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Old 11-16-2006, 12:47 AM   #26 (permalink)
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This chapter is kinda short, but depending on what I can do I'll see if I can post later (I gotta do this thing when I would normall ypost if I decide to post two chapters).
Ya, here's the super-short chapter Sorry about its length, but the basic idea really...
Enjoy anyways

Chapter 6

Draco woke up to a sleeping dormitory the next day. He noticed his watch said it was six thirty in the morning, so if he wanted he could easily wander the castle. He tried forcing himself to go to sleep again, but he was wide awake. He wanted to go back to his dream world, the one place he was truly safe and secure, the one place he enjoyed going to.
He lay in bed for a long while, not bothering to check the time. When he heard moving, he shot up in bed to see who it was.
“Up a little early for yourself, aren’t you, Malfoy?”
Draco squinted, trying to figure out who spoke. The guy walked out, leaving the room to himself, Blaise and another Slytherin he hadn’t a clue who he was. Looking at his watch, Draco noticed it was ten minutes to seven, so he decided to hop out of bed. Changing into his day’s robes, he left the dormitory and wandered the dungeons and up to the Great Hall. Everyone he passed looked at him suspiciously or seemed to glare, but then averted their gaze when Draco shot them a threatening look. He knew he would’ve had more power if Crabbe and Goyle were with him, but he seems strong enough to scare people by himself.
When he entered the Great Hall, he scanned the Slytherin table. When he didn’t see Pansy’s ugly figure among the small group, he joined them, having a quick breakfast.
“Have a good sleep, darling?”
Draco slid over, away from Pansy, who just arrived. He took another bunch of eggs and bacon. Pansy slid over as well, her shoulder brushing his. Flinching, Draco slid down the bench again, eating some of his bacon at the same time.
“The food is always the best down at the far end, isn’t it?” Pansy said, attempting to sound soft.
Draco shivered inwardly as he finished his eggs and bacon. He slid down the benches again and grabbed some toast. He shoved it all in his mouth, chewed for a bit, and then swallowed. As soon as he did, he got up and left the Slytherin table, going to go get his supplies for his first class, Charms. He noticed on his timetable that nearly all classes except for one were shared with Gryffindor when he looked at his timetable. He smiled, despite how he hated Gryffindors, naturally, he would be sharing his classes with Hermione. Even if it meant he had to stick it up in three classes with Pansy, the rest was him and a few other Slytherins along with the few Gryffindors.

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Old 11-16-2006, 11:52 AM   #27 (permalink)

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grrrrrr......Pansy, why don't you just leave Draco alone? He doesn't love you, he loves Hermione! Get Over YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!(great post, PAMS!)
And someday, when the night is over and the dawn arrives, we'll reach up to the sky withour eyes turned toward our Lord, and all will become good and whole
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Old 11-17-2006, 05:07 AM   #28 (permalink)
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Grr -holds in anticipation-
I'll post tomorrow... despite how I"m on like, chapter 19 or 20 (I can say right now this is gonna be a long f.f Chapter 19 or 20 and not even at the Yule Ball!)

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Old 11-17-2006, 03:12 PM   #29 (permalink)
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Ok, it's tomorrow! (even if it's 7:05am here, it's still 'tomorrow')
Here's the next chapter -couldn't wait any longer-
Ya, enjoy I guess is all I can say for now

Chapter 7
Name in the Goblet

Hermione felt slightly jittery throughout her classes for the day, she kept getting the feeling someone was watching her, but when she looked around, no one was. She had that feeling all day, even when eating her meals. When she entered the Great Hall a few hours after dinner, she found it dark, only source of light being the Age Line Professor McGonagall drew around the Goblet of Fire. She sat down on one of the benches near the cup with Ginny and watched some of the students from Hogwarts submitting their names.
The doors were pushed open, and a group of Beauxbatons girls ran inside, giggling, and stopped outside the Age Line, two of the girls going up to the Goblet, wrote their names on a piece of parchment, and put it in. Hermione rolled her eyes as the guys had their eyes on the French girls, now running away laughing and chatting in French. Ron seemed to have forgotten the point in being in the Great Hall in front of the Age Line, which he could willingly pass if he moved.
“Ronald!” Hermione snapped.
He jumped and looked at her.
“There’s no need to be afraid of an Age Line,” Ginny commented. She and Hermione giggled. Ron’s cheeks reddened and he walked up to the Goblet. Taking a piece of parchment, he wrote his name on it and threw it into the fire. He grinned triumphantly.
“Out of the way!” a voice growled into his ear. In the blink of an eye, Ron stumbled out of the area the Age Line had circled and swiftly managed to sit down next to Ginny.
“Patience is a virtue, but it’s not like a Malfoy to know that,” Hermione said as she opened her book. She didn’t even have to look up to know Malfoy shoved his way through the crowd to get to the Goblet.
“Learning when to speak is also a virtue, but it’s not like a mudblood girl to know.” Hermione looked up and saw one of the guys surrounding him doing a cruel imitation of her squirming in her seat when trying to answer a question in class. The group around Malfoy laughed brutally. Hermione’s jaw stiffened, she didn’t want to crack in front of Malfoy. He turned away and wrote his name on a piece of parchment.
“The Triwizard Tournament is about courage, Malfoy. Having a posse following tail everywhere you go doesn’t excatly scream courageous.”
Everyone behind her that wasn’t in Slytherin ‘oohed’ as he got dissed. Malfoy glared at them and tossed the parchment into the Goblet.
“Ooh, a glare, I’m so scared,” Ginny mocked. “What’s next, hand moving towards your wand?”
The people behind her snickered again, since Malfoy’s hand was indeed moving towards his wand pocket. Before he could say anything, the doors creaked open again. At least fifteen Durmstrang students marched in. All of them took out some parchment and wrote their names on it, throwing the paper into the Goblet. Marching out again, they slammed the doors closed, leaving the Hogwarts students to themselves again.
“So where’s Potty, Weaslette?” Malfoy asked in a mock sincere way. His followers sniggered.
“No where you’d care about,” Ginny responded stiffly.
“I think likewise,” Malfoy responded, a twisted smile forming on his face.
“You think?” Hermione shot at him, pretending to be amazed.
“Mudblood has run out of comebacks, how tragic,” Malfoy said dramatically.
“Malfoy using a six year old joke, how wretched,” Hermione retorted in the exact same mock drama.
“It’s not a joke if it’s true. Being the little bookworm yourself, you should know.”
“So it’s not a joke when I say you’re a ferret?”
The group behind her sniggered. Malfoy’s face hardened.
“Just because you’re a Gryffindor geek, it doesn’t mean you’re brave,” Malfoy taunted.
“And just because you’re a stupid Slytherin, it doesn’t mean you’re ambitious. What does personality traits have to do with this?”
“If you’re so brave, you would’ve put your name in the Goblet,” Malfoy pushed.
“Putting your life on the line for some stupid Cup and a thousand Galleons doesn’t mean you’re brave, Malfoy.”
“Who said you name would be drawn?” he pointed out darkly. “If you were a true Gryffindor, you’d put your name in the cup.”
“I not stooping to your level to prove myself,” Hermione snapped.
“Because you can’t, more likely.” The Slytherins snickered at Malfoy’s comment.
“Keeping dreaming, Malfoy,” Hermione responded, rolling her eyes.
“What are you afraid of, mudblood? Homework burning in front of your eyes? Loosing marks because you’re too busy to do work? Forgetting how to use a certain spell? Not getting an answer right in class because you didn’t have time to study...”
“I get the bloody point, Malfoy!”
“Yeah, that he can’t think of anything original for a comeback,” Ginny cracked. The students behind them snickered again. Malfoy glared and stormed off, followers high-tailing behind him. He seemed to give up, which shocked Hermione.

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Old 11-17-2006, 11:43 PM   #30 (permalink)
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loved the last 2 posts!! cant wait 4 more!!! PAMS!! PAMSOiD!!!
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Old 11-18-2006, 03:09 AM   #31 (permalink)
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I am here tooooooo! Had to catch up but it was still WONDERPIPICAL! (I love that word )PAMS PAMS! PAMS! PAMS! Your disses are very good
“The Triwizard Tournament is about courage, Malfoy. Having a posse following tail everywhere you go doesn’t show your bravery.”
Everyone behind her that wasn’t in Slytherin ‘oohed’ as he got dissed. Malfoy glared at them and tossed the parchment into the Goblet.
“Ooh, a glare, I’m so scared,” Ginny mocked. “What’s next, hand moving towards your wand?”
The people behind her snickered again, since Malfoy’s hand was indeed moving towards his wand pocket. Before he could say anything, the doors creaked open again.
I would have wrote more quotes but then it would take to much space!


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Old 11-18-2006, 05:33 AM   #32 (permalink)
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I've never been able to get good disses... they're always corny somehow. It's good to know at least... some of them worked I couldn't think of a response on Malfoy's part for the wand thing, so I got other students to interupt it...

Wonderpipical is a cool word!
Great to see ya back
P.S -felt like adding a day later at 4:30pm instead of making other post-: Anyways, I'll post the next chapter now I guess... well sometime today, I'll make sure of that, just dunno when
And I just found out why my sight has been all weird... apparently I have istegmatizm or whatever and I need glases... -doesn't mind but also doesn't like thought of it- I'll be weird to type with glasses, I'll be looking at my fingers and thinking 'are they gonna fall off?'
Anyways ya, next post=next chapter (whenever I feel like it today)

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Last edited by MalfoyzBeloved; 11-19-2006 at 12:35 AM.
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Old 11-19-2006, 04:10 AM   #33 (permalink)
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ok, I'm gonna post next in a few days. I'm stuck on this one part and ya, I don't wanna catch up to it so I'm gonna give myself a few extra days..
Anyways, here's chapter 8! I'll post... sometime within the next few days (basically, dunno when, but it won't be tomorrow, and I'll be needing to see a comment b4 I do decide to post ). Besides, the next chapter is really long so I'm gonna break it up into parts most likely (not saying I willl, but most likely I will)

Chapter 8

Weeks passed by, and there was no word about the Triwizard Tournament. Draco seemed to never have time for himself, the only time being was when he was asleep, yet some of his followers were still surrounding him because they were in his dorm. He started wondering if there was any way to get rid of Pansy, she was becoming worse, as he thinks. It’s gotten to the point where he’s surprised she isn’t following him into the bathroom, she’s always clinging to him.
After two and half weeks, a festive meal was served for dinner. Among the tables were not only the food everyone at Hogwarts was accustomed to, but to foods such as Bouillabaisse, as he heard the girls of Beauxbatons exclaim happily, and some kind of strange blancmange. Everyone seemed to eat happily that dinner, the French students for once not complaining about ‘ze ‘eavy ‘ogwarts food’.
“And you never guess what happened in my Herbology class...” Pansy continued on in Draco’s ear. He pretended to be listening, but he was really looking across the tables at Hermione. He couldn’t fight the urge to search for Hermione anymore, and lately, he didn’t want to. He realized he’s only been calling her ‘mudblood’ because he felt he had to, not because he wanted to.
“I trust all of you have had a lovely meal,” Professor McGonagall started, the food disappearing from the tables. The lights in the room seemed to have dimmed, the blue light of the Goblet of Fire bouncing off the walls of the Great Hall.
“You have all had time to submit your name into the Goblet of Fire, so now it is time to start the tournament. I remind you all, if you are chosen, you cannot turn back.”
The light of the Goblet changed to a radiant red/pink. A moment later, a piece of parchment flew out of the Goblet and into Professor McGonagall’s hand. She held it a distance away from her eyes to read it.
“The Beauxbatons champion is Avril Levesque!”
The Great Hall echoed in cheers from the Beauxbatons students, and polite clapping from Durmstrang and Beauxbatons. A tall, skinny girl that looked to have a model figure, walked up to the Goblet, golden blond hair flowing behind her. She shook Professor McGonagall’s hand and was led away through another door.
The light of the room brightened red again, and another piece of parchment flew into the Headmistress’s hand.
“The champion for Durmstrang is Nate Olivarez!”
A loud roar of applause erupted from the Durmstrang guys and the other students also clapped politely. The anticipation built throughout the room as the final champion was going to be called; the Hogwarts champion. They all waited in mounted silence for at least a minute.
A bright light beamed through the room. All Hogwarts students eager, they watched the Goblet. Suddenly, the parchment dropped in Professor McGonagall’s hand. Her face seemed to drop ever so slightly, barely enough for anyone to see, but Draco noticed.
“I’m proud to present our final champion, Hogwarts’ Draco Malfoy!”
The Slytherin table was whooping and cheering madly, but all the other houses were stunned, they themselves only clapped out of respect, some not even doing so at all. Draco didn’t care though; all he cared about was becoming a champion. He walked up to the Goblet.
“Good luck, Malfoy,” Professor McGonagall muttered as she shook his hand. Draco was then led out of the Great Hall in silence.

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Old 11-19-2006, 07:54 PM   #34 (permalink)
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post more soon!! this is good.

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Old 11-19-2006, 08:18 PM   #35 (permalink)

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And someday, when the night is over and the dawn arrives, we'll reach up to the sky withour eyes turned toward our Lord, and all will become good and whole
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Old 11-19-2006, 11:19 PM   #36 (permalink)
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Ok, I'm posting PART of the next chapter today (it's long, I need to break it up ). Ya, I couldn't find a good enough place to cut it off, so I just found a quote from Hermione and stopped it there. So ya...

Hehehe, couldn’t think of a good title so I thought I may as well use the current one. Yes, it’s from HBP chapter 5 or 6 or sumthin (I’d laugh if it was the 9th chapter’s name, but I’m sure it’s the 5th or 6th or sumthin)

Chapter 9
Draco’s Detour

Draco remembered everything he was told the night he got a briefing on the rules and explanation of the Tournament. He tried to remember the tasks the Tournament had three years before, but all he could remember was the maze, mainly because he was the one getting the earblast from his father about how the ‘events’ had gone.
It was now Saturday, and Draco was wandering the castle, his followers tagging along anywhere he went.
“I knew you were going to be the champion all along, you’re the perfect candidate!” Pansy continued on as Draco and the rest of the Slytherin followers followed him outside. He tried to keep to his mind, trying to place the small hints he had been given along with the other champions what the first task was. Beast of the air, a flaming creature that lights the sky...
Draco first thought of a phoenix, how they ended up burning when they die and are reborn in their ashes, but that didn’t seem to fit. He had also been told he must procure in the first task to be able to move on in the tournament, so it was crucial to be able to figure out the first task before it started so he could plan out what to do. Something then clicked in his mind.
“I’ll be right back...” Draco said.
“Would you like some company?” Pansy asked as she batted her eyelashes. Draco tried not to shiver at the sight.
“I’m... fine to go by myself...” he said as he pushed Pansy away. He ran away from the group and Pansy, not wanting to be followed. He stopped outside the library and walked inside. Wandering the shelves of books, he looked at each tables occupied. He wandered to the Restricted Section and walked parallel to the wall that separated the section from where he was.
He looked around the shelf in his way and into one of the corners of the library and smirked, finally finding what he was seeking.
“Granger,” he said in an undertone, not wanting to get caught by anyone. He didn’t move from behind the shelf.
Hermione looked around, startled, but went back to her work again.
“Granger!” he whispered a bit louder. She jumped and looked around again. He saw the horrified expression she cast; she seemed to recognize his voice. Again she went back to her work.
Draco grabbed a thick book and levitated it. He then sent it over to where Hermione sat. When the book was a foot away from her head, he gave his wand a flick and the book hurdled itself at her. He heard her squeal, probably trying not to scream. She turned around in her chair and looked at Draco.
“What the devil are you after? My reaction?” she spat, just loud enough for him to hear. Draco flicked his hand in a beckoning way.
“I’m not going anywhere near you, ferret!”
He levitated the book near her threateningly.
“Oh I’m so scared,” she said in a sarcastic way. “Leave me alone and get back to your precious Pansy.”

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Old 11-20-2006, 01:56 AM   #37 (permalink)
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hey twinneh!! you didnt tell me u posted!!! how dare you!! *pokes Sarah* lol I loved the posts!! they're so original!!!! cant wait more!!! PAMS!!! PAMSOiD!!
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Old 11-20-2006, 02:11 AM   #38 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by DanIsMyMan View Post
hey twinneh!! you didnt tell me u posted!!! how dare you!! *pokes Sarah* lol I loved the posts!! they're so original!!!! cant wait more!!! PAMS!!! PAMSOiD!!
How could I forget? -bangs head on desk-
Did I forget to say I posted the final chapter to Choices? Dang, I didn't!

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Old 11-20-2006, 02:44 AM   #39 (permalink)
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New Reader. Again u pulled off a really awsome story!!! can't wait for more

P.S.: U posted the last chapter for choices *runs off to read it* and of course...leave a post!!!
:tree:The love for a thing long forgotten:tree:
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Old 11-20-2006, 02:47 AM   #40 (permalink)

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sarah, ur so good at this...PAMS! Hermione, don't be so stubborn...
And someday, when the night is over and the dawn arrives, we'll reach up to the sky withour eyes turned toward our Lord, and all will become good and whole
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Old 11-20-2006, 03:30 AM   #41 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by LyonLover417 View Post
sarah, ur so good at this...PAMS! Hermione, don't be so stubborn...
Originally Posted by Juliana Potter View Post
New Reader. Again u pulled off a really awsome story!!! can't wait for more
Aw, thanx (to both posts )

Of course, I happened to get stuck on chapter 19 -is mad at self- (like, three days ago tho, haven't bothered to add anything other than like, a sentence... I've been trying to write a sequel to Choices cause of my stupid lack of ideas for Fallen).

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Old 11-20-2006, 08:05 PM   #42 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by MalfoyzBeloved View Post
You were mad at me in the first place? :o
Yeah, he's not all that bad in this one, obviously everyone has their moments, but he's not horrible in this one.
No...I wasn't really mad at you...I was just joking...I'm a very sarcastic yeah...choices was amazing...I totally didn't expect the anyways...back to this FF...Pamsoid...
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Old 11-20-2006, 08:25 PM   #43 (permalink)
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So I am gonna make a wild guess about the first task...since it has to do with a creature of the air and of it like the first task from the fourth book...a dragon egg??? or some thing about a dragon??? PAMS!!!
l*Through It All*l "Unfaithful" l

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Old 11-21-2006, 12:11 AM   #44 (permalink)
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I totally didn't expect the end
I sooo woulda been surprised if you knew actually
And ya, I haven't been working on Fallen cause of my lack of ideas, but I sooo got this cool idea for a possible sequel to Choices, so ya

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Old 11-21-2006, 04:09 AM   #45 (permalink)
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Sequel For Choices *jumps up and down all over the house like a maniac* homg!!! PM me if u're going to post something for that!
:tree:The love for a thing long forgotten:tree:
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Old 11-21-2006, 04:21 AM   #46 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Juliana Potter View Post
Sequel For Choices *jumps up and down all over the house like a maniac* homg!!! PM me if u're going to post something for that!
I'm not making any promises saying yes, but MOST LIKELY there will be (small chance it might not happen, you never know... I don't know really ).
But I'll PM you if/when it comes up

P.S: This is just a test... -takes out word by self- wow, I can saw the 'D' word without it being blocked! Good... (it might come in like, once or twice in my other stories so I thought I could test it out)

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Old 11-21-2006, 04:28 AM   #47 (permalink)
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New reader here! To this story I'm reading/have read your other Draco/Hermione stories and this one is just as awesome! You never fail to come up with awesome ideas!!! I can't wait to see what happens! PAMS!!

<3 Caitlin aka DracosDuchess
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Old 11-21-2006, 03:07 PM   #48 (permalink)
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Ok, I couldn't resist, there's still one last part to this chapter (3 parts all together). I'll post the rest later today or tomorrow most likely (cause it's only 7:05am here)
As I always say...

Chapter 9
Draco's Detour (Part 2 of 3)

Draco flinched at the sound of Pansy’s name. Hermione spun around in her chair and went back to her work. Sighing, Draco sent the book at Hermione’s head again, not really wanting to do so.
“Go away!” she said louder.
“No!” Draco responded with the same volume in his voice. “Not until you get over here!”
“We don’t tolerate loud talkers in this library,” a voice said from behind him. “But if you were smart you would continue your conversation outside or quieter in here!”
Draco’s head spun around in time just to see Madam Pince walking away. He scoffed and rolled his eyes. Turning back to Hermione again, he found her back to her work. Pulling a thicker, heavier book from the shelf, he placed a silent hover charm on it and sent it hurdling towards Hermione at full speed, causing it to veer not even a hair from her head so it wouldn’t hit her. She spun around again.
“Would you go and get a life elsewhere?” she snapped. He beckoned her with a sharp hand gesture.
“Bloody hell! What don’t you get about ‘no’?”
“I’ll go through every single book from the library to get your attention, Granger. Now get over here!”
“No!” she said angrily, on the verge of yelling now.
“Young lady! You of all people should know the rules of the library. One more loud noise out of you and you’ll be gone for the week!” Madam Pince said sharply. Draco saw the librarian heading towards Hermione, but didn’t have time to say anything. Hermione’s mouth dropped and she watched the librarian walk away.
With a dirty look on her face, Hermione abandoned her table and walked behind the shelf and towards Draco.
“What the hell do you want?” she snapped.
“I need your help.”
“I mean, sending books at my head for... what did you say?”
“I need your help,” Draco repeated, this time through gritted teeth. It was hard enough to say it the first time. Hermione’s face slowly turned into a triumphant smirk. Usually Draco hated it when people tried to copy his trademark smirk, but he found the sneering grin upon her face fit her in an alluring way.
“A Malfoy needs help from a muggle-born?” she asked, triumphant smirk still set on her face. Draco rolled his eyes and didn’t respond. “How... un-Slytherin-like.”
“Can you even help me at all?” he snapped.
“Of course! If I want to is your issue.”
“My issue?”
“Yeah, you can’t expect me to be jumping around the library and scanning through books for you after everything you’ve done to me.”
Draco clenched his jaw, running his fingers through his silky platinum blonde hair and sighing.
“What do I have to do?” he asked.
“Apologize and swear you’ll leave me alone after I help you with what you need help with.”
Draco grimaced inwardly. Apologize? Malfoys never apologize; it was always someone apologizing to them.
“If you aren’t even able to say a truthful...”
“Sorry,” he breathed, almost unable to hear himself speak.
“What was that?” Hermione asked, a genuine look of surprise was set on her precious expression.
“Sorry,” he said a bit louder, trying to at least sound like he meant it so he wouldn’t have to repeat himself.
“And you’ll leave me alone after I help you?”
Draco shrugged.
“Fine, have fun figuring out your problem...” Hermione’s voice trailed as she started to walk away.
“No! I’ll... leave you... alone after everything,” Draco said abruptly, not wanting Hermione to go. She stopped on the spot and turned around slowly.
“You will? You won’t come near me at all after this?”
“If only I could,” Draco mumbled.
“I... I promise,” he said a bit louder, not wanting Hermione to know what he really said. Hermione first looked skeptical, but then her features brightened slightly.
“What do you need help with?”
“The tournament. I know full well you helped Potter three years ago and he... managed to win,” Draco said, adding sarcasm to the last part. Hermione glared.
“If you want me to even help you with this, you better lay off the sarcasm about such things,” she snapped. “I bet you wouldn’t have been able to get past a Hungarian Horntail in 4th year anyways, let alone make it to your portkey.”
“My portkey?”
“Yeah, your portkey.”
“I didn’t make the cup a portkey; all the students here know it. Yet it seems that the brightest witch here can’t seem to grasp that,” Draco snapped. He was sick of being pinned for everything the Death Eaters did, he had been forced to become one, he never truly wanted to be in the ranks of such deep-rooted evil that had caused him agony for so many years.
Hermione’s face darkened instantly. She turned around and started to walk away again.
“No yelling in the library!” Madam Pince said from behind him. Draco rolled his eyes and waited for the old bookworm to leave. He heard Hermione snicker.
“Granger!” She ignored him.
Levitating the largest book he could find, Draco sent the book flying towards Hermione. She barely missed her head.
“I told you to go away, you prat!”
“N until you agree to help me.”
“I’d never consider to help someone like you, ferret. Now go away.”
“How much do you want?”
Hermione turned around in her chair and faced Draco again, an eyebrow raised.
“How much...” Draco sighed and beckoned her over.
“You get over here this time!”
“No, I’m not going out in the open where you are!”
“If I somehow agreed to help you, you might have to do so, so you better get used to it!”
“You’re saying you’ll help then?” Draco asked with a smirk.
“No, I said ‘might’, you twit. Now get over here.”
Scowling, Draco gave in. Hermione had a look of shock on her face when Draco came up to her chair.
“What were you saying before?” she snapped.
“How much do you want?”
“What do you mean?”
“How much do you want? Uh... thirty sickles an hour?”
“50 sickles?”
“60 sickles?”
“80 sickles?”
“One Galleon and ten sickles?”
“Ok look, I don’t need money, Malfoy. I’ll help you for free, but as long as you actually promise to stay away from me after I do help you, and as long as you actually meant your apology earlier.”
“I can’t make any promises about distance, Granger.”
“Then no help.” She started to turn back to her work again.

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Old 11-21-2006, 07:30 PM   #49 (permalink)
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That was Brilliant!!! I loved it!!! You are so amazing!!! PAMSOID!!!
l*Through It All*l "Unfaithful" l

~One Amazing Year On Snitch Seeker~
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Old 11-21-2006, 08:36 PM   #50 (permalink)

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Hermione, get over it...just succomb to the draconess of Draco Malfoy...*falls into her own trance* PAMS!
And someday, when the night is over and the dawn arrives, we'll reach up to the sky withour eyes turned toward our Lord, and all will become good and whole
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