okay guys heres the next chapter. sorry its taken a bit. so busy. Lyrics come from Lyrics.com from *N Sync and 98degress. Hope you enjoy.
Chapter 22
But before Harry could think anymore. The were back at the steps to the school. It was snowing now more than ever. Harry's heart was still beating so fast he was sweeting. Once the got back inside the all went and had a drink. It was getting late and Harry only had one more hour until the dance was over. He finished drinking his butter beer.
"Gin, will you dance with me?" Harry asked hopeing it would help him relax
"Um sure Harry. You sure you okay?"She asked him
"Ya, i'm just fine." Harry said smiling
So the went onto the dance floor and dance for a bit. Harry checking his whatch ever so often. He was now listing to the songs. He wanted to wait until the right song played and was done. Then he would ask her. In the back ground they heard:
98 Degrees:I'll give it all and My Everything
I'll give you the moon at night
I'll give you the stars to light your eyes
I'll give you the sun to make just one more dawn
So another day may come
I'll give you my heart and soul
I'll be there to catch you when you fall
When you ask me what I'll give to you
Girl, I'll give it all
The loneliness of nights so long
The search for strength to carry on
My every hope had seemed to die
My eyes had no more tears to cry
Then like the sun shined from up above
You surrounded me with your endless love
And all the things I couldn't see
Are now so clear to me
You are my everything
Nothing your love won't bring
My life is yours alone
The only love I've ever known
Your spirit pulls me through
When nothing else will do
Every night I pray on bended knee
That you will always be
My everything
Now all my hopes and all my dreams
Are suddenly reality
You've opened up my heart to feel
The kind of love that's truly real
A guiding light that'll never fade
There's not a thing in life that I would ever trade
For the love you give and won't let go
I hope you'll always know
Chorus Bridge
You're the breath of life in me
The only one that sets me free
And you have made my soul complete
For all time
For all time
"Now Harry though, No not this one. But the next one" He fought with in his head.
Then he heard the first word of the song and it was it was the perfet song the one he would ask her to marry him after it was over. The words were so perfect. He sat their and listing as they danced:
Can this be true?
Tell me, can this be real?
How can I put into words what I feel?
My life was complete
I thought I was whole
Why do I feel like I'm losing control?
Never knew that love could feel like this
and you changed my world with just one kiss.
How can it be that right here with me
there's an angel?
It's a miracle
Your love is like a river
peaceful and deep
your soul is like a secret
That I could never keep
When I look into your eyes
I know that it's true
God must of spent
A little more time
On you In all of creation
All things great and small
You are the one that surpasses them all
More precious than
Any diamond or pearl
They broke the mold
When you came into this world
And I'm trying hard to figure out
Just how I ever did without
The warmth of your smile
The heart of a child
That's deep inside
Leaves me purified
The song ended. He was going to do it he really was. He went up to the stand were the microphone was and went:
"Can I have your attention please everyone" Harry siad
Everyone stoped and looked at him
"I would just like everone to know, how much I love Ginny Weasley and that last song is so true. " He walked over to Ginny "I can't wait any long Ginny, I can't live with out you, and I can't live without knowing that you will always be mine." He said getting more and more nervouse by the words but kept his voice steady.
He than walked over to Ginny and took her hand in his. Ginny gave him a look of whats going on. Hermione was beaming behind her. Harry was now feeling hot in the face. He than got down on one knee and took her hand in his
"I have known since the moment I meet you that I want you to be mine. And breaking up with you was the worst thing I could have done, it hurt me to much to be away from you, I need you in my life. So Ginny, " He reached in to his pocket and opened up the box with the ring. "Will you be my wife for time and all eternaty?" He had finaly did it
Ginny went a great shade of Red but finally said "Yes"
Harry stood up and grabbed her close and gave her the longest, kiss he had in a long time. Everyone around them were clapping and whistling. Harry's heart was finally calming down. Hermione was at Ginny's side looking at the ring and beaming. Ron was telling him congrates. Everyone in the Great Hall was coming up and saing their congrates fot them. The Dance ended and everyone went to bed. Well everyone except Harry, Ginny, Ron and Herimione.
Hope you all liked it. More to come soon, its not over yet.