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Candy Display Case (Finished Fanfiction)A dazzling showcase of fully wrapped-up stories, these sweet treats are polished and ready for your reading pleasure!
This night is sparkling, don't you let it go
I'm wonder-struck, blushing all the way home
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
This night is flawless, don't you let it go
I'm wonder-struck, dancing around all alone
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you
Please don't be in love with someone else
Please don't have somebody waiting on you --Taylor Swift
I had practically skipped to the park. I was in such a good mood. I felt Amazing.
I remember how I felt running into Scorpius Malfoy the first time. I felt wonderful. I felt wonder-struck. I felt Enchanted. I felt like I knew what love was. I also remember how I felt running into him the second time. I felt ashamed. I felt betrayed. I felt hurt. I felt stupid. I felt like I would never know what 'love' was.
I had begun to mumble and stutter, I faked a smile so he wouldn't see how much he hurt me. It had not even been 24 hours before my real had been changed to fake. I forgot what I had gone there for. I turned right around and went back the way I came fighting back my tears.
I had obviously been failing, because the next thing I knew, I could see nothing through my tears. I heard a shout of my name. I heard screams. I felt pain. I didn't even feel the road once I hit the ground.
I had dreams (If thats what you call what you see when you are knocked out) of the night I met Scorpius. I dreamed of dancing in an empty space. I dreamed of dancing with Scorpius he was a pretty darn good dancer too. I dreamed of...well...no need to explain that, so we'll just say I liked it and was none to pleased when I woke up.
I don't know if you've ever woken up from being knocked out. But it is rude. No warning. It just yanks you from your pleasant thoughts and drops back into the pain of reality. Fortunately though, St. Mungos rather comfortable and most of my pain had faded. I still didn't know what had happened to me. I just knew that I had walked away from Scorpius, heart broken, I hear yelling, and I woke up there.
Also fortunate I woke to the welcome sight of my family, Ron, Hermione, and Hugo Weasley. None of them noticed when I first opened my eyes, because I hadn't moved, but when I let out a painful cough they all looked at me so fast I thought they would get whiplash.
At first there was silence. Then Hugo, who suddenly seemed like the shyest person on earth, whispered, "You okay, Sis?"
My raspy response, "Well, I feel like I was squished by an elephant, but other than that, I'm fine."
Silence again, then it seemed everyone was talking at once. I stopped them all by cocking my head at Hugo, "Hugo? Why do you have a bloody nose?"
Hugo gave a wry smile, "Because of the gi- er, guy sitting in the hallway."
"What giguy?" I asked, teasing him.
"Scorpius Malfoy," came his flat response.
I'm not sure what my face looked like at that moment. Shock maybe? Maybe I was blushing? Maybe anger? I'm not sure. I was mad him for saying what he said at the park, even though I had no good reason for being at him. I was probably blushing because I didn't want Hugo knowing that I loved liked him. And I was shocked because he was there even after what he said at the park.
I decided to change the subject as quickly as possible, "So, how did I get here?"
Mom responded, probably because she was the one least likely to be mad about the way I got here, "The boy, Scorpius, saw the accident and brought you right away. His quick thinking is probably what saved you."
Well, so much for getting off the subject of Scorpius.
Later on I had convinced the family to leave, (I needed space....) and who should come in after they leave, but Scorpius Malfoy.
"Rose? Are you..uh..okay?" He said meekly.
I looked down, I was unsure how to act around him now... "Well, yeah...I guess.."
He sighed in relief, "Why had you run away like that? I tried to let you know about the car but...you weren't listening."
I had to bite back tears as I thought about seeing him saying that he didn't like me at all. I avoided eye contact with him as I shrugged and mumbled something that he couldn't hear.
"What? Rose..talk to me? You're acting weird, we talked really well at the party, and I eally felt like we could comunicate.."
I fought the urge to scream at him, I fought the urge to show how betrayed I felt. I didn't do a good job, "Really? Because I thought so too until I heard you say that you didn't like me and to not bother because I was a Weasley." My words were spat, they were harsh, but they felt good to say.
His eyes widened and he flinched, "You..You..heard that?" he choked out.
"Yes.Loud and clear. I'm sorry I ever thought any differently of you.." tears were visibly coming out of my eyes now, and I hated it.
He stepped closer and sat next to the bed, "Rose...I...I didn't mean it....I just..I was jelouse....he was like...hitting on you...and I didn't like it, I don't why I said that..but I...I like you..and I'm sorry that you heard that. It was all my fault you got hit by that..well mine and the jerk that hit you..."
Out of all that I only caught three words, 'I like you'. I sat up straighter and looked him in the eye, "You like me?"
He faltered, "Well...um..kinda...Wait..not Kinda, I mean, yes. Yes I do like you Rose Weasley."
Now I smiled for real, my tears dissolving, "I like you too, Scorp."
Just then the door opened and Draco Malfoy walked in...just as Scorpius was picking up my hand.
I had just reached for Rose's hand and picked it up when the door flung open to reveal my father standing there. What in the name of Merlin was he doing here of all places? It wasn't like he was a healer or had any interest in a Weasley's health, especially the daughter of Ron and Hermione Weasley. I almost dropped Rose's hand, almost being the operative word. I just couldn't bring myself to do that even if I wanted to. It wasn't as if Rose and I were never going to have to face the wrath of our parents, better now then never. Wait, what if she didn't want to be my girlfriend? Is that even possible, two people liking each other but deciding that they won't date? What if she decides she doesn't like me anymore and then decides not to date me?
My mind was now erupting with stupid questions, I sounded like a girl, this is so pathetic and low, especially for a Malfoy, what would my father... Nope, not going there. Speaking of which, my father was standing in the doorway, wide eyes and mouth hanging open in shock, clearly he didn't expect to see his son and Rose Weasley, well, um, holding hands, yea.
"Scorpius Draco Malfoy, do you care to explain what in the name of Merlin you are doing in this place with that person." Wow, that's a bit harsh, can't even bring himself to say her name. I felt a glare settle upon my face, I couldn't help it, my father was being a complete prat. "Your mother and I were flooed by Mrs Longbottom that you were at Saint Mungo's, do even know how bad you freaked your mother out?" Well, that explained how and why they were here. "And it is only to find that you are here with some..." He seemed to struggle to find the words he wanted to say without being fined for muggle discrimination, my father had changed, but not that much.
I was sick of it though, I could not stand how my father was acting. "Dad, calm down a bit will you? I am here with Rose because I want to make sure she's all right, I am here with her because I care about her." Those words did not just come out of my mouth did they? I am either grounded for life (my dad won't care if I'm eighteen) or disowned completely from the Malfoy family. He just stood there mouth opening and closing again and again, quite resembling a fish. Finally, he snapped his mouth shut and clenched his fists against his sides, I noticed that the other parents, my mum, and Rose's parents were now slipping in, trying to figure out what all of this commotion was about.
I felt Rose gently squeeze my hand reassuringly, we were in this together, and we both knew it. There was an unnatural and rather silence in the room that no one seemed to want to break, just nervous glances between everybody, I had a feeling that my dad was going to explode and be the first one to talk, but he for some reason, he did not. I was actually mildly surprised to hear (and see) Ron Weasley be the one to break the dreadful and uncomfortable silence.
"What is Ferret doing here?"
"Ron honey, that is uncalled for."
"I'm here trying to find out what my son is doing here."
"Yeah, that's a good question, Hermione, what is this kid doing here?"
"You don't need to be so threatening Ron."
"Well I want to know what Malfoy's spawn is doing near my daughter!"
"Malfoy's spawn, do you have no respect Weasel?"
"I have respect for those that deserve it, Ferret."
"SHUT UP!" Rose finally interrupted the banter between our parents, I was to busy trying not to burst into laughter. "Seriously guys, we can talk too in case you hadn't noticed, if you actually wanted to know, you could ask us." She groaned in frustration, and I really didn't blame her in the slightest.
"Rosie darling, you shouldn't be shouting it's probably bad for-" Rose cut her dad off with a sharp look his way, she probably inherited that from her mother. "Well fine, what in Merlin's beard is Malfoy junior doing here?" Sure beat 'Junior Death-Eater' or 'Malfoy's Spawn'. Some people are really inventive these days with there supposed nicknames for me, really, I want to know where they come up with all of them.
"He's here because he saved my life in case you don't remember dad, he's the one that brought me here and saved my life." Rose put an extra emphasis on the last three words as she repeated them, causing her dad to shrink back even more and look a bit guilty. "Surely he can stay to make sure that I didn't die randomly?" That was a great excuse and all, but it most definitely did not help things on my parents side, I knew my mother wasn't going to react well to this.
"Oh my gosh, my little Scorpykins saved someones life, I am so proud of you Scorp." My completely unhelpful mum cooed. I heard Rose begin to giggle next to me as I turned a faint red, I preferred Malfoy's spawn over that wretched so called nickname. Even my dad looked freaked out and a tiny bit revolted. Rose on the other hand, found this to be the most hysterical thing in the whole world.
"That does not give him any reason to stay this long, or hold your hand." My dad finally cut in, making Rose's laughter die away instantly, but her dads eyes grow probably five times the normal size and his ears turned an extremely bright red.
"WHAT?" He exclaimed loudly and furiously. "HOW DARE YOU TOUCH MY DAUGHTER!" Over protective much?
"DAD! I am not six anymore!" Rose shouted over her father's voice, making everyone stop and stare at her again. "I like Scorpius, and he likes me. We are both of age, and it is our own free will that we are together, nothing you or Mr. Malfoy say can stop us being together. Now, will you please try and be mature and respect our desicions?"
Heart pumping, I glared at the four adults in the room, especially the men. "Mr. Malfoy, Dad, I know you hate each because of some school rivalry and all that, but honestly, you are both grown men!" A hard edge was forming in my voice. "I'm sick of you two hating on each other, forbidding Scorpius and myself from even talking in Hogwarts, it's just wrong! I damn near died today and Mr. Malfoy, your son saved me. You should be proud with him. Dad, you should be thankful, I'd be dead if not for him. Now I'm out of School, as is Scorpius, we happen to like each other and I don't want you all spoiling it for it us. Now if you don't mind, or if you do mind, I would like to talk to Scorpius alone." My hand was tightly squeezing Scorpius's hand. I had never actually told my parents, or anyone else for that matter, off like that.
My mother was smiling at me as she shooed Dad out of the room, and Mrs. Malfoy was still silently going off about how her boy saved a life as she was dragging Mr. Malfoy out. I looked at Scorpius, still sitting beside me, "Well," was all I managed.
"Well indeed," was his response.
Loosening my grip slightly from his hand a sly grin crept up, "So, Scorpykins..."
He groaned, "You're seriously going to make that a thing, aren't you?"
"And why shouldn't I? It's a...lovely name." I couldn't help but snicker.
Gently elbowing me he responded with, "Fine..Roseykins.."
I laughed, "Not worse that 'scorpykins'."
"Okay fine, I have the most embarrassing parent on earth, and I'm proud of it." He stuck his chin in the air like one of those stuck up snobs.
"Uh...no. You saw my Dad's outburst! Once, a guy said hi to me, and my dad snuck up behind him and yelled in the kids ear.."
"Good, that guy deserved it!' Scorpius responded.
"Scorpius," I gave him a full on look, "I was five."
"Then that creeper little kid deserved it."
Holding back my laughter I raised my eyebrows, "Scorp, that kid, the little creeper, was you."
"Oh." He was silent then we both burst into laughter at the same time. Laughter hurt, but it was a good hurt.
The next day I was released and went home, Dad was insufferable, Mom was pressing for details, and surprisingly enough, I could only have a conversation with Hugo without being either told off or "aawwwed" at.
"Sis, do you really like Scorpius?" Hugo asked me as we sat outside after a long battle on broomsticks.
"I really really do Hugo, more than like I can't get him out of my mind...." I sighed.
"And considering he saved your life, I suppose I should accept this," Hugo considered this.
"You will accept it, Hugo, because despite what Dad hopes Scorpius and I are going to keep dating...as long as he doesn't go and do anything prat-like."
"If he does than I can think of at least ten different family members alone that would kill him." Hugo smirked at me and I laughed.
"Then he best hope he doesn't do anything stupid."
"He best hope indeed."
"Hugo?" I looked at him.
"Rose?" He looked at me.
I took a deep breath, "Can you cover for me tonight?"
"Why? Where are you go- wait..dumb question. Just don't do anything stupid, I'm not looking for a niece or nephew anytime soon."
A scoffed and elbowed him, "You're horrible Hugo Weasley!"
He grinned, "And proud of it, but where would you be without me? Actually I know where you wouldn't be, your boyfriends house."
"Shut it!"
Laughing he stood up and helped me up, "Ah come on sis, you know you love me."
"At times. And other times I hate you."
"And which time is this?"
"A little bit of both bro.."
That very night I snuck out and apperated to Malfoy Manor where I found Scorpius's window and sent an enchanted paper airplane through the open window.
It read: Romeo, even though I think the rolls are kind of reversed, Julliets waiting down here for you so you better not keep her waiting.
Now I all I had to do was sit and wait. And maybe keep sending messages at him until he responds.
New reader! I love this story especially since that's how I got the idea for my username! Rose Weasley and Scorpius Malfoy, RoseMalfoy I just always pictured them ending up together, anyways great chapter, PAMS!
Sorry for taking so long guys!! Here's a quick spoiler and the chapter should be up tonight or tomorrow, no promises though!
SPOILER!!: Last Chappy!
Scorpius was in the middle of reading Hamlet, and eating some homemade popcorn (the muggle way, Rose was really having a bad influence on him, at least in his dads opinion) when a paper airplane went soaring through his window, dropping the book, not even bothering to mark it (he was going to start again from the beginning anyway, he'd already read it five times). Picking the paper up he noticed there were a few words scribbled on it. "Romeo, even though I think the rolls are kind of reversed, Juliets waiting down here for you so you better not keep her waiting."
Scorpius sighed and pushed his window open even further. "If you have actually read Romeo and Juliet, you would know that we kill ourselves and I really am not wanting to do that in the slightest, so if you EVER call me Romeo again, I will hex you."
Rose laughed slightly. "I'd like to see you try, Scorpykins." She laughed a bit more before continuing on. "Now, are you going to come down, or do I have to come up? And I really don't feel like climbing, and I don't think your dad would like me taking the stairs, soooo."
Scorpius momentarily glared at her, then disappeared from the window, a minute or so later she saw him come out the front door, still looking sour. "You interrupted my book, so this better be good." Scorpius almost snapped.
"You're reading, it's a miracle!" Rose put on a fake tone of surprise. "Anyway, you're not happy to see me?"
"Not when you're interrupting Hamlet." Scorpius glowered darkly at her.
"I can't decide which is worse, your dad's sneer, or the fact that you're reading Hamlet." Rose rolled her eyes.
"Oi! Don't you dare badmouth Hamlet, it is the best book written, EVER!" Scorpius' glare deepened.
Rose smirked, trying not to laugh. "So I have to endure my parents, and my siblings teasing and complaining about you, and when I see you, all I get is a glower? I'm insulted."
"Sorry," Scorpius quickly said, his voice full of depth, pulling her into a hug and kissing her cheek.