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Harry Potter: Beaus, Brutes, & Boondoggles - Sa16+
Candy Display Case (Finished Fanfiction)A dazzling showcase of fully wrapped-up stories, these sweet treats are polished and ready for your reading pleasure!
Hello Emily. You write Charlie so sweet, but very manly. He seems to be a man who is comfortable with himself, and he's able to make others be comfortable with him as well. There isn't any bravado getting in the way to see what he is all about. Great writing.
One whistled at her and the others laughed as she moved closer to Charlie, clutching his wrist.
I found this choice of words intresting. Firstly, I'm wondering if the drunken men are Bobby and his rowdy friends. And she just doesn't see him (at first) individually because she's not used to seeing him in that type character. And he didn't see her as his girlfriend, but as a very sexy girl, because he isn't used to seeing her with another man. I also wonder at her clutching his wrist and not his hand. But of course she wouldn't because she is dating another man, and she is loyal. But, when she grabbed his wrist she needed to fill an attatchment to someone who could keep the past from getting her.
Great post Emily. I'll be watching for your next.
Hello Emily. You write Charlie so sweet, but very manly. He seems to be a man who is comfortable with himself, and he's able to make others be comfortable with him as well. There isn't any bravado getting in the way to see what he is all about. Great writing.
Thanks, Connie. I always thought Charlie would be very laid back and what not.
I found this choice of words intresting. Firstly, I'm wondering if the drunken men are Bobby and his rowdy friends. And she just doesn't see him (at first) individually because she's not used to seeing him in that type character. And he didn't see her as his girlfriend, but as a very sexy girl, because he isn't used to seeing her with another man. I also wonder at her clutching his wrist and not his hand. But of course she wouldn't because she is dating another man, and she is loyal. But, when she grabbed his wrist she needed to fill an attatchment to someone who could keep the past from getting her.
I wonder who it is...
It might be the boyfriend!
And then Charlie could curse his head off!
I Know You Don't Believe Me, But The Way I, Way I See It, Next Time You Point A Finger, I Might Have To Bend It Back, Or Break It, Break It Off... Next Time You Point A Finger, I'll Point You To The Mirror
“I need to leave, Charlie,” she whispered, going rigid.
“What’s wrong?” he asked in confusion.
“I do know them… One is my ex… It wasn’t a pleasant break up,” she explained.
“Sweetheart! I know you weren’t planning on leaving without saying hi.” A brown haired man with green eyes and freckles splattered on his face grinned.
“Actually we were just leaving, Jared,” Christelle said impassively as she grabbed Charlie’s hand and tried for the door. Jared stood in front of her, blocking her way to the door as he placed one of his hands on her shoulder.
“Is this your new boyfriend?” Jared asked as he finally realized who she was with. Charlie stepped in front of Christelle slightly and Jared’s hand fell from her shoulder.
“Charlie, don’t,” Christelle whispered.
“You don’t know what you’re asking for, Ginger,” Jared said with a smile. “She’s a wild one, that Christelle is… It wasn’t the easiest keeping her in line,” Jared went on. Charlie’s lips tightened into a thin line as he held Christelle’s hand tighter and tried to walk around the group. But Jared grabbed her other hand and pulled her back.
She gasped before realizing that Jared’s hand was removed from hers and he was now lying on the ground, holding his bloody nose. She looked up to see Charlie’s fist clenched, his knuckles red. He started pulling her toward the door as the bartender went to assess the damage. Charlie nodded once toward him as he continued through the door.
They finally stopped when they reached his motorcycle. Christelle’s tears had already started to fall before her other hand gently touched his clenched fist. His eyes were trained on the ground as she drifted her fingertips over his knuckles.
“You didn’t have to hit him,” Christelle finally whispered. He glanced up into her face, but her eyes were on his fist.
“Yes I did,” he murmured. He pulled her into a hug as she started crying. He held her gently as he stroked her hair. “What exactly happened between you two?” he asked hesitantly.
Christelle pulled back, dropping his hands. She wiped her tears quickly from her cheeks before climbing on the motorcycle.
“I don’t want to talk about it,” she whispered. Charlie studied her more closely before swinging his leg over the bike too. She automatically coiled her arms around his waist and buried her tear stained face into the crook of his neck.
Charlie parked his motorcycle in front of the Burrow and they both stumbled off of it.
“Do you want to come in? They’re probably still eating…” Charlie suggested.
“No, I think I’ll just go home,” Christelle whispered.
“You know you can talk to me…if you ever want to,” Charlie said softly.
“Thanks, Charlie…for everything,” Christelle whispered before turning on the spot and Apparating home.
That post wasn't all that much... But there is a bit of excitement I guess you could say in the next one... Sorta...
♥♥♥♥ You can throw your sticks and stones,
Throw your bombs and your blows,
[But you're not gonna break my soul.]
Hello Emily. Loved the post. My heart goes out to Christelle. What a hard life we are finding out she has. I wonder how much of her past has been unhappy like this. Poor thing. But Ginny is a great friend to her.
She gasped before realizing that Jared’s hand was removed from hers and he was now lying on the ground, holding his bloody nose. She looked up to see Charlie’s fist clenched, his knuckles red. He started pulling her toward the door as the bartender went to assess the damage. Charlie nodded once toward him as he continued through the door.
My favorite part. Charlie reminds me of Audie Murphy. He was a real live hero in World War ll turned actor. He played in a lot of westerns and some war stories. Anyway, Charlie reminded me of him in this scene. Quiet, but taking care of the buisness at hand which was to save the girl.
She isn't going to think he is a violent guy now is she? She seemed kind of traumatized with his fist.
Maybe Ginny can help her understand Charlie. He was doing the honorable thing hitting that guy. Oohhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe she was thinking she isn't worthy of him standing up for her. Reckon we'll see.
Great post Emily. I'll be watching for your next.
My heart goes out to Christelle. What a hard life we are finding out she has. I wonder how much of her past has been unhappy like this. Poor thing.
Quite a bit actually, but you'll find out more about her later.
My favorite part. Charlie reminds me of Audie Murphy. He was a real live hero in World War ll turned actor. He played in a lot of westerns and some war stories. Anyway, Charlie reminded me of him in this scene. Quiet, but taking care of the buisness at hand which was to save the girl.
I don't really know who that is, but cool
She isn't going to think he is a violent guy now is she? She seemed kind of traumatized with his fist.
Nah, she doesn't think he's a violent person or anything, she just didn't want people to know about her past and everything and for them to be confronted head on from it, wasn't really helping with that notion. She's never really had anyone stand up for her like that either, so she was kind of taken aback by the fact that he would do something like that for her.
Oohhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe she was thinking she isn't worthy of him standing up for her. Reckon we'll see.
Yeah, something like that. You'll find out more soon
Great post Emily. I'll be watching for your next.
Thanks, Connie
♥♥♥♥ You can throw your sticks and stones,
Throw your bombs and your blows,
[But you're not gonna break my soul.]
Ahhhh!!! Emily u have a new story AND u never told me?!? Omg! Ems I LOVE it! Abd I agree with Jesse, jared is a douche haha I can't wait to read more about this <3 charlie is so awesome PAMS
peace & love
Ruadh gu brath! | | Friendships are better than normal Ships
Originally Posted by emilyblack
She gasped before realizing that Jared’s hand was removed from hers and he was now lying on the ground, holding his bloody nose. She looked up to see Charlie’s fist clenched, his knuckles red. He started pulling her toward the door as the bartender went to assess the damage. Charlie nodded once toward him as he continued through the door.
Go Charlie!
“You didn’t have to hit him,”
Honey, I think he did!
“You know you can talk to me…if you ever want to,” Charlie said softly.
Charlie! *squishes him in a bone crushing hug*
But there is a bit of excitement I guess you could say in the next one... Sorta...
Emily, what exactly do you mean by excitment? I am most intrigued.....*is now thinking very hard!*
Soph x
Why did she leave though Kiss hima already!!!!!!
And Ems, I know you keep hinting they will just be friends but I can dream
No comment You!
New post time! Oh, and I had more of this first part, but it was sort of deemed too explicit, and I couldn't think of a way to make it "less explicit", so I just took it out when posting
After that ‘incident’, the two never mentioned it again. They hung out regularly, going to movies, which Charlie thought was fascinating. They would catch a bite to eat for lunch after her Quidditch practice and attend the regular Friday night Weasley dinner at the Burrow. He had become one of Christelle’s best friends. But they were only friends, though they both liked the other as more. Christelle had a boyfriend though. And it was this very boyfriend that started noticing that his girlfriend wasn’t around as often.
“Something smells good,” Christelle murmured as she hung up her cloak and stepped out of her boots. No one really understood her liking for cowboy boots, but she loved them.
“Yeah, and it’d be hot too if you weren’t late,” Bobby snapped from the kitchen table. Christelle tensed as she walked around the doorway and saw him sitting there, a shot of Firewhiskey in his hand and the almost empty bottle in front of him. She had seen that very bottle this morning in its proper place, never opened. All around him was a delicious feast of roast, potatoes, green beans, corn, salad, fruit, and more.
“Christelle?” Charlie asked as he squinted in the dark to make out her figure. She limped into a spot of moonlight and many of the Weasleys gasped at her bloodied, bruised, and swollen face. “Christelle!” Charlie exclaimed as he clambered out of his chair and started toward her. She backed up slightly, looking down.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I didn’t know where else to go… I can’t go to my flat and my parents are out,” she rambled. She paused as she met his worried eyes before letting them drop back to the ground. Ginny and Hermione were making their way towards her. “This was a mistake, I should go… Enjoy your dinner,” she whispered as she started to turn but Charlie caught her hand. She yanked it free reflexively.
“Don’t touch me, please,” she whispered as her tears started again. It was a miracle that she was even able to get away from Bobby.
“Christelle, what happened?” Ginny asked in an anxious tone as she reached for her friend. Christelle let Ginny pull her into a hug as she watched Charlie’s hurt expression.
“I didn’t know where else to come,” Christelle whispered as she cried into Ginny’s shoulder.
“Let’s get you inside and clean you up,” Hermione said calmly as the others nodded. The three girls started for the house as Charlie stood there watching after them.
“What happened, Chris?” Ginny asked softly as she dabbed at the blood around Christelle’s lip with a warm cloth.
“You were right,” Christelle answered.
“About what?” Ginny asked with curiosity.
“About Bobby,” Christelle cried. Hermione and Ginny both gasped, stealing glances at each other.
“Bobby did this to you?” Ginny asked mutinously. Christelle nodded, wincing at the movement. Hermione took out her wand and fixed Christelle’s wrist. “I’m going to kill him!”
“Please, don’t. I just want to drop it, Gin,” Christelle whispered.
“We are not dropping it! We should report him! Send him to Azkaban! Let me go get Harry,” she said as she made to move for the door.
“Christelle, we can’t just let that git get away with this,” Ginny whispered.
“Knock, knock, can I come in?” Charlie asked softly, though there was an edge to his voice. He walked through without a reply as he and Christelle just stared at each other.
“We’ll leave you two alone,” Ginny murmured as she and Hermione returned to the garden.
Charlie hesitated in the doorway before walking closer to Christelle. “What happened?” he whispered as he tried to tuck a lose strand of hair behind her ear. She pulled away from his touch instantly.
“It was a…misunderstanding,” Christelle finally whispered.
“Was it Bobby?” Charlie hinted. Christelle let a few tears escape as she searched his blue eyes before nodding. Charlie gulped once before trying to cup her bruised cheeks in his hands. She tried to pull away but he wouldn’t allow it.
“I’m not going to hurt you,” he whispered. Christelle whimpered before burying her face in his chest. He held her gently as he stroked her hair, just like he did after the pub incident. Charlie picked her up, bridal style and carried her to his room at the top of the second set of stairs. He gently placed her on the bed and she curled up into his side.
“I won’t let him touch you anymore,” Charlie murmured into her hair. She nodded against his flannel shirt as she clutched his hand tightly in hers. He intertwined their fingers and squeezed them tightly.
“I’m sorry for pushing you away earlier,” Christelle whispered.
“It’s okay; I understand why you did it,” he whispered back. “Your dating history sucks,” he commented.
“You don’t know anything about my dating history, so just stop,” Christelle demanded. Charlie said nothing more so Christelle let it drop.
“I can’t go home… He has a key,” she whispered.
“What about your parents?” Charlie whispered back. Christelle lifted her head from his chest to look at him.
“They’re exactly like Bobby, except worse,” she whispered. Charlie just nodded as she dropped her head back to his shoulder.
“And that guy from the bar? Is he…the same?” Charlie asked hesitantly. Christelle nodded slowly as new tears brimmed her eyes.
“You can stay with me. I’ve been staying with Bill while I’m here… I can sleep on the couch and you can have the guest room,” Charlie suggested.
“Will they mind?” Christelle asked quietly. She felt Charlie shake his head and she nodded, wincing at how his shirt scraped across her face.
“Are you hungry? We can still go eat,” Charlie said after a little while.
“I don’t think I can face them all staring, but you can go ahead,” she whispered.
“I promise they won’t stare,” he said as he swished his wand around to send a Patronus message. Christelle nodded vaguely as they stood slowly from the bed. Charlie took in her attire and grabbed a jacket from his old closet. He held it out for her and she slipped her arms through. They made their way down to the garden where everyone made it their first priority to not look at Christelle.
What do you think? Happy Thanksgiving!!
♥♥♥♥ You can throw your sticks and stones,
Throw your bombs and your blows,
[But you're not gonna break my soul.]
Christelle: You belong with Charlie- he's the kindest man on the planet!
Bobby: RUN.
Great post, Ems...
I think Alicia should appear and batter the small amount of brains out of Bobby! He'd deserve it!
I Know You Don't Believe Me, But The Way I, Way I See It, Next Time You Point A Finger, I Might Have To Bend It Back, Or Break It, Break It Off... Next Time You Point A Finger, I'll Point You To The Mirror