I burst out laughing at one of the lines I used...
(all small stuff is ramble - don't have to read if you don't wanna)
it was a line that one guy in my 8th grade class (way back when now), would say constantly, whether it’s about homework or just something in-class, NEVER about money (‘that’s cheap’). What made it funnier was his voice was all crackly and such because he was 14 (you should know what I mean), so it’d be like... ‘tHAt’s CHeaP’ (caps being where his voice squeaked). It was hilarious... that’s the best I can describe it online.
I miss Kevin...
Anyways, here’s an update. Hope you enjoy

P.S: Ha, I just realized, I use the title of the story as a chapter title in this story, and the sequel has its current story title as a chapter title...
Chapter 7
Best Kept Secret
As the weeks passed, Malfoy and I finally managed to get over being tense around each other. When news of the first Hogsmeade trip circulated, he asked me to go with him. I think he took a blow to his ego when I said no, but I can’t be to sure, I had both Harry and Ron ask me within the hour, along with at least 3 others in Gryffindor I had begun to know. Everyone asked why, and I just said I don’t feel like going. Of course, this might’ve also been another blow to everyone’s ego when I said that, but it’s not like I know.
I was thankful that I hadn’t had any further encounters with Cody, but of course, I didn’t go out in the dark after that point. I sensed I was being watched whenever I was outside throughout the day, but I couldn’t care less about that. As long as he wasn’t harassing me in the ways he had before, both within this year and throughout the past 6 years at different schools, I was ok.
The days of September came to a close, and the rain assaulted us more than ever as the first Hogsmeade trip came around.
“Where’re you going?”
I turned around and saw Hermione jump onto the landing of the Common Room.
“Going to the library?” she asked. I was surprised that her tone was... surprised.
“You go there all the time; what’s wrong with it?”
“Is this honestly why you’re missing Hogsmeade?”
“No, I just don’t want to go.”
I shrugged. I didn’t want to tell her why I really didn’t want to go.
“Do you even have permission to go from your parents...?”
“I do have permission,” was all I responded. She didn’t know I about my family; they nearly disinherited me when they found out I was put into Gryffindor. I told them that I was told I’d do well in Slytherin, but I said no. I also added I was at least friends with Draco Malfoy, a Slytherin (I emphasized that clearly). What really made them accept this was me saying that I had become close friends with Harry and his friends. I knew this would make them accept me, they were more than happy the trio trusted me...
Or did they really?
“Then why not come?”
“Hermione, please, just trust me when I say it’d be best if I didn’t go.”
Hermione sighed, seeming to give up.
“Ok...” she sounded disappointed, but didn’t press the matter further. She then sat down on the couch, and within minutes was alongside Ron and Harry. All three left the common room silently.
The rest of the hour passed with people leaving. By the time it hit 11am, everyone that wanted to go to Hogsmeade was gone. When I knew of this, I left the common room and headed to the library to do some research.
“What are you looking for, cold one?”
I didn’t even jump when I heard Malfoy’s voice in my ear. I turned to my right and took a tiny step to my opposite side – he was inches from my face.
“Nothing in particular,” I responded casually, pushing three books back into place.
“Interesting subject,” Malfoy replied just as casually.
I shrugged absentmindedly and saw a book titled ‘Vampires: Myth or Fact?’. Without thinking, I pulled it out. When I remembered Malfoy was next to me, I pushed it back in quickly and pulled out a book under it, hoping it would distract him. Unfortunately, it didn’t. He pulled out the book and looked at the cover; it showed two people, one in the hands of the other. It was obvious who the vampire was out of the two.
“Vampires? We’re not studying that in DADA.”
“I know,” I responded. I looked at him out of the corner of my eye. “Is it a sin to be curious about something outside of school curriculum? It’s unfortunate that they don’t teach about vampires, there are so many nowadays.”
“No there aren’t,” Malfoy contradicted, taken aback. “The census showed there are barely 30.”
“And when was that census done?” I asked pointedly, pulling out another book.
“1970 oh...
that’s cheap!” Malfoy practically exclaimed.
“SH!” the library scolded as she walked by.
“Yeah, Draco, shut up!” I whispered. He glared at me mockingly.
“Why’re you so curious about vampires?” he asked me, his voice now just barely above a whisper. He followed me when I walked over to the next shelf.
“I know more than enough about werewolves...” I muttered, shaking my head.
“So, you dislike werewolves, can’t stand blood... do you sleep in a coffin?”
I chuckled. “That’s a myth, Draco.”
“How do you know? Are you a vampire?”
“I flipped through some of that ‘Vampire: Fact or Myth?’ book, that was a myth.”
“Ok, do you know a vampire and want to know more about the breed?”
I stopped dead. How did he know? Inwardly shaking it off, I reached out to grab a book, but Draco stopped me by grabbing my arm midway out.
“You do, don’t you?” he asked me, shocked.
“You’re crazy,” I responded simply. I yanked my arm away, surprising Draco with my force.
“Was that guy a vampire?”
I stopped dead once more and turned around to face Draco. “What?” I asked flatly.
“That guy, the one that pulled you into the forest over a month ago in the dark... he’s not a student here, how did he got on the grounds?”
“All wizards and magical creatures can see Hogwarts, dimwit,” I responded, chuckling. I then went serious. “Why were you out so late?”
“I could ask you the same,” Draco retorted pointedly. I glared. “Who was he?”
“Why do you care?”
“You ran from him... I think, either you went so fast I couldn’t see you or...”
I pulled Draco down the row and found a closet. Opening the door, I shoved him inside and followed, closing the door behind me. I pulled a light, and the brightness shone off of his silver-blond hair. He turned around and looked at me expectantly.
“Yes, he was a vampire. Unfortunately, he keeps following me.”
“I’m gonna take him out...” Draco muttered. I knew he didn’t expect me to hear him, because he was mouthing the words more than anything.
“No, don’t!” I said quickly. He looked at me, surprised.
“How did you...?”
“Your lips are easy to read,” I lied. For once, I thank Cody for something; he taught me how to lie well.
A smirk started to set onto Draco’s face.
“Don’t even think about it,” I whispered darkly, knowing what he was about to say. “You complain about my skin being cold, my lips are just the same.”
“It’d be worth it...”
“Shove off,” I snapped. “Do you have any more questions?”
“Yeah, what’s the guy’s name?”
“How long have you known him?”
I had to think about this one, I couldn’t really tell him how long I knew Cody, he’d think I’m crazy. “Since I was 13.”
“Did he follow you here?”
“Does he follow you everywhere?”
“Is it because of him that you’re here?”
I was taken aback; how does he know these things?
“What can he do to make you leave?”
“Your dark secret?”
My eyes clouded in rage.
“You know?” I growled. This time, Draco was taken aback.
“No, I just know there’s something you’re hiding.”
“What do you know?”
“Nothing other than what you told me, I swear.”
I didn’t trust him this time, but I didn’t bother to push it.
“And how did you come to meet him?” Draco asked curiously, changing the subject subtly.
“That’s a long story.”
“We have all day.”
“It’s not something I wish to share,” I rephrased curtly. Draco gave me a pouting look. “No.”
He grumbled incoherently, but then asked, “What is this secret...?”
I was out the closet door before he could finish the question.
“Deanne!” he called.
“Her fault,” I heard him snap back at the librarian. He caught up to me and grabbed my shoulder and spun me around. “Is he the only one that knows?”
I didn’t respond. For all I knew, he’d go to Cody and ask, and my leech would tell him. Maybe Cody will kill him because he’s there. Actually, that’s not a bad idea...
I shook off the thoughts of how Cody would kill Draco if that were to happen.
“So he’s the only one?”
“No,” I responded, shrugging.
“Who else knows?”
“No one you’d care about,” I snapped back.
“Does it have anything to do with...?”
“Look, just trust me when I say I can’t tell you,” I cut him off. “I already told you if I did tell you, I’d have to kill you.”
“Wasn’t that a joke?” Draco asked, surprised.
“Why would I joke about that?” I pointed out.
An awkward silence started to grow between us.
“I’ve been rejected just because of what you want to know. I just want to survive at a school longer than a year where I’m not ignored, or if noticed bullied, because of it. That’s why I’m not telling anyone now. It’s best kept secret,” I finally said, sighing inwardly. “So can we please just... drop the subject?”
“Fine,” Draco responded, sighing dramatically as he finally let go of my shoulder.
“Drama queen,” I muttered.
I stole his smirk and walked away. As I went back to the book shelves, I wondered about how he would’ve reacted if actually told him my secret.