Yey I have a new reader! And Little Trooper is back! And most of all the others are back too!!!! Yey, I'm so happy. About James and Scorpius...well half of your wish will be granted and nothing more will happen to one of them...So, I was planning on posting again on Monday but you guys are so great and totally deserve some more now! It's not too much though I've written about seven chapters ahead but you'll just gonna have to bear with it for now...! Oh! Don't forget to post telling me your opinion!
Chapter 15
"Austria? What do you mean they're in Austria?" Malfoy asked Harry as they walked the empty streets of the town the strip club was in, at seven in the morning. Draco and Ron had become sober and forgot all about the strippers when Harry told them what he had found out.
"They're in Austria...in some castle near Salzburg to be exact", Harry said as he walked fast.
"So what are we going to do? How are we gonna get to Austria? You can't apparate from one country to the other, can you?" Ron asked as they were following Harry.
"No, you can't", he responded.
"So what are we doing?" Malfoy demanded.
"Well...since we don't have brooms and we'd have to use black magic to fly, we're only left with one choice really...we'll just gonna have to apparate to the borders of each country from here to Austria and cross them until we finally get there".
"Wow, I'm exhausted just to hear it", Ron said.
"Isn't there any other way?" Draco asked.
"We can always use the Muggle way...airplane", Harry said.
"What? No way!" they both exclaimed terrified as Harry was sure they're going to do.
"Fine then...we're back to my plan...come on hurry up, we have to buy some stuff before we get going".
"Like what?" Ron asked.
"A map for example may be good".
Scorpius was sitting on the floor of his cell, his breath as fast as the beats of his heart. He had made it back without being noticed; he had locked the chain around his leg; he had thrown the keys outside the cell before he closed the door...now all he had to do was to wait. He couldn't help but feeling like a coward though...he knew that James was right, that it would be worse if they got them both, but still he felt guilty for leaving him behind. Dolohov had tortured James just because he gave him cheeky responses; what would they do to him now that he escaped his cell by stealing Yaxley's keys?
Soon he heard voices outside his cell; the Death Eaters were coming to make sure that he was there. He didn't bother to get up...he felt too tired for that. The door flew open and Dolohov came in; his face a mask of rage. He looked at the boy for a while like he wanted to convince himself that he was really there and then he let out a sigh of relief.
"So is he here?" Yaxley said stepping in. His characteristics relaxed when he saw the boy.
"Great", Dolohov smiled and then he looked back at Yaxley with a rather cocky expression on his face. "Thankfully for us nothing worse happened because of your stupidity!"
"Do not call me stupid Dolohov!"
"You got tricked by a fifteen year old boy!" he said irritated but Yaxley ignored him and turned to the boy.
"So...where are the keys?" he asked. Scorpius shrugged.
"How should I know?" Scorpius asked.
"The Potter boy didn't have them...which means that you do", Dolohov said.
"If I had them, would I be locked in here?" Scorpius pointed out. "He left without me that little backstabbing idiot and he took the keys with him".
"Really?" Yaxley asked sarcastically.
"Really!" Scorpius said. "I guess you got him though, huh?"
"Yeah, of course we did", Dolohov laughed.
"So where is he?"
"Why do you care?" Dolohoc asked narrowing his eyes.
"I don't...I wouldn't even if you've killed him!" the boy lied.
"Oh, we didn't kill him", Yaxley said.
"Just bring him in here again and I'm gonna kill him!" Scorpius exclaimed.
"No, he's not coming in here again", Dolohov said shaking his head and waving Yaxley out. "Here is not the right place for him to be punished for his little attempt to escape", Dolohov smirked.
"What are you gonna do with him?" Scorpius asked smirking back at them like he was enjoying the aspect of James being hurt in spite the fact that he could feel his heart beating panicky inside his body.
"No one plays with me child", Yaxley said, sounding even darker than usual. "We were going easy on him until now, in spite the fact that he was Potter's son, because we needed him to bargain; but that's over now...and he has himself to blame", the man said cruelly and closed the door, leaving the boy dumbstruck; what did they planned to do to James?
"So what are we doing now?" Ron asked Harry.
It was one o'clock at noon and they were in a small, hideaway house somewhere in Salzburg's mountain. Apparently Salzburg was one of the numerous cities the auror office had spend places of shelter in and thankfully Harry knew about it. It was made of wood and it had only three rooms; one with a bed and a table, a small kitchen and a smaller bathroom.
"We learned where the castle is...so let's just go and get them", Malfoy said before Harry could respond.
"As much as I want to, we can't just apparate in the castle and blast eveything out of our way towards the kids", Harry said as he sat in the small, rather uncomfortable bed.
"Why not?" Malfoy asked irritated.
"First of all I'm certain that you can't apparate in and out of the castle; and besides that there are only three of us and they are more than that obviously, plus they could easily killm one of the boys when they realize we are there", Harry explained and Malfoy raised his eyebrows.
"Who cares? It would be your son that they'd kill anyway", he said and Harry jumped up outraged but Ron held him back.
"And if we kill each other it won't do any good to either of the boys", Rona said looking Harry straight in the eyes. He sighed and walked out of the room to the bathroom slamming the door behind him. Ron turned to the other man.
"Malfoy? You kind of need us in order to get your son back...try to remember that!
An hour and a lot of swearing later they were all sitting around the table trying to find a way to get to the kids.
"So we're gonna have to sneak into the castle", Ron said.
"How are we gonna do that?" Malfoy sked the other two tiredly.
"Well, it's a good thing the Death Eaters wore masks", Harry answered. "We don't need to use Polyjuice Potion, we just gonna have to smack some of them down and take their outfits; some of them have to be wondering in the city's bars..."
"So we find three Death Eaters and we just get into the castle dressed like them?" Ron asked.
"Yeah...too bad we're not in England; then Draco could just go home and get his very own Death Eater outfit", Harry said and Malfoy looked at him outraged.
"I was never a real Death Eater!"
"Yeah,yeah, keep saying that to yourself...or maybe say it to the tattoo in your arm".
"Cut it off!" Ron yelled as Malfoy opened his mouth to speak again. "We were okay before; now that we are so close, now you're gonna sort your differences out?" he said and the two men fell silent.
Harry shook his head. Ron was right...what Malfoy said or do didn't matter...all that mattered now was James.
The discovery of three Death Eaters was harder than any of them had anticipated. They only managed to get two, who were in their underwear and tied up in the auror house. It was five in the afternoon now and they were forced to make some changes to their plan; they couldn't keep looking for Death Eaters.
So Harry and Draco approached the entrance of the castle. They were walking fast towards it, hoping that no one will stop them, since they were dressed as Death Eaters.
"I can't believe I'm wearing this", Harry whispered to Malfoy. What he was feeling was beyong disgust. He felt like he was commiting the biggest sin of his life.
"Maybe you should keep it for the Halloween!" Malfoy whispered back and Harry was certain that he was smirking to himself even though he couldn't see his face. He didn't gave him an answer though because he was distracted. The door was right in front of them but a young unmasked Death Eater was sitting behind a table to the door.
"State your names", he said when he saw them. Harry froze for a second. The Death Eater had a notebook in front of him and Harry was certain that he had the names of all the Death Eaters in and out of the castle written in there....and they were stupid enough not to ask the names of the Death Eaters they had taken the equipment from.
"We don't have time for that. We are in a hurry", Malfoy said and took some steps forward but the Death Eater stood up.
"You cannot get in without giving your names...give your names or I'm afraid I'm gonna have to call for reinforcement", he said.
"How dare you to speak like this to me, boy?" Malfoy said."Do you know who I am?"
"No, that's what I want to know", the Death Eater stated and Malfoy took some more steps forward ignoring the boy's raised wand.
"You young Death Eaters must show some respect to us, boy!" he said and he pulled his sleeve up. There on his arm was tattooed the Dark Mark. The Death Eater widened his eyes; obviously the Death Eaters, Apostollo had recruited didn't get to have the tattoo. "You see this? Do you even know what this is or are you so ignorant? The Dark Lord did this to me himself!"
The boy was all out of words. Malfoy pulled his sleeve down and passing the young Death Eater he walked in with Harry following him.
When they turned in the first corner Malfoy fell back on the wall taking deep breaths.
"That was brilliant!" Harry told him.
"You gave me the idea", he shrugged. "So what now?"
"Now we're gonna have to find where the boys are".
"How are we going to do that?"
"Well the kidnapping of our sons should be great news for the Death Eaters in here...all of them should know where they are. We'll find just find a Death Eater, use the Imperius curse on him and we'll know", Harry said and Malfoy laughed.
"You're suggesting the use of an Unforgivable Curse? As an auror aren't you suppose to arrest the people who use them?"
"Desperate times call for desperate measures".