ok, I'll proof-read the one shot and then postie in within the next few days.

The idea (for the one-shot) has been nagging me for awhile so I decided to finally start it at 3:30 in the morning... (and when I write at that hour... wow, look out! Normally it's pretty crappy cause I'm either hyper or tired).
And here's an update cause I feel like it.
Enjoy the 'shadow scene'

Chapter 6
A Plan
Days passed as Hermione didn’t say a word to Harry. She tried her best to avoid him, but he seemed to be everywhere she went, even the library! The times when she found peace away from him, she saw the same shadow in the brush she had seen before. By the end of a week, she felt like she was going insane.
On Sunday, Hermione piled her library books together and headed to the library. She turned them in and wandered through the shelves, trying to find any books she hasn’t read yet.
“Are you ok, Harry? You seem off.”
Hermione stopped dead. The voice...
“I’m fine. It’s just been a hard week.”
Hermione headed closer to the voices and poked her head around the corner. In the far corner of the library, Harry and Jaimie sat in chairs behind a square, wooden table. She watched on, curious.
“What’s happened?” Jaimie asked, touching his hand lightly. Hermione resisted the urge to gag at her obvious flirting.
“Just Hermione... she’s all ****** because I showed her something.”
“How stupid.”
Hermione rolled her eyes. It amazed her how narrow-minded Harry really was.
“And now she won’t even give me the time of day.”
You’ve been following me for a week; of course I wouldn’t give you the time of day! Hermione thought in irritation.
“If she’s not willing to listen to your side, then maybe she isn’t worth it.”
“If it wasn’t for her I’d still be in a slump over things that happened last year.”
“Maybe she was using you.”
Like that would happen.
“Yeah, she decided to use me by making me happy,” Harry responded sarcastically.
He was happy? Probably happy to order me around Hermione mentally scoffed.
“But you’re not happy now, are you?”
“With you, I am.”
Hermione’s eyes narrowed as she saw Jaimie smile.
“I’m happy to be with you too.”
The next sight Hermione saw made her turn around and walk away quickly and silently, tears burning her eyes. She couldn’t hate Harry even more than she did now; they never technically broke up in the first place, it was just another fight! She couldn’t believe he kissed her...
“I’ll be back later, Gin,” Hermione said as she passed Ginny in the main entrance of the castle.
She walked out of the castle and down the grassy plains, stopping in front of the Black Lake. She picked up a rock and threw it into the lake with all her force. She spun around and looked into the forest and saw a shadow, the same one she had been seeing for days, disappear quickly.
“That’s it,” she snarled under her breath.
She ran towards the forest and saw a hooded person walking away.
“Hey!” she yelled. This got the figure running.
She chased the person around the forest. After five minutes of running, she ran ahead and onto a tree stump. She saw the person coming her way, looking over their shoulder. At the last second, she leaped off and tackled them to the ground. Pulling out her wand and jabbing it threateningly into the person’s pale neck, Hermione demanded, “Who are you?” Shadows of the trees cloaked the person’s face.
“Who are you?” she snarled, prodding her wand into the person’s neck again.
“Could you get off me, Granger?”
Hermione’s eyes widened.
“M... MAL...”
Draco’s hand flew up and covered Hermione’s mouth.
“Announce it to the world, why don’t you?” he snapped. “Now remove your wand... and get off.”
Hermione bit Draco’s hand. He removed it quickly.
“What the hell is your problem?” Hermione snapped.
My problem? I’m not the one that attacking people!” Draco retorted, squirming beneath her. “Now get off me, mudblood.”
Hermione jumped off of Draco, wiping any part of her clothes that had touched his. He then got up, brushing off the leaves and twigs from his sleeves and back, but didn’t pull his hood down. Hermione kept her wand on him, eyes narrowed.
“Now why are you shadowing me?” she demanded.
Draco shrugged and started to walk away. Hermione grabbed the back of his hoodie and dragged him back in front of her.
“You clearly have a problem, I was just curious about it.”
“To use it against me, you mean?”
The answer surprised Hermione - Draco not try to find something to annoy her with?
“Must be a shocker,” Draco drawled sarcastically.
“It wouldn’t be a first if you were lying,” Hermione snapped. She jumped in front of Draco when he tried to walk around her. “Now why do you care so much about my problems?”
“It’s a problem with Potter; naturally I’d want to know.”
“You want to know about Harry so you can use it against him then,” Hermione said simply. Draco sighed irritably.
“And to think you’re the smartest witch of our age...”
“I at least don’t bribe professors to get a good mark!” Hermione cut in defensively. Suddenly, Draco gripped her wand arm hardly.
“You say
I lie?” he snarled. “I at least look for truth before pursuing something against someone.”
“Why do you care?!” Hermione exclaimed. Draco covered her mouth with his hand again. She bit it once again, and he recoiled. “Quit doing that and answer me!” Hermione snapped.
“Quit being so loud then! Look, Potter is a control freak and a cheater, you obviously have a problem with that, and as a result you want to get back at him, correct?”
Hermione was dead still.
“Correct?” Draco growled.
Hermione nodded slowly.
“You’ll need help with that then.”
It took Hermione a moment to realize what Draco was truly implying. She opened her mouth to yell again, but Draco covered it with the same twice-bitten hand.
“Look, there’s only one way to get Potter jealous - you use me. Understand?”
Hermione appeared surprised, but didn’t bite Draco’s hand. When Draco realized she wasn’t about to bite him again, he pulled away carefully.
“You’re offering yourself to be used? To a ‘mudblood’?” she asked scathingly.
“This tension between you and Potter has gone around the school. No one else is willing to help, so...”
“You finally care about something that doesn’t involve you?”
“Technically it involves me, if you were listening. Now, do you want to hear my plan or not?”
Hermione shrugged.
“Ok then, this is what we have to do...”
o.o.s: Now I can say Draco has really been in the story there the entire time... in a sense. He just hasn't been known to be there... so no more 'where is he?' cause he's now known to be in the story 