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scarlet5890 04-11-2009 06:53 PM

Goodbye Forever - Sa9+
Chapter 1-The New Girl

Florence Ann Malfroy gazed out the window at the unfamilier territory. She couldn’t believe her father was making her go to Hogwarts this year! She totally belonged at Beaubaxton with all her friends! Instead she was going to face her fifth year of school friendless and she wouldn’t know anyone but Draco, who was her twin brother. She didn’t really know if she liked her brother or not. Until now, they had gone to separate schools and durning the summer they mostly stayed away from each other, each having their own “important” things to attend to. Their mother suggested that they spend some time “bonding”, as she put it, on the train, but Draco went off with their cousin Zabbini Blaise, a girl who resembled a pug, and two other boys who seemed rather big, not to mention dumb. Flo looked around her empty compartment. Everyone else had their own friends to sit with and everywhere else had been full so she had ended up in a compartment by herself. Just then the door opened and a girl with long, straight black hair came in and said “Mind if I sit here?”

MarcyMoo 04-12-2009 03:29 AM

I like where this is going!!!! Draco having a twin sister no one knows about. Exciting. Cant wait for more!

scarlet5890 04-12-2009 01:05 PM

Chapter 2-Draco’s Problems

Draco was definitely not happy that his sister would be coming to Hogwarts this year. There would be all kinds of rumors flying around that could ruin his reputation. And everyone would probably like Flo because she had that way of making people like her. Not to mention she was rather pretty. She had white blond hair and gray eyes, but instead of being the usual Malfoy-cold gray, they were warm and loving. He got interrupted from his thoughts by Pansy, who said “Draco? Draco! Have you been listening to anything I’ve been saying?” Draco looked at her for a moment before saying “Pansy, I have bigger problems to worry about than what happened at your aunt’s house this summer, so put a sock in it will you?” Draco slid the door to the compartment open and went outside.

scarlet5890 04-12-2009 01:35 PM

Chapter 3-Cho

The girl’s name was Cho Chang, and she was a popular 6th year girl. She had barely made it on the train and everywhere else had been full. When Flo told Cho who she was, Cho was silent for a moment. Finally she smiled and said “Welcome to Hogwarts.” The two girls talked the rest of the way there, only stopping to buy a few pumpkin pasties from the trolley. Flo smiled, at least she’d have one friend to start the year off with and she could make more during the year.
After Draco went out of the compartment, he slunk down the hallway looking for an empty compartment where he could sit by himself for a while. Suddenly, he heard a voice behind him “Malfoy, here by yourself? No Crabbe or Goyle to protect you?” Draco groaned inwardly and turned around to face Ron. “I see you can’t go anywhere without Potty and Mudblood girl, Weaslebee.” “Don’t call her Mudblood, Malfoy!” replied Ron threw clenched teeth. “Is that a threat?” Draco asked, raising his eyebrows. “Are you going to make me eat slugs?” The trio pushed past Draco and went down the hall into their compartment. Draco stared after them in disgust. They really couldn’t go anywhere without each other.
Flo and Cho followed the other students off the train and looked for a carriage. Some of Cho’s friends waved and called to her. Cho turned and started walking towards them. Flo hesitated, not sure if she was invited. Cho looked back and called to her “Come on, you can sit with us, I’ll introduce you to my other friends.” As they were heading towards Hogwarts, Cho introduced Flo to all her friends. Most of the girls smiled and said they were glad Flo had come to Hogwarts, but one didn’t say anything, she only glared at Flo and moved closer to Cho.

supercodi95 04-12-2009 05:56 PM

new reader!! love it!! can't wait for more!! :flower: :woot:


HOPEendures 04-13-2009 02:10 AM

New reader.
I love it already. I can't see what happens next.

JeshieRAWR 04-13-2009 02:55 AM


I love this story!!!!!!

Write More Please!!!

Harry Potter Freak 1 04-13-2009 09:29 AM

Great story!! Really good. Can't wait for more!!!!

scarlet5890 04-13-2009 02:53 PM

thank you for your nice comments!! they mean a lot to me :)

Chapter 4-Pansy’s Summer Vacation

Draco got out of the carriage and hurried toward Hogwarts. “Why does it always seem to rain on the first day?” he growled under his breath. He hurried faster than usual because Pansy was sticking to him like glue, and he was getting tired of her and he really didn’t care what had happened during her summer vacation. His summer vacation had been horrible. His mother was being more overprotective then ever, and his father...well he didn’t even want to think about his father. As if that weren’t enough Flo had been home more than usual, and he thought of her as a great big nuisance. He wasn’t really looking forward to another year at Hogwarts with Pansy following him everywhere, but at least it would be better than being at home.
Once they got to Hogwarts, Flo had to leave Cho and go to the Slytherin table. She would have preferred to be in Ravenclaw with Cho, but her father had made sure that she would be in Slytherin. As she sat down some of the kids gave her surprised looks, while others glared at her. Some of the kids from other houses were pointing at her and whispering. Draco was sitting as far away from her as he could. The pug girl(who she found out was named Pansy) sat next to him and was chattering away. Flo had never felt so alone in her life.

scarlet5890 04-13-2009 03:06 PM

Chapter 5-Becky

Draco watched Flo sit down at the Slytherin table. He sighed quietly. He had hoped Flo would be in some other house besides Slytherin. But of course she would be in Slytherin. She was a Malfoy after all. He glanced over at Pansy. She was still jabbering away about who knows what. He cast a glance at the Gryffindor table and realized that Flo was not the only transfer from Beaubaxton. The girl looked like she was in the 5th year as well. She had green eyes and curly reddish-brown hair. She was talking to Ginny Weasley and Hermione Granger. Draco scowled and looked away.
Flo too had noticed the new girl. She remembered the girl from her classes at Beaubaxton. Her name was Becky. Flo hadn’t know her very well because she was a muggleborn. She didn’t really care if you were muggleborn, half-blood, or pureblood, but her father certainly cared and you did not want to make him mad by hanging out with people who were not purebloods. But Flo decided that she didn’t care what her father thought anymore. She was going to make all kinds of friends here, no matter what kind of “blood” they were. After all her father had taken her away from her old friends.

HOPEendures 04-13-2009 03:46 PM

I want to be Flo's friend just because she's talking about defying her parents.
I love it.
Post some more when you can.

seaNELskee307 04-13-2009 03:50 PM

Scarlet! *huggles*

Write more it!


driveunit1 04-13-2009 03:58 PM

New reader!!
intresting story!!
waiting for the next chappie

scarlet5890 04-13-2009 04:35 PM

Chapter 6-Becky’s Thoughts

Becky was thrilled. She had always wanted to go to Hogwarts, and now here she was! She hadn’t been able to go before because her family had lived close to Beaubaxton, and they had wanted her to be close to them, but they had recently moved, so she got to go to Hogwarts! As she looked around the Great Hall, she saw Florence Malfoy watching her. She smiled at her and Flo smiled back. She didn’t know Flo to well. Flo was a pureblood and her father only wanted her to be friends with other purebloods. But who knew? Maybe things would be different here.

scarlet5890 04-13-2009 04:35 PM

Chapter 7- Flo and Draco’s Almost Sincere Talk

After dinner Draco headed down to the Slytherin common room. When he got down, he realized that he didn’t know the password. There were no prefects around, and he didn’t feel like looking for one. He sighed and slumped down, annoyed that no prefects had come down yet. He was nearly asleep when he heard someone come in. He looked up, hoping it was a prefect. But it was only Flo. He sighed and Flo looked at him. “How do you get in there?” She asked. “You need a password” Draco muttered. “But since none of the prefects have come down yet, I don’t know what it is.” “Oh” Flo replied. “So what your girlfriends name?” asked Flo, smirking. Draco looked up quickly “She’s not my girlfriend!” He paused and looked back at Flo. “Her names Pansy. She’s a pureblood.” As though that explained everything. And it did, at least to Flo. “Oh” she sighed and sat down across from him. They sat quietly for a while. “So you have a lot of friends?” asked Flo. Draco shrugged “I don’t know, I mean I do, but sometimes I wonder if they’re just my friends because I have a lot of money.” Flo nodded “I know what that’s like.” she replied. “I’d like to be friends with Becky though. She always seemed like she was a really good friend to everyone.” Draco looked at her “The new girl?” he asked. “Yeah” Flo said, nodding. Draco looked at her for a moment. “She’s not a mudblood isn’t she?” “Don’t use that word, its stupid” Flo said glaring at him “Anyway, you don’t only have to be friends with purebloods, you know.” Draco just shook his head. “They aren’t as good as us.” Flo stood up quickly “I can’t believe you think that! I thought you were different from father, but you’re not! You’re just a stupid git like him!” she ran out of the room. Draco stared after her. He couldn’t believe she had just said that to him. She was normally so soft spoken. He looked up as someone came into the room. It was a prefect. “Finally” Draco snarled.

JeshieRAWR 04-13-2009 08:10 PM


those were awesome chapters!

my favorite so far is chapter 6

love it!!

scarlet5890 04-13-2009 09:19 PM

Chapter 8-Friends

After Flo stormed out of the room, she wasn’t sure where to go, so she let her feet carry her. She ended up by the Ravenclaw common room. Cho was standing there, by herself for once. Flo waved to her and she came over. “Hi Flo.” Cho said, smiling. Flo opened her mouth to reply, but before she could, tears came out of her eyes. Cho put her arm around Flo and led her outside. They sat down by a fountain. “My family!” Flo choked out. “I can’t stand them! Draco and my father only care about being purebloods and my mother never stands up to my father! And I’m no better! I’m going to start trying to stand up to him though. I’m going to be friends with people who aren’t purebloods.” Cho smiled “I can help you with that.” “How?” Flo asked. “By being your friend.” she replied. Flo hugged her and whispered “Thanks.” Maria had seen Flo and Cho go outside and had decided to follow them. She couldn’t believe Cho was hanging out with Flo! “Cho’s supposed to be my friend! Not that stupid Malfoy girl’s friend!” Maria and Cho had been best friends forever. Of course Cho had a lot of other friends, but she wasn’t as close to them as Maria. Maria had decided that this Malfoy girl was a threat. She couldn’t let Cho hang out with her!

scarlet5890 04-13-2009 09:20 PM

Chapter 9-Purebloods, Mudbloods, and Kisses

For some reason, Draco found himself thinking about that new girl, Becky. She was kind of pretty actually, with her curly hair and vivid green eyes. “What am I thinking?!” he muttered to himself. “She’s not a pureblood, and she’s in Gryffindor!” Draco got into bed and shook his head. There was no way he actually liked her. As Becky got into bed that night, she couldn’t help but think of that blond boy at the Slytherin table. Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny had all told her he was nothing but trouble, but still he was kind of good-looking.
Over the next few weeks, Draco and Becky kept thinking of each other though they tried not to. Cho, Becky, and Flo became good friends. Maria pretty much gave up on Cho.
It was late, but Becky decided to go for a walk to try and clear her mind. Tonight she was thinking about Draco more than ever. She walked outside and stood looking at the stars for a while. After a bit she got cold and decided to go back in. As she was turning a corner she slammed into someone. “Hey! Why don’t you watch where you’re going!” that someone said. Becky started to reply “Why don’t you...” She stopped because the person she had run into was Draco? She tried to finish her sentence, but found that she couldn’t. She looked up into Draco’s eyes, and he was looking into hers. They started moving closer and closer until their lips met in a kiss. When they pulled apart they were silent for a moment. Then Draco looked away and said “How could I of done that?! She’s just a mudblood!” Becky looked at him and her eyes filled with tears. She turned and ran back to the school.

MarcyMoo 04-13-2009 09:49 PM

OMG! I love chapter 9!!!! It is so cute that Becky and Draco like each other! I hope they get to together. Cant wait till the next chappie! :heart2:

JeshieRAWR 04-14-2009 03:48 AM


i cant believe becky and draco like each other but kissed! woah yayy :P

but he kind of ruined it though oh well it was still a good moment :D


Wenzlebug 04-14-2009 03:55 AM

wow..I'm you're new reader..

very interesting story..

can you make long chapters..

you're making me more

I want to see the good side of Malfoy..

and to see if he was falling in love with mudblood..

chapter favorite..they kissed

please post more...


seaNELskee307 04-14-2009 06:16 AM

Whoah...wasn't expecting that

But it was good!!!!

Please Post More...

More more more!!!

scarlet5890 04-14-2009 12:09 PM

once again thank you so much for your nice comments, everyone!! Sorry about the chapter length, i know there're short, but i've already finished the story, so i can't really change that.

Chapter 10-The Next Morning

Flo was glad she had come to Hogwarts. She now had two best friends- Cho and Becky. She was heading down to breakfast early so that she could talk to them before they had to sit down at different tables. They were already standing at their usual place when Flo got down there. Neither of them looked very happy. “Hey guys, what’s up?” she asked. “Nothing.” Becky replied attempting a smile. “Come on you guys, what’s wrong?” Cho opened her mouth to speak, but Dumbledore said “Will you all please take your seats. I believe there is a Quidditch game later today.” “That’s right”, thought Flo. She had forgotten about the Quidditch game. Everyone was waiting to see how she would do as the new chaser.

scarlet5890 04-14-2009 12:10 PM

Chapter 11-That Darn Pansy

Cho sighed and picked at her food. She was sitting by herself because no one wanted to sit by the “traitor”. They were all mad at her for becoming friends with Flo. She wished she could sit with Flo and Becky. At least they were real friends, not like these people. Even Maria was shunning her. Actually, it was Maria who had gotten the other girls to shun her. Some friend. She looked over at Becky and was surprised to see her picking at her food as well. Usually she was talking and laughing with other people at her table. Come to think of it, she had been awfully quiet before breakfast. Cho wondered what was wrong. Cho looked over at Flo and saw her staring into space. No surprise there. She did have a big Quidditch game today and would have to prove her worth as a chaser.
Draco was definitely not happy today. He couldn’t stop thinking about Becky and the fact that they were playing a Quidditch match against Gryffindor didn’t help. And it wasn’t helping that Pansy was yakking away about her summer again! Probably for the 100th time. Draco tuned her out after she mentioned how she wished she could have stayed with him during the summer. To make matters worse he had received an owl from his father saying that his mother was in the hospital again. Draco really did care about her and hated that she was sick.

scarlet5890 04-14-2009 12:11 PM

Chapter 12-The Hospital Wing

Flo was waiting nervously for the Quidditch match to start. Draco was sitting in the corner. She ignored him. She was sure he had something to do with the fact that Becky was quieter than usual these days. She wasn’t sure how, but she just had a feeling. Draco was ignoring her as well. They had barely talked at all in a while. Lee Jordan’s voice rang out announcing the Gryffindor team and then the Slytherin team. Draco headed back to the dungeon. When he got their he slammed his fist into a wall. “Stupid Gryffindor!” he muttered angrily. They had won again. He had almost caught the snitch, when Becky, who was a chaser, had shown up right beside. He had lost the snitch and nearly fell off his broom. Now he couldn’t stop thinking about her. He slammed his way out of the common room and into the boys bathroom where he locked himself in and then slumped down. Gryffindor was celebrating their win in the common room. Becky didn’t feel like celebrating. She grabbed her jacket and went outside for a walk. Draco left the bathroom and started walking with his head down. Suddenly he bumped into someone. “Honestly! Why don’t you watch where you’re going!” He looked up. It was Becky. She looked up too and saw him. Her eyes widened in surprise and then rolled backward as she fainted. “Becky!” Draco grabbed her and laid her down carefully. “Draco!” A voice cried. It was Pansy. “What’s she doing here?” asked Pansy looking disdainfully down at the figure on the ground. “She fainted, we’ve got to get her to the hospital wing!” Draco yelled. “Why would we do that?” asked Pansy, wrinkling her nose in disgust. Draco stared at her and slowly stood up. “You are the most pitiful, stupid, ferret-brained, prat!” he shouted. “Draco...” Pansy said pleadingly. Draco was sick and tired of her. He punched her in the face. She shrieked and Draco glared at her. Then he turned, gently picked up Becky, and took her up to the hospital wing.

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