05-05-2008, 02:58 PM
#26 (permalink)
| Neville's Patronus Jobberknoll
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: At home.... duh
Posts: 4,122
Hogwarts RPG Name: Sabrina Dumbledore Fourth Year | I loved it Prongs, really well written. I can't believe that Malfoy likes Hermoine, and that Hermoine heard it all! 
What's going to happen now?? PAMS!!
xxx |
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05-05-2008, 04:46 PM
#27 (permalink)
| Wandering Regulus Billywig
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 3,984
Hogwarts RPG Name: Mathi |
Prongs!!your back!!!*huggles*
aawww Draco likes Hermione!!She heard it!!!*dies*
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05-05-2008, 06:04 PM
#28 (permalink)
| Puffskein
Join Date: Mar 2006 Location: MA, USA
Posts: 2,023
Hogwarts RPG Name: Samantha Nicole Brooks Seventh Year | Tom's Quidditch Robes Devilish Draco Quote:
Originally Posted by MAthI^_^ Prongs!!your back!!!*huggles*
aawww Draco likes Hermione!!She heard it!!!*dies*
PAMS!PAMS!! MAthI! *tackles* im glad i'm back too!!!
just wait, its get better!!!
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05-06-2008, 03:09 PM
#29 (permalink)
| Puffskein
Join Date: Mar 2006 Location: MA, USA
Posts: 2,023
Hogwarts RPG Name: Samantha Nicole Brooks Seventh Year | voila. chapter 4! Tom's Quidditch Robes Devilish Draco Chapter 4: The Turning Point
The train arrived to Hogsmead Station and all the students filed off. Hermione had been informed that the Head Boy and Girl would be riding together to the school and share a Common Room for the year. Hermione got off the train and walked to the horseless carriages. She walked to the very first one and climbed in. She sat there, wondering who the Head Boy was. A few moments later, the carriage door open and Malfoy climbed in.
“Draco?” said Hermione, surprised.
Draco looked up to see who it was and saw Hermione. He sat down across from her and smiled.
“Hi, Hermione,” he said.
“You’re Head Boy?” she asked
“Um, yeah, why else would I be in this carriage?” he said.
“It’s really not a surprise,” he said. “I knew I was going to be head boy, I was just waiting for my badge.”
“Oh? I was so excited when I got the badge. My parents took me out to celebrate.” Hermione said, happily. “I didn’t think I would become Head Girl.”
“My parents didn’t do anything when I got mine. But its normal, I’ve gotten used to it.” Draco said, leaning his head on the carriage window.
Hermione looked at him and could see the pain in his eyes from talking about their parents, so she decided to change the subject.
“So, umm, Draco,” she started.
“Seems like we’re gonna be spending lots of time together.”
“What do you mean?” he said, curiously.
“Didn’t anyone tell you,” she said, “we’ll be sharing a common room.”
“No, no one told me any--”
“Really? Well that’s a surprise. Normally, Draco Malfoy would know about these things before me.”
Draco glared at Hermione and couldn’t help but smirk.
“What?” she asked.
“Nothing, just thinking about how these new arrangements are going to work.”
“Well, I think they might go pretty well. Seeing as how we’re actually getting along.”
“Yeah, that’s gonna change by the time we get to school.”
“Think about it. Granger and Malfoy talking and acting civil. I have reputation to keep.”
“I apologize if talking to me is going to “hurt” your rep.” Hermione said, crossing her arms and staring out the little window in the carriage.
They were both silent for the rest of the ride. The carriage finally came to a stop in front of the castle. Draco climbed out and offered to help Hermione. She got out, and they walked toward the castle.
“See you in the common room, Granger,” he said, with a smirk.
Hermione just rolled her eyes and nodded. As they walked into the Great Hall, Hermione watched Draco walk to the Slytherin table and sit down, and then made her way to the Gryffindor table to listen to the welcoming speech and enjoy some dinner.
“Hey, Hermione!”
“Hi, Ginny.”
“How are you? How was the rest of your summer?”
“I’m fine,” she said, looking over to the Slytherin table to find Malfoy. “And the rest of my summer was ok. Hung out with my parents mostly. How was yours?”
“It was ok. I didn’t really do much other than practice Quidditch with Harry and Ron.”
“Sounds fun.”
“Oh, yeah. Loads.”
“I have to talk to you later Ginny.”
“About what?”
“Just some stuff,” Hermione said, glancing back over at Draco.
Ginny caught sight of Hermione's eye looking over at the Slytherin Table, and saw her looking at Malfoy. She had an idea of what Hermione was going to tell her.
“Ok,” Ginny said.
“I’ll come get you tonight around eight and we’ll go back to the Head common room and talk there. Harry and Ron don’t need to hear this quite yet.”
“So, you get your own Common Room?” Ginny asked.
“Yeah, I haven’t been in it yet, but I heard it’s lovely. They supposedly decorated to match the Head Girl and Boy’s house.”
“Who’s the Head Boy?”
“Malfoy.” Hermione said looking at the Slytherin table.
“Malfoy? Really?”
“Yeah, so I get to spend an entire year in the same room with him. It’s going to be loads of fun.” Hermione said, rolling her eyes. “I’m gonna check out my new dorm. I’ll see you in a bit Ginny.”
“Ok, bye Hermione.”
Hermione got up from the table and walked toward the door, took a last look at Draco and left the Great Hall and made her way to the sixth floor and went to the portrait of a snake and a lion.
“Pass-ss-word?” said the snake.
“Equus.” said Hermione
The portrait opened and Hermione climbed in. She looked around and was in shock from how nice it looked. The entire common room was draped in silver and gold with scarlet and forest green couches. There was also kitchen to make personal breakfasts and snacks throughout the day. Hermione walked over to the staircase that leads to the dorms. There was a plaque of a lion above her door and plaque of a snake above Malfoy’s. She opened the door to her dorm and went in. The entire room was scarlet and gold. She put her bag down and looked around her room. She had a queen sized bed with scarlet sheets and gold pillow cases. She even had her own bathroom. She went over to her bed and plopped down onto the soft mattress and laid there in her thoughts. She went back down into the common room and looked at the clock. 7:45 it said. I should go down and get Ginny now, she thought. She left, and walked to the Gryffindor Common Room.
Draco sat down at the Slytherin table and began to fill his plate with food.
“You ok?” asked Blaise.
“No,” Draco replied. “I made Hermione mad at me.”
“How’d you do that?”
“I don’t know. All I said was that once we got to school, we couldn’t really talk or anything. My reputation would be in jeopardy.”
“Good job, Draco.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You didn’t have to bring up your rep, you idiot. She knows about it already, and doesn’t need you to remind her. She’s risking her friendship with Potter and Weasley just so she can talk to you.”
“Oh, yeah” he said, looking down at his plate. “I forgot about them.”
“Well, don’t worry about it,” said Blaise. “Just, when you see her, apologize.”
“Thanks, Blaise.”
Draco looked over to the Gryffindor table and found Hermione. She was talking to Ginny about something. He just stared at her as she talked and wondered what it was about. She then got up and left. Draco watched her leave, as his eyes followed her, saw her eyes catch his, and she walked out the door. He sat there in thought of what he could say to her later.
Hermione came to portrait of the Fat Lady.
“Password?” she asked
“Firewhiskey” Hermione replied.
The portrait opened and Hermione climbed in and looked for Ginny. She found her sitting on the couch with Harry, doing homework.
“Hey, Ginny,” she said.
“Hey, Hermione.”
“Ready to go?”
“Where are you two going?” Harry butted in.
“Back to my dorm” Hermione replied. “I told you I had to talk to her.”
“I thought you did that already.”
“No, I didn’t.” She looked back at Ginny. “Would you like to spend the night, Gin? It’ll be easier.”
“Yeah, sure” said Ginny, “let me just get some stuff.”
While they waited for Ginny, Harry decided to see if he could find out what was up.
“So, you gonna tell me about any of this?”
“I told you Harry, don’t worry about it.”
“Are you gonna tell me at some point?”
“Yeah, probably, but right now I’m not going to.”
Ginny came back down from her room.
“Ok, I’m all set.”
“Ok, let’s go. Bye Harry,” said Hermione.
“Bye Harry,” said Ginny giving him a kiss.
“Bye guys,” he said.
They turned and left the common room and walked to the Head’s room. They got to the sixth floor and headed down the hallway to the snake and lion portrait.
“So, when do I get to find out about this guy?” she asked looking at Hermione.
Hermione laughed, “why do you assume it is about a guy?”
“Hmm, I don’t know, maybe because you kept looking at Malfoy while you were talking to me.”
“Ok,” she said giggling. “It’s about a guy.”
“Is it about Malfoy?” Ginny asked, attempting to keep a serious look on her face, but failing horribly.
Hermione couldn’t help but smile, and nod.
“No way!” exclaimed Ginny.
“But how…when?” she stammered.
“Don’t worry I’ll tell you once we get to my room.”
Hermione said the password and the girls climbed in and headed towards the couch.
“Can I put my stuff in your room Hermione?”
“Yeah, sure. Go up the stairs and it’ll be obvious which room is mine.”
Ginny giggled, “ok,” and she headed up the stairs.
Hermione went into the kitchen, and made some popcorn and poured a couple of glasses of Butterbeer. She sat on the couch and waited for Ginny.
“Oh my goodness, Hermione.”
“I love your room. It’s beautiful.”
“Isn’t it! I love it and I haven’t even spent the night in it yet. Here, I made you a glass of butterbeer.”
“No problem.”
Hermione and Ginny sat there in silence for a little bit enjoying their Butterbeer and popcorn. Finally Ginny piped up.
“So Harry and Ron told me they saw you talking to Malfoy in Madam Malkin’s,” Ginny said, with her eyebrow raised. “What was that all about?”
“Nothing, we were just talking.”
“Uh-huh, so, spill it. I wanna know everything that happened.”
Hermione laughed, “Ok, ok, I’ll tell you.”
“Finally,” said Ginny.
“I got to Diagon Alley and ended running into your brother and Harry. We talked for a little bit, and I realized we were coming up to Flourish & Blotts. I told them I needed to get my books and they told me to meet them at Madam Malkin’s later.”
“Hurry up and get to Malfoy!”
“Chill, Ginny, I’m getting there. Anyway, I went down one of the aisles to get my Ancient Runes book. I walked back up the aisle so I can buy them, but I wasn’t paying any attention to where I was going and collided with Draco. I fell flat on the floor with all my books scattered around me. I got up and started to walk to the cash register to buy my books and he stopped me and apologized.”
“Malfoy apologized?!”
“Yeah, he did. I was shocked too.”
“Wow, I never thought I’d hear that. But go on.”
“Ok, so he apologized and I accepted it. He asked if he could walk with me to Madam Malkin’s. So I paid for my books and we left. While we were walking, I asked what was up with him, he just said he had been avoiding his father for a while. I stopped and stood in front of him and told him that if he needs anyone to talk to, he can come and find me.”
“Wow, so you really do like him?”
“Yeah, I don’t get it though. Even after 6 years of horrid name calling and teasing, I have feelings for him.”
“So does he like you?”
“Yeah, he does.”
“How do you know?”
“I was kind of eavesdropping on his conversation with Bla--”
Hermione stopped short when she heard the portrait open. Hermione and Ginny both looked at the doorway and watched Draco climb in. Draco threw his bag down and looked up. When he saw Hermione, he nearly tripped over his bag.
“Draco, you ok?” Hermione asked.
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine.”
Ginny looked at them and decided to change to her pajamas.
“Uhh, Hermione, I’ll be right back, I’m gonna go and change. But when I get back, I wanna hear the rest of your story.”
With that she looked at Draco and smiled, then went to Hermione’s room to change.
“What’s she doing here?” sneered Draco.
“I invited her over to talk.”
“About what?”
“Nothing in particular. Not that you need to know anyway.”
Draco looked at her and rolled his eyes. After about five minutes, Ginny came back down from the bedroom in her pj’s.
“Ok, Hermione, let’s hear the rest of it.”
“Umm, Ginny, let’s finish this conversation in my room.”
“Oh, Ok.”
“No, no it’s fine. Stay down here, I’m tired anyway,” said Draco.
Hermione sat back down on the couch and Ginny joined her. Draco turned and began walking to the staircase. He stopped and looked back at Hermione.
“Hermione?” he said.
“Come here for a second?”
“Yeah, sure, hold on Ginny.”
“Ok,” Ginny said, trying to hold back a smile.
Hermione got up and walked over to Draco.
“What’s up Draco?”
“About earlier, I’m really sorry. It’s just old habits die hard. I didn’t mean it.”
Hermione sighed, “It’s ok Draco, but you should really try and not be a jerk.”
“Thanks, Hermione. I’ll try, but it’ll be hard.”
“Yeah, it will but, I’ll help you,” Hermione said, smiling. “Well I would like to finish talking with Ginny, if we’re done here, Draco.”
“What? Oh, yeah go ahead.”
Hermione turned and started to walk back to Ginny, when she felt a tug on her sleeve.
“What Draco?” she asked, turning back around to look at him. She faced him and looked him in the eye. Draco looked at her, and brought his face down to meet hers and said, “I wanted to say goodnight.” Hermione began to say goodnight, when Draco brought his lips to hers and kissed her. He pulled away and ran his hand down her cheek. Hermione stood there in shock, while Draco went up to his room.
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05-06-2008, 03:17 PM
#30 (permalink)
| Neville's Patronus Jobberknoll
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: At home.... duh
Posts: 4,122
Hogwarts RPG Name: Sabrina Dumbledore Fourth Year | They kissed Oh my gosh they kissed
Loved the story!! yay for Hermoine and Draco I think anyways!!
Keep posting!
xxx |
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05-06-2008, 04:56 PM
#31 (permalink)
| Wandering Regulus Billywig
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 3,984
Hogwarts RPG Name: Mathi |
They kissed!!!:Faint:
awesome chapter!!PAMS!PAMS!
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05-06-2008, 10:24 PM
#32 (permalink)
| Gnome
Join Date: Apr 2007 Location: on candy mountion
Posts: 395
Hogwarts RPG Name: Aurora Jullian Marks First Year |
theyy kissed
bad me
*hits my face
i missed three whole posts
i just find it unbeliveable
that they wouldnt have noticed her
in the corner of the copartment
but watever
__________________ ♥Somebody loves you♥ |
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05-07-2008, 03:38 AM
#33 (permalink)
| Sgt. Gryffindor Perfect Premolars! Puffskein
Join Date: Aug 2007 Location: The Stars
Posts: 1,999
| GFD Graphics Stage Love
YAY!!! this is really good!!
They kissed!
Ginny's gonna get a shock by the rest of this story!!!!! hehe!
Keep going!!!!
Love me!
__________________ i said, "leave," but all i really want is you | to stand outside my window throwing pebbles screaming, 'i'm in love with you' | wait there in the pouring rain, come back for more and don't you leave cause i know | all i need is on the other side of the door  Siggie and avvie made by BanaBatGirl from The Batcave |
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05-07-2008, 11:56 AM
#34 (permalink)
| Puffskein
Join Date: Mar 2006 Location: MA, USA
Posts: 2,023
Hogwarts RPG Name: Samantha Nicole Brooks Seventh Year | Tom's Quidditch Robes Devilish Draco Quote:
Originally Posted by TriwizardChamp12 YAH!!
theyy kissed
bad me
*hits my face
i missed three whole posts haha yea, i thought it would be a good shocker for everyone. and it's ok that you missed a few posts, as long as you caught up. =] Quote:
Originally Posted by alyweasley YAY!!! this is really good!!
They kissed!
Ginny's gonna get a shock by the rest of this story!!!!! hehe!
Keep going!!!!
Love me! lol. Ginny is a bit shocked after that. But your gonna have to wait for the next chapter. =]
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05-07-2008, 12:31 PM
#35 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Jan 2008 Location: G-Town
Posts: 887
Hogwarts RPG Name: Hailey James Wood Fourth Year | Magnificent Malfoy Weasleyed: By the Twins
yay Prongs!
Awesome chapter =)
Can't wait for the next one...I wonder what's going to happen!! =O
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05-07-2008, 05:38 PM
#36 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Apr 2008 Location: Hmm I forget
Posts: 968
Hogwarts RPG Name: Megan Brown Sixth Year |
Ohhhhhh they kissed how sweet
And they both have feelings for each other!!!
so now if Malfoy can only get over his jerkyness and forget about his rep it
would be perfect
I loved how you described Hermione's Room it sounds really pretty
loved the post can't wait for the next
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05-09-2008, 12:33 PM
#37 (permalink)
| Puffskein
Join Date: Mar 2006 Location: MA, USA
Posts: 2,023
Hogwarts RPG Name: Samantha Nicole Brooks Seventh Year | Chapter 5 is here! Tom's Quidditch Robes Devilish Draco Chapter 5: Conversations
Hermione could not believe what had just happened. She had been standing in the same spot for five minutes, not hearing Ginny call her name. Ginny got up and walked over to her.
“Hermione!” Ginny said loudly, shaking her a bit.
Finally she snapped out of it and looked at Ginny.
“Come on, Hermione. Let’s sit.”
Ginny brought her over to the couch and sat her down, and waited for her to say something.
“Ginny,” Hermione said, finally.
“Yeah, Hermione?”
“Did what I think just happen, really happen? Or was I daydreaming again?”
Ginny smiled, “No, Hermione, you were not daydreaming. Draco totally kissed you!”
Hermione let out a sigh, and smiled.
Draco was lying on his bed, staring at the underside of his forest green canopy. I can’t believe it did that, he thought, why did I have to go and kiss her? I need to find out if she feels the same way I do. Draco thought of a good excuse to go downstairs. He got off his bed and left his room to get something to drink. He started down the stairs and stopped, when he heard Hermione talking. He stood there and listened. He didn’t complain about what he was hearing.
“Ok, well back to my story.”
“Oh, no. Hermione Granger is not getting out of this that easy!”
“Get out of what?”
“Talking about Draco’s kiss.”
“What’s there to talk about, he kissed me, end of story.”
“Was it good, or bad. What did you feel? Come on Hermione, I’ve always wondered what it would be like to kiss him.”
“What? I can wonder. So, was it good or bad?”
“It was great.”
“Better then Krum?”
“So much better than Krum.” Of course I’m a better kisser then Krum, Draco thought. That oaf only knows how to play Quidditch. Draco rolled his eyes and continued to listen when he heard the girls laugh.
“What did it feel like?” Ginny asked.
“I don’t know, it’s hard to explain. It was amazing though. I loved it.”
“Well go ahead and finish your story. We can finish this particular conversation tomorrow.”
“Ok, well, I was eavesdropping on his conversation with Blaise.”
“How’d you manage that?”
“Well, I left the compartment I was in with Ron and Harry to find you and talk about all this, but then decided to wait until we got to school. I found an empty compartment and sat in the far corner, a few of the lights were dying so you couldn’t really see much. I heard the door open and looked up. I didn’t know who it was until they began talking.”
“You didn’t do or say anything to let them know that you were there?”
“I was going to, but then I heard Draco say my name and I wanted to know why he was talking to Blaise about me.”
“Does he know that you know that he’s got a thing for you?”
Draco continued down the stairs. Hermione heard him coming and quickly lowered her voice. Draco saw her whisper something to Ginny and Ginny whisper back. He went into the kitchen and got a drink. When he came out, Ginny and Hermione were both staring at him. Ginny had a big smile, and Hermione was as red as a tomato.
Draco walked over to them and leaned on the back of the couch. Hermione and Ginny looked at him.
“Can we help you?” asked Hermione.
“No, I wasn’t that tired, so I decided to get a drink and come bother you.” Draco replied, smirking.
“Well the bothering is working quite well. I was trying to have a conversation with Ginny.”
“Well you can continue, I’m just gonna sit over here.”
Draco walked over to a chair by the fire and sat down. Hermione looked at Ginny and smiled.
“So Ginny, how’s it going with you and Harry?” Hermione asked.
“Oh, it’s going just wonderful,” Ginny began, “he’s just so sweet and caring, and he’s such a great kisser.”
“Yeah, the other night, I was trying to do my homework, and Harry came up from behind me and started kissing my --”
“On second thought,” Draco interrupted, “I’m gonna go back to bed. I don’t want to hear about your snogging sessions with Potter.”
Draco got up and went back to his room. Hermione and Ginny giggled as he left. Hermione looked at the time.
“We should go to bed, it’s already 12:30” Hermione said.
“Yeah, probably.”
They both went up to Hermione’s room, and laid on the bed.
“That was a good idea, bringing up me and Harry to get rid of him.”
Hermione laughed, “Thanks Ginny, you didn’t do so bad going along with it.”
“Yeah, did you see the look on his face when we were talking about it? He looked like he wanted to puke.”
They climbed under the covers and Ginny looked at Hermione.
“So, when are you going to tell Draco about you liking him and all?”
“I don’t know, Ginny. But I want it to be good.”
Hermione laid back on her pillow and they both fell asleep.
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05-09-2008, 03:23 PM
#38 (permalink)
| Neville's Patronus Jobberknoll
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: At home.... duh
Posts: 4,122
Hogwarts RPG Name: Sabrina Dumbledore Fourth Year | Well done Prongs 
I loved the fact that Draco's heard Hermoine's convo and Hermoine's heard Draco's. Now all that has to happen is they need to get together!!! 
Please write more soon as this is getting really interesting.
xxx |
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05-09-2008, 09:43 PM
#39 (permalink)
| Gnome
Join Date: Apr 2007 Location: on candy mountion
Posts: 395
Hogwarts RPG Name: Aurora Jullian Marks First Year |
what was she gonna say harry was kissing
no dont tell me
i dont want to know
__________________ ♥Somebody loves you♥ |
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05-12-2008, 12:59 AM
#40 (permalink)
| Sgt. Gryffindor Perfect Premolars! Puffskein
Join Date: Aug 2007 Location: The Stars
Posts: 1,999
| GFD Graphics Stage Love
Naw that's so cute! Draco wants to be part her conversations!! that is hilarious!
This is so good! Keep up the very good work!!
Love Jade
__________________ i said, "leave," but all i really want is you | to stand outside my window throwing pebbles screaming, 'i'm in love with you' | wait there in the pouring rain, come back for more and don't you leave cause i know | all i need is on the other side of the door  Siggie and avvie made by BanaBatGirl from The Batcave |
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05-12-2008, 12:50 PM
#41 (permalink)
| Puffskein
Join Date: Mar 2006 Location: MA, USA
Posts: 2,023
Hogwarts RPG Name: Samantha Nicole Brooks Seventh Year | nuh-nuh-na!! chapter 6. Tom's Quidditch Robes Devilish Draco Chapter 6: The Visit
Harry woke up the next morning and walked over to Ron’s bed. Harry shook him a bit to get him up.
“Wha-what’s wrong?” muttered Ron.
“Ron get up. I want to talk to you.”
“What? Oh, yeah, ok. What’s up?” He said, sitting up.
“I wanted to talk to you about this whole Hermione and Malfoy deal. Do you think there’s anything going on between them?”
“I doubt it, mate. She wouldn’t do that, she hates him.”
“Yeah, well they were a little to nice to each other in Madam Malkin’s. That’s not normally like her.”
“Yeah, I know.” Ron said, scratching his head. “She also wouldn’t tell us what he said.”
“I asked her about it last night when she came to get Ginny.”
“What’d she say?”
“She said that we don’t need to worry about it, and that she’ll tell us.”
“Wait, why’d she get Ginny?”
“Said she needed to talk to her.”
“I thought she was gonna talk to her on the train?”
“I guess they never did.”
“Well, maybe Ginny will tell us when she gets back.”
“I don’t think so, Ron. They’re pretty close.”
“What’d you mean?”
“All I’m sayin is that they’re really good friends and keep each other’s secrets, so I doubt Ginny will let anything slip.”
“Yeah, well...” Ron said, getting up to get dressed.
“Where you goin?”
“I’m gonna pay ‘em a visit. You comin?”
“Yeah, I guess.”
They got dressed and left to visit Hermione and Ginny.
Ginny woke up and went to the kitchen for some breakfast. On her way back to Hermione’s room, she ran into Draco.
“What are you doing, Weaselette?” he sneered.
“I was getting breakfast, ferret,” she said, smiling.
“Why are you smiling?”
“I was just thi--”
Before she could finish there was a knock at the common room entrance.
“Malfoy, be a good ferret and get that, I’m gonna wake Hermione.”
Ginny smirked and walked back to Hermione’s room, leaving Draco on the stairs. He shot Ginny a nasty look and went down to the common room.
“Hermione? Where are you?”
“In here,” she called from the bathroom.
“Oh, ok. Well I ran into Draco on the stairs.”
“What happened?” she asked coming out.
“Oh, nothing happened. Just the fact that he was in his boxers,” Ginny said with a sigh. “He is quite cute.”
Hermione laughed, “Yeah I know. Last night all I dreamed of was Dra--”
Hermione stopped short when her door opened and Draco was standing in the doorway. He stood there with his eyebrow raised and just stared at Hermione, who was still in her pajamas.
“Yes, Draco?” she asked.
Draco shook his head and cleared his throat. “Oh, umm, you have visitors.”
Draco grumbled as he walked down the stairs and opened the portrait. He rolled his eyes when he saw who it was.
“What do you want, Potter?”
“For one, I’d like you to put some clothes on before you answer.”
Draco looked down and saw that he was still just in his boxers.
“Last time I checked, it was my common room.”
“Are you going to let us in?” asked Ron.
Draco moved and let them in.
“What do you want,” he asked again, as they walked by him.
“We just came to visit Hermione and Ginny. Where are they?” Harry asked.
“Upstairs, I’ll get ‘em.”
Draco walked upstairs to get the girls. When he opened the door, he saw them sitting on the floor talking. He heard Hermione stop when he came in. All Draco could do then, was stare at her. She was still in her pajamas, a light pink tank-top and matching pants. He thought of how good she looked in them, when she interrupted his thoughts.
“Yes, Draco?” she asked.
He shook his head and cleared his throat, “oh, umm, you have visitors.”
“Who?” asked Ginny.
“Potter and Weasley.”
“Perfect,” Hermione said rolling her eyes. “Well, let’s go, Ginny.”
Hermione and Ginny got up and they all went back down to the common room, with Draco in front. When they got to the last step, Hermione pulled Ginny aside and whispered, “Remember no word about last night, ok?”
“Don’t worry Hermione, I won’t say anything.”
“And Draco?”
“Especially don’t say anything about that kiss. Understand?”
“Yeah, yeah,” he replied, walking to the kitchen.
Hermione and Ginny walked over to the couch, where Ron and Harry were. Ron looked up and caught sight of Hermione. He stared for a moment and muttered, “hi Hermione”
“Hi Ron, Harry. What are you two doing here?”
“We just wanted to come and visit the head Girl and check out the common room,” Harry said.
“Well you came and saw, now you can leave.”
“Come on Hermione,” said Harry. “Let’s sit, hang out, and talk.”
She sighed, “Ok, would either of you like a drink?”
“I’ll have some pumpkin juice,” said Ron.
“Me too.”
Hermione got up and began to walk away.
“Oh, and Hermione?” Harry began.
“Tell Malfoy to put a shirt on. I don’t wanna see a half naked ferret running around.”
Ron and Harry started laughing. Ginny looked at Hermione and mouthed ‘I’m sorry’ Hermione smiled and rolled her eyes.
“So what do they want?” Draco asked, when Hermione came in.
“They came to visit me and check out the common room. I don’t believe them though,” she said, getting the pumpkin juice.
“I just don’t, ok? You don’t need to know everything.”
Hermione walked over to the cabinet to get some glasses. Draco came up behind her and cornered her between him and the counter. Hermione tried to wiggle out but failed. She didn’t know what was in store. He took his hand and put it on her waist and the other brushed her hair from her ear. He brought his head down and whispered, “now Hermione, that’s not fair.” He turned her around, so they were facing each other. “I can talk to you about my problems, but you can’t talk to me about yours?”
When Hermione went into the kitchen, Ginny looked at Harry and Ron.
“Ok, why did you guys really come?” she asked.
“Come on Ginny, can’t we just come and visit our friend?” Ron said.
“I’m not stupid, Ronald. I know that’s not the reason.”
She walked over to the couch and sat next to Harry. She put one hand on his thigh, and twirled his hair with the other.
“Harry,” she said, batting her eyes, “are you gonna tell me why your really here?”
Harry swallowed and looked at her, then Ron, then back at her. He couldn’t take it when she did that. He tried to keep his cool.
“Well, we, uh, came to uhh, visit,” he sputtered.
“Harry, don’t lie,” she said, as she slowly moved her hand up and down his thigh.
“Ok, ok. We’re here to see if there’s anything going on between Hermione and Malfoy.”
Ginny stood up in shock,“Now what would make you think of such a thing?”
“Well, I don’t know,” said Ron.
“They were quite friendly in Diagon Alley,” said Harry.
“Just because they had one civil conversation Harry, doesn’t mean anything is going on.”
“But-umm-well maybe we should go, then.”
“No,” Ginny said, pushing them back onto the couch. “Your gonna tell her why you’re here. Got it?”
“Yeah, but…”
“Yeah, ok” Ron said. “What is taking her so long? I’m gonna go see.”
“No, Ron, I'll go.”
“Ginny, it’s just the kitchen.”
“Sit down, I’ll get her.”
“Ronald. Sit, I’ll get her.”
Ron sat and let her go.
“Something has got to be going on,” he said, looking at Harry.
“Draco, I just--”
“Just what?”
“Harry and Ron wouldn’t understand our all-of-a-sudden friendship, is all.”
“Well, then, we’ll have to make them understand, won’t we?”
“Well, I --”
Draco took Hermione’s chin and brought her head up. He looked into her eyes and kissed her. Much more passionate than the last kiss. As it deepened, Hermione felt as if they had left the real world behind and went to their own. Draco entangled his fingers in Hermione’s hair, while she tugged at his. But they were soon interrupted.
who ever could it be??? haha hope you like it.
Last edited by draco*malfoy*lover; 05-12-2008 at 01:03 PM.
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05-12-2008, 01:30 PM
#42 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Jan 2008 Location: G-Town
Posts: 887
Hogwarts RPG Name: Hailey James Wood Fourth Year | Magnificent Malfoy Weasleyed: By the Twins
Gee I wonder.
Oops! No! i don't wonder!
Wakka wakka wakka. I know I know, na na na na na na!!
Hehe. I love it, Prongs =)
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05-12-2008, 04:21 PM
#43 (permalink)
| Neville's Patronus Jobberknoll
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: At home.... duh
Posts: 4,122
Hogwarts RPG Name: Sabrina Dumbledore Fourth Year | Prongs you're a genius! So is padfoot to be truthfully honest! :gomp:
Can I guess that it's Ginny since she walked into the kitchen.
Another kiss Sorry it needed to be done.
xxx |
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05-13-2008, 02:25 AM
#44 (permalink)
| Sgt. Gryffindor Perfect Premolars! Puffskein
Join Date: Aug 2007 Location: The Stars
Posts: 1,999
| GFD Graphics Stage Love
Naw this is so cute! I sooooooooo wanna be Hermione right now!!
PAMS PAMS!! this is soo good! keep it up!
--- Jade xxxx
__________________ i said, "leave," but all i really want is you | to stand outside my window throwing pebbles screaming, 'i'm in love with you' | wait there in the pouring rain, come back for more and don't you leave cause i know | all i need is on the other side of the door  Siggie and avvie made by BanaBatGirl from The Batcave |
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05-13-2008, 02:42 AM
#45 (permalink)
| Gnome
Join Date: Apr 2007 Location: on candy mountion
Posts: 395
Hogwarts RPG Name: Aurora Jullian Marks First Year |
nice going ginny
people always have the best timeing
its like a gift that the human race possess so strongly
__________________ ♥Somebody loves you♥ |
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05-15-2008, 12:11 AM
#46 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Apr 2008 Location: Hmm I forget
Posts: 968
Hogwarts RPG Name: Megan Brown Sixth Year |
I completely agree with Haley
People do have the best timeing
always walking in when things are getting juicy
Loved the Post/s (I missed one)
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05-15-2008, 05:00 PM
#47 (permalink)
| Wandering Regulus Billywig
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 3,984
Hogwarts RPG Name: Mathi |
its awesome Prongs!!one more kiss 
ok so let it be peeves or the ghost of malfoy's great great grandfather |
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05-15-2008, 05:28 PM
#48 (permalink)
| Puffskein
Join Date: Mar 2006 Location: MA, USA
Posts: 2,023
Hogwarts RPG Name: Samantha Nicole Brooks Seventh Year | Chapter 7 Tom's Quidditch Robes Devilish Draco
im splitting chapter 7 in half. here's the first half: Chapter 7: Head Duties
Draco and Hermione pulled apart and looked to see Ginny in the doorway.
“What would’ve you two done if Harry or Ron came in instead of me? You’re lucky it ended up being me.”
Hermione pushed Draco away and continued to pour the pumpkin juice.
“Hermione, Harry and Ron suspect that something is going on. So if you don’t want them to find out about this yet, wait before you two snog in the kitchen. Ok? Oh, and they need to talk to you.”
Hermione blushed and brought the juice out and sat across from them.
“Um, Hermione,” Harry started, “Can we ask you something?”
“Yeah, sure.”
“Is there anything going on between you and Malfoy?”
“Why would there be anything going on between us? He’s a stuck up prat. Why do you ask?”
“Well, that was actually the reason why we came. We had a feeling something was going on and we just had to find out.”
“Well now you know. Is that it?”
“Yeah, we’ll see you later. We have Quidditch practice, come on Ron. Bye, Hermione.”
“Bye, guys.”
They left and Hermione let out a huge sigh of relief. Ginny came out of the kitchen and sat next to Hermione. Draco waited a couple of minutes, then stood in the doorway out of view of the girls.
“So, how’d it go?”
“It went ok, they believed me that nothing’s going on. It’s not like I lied to them, there isn’t anything going on.”
“Yeah, so is there going to be anything between you two any time soon?”
“I don’t know, I wouldn’t mind it though. Just imagine the shock the people would have if the Gryffindor know-it-all and the Slytherin prince began dating,” she said, with a smile.
Ginny laughed, “Yeah that would be something to imagine. Well, I gotta go Hermione, I’ll see you later.”
“Bye, Ginny.”
“So you wouldn’t mind, eh?”
Hermione turned and saw Draco in the kitchen doorway.
“How much of that did you hear?”
“All of it. Especially the part about the Gryffindor know-it-all and the Slytherin prince dating,” he said, with a grin.
“Yeah, so?”
“So, I think we should go down to McGonagall and get our schedule for patrolling.”
Hermione looked at him with a curious look, “All right.”
They left and started walking to the Headmistress’s office. While they were walking, Draco moved closer to Hermione and took her hand in his.
“Um, Draco, what are you doing?”
“Well, I figured, if we were going to date, we should, you know, hold hands.”
Hermione blushed, “But, we’re not even dat--”
“I know,” Draco interrupted, moving closer to her, “but I think, we should.”
She smiled, “I think so too.”
They continued to walk to the Headmistress’ office for their schedule. Draco’s arm around her shoulders and Hermione’s around his waist.
“I still think there’s something going on,” said Ron, as him and Harry walked back to their common room.
“Well she said nothing’s going on, so we should take her word for it.”
“What do you think she was doing in the kitchen? It doesn’t take that long to get a couple glasses of pumpkin juice.”
“I dunno. Maybe Malfoy was being an annoying git and bothering her.”
“I should’ve gone in there, like I wanted to. Ginny beat me to it though.”
“Hey, guys! Wait up!”
Harry and Ron stopped and turned and saw Ginny running towards them.
“Hey Gin, coming back so early?” asked Harry.
“Yeah, I figured I butted in enough for one night.”
“What’d you mean you butted in?” Ron asked.
“I-umm, well, nothing. I just--you know, Hermione’s trying to get used to the fact that she’s sharing a room with that ferret, and me being there wasn’t really helping.”
“Uh-huh, so wha--”
“Ron, enough badgering, ok? She’s not gonna tell you anything.”
“Thank you, Harry. I’m gonna walk the rest of the way by myself so I can think, see you in the morning.”
Ginny walked ahead of them straight for the Common Room. Ron didn’t say another word to Harry about his thoughts. He loved Hermione and couldn’t stand that she was sharing a room with Malfoy. He wanted her to share a room with him and no one else, and to love him, the way he loved her.
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05-15-2008, 05:38 PM
#49 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Jan 2008 Location: G-Town
Posts: 887
Hogwarts RPG Name: Hailey James Wood Fourth Year | Magnificent Malfoy Weasleyed: By the Twins
awwh, thats cute =)
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05-15-2008, 08:07 PM
#50 (permalink)
| Neville's Patronus Jobberknoll
Join Date: Mar 2008 Location: At home.... duh
Posts: 4,122
Hogwarts RPG Name: Sabrina Dumbledore Fourth Year | awwwww 
That was so cute! awwww! *giggles*
I need more! More! More!
xxx |
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