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Little Trooper 10-21-2006 06:06 PM

Hard Times - Sa13+

Hey all this is my first Fan Fic how you all like it. This is my view of what happens after the six year ends. Remember I don't own the characters they belong to JK Rowling and because of her we are all happy to be able to write FF. I started Writing this after I read the sixth book last year, than my friend read it an said I should put it up. I have about ten chapters done to it. Its a mostly about romanace but also defeating Voldemort. But also the relationship of Harry and Ginny. I'm a big H/G and R/Hr Shipper. So hope you all enjoy this fan fic. I will just post the first chapter to see if you all like it or not:)

Chapter 1

There Harry and Ginny sat on the train ride home from Hogwarts. They had just finished their sixth year. Ginny was thinking about how much Harry breaking up with her had hurt, but yet she understood why. Harry had done it to protect her from being killed. Harry was sitting there thinking about everything that had just happened and what was going to happen. When Ron and Hermione came in. They had been doing the duties as prefects and had come to see how their two friends were.
"Hey you two," Ron said. "How are you doing?"
Ginny and Harry just nodded.
"Well you better get into you muggle clothes and make sure your stuff is together we'll be arriving shortly."
"Oh okay," Harry said, coming out of the trance he was in.
"You okay mate?" Ron asked.
"Ya I'm fine! Just thinking about stuff."
He still was thinking about Ginny and his love for her. *But I need to protect her he thought*
So they arrived their and went back to the muggle world and saw the Weasley family there and the Dursleys.
"Bye Harry,” Everyone said to him
"Come around soon dear," Mrs. Weasley said hugging Harry good bye.
And with that they all left. Harry still thinking about what is going to happen.

Hope you all enjoyed it.

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapters 6 & 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapters 10 & 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapters 17, 18 & 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Little Trooper 10-24-2006 02:40 PM

Hey all heres the second chapter

Chapter 2

About one month has passed and Harry has kept his promise of retuning
to the Dursleys. He has also destroyed a Horcuxes Huffelpuffs cup.
Harry was sitting there thinking about how happy he was that he didn’t half
To go back to the Dursleys. He packed up his stuff one hot July morning.
He was now going to go to Godrics Hollow to visit his parent’s gravesite. He had just finished packing, when Hedwig came through the window with three letters. The first one was an invitation:
This is to announce the marriage of Bill Weasley to Fleur Delacore on August the first. You are invited to attend this coming Saturday at the Weasley home at noon. Please send a replied back.
Harry had totally forgotten about the wedding with everything else going on. The next letter was from Hogwarts.
Dear Mr. Potter,
WE are pleased to inform you that the school will be reopened for those students wanting to come back. There is no need for new books just bring you old ones with you. Please send a reply back so we know.

Mirnavra McGonaggale(sp)

Harry wasn’t sure he was going to go back. But then he thought, I could protect Ginny better their and sneak off and look for the Horcuxes at the same time “Gin” he though. It was still hard after one month to think about her. He only hopes she feels the same. He still loved her and wants to be with her but after the war is over. He turned his attention to the last letter. The one he didn’t want to open he knew it was from Ginny. So much was going though his mind as he started to open it. He opened and read:
I am writing this to tell you a couple of things that might brighten your day.
1. I still love you and can only think about you and can’t wait till we can be together again.
“So she does love me” he thought
2. I am going back to school and hope to see you their.
3. I would love to see you at the wedding
4. I will wait for you to be mine.
Lots of love,
Harry’s stomach filled with butterflies as he reread the letter “she is going to wait for me” he thought to himself with a big smile.
Harry sat down and wrote back to everyone. The first two were simple he wrote to tell he was coming. But Ginny’s was harder to do. He sat their and wrote:
I got you letter and thanks for it, it meant so much to me. I am going to be at the wedding hope that doesn’t bother you. I am going back to school. But doing other stuff on the side. And lastly, I can’t stop thinking about you either. You mean the world to me, but I want to protect you more, because if I loosed you I would die. I will still love you, but understand why I can’t be with you *he passed, saying that hurt, but it was the truth*. And hopefully after all of this is over we can be together and I won’t miss a chance to be with you. So I only hope that you wait for me. I am going to Godrics Hollow tomorrow, but I am sending myself with Hegwid so it will be there for the wedding, so let your mom know. I will see you at the wedding.


Please wait for me. My love.

Harry sighed as he finished Ginny’s letter and gave them to Hedwig. He looked at the time. He had been packing and writing all day. He deiced to get to bed early so he could get up early and leave. And with that he was off dreaming happy thoughts of him and Ginny together.

Hope you all like that one. I know I’m not very good, but oh well its something to keep me saneJ

Little Trooper 10-25-2006 02:15 PM

No takers. I think I forget to mention that you can comment. Sorry. I love comments:) So please read and comment:)

Chapter 3

Harry awoke early the next morning and sent all his stuff off to the Weasleys, the only things he kept where his wand(of course) and his Invisibility Cloak and some wizarding money. He was planning on taking the Knight Bus to Godrics Hollow and need the money.
“Hedwig, I need you to help get this to the Burrow” Harry said. He then did a charm to lighten it so Hedwig could carry it. He than looked around and made sure he didn’t leave anything behind. He then sent Hedwig on her way and left the room thinking he’d never half to go back again. And took off out the house net even saying good-bye to the Dursleys, it was early anyway and they wouldn’t even care that he was leaving. He took on last look at the house he had grew up in and mumbled *goodridins* and turned to leave but as he stared to walk he saw three figures standing at the corner.

I promise its going to get better. Sorry its short. :)

Edward Penguin 10-25-2006 03:03 PM

:woot: good start Amy. Can't wait to see where it goes.

Little Trooper 10-25-2006 10:07 PM

Chapter 4

Their stood his two best friends Ron and Hermione. Next to them stood his love of his life, Ginny.
“What are you guys doing here?” Harry asked. Looking at them. He turned to look at Ginny but she looked away.
“Nothing much, just coming to keep you company on your trip to Godrics Hollow and be there for you” Hermione replied to him.
“You didn’t half to”
“Well we couldn’t let you go alone mate” Ron said “Ginny wanted to come to be there even though we said she shouldn’t”
Harry couldn’t help but smile at that. It was hurting him not to have her in his life, but he would rather protect her than have her killed.
“Ginny, why did you come here?” he asked calmly.
“Because I want to be there for you when you go to Godrics Hollow” she said looking him straight in the eyes. His eyes were one of her weaknesses. She always got lost in them.
“But what if Death----.”
“I don’t care about that I will fight them. I have had a good teacher for two years now.” She said cutting him off.
“Fine! Come but please be careful.” He said.
“I will” She said grabbing his hand out of habit, but quickly pulled it away. But Harry stopped her. He loved it that she was going to be there for him. He sat there and thought about stuff as they walked to the corner and called for the Knight Bus. A man appeared and said
“Welcome to the Knight Bus emergency transportation for the stranded witch or wizard. Just stick out you wand hand, step onboard and we can transport you to were you want to go, my name is Jimmy and I’ll be your conductor for the day.” He said helping them on the Knight Bus.
“Were too?” he asked
“Godrics Hollow.” Harry replied.
The four of them found palaces on the middle part of the bus in the back. Harry sat their and just looked at Ginny. *She is so beautiful* he thought to himself *you can’t be with her it will just hurt more, but without her it’s still hurting me* Harry fought with the voice in his head all the way their.

Hope you like it. Please tell me cause if it sucks I’m not going to finish itJ if you know what I mean.:)

D.A Forever 10-26-2006 07:52 AM

hi, new reader here :)
i like your story! its awesome so far,
post more when you get the chance!
and i hope i dont miss to much,
cause i wont be able to get on SS till monday,
so dont think you've lost a reader if i dont comment! :D
post more soon please!
by the way, i'm a G/H & R/Hr shipper too! :D.
~ Grace,

Little Trooper 10-26-2006 12:02 PM

Awsome thanks you guys for the comments. I'll be posting more soon. Probaly tommorow:) Thanks again for the feed back.:)

Little Trooper 10-26-2006 08:40 PM

Chapter 5

They arrived at Godrics Hollow an hour later. They got off the Knight Bus, Harry lead them to the Cemetery and found the grave site for his parents. He stopped suddlenly. So did Hermione, Ginny and Ron. Harry looked down and sighed as he read the tomb stone of his parents:

James Potter Lilly Potter
1958-1981 1958-1981
James and Lilly Potter, her a loving
Mother and wife, him a loving father
And husband. Both great friends and
Will surely be missed.

Harry read and reread it about four times. Before he started to cry. He just sat their on the ground by the graves. Ginny then moved closer to him. He felt her hand on his shoulder and just felt comforted. Harry sat there for a while and just stared. Then he stood up and gave Ginny a hug. Whipping the tears from his eyes
“Thanks for coming” he said to them all still hugging Ginny.
“Not a problem, we’d never let you go and do something like this alone” The all said to him.
They started to walk back they had been there for awhile when the heard.

Sorry it’s so short. I’ll do more tomorrow.

D.A Forever 10-27-2006 02:52 AM

when they heard?! heard what!? :D
GRRR evil cliffie,
post more soon pretty please,

~ Grace.

Edward Penguin 10-27-2006 02:23 PM

:bow: enjoying reading it Amy. :yes:

Little Trooper 10-27-2006 02:46 PM

Thanks you guys. I'll have more soon. I promise:)

Hey cliffies are fun.

Little Trooper 10-27-2006 11:15 PM

Here is somemore for you all. Two more acctuall. I'd like to thank my speller and grhammer checker Kirstie. Hope you all like. I wont be able to do more till Wensday. Busy weekend and Halloween coming on tuesday. You all rock that read this FF. Happy Halloween. Amy. And enjoy:)

Chapter 6

"Stupify" someone said in the distance.
Harry hurried and made the others duck just in time. There stood two Death Eaters, Lucius Malfoy and his son Draco.
"Well, well if it isn't Potter, looks like you're going to meet your sticky end that you deserve Potter "Lucius said.
"I don't think so" Ron shouted. He then did a stunning spell on Draco. Draco fell to the ground.
"You'll pay fo that" Lucius said pointing his wand at Ron "Avada....."
But, he was cut off for Harry had done the disarming charm, Hermione, stupified, and Ginny her bat bogey hex she's famous for. Lucius was so dumb struck that he hit the ground and like Draco was passed out.
"Nice fighting, you guys." Harry said to them hugging Ginny out of habit. Then he turned and wlked away from everything that had just happened. The day was almost gone and they needed to get back to the Knight Bus. They left the cemetary and called the Knight Bus.

Chapter 7

The trip back to the Burrow was interesting. Harry sat there thinking. Looking at Ginny, but when she would look at him he'd turn away to stare out the window.
"Ginny, can I talk to you a minute" Harry said all of a sudden. "Alone if you don't mind"
"Ya." Ginny said kinda suspicious.
They then made their way to somewere private on the bus to not be seen.
"I just wanted to say, good fighting and I'm glad you were there for me." He said looking into her blue eyes.
"Thats it, you couldn't say that in front of Ron and Herm...."
But she was cut off for Harry couldn't take it anymore, He leaned over and kissed her.
"No, I coudn't do that in front of them." He said smirking at her.
"Harry please don't play with my emotions, I still love you, but don't want to get hurt."
"I won't hurt you Ginny. Oh ya and one more thing so you know I will never leave you and be yours forever"
Harry then reached in his pocket and pulled out a box. He then opened it inside was a promise ring of white gold and diamond. He slipped it on Ginny's finger.
"Gin, Will you promise to wait for me, as I am promising to be with you with this ring?" he asked.
"Of course." She said smiling.
The two of them then took their seat back with Hermione and Ron.
"You guys okay?"Hermione asked.
"Just fine." Ginny said with a big smile.

BrightestWitch 10-27-2006 11:25 PM

Good Job Amy! :glomp: Keep it up. And don't worry you are fine. ^_^

luv16 10-28-2006 12:57 AM

You're doing really good Amy!
Keep up the good work ^_^

-Emma :glomp:


Little Trooper 10-30-2006 07:38 PM

Heres another chapter. Their will be more up this week sometime. Hope you all have a Happy Halloween. See ya all later. Enjoy:)

Chapter 8

They finally got back to the burrow about 1:00am. They sneaked in hoping not to wake anyone, but as they went in all the Weasley family were sitting up in the kitchen.
"Whats everyone doing up?" Harry asked.
"Happy Birthday!" Everyone said.
In all the exciment going on around Harry he had completely forgot his birthday.
"Thanks Everyone" he said.
Then they took turns giving him presents:
Mr. and Mrs. Weasley: A new sweater made by Mrs Weasley, and a new DADA book.
Fred and George: A number of things from the joke shop.
Bill, Charlie and Fleur: Some of Harry's favorite sweets.
Ginny:A photo album of his years at Hogwarts, his parents, and some of his first year of life.
Ron and Hermione: New Quidditch gear, new broomstick servicing kit, and a quill.
Lupin and tonks: 2 more DADA books.
Hagird: His rock cakes and homemade cake.
"Thanks everyone" He said, as he wrote thank you notes to those who weren't there.
"Not a problem" they all said.
"Well off to bed everyone" Mrs. Weasley said.
Everyone stood up to go to bed, but Harry. He just sat there and looked at the photo album. He couldn't help but smile.
"You okay Harry?" it was Ginny she had come back down.
"Ya, I'm fine." he said but he had a single tear running down his cheek. "Love your gift Gin"
"I thought you would." she said smiling.
Harry then leaned in and gave her a kiss. "Thanks again Gin, and don't forget my promise." he said smiling.
And with that, the two of them went up and went to bed, both of them with thoughts of each other in their head.

D.A Forever 10-30-2006 08:43 PM

cliffies arent fun! there evil! .. ok so there a little fun! :D.


Hagird: His rock cakes and homemade cake.
hahaha gotta love hagrid :lol:.

that was a sweet chapter!
post more soon please!

Happy Halloween!!


Little Trooper 10-31-2006 02:44 PM

I will have more up by thursday. So glad you all are enjoying it.

Happy Halloween Everyone:)

Edward Penguin 10-31-2006 02:46 PM

You are doing a great job, AMy. Happy halloween to you as well.

luv16 11-01-2006 03:28 AM

Love Ginny's gift!
That was so sweet! :loved:

Great post Amy! :D


padfoot_88 11-01-2006 05:45 AM

You are doing an excellent job! I'm looking forward to more...

Taking Back Kirstie 11-02-2006 03:21 AM

I'm sure all your readers will love your next update Amy!

Little Trooper 11-02-2006 02:25 PM

Heres the next Chapter. I do need to say that the song lyrics are from 98degress: I'll give it all, *N Sync: thats when I'll stop loving you and This I promise you. Hope you all in joy. I"m working on the next 2 chapters. I'm done with 10, but its short. So i'm doing 11 with it. It should be up soon. :) Thanks again to everyone thats reading this. And without further ado I give you the 9th chapter:)

Chapter 9

The next morning everyone woke up to a big commotion as so much was still to be done. Everyone ate breafast at top speed and got to it. They got done doing the decorations 1 hour before the wedding (was due to begin). The Guests started showing up and taking their seats. Five minutes before the Wedding started Harry and Hermione took their seats in the second row.

The music started and Fleur's little sister Gabrielle walked down the aisle as the flower girl in a peach dress, followed by Ginny, who was in a emerald green dress. As she walked past Harry, Harry got butterflies in his stomach. She looks so beautiful he thought to himself. Then Ron came down the aisle, followed by Fleur. The wedding went well, everyone seemed happy, and the reception after was great. The food was wonderful, and the last hour was dancing.

"Dance with me Ron" Hermione said grabbing his hand and dragging him out onto the dance floor, leaving Harry and Ginny alone.
"You want to dance?" Ginny asked Harry awkwardly turning slightly red.
"Sure Gin" Harry smiled at her.
He then took her hand and lead her out onto the dance floor and heard the words:
"When winter comes and summer, when there's no more forever, when lies become the truth, Well, you know then baby, thats when I'll stop lovin, thats when I'll stop lovin you."
Harry just held Ginny close to him. It felt like they were the only ones there.

"When this world doesn't turn anymore, when the stars all decide to stop shining, till then I'm going be right here by your side, I'm gonna be lovin you forever, every day of my life."
They just stood there and danced to those words.
"Gin, those words are so true. For me to you." Harry said smiling.

The reception finished, and it was late, so everyone said congrats to Bill and Fleur and they left and went on their honeymoon. The rest of the Weasleys, Hermione and Harry left and went home.

"That was a good wedding" Ron said.
Ron, Hermione, Harry and Ginny were in Ron's Room.
"Yeah, it was." Hary said plopping down on the bed he was sleeping in.
Ginny sat down next to him and Hermione next to Ron.
"Whats up with you two?" Hermione asked.
"Should we tell them?" Harry asked, grinning at Ginny.
"I don't know, Ron might not like it." Ginny said smiling.
"I promise I'll be happy" Ron said.
"Yeah, tell us." Hermone said, " Cause I want to know why you two are closer than usual."
"Okay we will tell you, just don't scream, I want to tell Mum later." Ginny said.
Ginny held out her left hand for them to see.
"Its a promise ring." she said.
"So you are back together."Hermione said.
"Ya, I guess you can say that." Harry and Ginny said.
"Thats great mate." Ron said.
Feeling relieved about that, Harry took Ginny's hand and they went downstairs where everyone was asleep. They sat on the couch and then just lay down and held each other. Harry sang to her:
"And I will take you in my arms and hold you right were you belong, til the day my life is though. This I promise you".
"Gin, I love you." he said
"I love you to, Harry." Ginny said all sleepy.
Harry sang again:
"I'll give you the moon at night, I'll give you the stars to light your eyes, I'll give you the sun to make one more dawn, so another day may come, I'll give you my heart and soul. I'll be there to catch you when you fall, when you ask me what I'll give to you, girl I'll give it all", and with that Ginny was asleep. Harry just sat there and watched her sleep, until he finally feel asleep two hours later.

There was a man walking and in his hand he held a Horcrux the locket. He was walking towards a house that Harry recognized as the Gaunt house.

Harry woke with a start.
"You okay Harry?" Ginny asked not remembering where she was for a minute.
"I have to go for a bit, Gin. I know where a Horcrux is" he said.
"Please be careful" she said giving him a kiss.
"I will" he said. "Stay here, I'll be back in no time".

And with that Harry left the Burrow and went to the house of Gaunt, where he found the locket. He took it and destroyed it.
"Good job Potter" Bellatrix Lestrange said.
"You don't scare me" he said hoping to sound braver than he was.
"You should bite your tounge. Or you will die, you will never find them all Potter" she said.
"Yes I will, and Voldemort will die."
"How dare you" she said. "Never say his name" she said raising her wand.
"Expelliarmus" Harry said before she could say anything, knocking her to the ground. And with that he left her there not caring, he just wanted to get back and be with Ginny. When he got back and walked in, Ginny was still there asleep on the couch. Harry grabbed a blanket and went over and lay down with her.
"I'm back Gin." He said to her three hours later, giving her a kiss.
And with that they both were asleep, Harry knowing that in the morning someone would see them asleep there and they'd have to explain, but he didn't care. He had his Ginny back.

Edward Penguin 11-02-2006 03:00 PM

Good job Amy. Fabulous that he continues to search.

D.A Forever 11-02-2006 09:19 PM

Awww that was cute :yes: ,
hehe, i know both those *N sync songs :D.
if this is really your first story, amy then your a fabulous writter!
i was thinking about trying to do a story but i've never done one before and i'm scared i wont do good and no one would like it.., you know?
cant wait for those chapters!!
post them soon please :)


Little Trooper 11-02-2006 09:49 PM

Thanks both of you
I was such a big *N Sync fan in my teen days, i went to like four concerts and everyghing. but that a diffrent story i just love their love songs. and though they'd be perfet for my story in some places:)
And Grace, thats what I though about mine, you should just give it a try. I'm sure loads of people will read it:) I would.

More to come tommorow. I

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