11-06-2006, 02:46 AM
#1 (permalink)
| Puffskein
Join Date: Sep 2006 Location: Canada
Posts: 2,438
| Fallen - Sa13+ Summary:
This takes place after Draco backed out in killing Dumbledore. His father forces Draco to return to Hogwarts for his final year, so he does. On the train, he finds it half-empty and the only two people he really knew well that had returned were his cousin Blaise Zabini and Pansy Parkinson (much to his horror). But there is one other that does, Hermione Granger. The fact she returned wasn't what surprised him, he's stunned by her changes physically.
They both get off the train last and are forced to share the last carriage to Hogwarts. They make it to the Feast just in time to hear one important announcement.
The Triwizard Tournament has returned. More security has been put on it since Cedric's death and Harry's claim of the cup being a portkey to a graveyard of Death Eaters 3 years prior. As McGonagall put it, it's more of a 'test tournament' (the winner still gets the cup and a thousand Galleons though). When he asks for Hermione's help, will there be more than the tournament going on between the two...?
The title is from the song Fallen by Sarah McLachlan.
POVs will switch within chapters, since I don't want to do an only-Draco-POV story, but not an only-Hermione-POV story cause then it'd be kinda plain...
Yes, long summary, but I don't feel like shortening it 
This is my 5th F.F (fourth related to Draco, and it's technically my 3rd version of Draco and Hermione's 7th year ). Chapter 1
Draco’s Debate
Draco had to be pushed onto the train by his mother. He knew she didn’t want him to go, he knew she had to make him go. Lucius couldn’t be here, since he had escaped Azkaban and is wanted again. If he was, Draco would’ve been pulled by the ear and shoved into a compartment anyways.
Lugging his bags through the train’s halls, he walked towards the end of the train where the Slytherin compartments usually were. He had no idea who was coming back this year, so he didn’t know where to look. Looking through the window of a compartment, he recognized his cousin’s dark skin. Was Blaise forced to come as well?
Opening the compartment door, Draco pulled his things inside and closed the compartment door.
“How was you summer, Malfoy?” Blaise asked automatically.
“Worse...” was all Draco let out as he pushed his things on the luggage carriers above the chairs. He sat down across from Blaise. Before Blaise could respond, the compartment door was flung open.
“Draco!” a high pitch squeal echoed through the room. Draco stiffened his jaw shut, trying to keep it from dropping, but his eyes widened. He couldn’t believe Pansy came back.
“I thought you said you weren’t coming back!” she exclaimed as she dropped her things onto the floor in front of a seat. She dropped into the seat next to Draco and started chatting about her summer and how she missed him.
The whole time, Draco was inching, ever so slowly, closer towards the compartment door. Pansy was too busy talking to notice he was moving.
Within ten minutes, Pansy still yapping non-stop, Draco was in the seat next to the door.
“You silly!” she exclaimed as she got up to move to the seat next to Draco.
“Actually I’m going to the bathroom,” Draco made a quick excuse. Before Pansy could object, he bolted out of the compartment. He walked quickly towards the front of the moving train, occasionally looking over his shoulder to make sure he wasn’t being followed. Where are Crabbe and Goyle? Draco wondered. He nearly ran into the trolley because of his paranoia of Pansy following him.
“Would you like something?” the woman that ran the trolley asked Draco stiffly.
“Uh... a chocolate frog and a pumpkin pastry.”
“I’ll have two chocolate frogs and a pumpkin pastry,” a recognizable voice said.
Looking up, Draco couldn’t help but be slightly surprised at who he was looking at. He was more surprised at the appearance of Hermione Granger. He expected her to come back for her final year; she cared more about her education than anything he found. She had changed though, her previously normal bushy hair had turned into beautiful curls, she had grown taller, growing more into her slim figure. Her brown eyes were as bright as ever, and she seemed to have a tan that was highlighted by a light blue sweater. He noticed her hair was highlighted by the sun.
“Actually, I’ll have three chocolate frogs, three pumpkin pastries and a cauldron cake.”
“Four chocolate frogs, five pumpkin pastries and three cauldron cakes,” Hermione challenged.
“Five chocolate frogs, eight pumpkin pastries, four cauldron cakes and a treacle tart,” Draco countered.
“Six chocolate frogs, nine pumpkin pastries, five cauldron cakes, three treacle tarts and a licorice wand,” Hermione countered Draco’s contradiction.
“Eight chocolate frogs, twelve pumpkin pastries, nine cauldron cakes, six treacle tarts, three licorice wands and two peppermint toads.”
“We don’t even have enough of those on here for this debate! Now what do you two want?” the trolley woman exclaimed.
“Two chocolate frogs please,” Hermione stated.
“I’ll have three.”
“Actually I’ll...”
“Two chocolate frogs it is!” the woman cut her off as she handed the chocolate frogs to Hermione, and then took her money.
“Three chocolate frogs,” Draco said flatly.
The woman on the trolley dropped three tins of them into Draco’s hand, and he gave her his money. Before Hermione could buy two more, the trolley was pushed away.
“So you actually returned, eh?” Hermione asked in a dark way.
“You of all people should understand what people will do just to finish their education,” Draco responded coolly. He was still unable to get over how much Hermione had changed with the past three months. He had noticed her changes in 5th year, but he tried to push away his thoughts of her then. Now that she stood in front of him, in their final year of probably ever seeing one another, she shook his world again.
“I’m not in as much danger as you will be, Malfoy,” she shot back at him threateningly. She turned and opened the compartment door beside her, out of his sight before he could respond.
Draco had never been as stunned as he was right now. Never in his lifetime had he imagined that he, a pureblood Slytherin, would ever start to form real feelings for a Gryffindor mudblood.
__________________  Siggy from Lissy and Anna's Shop of Super Frazzling Graphics
Last edited by MalfoyzBeloved; 07-17-2007 at 05:20 AM.
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11-06-2006, 09:47 PM
#2 (permalink)
| Fwooper
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 21,641
1ST 2 post!!!!! OMG this story is AMAZiNGLYAWESOME!!! cant wait 4 more!! PAMS!!! PAMSOiD!!
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11-06-2006, 09:48 PM
#3 (permalink)
| Dumbledore's Gargoyle Mooncalf
Join Date: Aug 2006 Location: Small-Town, USA
Posts: 6,682
| Foreign Intrigue
This is GOOD! No, scratch that, AWSOME! Post soon!
__________________ what's the worst thing that could happen? you've got to take the chance. everyone will tell you not to/but no one understands. D o n' t D i e W o n d e r i n g silly little charmer/with that sparkle in your eye seize your hope and kiss them all goodbye. |
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11-06-2006, 11:02 PM
#4 (permalink)
| Puffskein
Join Date: Sep 2006 Location: Canada
Posts: 2,438
Thanx you guys! 
Wow, that was fast!  (thought I wouldn't see this thread for awhile longer).
Yeah, I'll post in a few hrs or so, cause I'm up to the 7th chapter or sumthin, so ya...
be back later! 
P.S (added in at 4:40pm): Yeah, I'm gonna post the 2nd chapter today cause I feel like it, just added to Choices, so I thought I may as well follow suit and update this as well, so in a few minds I postie next chapter.
__________________  Siggy from Lissy and Anna's Shop of Super Frazzling Graphics
Last edited by MalfoyzBeloved; 12-10-2006 at 10:45 PM.
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11-07-2006, 12:47 AM
#5 (permalink)
| Puffskein
Join Date: Sep 2006 Location: Canada
Posts: 2,438
This chapter is in Hermione's POV by the way (you can probably tell tho, of course  ) Chapter 2
Hermione’s Trip
“Oi, Hermione, where’ve you been this summer?” Ron practically gawked when he saw his friend on Platform 9¾.
“France,” she responded. “That’s why I couldn’t go to the Headquarters this year, parents made plans before I could object.”
Ron seemed speechless, following a tanned Hermione onto the train. They found a compartment with Neville and Ginny, who had gotten on long before her brother. It seemed so odd that Harry wasn’t there.
“So Harry wasn’t joking then,” Ginny said quietly as Hermione and Ron came in.
“Harry? Joke about something like skipping school? I don't think so Gin,” Ron responded. Hermione elbowed him sharply as she sat down.
“So where’ve you been all summer? Under the sun in who-knows-where?” Ginny asked with a smirk.
“I was France the whole summer. I at least got to learn French first-hand; I always wanted to learn...”
“You learn French from the boys at the beach?” Ginny cracked as she looked over Hermione’s tan.
“A little actually,” Hermione responded, taking away the joke from Ginny’s comment. It was true though, she did spend a fair amount of time on the beach in Cherbourg, a town right on the waters of the English Channel.
“So you were there all summer?” Ginny asked. Hermione nodded.
“Did you stay at the Headquarters all summer?” Hermione asked.
“Yeah, really fun to spend your whole summer cleaning a never-ending layer of grime.”
“I can only imagine,” Hermione responded sarcastically.
The train lurched forwards, and just as it did, Luna Lovegood opened the compartment door.
“Hey, Luna!” Ginny said with a smile.
“Hi,” she responded in her normal, daydreamy voice.
“How was your summer?”
“Fine,” Luna responded as she opened her edition of The Quibbler, upside-down, and put on glasses that came from the magazine. Ron raised an eyebrow, but didn’t comment since he didn’t want another elbow in the stomach.
“So Neville, did anything happen during your summer?” Hermione asked.
“Not really, just took a few trips for shopping for new robes and school supplies and that’s it,” he responded, shrugging.
“Ever replace your Remembral?” Ron asked. He got a sharp kick in the thigh.
“No, Gran says I’m hopeless since I keep loosing ‘em,” Neville replied. “Replaced at least three already.”
“Well... three in six years isn’t that bad...” Hermione commented, trying to sound positive.
The four of them chatted for a few minutes, Luna commenting occasionally, and they all heard the trolley.
“Well I never got anything for breakfast other than half a piece of toast, so does anyone want something?” Hermione asked as she got up.
“Not really,” Ginny and Neville responded at the same time. Hermione looked at Ron.
“Two chocolate frogs, please,” he mumbled. Chuckling Hermione stepped out of the compartment.
“Would you like anything, dearie?” the woman pushing the trolley asked. Before Hermione could respond, she saw a familiar head coming towards her. She couldn’t believe it, how could Malfoy return after such a big incident he had caused himself the year before?
The woman pushing the trolley seemed to notice, and she turned around, ands still on the trolley.
“Would you like anything?” she asked stiffly. Hermione resisted the urge to giggle.
“Uh... a chocolate frog and a pumpkin pastry.”
“I’ll have two chocolate frogs and a pumpkin pastries,” Hermione stated.
Malfoy looked up and just seemed to notice her. He looked at her in a peculiar way momentarily.
“Actually, I’ll have three chocolate frogs, three pumpkin pastries and a cauldron cake,” he countered, just as challengingly.
“Four chocolate frogs, five pumpkin pastries and three cauldron cakes,” Hermione shot at him.
“Five chocolate frogs, eight pumpkin pastries, four cauldron cakes and a treacle tart,” Draco changed his response.
“Six chocolate frogs, nine pumpkin pastries, five cauldron cakes, three treacle tarts and a licorice wand,” Hermione countered Draco’s contradiction.
“Eight chocolate frogs, twelve pumpkin pastries, nine cauldron cakes, six treacle tarts, three licorice wands and two peppermint toad.”
“We don’t even have enough of those on here for your debate! Now what do you two want?” the trolley woman exclaimed.
“Two chocolate frogs please,” Hermione stated.
“I’ll have three.”
“Actually I’ll...”
“Two chocolate frogs it is!” the woman cut her off as she handed the chocolate frogs to Hermione, and then took her money.
“Three chocolate frogs,” Draco said flatly.
The woman on the trolley dropped three tins of them into Draco’s hand, and he gave her his money. Before Hermione could buy two more, the trolley was pushed away.
“So you actually returned, eh?” Hermione asked in a dark way.
“You of all people should understand what people will do just to finish their education,” Draco responded coolly.
“I’m not in as much danger as you will be, Malfoy,” she shot back at him threateningly. She turned and opened the compartment door beside her, out of his sight before he could respond. She couldn’t believe it, back outside, she had just realized how much Malfoy had changed, despite circumstances, she couldn’t help but wonder if her judgment on Malfoy was starting to sway. She was beginning to wonder if she was starting to... like him.
__________________  Siggy from Lissy and Anna's Shop of Super Frazzling Graphics
Last edited by MalfoyzBeloved; 11-13-2006 at 09:17 AM.
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11-07-2006, 01:57 AM
#6 (permalink)
| Fwooper
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 21,641
you posted that fight w/ hermione and draco 2 times lol. but i still loved the post!! PAMS!! PAMSOiD
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11-07-2006, 02:05 AM
#7 (permalink)
| Puffskein
Join Date: Sep 2006 Location: Canada
Posts: 2,438
yeah, well... it part of her POV!  I knew I put it in there cause it'd be way to short without it... besides, it isn't EXACTLY the same... well, in the end of the chapter I mean...
But yeah, it'd be kinda random for Hermione just to think she's 'starting to... like him' just randomly, there'd have to be a valid reason...
I dunno
__________________  Siggy from Lissy and Anna's Shop of Super Frazzling Graphics |
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11-07-2006, 02:34 AM
#8 (permalink)
| Murtlap
Join Date: Sep 2006 Location: Why would you wanna know are you an ax-murderer?
Posts: 56
Hogwarts RPG Name: Slytherin First | I AM HERE!!! Not to seem rude or anything, but I dont like this story, I LOVE IT!!!! AWEOME. AWSOME.AWESOME. AND AWESOME!!
__________________ {DRACO &HERMIONE} |
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11-07-2006, 10:56 PM
#9 (permalink)
| Fwooper
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 21,641
plez postie for us soon plez
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11-07-2006, 11:02 PM
#10 (permalink)
| Puffskein
Join Date: Sep 2006 Location: Canada
Posts: 2,438
| Quote:
Not to seem rude or anything, but I dont like this story
Lol, I didn't see the 'I LOVE IT!' part for a moment... kinda slow today.
But I postie in a bit, if I don't within the next hour it'll probably be another 3ish hrs, so yeah...
If I forget, well tough
__________________  Siggy from Lissy and Anna's Shop of Super Frazzling Graphics |
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11-07-2006, 11:06 PM
#11 (permalink)
| Fwooper
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 21,641
^^^hehe u can be so cruel sometimes!! lol j/k cant wait 4 the post
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11-07-2006, 11:11 PM
#12 (permalink)
| Puffskein
Join Date: Sep 2006 Location: Canada
Posts: 2,438
It's only been ONE DAY since I updated! That's what I NORMALLY do anyways... -pokes the days I update Choices and the fact I just updated it as well-
But yeah... so anyways, I promise the next post'll be the next chapter.
Just dunno when the next postie will be -smirks-
__________________  Siggy from Lissy and Anna's Shop of Super Frazzling Graphics |
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11-07-2006, 11:21 PM
#13 (permalink)
| Fwooper
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 21,641
| Quote:
Originally Posted by MalfoyzBeloved It's only been ONE DAY since I updated! That's what I NORMALLY do anyways... -pokes the days I update Choices and the fact I just updated it as well-
But yeah... so anyways, I promise the next post'll be the next chapter.
Just dunno when the next postie will be -smirks- I only said that jokingly becuz you said "otherwise, if i forget, then tough "
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11-08-2006, 12:01 AM
#14 (permalink)
| Puffskein
Join Date: Sep 2006 Location: Canada
Posts: 2,438
thought it was for another comment I made or sumthin  Sorry!
Yeah, well I'm on the 9th chapter (nearly 10th now), so I may as well post like... now. And I was kinda joking with the 'well tough' thing anyways, couldn't resist cause I hear it all the time 
Kinda short (in my opinion), but again, if I feel like it, I might add the 4th chapter... just might Chapter 3
Draco endured Pansy’s continual dragging explanations, she still hadn’t finished about her summer when he got back. He reached up into his suitcase and pulled out a book, and putting away the chocolate frogs he had bought. He never really liked reading, he hated it really, almost never touching a book, but Pansy had made him do it, and that was just plain sad to him. He flipped it open.
“What’re you doing?” Pansy asked in an eager way.
“Reading,” Draco responded as if it was obvious, opening to the first page.
“Don’t you want to hear about my summer?” she asked.
“Did you think I wanted to an hour ago?” Draco responded in a surprised way. He noticed Pansy looked shocked for a moment, but then her ugly features brightened.
“Oh you silly! You should’ve said you wanted to hear more about my visit to my aunt’s a few days before!”
Before Draco could respond, Pansy launched into another story. He saw Blaise chuckling, but it ceased when Draco gave him a cold glare. Looking out the window, Draco saw it was already dark, and he was starting to see the lights of Hogwarts. He stood up and pulled out his suitcase. Opening it, he pulled out his robes.
“What’re you doing?” Pant asked again, similar eager tone echoing in the room. Draco ignored her, shut his suitcase, put it in the storage above the seats and left the compartment.
“Is he not feeling good today?” he heard Pansy ask Blaise as he headed for the guy’s bathroom.
Pansy’s horrible face reflected in his mind as he opened the bathroom door, but it seemed to melt away after a moment. Pansy’s greasy face turned into Hermione’s bright expression. But Draco didn’t shake the thought away, he actually liked it, to his own surprise.
After changing, he walked out of the bathroom and back towards the compartment. He considered going to the next one over, wanting to be away from Pansy’s annoying personality. He realized Pansy would probably end up ‘trying to help’ and bring him his things, and he didn’t want the cow to touch anything of his. It was all too good for her, so he went back into the compartment with Blaise and Pansy, for once in his life wishing Crabbe and Goyle were with him, enduring the cow in their presence.
Within moments of entering the compartment, which he found empty, the train lurched to a stop. Safely closing his bags, he pulled them all down and started lugging them out of the compartment. When he opened the compartment door, he found he had to wait for a near ten minutes until he could even push into the throng of students, since there was nothing left to push into really, he was at the end (Blaise and Pansy seemed to get out before him). By the time he got out of the train, there was only one carriage left.
“Wha...?” he murmured when he saw some black horses at the carriage. Since when did the ugly, black horses pull the carriages to the school? Was it new?
“No way...”
Turning around, he saw Hermione running out of the train. She stopped when she looked at the carriage, and then Draco.
“You see those horses too?”
“What are you talking about, Malfoy?” Hermione snapped.
“The things pulling the carriage...”
“Yeah, can’t you see them.”
“In front of the carriage, pulling it!”
Hermione scoffed.
“Of course you could see them. You saw Dumbledore die.” With that, she pushed past him and into the carriage.
He ran behind her, pushing his way inside before she could slam the carriage door shut, trying not to be left behind. They sat in an awkward silence the whole way to Hogwarts, the last of the students to enter the Great Hall.
__________________  Siggy from Lissy and Anna's Shop of Super Frazzling Graphics |
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11-08-2006, 10:47 PM
#15 (permalink)
| Murtlap
Join Date: Sep 2006 Location: Why would you wanna know are you an ax-murderer?
Posts: 56
Hogwarts RPG Name: Slytherin First | Quote:
“Of course you could see them. You saw Dumbledore die.” With that, she pushed past him and into the carriage.
He ran behind her, pushing his way inside before she could slam the carriage door shut, trying not to be left behind. They sat in an awkward silence the whole way to Hogwarts, the last of the students to enter the Great Hall.
AHHHHH Hermione can be soooooooo cruel!! First 2 POST!!!! And your post was...well..... I am like LOST FOR WORDS( and that is a miricle!) I love the way you write it makes me feel like I am there watching the scene happen infront of me!!PAMSOID!!
__________________ {DRACO &HERMIONE} |
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11-09-2006, 02:01 AM
#16 (permalink)
| Puffskein
Join Date: Sep 2006 Location: Canada
Posts: 2,438
| Quote:
Hermione can be soooooooo cruel!!
I love the way you write it makes me feel like I am there watching the scene happen infront of me!!
Really? -always noticed ish wrote a lotta dialgue and nearly no description-
Anyways, since it's been a bit, I feel like posting, and since I'm now on chapter 10, well yeah, I'll post. I can see this F.F being long cause of the Triwizard Tournament playing a part in like, the whole story! 
Yeah, next post=next chapter
__________________  Siggy from Lissy and Anna's Shop of Super Frazzling Graphics |
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11-09-2006, 02:08 AM
#17 (permalink)
| Puffskein
Join Date: Sep 2006 Location: Canada
Posts: 2,438
Here's the next chapter! Enjoy reading 
If anyone doesn't know/forgot, Ts=Trolls (worst mark you can get on an O.W.L)
Sarah Chapter 4
The Triwizard Tournament
Joining Blaise at the Slytherin table, Draco was now sure that Crabbe and Goyle had pulled out of Hogwarts, not wanting to come for their last year. It’s not like they’d be able to do much with education past their O.W.Ls (and homework in previous year for N.E.W.Ts) last year anyways, both had gotten at least three Ts. As soon as he sat next to his cousin, Pansy rushed to his side, pushing one of the girls that were already next to him down so she could get in. He tried his hardest not to look at her, even if she was looking directly at him, eyelashes batting every moment.
“As you all know, we have lost our Headmaster Professor Dumbledore in June...” Professor McGonagall started.
The students in the Hall were silent, a wave of sadness flowing throughout the room.
“And despite how he can never return, he will live in all of our hearts, that is what will keep his spirit alive. No headmaster or headmistress has ever given so much to the school as Dumbledore had. Now, my duties of Deputy Headmistress have brought me up to become your Headmistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!”
The Great Hall erupted in applause and whistling. It died down after a few minutes, and Professor McGonagall went through all the out of bounds areas and explained Filtch’s List of Banned Items. Draco didn’t pay much attention to this part of the speech. Everyone jumped when the doors opened again and the caretaker Mr. Filtch ran up to Professor McGonagall. He mumbled something to her, and she responded, which made Filtch run back out.
“Most of you remember the Triwizard Tournament, I presume.”
The cheerfulness of the Great Hall was long gone again, the same tone of a dark sadness swept through the room again at the memory of Cedric’s death and Harry’s claim of Voldemort killing him and his return.
“In light of events that have happened prior, the Ministry had decided that we should partake in the events of the Tournament again, but under new securities. It will be a... a test run if you so wish, to test the new security measures the Ministry has placed upon the dangerous tournament. Of course, it wouldn’t be a true Triwizard Tournament without the girls of Beauxbatons!”
The doors of the Great Hall flung open, and the French girls made their grand entrance into the hall. Draco noticed they didn’t change the way they came in, it was the same ‘routine’, he didn't mind one bit though.
“And we cannot forget our friends from the North! Welcome, sons of Durmstrang!”
A group of 7th year Durmstrang students marched in. Watching closely now, Draco saw the bamboo-like sticks echo as they struck the ground. He awaited the firebird one of the students would send out, it had been his favourite part in his 4th year when he saw it. As he watched the Durmstrang students running up the hall, he noticed Hermione watching intently. She didn’t notice his eyes on her.
“Draco?” he heard Pansy whispered. He didn’t respond. “Draco...”
“If you wish to submit your name into the tournament, you will have to write your name on a piece of parchment and put it in the Goblet of Fire!” Professor McGonagall pulled off the cloaked that laid overtop of the Goblet. Everyone gasped. “But as the law decrees, you must be at least 17 to submit your name into the Goblet.”
The Great Hall echoed in boos and ‘that’s rubbish!’.
“Silence!” Professor McGonagall yelled over everyone. She was louder than Dumbledore had been, which surprised many, even Draco, who was still watching Hermione, to her unknowing.
“The tournament is too dangerous for those under 17, it is hard, it is brutal both physically as well as mentally. It is also a recent rule the Ministry put into effect years before.
"Just a reminder, once you submit your name into the Goblet, there is no turning back. You can not pull out of the Tournament once you have been chosen.”
Draco tore his gaze away from Hermione and up to the Goblet of Fire. He smirked, realizing that he could submit his name in the Triwizard Tournament. He would easily win, get a free thousand Galleons without so much as lifting a finger.
“The Goblet will be here at the front of the hall for those 7th years that wish to place their name into the cup,” Professor McGonagall finished. She clapped once and said, “Enjoy the food.”
After saying so, their lavish dinner appeared upon the tables in the Great Hall.
__________________  Siggy from Lissy and Anna's Shop of Super Frazzling Graphics |
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11-11-2006, 09:26 PM
#18 (permalink)
| Puffskein
Join Date: Sep 2006 Location: Canada
Posts: 2,438
yeah, I'm not posting until I see some responses too, cause to many chapters posted in a row doesn't look so good...
So yeah, next post will be when I see people are actually reading this by posting!  I'm up to chapter 10 now, so one of these days I might post double (two chapters).
So ya, post or no next chapter!  That's my new rules, I have to see someone other than me commenting (at LEAST one person, can be more, obviously), before I post the next chapter. With my first F.F, most posts were my chapters, so I'm gona at least try and change that.
So comment or there's no next chapter 
P.S: Wow, it might only be a day but it feels like weeks! -forces self to wait til someone comments/posts to post-
__________________  Siggy from Lissy and Anna's Shop of Super Frazzling Graphics
Last edited by MalfoyzBeloved; 11-13-2006 at 11:32 PM.
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11-14-2006, 03:17 PM
#19 (permalink)
| Fwooper
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 21,641
sorry I haven't posted in a while, but I have been really busy! So anywayz, I LOVED the posts! Can wait 4 more!! PAMS!!! PAMSOiD!! |
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11-14-2006, 11:16 PM
#20 (permalink)
| Puffskein
Join Date: Sep 2006 Location: Canada
Posts: 2,438
Understandable  I assumed for most people it was just the Rememberance/Memorial Day weekend stuff (for Canadians and Americans that is... depends on where you're from).
Now that someone has postied... (YAY btw), I'll update. I'm on like, chapter 15 (I was stuck, but I got through it and now I'm on chapter 15, and I totally got ideas now for the two getting together... 
So ya, next post'll be the next chapter (as normal)
__________________  Siggy from Lissy and Anna's Shop of Super Frazzling Graphics
Last edited by MalfoyzBeloved; 11-14-2006 at 11:24 PM.
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11-14-2006, 11:29 PM
#21 (permalink)
| Puffskein
Join Date: Sep 2006 Location: Canada
Posts: 2,438
So there's no confusion, I didn't wanna have Hermione as a prefect cause despite how the hookup is non-canon, I like staying on canon as possible, and I didn't know if 7th years were prefects or not (since Head Girls and head Boys usually become heads in 7th year, some 6th but still, didn't know).
So ya, Hermione isn't a prefect.
AND I couldn't think of a title, and I just read one of ginny's comments and used what she said -pokes chapter name-
That's all
Sarah Chapter 5
Hermione lead the group of students up to the portrait of the Fat Lady alongside the prefects. Even if she wasn’t a prefect herself, she still enjoyed leading a group of ignorant students to the Tower.
The Fat Lady opened the door leading to the Gryffindor common room, and Hermione, along with the 6th year prefects, Ginny and a boy Hermione herself didn’t know, milled into the room.
“Ok first years, the girls’ dormitory is on the stairs leading to the right! The boys’ dormitories are on the set of stairs to the left! You must be back here in the common room before 10pm or you’ll be in trouble, you go to sleep whenever you feel fit but don’t forget you must attend you classes, you get it. Now GO!” Ginny yelled
The first years ran away.
“Gin!” Hermione exclaimed in distain.
“What? I’ve always wanted to yell at first years, I never got the chance too before because someone else beat me to it last year... I’m not going to push them out of my way like Ronny-kins does.”
“Hey!” Ron said, cheeks ever so slightly red.
“Is Ickle-Ronny-Kins embarrassed?” Ginny asked in a mock baby voice. Ron’s cheeks reddened even more as he walked away and up the stairs leading to his dormitory. For the first time Hermione could remember, Ginny cackled evilly.
“What’s gotten into you lately?” Hermione asked, laughing slightly.
“What do you mean?” Ginny asked, her expression fading.
“Well... since Harry left, you know, you’ve kind of... been off.”
“Are you saying I can’t live without knowing Harry’s there?” Ginny asked, anger flaring.
“No, I’m just saying...”
“Because I can! I’m not needy, I don’t need some guy to always be by my side, pushing me through the bloody portrait hole!” Ginny yelled as she ran up to her dormitory. Hermione had no clue where the portrait hole came from, unless she was (for some reason) referring to Dean the year before.
Checking her watch, Hermione realized it was already eight in the evening. She went up to the dormitories and found her things in one of the rooms. Taking her pajamas out, she refolded them and placed them on the bed. She had no idea where Crookshanks and slunk off to, but as long as he was in the Tower, she was fine with it. She then took out a textbook and went back down the stairs to the common room. Sitting in front of the fire, she read about Grade 7 Transfiguration for at least an hour and a bit.
“I heard Crabbe and Goyle weren’t coming back this year,” Hermione heard Ron comment somewhere behind her.
“Yeah, I didn’t see them grabbing a whole chicken and slobbering it down in one bite,” Ginny responded.
“They weren’t on the train,” Hermione added.
“How do you know that?” Ron asked. He sounded closer, and then he was crouching on the ground beside the couch Hermione was sitting on.
“Well, Malfoy wandering the train corridors alone gave me an idea...”
“He’s done it before,” Ginny reminded her.
“Ok, when was the last time he walked out of the train alone just to push his way into a carriage with someone like me?”
“Crabbe and Goyle definitely aren’t back,” Ron said immediately, sounding pleased.
“So are you going to submit your name into the Goblet, Ron?” Hermione asked, changing the subject.
“What gives you that idea?” he asked.
“I know the story Ron, I was your owl for Harry in 4th year, unless you were fighting about which player on the Chudley Canons team is better or something stupid like that, it had to be over the fact he got into the Tournament.”
“Fine, I’m just not submitting my name tonight,” Ron snapped.
“Well if you don’t submit your name into the Goblet you’ll regret it,” Hermione said. “Not in the way that you’d think that you missed your chance, but you’d have me to deal with, and you know what I’m like when I’m mad.”
“Why would you be mad?” Ginny asked curiously.
“I had enough moaning and complaining about how ‘Harry cheated’ and ‘Harry got an older student to put his name in’, and ‘it’s not fair, he always the glory!’ It was tiring enough to hear Ron envious, always saying it should’ve been him.”
She turned and looked at Ron.
“If you submit your name now, you’ll have your chance; it might be you this time. And, if you don’t at least try, you’ll have me to deal with.”
With that, she went upstairs to her dorm, ready to go to bed.
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11-15-2006, 05:05 AM
#22 (permalink)
| Gnome
Join Date: Oct 2006 Location: At the Burrow with Ron and The Weasley Twins!!!
Posts: 289
Hogwarts RPG Name: Erika Second | Love It!
Oh my gosh this is so great!!! and Ron isn't a jerk in this one so far...sweet... so basicaly I am OK with you ending Choices now because you are writing this one...so I guess I forgive you...
This story is BRILLIANT!!! LOVE IT!!!! PAMS!!!
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11-15-2006, 04:04 PM
#23 (permalink)
| Fwooper
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 21,641
hehe i loved that post!! cant wait for more!! PAMS!! PAMSOiD!!! |
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11-15-2006, 09:10 PM
#24 (permalink)
| DA News Officer Puffskein
Join Date: May 2006 Location: Just being me!
Posts: 1,898
Hogwarts RPG Name: Sylvannas Quickspeed Sixth |
cool posts! New Reader ALERT! PAMS!
__________________ And someday, when the night is over and the dawn arrives, we'll reach up to the sky withour eyes turned toward our Lord, and all will become good and whole |
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11-16-2006, 12:28 AM
#25 (permalink)
| Puffskein
Join Date: Sep 2006 Location: Canada
Posts: 2,438
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so I guess I forgive you
You were mad at me in the first place? :o
Yeah, he's not all that bad in this one, obviously everyone has their moments, but he's not horrible in this one.
Yeah, my stupid computer randomly restarted when I finished chapter 15 and was starting 16 last night and I'm to lazy to redo it right now... it was a realy good chapter with Pansy and Malfoy too! *is angry*
Yeah, I'll post the next chapter now cause I feel like it
__________________  Siggy from Lissy and Anna's Shop of Super Frazzling Graphics |
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