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Candy Display Case (Finished Fanfiction) A dazzling showcase of fully wrapped-up stories, these sweet treats are polished and ready for your reading pleasure!

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Old 02-25-2007, 12:38 AM   #101 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Jacqueline Marie Granger
Sixth Year
Run, Emma, Run!

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! I love that song!!!! And you are so right! It does tie into the story!
I love the new post! But what's going to happen to Harry and Dom?
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Old 02-25-2007, 05:15 AM   #102 (permalink)
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Sweet, I took an IQ test...
I think it's lower than about 6 months ago... yet I'm getting better marks in schol...
It's an adult test tho, so it's a great score (111 apparently).
What it says is true!!
It says:

'Your Intellectual Type is Insightful Linguist. This means you are highly intelligent and have the natural fluency of a writer and the visual and spatial strengths of an artist. Those skills contribute to your creative and expressive mind. And that's just some of what we know about you from your test results'

Ok, the whole visulal and spatial strengths of an artist stuff isn't all that true... but apparently it's something moviemakers have and I've made movies in the past that have made people laugh and cry... all use different pictures along to music. So it's like, right!
And I retook it and got 113...
And it said:
'This means you have exceptional verbal skills. You can easily make sense of complex issues and take an unusually creative approach to solving problems. Your strengths also make you a visionary. Even without trying you're able to come up with lots of new and creative ideas.'
Huh... I always wondered why I did so great on writing areas in English classes, back when I was 6 my story was so good for my age it got submitted to some contest (I still remember it... it was about a horse named Blue and how he and his friends got stuck inside a metal barn that caved in from a hurricane and he saved everyone), and I still get one of the best marks story-writing now-a-days...
But I'm not much of a visonary... I don't get how I keep getting that 0_o (I tried to draw a skull and crossbones in a sign like the poison sign and it looked like a deranged sabertooth tiger dog elephant thing. Never knew it was possible to mix those things before science class a few days ago...). I mean my dad says movie-makers are visionaries like I said b4 and ya...
And now I got 115...
Same thing as what my first definition thingy said (Word Warrior). Cool...
And I did the whole thing a 4th time and purposefully got the ones I knew were right wrong and tohers I didn't know I guess as normal and I got 79 and it STILL said I'm creative and visual! FREAKY!

I'm almost done the next post. It'll be up within the next 7-9 days

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Last edited by MalfoyzBeloved; 02-25-2007 at 05:28 AM.
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Old 02-25-2007, 09:52 PM   #103 (permalink)
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first time reader..just read all the post o_O u r a brill writer such a good FF one of the best i've read o_O PAMSPAMSPAMS
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Old 02-25-2007, 10:35 PM   #104 (permalink)
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Run, Emma, Run!

7 to 9 days!!!!!!!!!!! That is to long!!!!! Please make it sooner!

A very big thank you to Cassirin at Anna and Ern's Box of Every Flavor Beans for this wonderful siggy!
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Old 02-25-2007, 11:32 PM   #105 (permalink)
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That is to long!!!!! Please make it sooner!
I've had readers wait longer than a weekish that on this F.F. Trust me, it'll seem like nothing once it's been like, a week.

Besides, I'm working on like, 4 or 5 other F.Fs, and another I'm promising to put up eventually I haven't even started. And with homework it all adds up (gah, if this continues into 10th grade it'll be even LONGER waits cause of the semester system coming in and I'll have more homework).
Dreams isn't my top priority to write right now, but once I get to it, it's almost done so once it is I'll post it. I dunno when exactly but it won't be any longer than 2 weeks.
This is why I like getting ahead... it takes me awhile to write chapters cause I just like to make it... readable and good and stuff (it takes a few days to get an idea, and a weekish to actually write it. I'm a... slight perfectionist... people sometimes disagree on the slight part if I'm painting or drawing something but ya )
So just hang in there! Time will fly by!

All I know is I'll post it before I possibly go to Calgary (my mom wants to escape my visiting uncle for a few days and she suggested we take a cheap flight and visit family, more like my cousin really, in Calgary for a few days, which'll be in mid-March sometime, like, 2nd week of it most likely, so before that I'll post).
Til then you can read my other F.Fs I just finished one and am working on its sequel (that's taking my top priority cause I wanna get it up and running as soon as possible. I've told people what my idea for a Dramione F.F I have is and they really want it up cause it's 'a very original plot' as they say, and I wanna end my f.f writing on that F.F so I've also been trying to work on that one).
But it won't be to long before the next chapter comes up! Promise!

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Last edited by MalfoyzBeloved; 02-25-2007 at 11:33 PM.
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Old 02-26-2007, 09:14 PM   #106 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Jacqueline Marie Granger
Sixth Year
Run, Emma, Run!

Okay okay I'll trust you when you say that time will fly by.
But if it doesn't I'm gonna go crazy! I just really hate the suspense! It kills me!
I know the pain of homework! And I sometimes get a lot of it and I just break down! I start complaining and the then my teachers end up giving me more. Which is so unfair!
I am so gonna go and read your other fanfics! I bet they are just as fantastic as this one!

Well I'll try to wait patiently!

A very big thank you to Cassirin at Anna and Ern's Box of Every Flavor Beans for this wonderful siggy!
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Old 03-02-2007, 01:43 AM   #107 (permalink)
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ok, this is a fairly short post. Sorry bout that, but there wasn't much I couold think off once I restarted on the chapter (I went about halfway through but stopped for a bit to work on other F.Fs and stuff and ya...)
Anyways here's the next chapter!

Chapter 15

The two were then left alone by the Death Eaters, not getting food or water for three days. When no one else was around, they (more Harry because Dom was fairly weak as it was) conjure up two glasses and water, but they couldn’t get food. At least with water they could survive a few weeks.

Suddenly there was yelling and lights flashing outside the barred window. Harry and Dom stayed where they were, figuring they’d find out if it was just the Death Eaters fooling around or something else...

The door crashed open and hit the stone wall of the cell. Dom curled up into a ball in the corner, instinctively expecting the worst. Harry tried to shrink back, so he jumped out of surprise.

“Come on!”

Harry squinted beyond the sudden light and saw a bubblegum pink head. It was Tonks! Harry jumped up quickly, his head spinning from the sudden movement.

“Come on,” Harry said to Dom. She peered over her shoulder and saw it was an Auror and got up as well.

“We don’t have all day!”

Harry pulled Dom along (she was still fairly weak) and got to the door.
“Grab my arm and hold on!”

Harry and Dom did as they were told. The sudden sensation of being pushed through a very small tube pressured Harry. Just as he felt like pushing back, the sensation was gone and they were at Hogsmeade Station. Or at least that’s what Harry assumed, it was pitch black when he opened his eyes. All he could see is the distant lights of Hogwarts and Tonks’s pink hair.

“I’ve got to go,” Tonks said to the two.

“Thanks, I owe you one,” Harry said to Tonks quickly. She smiled and Disapparated.

As soon as Tonks was gone, Dom fainted. Harry caught her just before she fell to the ground. With his remaining strength, Harry carried Dom back to Hogwarts with him.

“Potter!” Professor McGonagall met Harry at the Main Entrance. Harry opened his mouth to respond, but his vision suddenly distorted and everything went black.

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Last edited by MalfoyzBeloved; 03-02-2007 at 01:44 AM.
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Old 03-02-2007, 03:25 AM   #108 (permalink)
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I can honestly say there's only 17 chapters. Seems sudden now... seems just like yesterday I was stuck at chapter 4 with like, no readers, now it's at an end with people that enjoy reading this
I'm almost done this F.F actually, I'm on the last chapter (that's how I know). Chapter 16 is rather long to make up for chapter 15's shortness, and so far I can say the same about chapter 17.
This is one of the rare times one of my F.Fs ends happily... no deaths (no big deaths I should say) at the end
It'll probably be done by the end of the week (Sunday), so ya... just a warning that Dreams is coming to an end, and a rather close end at that (I don't wanna go on and on with this F.F, so I skipped a few months in chapter 17... hehehe... )
So ya, just letting you know

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Last edited by MalfoyzBeloved; 03-02-2007 at 03:26 AM.
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Old 03-02-2007, 03:43 AM   #109 (permalink)
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Jacqueline Marie Granger
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Run, Emma, Run!

First of all...Awsome post!!!!!!
Second of all... What? It's coming to an end...already? It's to soon though!
Thirdly... Is there a sequel or something?... Are Far Away or Only Hope the sequel?


A very big thank you to Cassirin at Anna and Ern's Box of Every Flavor Beans for this wonderful siggy!
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Old 03-02-2007, 04:04 AM   #110 (permalink)
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I don't truly have time for a sequel. All I can say right now is it can be anything you want it to be.

Far Away is the sequel to Fallen (I've already started it, I've been working the most on that, that was the one taking away from writing Dreams).
Only Hope is an entirely different story. It's a new F.F, who knew story and everything. Everyone's been wanting me to put up the F.F I thought of over a year ago and mentioned so I named it and am waiting until I finish all my other F.Fs (so far it's just posting the end to this one and No Matter What).
So most likely no, BUT IF THERE IS (which I don't think there will be, if so it'd be a LONG LONG LONG wait cause I have NNNOOOO ideas... and I think I kinda ended the F.F in a way that would make it impossible to write a sequel).

So Far Away is a sequel to Fallen and Only Hope is a totally different story (it's another Dramione story. Apparently its such an original idea that people seem to want that one up more than Far Away, and they found out about Only Hope AFTER I told them about Far Away ).

So... ya! Most likely there'll be no sequel, so don't get your hopes too high on there being one, but if there ever is a sequel I'll inform you first thing!

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Last edited by MalfoyzBeloved; 03-02-2007 at 04:05 AM.
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Old 03-03-2007, 12:52 AM   #111 (permalink)
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Jacqueline Marie Granger
Sixth Year
Run, Emma, Run!

Awww thanks!!!
Well even if the story is going to end I am so happy to have had the chance to read it!
You are a fantastic writer and I am sure your next two stories are going to be such as fantastic!

But until the story ends...


A very big thank you to Cassirin at Anna and Ern's Box of Every Flavor Beans for this wonderful siggy!
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Old 03-04-2007, 06:36 PM   #112 (permalink)
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so much for Dreams ending this week...
Anyways, here's the next post! 2nd-to-last chapter. This chapter is long, and it's kinda weird actually... (well I think, with what's going on with Harry. I just came up with the idea somewhat randomly ).
I couldn't think of a good chapter title so I went back to what I did a few chapters back. There's meant to be a bit of humour in it cause of how it somewhat contradicts the chapter itself...
Anyways, enjoy!

Chapter 16
We’re Sure Harry’s Fine, Ron...

“Are you sure he’s going to be ok? It’s been days, Madam Pomfrey...”

“He’ll wake up when he’s good and ready, Ms. Fraser.”

Harry could understand everything going on around him, but when he tried to move he felt excruciating pain ripple throughout his body. A moan came from his mouth, which caused a silence of voices. He wanted to get up, but he could seem to.

“But what happened exactly? He’s just been... moaning like that for days.”

The sound of Dom’s voice calmed Harry; his pain subsided within moments, a peace entering his mind.

“It’s a sign, dear. He took a hard hit to the head when he fainted over a week ago.”

A week? An entire week? What’ve I missed? Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Dom... classes and fun times and...

“It doesn’t sound like a good sign, Madam Pomfrey,” Dom responded with a snappy edge.

“Well it is. With at least moaning you’ll know he’ll be fine, since he’s able to control his voice in that way. You were the same for the past four and a half days, but you’re fine now.”

Dom was in the same state? What’s happened? What’s going on?

“Well it isn’t nearly five days anymore,” Dom pointed out.

“He’ll come around soon, Ms. Fraser. Until then it’s best if he was left...”

“I’m not going anywhere,” Dom cut in flatly.

Madam Pomfrey sighed and seemed to walk away; Harry wasn’t sure if she was tapping her foot impatiently or actually walking away. When the noise of shoes hitting the stone ground subsided, he felt a warm hand grasp his.

“It’s safe now, Harry... everyone’s been worried sick about you, Madam Pomfrey has been making that clear for the past week... Hermione’s been making sure you know what’s for homework when you get back actually...”

Harry found that rather amusing, he would’ve chuckled but all he could do was moan (apparently). Typical Hermione, schooling always cam first.

“But Ron’s been going on about why you shouldn’t have gone. Of course, Hermione told me he was just mad because you refused to let him join you on your... visit to the... manor.”

Harry tried to move again, but his body once again refused.

“Everyone’s been wondering why you’ve been like this... in this state of mind or whatever. Frankly no one seems to know, not even Madam Pomfrey, let alone me, who’s been through it. I’m only guessing there was something about the spells around that stupid place we were trapped in... All I truly know and remember is not being able to move... that’s it.”

That’s it? She doesn’t remember being stuck in your own body being able to hear everything but not see or be able to move? Nothing else?

“It’s been rather boring lately... the Quidditch team has been practicing so they don’t loose their touch, but it’s not as... fun without you there.”

Harry tried to move his neck. He almost scared himself, it moved just a little bit. It wasn’t noticeable, but he could at least move it slightly.

“Even with Seamus blowing things up and lighting them on fire in class, it’s just not the same,” Dom added, chuckling to herself. “It’s been affecting everyone, even Malfoy seems affected. I’m only assuming it’s because you and I managed to get out, but I’m also assuming it has to do with him not being able to pick on you or have the challenge of picking on you, Ron, Hermione, and me as a whole.”

Malfoy? Affected? Ha! I bet he’s all sullen because his daddy dearest can’t even keep in ‘some underage wizards’.

“Ms. Fraser, visiting hours are over!” Madam Pomfrey snapped from a distance.

“Ya, ya...” Dom muttered. “I’ll be back later I s’pose. Stupid homework... still haven’t caught up on it.”

Her hand slipped from his. Harry then felt a kiss on his cheek. He wanted to reach out and feel her touch just one last time before who knows how long. He wanted the warmth and peacefulness she brought when he heard her voice, felt her lips upon his skin...

He heard footsteps slowly grow more distant until he heard a door slam shut.

“That girl...” he heard Madam Pomfrey mumbled as she bustled around Harry’s bed. He felt the healer force his mouth open and drop some potion contents into his mouth. He seemed able enough to swallow it, so he did. “Good...” Madam Pomfrey then left.

As the potion spread through his system, the muscles in Harry’s body seemed to loosen in response to the potion. He tried moving his neck again; it flopped to the other side of the pillow.

I can move!

He arched his back to crack the bones in his spine, he could! He moved his arm and wrist to crack the bones that hadn’t moved in over a week; success! Harry then tried to open his eyes; it felt as if lead had pulled them down. He tried opening his mouth, same issue.

Bloody hell...

Harry waited for hours in dead silence. He was so bored he mentally talked to himself for hours on end, waiting for something to happen, waiting for someone to visit, waiting to be able to move.

After what felt like days, Harry tried to open his mouth; success! He tried to speak, but found difficulty in doing so (he meant to say ‘yes!’ but it came out as ‘nuith!’) He waited longer, still mentally talking to himself. He tried to open his eyes slowly; they twitched as they did so, distorting his vision once more, but either way Harry could see.

“I can see!” he exclaimed. “I can speak too apparently!”

He stretched his arms and then his legs. He swung his legs over the bed of the hospital wing and suddenly felt a harsh throbbing in his forehead. He winced and groaned at the pain of a thousand knives being thrust into his head.

“Don’t overdo yourself, Potter!”

He looked up and saw Madam Pomfrey hurrying over to his with a glass at hand. He eyes it suspiciously. Either way, it was still force-fed down his throat and into his system.

“Finally... it’s been well over a week now...” Madam Pomfrey then left Harry at the side of his bed, his head still throbbing.

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Last edited by MalfoyzBeloved; 03-25-2007 at 07:20 AM.
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Old 03-05-2007, 01:18 AM   #113 (permalink)

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OMG That was so great!!
I wish this could never end.
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Old 03-05-2007, 02:19 AM   #114 (permalink)
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I'll post the final chapter (next chapter) sometime within the next few days

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Old 03-06-2007, 11:19 PM   #115 (permalink)
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Whatever, it's been a couple days...
Anyways, here's the last chapter It was fun I gotta say... putting off all those days I coulda been working on this for other F.Fs and when I finally got to this one since my creative mind was more open, ideas came easier (most of the time )
Enjoy the last chapter.

Chapter 17
The Hogwarts Express

Dom found Harry awake the next day. With Madam Pomfrey’s permission (she didn’t really ask, Madam Pomfrey just said ‘go ahead’ as Dom walked by), Dom brought Harry out of the hospital wing.
The weeks passed by and it soon came to Christmas. Harry invited Dom to Grimmauld Place with Ron, Hermione and Ginny. It was a fairly quiet Christmas for the Weasleys and the others, even with Order members coming and going throughout the holiday. They all heard the stories of what happened to Dom and Harry, both from them and from The Daily Prophet. Tonks also seemed to enjoy telling how she rescued them from the Malfoy Estate. Tonks especially boasted that she and the other Aurors managed to get all of the Death Eaters in the Manor, which was all of them, either dead or in Azkaban. Dom found out her parents were among the dead, but she didn’t truly care that they were, she was more than happy actually, they deserved it. The one person that obviously didn’t get caught was Lord Voldemort; he wasn’t anywhere to be found inside the manor.
Months passed by in peace, it seemed as though nothing would destroy the serenity Hogwarts finally had. Nothing broke the spell Hogwarts seemed to be under, not even when it came to June.

Harry, Hermione, Ron and Dom got into the Hogwarts Express along with other students. They found an empty compartment near the front of the train after some searching from the back up the entire way. They all sat down in a seat and chatted about their year.
“It seems just like yesterday we were on the train to Hogwarts last September...” Hermione commented airily as she looked out the window at the landscape slowly passing. It soon became a blur as the train picked up speed from the Hogsmeade Station, seeming to slowly make its way back to King’s Cross.
“Ya, time does fly by doesn’t it?” Ron said sarcastically, rolling his eyes. Hermione whacked him in the shoulder (rather hard). “’Ey!”
“Anyways, where’s Ginny...?” Hermione wondered, acting as if she hadn’t done anything.
“Probably with Neville and Loony...”
“What? She probably is! She always is actually...”
Hermione rolled her eyes.
“Well I’m going to find them,” Hermione said as she got up. She left the compartment, and Ron seemed willing to follow, leaving Dom and Harry alone in the compartment. Dom slid closer to Harry and leaned against him, his arm around her.
“So can you say you’ve had an interesting year?” Harry asked curiously.
“I’ve had similar years, but not as enjoyable as this one,” Dom responded, chuckling lightly.
“So you’re saying you’ve been kidnapped halfway through the school year before?” Harry asked cheekily. Dom rolled her eyes overdramatically.
“No, I’m just saying I’ve never had a better year, both in school and in my life altogether.”
“So you’re happy your parents got killed?”
“I’ve waited for the day,” Dom responded, shrugging. “I tried counting the days but it didn’t exactly work.”
A silence crept between the two for a long while; Ron and Hermione seem to have joined Ginny wherever she was.
“I have a question for you actually...”
“Go ahead.”
“It’s just... whenever I had my... premonitions as I’ll call them... you were always in a dungeon or in prison cell or whatever you want to call it. Where you locked inside it and used it as a room?”
“No...” Dom responded, shaking her head slowly. “But I always felt that way, like I had nowhere to go, like I was... locked away, thrown into some old place and left to suffer for the rest of my life, my only escape being the one you always saw me through, the one I never saw...” She looked up at Harry for a moment to see him looking back down with a mischievous smile. She pulled his head farther down and kissed him.
“So dreams really do come true, eh?” Harry asked after Dom pulled.
“Dreams come true,” Dom concluded with a smile.

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Old 03-10-2007, 09:13 PM   #116 (permalink)
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Run, Emma, Run!

Awwwwww!!!!! It's over!!!!! Nooooooo!
But I guess I can't do nothing about it... at least it was a brilliant story!
Sarah the story was wonderful and I enjoyed it a lot! I can't wait for your other stories to be up so I could go crazy over those! lol!

Always a faithful reader,

A very big thank you to Cassirin at Anna and Ern's Box of Every Flavor Beans for this wonderful siggy!
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Old 03-10-2007, 09:18 PM   #117 (permalink)
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and thanx for being a faithful reader

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Old 03-10-2007, 09:27 PM   #118 (permalink)
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Run, Emma, Run!

It was my pleasure! Your stories are freakin awsome girl!
Keep up the excellent work!
If you ever publish a book let me know and I will buy about a hundred!

A very big thank you to Cassirin at Anna and Ern's Box of Every Flavor Beans for this wonderful siggy!
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Old 03-10-2007, 10:42 PM   #119 (permalink)
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I actually started on writing a book but I got bored of writing it... (I started about a year and a bit ago but once I looked back a little while ago I was like 'holy! am I really that bad' cause I always find ways to improve after waiting so many months or years).

So I'm gonna restart that book after I finish with F.F writing here (I mean story-wise, last one'll be my 'most original' Only Hope. I think its a great story to end my writing era . I mean, I'll go with one-shots occasionally, and if I can find a song that is cause I get much better ideas with hearing songs, but not like, what I have here with Dreams after I finish with Only Hope. Takes to much time).

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Last edited by MalfoyzBeloved; 03-10-2007 at 10:43 PM.
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Old 03-11-2007, 03:09 AM   #120 (permalink)

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That was totally awsome.I guess you book will come along well soon.Just keep
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Old 03-11-2007, 06:39 AM   #121 (permalink)
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Just keep trying
When I get time I'll start trying
My friend's doing the same. She started so long ago but hasn't added anything to her book story thing cause she has to many blank spots (I like her idea more than mine actually, but she likes my idea more than hers )

I read something about the more you read a variety of books the better authour you can be later on in life, and I that's very true.
I love books like Eragon.
But I also love books like the Heartland series.
And I love books like A Series of Unfortunate Events.
Yet I like stories like... Love on the Lifts and Island Girls (And Boys)
It truly does help cause of the different views and different styles of writing and stuff. I don't only read those varieties cause I kinda have to, but because I like 'em
I think its a sign...
I dunno.


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Last edited by MalfoyzBeloved; 03-16-2007 at 03:39 AM.
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