It’s a stupid title, I know, but it fits perfectly (despite its corninessissity!)
Enjoy xD Last update til most likely Sunday (or Monday).
Chapter 11
Snogging and Revenge
Hermione walked through the portrait hole and saw a fairly empty common room. She was surprised; usually half the Gryffindor students were busy doing their homework at such an hour of the day. As she stepped further into the common room, she saw two people in the same couch; they were snogging. She glanced at them and realized who it was - Harry and Jaimie.
No wonder no one’s in here!
She hid her anger and passed through the common room as if she had seen or heard nothing, and went up the stairs quickly. She stormed into Ginny’s room, saw Ginny alone, and yelled, “I HATE HIM!”
Ginny screamed and fell out of her bed, landing on the stone floor with a hard
“Good evening to you too,” Ginny said through gritted teeth as she stood up slowly. She stretched and then said, “I gather you realize why everyone is doing their homework in their dormitories or in the library.”
“Stop yelling!” Ginny snapped. “Now come here and sit down.”
Hermione, still fuming, walked over to Ginny’s bed and sat down. Ginny stood in front of her and crouched down slightly.
“Hermione,” Ginny said calmly, eye-level to her friend. “What you’re doing is getting Harry angry and jealous.
Have you ever considered he’s trying to do the same to you?!”
Hermione recoiled at the sudden tone change in Ginny.
“I don’t suck off Malfoy’s face in front of Harry!”
A moment later, Ginny and Hermione shivered simultaneously at the thought.
“With that noted, you have to get back at Harry for doing this. What can you do with Malfoy in front of him...?”
There was a tapping on the window. Ginny looked beyond Hermione and her eyes widened.
“That idiot!”
Hermione looked over her shoulder and saw Draco hovering at the window. Ginny stormed up to the window and flung it open.
“What?” she snapped.
“You stole my watch,” Draco snapped, looking at Hermione.
“Wha... oh yeah...” Hermione turned around, cheeks flushed, and she stood up. She took Draco’s watch from her pocket and walked around the bed, by which time her red cheeks had returned to normal. She handed the watch to Draco, who took it.
“Thank you,” he said with a note of sarcasm.
“Well now that you’re here...” Ginny started.
“Can I come in if you want to chat?” Draco cut in.
“Why?” Ginny asked suspiciously.
“This broom is rather unreliable when it comes to hovering... and you don’t want to rely on it when you’re a couple hundred feet above ground,” Draco responded quickly. His broom jerked beneath him, dropping two feet suddenly. “See what I mean?”
“Fine!” Ginny snapped. She stepped back and let Hermione help Draco inside. Once Draco’s broomstick was safely on Ginny’s bed and he was completely inside, Hermione shut the window.
“If anyone comes inside,
hide,” Ginny said.
“What is it you want, Weaslette?”
“Weasley, just call me Weasley!”
“Fine... Weaslette,” Draco added under his breath. Ginny glared at him coldly, but didn’t comment on it.
“Ok, Harry’s starting to get the idea we’re sure...”
“Oh great,” Draco muttered.
“Proof is downstairs on the couch.”
“Frankly I don’t want to see it,” Draco cut in flatly.
“We need to find a way to get back at Harry for this, ok?” Hermione added. Draco looked at her for a moment, and then his eyes widened.
“You don’t actually mean we’d have to...”
“Oh Merlin, no!” Hermione cut in hysterically, covering her eyes and mouth. “That’s not what I meant! At least with
you anyways...”
Draco glared as Hermione removed her hands from her face.
“Anyhow, do you have any ideas other than the one you seem to have had on your mind in the first place?” Hermione asked with a smirk.
Draco rolled his grey eyes, and then thought. Within moments, he started to smirk.
“What do you have in mind?” Ginny asked hopefully.
“You’ll probably hate this idea, but it’s either that or... well anyways, isn’t there a closet in the library?”
“Yeah... why?” Hermione asked slowly.
“Well, I was thinking...”
Hermione’s eyes widened as she caught on.
“Just listen,” Draco snapped. “We’ll have Weasley, here, lure Potter within eyesight of the broom closet, and when he’s looking, she says something that we’ll know is our cue to come out...” Hermione covered her mouth with her hands, knowing what was coming. “Well... we walk out with... our hair messed up and our robes rather... askew.”
“That’s sick!” Ginny exclaimed. A greedy look overtook her brown eyes. “Sick enough to work...”
Draco smirked. He then looked at Hermione. “So?”
“What’s your other idea?”
“Not worth mentioning.”
“Is that idea of yours
mellow compared to what your other idea is?”
“No,” Draco responded simply. “It’s just stupid.”
“What is it?” Hermione snarled. Draco recoiled slightly.
“You find Potter alone, flirt with him a bit and I come along and beat him up. I’m also more than willing to do that, but...”
“Yeah, not good enough,” Hermione cut in.
Hermione sighed. “You say anything about this to anyone and I swear...”
“I won’t say a word,” Draco cut in flatly.
“Ok, so what’s our code word?” Ginny asked.
“‘Code word’?” Draco and Hermione asked simultaneously.
“What should I say that’ll be your cue to come out?” Ginny rephrased, rolling her eyes.
Hermione thought for a moment.
“What about ‘So how’s it going between you and Jaimie?’ or something?”
“Casual... not anything suspicious... it’s perfect! So tomorrow at 3pm be ready, ok?”
Hermione sighed, looked at Draco and said, “Fine.”