well first off, if a mod comes in here, I apologize for double posting.
ok now, the story, Jemma, guess who is in this part of the story.

I'm thinking of now adding my amazing readers charries to my story somehow. If you'd like me to have them appear in my story I'm gonna need you guys to send me some awesome
**suggestions [you'll get why after you read it.

Enjoy guys!!!
Ron climbed into the common room and thinking about what he had just done to his best friend. As he walked to the staircase, he passed by the couch where Ginny was sitting talking to a friend.
“But, why is that little gold ball so important?” asked a girl, with brown hair
“It’s worth 150 point and if the seeker catches that then that team wins no matter how many points they had before. And that’s why the snitch is so important, Sabrina.” Ginny said.
Sabrina Dumbledore was a first year that had been sorted into Gryffindor. She had sat down to Ginny in the Great Hall after sorting and quickly became friends with her. Ginny heard someone come into the common room and looked up from her friend and saw Ron walk by with his hand on his face, and blood trickling down his chin. She ran over to him, with Sabrina following quickly behind her, to find out what happened.
“Ron, what happened?”
“Got into a fight,” he said, walking to the couch and sitting down.
“With who?”
“WHAT?! How did that happen?”
“Go ask your bloody friend, Hermione.”
Ginny looked at Sabrina, “Come on Sabrina.”
“Where are we going?” asked the curious first year.
“To the Head’s Common Room.”
“Won’t we get in trouble?”
“Don’t worry, just stick with me,” Ginny said, with a smile, “and Ron, go uhm--go clean yourself up. Oh, hi Harry.”
“Hi.” Harry said, as he ran by them to get Ron.
Ginny and Sabrina left the common room and headed to the sixth floor. Sabrina was excited that she got to go. Ginny hadn’t told her much, all she knew was that her friend Hermione was dating some Draco kid and her brother and boyfriend disliked him. They got to the portrait of the snake and lion. Ginny knocked and waited.
Draco and Hermione were on the couch. Draco sitting, and Hermione lying down with her head in his lap. Draco looked at Hermione as he patted her head, “Are you sure you’re ok?”
Hermione smiled at him, “Yes Draco, I’m sure. My cheek just stings, but I’m fine.”
“What is the matter with him?”
“I don’t know, I just can’t believe he did that. I’ve never seen him that mad.”
“Well Harry will find out for us, then hopefully we can fix whatever happened to him.”
Draco leaned over and kissed her forehead. They, then, heard a knock at the portrait.
“I wonder who that could be,” Hermione said as she began getting up. Draco stopped her, “I’ll get it, just sit back down.” He got up and walked over to the door and opened it and saw Ginny and another Gryffindor. He moved and let them in. Ginny looked at him, “Where’s Hermione?”
“On the couch,” he said, pointing.
Ginny and Sabrina ran over to the couch, and sat down next to her.
“What happened?” Ginny asked, just wanting to find out what happened to her brother. Draco leaned on the back of the couch listening to the girls talk. Before Hermione answered, she looked at the girl sitting next to Ginny.
“And who it this?” Hermione asked.
“This is Sabrina Dumbledore, first year. Now please, what happened.”
“Yes, yes, alright. Well Draco told me that Pansy Parkinson overheard his conversation with Blaise Zambini about how we’re dating now. And since she now knew I needed to tell Ron before he heard it from someone else. So, as potions began, Snape gave us partners and I luckily got Ron, and I told him.”
“Why didn’t you wait?”
“I don’t know, he wanted to know then and there, so I just told him. But, anyway, we both stormed out of the room and I tried to explain, but he wouldn’t let me. Harry and Draco followed us, saw us arguing and joined the argument. I walked over to Ron to give him a hug and try to calm him down, but as soon as I got close enough, he slapped me.”
“He what?!”
“Yup, a full on backhand right here, I fell right to the floor,” she pointed to her cheek, “it still stings.”
“What happened with the whole fight?”
“Well after he slapped me, Draco got up and attacked him. Hit him, square in the face. But it was weird, he wasn’t upset like he normally is.”
“What do you mean?” asked Ginny.
“Well remember when you were dating Dean and Ron caught you snogging him in the hall and how much he was upset?”
Ginny sighed, “Yeah, unfortunately.”
“Well picture him upset like that but ten times worse. But after Draco hit him, he seemed to be back to normal.”
“That is weird,” said Ginny.
“Well it’s done and over with, would either of you care for a drink? Sabrina?”
Sabrina looked over at Hermione and smiled shyly, “Oh, yes, thank you.”
“What would you like?”
“Anything is fine.”
“No, thank you Hermione.”
Hermione got up and went to the kitchen to get the drinks, Draco sat down in her spot.
“I can’t believe he did that,” Ginny said.
“I can’t either,” Draco said, “I didn’t think the weasel had it in him to hit anyone.”
“Yeah, well, he isn’t gonna be in a better condition when I’m done with him.”
“Ok, drinks,” Hermione said, coming out from the kitchen, “So, Sabrina, how do you like Hogwarts so far?”
“It’s lovely, I’m so glad I came.”
“Are you related to Albus Dumbledore?”
“Yes, he’s my uncle.”
Harry climbed into the Portrait just as Ginny and her friend were leaving.
What is the matter with him? He thought.
He’s never done this, why all of a sudden? I can’t believe he didn’t even talk to me about it. “Ron,” He shouted.
“He went to the dormitories,” Lavender said.
“Oh, thanks, Lavender.”
Harry ran up the stairs and into their dorms. “Ron, what is the matter with you? Why’d you hit Hermi---” Harry stopped short. He could not believe what he was seeing.
****** **Ok, now is when I really need some suggestions. What do you want Harry to see and the conflict be?
PM me with your thoughts and I'll make a poll to see what will happen in the next chapter.
hope you liked it guys!
and remember
PM me the suggestions, so no one else will know what the choices will be.
xo, Prongs.