed girl who everybody called Luna Loony Lovegood.

Part 2

“What..? How…?” stuttered Draco, confused, looking up at Harry.

“Legilimens Draco!” replied Harry. “You see, the thing is, when Voldemort tried to kill me, he passed on some of his powers onto me, allowing me to speak parceltongue and have the wonderful gift of Occlumency. Like I said, you know NOTHING!”

Draco looked dazed and very distraught at the prospect, the intrusion into his mind was, he felt, inconceivable and a violation of his whole being, he wanted to be sick but thought better of it, not wanting to show Potter any hint of weakness.

“You have also showed me something extremely important.” said Harry in delight.

“You’re going to tell Albus aren’t you!” stated Draco, going paler by the second, knowing that he had just let down his Father and Voldemort.

“Yes, imagine what Voldemort will do to you now, knowing you failed him and you’re Father.” Harry paused for a few seconds, looking down at Draco with searching eyes. “You have failed them both!”

Draco put his head down and closed his eyes, not wanting to think about the consequences.

“Don’t panic right away though mate, I always knew Snape was a lying cheat, you just confirmed it!”

“So what was the extremely important thing?” asked Draco.

“Get up Draco, get your act together and get out while you can, you’re not cut out for this, you are not DeathEater material and your Father knows it, and deep down he despises you for it!”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about, I will become a DeathEater and I will worship the ground the Dark Lord walks on, like my family, I will make them proud.”

Harry shot Draco a look of pity “Then you will simply die!” He said quietly.

Harry continued staring at Draco; he could see he had scared him, as he was now shaking a little and his face was very pale.

“You also showed me something else, and now I must go. said Harry matter of factly. “Please think about what I said!”

“I don’t take advice from you Potter!”

“Very well, it’s your funeral!”

Harry then turned and headed straight back down the hall.

“No Harry.” Draco whispered to himself. “It’s yours!”


Harry arrived within minutes at the entrance of the Fat Lady; he said the password “Mandrake Root.” and entered. He ran up to the boys’ dormitories and noticed Ron had just got up, his hair was up on end and his eyes looked blurry.

“Where have you been Harry, we have been worried sick!”

“I’m alright, bloody intense last night though, Karis knocked us both out!”

“Yeah I know she is really strong; she’s scary!” replied Ron, with a vacant expression across his face.

Harry laughed. “She is great Ron; I have never known anyone like her!”

“Ohhhh, you really do have a crush on her don’t you!”

“No I don’t actually; I care for her very much, Love her even, but not like that.”

Ron frowned, he found that quite hard to believe, loving someone so inspiring but not in that way! But he shrugged his shoulders and got up from the bed, he couldn’t be bothered to press Harry about Karis, only time would tell he thought.

“C’Mon Ron, get up we have Quidditch after breakfast and the great thing is, its Saturday, no lessons!”

“You seem in a good mood for someone who was knocked unconscious last night!”

“Yeah, well I found out something a minute ago, I bumped into Draco, and let me just say it was rather interesting!”

Ron shot out of bed and started to get dressed. “Tell me and Hermione everything at breakfast, give me two minutes!”
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Old 09-09-2006, 10:00 AM   #24 (permalink)
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Hermione met up with Ron and Harry in the common room and they descended together towards the great hall for their morning breakfast.

Upon entering the Hall however, Harry seemed distracted and every time Ron tried to question him about recent events he seemed to be peering around the room, generally aiming his stare towards the Ravenclaw house table.

“Who are you looking for Harry?” asked Ron


“What do you want with her?” asked Hermione, looking mildly surprised.

“I need to thank her for something; look, sit down and I will explain everything.”

They all managed to sit at the far end of the table so as to not be overheard. Harry then went on to tell Ron and Hermione about what had happened the night before. About Lucius Malfoy and Rookwood and the cell with Alastor. The legilimens battle with Karis, Voldemort and himself, and the scenario with Draco. He did however leave out the time he and Karis spent talking about his parents and Sirius, he wanted to keep that private.

“We have to tell Albus and the Order about Snape!” shot Ron, growing angrier by the second! “I hate him, how could he do that to us!”

“Wait Ron.” said Hermione, holding her hand up. “He has to make them still believe he is a DeathEater, maybe he is doing it on orders from Albus, have you ever thought of that?”

“No Hermione, because Albus wouldn’t have wanted Lucius and Rookwood set free, it was hard enough catching them in the first place. Plus the Order and the Ministry have been keeping close watch.” Harry paused and stared at a blank spot on the wall. “How Snape did it I don’t know, but I’m going to find out!”

“Are you going to tell Karis?” asked Ron

“No, not yet!”


“Because Ron, I am going to find out for myself the truth, if I can manage it with Draco….”

“Don’t you dare Harry, you will be expelled!” shot a horrified Hermione.

Harry got up from the table and started to walk across the great hall. “Where are you going?” asked Hermione with a raised voice, but he ignored her and carried on walking.

He saw across the room the person he was looking for, Luna was standing by the Ravenclaw table, he could see she was looking for a place to sit down, but many were staring at her and laughing, while putting their hand on the chair next to them to prevent her from taking a seat.

To Harry she seemed very agitated. “Will someone please tell me where it is?” she asked a small group of people.

There were a few giggles from the table, and Harry noticed Luna was growing red in the face.

Harry approached her while the mocking few stared on. “Are you alright Luna?”

Luna looked up, her expression changed immediately from agitated to surprised. “Oh, Hi Harry, everything is fine, well I say everything, some idiot has hidden my bag again!” she then turned to look at the small group who were muttering and laughing to themselves.

Harry found himself growing incredibly hot, colour started to rush to his cheeks.

“Hey” Harry shouted over to them. They turned and looked. “Yeah that’s right, you bunch of morons who have nothing better to do with their time except pick on a girl. Give her the bloody bag back!”

They erupted into laughter and Luna grabbed Harry by the arm, and put her mouth up to his ear. “Don’t worry Harry, they are not worth it, I’ve had worse things happen.”

Harry looked down at her; he held a feeling of pity inside his stomach for her. “That is not the point Luna, its wrong, and I don’t think you deserve any of it!”

She smiled up at him and he gave her a warm smile back, they both momentarily forgot they were being watched from all areas of the hall, there seemed to now be a silence hanging around them, and even the group of pranksters had gone quiet.

Harry looked up and realised they were being watched, he looked at the picture and realised what everyone must be thinking, Luna was holding on to Harry’s arm and had her head resting on his shoulder. Luna noticed this too and quickly let go and took a step away from him.

“Now.” she said, looking at the group. “Where the hell is my bag?”

“Why don’t you ask your boyfriend to find it for you Loony?” said a short dark haired boy with small beady brown eyes.

“How about you shut your mouth shorty before I close it for you!” retorted Luna.

Harry let out a small laugh at her brash behaviour, he was rather enjoying this, he knew Luna could stick up for herself, he saw her do it with Draco.

“Right, that’s it!” she said shaking her head, but still keeping her tone and manner calm. “What was that spell again Harry to turn a student into a ferret, I swear Mad-Eye Moody told me it once.”

“Oh yeah.” Harry replied nodding. “Wait, yeah I remember, it’s..”

“WAIT, WAIT, ALRIGHT.” came the voice of the same second year boy. “It’s in the boys toilets on the second floor.” He then slowly put his head down while his friends looked at him in dissapointment.

“What’s your name kid?” asked Harry, staring at him with contempt.


“Simon what?”


“Listen here Simon Attwell, you pull a stunt like you did today, then ferrets will be the last thing you need to worry about, you get me?!”

He nodded quickly with enthusiasm, and Harry took Luna by the arm and together they left the Great Hall to head for the second floor.

They walked quickly and Harry noticed that Luna no longer held a dreamy vague expression, but carried a smile that was beaming from ear to ear.

“What are you so happy about?” Harry asked, quite amused.

“Oh, just that someone came to my aid for once. That was really sweet what you did Harry, you’re the only person who has ever really stuck up for me, and I just wanted to say Thanks.”

“Hey, no problem.” He replied with a wink. “Oh, and I should also be thanking you!”

“Why’s that?” asked Luna, looking bewildered.

“Well, I know what happened between you and Draco and I just want to say Thanks for not telling him about what we did at the Department of Mysteries. Thank you for keeping your promise and I am really sorry he put you through that.”

Luna put her head down and kept quiet. “Are you alright Luna?” Harry was feeling quite concerned for her.

Again she didn’t answer and Harry put his arm on her shoulder as they stopped walking. He couldn’t see her face so slowly he put three fingers under her chin and lifted her head gently. Luna had silent tears streaming down her face.

Harry felt awkward, he hated seeing girls cry, he never knew how to handle the situation, it always reminded him of his time with Cho last year.

“Hey, I’m sorry, was it something I said? asked Harry with quiet concern.

Luna shook her head and pulled out a tissue from her pocket and loudly blew her nose. Harry still felt uncomfortable and looked around to see if there were any witnesses. He was relieved to find the hall was empty.

“No, it’s not you Harry, it’s just… Well, you know it gets quite hard for me here, and with you just being here and helping me, well it really means a lot.” She paused for a few seconds and then continued. “I have never had any friends before, so of course I kept my promise to you.”

In that moment Harry really felt sorry for Luna, but deep down he also felt very proud of her because of her honesty, she never held back anything, especially on how she was feeling, and he thought that took a lot of guts.

“Hey, come here.” He said, holding his arms out, and gradually she entered into his warm embrace and there he held her tightly while her silent tears slowly ran into his bright red Quidditch robes.

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Old 09-09-2006, 10:07 AM   #25 (permalink)
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Part 3.

Harry, Ron, and Ginny met up with the rest of their team in the Quidditch changing room.

Angelina was egging them all on to do good in this match. “Now, it’s the first match of the season and we have to beat Slytherin!” she eyed them all menacingly, especially Harry. “Don’t let Draco get to you Harry, just concentrate and do whatever you can to deter him, if you have to knock him off his broom, or hex him, I don’t care, just don’t get caught!”

“Jeez.” said Harry in Ron’s ear. “She’s worse than Oliver was!”

Ron just smiled and nodded. Ron never played on the team when Oliver Wood was captain, but he remembered the stories that Harry used to tell him.

“Now, this is the first match where Ginny is beater along with Colin, so lets wish them luck, and Weasley..” she looked at Ron. “If you continue to be our king I may just kiss you!”

Ron laughed out loud along with the rest of the team. “Sorry Angelina, I’m a one woman man!” he mocked.

Angelina smiled, and then one by one they put there hands in the centre of their formed circle, “We can do this guys, lets show em!” said Ginny in excitement.

“Lets go!” bellowed Angelina. One by one they grabbed their brooms and stood tall and proud, they walked out of the changing rooms onto the large quidditch pitch, to hear the screams, whistles and cheers from the over-filled surrounding stands.

Harry looked up and noticed that Lee Jordan was perched up on the commentating stand. “What’s he doing here?” asked Harry to Ron in surprise.

“Fred and George told me that Professor Dumbledore asked Lee to come back and do the commentating for Quidditch. They said that Albus missed Lee’s sense of humour. Don’t think McGonnagall is happy about it though!”

Harry laughed, knowing full well that Professor McGonnagall never did always tolerate Lee’s outbursts.

They all stood their positions.

“Now I want a clean match!” stated Madam Hooch.

Angelina and the over-sized Dudley clone Montague, the Slytherin Quidditch captain, had to shake hands. Angelina remembered that last time he tried to crush her fingers, so she slapped his hand instead of shaking it. He looked at her threatening, but she just threw back a sickly sweet smile.

Madam Hooch blew her whistle and all the balls were released. Within seconds there were mixtures of red and green swishing past the spectators.

“Katie Bell has the Quaffle, and she is being chased closely by Montague.” shouted Lee Jordan. “Don’t let em have it Kate, knock him off his broom!”

“JORDAN!” shouted McGonnagall.

“Sorry Professor!”

“Katie passes to Angelina, go Angelina, get it in the hoop girl, c’mon, you can do it!”

“LEE! I will not tell you again, you cannot be biased in these games, Albus isn’t paying you to be one-sided!”

“Oh Yeah, sorry Professor”

“Ahhh, EXCELLENT, Crabbe gets hit by a bludger from Ginny Weasley, and may I just say to all watching, this is the first match that Miss Weasley is beater for Gryffindor and I must say, spiffing job Ginny, Well Done!”

McGonnagall eyed Lee Jordan closely, but she couldn’t help but raise a smile, she knew that this must be he one thing Lee missed from school, and as much as it pained her to think it, she did find him rather amusing at times.

“TEN-NIL, GRIFFINDOR SCORE!” There was a wave of ecstatic cheers from the Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw stands below, Harry noticed that Karis was standing on the Professor Stand next to her Grandfather Albus, she was waving and cheering up at him; he quickly waved back and beamed her a wide smile, and then continued to focus on trying to find the all-important golden snitch.

“And were off again! Warrington has the quaffle, he’s coming up fast, Watch out Ron, he’s gaining! Johnson tries to intervene! Ahhhhh, NOOOOO - YOU CHEATING GOOD FOR NOTHING…..!


But Lee ignored Professor McGonnagall, he was mortified at what he had just witnessed.

Angelina was falling, and hard. Warrington had rose from his broom and kicked out his leg and hit Angelina in the side of the head hard with his booted foot, she had now landed on the pitch unconscious.

Harry threw Warrington a deadly scowl and across the field Harry could see Draco laughing, with his head back holding his stomach. All he wanted to do was hurt Draco, but after what happened last year he decided against the idea.

“Bloody Slytherins, your cheating losers” shouted Seamus Finnigan, holding up his fist in anger.

“Ah, they always will play dirty, always have always will!” said Hagrid to Hermione, who was looking incredibly sad and upset for Angelina.

“Pucey has the Quaffle; he’s racing towards the hoops, oh hes coming in fast.” stated Lee Jordan while everyone watching held their breath.

“WEASLEY SAVES, Well done Lad, Fred and George will be proud.” Lee was beaming.

“Spinnet has the quaffle; she’s closing in, oh Buggar! Goyle has intervened, he’s heading towards Weasley. It’s Colin – NICE ONE CREAVEY!”

Colin whacked a bludger towards Goyle and hit him squarely in the stomach.

“Warrington, now has the Quaffle, can he make it to the goalposts, oh dear, yes, I think he is.” “OH bloody hell – Slytherin Score!”

“Lee, I am warning you, one more and you will not be commentating another match!” said Minerva McGonnagall, again looking at him in exasperation.

“Yeah, Yeah, alright, keep your pointy hat on woman!”

Minerva looked at him in shock, but he threw her a cheeky wink and she smirked and looked away.

“TEN ALL” Shouted Lee

The Slytherins below were cheering loudly, while everyone else held a disappointing frown on their faces.

“Bell is back on form, come on Katie. She is being chased closely now by Warrington and Pucey, can she make it, YES – GRYFFINDOR SCORE! TWENTY – TEN to the Reds!”

Harry saw a gold flutter, he knew it was the snitch; it was down by the Slytherin goal posts close to the ground. Harry looked at Draco and noticed he hadn’t seen it yet, so slowly Harry edged closer, pretending to look elsewhere.

Then all at once, Harry leant forward with all his weight and sped as fast as he possibly could towards the Slytherin end of the pitch. Draco looked over and caught sight of him and as fast as his broom would carry him, he chased after Harry.

“Potter and Malfoy are neck and neck, they have spotted the snitch, it all rests now on who wins, C’MON HARRY, GRAB IT, DON’T LET BOUNCING FERRET BOY GET HIS MITS ON IT!” cried Lee Jordan

“JORDAN, THAT IS IT!” cried Minerva

“Oh, come on, you want them to win don’t you Professor! Everyone needs this!” said Lee, looking pleadingly to his former head of house. Minerva knew what he was getting at. she sighed and shook her head gently. “Just tone it down a little, don’t make me regret this!”

Lee smiled at her and nodded his appreciation.

Ginny took her eyes off the match for a few seconds, she could see Draco was edging closer to the snitch, his broom was faster than Harry’s and he was gaining position. A bludger was in her hindsight and she wanted it desperately, she sat forward on her broom and headed for the bludger in the distance, she managed to get to it before it raised too high, she hit it as hard as she could. “This one is for Sirius.” she said quietly to herself, remembering the handsome man who they knew and loved as Padfoot.

It was searing fast through the sky, in the crowd you could hear gasps of sucked in air as everyone was watching in anticipation. She had done it! The bludger had hit Draco Malfoy in the back of the head and just missed Harry by no more than 2 inches.

Draco had fallen off his broom and landed in the exact same spot as Angelina had only ten minutes before.

Harry held out his arm, the below Gryffindors were ringing their hands together, egging on Harry to catch it and win for their house.

“POTTER GETS THE SNITCH – GRYFFINDOR WINS!” shouted Lee Jordan in delight.

Three house stands out of the four erupted in pleasure and before Harry knew it, he had the rest of the Gryffindor team jumping on him from all angles.

Colin Creavey didn’t even wait until his broom was touched down; he leapt from 4 feet in the air and knocked Harry over while the others bundled on top of him. It reminded Harry of the muggle sport known as Rugby.

The sound of Madam Hooch’s whistle could be heard echoing around the overjoyed stands, and from a distance Harry recognised the roaring sound of a lion that could only be the large and imposing ghastly hat owned and worn by Luna Lovegood.

Part 4

Karis came running onto the pitch, and finally managed to get everyone off of Harry before he was either crushed to pieces or passed out due to the heavy heat.

Harry got to his feet and Karis held her hand up for a high-five which Harry obliged to while everyone watched on.

“See told you I’d win it didn’t I!” he said light-heartedly to her pretty beaming face.

“Yeah, I knew you could do it! She then turned to look at the team. “All of you where absolutely amazing, and I have been informed that Angelina will be fine. Madam Pomfrey is keeping a close eye on her!”

“Yeah, it was that pig headed Warrington, he should have been kicked off for that!” shot Colin Creavey.

“Yes but Quidditch is a rough sport Colin, but I am delighted for you all.” said Karis, while clapping her hands together. “I don’t think Professor Snape is too happy though.”

“I couldn’t care less about what that traitor thinks!” said Ron absent-mindedly.

Harry rolled his eyes at Ron’s brainless lack of tact.

Karis frowned. “What do you mean?” she asked, eyeing him carefully.

“Oh, uh, did I really say that outloud?” stuttered Ron, looking at Harry for help.

“Ron just meant that because Professor Snape is a Slytherin he obviously wouldn’t be happy with us winning.” said Harry clumsily.

Karis eyed them both suspiciously and Harry knew she didn’t believe them.

“Well, you better go and celebrate with your friends, oh, and Harry, could you please come and see me after your festivities have taken place.”

Harry nodded and slowly the team headed back to the changing rooms, looking forward to the tankards of butterbeer that they will soon be devouring in the Gryffindor common room.
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