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Candy Display Case (Finished Fanfiction)A dazzling showcase of fully wrapped-up stories, these sweet treats are polished and ready for your reading pleasure!
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
You're forgiven. Forgive me for taking so long to reply? Wow. Harry and Ron's reactions were so funny. Especially the part when Ron said he was doing so well in Potions and Harry and Hermione raised their eyebrows. I couldn't help laughing at that. Hermione's not very good at making up excuses now. At least she made Ron believe her. Sort of. Double Potions should be very interesting. Great post! Loved it! Can't wait for more!
haha LOL thats enthusiasm right there! Imona Post in a bit
Originally Posted by SenoritaMaxie
No, new chapter?
guess what ima do now??
Imona post....since its xmas...shhhhhhhhhhhh
Originally Posted by Evangeline Hermione
New Reader
Omg i love this story...its Fab!!!
Wow the neacklace...interesting....But Pansy liking Harry i did not forsee!!
Lol interesting...im lost for words i dont know what to say
PAMS!! this is brillient
OHhaiii!!! TP buddy Fancy seeing you here? Aww thankyou. WOW. ima post...
Originally Posted by hermionesclone
You're forgiven. Forgive me for taking so long to reply? Wow. Harry and Ron's reactions were so funny. Especially the part when Ron said he was doing so well in Potions and Harry and Hermione raised their eyebrows. I couldn't help laughing at that. Hermione's not very good at making up excuses now. At least she made Ron believe her. Sort of. Double Potions should be very interesting. Great post! Loved it! Can't wait for more!
You are always frgiven because i love you. That is a fact. FUll stop. Pahaha lol thanks im glad you liked it
Imona post now, but i apologise in advance for the lack of good writing, coz im sleepy
Then imona go post on Many ships hopefully
♥♥♥My heart is out at sea. And my Head's al over the place. I'm losing sense of time, and everything tastes the same.
I'll be home in a day. I fear that's a month too late. ♥♥♥
"He...He's back?!" gasped Ron from the puffy armchair in the corner of the common room. "But... he cant be!" He instantly turned a violent shade of green at Hermione's news, and sunk lower in his chair untill he was almost completly obscured by cushions. Grimacing, he raised his hands and pressed a finger from each against his temples. "Ugh...and i was doing so well without him in potions." He looked up too see Harry and Hermione's raised eyebrows. "Well..sort of." He added.
"How do you know this anyway?" Asked Harry, narrowing his eyes at Hermione. She had rushed into the common room form her dorm first thing in the morning. They hadn't even had breakfast yet. As far as Harry knew, between going to bed and waking this morning, Hermione had had no time at all to leave the common room.
"I saw him," she said without thinking. She tried to conceal the colour rising in her cheeks, hiding behind the large copy of Hogwarts: A History for the thousandth time.
"You saw him?" Said Harry, his brow furrows. "When?"
"Er..sometime," said Hermione, who for once was unable to think of the perfect cover story. It must be Draco's influence. Harry continued to eye her with suspicion, but Ron, however, seemed satisfied and went back to massaging his temples with a slimey grimace still etched between his freckles.
"But what's he come back for!" Harry burst out. "He was gone! He RESIGNED! Why would he come back?"
"Maybe..." Hermione pondered. "Maybe Dumbledore needs him. Something for the order."
"Yeah," chirped in Ron. "Or maybe You Know Who ordered him back to keep spying,"
"Yeah," agreed harry, taking any chance to believe the worst of Snape. "That'll be it. He needs him to keep spying on things." He spat.
Ron nodded feverently.
"Well, yes i suppose that could be it," said Hermione, frowning. Harry knew this was due to her incomprahendable disability to theink the worst of any teacher. But she had to face facts.
"Well i guess we'll see today," said Hermione. Ron gave another groan form the corner. Double potions.
"Watch out for any funny behaviour," Harry ordered. "If he's back, he'll be back for a reason. Im going to get dressed."
He gave them both a stern look, and Hermione one last suspicious glance, and ascended the stairs to the boys dormitories.
It was with a grim dissatisfaction that the three made there way to double potions that afternoon. Harry and Ron had only one aim in mind – to watch Snape, and unravel the mystery that was his return. Hermione, however, had to feign an interest in this. Because today would be the first time that she was in a lesson with Draco. She was flustered, she was worried. She could not let the other two know anything about what had previously passed between them. She was hoping that enough time had passed to enable the other two to forget that she had told them about her deepest darkest secret: that she was in love with Draco Malfoy. Seeing as no one had brought it up since Ron decided to forgive her, she thought that the only option was to pretend, if ever asked, that she had simply gotten over it.
But what would she do today? She couldn’t do anything in front of Ron and Harry, yet she didn’t think she could bring herself to ignore Draco if he spoke to her. It would be like turning away from a crying baby. Except he wasn’t a baby…he was a toned, chiselled hunk of perfectness…..
Hermione was brought back to her senses when she felt the cool air of the dungeon hit her face. Luckily-or unluckily, depending on how you look at it,- the class had already gone in. That meant that she would not have to pretend Malfoy didn’t exist while in such close proximity.
It also meant that, by Snape’s standards, they were late.
“Ah, finally,” he sneered as they hurried into class. “Lateness for the first lesson of my return? I think we’ll make that 20 points apiece from Potter and Weasley, and thirty from Miss Granger.” He sneered and turned to face the class, ignoring Harry and Ron’s objections.
He knows! Hermione thought, remembering the interruption of the previous night. He knows, and now he’s punishing me.
She blew a strand of frizzy hair out of her face and turned to watch Snape, now addressing the class.
“As you are all aware,” he started. “I have been away for some time. Before the questions start I would like to inform you all that it is of no business to any of you what I do or where I go in my spare time. So don’t waste your breath,” he cast a dark look at where Harry, Ron and Hermione sat while he spoke.
“Now I would like you all to prepare for me a vanishing potion. I trust the substitute was sufficient enough to teach you something as simple as that, but it is, of course, doubtful. Lets see how you get on.”
He waved his wand and a method appeared on the blackboard. Hermione got to work strait away, occasionally muttering instructions to the others.
Forty minutes into the lesson and Hermione was bottling up her potion, which was exactly the right colour and thickness. She was about to set her vial of liquid down on Snape’s desk when a slight burning on her chest made her drop it. It smashed, but she ignored it. Looking around so that no one could see, she reached down the front of her robes and pulled out the necklace. It was glowing in the same way it had done the previous night, but was now hot to the touch. Without knowing what she was doing, she cast a look round the room, searching for the blonde headed, pale pointed face.
Malfoy caught her eye immediately. He did nothing, but stated, his own hand on something around his neck. He continued to stare, until-
“GRANGER! Clear that up now!” Snape’s voice rattled though her mind, and her gaze broke immediately.
“Yes sir,” she said, vanishing it with her wand
“And an extra 10 points from Gryffindor for clumsiness.” He sneered as he swept past her.
♥♥♥My heart is out at sea. And my Head's al over the place. I'm losing sense of time, and everything tastes the same.
I'll be home in a day. I fear that's a month too late. ♥♥♥
I am HAPPPY, nowww.
I loved the post, and want more.
... and Sev is a meanie, but I still love him.
yes indeedy maxie Thanksssssssssssssss
i might post again tonight, after ive updated Many Ships....and if you're nice to mee
Originally Posted by Evangeline Hermione
Brillient chapter....grrr evil Snape
What happened to the Necklace...ahhhH
I know right!! Grr at him!! and Thanks
♥♥♥My heart is out at sea. And my Head's al over the place. I'm losing sense of time, and everything tastes the same.
I'll be home in a day. I fear that's a month too late. ♥♥♥
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Aw! Hermione's so in love! It's so cute! I see that Snape's back to his usual mean self. Tut, tut, tut Severus. OMG! That necklace! Woah! This is so anticipating! I wonder what happened. Hm... Great post! Loved it! Can't wait for more!
Canon Niffler || Neville's Yorkshire Pudding | | Teddy's Biographer || P + R = ♥
Originally Posted by firenjen
But what would she do today? She couldn’t do anything in front of Ron and Harry, yet she didn’t think she could bring herself to ignore Draco if he spoke to her. It would be like turning away from a crying baby. Except he wasn’t a baby…he was a toned, chiselled hunk of perfectness…..
*gips* Oh did you have to? It's enough to make a girl see her turkey sandwhiches again!
Originally Posted by firenjen
It also meant that, by Snape’s standards, they were late.
“Ah, finally,” he sneered as they hurried into class. “Lateness for the first lesson of my return? I think we’ll make that 20 points apiece from Potter and Weasley, and thirty from Miss Granger.” He sneered and turned to face the class, ignoring Harry and Ron’s objections.
He knows! Hermione thought, remembering the interruption of the previous night. He knows, and now he’s punishing me.
That's cos he's Snape! The man is omniscient! and deeply unfair.
Originally Posted by firenjen
“As you are all aware,” he started. “I have been away for some time. Before the questions start I would like to inform you all that it is of no business to any of you what I do or where I go in my spare time. So don’t waste your breath,” he cast a dark look at where Harry, Ron and Hermione sat while he spoke.
Oooooh! I wonder what he's been up to?
Originally Posted by firenjen
Forty minutes into the lesson and Hermione was bottling up her potion, which was exactly the right colour and thickness. She was about to set her vial of liquid down on Snape’s desk when a slight burning on her chest made her drop it. It smashed, but she ignored it. Looking around so that no one could see, she reached down the front of her robes and pulled out the necklace. It was glowing in the same way it had done the previous night, but was now hot to the touch. Without knowing what she was doing, she cast a look round the room, searching for the blonde headed, pale pointed face.
Malfoy caught her eye immediately. He did nothing, but stated, his own hand on something around his neck. He continued to stare, until-
“GRANGER! Clear that up now!” Snape’s voice rattled though her mind, and her gaze broke immediately.
“Yes sir,” she said, vanishing it with her wand
Did Draco cause that heat? Is this mind control? Does that mean she's not really attractd to him? Hmmmmm...
Yay, new chappie! Hmmmmm, I wonder what's up with that necklace???? Does Draco even like her, or is he just trying to control her or something? I. Must. Know. It was fantastic, Please PAMS PAMS! (:
*gips* Oh did you have to? It's enough to make a girl see her turkey sandwhiches again!
Dont be mean to my draco!!!
d Draco cause that heat? Is this mind control? Does that mean she's not really attractd to him? Hmmmmm...
Good stuff! More soon please!
Originally Posted by emilyblack
Does Draco even like her, or is he just trying to control her or something?
Blimey, you lot are so suspicious!! Maybe deep down he's lovely kind and sensetive??
Ok, maybe not, but he IS SMEXY!
♥♥♥My heart is out at sea. And my Head's al over the place. I'm losing sense of time, and everything tastes the same.
I'll be home in a day. I fear that's a month too late. ♥♥♥
It was with a grim dissatisfaction that the three made there way to double potions that afternoon. Harry and Ron had only one aim in mind – to watch Snape, and unravel the mystery that was his return. Hermione, however, had to feign an interest in this. Because today would be the first time that she was in a lesson with Draco. She was flustered, she was worried. She could not let the other two know anything about what had previously passed between them. She was hoping that enough time had passed to enable the other two to forget that she had told them about her deepest darkest secret: that she was in love with Draco Malfoy. Seeing as no one had brought it up since Ron decided to forgive her, she thought that the only option was to pretend, if ever asked, that she had simply gotten over it.
But what would she do today? She couldn’t do anything in front of Ron and Harry, yet she didn’t think she could bring herself to ignore Draco if he spoke to her. It would be like turning away from a crying baby. Except he wasn’t a baby…he was a toned, chiselled hunk of perfectness…..
Hermione was brought back to her senses when she felt the cool air of the dungeon hit her face. Luckily-or unluckily, depending on how you look at it,- the class had already gone in. That meant that she would not have to pretend Malfoy didn’t exist while in such close proximity.
It also meant that, by Snape’s standards, they were late.
“Ah, finally,” he sneered as they hurried into class. “Lateness for the first lesson of my return? I think we’ll make that 20 points apiece from Potter and Weasley, and thirty from Miss Granger.” He sneered and turned to face the class, ignoring Harry and Ron’s objections.
He knows! Hermione thought, remembering the interruption of the previous night. He knows, and now he’s punishing me.
She blew a strand of frizzy hair out of her face and turned to watch Snape, now addressing the class.
“As you are all aware,” he started. “I have been away for some time. Before the questions start I would like to inform you all that it is of no business to any of you what I do or where I go in my spare time. So don’t waste your breath,” he cast a dark look at where Harry, Ron and Hermione sat while he spoke.
“Now I would like you all to prepare for me a vanishing potion. I trust the substitute was sufficient enough to teach you something as simple as that, but it is, of course, doubtful. Lets see how you get on.”
He waved his wand and a method appeared on the blackboard. Hermione got to work strait away, occasionally muttering instructions to the others.
Forty minutes into the lesson and Hermione was bottling up her potion, which was exactly the right colour and thickness. She was about to set her vial of liquid down on Snape’s desk when a slight burning on her chest made her drop it. It smashed, but she ignored it. Looking around so that no one could see, she reached down the front of her robes and pulled out the necklace. It was glowing in the same way it had done the previous night, but was now hot to the touch. Without knowing what she was doing, she cast a look round the room, searching for the blonde headed, pale pointed face.
Malfoy caught her eye immediately. He did nothing, but stated, his own hand on something around his neck. He continued to stare, until-
“GRANGER! Clear that up now!” Snape’s voice rattled though her mind, and her gaze broke immediately.
“Yes sir,” she said, vanishing it with her wand
“And an extra 10 points from Gryffindor for clumsiness.” He sneered as he swept past her.[/QUOTE]
Read: Before you read this, cast your mind back to the letter for harry, that was from pansty that harry thought was a joke. He then proceded to say horrible stuff like he hated her blah blah blah...yeah so just remember that lol. get it? Got it? Good
The three left potions that afternoon in a flood of annoyance. Hermione led the group, her angry footsteps having more to do with the fact that she needed to find out what had happened to the necklace during the lesson than the injustace of having points taken away. Her thoughts drowned out the angry utterances of Harry and Ron, who trudges wearily behind her, barging through crows of people and scattering their books on the cold stone floor with no regret.
When the three haulted. Malfoy, Pansy and Crabbe stood infront of them, their pathway blocked by the trio. Hermione looked away, anywhere but at Malfoy. Crabbe stared menacingly at Ron, who gulped and tried (unsucsessfully) to look just as menicingly back, and Pansy...well, there was something different about Pansy too. She looked down, studying her shoes, her arms wrapped tightly around her school books, hugging them tightly to her. She looked..sad? She too, was avoiding someones gaze. She was avoiding Harry's gaze.
They stood there for a moment, Malfoys group at a loss for what to say, what with Malfoy and Hermione, and Pansy avoiding Harry. Only Crabbe and Ron continued to eye each other up. The trio were also confused. Why wasn't Malfoy throwing out snide comments? Hermione knew why. And why wasnt Pansy sneering alongside him? Harry and Ron both knew why.
Crabbe chuckled. "Get outta tha way," he grunted. "Ginger."
Rons face flared. His knuckles balled up into fists. Hermione put a calming hand over them, pushing them down back by his sides. Crabbe gave anothr chuckle, obviously deciding to take the lead, as Malfoy seemed to not be able to at that moment in time. "Get Outta tha way!" he repeated, chins wobbling furiously. It was, afterall, his moment to shine, his moment to let everyone know that he could be the leader, not just the henchman. "Pansy," he grunted, "Make yer boyfriend move!" And he began to chuckle at his own joke, guffawing so loudly that it sounded as iff a pig was being strangled.
But it had hit a nerve. Harry stoood, uneasy, and Pansy turned on her heel and swept away, sobs issuing from the direction that she flew in. Everyone looked at Harry, except for Crabbe, who was rolling on the floor. Everybody there knew, of course, about the note from pansy, and harry thinking it was a trick from Malfoy. He had already put his foot in it once already, hadn't he.
He rolled his eyes and threw his hands up in defeat under the gaze of Ron, Hermone and Malfoy. "Fine." He muttered with venom.
"Pansy, wait!" he called, pushing through the crowds of watching spectators and running after her.
♥♥♥My heart is out at sea. And my Head's al over the place. I'm losing sense of time, and everything tastes the same.
I'll be home in a day. I fear that's a month too late. ♥♥♥
That was a good chapter...i like it
Crabbe, is sooo horrid! and to Pansy!
I like that Harry is gunna go sort it out
Thanks! I know right! EVIL CRABBE! but, think of it this way, hes rolling around on the floor right now, laughing. Odds are that he'll get trodden on when eveyone runs to see what Harry's gonna do about pansy
So alls well that ends well
Originally Posted by SenoritaMaxie
Me like. =p
I like that you like
Originally Posted by Maxiee
*le gasp*
*runs from scary maxie*
Is it? I DUNNO!! i will be the last to know whats going on lol
Originally Posted by Maxie
Okay, forget that. I'm hyper right now, I think. So yes, excuse the ... ODD exclamations. =DD
♥♥♥My heart is out at sea. And my Head's al over the place. I'm losing sense of time, and everything tastes the same.
I'll be home in a day. I fear that's a month too late. ♥♥♥
Harry did not want to do this. He REALLY did not want to do this. But, as much as he loathed Pansy, last time ahd been horrible, and he felt equally horrible just letting her run off like that. It would not happen again, even tho he was pretty sure that he was going to regret this.
He ignored the crowds of people rushing after him to see what would happen, and stopped running, looking around. She cant have got much further than this.
When he heard sobbing coming from a nearby empty classroom.
"You lot," he said, turning to face the spectators. "Sod off. Now."
He turned his back on them and shut the door, slamming it that it nearly sent Colin Creevy flying. "Sorry Colin," he called, opening the door again.
He shut it more carefully this time.
Pansy was huddled in one corner, facing the wall, trying earnestly to stem the flow of tears with one arm of her robe. Harry gulped. It wasnt too late to turn back was it?
Yes. It was. She knew he was there.
But what do you say in a situation like this? To someone you've hated since first year?
"Its alright," she said. "s'not your fault..."
"Really? Well i'll just get going then - "
"Of COURSE its your fault!" She turned to him. Eck.
"Well i...."
"I gave you that note hoping you would be nice about it. Like the great Harry Potter should be!"
"But i thought it -"
"You thought it was a trick?" She narrowed her eyes at him.
"Well..yes." He rubbed his neck nervously.
She was silent.
"Well you can hardly blame me, can you?!" Harry said.
"Right," said Pansy. "No, your right. No one could blame Harry Potter for being too good for some Slytherin girl."
She said it quietly, but it stung. He would have prefered her to shout, to scream. Hearing it quietly uttered..it wasnt nice.
She gave him one fleeting glance and darted from the room, again sending the door slamming. When harry emerged minutes later, it was to see Colin laying on the floor, bloody hankerchief clutched to his nose. He grinned at Harry.
Meanwhile, Hermione and Malfoy had broken away from the crowd struggling to follow harry and listen to what he was going to say to Pansy. Malfoy took her hand, and strode with her to the part of the corridor that was most deserted.
"In potions," he said, "What happened. The necklace - "
Hermiones eyes bulged. "I thought you were doing that!"
Malfoy shook his head. Confusion bubbled.
"But then, whats it doing?"
"No idea," frowned Malfoy. "I - "
He stopped. Voices were drifting back up the corridor.
"They're coming."
He gave Hermione a long glance, and left.
Hermione pelted off in the other direction. She was going to the library.
♥♥♥My heart is out at sea. And my Head's al over the place. I'm losing sense of time, and everything tastes the same.
I'll be home in a day. I fear that's a month too late. ♥♥♥
Woah, two chappies! They were great! So Malfoy wasn't doing anything with the necklace... Hmmmm. Interesting. So what's up with it??? I feel a little bit bad for Pansy and all but please don't put them together. That would be disgusting to read... No offense to the Pansy/Harry lovers and all, but ewe. Anyways.... Great chapter, waiting for more! PAMS PLEASE (: