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Makani 02-17-2005 11:13 PM

Gypsy's Circle
*dances around* My very own personal poetry thread.

I've been writing poetry for the past couple of years now. It's a hobby I have. A lot of it is on the depressing and dark side, but that is what you get in this day and age with most teenagers. *shrugs* I rather do like the dark stuff, but that is just my opinion. I write happy stuff ... sort of. It's more of neutral than anything.

Poems posted

Rainy Day
Silent Melody
Morning War
If Only For A Moment
Burned Emotion
Mirror Image
Forgotten Voice
Beautiful Body
A New Night Sky
Too Heartless To Care
Goodbye, My Love
Your Annoyance
Ti Amore
Forced Kindness
Dear Death
Until The Time Has Come
Puppeteer's Strings
Goodbye, Dear Friend (writing)
Hidden Lies
Untitled (writing)
Melody of Destruction
Wishing and Wanting
Just A Disappointment
Inevitable Birthday (writing)
Unknown Memory
5397/My Saint
Last Dawn
Born to Ireland
My World
Black Poison
No One To Blame But Myself
Just Want To know
Mystical Art
In Memory
It's Okay
It Never Came
Born of Blood
Christmas Tale
First Waking

Rainy Day

Wishing for a rainy day
Let the rain take it all away.
Let the rain be my haven.
Let all the pain be shaven.
Tears aren't enough to free me from this murderous dwell.
There's got to be some secret that they won't tell.
Chaotic forces roam this dying land.
Will anyone ever take a stand?
Forces that are pulling me down,
I can't stop them, my voice makes no sound.
Butcher knife looks so inviting.
Believe me, it looks enticing.
But I dare not touch it,
My death would cause a small fit.
I'm not ready to be taken to the Heavens.
I will wait for my time, my time in Heaven.
Wishing for a rainy day.
Let the rain take all of my pain.

Makani 02-21-2005 01:33 AM

Written for my dear friend, Jordan.

Silent Melody

Silent tears run down your face
Black tears form from eyeliner
A soothing voice
Aching, crying, needing

What can I do to stop this from happening?
A hug, an embrace - love?
Whatever it may be, please let me help
I hurt to see you like this
I have never seen you so torn

Cut deep within yourself
You can only heal yourself
No one can help you

I weep and add my tears to yours
I strum the strings in tune with you
We make a crying melody
Not caring what we sound like

[There's a piece of a puzzle known as life
A puzzle we've yet to solve
Through your soaring voice
We'll find a way to put the pieces together]

Narcissa 03-08-2005 03:03 AM

they might be dark, but they are still awesome. some of my poems are like yours. please add more. don't rush.

Makani 03-10-2005 02:32 AM

Thought of this one morning after lazing in my bed well into the noon.

Morning War

The sun peaks through the curtains

Rays of light shine into your eyes
Rolling over, you try to escape
But the sun has other plans-
He fills your room with his brightness
You bring the covers over your head
"A-ha! He cannot find me here!"
But, alas, he has found you
You groan, frustrated
You cannot win against him.

'Darn you, sun.'

Makani 03-10-2005 02:33 AM

Thank you for your comment, Narcissa. :) It is greatly appreciated.

Makani 03-16-2005 12:16 AM

Written after a night of dancing.

If Only For A Moment

Searching through a heated crowd
I find you and all your glory
Anger fills me deep inside
But then our eyes meet
And the anger is dispersed
We've not seen one another for ages
Emotions are haywire and don't always speak the truth
Step after step, we get closer
The music pounds in our ears; that is all we hear
We do not hear our friends calling our names
Nor the rhythm of our hearts beating
The music fades for just a second
But a second is all we need
I find myself in your arms, melting at your touch
You pull me closer and I do not hesitate
We dance

As the music stops once again
Our eyes meet yet again
Before we both disappear into the crowd
I will remember that dance
Forever and always
The music buried our hatred and let us be together
If only for a moment

Angel8807 03-22-2005 07:31 PM

your poems are great. keep them coming. I look forward to the next one.

Makani 03-23-2005 10:43 PM

*prays she will not get in trouble for this type of poem*


Whisper secret nothings
Kiss my neck
Enchant me

Press your body to mine
Coax me into eternity
Breathe me

Never let it end
Say it will last forever
Promise me

Explore my being
Our bodies intertwine
Caress me

Kiss my bloody lips
Look into my soul
Violate me

Leeness 03-25-2005 09:53 AM

the one thing that i love about your poems is that there is always a message or a story behind them. I know in all poems there is messages and stories butsometimes they aren't as obvious. Well done :D

Makani 03-25-2005 07:23 PM

Thank you bunches for your comments, Angel8807 and Lee. :D
To Lee: I honestly do not see how people can write poems without having obvious messages. What's the fun in reading a riddle??

Here's one of my poems that seems to get the readers frustrated.

Burned Emotion

Walking slowly
Walking softly
Eyes adjust to the dark
Eyes searching

Something drew me here
Something is calling for me
Someone is waiting in the shadows
Someone is reading my soul

I can't see who it is, but I can feel them
I can't follow their voice, but I know where they are
My eyes see the shadows, but can't make them out
My heart is poudning like mad, but I know I am calm

I can see you so clearly in my mind, but you remain invisible
I can feel your hot breath along my neck, but you are not there
You smooth voice whispers my name, but you do not speak
Your gentle caress embraces me, but I know you're gone

I close my eyes and try to find you, but you are hidden from me
I call out to you, but only my own voice comes back to me
I search for you, for days, months and years, but I've never found you
I tried remembering our love, but the emotion was burned too long ago

Leeness 03-26-2005 09:32 AM

i like reading poems without obvious messages its a challenge :D

i first thought your poem was about a stalker lol but i am guessing its about how hard it is to find your true love?

Makani 03-26-2005 09:43 AM

*falls out of her chair for laughing so hard* The latter would be more correct. I don't know exactly what it means - I was reading a betrayal romance story at the moment. :shifty: Take that short sentence however you see fit.

Leeness 03-26-2005 10:03 AM

well the first few verses were describing a stalker to me lol aww well, PAMS

Makani 03-26-2005 10:28 AM

Lol! I'll have to keep that in mind for the next poems I write. Things to avoid, lol.

Just for Lee, for being so kind about my writings.

Mirror Image

I see you there
Staring back at me
You look so different from before
I wonder if you know you've changed
You look like a stranger to me
But I somehow still know you

You seem to have a slight angelic aura
Something that wasn't there before
But then I see the evil in your eyes
And I know it's truly you
Those eyes that chained me in the dark
Those eyes that hold my secrets

You've changed ove the years
I still can't believe it
Your strength has multiplied
Your heart has been blackened
You have no pity for others
You laugh at their tears

I don't know how you came to be this way
I don't know how your heart became so black
I don't know when this all happened
I doubt I'd change you even if I could
Cause everyone needs a dark side
I know I need you.

Leeness 03-26-2005 11:08 AM

awwww that is sucha good poem to love the last line smmed it up, and i can see the whole evryone has a dark sideand shes looking at herself in a mirror and stuff right? ifot i will hit myself lol

Makani 03-26-2005 11:19 AM

Lol, you're right, so don't hit yourself!!

Leeness 03-26-2005 11:32 AM

yay i got it right anywayz PAMS!!!!

Makani 03-26-2005 08:45 PM

Forgotten Voice

Sing me a song
Tell me a prayer
Speak to me with that voice
Speak to me like there's no one listening
Speak to me like I am your soul mate
Like I am your enchantress

My life was a mess until you came along
I was on the verge of ending my life
But that voice -your voice- helped me live again
You took away my tears
And held my hand through everything
You believed in me when no one else would

I had hopes and dreams of being with you
But you did not come to be my Prince
You came to show me the way through life
There's sorrow in my heart
But it will not get the best of me
You're my Guardian, my Angel, my Demon

You've never let harm come to me
You only allow what can't be stopped
And that I understand
I can't think of any possible way to thank you
You've saved me so many times
I don't know where I'd be if you hadn't found me

Take my hand
Lead the way
Guide me through my darkest days
Guide me where I need to be
Guide me to your castle in the clouds
To your world away from mine

Leeness 03-26-2005 09:45 PM

awwww thats a great poem well done PAMS

Makani 03-27-2005 07:25 AM

This poem is dedicated to someone I will never forget, nor ever forgive.

Beautiful Body

Look at me
Look at my body
Look at the cuts and bruises
Things that you gave me

I remember each and every one
I remember when and why
You thought it was all a joke
You never saw me cry

I'm not ashamed of your branding
I wear them proud
If I was drunk enough
I might even explain them all to a crowd

The one over my heart
That's the one I show off the most
It proves your love for me
I cherish it above all others

The one on my forearm
The one that burns when I write
It's a constant reminder of my goals
A reminder of my dreams

I really should be ashamed
The bruises and cuts are countless
But if it weren't for your help
I wouldn't have such a beautiful body

Leeness 03-27-2005 05:24 PM

wow that was a confusing poem and a very good one at that, i liekd how your reflected some of your injuries to yourself well done!

Makani 03-27-2005 10:27 PM

It was confusing? o.O It wasn't supposed to be. What made it that?

Leeness 03-27-2005 10:35 PM

i dunno it was like you were talking baout cuts and bruises and then your body is beautiful thats the bit that confused me :D could you explain it?

Makani 03-27-2005 10:51 PM

It's a poem about abuse, first off. Once you overcome and leave your abuser, you don't shame the bruises and cuts they gave you. In my case, I'm proud of them and because of them all, they made my body beautiful; stronger. Now do you get it?

Makani 03-31-2005 07:38 PM

A New Night Sky

I hear a goose honking.
It's voice being carried by the wind.
I look outside my window
And I see it's flying figure in the distance.
My eyes leave the goose
And travel to the scenery of the night.
Tonight is unlike any other night I have seen in a while.
The night sky is not black or blue
But pink and purple.
The snow clouds have blocked out the moon.
And whatever light is given
Reflects off of the snow and makes the night brighter than the shadows.
I find it peculiar how outside is lighter than the inside
But I figure it is only natural that it is
The night sky is always different when the moon is missing.
A new atmosphere, one might say
Has covered the once dark skies.
This new atmosphere, it is strange
Yet beautiful at the same time.
The pink and purple light
Reflects off of the snow and into empty houses.
I look in my own house.
I block out the light from my computer and actually look around.
The shadows seem to disappear
Afraid of the new light.
I smile.
Some how it feels like the light is a barrier.
A place to keep all inside safe.
Now I can sleep better tonight
Knowing that the night sky is protecting me.

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