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Candy Display Case (Finished Fanfiction)A dazzling showcase of fully wrapped-up stories, these sweet treats are polished and ready for your reading pleasure!
“You can come back too, Rae. Come back to Hogwarts with me.”
I second that suggestion! *puppy dog eyes*
Cassandra Rae, bored with wiping the snot noses of other people’s brats and hungry once again for the spotlight
The voice inside my head Savannah's saddened that anyone could think such a thing about Rae, she was an amazing Headmistress. *shakes head*
“They don’t need me,” Cassandra studied the elaborate lace trimming Alena’s new dress.
Not true.
“The young man teaching Defense is accomplished in several fields, and the current Headmaster performed admirably last term.”
Ahh, so she still checks up on the school?
“I’m not sure I like that young man. Heard he made my history class all complicated and snooty brainiac stuff, and now he’s moved on to yours. If you wanted to come back…”
Complicated and snooty brainiac. Gotta love Lainey.
“But I don’t,” Cassandra said simply, not looking at her best friend. “I really don’t.”
Whuuuuut? Is this denial, I hope?
“Let’s pretend we’re famous, and they’re staring at us because they’re in awe,”
LOL. How cute!
“You want to be like your brother... but you want to stay with your friend more. Hmm. I think we’ll meet again, Cassandra Cooper. Ravenclaw.”
Meet again, hmm?
The more I read, the more I absolutely love this FanFic and can't wait for more. Brilliant, Miss Ern.
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
SPOILER!!: Quotes and comments
Originally Posted by Biochemkris
Hey dude! I love the update! And, as keeper of the History of SS Hogwarts (sounds like a boat LOL) I'd just like to remind you (in case you didn't know already, though I'm sure you do) that Theodore Puppington of Gryffindor was a 3rd year when the girls came to Hogwarts. Also, don't forget that Thomas Duskurk came to teach at Hogwarts from 42-47, which would have been the girls' 4th year. He was the Defense prof and since they were going to be aurors, he might need to have an appearance (though, I suppose he'll get mention at some point anyway considering all the trouble he caused when Rae was teaching and HM ).
Um... other than that I really need to update that timeline in the HaH to include details of all the other staff so people can get a better idea of who attended school with whom. Maybe I'll find more former staff for them to know.
Gooood thing I have the actual Keeper of the HaH reading my story for accuracy. And you know... for pleasure. I like that reading my fic makes you think of things you have to do. LOL.
Originally Posted by Droo
I loved this update!
Thanks, my dear . I'm glad you enjoyed it. I promise some Natalya some day. I promise I promise I promise.
Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz
That voice in my head is SO EMBARRASSED that.... you told the part about the kisses. Gawd. She says Rae's memory is graying, like her hair. But she's mean, so don't listen to her.
Man. Like, I already was well aware of what an epic character Rae and such was, right? Right. Established. But somehow READING it like THIS is all different and depth-y-er (depthier?) and I just straight up LIKE IT.
And then you capture my nutball's awkward, mouth-spouting, brave-but-not's-ness.... like YOU KNOW HER. And you do. You do. Lullz. Man.
COLBY JACK's karate chop. Gawd. Rotten. *swoon*
hold on. THere was something else, too.
OH OH. HEHE. Clara and Bren shoutouts!I love Brenny. SO one of my favorites of yours. SOOOO is. WOOOO! Man. Clara tells me that every word of that article caused her pain. But, shhhh, don't tell. Not common knowledge.
This is good, Ern. This is good.
You're like... hm. One of the people I think about when I write. Mostly about whether I'm getting Lainey!voice down true or not, but also when I write things that I know will tickle you a bit. And because I leave stuff out and know that you'll forgive me.
You will right?
Might need that brain soon, 'cause I've run out of pre-write.
Originally Posted by AmbiguouslyMe
Love. love love love.
And now, an attempt at coherent comments:
I love that these are characters I don't know, because when I read an update, I feel like I do. You really give a sense of who they each are as distinct beings, but not in a way that's simply expository. It's more... I don't know, evocative? I guess what I'm saying is I don't see the scenes and the characters so much as I feel them. It's really well done.
I feel TEASED, by the way, by the 'I didn’t know what Hogwarts meant to me until I left and came back again." Cause, great, Rae, you know. I'd like to.
I already told you about Preston's great great disapproval of such antics at the feast, but it still amuses me. *snicker* I am enjoying getting to know the characters that mine would have known.
I love children. Best friends in a matter of hours.
I feel absolutely CERTAIN that 1) there will be some Preston in here at some point. I don't know his voice, so I'll need your help, and 2) there will be more about Rae and Hogwarts. Has to be.
I love that you're enjoying this, and I reallllllllllly appreciate your comments. They mean a lot
Originally Posted by D.A Forever
I second that suggestion! *puppy dog eyes*
The voice inside my head Savannah's saddened that anyone could think such a thing about Rae, she was an amazing Headmistress. *shakes head*
Not true.
Ahh, so she still checks up on the school?
Complicated and snooty brainiac. Gotta love Lainey.
Whuuuuut? Is this denial, I hope?
LOL. How cute!
Meet again, hmm?
The more I read, the more I absolutely love this FanFic and can't wait for more. Brilliant, Miss Ern.
Rae is so thrilled that Savannah came to her defense like that. Such a dear child. *pets her* I'm so glad you're enjoying the fic, and THANK YOU for reading and commenting. I can only hope I don't disappoint... and that if you have a request for someone to make an appearance, let me know and I'll do what I can.
Same old song and dance. I'd love to know if there are lurkers out there. If you have a way to fit into the fic, I'd love to have you, especially as the circle is about to widen for the Rae-Branxton clan. Love your faces.
Chapter 5: A Constellation of Irises
It had been weeks ago now, but Cassandra clearly remembered the moment she’d looked up at Alena’s reflection in the Malkin’s mirror and realized that the girl was looking back at her. Not just looking, but seeing. At first, the expression on her face had simply made Cassandra stutter as she attempted to force her way back into the conversation she’d been having with Anj.
Only later, when she had time to think about the moment as a whole and not just the oddity of finding Alena doing something other than retreating and hiding, only then could Cassandra attempt to put the pieces together. The Mystery of Alena’s Expression. It was such a strange expression, too, one that was entirely foreign on the girl’s placid features, and so it took her weeks to really understand.
“How goes the writing venture today?” Cassandra started guiltily at Doyle’s interruption from the doorway of her office. It was to her credit that she didn’t begin shoving papers into crevices in an effort to keep from being discovered.
Calmly, she turned in her seat and gave him a docile smile. It widened at the sight of Marcus Orion shadowing his father’s footsteps. Mo had his hair carefully parted and was wearing some version of a tie, which typically meant he’d been following Doyle long enough to warrant cleaning up on his father’s terms. Cassandra waggled her fingers at him, and Mo glanced at his father for permission before climbing into her lap for a squeeze.
“I’m not writing today. Or… I am, but I’m not working on the memoirs today.” For it had become a memoir once Cassandra realized she was incapable of not taking long tangential turns through her own thoughts as well as memories. “I’m working on a project for Alena.”
“Ah.” Doyle seated himself on the chaise and crossed his legs. In a characteristic gesture, he removed his glasses and began to clean them with the end of his tie. “And does Alena know of this project?”
“Not… precisely.” Cassandra felt a tug on her blouse and was surprised to find Mo polishing her buttons with his t-shirt. Just like his father, the little lovey. “Lainey and I were discussing how she hired that nice Bucky girl to babysit CJ now that she’s working up at the school again, and Alena got this look on her face.”
Doyle put his glasses back on. “What look?”
“It was… desire. Want. She wanted something about that for herself, and all I can think is that working with our children has sparked some desire in her to pursue a career as a… a nanny,” Cassandra felt the blood rush her face in a blush that was quite undignified for a witch her age. “That’s what I think, at least.”
“And so you’ve taken it upon yourself to find her a posting.”
Cassandra nodded.
“Without asking Alena.”
She nodded again. Odd how those weren’t really questions. As if he suspected she was capable of meddling to such a degree and was entirely unsurprised when she did it.
Before he could ask any more guilt-inducing questions, Cassandra interrupted the interrogation. “She never wants anything for herself, Doyle, and if we asked her what she wanted, she would deny it with every breath in her body.”
Mo slipped from her lap and seated himself on the chaise next to his father, although his attempt to cross his legs sent him head-over-feet off the other side of the chair. Doyle lifted his son back to his seat and straightened Mo's clothing.
“And what,” he responded without looking back at her, “what if she sees this as an attempt to get rid of her? What if the family you place her with is unkind or impatient with her?”
There was a squeal from somewhere upstairs, followed by something heavy falling to the floor repeatedly. Cassandra’s eyelids fluttered, but she was otherwise composed.
“Where is the line between taking care of others and being an insufferable meddler?”
“I think, perhaps, that one is done out of love and the other serves only selfish motives. But I would never call you insufferable,” Doyle mused as he rose to his feet. It was an elegant motion, like a handkerchief being drawn fluidly from an inside pocket. “If she wants this, then we must help her to have it.”
From Doyle, that was permission. Cassandra turned back to her papers and allowed her husband and his little shadow to go rescue the twins from their folly.
We used to push the ottomans together and drape ourselves across them, necks supported by a cushion and arms and legs spilling off the sides toward the floor. In the smoky near-dark after curfew, when the dwindling fire was the only source of light in the entire common room, Anj and I could imagine that we were the only two princesses left in our fairy tower. We were the only ones still awake, at least.
The stars painted on the Ravenclaw ceiling were small glimmers of silver-white in the dark, but we knew them all as if by name. An astronomer in his own tower couldn’t have known the night sky better than Anj and I knew the stars on that ceiling. We pinned our own hopes on them, one wish per star, whispered constantly as our years at Hogwarts drifted past.
It seems fascinating to me now that those moments seemed to belong only to us, much in the way that the rain-slick streets at midnight belong to lovers and Sunday morning picnics in the rose garden belong to mother and child. In retrospect, I'm sure there were others there, but in my memory, it is only ever two.
“Do they make you make your bed here?” Cassie wrinkled her nose in the direction of a curious old man peering out of his frame. It was so cool how many of those moving paintings they had here at Hogwarts, and she was enjoying the reaction from the little boy ahead of her who kept shrieking whenever a portrait moved.
Apparently he was Muggleborn and didn’t know that was how paintings were supposed to act.
“I dunno, but I don’t want to get in trouble for not doing it,” Anj huffed on the staircase behind Cassie, pulling herself up hand over hand on the railing. Cassie knew just how she felt… their common room had to be about a million stories up and they’d been walking for a long time. “Keeps animals out too, you know? Or at least it makes them easier to see when it’s made.”
Wait. What? Cassie paused on the stairs until Anj gently shoved her to keep going. “What kinds of animals live in your bed?”
“I had a doxy in my bed once. And a mouse. Suppose anything could get in if it really wanted.”
For years, for her entire life, Cassie had been making her bed and wondering why she had to do it. Each night, you climbed right back into bed and mussed it again. Of all the tasks and rules her mother set for her, making the bed made the least sense to Cassie. But if there was an actual reason, one like keeping biting critters away from her toes, then Cassie might continue to do it.
“A doxy? Did it bite you? Was it cool?” She paused again, moving only when another student ran into Anj, who in turn ran into Cassie.
“No,” Anj admitted, once they were moving again. They entered a corridor and a few portraits muttered encouraging words. The boy ahead of them began to cry. “I saw it moving under the covers because my bed was made. Actually, I never saw it. Mum says I was too young to see it.” Cassie wondered if it was a motherly ploy to keep Anj making her bed, and the tone of the other girl’s voice indicated Anj wondered that too.
“I think… we’ll have to jump on our beds tonight,” Cassie decided, reaching out to touch the frame of a portrait in greeting. The woman within trilled in delight. “You know? As part of the super secret handshake we’re going to make up. It has to have jumping in it.” She hopped a few times to demonstrate.
“Check for mice first, and then we’ll jump all night,” Anj agreed, giving the portrait a critical look before scurrying along in Cassie’s wake. The bossy older students who had collected them in the Great Hall directed the whole lot of first years up a spiraling staircase, and the two girls were forced into silence so they could keep up with the group.
The stairs ended abruptly at a landing, with a broad door opposite the stairs. It was a strange door without knob or keyhole, instead, the only decoration was an elaborate knocker in the shape of an eagle. Which was totally weird, because this was Ravenclaw. The chatter of the students around her prevented Cassie from hearing what the bossy students did at the knocker, but the door swung open to let them enter.
And entering was a revelation. The Ravenclaw common room was the tower room in her fairy tale dreams, and Cassie found herself spinning in slow circles to take in everything. From the slope of the walls and the broad windows hung in gauzy blue to the star-scattered ceiling and graceful marble statue guarding the stairs, every detail was enchanting.
Cassie was enchanted.
“We’re going to be like princesses,” she finally whispered, reaching blindly for Anj to join her in spinning. The group continued to shuffle toward the end of the room, but there was plenty of time to take in everything. Cassie stopped her circles right at the stairs up to her dormitory; she pirouetted face to face with the marble statue. She looked like a gigantic queen, beautiful features, old-fashioned gown, and a delicately-carved tiara. There were even bowls full of irises around her feet, the same dark indigo as the twilit sky outside their royal tower.
“Oh, Merlin,” Anj’s whisper came from just over Cassie’s shoulder. “I’ve never seen anything so wonderful. Ever. I think I’ve been put in the wrong house.”
“No way. I couldn’t be in a house where I didn’t know anyone. I need you.”
“It’s just… this place? It’s for rich kids. I used to share a bed with my mom,” Anj clung to the back of Cassie’s robes as they were finally released up the stairs. She sounded close to hyperventilation.
“You don’t pay to come to Hogwarts. They let everyone in,” Cassie said, clearly not intending to be unkind but certainly not realizing the implication of her words. “Everyone deserves a chance to learn.”
“Not the school... this house." Her voice wibbled.
Cassie spun to look at Anj and teetered on the stairs. “What? I think the whole school looks like this, and I think it's brilliant. It's the place where everything you want is possible. I don't have to make my bed, and you don't have to share yours. Unless you want to. You can sleep in my bed if you want.”
“It’s just all so nice,” Anj threw her arms around Cassie, and they clung to each other. “Maybe just for tonight."
Oh gosh! I totally forgot about the bed sharing and I'm soooo glad you included it (though how you could leave it out, I don't know). tee hee
I'm not sure Doyle would muss his tie up cleaning his glasses, but the rest was to the T. And what does that expression mean anyway? Is i really a golf reference and should be "to a tee"? Hmmm... Unrelated and doesn't matter.
Great writing, as usual, and I can't wait to read more. Sometimes I think I should wait a few updates so I have even more to read, but I think it would be impossible to wait.
The Harpy of Hogwarts | Dungeon Mistress | Bimba di Serpeverde
I really liked this chapter. The motherly Cassandra in contrast with the Lets-jump-on-the-bed Cassie. But in this particular chapter, although as always I love the characters, in this one, I really liked the use of your surroundings, the paintings and such. It really made me feel as if I was there.
Oh Ern. It's so PERFECT. It's just as we remember it and even BETTER still! I love the part in the middle. The actual... part Rae is writing. Man. That part is so hot.
And it's SO true. My own experiences... it's just true. You nailed it.
Lainey made faces through the whole Doyle part. Merlin HE is insufferable. She also is doing that weird paranoid thing like SHE did something to Alena. hehe. Who knows. I DO know that MO IS SO CUTE it hurts.
I don't know why, but this might be my favorite one. It's just SO GOOD, ERN. IT's SO GOOD.
I'm loving every chapter of this story especially the latest one. They're just so well-written and really really good. That's genius. It really do makes me wonder if ze amazing Ern has got some published works. XD.
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
SPOILER!!: Quotes
Originally Posted by Biochemkris
Oh gosh! I totally forgot about the bed sharing and I'm soooo glad you included it (though how you could leave it out, I don't know). tee hee
I'm not sure Doyle would muss his tie up cleaning his glasses, but the rest was to the T. And what does that expression mean anyway? Is i really a golf reference and should be "to a tee"? Hmmm... Unrelated and doesn't matter.
Great writing, as usual, and I can't wait to read more. Sometimes I think I should wait a few updates so I have even more to read, but I think it would be impossible to wait.
For you, and because I hate to write anyone wrong, I will fix the tie thing. And I'm glad you liked the bed sharing thing.
I'll try to update often enough so it isn't an issue, mmk?
Originally Posted by Droo
I really liked this chapter. The motherly Cassandra in contrast with the Lets-jump-on-the-bed Cassie. But in this particular chapter, although as always I love the characters, in this one, I really liked the use of your surroundings, the paintings and such. It really made me feel as if I was there.
It would be bad if she was the same, you know? Because she's 20-30 years older and so... shouldn't be unchanged by all that's happened to her along the way.
Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz
Oh Ern. It's so PERFECT. It's just as we remember it and even BETTER still! I love the part in the middle. The actual... part Rae is writing. Man. That part is so hot.
And it's SO true. My own experiences... it's just true. You nailed it.
Lainey made faces through the whole Doyle part. Merlin HE is insufferable. She also is doing that weird paranoid thing like SHE did something to Alena. hehe. Who knows. I DO know that MO IS SO CUTE it hurts.
I don't know why, but this might be my favorite one. It's just SO GOOD, ERN. IT's SO GOOD.
I love that its as you "remember" it... 'cause you were there as much as I was, I think. Hehe.
Tell Lainey to settle down about Doyle, mmmk? She'll like this next update. She will. And Mo IS cute. Gosh. The twins are scary, but Mo is adorable.
Miss you.
Originally Posted by cedricdiggory
I'm loving every chapter of this story especially the latest one. They're just so well-written and really really good. That's genius. It really do makes me wonder if ze amazing Ern has got some published works. XD.
Ern does NOT have published work, but she hopes to someday. She does have two finished novels... not that that counts.
I'm glad you're enjoying it .
So glad to still have some readers. I know the chapters are looooooooong, although this one is pretty short, so those who are sticking with it are WONDERFUL.
Chapter 6: Every Aster in Hand
“So, what will you give me?”
“No, it’s a trade, Uncle.”
“So, what will you trade me?”
Cassandra paused outside the door to the nursery, listening to the serious business that was occurring inside. The twins were dealing with their favorite uncle, and while she could be sure he was happy to put up with their schemes, Cassandra could never really be certain he wasn’t actively participating.
“Baby for baby, or no deal.”
“That’s no good. I like my baby.”
“Wait!” That was Genevieve, talking too loudly and too quickly. “We’ll throw in all his clothes.”
“I have clothes.”
“Not big enough, Uncle,” Sophia resumed her role as trader. “All his clothes, and some toys, and… Buttermelon.”
Their pony? Cassandra peeked into the nursery, trying to figure out what exactly was going on, and spotted her girls seated on the miniature wicker chairs at their tea table. Leave it to the Branxton twins to cut deals over water-tea and invisible biscuits.
“How about I take both babies?”
“But what do we get?” Genevieve splashed her cup down into its tiny pink saucer in outrage. “That isn’t a trade.”
“You get… to not have a baby anymore.”
“I think Mum would notice,” Sophia informed Genevieve conversationally, slipping into twin-mode as if no one else was there.
“I think she’s going to notice anyway,” Genevieve sighed. “They aren’t the same size.”
“Or hair color.”
“Or baby. Not really. She’d notice.” They nodded at each other in agreement before turning back to their uncle in unison.
“No deal, Uncle.”
“Well, that’s a creepy sort of parlor trick,” Alec pushed out of the comically small chair with some difficulty as Cassandra finally entered the room. He grinned at her in welcome, completely unabashed at being caught mid-tea party.
Cassandra twitched her skirt around the door frame. “Just tell me I didn’t hear you bargaining away your brother, girls. And Alec… really.” Her honey-colored hair swung around her face as she shook her head. It was terrible the way he encouraged them.
“Dad-deeeeeeeeeee,” the tow-headed boy burst through the door and flung himself at Alec, who swept Colby up into his arms and tossed him toward the ceiling. It was a move Cassandra knew would never fly if Anjelica was there.
“See? Here’s my baby now.”
If you ask most child psychologists, both in the Wizarding and Muggle worlds, you’ll find that Lainey and I had stunted childhoods. Both of us were raised almost entirely separately from other children, and although we had staggeringly different relationships with our mothers, we both spent far too much time in their respective companies.
The difference in how we grew up depended on that mother relationship. Lainey was friends with her mother, best friends, and she trusted in unconditional love. I was a disappointing doll, and I learned only to trust in Alec.
Meeting Lainey changed my life, as I’ve previously enumerated and as will become more and more clear as our history unfolds, but she wasn’t my first friend. And bringing her home to meet my first friend should have gone differently than it did.
“And here you are,” Lucille Cooper paused in her passage through the foyer, eyeing Cassie and completely ignoring the girl behind her. Lucille reached to touch Cassie’s hair in a gesture that almost seemed maternal before she continued straightening and putting the girl to rights. A stray hair here, an upturned collar there.
“Mother, this is…” Lucille cut her off with a slight flip of her hand, more a tilt of the wrist than an actual gesture.
“Not now, Cassandra. Mother has a headache.” Mother often had a headache. Cassie stepped out of her way, back to where Anj waited for her, and Lucille drifted from the room as if she had already forgotten why she’d paused.
Well. Cassie gave their trunks a dubious eye before abandoning them in the foyer for someone to bring up later. For now, she was more interested in introducing Anj to her room. And maybe to her brother, although she was surprised he hadn’t been there to welcome her home.
He was probably mad. Cassie’s letters had been full of Anj since school began, and although Alec’s responses had been inquisitive and chattering, Cassie secretly worried that he was jealous. It would be perfectly reasonable for him to be jealous, considering she’d gone and found herself a new best friend.
“That’s your mom?” Anj hopped up the spiraling staircase in Cassie’s wake.
“Yes.” And judging by Anj’s relationship with her own mother, Cassie could only imagine what the other girl thought about Lucille Cooper. Maybe some secret part of her wished that her friend would say something to justify Cassie’s vague feeling that her mother didn’t seem to like her very much.
“Hmm.” Noncommittal response from one Anjelica Lainey.
“So this is my room,” Cassie shoved open the door with her hip, revealing the summer sun spilling through broad windows across the white matelassé bedspread and ivory-colored dressing table and padded stool. To Cassie’s eye, the room seemed eggshell fragile after the hard-lived furniture at Hogwarts, each piece glowing with an internal significance. The girl who lived in this room was perfect. Cassie felt separate from that girl.
“It’s… pretty,” Anj said helpfully, but her hand went to her forehead as if the room was too bright to look at directly. “Can’t believe everything is so clean. And white. How’d you keep it so white?”
“Don’t do anything in here, really,” Cassie spun in a quick circle in the middle of the room. If she’d ever left anything out, it would be put away almost immediately, so there was no purpose in trying to see if anything had changed in the months she’d been gone. The window was open, which was unusual, and the pillows on the window seat were stacked on the floor.
“Wait a second,” Cassie stomped to the window seat and threw up the lid.
Crouched inside, amidst her treasures and dead asleep, was Alec. He’d obviously crawled in here to surprise her and had fallen asleep while waiting. Much as Cassie wanted to be upset about him being in her room, the little puzzled frown on his face only reminded her that he’d been alone all year, with only occasional visits from Brennan to keep him company. “That’s my brother,” she whispered.
Anj peered over her shoulder in interest. “Even Harry Potter got a cupboard, Cass. This is just pathetic.”
Their voices woke Alec, who yawned and rubbed his face before spotting the two girls. He held out a grubby fist clutching the crumpled stems of star-like asters scrounged from some garden, and he smiled sleepily. “Can we play now?”
Ern. Seriously. You're beyond incredible. I just want to hug you. Everything is so well-written, intriguing, and Rae and Lainey together just warm my heart. <3
The difference in how we grew up depended on that mother relationship. Lainey was friends with her mother, best friends, and she trusted in unconditional love. I was a disappointing doll, and I learned only to trust in Alec.
Not entirely sure why, but I love this. It was cute and sad in its own way.
Rae is so thrilled that Savannah came to her defense like that. Such a dear child. *pets her* I'm so glad you're enjoying the fic, and THANK YOU for reading and commenting. I can only hope I don't disappoint... and that if you have a request for someone to make an appearance, let me know and I'll do what I can.
How could you disappoint? Impossible, Miss Ern. I'd LOVEE to make a request but.. I dunno who/how they'd fit/ehrm?
SPOILER!!: And now to start my story comments; from Chapter 5:
Cassandra waggled her fingers at him, and Mo glanced at his father for permission before climbing into her lap for a squeeze.
AWWWW Just aw. Mo is so precious.
“Not… precisely.” Cassandra felt a tug on her blouse and was surprised to find Mo polishing her buttons with his t-shirt. Just like his father, the little lovey. “Lainey and I were discussing how she hired that nice Bucky girl to babysit CJ now that she’s working up at the school again, and Alena got this look on her face.”
Hehehe. TOO cute, Mo. Too cute and - BUCKY! *squee* babysitting CJ? Oh the mental image.
“And so you’ve taken it upon yourself to find her a posting.”
Cassandra nodded.
“Without asking Alena.”
She nodded again.
Rae is such a mom. A sweet one, of course!
We pinned our own hopes on them, one wish per star, whispered constantly as our years at Hogwarts drifted past.
I can't be sure why or even explain, but I think that's definitely my favorite line ever ^^
Apparently he was Muggleborn and didn’t know that was how paintings were supposed to act.
Again, the picture you painted is a pretty funny image
“It’s just all so nice,” Anj threw her arms around Cassie, and they clung to each other. “Maybe just for tonight."
Awwwwwwwwwwww! Making me miss the grown up Lainey and Rae together at Hogwarts so much. *clings to the story*
SPOILER!!: Nooooow, Chapter 6:
“Baby for baby, or no deal.”
“That’s no good. I like my baby.”
Oh no!
And bringing her home to meet my first friend should have gone differently than it did.
Oh, now I'm definitely curious *keeps reading*
Crouched inside, amidst her treasures and dead asleep, was Alec. He’d obviously crawled in here to surprise her and had fallen asleep while waiting.
AWWWWWWWW! I dunno who's more adorable, Mo or Alec!
Anj peered over her shoulder in interest. “Even Harry Potter got a cupboard, Cass. This is just pathetic.”
Hahahaha! That's hilarious. XD
Their voices woke Alec, who yawned and rubbed his face before spotting the two girls. He held out a grubby fist clutching the crumpled stems of star-like asters scrounged from some garden, and he smiled sleepily. “Can we play now?”
Alec won in adorableness, really and seriously. <3
Lovelovelove the updates, Miss Ernnn!
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
Last edited by D.A Forever; 06-21-2010 at 12:25 AM.
Reason: Cause my comments were just TOO much :$
Lulllz. Harry Potter DID get a cupboard. That got a giggle. Lainey's real thoughts on Lucille stretch far beyond "HMM." but I think that is SO accurate. haha. Man. Ern. GOOD stuff. o__o
Alec gets to sleep on the couch for baby-trading. Honestly. We're TRADING HIM.
Except not. Man. ERN. ERNNNN. This one KILLS me in that GOOD way. It's good. IS BRENNY PENNY making another stop in? Omgosh. Ern. Alec is as cute CJ, I'm sure. HOW IS HE SO GOOD?
GASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSP. You know, I wouldn't be surprised if you published a book without me knowing. You're just so good! I read the fic in one sitting =D
That first paragraph is worthy.
And I really love the childhood memories posts! They're so cute
Anj peered over her shoulder in interest. “Even Harry Potter got a cupboard, Cass. This is just pathetic.”
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
SPOILER!!: Quotes and Stuff
Originally Posted by Grangerfn1
Ern. Seriously. You're beyond incredible. I just want to hug you. Everything is so well-written, intriguing, and Rae and Lainey together just warm my heart. <3
Not entirely sure why, but I love this. It was cute and sad in its own way.
Rae and Lainey together warm MY heart. I'm glad you're enjoying this, and I hope you enjoy this next update. FOR YOOOOOOOOOOU.
Originally Posted by Biochemkris
Aw! That was a really cute post. I prefer longer updates, but if shorter updates are what it takes to bring in more readers then this was perfect.
You'll take what you get and LIKE IT, KRIS. And there's no Doyle or Sophia in this one, so I can't screw them up.
Originally Posted by Droo
Hmmm Cassandra's mom... *eyes her*
Love the update Ern. Thanks for sharing this story with us.
You are welcome.
Originally Posted by emilyblack
So, I've finally caught up *New reader alert* I LOVE it! I've said it before and I'll say it again... You're brilliant PLEASE PAMS!
Thanks, lovely! And you're going to be very happy, 'cause I'm updating. Yay!
Originally Posted by D.A Forever
How could you disappoint? Impossible, Miss Ern. I'd LOVEE to make a request but.. I dunno who/how they'd fit/ehrm?
Lovelovelove the updates, Miss Ernnn!
Well. I can fit just about anyone in, so keep thinking on it. I would love to do cameos. And I'm glad you're enjoying this, and I hope you enjoy this update.
Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz
Lulllz. Harry Potter DID get a cupboard. That got a giggle. Lainey's real thoughts on Lucille stretch far beyond "HMM." but I think that is SO accurate. haha. Man. Ern. GOOD stuff. o__o
Alec gets to sleep on the couch for baby-trading. Honestly. We're TRADING HIM.
Except not. Man. ERN. ERNNNN. This one KILLS me in that GOOD way. It's good. IS BRENNY PENNY making another stop in? Omgosh. Ern. Alec is as cute CJ, I'm sure. HOW IS HE SO GOOD?
So yeah. Guh. ERn.
When you say I get Lainey right, it makes me SO HAPPY. She's harder to figure out then my own characters, I think. I'm really hoping to get Brenny around again, but he's so STUBBORN about it. He refused to come to the birthday party and EVERYTHING. UGH. Jerk face.
Originally Posted by Obi-Wan K'Lari
GASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSP. You know, I wouldn't be surprised if you published a book without me knowing. You're just so good! I read the fic in one sitting =D
That first paragraph is worthy.
And I really love the childhood memories posts! They're so cute
Ahhh! Post more soon
Aw, you are SO sweet. Thank you . The childhood memories are fun, the present stuff is fun... and it's nice to switch it up so I don't get bored. I'm glad you're enjoying this. Welcome to the fic!
Welcome back, and sorry for the delay. As always... I take on too much and make you wait. So sorry. Remember to poke me for a cameo and we'll try to figure it out.
Chapter 7: There is Pansies, That’s for Thoughts
“And, in conclusion, we want to thank everyone for coming,” Sophia stood on her padded seat, clutching a bottle of butterbeer in both hands. Behind her, Doyle lurked, prepared to catch the little girl should she suddenly launch herself during the course of her speech.
Were there other eleven-year-olds in the world who gave speeches at their own birthday parties? Cassandra was absolutely certain her daughters were unique in that respect, among others.
“In conclusion, part two,” Genevieve tried to climb onto the chair with her sister and scowled at her father when he rebuffed her. “If you plan on doing any spoiling, you ought to do it now. We’re not going to be around much longer. Hogwarts should be shaking in its big stony boots.” She shook in demonstration, and Sophia fell on top of her. Their round of giggles distracted the twins from the shared looks of dismay passed around the table by the adult attendees.
“Finally, presents! What the hell kind of birthday is this when you have to wait so long on the cake? Can we get to the presents already?” Lainey finally piped up. She gave Alec a sharp look, and he immediately added, “Yes, cake.”
“You are very helpful,” the dark-haired witch hissed at her husband as the group of aunts and uncles and grandparents shifted to the living room for the opening of gifts.
“I don’t think well on my feet,” Alec protested, slipping an arm around to rest his hand on her opposite hip.
Lainey rolled her eyes, but she was smiling at him. “You’re a cursebreaker, idiot.”
Cassandra meandered after the small group, laughing quietly as she herded the stray little boys in the right direction. Lainey and Alec bantered so lightly, and occasionally with great wit. Doyle never argued, not really, and Cassandra tried to imagine what it must be like to marry someone as volatile as her brother or best friend.
It was probably… exhausting from time to time. Being married to someone who was always reasonable meant she had permission not to be. Unfortunately, it also meant that in her most irrational moments, she felt as if she were butting her head against an implacable brick wall. He never moved, and she eventually gave way to it, no matter the force of her will.
“Mum, look!” Cassandra stepped into the room to examine what appeared to be a box of rocks from Uncle Alec and resolved to leave pensive moments to her writing time.
Memories of cake and gifts were long gone a few weeks later when Sophia received her Hogwarts letter… and Genevieve did not. After the first signs that a tantrum was eminent, Doyle volunteered to take Sophia and Marcus Orion out for ice cream to celebrate, leaving Cassandra to square off against the tearful, indignant Genevieve.
“I’m a witch too,” Genevieve was a little ball of blankets and child on her bed, her muffled voice emerging from a tunnel of covers. Even in her grief, she chose self-comfort over the arms of her mother. “I’m going to Hogwarts too.”
It was no use to explain to Genevieve that you simply could not attend Hogwarts without a letter. Those words would be considered a challenge. Cassandra would face the issue directly. Gently.
“Of course you’re a witch, Vivi,” Cassandra perched on the edge of the bed and gently touched the ball in the middle of the bed. Genevieve scooted away from her mother. “You’re going to get a letter in a few weeks.”
The blankets flipped back, revealing a sweaty 11-year-old with a suspicious expression. Obviously something in her mother’s tone had triggered an internal alarm. There was adult shenanigans going on around here, and she could tell.
"How do you know?"
Cassandra pushed sticky blond strands of hair from her daughter's forehead. "Because Beauxbatons always sends their letter in the middle of the month, while Hogwarts sends theirs at the beginning."
Genevieve batted at her mother's hand, neatly scooting from the bed and tucking into a roll on the floor. If the child wasn't a witch, she certainly would have made a very impressive circus performer. Her somersaults were precise in the way that most of her actions were not, and Cassandra was sure that she'd witnessed her daughter practicing a fall down the stairs on more than one occasion. If she refused to go to Hogwarts, there was probably a career for her in Muggle movie stunts or something of that ilk.
"I don't want to go to Beauxba-anything! I want to go to Hogwarts. I want to be with FEE!" Her voice increased in pitch until she was shouting at her mother. "I am staying with FEE."
The mother in her broke a little bit at the furious expression on Genevieve's face, especially because behind the glare, she could see the wibble of her chin and the tears building in her eyes. For all her immense anger, Genevieve already knew she'd lost. Her heart was breaking over it.
"Darling..." Cassandra reached for her daughter, even knowing that Genevieve wouldn't let herself be comforted. The twins were wholly reliant on each other, a side effect from their kidnapping over 10 years before. Something had fallen apart during that year when the girls were kept from their mother, and for all that she loved them and wanted desperately to be a part of their highs and lows, Cassandra knew that the Branxton twins were a small world unto themselves. It was one of the reasons she was so absolutely certain that they needed to be separated for school.
"No!" Genevieve jerked away from her mother, turning her back and facing the broad windows that overlooked the gardens in the back of the house. This messy little room was supposed to be her sanctuary, but Cassandra knew she spent many nights curled up beside her sister in Sophia's room. They had to share that room, not because it was any bigger than this one, but because Genevieve slept with toys and pillows and her favorite clothing piled in mounds on the bed and floor. Her room was just as scattered as she was, while Sophia's was immaculate.
"Vivi, let me..." Again, Cassandra reached futilely for her daughter, but Genevieve just stomped her feet before flinging herself down on the bed amidst her stuffed animals.
"I HATE you," Genevieve screeched, and she was crying in earnest now. Cassandra's hands dropped to her side, and she watched her daughter sob into her bed covers. "You don't love me. If you loved me, you'd let me have Fee. You don't love me."
Cassandra swallowed hard, willing herself to be strong in the face of her daughter's tears. "No, my darling. I love you. Daddy and I are doing this for you and Fee both... you need a chance to make friends and learn how to be your own person, and you can't do that if you're both in the same place."
There was no response except a renewal of tears. In defeat, Cassandra resigned herself to being the bad guy. Doyle had escaped with Sophia for the time being, and they were having a lovely time over ice cream, leaving Cassandra to pick up the pieces with the distraught and emotional child. It really didn't seem fair at the moment.
She turned for the door, resolving to let Genevieve cry for a bit. They could try to talk about it later, she supposed. Her hand was on the knob when she heard the little hiccuping gasps coming from right behind her.
"Mummy," Genevieve allowed herself to be folded into an embrace this time, in shock that her mother was actually leaving before the tantrum was over. "Fee is the only person who has ever ever liked me," her lashes glittered with tears, and Cassandra wiped wet trails from the child's cheeks. "Don't make her go away from me."
"How about..." In spite of the fact that this moment was completely and entirely about Vivi and what she needed, Cassandra couldn't help but enjoy having her daughter gathered against her. It happened so seldom. "How about we try it for one year, and if you still feel sad about it, we'll try something different? And we can go get ice cream to celebrate your letter today, even though it hasn't come yet."
Recognizing defeat, at least for the moment, Genevieve wiped her face on her mother's sleeve and gave a quick little nod. "I want Aunt Anj to take me."
I often wonder what my life would be like without the specific people who have marked it. For a few steps, or for the length of the journey, people have walked beside me, changing my journey for better or worse. In some ways, it's easy to imagine what life would be like if I'd never met Alexander Rae. I could subtract the grief and self-doubt that plagued me for years after his death. But at the same time, I cannot deny that without his influence, I would be less than I am now. Without his love, without his strength. And without his loss, I would never have ended up at Hogwarts the second time.
It is less easy to separate my path in the points where it intertwined with other people. From my earliest memories, my brothers were there, shaping how I saw the world and how I reached out and touched it. I've tried not to speak too much on my brother Brennan, but my early years were shadowed by being Brennan Cooper's younger sister.
And then there was Alec. Best friends until I left for Hogwarts, he and I were a source of comfort to each other when life got difficult, a source of entertainment when the Cooper world closed in around Brennan and forgot that there were three children rather than one. To be fair, I do not want to leave the impression that a brother three years younger than me never annoyed me in those typical younger brother ways. He was particularly skilled at breaking my toys or smudging the dresses my mother wanted kept immaculate. In spite of those things, though, I know that my childhood would have been pale without him, and I still regret having left him alone when I had to go off to school.
Alec was a shadow. He wasn't quiet, he wasn't stealthy, but wherever Cassie and Anj went, he appeared soon after. The Cooper home was large enough that everyone could successfully find their own space without intruding on the peace of anyone else, even when Brennan was visiting. And yet... Alec hung around in the corners and doorways of every room Cassie and Anj visited.
"Do you suppose...?" Cassie began to suggest, but she bit off her words before the question fully escaped. No one wanted an annoying little brother around, even if it sort of made her hurt in her stomach and her chest when she saw the eager way Alec watched them play.
"What?" Anj swung around from the tree she was climbing and gave Cassie that piercing look that meant 'say what you mean or shut it.' Or that was how Cassie interpreted it, at least, although it was more likely to mean something like 'spit it out already.'
Cassie didn't speak, opting instead to hitch her skirts way up her legs in a last ditch effort to throw herself up against the tree. Climbing trees, apparently, was not in her skill set. She lunged at the bottom branch again, hanging there a moment before dropping to the ground.
Fine. "Do you suppose Alec could spend time with us? Just sometimes, you know? Because there's no one else here and he's lonely, and usually he plays with me and..." Cassie examined her hands and knees. Was that sap or blood? Was she bleeding? Lots of questions.
"Whatever," Anj peered down at Cassie from several branches up. They seemed narrow and impossibly frail to be holding a person's entire weight, and yet Anj sat up there without concern. She gnawed at her lip momentarily before deciding that Cassie was never going to make it up the tree. She dropped to the ground gracefully.
"Really?" Cassie rubbed her hands against her dress, leaving sticky streaks that were a suspicious rusty shade. She was definitely bleeding.
Anj grabbed at Cassie's hands before she managed to maul her dress any further. "Stop that. Your mother is going to have some sort of aneurysm." She examined Cassie's hands for a moment with studied indifference. "I never had a brother. I have nothing against them in general."
She turned, waving Cassie's hand in hers at a tree on the edge of the orchard. "Hey. Hey, kid! Come play with us."
From the upper branches, Alec appeared, sliding swiftly down the length of the tree and landing hard on the ground. In moments, he was at their side, grinning widely.
"Hi! What are we playing? What are we doing next? Can you show me any magic? 'Cause I bet you learned all sorts at Hogwarts," he bounced eagerly.
"What about that spell where they turn little kids into frogs? What about that one?"
Alec turned big gray eyes on Anjelica, not put off at all at the idea of magic being used on him. "I've never been a frog before."
Memories of cake and gifts were long gone a few weeks later when Sophia received her Hogwarts letter… and Genevieve did not.
Uh oh, not good.
"I don't want to go to Beauxba-anything! I want to go to Hogwarts. I want to be with FEE!" Her voice increased in pitch until she was shouting at her mother. "I am staying with FEE."
Awe, I feel really bad for her. *Huggles Genevieve*
"Hi! What are we playing? What are we doing next? Can you show me any magic? 'Cause I bet you learned all sorts at Hogwarts," he bounced eagerly.
Hehe, he's precious.
Alec turned big gray eyes on Anjelica, not put off at all at the idea of magic being used on him. "I've never been a frog before."
That made me laugh.
You're an amazing writer; it was written beautifully, just like all of your other posts. PLEASE PAMS!
Recognizing defeat, at least for the moment, Genevieve wiped her face on her mother's sleeve and gave a quick little nod. "I want Aunt Anj to take me."
Until this moment, I was HORRIFIED. My heart ACHED For the poor girl, and then that final statement sent the biggest goofy grin across my face. Yaaaay! That's the BEST.
Alec turned big gray eyes on Anjelica, not put off at all at the idea of magic being used on him. "I've never been a frog before."
Bahhh cuuuutE!!! I like him. He's a gem.
Ugh. I love you so much. I just want to give you the biggest hug in the whole world.
Never stop writing this story right here, k? I like it. Let it stay here forever. <3
A box of rocks? Honestly. A box of rocks? Lainey gave them books, I'm so certain. BUT ROCKS? Alec ... sigh. Just sigh.
The "I HATE YOU" is so .... cringe-worthy. I cringe. Lainey cringes. Admittedly, Clara Belle-Cooper is over there not saying anything - but by her silence, she is clearly saying A LOT, you know? You know.
And the cringing CONTINUES through Vi's... thing. Lainey will be over there, opposite side of CB-C. Picking her nose or something and avoiding all eye contact from henceforth forever.
AND.... might I add: "I never had a brother. I have nothing against them in general." <<< This is so spot on. Lullz. We didn't even DO this scene and it's just... yeah. Good.
I wonder if a frog turned out to be his patronus? hehe HMMMMMmmm.
MAN. Another good one. Better than good. It's kind of like 3 fics in one, you know? And EACH of them are SOO good.
MAN. Another good one. Better than good. It's kind of like 3 fics in one, you know? And EACH of them are SOO good.
That is sooo true. I hadn't really thought about it before, I look forward to all three aspects of it. It's nice tying the past to the present and getting Rae's thoughts on everything.
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Originally Posted by emilyblack
Ohmygosh, you FINALLY updated! Kidding, kind of
No, you're RIGHT. I've been SO BADLY BEHAVED.
Awe, I feel really bad for her. *Huggles Genevieve*
You know... she sort of tugged on my heart strings too, but imagine how bad Rae felt.
You're an amazing writer; it was written beautifully, just like all of your other posts. PLEASE PAMS!
Wow, thank you! I promise to update SOON. Ish. I have to circulate my other threads.
Originally Posted by Biochemkris
YAY!!! and *sniff* Fee is sad in my head.
Great update. I can't wait to meet Alexander, though seeing Anj and Alec interact is certainly a hoot.
I bet! I couldn't have both Fee and Vivi around for this or I would have just had to chalk up Rae as a basket case.
And... whoa. Yeah. Alexander is hard to write TOO. Another character who isn't really mine.
Originally Posted by Grangerfn1
Until this moment, I was HORRIFIED. My heart ACHED For the poor girl, and then that final statement sent the biggest goofy grin across my face. Yaaaay! That's the BEST.
Bahhh cuuuutE!!! I like him. He's a gem.
Ugh. I love you so much. I just want to give you the biggest hug in the whole world.
Never stop writing this story right here, k? I like it. Let it stay here forever. <3
You're bossy. I find it interesting that one of the moments that I found to be the saddest in the update made you HAPPY. Hmm. You like it when Rae is unhappy, don't you? DON'T YOU? Fess up, Julz.
Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz
A box of rocks? Honestly. A box of rocks? Lainey gave them books, I'm so certain. BUT ROCKS? Alec ... sigh. Just sigh.
The "I HATE YOU" is so .... cringe-worthy. I cringe. Lainey cringes. Admittedly, Clara Belle-Cooper is over there not saying anything - but by her silence, she is clearly saying A LOT, you know? You know.
And the cringing CONTINUES through Vi's... thing. Lainey will be over there, opposite side of CB-C. Picking her nose or something and avoiding all eye contact from henceforth forever.
AND.... might I add: "I never had a brother. I have nothing against them in general." <<< This is so spot on. Lullz. We didn't even DO this scene and it's just... yeah. Good.
I wonder if a frog turned out to be his patronus? hehe HMMMMMmmm.
MAN. Another good one. Better than good. It's kind of like 3 fics in one, you know? And EACH of them are SOO good.
I talked to you about this already, so I don't HAVE to respond. But I will.
Alec informs me that it is probably NOT a box of rocks. But more like... something else. We can't tell you what. It's a secret.
And yeah. The "I hate you" broke my heart a bit, but I dont' know any kid who didn't know the power in pulling that card.
You can tell CLARA BELLE to shut her FACE. She wasn't invited to our party and she doesn't get to comment on our children. Nope. No say. And... best keep Lainey over there a bit. 'Cause right now we aren't feeling very warm and fuzzy toward her.
I didn't think about it as "three-in-one" because for the most part all three tie together in some way. But I kind of like thinking about it as three separate pieces because the voice used in all three is so different and they work in different ways.
Originally Posted by Obi-Wan K'Lari
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! I feel so bad for the twins And young Alec...thought he's so cute <3 Lainey is amazing as always
Can't wait for more!!!!!
I think they'll be OK in the end. I can only hope, at least... I'll keep you posted on that one.
Alec IS adorable. He was as a kid and he still is as an adult.
Originally Posted by Droo
I seriously hope one day I can write like you. Nuff said.
There is just tooooo much I could quote here, and yet I've taken forever TO comment even though I read this.. a while ago? And couldn't comment then? So I'll keep it simple for now, until the next chapter.
Lainey and Alec are ADOOORABLE.
And oh my, Vivi broke my heart there. Poor girl! *snuggles her*
*manages atleast ONE quoting comment*
Alec turned big gray eyes on Anjelica, not put off at all at the idea of magic being used on him. "I've never been a frog before."
AWWWWWW!! That is the CUTEST thing EVER.
I'll definitely PM soon, Miss Ern.
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.