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Candy Display Case (Finished Fanfiction)A dazzling showcase of fully wrapped-up stories, these sweet treats are polished and ready for your reading pleasure!
Fabulous! A tender moment ruined by Snape. He's so unfair, 40 points from Gryfindor and nothing from Slytherin?
I'm still wondering if Draco is up to something unpleasant though... I can't bring myself to trust him! Sorry!
you're forgiven he might be tho...who knows? and i love that snape is back
♥♥♥My heart is out at sea. And my Head's al over the place. I'm losing sense of time, and everything tastes the same.
I'll be home in a day. I fear that's a month too late. ♥♥♥
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Woah! Intense! I can't believe Snape ruined the moment! I wanted them to kiss but Snape had to swoop in and steal the show. What happened to him, anyways? I thought he retired. I love the idea of the necklace acting as a cord that they can talk through. It's so cute! Gerat post! Loved it! Can't wait for more!
PS: Sorry that i didn't reply in a long time!
aw...it was so sweet and then comes our Mr.Snape with abnormally long nose to poke in other people's business...40 points off...that is ridiculous...waiting for more...and hey what's goin on at Pansy,Harry and Ron's side? waiting...:-)
awww...... so sweet...... the necklace is their connection! luvv it! i had not realized snape had retired tho!!!! interesting! PAMS!
It was in one of the first chappies. He left because he couldn't look at harry anymore without seeing Lily and it hurt to much ♥
Originally Posted by harita
aw...it was so sweet and then comes our Mr.Snape with abnormally long nose to poke in other people's business...40 points off...that is ridiculous...waiting for more...and hey what's goin on at Pansy,Harry and Ron's side? waiting...:-)
All in good time lil buddy
♥♥♥My heart is out at sea. And my Head's al over the place. I'm losing sense of time, and everything tastes the same.
I'll be home in a day. I fear that's a month too late. ♥♥♥
Hermione stared down at the necklace, hands trembling. Then, suddenly, a voice filled her head.
“The Dungeons,” it said.
She had a feeling, no, she knew, that no one else could hear it. She didn’t know how or why. But it seemed to be issuing from a strange connection, linking her mind with the necklace. She got up immediately. It was useless to try and ignore the voice, it was deep, powerful and overcoming. Yet it was sweet. Loving even.
She crossed the room, her bare feet muffling any noise, and crept out of the common room.
Dark shadows filled the castles draughty hallways. A whistling wind intruded on the silence, followed by echoes of moving armour and portraits. It was eerie, but the necklace seemed to act as a protector. The voice was still ringing around her head.
“The dungeons.”
When she reached the dungeons, she waited, guarded by the necklace, that was still casting its strange red and green glow around her neck. The two figures stayed stuck together. She watched it for a while, until something in the darkness caught her eye.
A flash of silver. Hermione looked up, to see Draco standing in the corridor up ahead. The same red and green glow was issuing from his neck too.
“You got my gift,” he said softly when he reached her. Hermione nodded, reached out and pulled on the front of Draco’s robes. When she did, she gasped. Tucked neatly inside the neck of Draco’s robes was an exact replica of her necklace. She held the charms in her hand and looked up at him. Draco gave a soft, sad smile.
“It’s beautiful,” said Hermione. “Where-“
Draco put a finger to her lips. “Don’t worry about that,” he smiled.
“But then, how?” she said.
“Magic.” Said Draco simply. “Whenever I need to speak to you, the necklace will connect us. Like a cord or a rope, that we can…talk.”
“MALFOY! GRANGER!” Shouted a horribly familiar voice from behind them. They both jumped apart and turned to see-
“Nigh time wanderings?” sneered Snape. “Get back to your dorms, both of you!” he snapped. “And forty points from Gryffindor!”
He grabbed Draco by the arm and sped him off in the direction of the Slytherin Common room. Hermione stood shocked. He’d come back? But Snape had retired!
“GO!” He yelled, casting a backward glance to Hermione. She ran off in the direction of the Entrance Hall.
"He...He's back?!" gasped Ron from the puffy armchair in the corner of the common room. "But... he cant be!" He instantly turned a violent shade of green at Hermione's news, and sunk lower in his chair untill he was almost completly obscured by cushions. Grimacing, he raised his hands and pressed a finger from each against his temples. "Ugh...and i was doing so well without him in potions." He looked up too see Harry and Hermione's raised eyebrows. "Well..sort of." He added.
"How do you know this anyway?" Asked Harry, narrowing his eyes at Hermione. She had rushed into the common room form her dorm first thing in the morning. They hadn't even had breakfast yet. As far as Harry knew, between going to bed and waking this morning, Hermione had had no time at all to leave the common room.
"I saw him," she said without thinking. She tried to conceal the colour rising in her cheeks, hiding behind the large copy of Hogwarts: A History for the thousandth time.
"You saw him?" Said Harry, his brow furrows. "When?"
"Er..sometime," said Hermione, who for once was unable to think of the perfect cover story. It must be Draco's influence. Harry continued to eye her with suspicion, but Ron, however, seemed satisfied and went back to massaging his temples with a slimey grimace still etched between his freckles.
"But what's he come back for!" Harry burst out. "He was gone! He RESIGNED! Why would he come back?"
"Maybe..." Hermione pondered. "Maybe Dumbledore needs him. Something for the order."
"Yeah," chirped in Ron. "Or maybe You Know Who ordered him back to keep spying,"
"Yeah," agreed harry, taking any chance to believe the worst of Snape. "That'll be it. He needs him to keep spying on things." He spat.
Ron nodded feverently.
"Well, yes i suppose that could be it," said Hermione, frowning. Harry knew this was due to her incomprahendable disability to theink the worst of any teacher. But she had to face facts.
"Well i guess we'll see today," said Hermione. Ron gave another groan form the corner. Double potions.
"Watch out for any funny behaviour," Harry ordered. "If he's back, he'll be back for a reason. Im going to get dressed."
He gave them both a stern look, and Hermione one last suspicious glance, and ascended the stairs to the boys dormitories.
Sorry its been so long people! A LOT of school work. GRRR!! Forgive me?
♥♥♥My heart is out at sea. And my Head's al over the place. I'm losing sense of time, and everything tastes the same.
I'll be home in a day. I fear that's a month too late. ♥♥♥
Of course we forgive you... If you forgive me for missing two chapters!!!! I'm soooo sorry. Ok so, the necklace is their connection; that's so cute. I'm glad to know what was going on with that whole sticking together thing... Snape is back??? Hmmmm.. I wonder what's up... *strokes imaginary beard* Can't wait to find out; keep up the awesomeness! PAMS!PAMS! (:
Of course we forgive you... If you forgive me for missing two chapters!!!! I'm soooo sorry. Ok so, the necklace is their connection; that's so cute. I'm glad to know what was going on with that whole sticking together thing... Snape is back??? Hmmmm.. I wonder what's up... *strokes imaginary beard* Can't wait to find out; keep up the awesomeness! PAMS!PAMS! (:
Dont worry about missing chappies!! silly and thanks
Originally Posted by HannahLongbottom
Forgive you? Of course! We all have real lives!
Excellent chapter lovely! Pams!!
YAY! *tackles*
Originally Posted by PotterGirl714
PAMS! I love it please post more soon!
Originally Posted by SenoritaMaxie
I check this ficcie every day, my Firengine.
you...you...you do?
Originally Posted by maxiee
But looks like today is my luckkkyyyy one. Because you UPDATED. *shnuggles you*
Good post, and I wonder what Severus<3 is up to. Stuff for the Order, maybe? Eeep, I need to know! Post more soon, pretty please.
*snuggles back*
I LOVE you my maxie
♥♥♥My heart is out at sea. And my Head's al over the place. I'm losing sense of time, and everything tastes the same.
I'll be home in a day. I fear that's a month too late. ♥♥♥
♥ Socelyn | #Jeness | S W A G | ShortPerson&TallPerson | Nade ♥
I totally forgive you my Jennerz.
Although I hope you can forgive mwa, because I forgot all about the PM you sent out to me.
I'm sorry!
Although I'm here now; so on to the post! ;;;
I will find out!!! in the next chappie....
&& Harry is getting suspicious of Hermione.... not because I read the last line of the chappie
Loved the chapter mah Jennerzz. <3
I totally forgive you my Jennerz.
Although I hope you can forgive mwa, because I forgot all about the PM you sent out to me.
I'm sorry!
Although I'm here now; so on to the post! ;;;
I will find out!!! in the next chappie....
&& Harry is getting suspicious of Hermione.... not because I read the last line of the chappie
Loved the chapter mah Jennerzz. <3
Originally Posted by SenoritaMaxie
Yush, I dooooo.
*loves on you MORE*
Originally Posted by RoseMalfoy
sorry ive missed aloot of chapters
but i just caught up and i love it!
cant wait for the next chapter!
thats ok! ta!
will hopefully be updating soon............ish.......
♥♥♥My heart is out at sea. And my Head's al over the place. I'm losing sense of time, and everything tastes the same.
I'll be home in a day. I fear that's a month too late. ♥♥♥