Ok, so I sent all the dramatic people home and couldn't concentrate on what I was supposed to be doing, so my fingers got busy and typed up a bit of Teddy. I've got a monster headache now, so I hope that you like it.
Seven, part three, Red
“Hermia, come through here please.”
Keith called out to the girl, hoping that his voice sounded kind. She appeared in the doorway, eyes on the ground, shivering.
“It’s okay; you don’t have to look at him. This will all be over soon.”
She looked up at him and an odd, leering grin twisted her pretty face.
“Are you alright?”
“Oh, I’m fine,” she replied, her leer becoming wider. She reached inside her robes and began to pull out a wand. “I’m just fine.”
Her features began to bubble and melt...
Teddy took another step into the basement kitchen. The room was filled with an odd odour; a mixture of iron and sweat. In front of him, bound to a chair, slumped to one side, unconscious, was the pale form of Susan Bones. Blood was flowing from a deep gash above her eye, running down her face and pooling in her lap. Next to her was a teenage girl, also bound and apparently unconscious. Pointing their wands at both of them were two of the most deadly Agents that Morgana had ever had. Powerful, highly skilled and identical the Eastman twins had escaped the Battle of the French Ministry and had spent the following decade terrorising wizards right across Europe, always evading capture.
“Ha! I knew it would be you, Cub! How fantastic! Our father saw yours die and now we will kill you! The world will be in balance. No more multicoloured Cub!” Tyr Eastman laughed heartily. His thin frame and cold eyes had not changed since Teddy had last seen him, although he looked much older, as if the intervening decade had been hard on him and his brother.
“What have you done to them?” Teddy kept his voice steely, knowing that the best way to keep everyone alive was to keep the Eastman brothers talking.
“The girl is simply stunned.” Quirinus was speaking now; his voice was softer and somehow more calculating than his brother’s. “The woman, well who was I to stop my brother enjoying himself? She is, of course, alive.”
Teddy recognised that he should have been relieved, but his instincts and training had taken over and would not allow the relief to course through his veins alongside the adrenaline that was flooding his body. A muffled thump came from above them. Teddy knew that Keith was more than capable of defending himself, but he wasn’t sure who Keith was up against. Nequam had been incapacitated, but if the Eastman’s were working with Nequam, then Keith’s opponent would be highly skilled too.
“So, since we’re all here, tell me what the point of all this is?”
Tyr laughed again. “The point? THE POINT? The child is the point! Don’t you people realise just how powerful she is? She is the product of the union of two of the greatest magical minds this world has ever seen”
It was Teddy’s turn to laugh. “The product of magical minds? You make her sound like some sort of invention, like a self-spelling wand or,” Teddy grinned at the thought, “a cheese cauldron.”
“She will be the new rallying point for all wizards with proper pride!” Tyr was striding towards Teddy his eyes were wild, his nostrils flared, “She will be a call to arms for all those wizards who are sick from the stench of you and your kind, you who think yourselves to rule over us!”
“The only sick thing about you two are your minds! They’ve been twisted by the ideologies of a weak woman who thought that what ran through her veins was gold, not blood!”
Quirinus was moving now, away from the women. Teddy saw, over Tyr’s shoulder, that as soon as Quirinus had passed her, the girl’s head had sprung up. Her eyes were wide but not with fear. Teddy inclined his head a little and gave his wand the most imperceptible flick possible.
“Don’t you dare speak of her that way! Filthy half-breed!”
“When is it going to penetrate those dense skulls of yours that I don’t care what you choose to call me? I am extremely proud of my parents. They were brave, they fought scum like you over and over again until they lost their lives doing so. If you had even an ounce of their courage, you wouldn’t need all that rubbish about purity of blood!”
“Us? Have their courage?” Quirinus’ voice was now a dangerous hiss, “I have courage enough to kill, young Cub. I have courage enough to give punishment where it is well deserved. That is something that you will be able to find out from your dear wife when you and she are reunited.”
“You’re a liar; you’ve never been near my wife.”
An icy thrill of fear shot through Teddy. Tyr let out a humourless howl of laughter. “We both have.”
Tonks Apparated to The Burrow, hoping that Remus would do the same. It wasn’t safe to go back home, to Lupin Cottage, where there were no others to help them. She couldn’t face going there anyway. She hurried over the boundary and inside the safety of the Fidelius Charm.
“Molly! Arthur! Bill!” She shouted desperately, “Please, someone!”
The backdoor opened with a bang. Bill emerged, pointing his wand at her.
“It’s me, Nymphadora Lupin, I hate my first name, I’m married to Remus John Lupin and when I was twelve you snogged me in your broom shed because Charlie dared you to.”
“Alright,” Bill lowered his wand, “keep your voice down, Fleur might hear you. What’s going on?”
Tonks suddenly felt dizzy and swayed on the spot. Bill caught her before she could fall and guided her into the kitchen. Molly fussed around Tonks, unfastening her cloak and steering her into a chair.
“We were ambushed. I had to go to St. Mungo’s and we were ambushed on the way home.”
“Where’s Remus?”
“He pleaded with me to Apparate. He made me come first. He’s still there.”
Molly cast an anxious look at Bill.
“Mum, can you make a cup of tea while I go wait for Lupin?”
He strode out into the garden again. The two women fell into an uneasy silence. Molly brought the large teapot to the table and then busied herself with the milk jug and a plate of biscuits. It was only when she returned to the table for a second time that she exclaimed.
“My dear! You’re bleeding!”
Molly picked up her wand and started to heal the cut on Tonks' temple.
“Thanks, it must have been all the bits of brick that were flying about.”
“Who was it dear?”
“Bellatrix, Dolohov, Travers and two others that I didn’t recognise.”
Suddenly there was a loud crack outside. Tonks sprang to her feet and ran out of the door, wand pointed at Remus.
“What did you say to me this morning when I broke the blue cup?”
“I told you that you really ought to try and destroy that wretched dresser of you want to break something that belonged to my grandmother.”
Tonks flung her arms around him, peppering his face and neck with kisses, tears finally running down her cheeks.
“Are you alright though Dora? Is the baby alright?”
By way of an answer she took his hand and placed it on her bump. She watched his face closely as his eyes widened with surprise.
“How long..?” He looked astonished. It wasn’t a definite kick but it was a definite something, as though his wife had huge butterflies trapped in her stomach.
“Since we started running. He or she is reminding me to fight as hard as I can.”
He pulled her into his arms again.
“I love you both, so much. I couldn’t stand it if I lost you.”
Hermia watched as the twins advanced on the man they had called Cub through her lashes. Luckily her hair had fallen in her face, so she had dared to open her eyes slightly. The stunner had missed her; she could smell burnt wood from the spot where it had grazed the chair. She had slumped sideways, pretending that the spell had hit its mark. She had felt someone rip hairs from her head; they must have been adding them to Polyjuice Potion. She watched carefully as the second man advanced on the tawny haired ‘cub’. As soon as he was past her, she lifted her head and looked at the new man. He caught her eye and tilted his head towards the staircase. Suddenly, the ropes that held her became loose and she shucked them off. The three men were arguing loudly now and under the cover of their voices she crept out of the room, towards the stairs. Coming down them was another new man. Very tall and freckly with red hair, this man held his finger to his lips. He crept past her, into the kitchen.
I have to recommend
The Tale of Two by princess of *hp*. In fact shame on me for not having done so sooner!