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Candy Display Case (Finished Fanfiction) A dazzling showcase of fully wrapped-up stories, these sweet treats are polished and ready for your reading pleasure!

View Poll Results: What end should I pick? The long or the short version?
Please don't end it, I love your fic!!!!! I can't wait to see what you have cooked for us next!!! 4 57.14%
You should end it soon because I like it so far but I fear that you're gonna ruin it.... 1 14.29%
I think you should pick the long version because every good story needs a proper ending... 2 28.57%
You should definitely end it!!!!!!! I don't like it anymore!!! 0 0%
Who cares? This fic sucks anyway....... 0 0%
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Old 01-23-2009, 09:21 AM   #76 (permalink)
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I think Apostollo is..... Nope, not a clue... PLEASE POST AND TELL ME!!


I Know You Don't Believe Me, But The Way I, Way I See It,
Next Time You
Point A Finger, I Might Have To Bend It Back,
Or Break It, Break It Off...
Next Time You Point A Finger, I'll Point You To The

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Old 01-24-2009, 03:14 AM   #77 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Angie Palimor
First Year

Sorry guys but you're gonna wait a little more to see who Apostollo is. Okay this next chapter is kinda dark but I liked it....Please read and post (good things)...kidding...your opinion is important to me ( just a little more important when it's a good one) lol...

Chapter 10

"Mister Potter!" shouted the young auror that burst into Matthias' office. "Sir, we located your son".
"See I told you they would separate his Trace eventually", Hermione smiled as Harry jumped up from his seat.
"No, no, we didn't", the auror said.
"What?" Matthias asked. "Then how did you find him?"
"He used magic".
"Why would he use magic? He would know that we'd find him immediately", Hermione wondered perplexed.
"Maybe that's what he wants", Matthias said as he watched Harry grabbing his stuff.
"Or maybe he had no choice", Harry said and rushed out.

Normally when some of their cousins came to visit Albus and Lily were really excited but now all they did was bid a hello to them and then sit silently in Albus' room. Nothing could take their minds off the fact that their big brother had run away. Albus was looking out of the window in the dark night, wondering where James could be, while Lily brushed Rose's hair absent minded and Hugo played magical chess with F.
Roxanne and F were Uncle George's kids. Roxanne was named after one of her grandmothers and F after Uncle George's dead twin brother, but nobody ever called him Fred, it just made everyone sad, so they all called him F. Roxanne was fifteen and F was a year younger than Albus and a year older than Lily, he was thirteen. They were both redheads, but Roxanne had her mother's beautiful dark blue eyes, while F had his father's eyes...and attitude.
Albus sighted and looked away from the window to Roxanne. She was lost in thought as well. From all their Weasley cousins Roxanne was the only one who was in the same age as James, she also was one of his best friends, so Albus knew she was almost as worried as he was.
"Did you know?" he asked Roxanne suddenly and she looked up.
"Know what?"
"About that festival" Albus said and everybody else in the room looked at her. She bit her lower lip.
"You knew, didn't you?" Lily said widening her eyes.
"Yeah, well, I did...but I wouldn't...if I knew what he was going to do..."
"No one blames you, Roxie", Rose said giving Albus a sharp look, which he ignored.
"Where's that thing taking place anyway?" Albus asked Roxanne.
"Edinburg as far as I know".
"He's never gonna make it there", Lily said shaking he head as she sat next to her brother.
"Of course he's not gonna make it there...your dad will find him soon enough", F said as he considered his next move in chess.
"I hope he's alright", Lily sighted.
"He's gonna be fine", Roxanne said trying to reassure Lily and herself. "He can take care of himself".
"It's one thing to fight supid Slytherins and a whole another to fight Death Eaters", Lily pointed out.
"And why is that?" Rose smiled. "Death Eaters were Slytherins".
"That's not fair Rose" Albus said refusing to laugh with the others. "There are exceptions".
"Oh, yeah? As I recall though Al you were terrified that you're ganna get sorted in Slytherin" Hugo smirked.
"I changed my mind...I have friends in Slytherin".
"You mean that Malfoy kid?" Roxanne asked taking the same expression James took when Albus brought it up.
"Well, the truth is he's a good kid", Rose said and Roxanne looked at her exasperated.
"His father was a Death Eater! He could be Apostollo for all we know!" she yelled.
"What does it matter? Even if his father is Apostollo, which I don't think is true, what does that has to do with Scorpius? Kids are not always what their parents are nor should they try to be".
"Oh, is that why every time somebody tells you, you look like your dad you're beaming with pride?" Roxanne said and Albus looked at her outraged.
"Who died and made you James?" he said before he could stop himself but he regretted it. Roxanne turned away from him angry, but the worst was the fact that Rose started crying. "Rosie I'm sorry...I..."
"You shut it" Lily said irritated, sounding just like her mother, as she hugged Rose's shoulders. "It's gonna be alright, Rosie".
"No, it's not", she said between sobs. "Everybody says that...but...but we lost our house and...and James left...and these supposed to be our best holydays...and now it's all turning into a nightmare...and I don't...I'm scared that someone is gonna get hurt..."
"Rose nobody is gonna get hurt", F said from the floor.
"Yeah, Rosie it's gonna be okay" Lily added rubbing her back as she watched from the corner of her eye her brother and Roxanne looking in different directions.
"He's not gonna die", Roxanne said after a while and Albus turned to look at her.
"I never said he will", he whispered holding back his tears with difficulty. "He's my brother...I love him...I just hope he's okay".

The boy was scared. He was hiding in a small alley behind the garbage and he could hear them yelling and laughing and getting closer and closer. He managed to run away from them using some defensive spells but they followed him and he dropped his broom, so he couldn't fly away.
"Boy, where are you?" yelled one of them mockingly. "Come out and play".
His voice was really close, he could be just some meters from the alley. James closed his eyes and pulled his legs close to his chest. How did they find him so quickly? How would he get out of this one? He had a knack in getting in trouble but it was never that bad.
He almost jumped out of his hiding place when he heard twelve loud pops, the one after the other. Someone had just apparated close by. He could hear a bunch of different voices yelling and then the flash of spells lighten the alley and he knew there was a fight happening close to him. From all the voices that yelled spells together, he managed to make out one that made his heart come to its right place.
"Dad", he whispered relieved under his breath and clutching his wand he crawled out of the garbage.
As he stood up he saw that the fight was taking place in the middle of the street right in front of him. He could see his father and his aunt as they stunned and disarmed Death Eaters. He sighted, since they were here he had nothing to fear, did he?
"Hello boy", he heard a voice from behind him. He turned and saw the scar-faced man but he didn't even manage to raise his wand before his spell hit him right in the chest.

A young Death Eater fell in Harry's legs hit by a full-body binding curse and Harry looked around. They outnumbered the Death Eaters and in few seconds his aurors would won. By bringing those Death Eaters into custody they would find out some things about Apostollo, but at the moment Harry couldn't care less about that. Where was James? Since it was his Trace they've followed he had to be somewhere close, yet he couldn't see him anywhere. Where was James?
Hermione stunned a woman right next to him but a Death Eater was aiming at her from behind. Harry managed to stupefy him though before he could make a spell. The Death Eaters still fighting were right about three, but soon they'd...
Harry turned to look who yelled and his heart sank just as his eyes widened. A man, a very familiar man had just stepped out from the opposite alley. It was Dolohov. Harry fought him last year when he escaped Azkaban, actually he was the one who made the scar in his face, but he had managed to get away.
Although it wasn't Dolohov that scared Harry to death. No, it was the fact that he was carrying the unconscious body of his son in his arms. Harry lowered his wand as the man approached. The fight had stopped.
"Let go of my son", Harry said warningly.
"You're in no position to give orders, Potter", the man said. "Tell your people to lower their wands".
Harry looked at Hermione and nodded and all the aurors around them did as they were told. The Death Eaters that still stood helped the ones who were on the ground stand, just as Dolohov made the bus come close to them, without anyone actually driving it.
"Give me my son back!" Harry demanded but Dolohov just smirked.
"Smart kid...wouldn't get on the bus" he said nodding at it.
"What did you do to him?" Harry asked as he stared at James' face, looking for possible injuries.
"Just a little sleeping spell...nothing compared to what we're gonna do to him next!"
"You son of the..."
"No, no, no" Dolohov interrupted Harry's swearing, pointing his wand at the boy's head. "Just a word, Potter, just a move and I swear I'll kill him right in front of you, I swear you'll watch your son die".
"If you do, you'll fall dead the next second", Hermione yelled gesturing to all the aurors around her.
"Yeah, maybe, but that it's not gonna bring the boy back, will it?" he smiled and then gestured the Death Eaters on the bus.
"Give me my son!" Harry demanded again.
"No, we like him, I think we're gonna keep him as a pet", he said taking some steps towards the bus. Harry raised his wand.
"Let go of him, NOW!" he yelled but Hermione grabbed his wand clutching hand.
"No, Harry, he's gonna do it, he's gonna kill him", she said terrified.
"Listen to the Mudblood, Potter. I am going to do it! Lower your wand!"
Harry had no choice but to do as Dolohov said. The bus was filled with injured Death Eaters now and Dolohov climbed the first step still holding James.
"Say goodbye to your son, Potter, I rather doubt that you're gonna see him again", the man said smiling and he stepped in the bus. They saw him through the windows placing the unconscious boy in a seat.
Harry could do nothing but watch as the bus started moving away from them. He could do nothing but watch as the Death Eaters were getting away with his son as their winning trophy. The bus disappeared in thin air and Harry could only stand there, shaking with tears, looking dazed at the spot where the bus disappeared. They took his son. He fell on his knees. A part of his heart was on that bus and he could do nothing to take it back...his son.

Last edited by onar; 05-07-2011 at 11:40 PM.
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Old 01-24-2009, 09:51 AM   #78 (permalink)
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OHHHHHH! so sad *sobs* harry has to get james back ! and i still can't think of who aspostollo is !!!! yey im in time for a post !

RIP JD Salinger
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Old 01-24-2009, 10:38 AM   #79 (permalink)
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NOOOOOO! Damn you Death Eaters! I can't believe they've captured James (actually since you had told me about it I can but it's a sort of speech). I hope Harry finds him though before he gets hurt, 'cause I didn't like that 'what we're gonna do to him next' at all.

Maria xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
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Old 01-24-2009, 07:41 PM   #80 (permalink)
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New Reader! I was recruited by Maria. She's been sending everyone IMs telling them to read your story,
I'm really enjoying this! It's so dramatic and tragic! I can't believe they took James! And Ginny's pregnant!
I love the way you write the characters, it's very realistic, especially the relationship between James and Harry. Can't wait to read the next part!!!

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Old 01-24-2009, 07:54 PM   #81 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Krysta View Post
New Reader! I was recruited by Maria. She's been sending everyone IMs telling them to read your story,
I'm really enjoying this! It's so dramatic and tragic! I can't believe they took James! And Ginny's pregnant!
I love the way you write the characters, it's very realistic, especially the relationship between James and Harry. Can't wait to read the next part!!!

HEY!!!!!!!Why did you give me away? She knows where I live! She's gonna come and kill me!!!!!! :hack: :hack: :hack: :hack: :hack: Tragic? Wait till you hear about my death in the news....!!!!!! Then it would be bye bye Maria lol...okay I'm kidding, aren't I a drama queen or not? She's not that bad...she wouldn't kill me...hopefully...ohhhh, the phone is ringing, I hope it's not her....!!!!!
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Old 01-25-2009, 12:17 AM   #82 (permalink)
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Hey Angie it's Katerina, I finally got signed up. You told me you were writing a fic and I was going to visit it anyway but never had I expected that it would be so good! Poor James...I hope he gets saved and when he does I hope he will make up with his father. Love ya...and your fic!
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Old 01-25-2009, 12:31 AM   #83 (permalink)
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Hey guys! Thanks for posting Lilly! Krysta it's nice to have you here either way...I just realized you're the only Gryffindor, besides Little trooper but I only had one response from her...keep posting. Don't worry I didn't kill Maria I know she does what she does because she's a good friend. Katerina I'm glad you finally joined and I'm more glad you like my story! So, as soon as I get responses from my other readers I'm gonna post again. Hope you all enjoy my fic...Kisses x

Last edited by onar; 02-06-2009 at 07:41 PM.
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Old 01-25-2009, 11:48 AM   #84 (permalink)
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Absolutely great posts!!!! I can't believe that they took James, well...I can believe it. But it's hard to believe that Harry and Hermione weren't able to save him. PAMS!!!! I have to find out what's going to happen to James. Please post more soon.

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Old 01-25-2009, 01:38 PM   #85 (permalink)
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OH NO!!! POOR JAMES!!! thats terrible...they better get him back!!!!!!!! pams!
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Old 01-26-2009, 02:10 AM   #86 (permalink)
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Thanks for posting Tori and HL94. Here's another chapter...let me know if you liked it...

Chapter 11

Hermione was kneeling next to Harry, holding his hands. They had apparated back to the Ministry and the other aurors had gone to make their reports about what had just happened, yet Harry and Hermione went straight to Matthias. Hemione told him what happened while Harry kept his head buried in his hands. Matthias was looking at him full of sympathy and pity. No matter what Hermione was saying to calm him down, they all knew that things were really, really bad. They had no idea where the Death Eaters took the boy, they had no idea how to look for them and they had no idea how to save the boy.
"They're gonna kill him, aren't they?" Harry said shakily without looking up.
"No, I don't think they will" Hermione said shaking her head; she had tears in her eyes. "If they wanted to kill him, they would have done it".
Harry raised his head and looked at her, his emerald eyes shining with tears.
"You heard what he said...he said they're gonna do bad things to him, that I'm never gonna see him again".
"Harry, we're gonna find him", she said but he only shook his head and placed his head in his hands again. He was desperate.
"This is my entire fault", he whispered.
"What? No, Harry, how is it your fault?" Hermione asked, squeezing his hand.
"If I hadn't been so stubborn, if I had just let him go to the concert..."
"Harry, you only did what you thought right", Matthias said. "You couldn't know what James was gonna run away".
"So you're saying it's my son's fault?" Harry asked looking at him irritated.
"No, I didn't say..."
"Harry, it's nobody's fault", Hermione said and Harry looked at her.
"How am I gonna tell Ginny? How am I gonna tell her that I lost our son right through my hands?"
"We're gonna do it together", Hermione said reassuringly but Matthias shook his head.
"No, Harry you can't leave...what if they make contact?" he said.
"Why would they make contact?" Hermione asked perplexed.
"You said it yourself Hermione, if they wanted to kill the boy they would have done it...instead they kidnapped him...and kidnappers usually make contact", Matthias explained and Harry nodded. Then he turned and looked at Hermione, pleading with his eyes. The woman sighted and nodded.

Hermione apparated home half an hour later. She stayed in the kitchen waiting for the others to come and find her. She knew that this was going to be one of the most difficult and hard things she ever had to do for Harry...telling Ginny her son was kidnapped by Death Eaters.
She didn't wait for long. Ginny stormed in, followed by Ron and George.
"What happened? You've found him? Where is he?' Ginny asked quickly. Hermione didn't know how to tell her. She just looked at her and tears run down her face.
"Hermione, what happened?" the woman demanded watching her crying. Ginny felt her heart pounding hard against her chest, she had a bad feeling from the beginning and Hermione's watering eyes didn't help. "Hermione, where's my son?"
Ron went close to his wife, placing his hand around her. She looked at him.
"What happened?" he whispered and Hermione lowered her head. She couldn't say it, she just couldn't.
Ginny grunted losing her patience. She pushed Ron away and grabbed Hermione from the shoulders.
"Where's my son?" she asked her.
"We located him", Hermione started finally.
"That's a good thing right?" George asked perplexed.
"The Death Eaters found him first", she said and Ginny's eyes widened in shock. She shook Hermione.
"What happened to him? You saved him, right?" she demanded.
"Gin..." Hermione whispered looking at her terrified eyes.
Ron grabbed Ginny's hands and pulled her away from Hermione.
"Ginny calm down!" he yelled, and then he turned to Hermione. "Honey, can you please tell her that James is okay?"
"I..." Hermione stammered looking in her husband's blue eyes. "I can't".
"Where's my son?" Ginny repeated again, tears running down her eyes.
"We fought the Death Eaters, but...Dolohov...remember Dolohov? He...he..."
"What?" George asked.
"He had James, so we couldn't curse him...he'd kill him if we did. The Death Eaters got away..."
"That's what this is all about?" George said rolling his eyes. "THe Death Eaters got away? So what?"
Hermione looked straight into Ginny's eyes.
"What happened to my son?" she asked as the tears continued running down her face.
"The Death Eaters took him with them", she said and Ginny kept looking at her trying to comprehend what she just told.
"What?" Albus said from the door. Ron and George turned and looked. Albus, Lily and Roxanne were standing at the door, all looking shocked at Hermione just like Ginny did.
"James was...was captured?" Roxanne asked with a trembling voice.
"Roxie we'd better go", George said taking his daughter's hand but she shrugged it off.
"No, I wanna know what happened to my best friend".
"And I wanna know what happened to my brother", Albus added but he didn't had the chance to get a proper answer since his mother collapsed on the floor.
"Ginny!" Ron yelled kneeling beside her as Hermione brought her hands to her mouth.

It was late in the morning when Harry returned home. He had spend the entire night in the Ministry but Matthias noticed how exhausted he was and made him go home, promising that he would alert him immediately if anything happened.
Harry apparated in their kitchen and just stood there for a few moments, feeling terribly sick. It wasn't the fact that he had stayed up all night that had exhausted him. It was the constand waiting, the constant crave for news, for something that would tell him that his son was okay and then the disappointment. He couldn't feel the pain he felt last night though, he just felt numb and he felt like everything was just a stupid dream of his...yet he couldn't wake up...why couldn't he wake up?
"Harry?" Ron said hesitantly as he came into the room. Harry looked up. His best friend was looking at him like he was a ghost and Harry could only assume he looked terrible. "Any news?" Ron asked not commenting on Harry's pale face and red swollen eyes.
"Nothing", the man responded shaking his head. "Where's Ginny" he asked and Ron bit his lower lip.
"When Hermione told her about James...she fainted", Ron said and Harry looked at him alarmed.
"Is she okay? Where is she?"
"Upstairs...we left her sleeping but she could be awake by now" Ron said and Harry nodded. Then he closed his eyes trying to gather as much energy as he had left. "Harry..." Ron said slowly but stopped. What would he say? He ought to console him as his best friend and his brother-in-law, but he didn't know how. Harry however just patted his shoulder and passing him left the room and went upstairs.
He stopped outside their bedroom's door. He closed his eyes again and tried to calm his breath and lose the worried expression he carried since last night. He took a deep breath and opened the door.
Ginny was in the bed covered with a blanket, with her back at him and he could only see the top of her head. He understood though that she was awake, her breath was too fast. He sat at the edge of the bed and looked at her back trying to figure out what to say to her, but she spoke first.
"Tell me you've found something...anything" she whispered shakily.
"Gin..." he said, placing his hand on her back. She let out a sob and then turned, sat up and hugged him. Her face was even paller than his and her eyes were watering. She hadn't stopped crying yet from last night. Harry held her body tight close to his and kissed her forehead.
"You think he's still alive?" she said, her trembling breath on his neck.
"Yes", he said skaking his head. "If they wanted to kill him they would have done it front of me".
"What do they want?"
"I don't know...but James...James is gonna be okay...I'm gonna find him", Harry said saying his son's name with hurt too much when he did. She got out of his arms and looked at him.
"How? You don't even know who the master of this thing is".
"Ginny listen to me...I will find him...I will find him even if I have to turn this whole world upside down!" he said looking deep into her eyes. "I just want one thing from you".
"I need you to take care of our baby", he said looking at her belly. "Ron told me you fainted. Just try and stay calm, think of the baby".
"I don't want another child if I don't have James!" she yelled and she covered her face with her hands. Harry hugged her again and she sobbed in his chest.
"Please, please stop crying my love, you're gonna hurt the baby. Don't worry, we're gonna have our son back soon".

James woke up and for a few minutes he was just staring at the ceiling above him without realizing he wasn't home. He had a terrible headache...maybe he should ask a painkiller from his mum.
And then it all came back at him...the awful fight with his father, how he run away, the Death Eaters...the Death Eaters! He sat up really fast and he got dizzy. He closed his eyes for a second and when he opened them he looked around.
He was lying on the floor of a small, empty and dirty cell. It had no windows and the light was coming from candles that hung in the corners. The door was opposite him. He looked at it. He guessed that it was locked but it wouldn't hurt giving it a try. He got up slowly and walked towards it. He was only a meter from it when his right leg was pulled backwards and he fell down. He turned and was terrified to see that there was a thick chain around his ankle he hadn't noticed before, that went all the way to the opposite wall. He was tied up like a dog.
He searched in his clothes for his wand but it wasn't there, so he tried to free his leg from the chain with his hands, but no matter how much he tried to pull his led out, he couldn't. Then despair came and the more he tried to free his leg the more desperate he got. He gave up and then the questions came.
Where was he? What happened? Did the Death Eaters take him? Probably, by the looks of it. Why didn't his father save him? He was there, James saw him. Why did he let them capture him? Maybe he had no choice...or maybe he didn't want to save him. No, that was stupid. He would have saved him if he could. Wouldn't he? Maybe he wouldn't. James wouldn't blame him if he didn't want a son who had told him that he hated him. But what was going to happen now? What if his dad didn't come to save him this time either? What would he do? Would he stayed there until he died or until they killed him? But no, these thoughts were stupid...his dad would come. Wouldn't he? James grunted to himself indignantly. These thoughts were torturous; he had to stop thinking like that.
He heard voices approaching and then keys on the door. He hurried up and wiped the tears from his face just as the door opened. The bus driver, dressed now in a Death Eater robw, walked in followed by four other Death Eaters. The boy just glared at him aggressively as he smirked at him.
"I know you've been here for like seven hours now but I still wanted to welcome you and all", he said smiling. The smile made his wound even more disgusting.
"Where am I?" James asked.
"You're in our're actually the guest of honor...our master is really glad you're here".
"Apostollo?" the boy asked shrinking his nose in contempt.
"Yes, Apostollo", the man nodded. "See I have orders to welcome you and offer you a bargain".
"A bargain?" the boy repeated perplexed.
"We will let you go if you join our forces".
"Are you insane?"
"Me? No...Apostollo though is a little bit".
"I'm never gonna join you. Why do you want me to anyway? I'm a fifteen year old what do I have to offer to you?"
"Only your father's torturing and despair", the man said smiling and James shook his head outraged.
"You can go to that Apostollo and tell him to go to hell and to take you with him...Just leave me alone!" the boy said and the man's smile broadened.
"I told Apostollo it was a long shot. You're so like your naive, so stupid..."
"Stupid?" the boy repeated. "How can you call someone else stupid? Have you looked in the mirror?"
The man pulled his wand from his robes and pointed it right into James' chest. The boy took some steps back.
"You know it was your father who scared my face".
"I know", the boy responded, his back on the wall.
"No wonder then why I'm gonna enjoy this so much. You're just too like him for your own good".
The boy looked at the wand that was aiming at him, feeling his heart pounding hard. He was terrified but just as the man raised his wand to form what the boy knew would be the cruciatus curse something completely irrelevant came to his mind. This was the very first time someone resembled him with his dad.
The pain that hit the boy was unbearable. He collapsed on the floor while he felt like his bones were melting and his blood was boiling. He screamed harder than he ever had in his life wishing that the Death Eaters could just kill him, kill him and take the pain away. The pain stopped just as suddenly as it had come. James was lying on the floor, shaking, taking deep breaths and watching the scar-faced man above him smile broadly as he was relishing the image of the broken boy at his legs.
Another Death Eater moved forward taking his mask off. James sat up shakily and looked at him. He was as old as Dolohov, so the boy assumed he was one of Voltemort's followers twenty years ago and not one of the new Death Eaters.
"I was there you know, child", the man said. "The night Voltemort came back...I was there and watched as he tortured your father...and Dolohov and I were both there when your father killed him...well, sort of speech".
"And you will be there when my father kills Apostollo and all of you", they boy yelled and the Death Eaters laughed.
"We will see about that", Dolohov said. "See Yaxley? I told you the boy is as cheeky as his daddy".
"Yeah I can see that", responded the other man called Yaxley, and then with a wave of his head all the five Death Eaters pointed their wands at the boy on the floor. "You should learn some manners, child", he said and James closed his eyes waiting for the excruciating pain to come once more. He didn't wait for long...



Last edited by onar; 03-20-2011 at 12:49 AM.
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Old 01-26-2009, 02:20 AM   #87 (permalink)
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*sobs* so sad, so miserable, you really no how to depress a girl! i need something good now, i need lots of chocolate and a happier chappie! it was brilliantly miserable! x

RIP JD Salinger
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Old 01-26-2009, 02:59 AM   #88 (permalink)
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Awwww, poor james!! poor harry!! poor ginny!! Now somebody needs to come charging into resuce him! cue heroic rescue music! and add more! definatly add more soon...

and my name is Amelia.
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Old 01-26-2009, 10:08 AM   #89 (permalink)
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Oh, no poor James!!! I like the way he's been telling the Death Eaters off though...hehe yeah go to hell Apostollo!!! Great post mate...Just don't hurt James anymore, all he wanted was to go to that concert!! Post soon please!!!
Maria xoxoxoxoxo
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Old 01-26-2009, 12:46 PM   #90 (permalink)
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Wow, really long post! I love long posts!

Wow, poor James. 5 Crucios at once! Ouch!

Well I have a theory. I think Apostollo is Dean. I don't think he really died. I think he's trying to get back at Harry for taking Ginny

he he. Seriously, I have no clue who it could be. Of course it could be a woman...
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Old 01-26-2009, 03:46 PM   #91 (permalink)
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*sobs* that is so sad! Evil Death Eaters leave James alone or Harry is gonna kick your butts!!! Seriously though I can't believe they tortured him, poor Jamie!!!

I have a theory about Apostollo too...I think it's gonna be a new character that is somehow related to Voltemort and now wants to bring him back! No? Whatever...I can't wait untill we'll find out how he is!!!! Post soon please!
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Old 01-26-2009, 06:29 PM   #92 (permalink)
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Holy geez...that was seriously intense.

Poor James. =[

xo, Padfoot
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Old 01-27-2009, 08:43 AM   #93 (permalink)
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Thanks for posting guys...sorry if I depressed you Lilly! Amelia...nice name, I like your username too but it's too long lol! About the theories some of you posted I have too say that is too bad that Snape is dead to give me some Occlumency lessons since some of you seem to be reading my mind!!!! post later today...I'll make sure is a happier one!

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Old 01-27-2009, 09:27 AM   #94 (permalink)
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Great post. PAMS!!!!

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Old 01-27-2009, 11:36 PM   #95 (permalink)
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You are all great readers, thank you for posting!

Chapter 12

Harry had told Ginny that they would have their son back soon...yet a week had gone by and still they didn't know anything. It was like James had disappeared from the face of the earth. Ginny had gotten completely desperate and Harry couldn't help but feeling like that himself. A week with no clue of where their son was, if he was okay...if he was still alive.
And like this wasn't enough, somehow the whole story had gotten to the press. The Daily Prophet had sold a thousand of copies when it revealed that Harry Potter's son was captured by an unknown group. Thankfully they didn't know anything about Apostollo or the Death Eaters or people would be way more shocked than they were now. Because everyone was shocked and even panicked. If Harry Potter, the hero, the legend, couldn't protect his son against that group, how would normal people protect their families? Reporters were waiting for Harry every time he went to the Ministry and every time he left it, something the man was finding really irritating. He felt like they were playing with his pain, trying to make a headline out from his son's abduction. He seriously thought that some of these days he's gonna snap and hex them back to where they came from.
At least he and Ginny had their family and friends to support them. They were all there on their side. Bill and Fleur actually abandoned their holydays in France and came back to England with their kids for them. Molly though was the most supportive one. She had actually moved in their house to watch over her daughter, since she learned she was pregnant, something Harry was really grateful for, since he felt guilty leaving Ginny behind, alone with the kids in her situation, almost for the entire day when he was at the Ministry.
Teddy had confirmed medically what they already knew, that Ginny was pregnant, something the entire Potter-Weasley family soon found out, to Ginny's great dismay. She just seemed to hate it every time someone congratulated her and Harry could understand why. She didn't want to have a reason to be happy with her son missing.
As Harry sat at the balcony late at night looking at the dark blue summer sky above him, he could only think of how different things would have been if it wasn't for Apostollo. They'd been on their holydays, together and they would all be thrilled just as he was in the beginning for the arrival of a new person in their family. he still wanted the baby, but it was hard to be excited, they weren't together and he spend all of his day in the Ministry. Now one of his kids was missing.
Harry closed his eyes and the last words his son had said to him came back to haunt him once more. He could still hear his outraged voice telling him he hated him, he could still see his angry face looking at him indignantly and instead of himself he kept thinking that yelling at each other may be the last thing they did together. But every time a thought like that was forming in his head, he pushed it away. No, James would be okay. James wouldn't...die. He had to come back and Harry had to find him and they had to fix things between them. It wasn't always like this; there was a time he was really close to James.

*Flashback starts*
Harry could still remember the day of his son's tenth birthday. Teddy had agreed to take him along to a summer party he had been invited. It hadn't gone well. James had came back an hour later with a fat lip, a broken nose and a bruised eye. Ginny had gone to sleep to James' great luck but Harry had been awake waiting for him.
"You're ten years old and you're fighting with other kids! What is going to happen when you get your own wand?" Harry had asked him as he cleaned the blood from his nose.
"It wasn't my fault", the boy had responded. "And this hurts".
"If you didn't want it to hurt you shouldn't have fought with the other kids in the first place! What am I going to do with you, Jamie?"
"I did it for you", the boy had murmured.
"What do you mean?" Harry had asked perplexed.
"Jamie", Harry had said and his son had turned his face to the floor looking away from him.
"Those kids said...said..."
"They said that 'cause you're famous and had an adventurous life soon you will be bored of us, of having a family and that you're gonna leave us".
Harry had looked at him stunned and then he had gotten angry.
"Who were the kids that said it?" he had asked his son outraged.
"Is it true?"
"What is?"
"You're gonna get bored of us? You're gonna leave?" James had asked still not looking at him.
"Leave? And go where?" Harry had said. "First of all, how could I ever get bored of you? Those kids wanted adventure? Tell them to try and have the three of you as kids! And then...I would never leave you, your mum, Al and Lil for anything in this world...I love you".
"You wouldn't?"
"No, I wouldn't...I promise", Harry had said and his son's face had brightened. Then he had looked up at him with a big smile on his face and then he had made a fist with his left hand and had placed it at his chest on the heart's place.
"Lion's promise?" he had said and Harry had laughed, sure that James had seen something like this in the TV Hermione's parents had given to their daughter. He had smiled and then mimicked his son's move still smiling.
"Lion's promise", he had nodded and they both had laughed really loud.
*Flashback ends*

"Harry?" Ron had come out to see where his friend was and found him sitting with eyes closed, smiling to himself. Harry opened his eyes, looked around and his smile faded as he came back to reality. Ron sat next to him. "What were you thinking?"
"James" Harry said briefly and Ron sighed.
"Harry...I want to help you and Ginny through this but I just don't know how", Ron said and Harry smiled at him.
"It's more than enough that you're here mate".
"Well, it's not like I could be anywhere else...I don't have a house" he said and Harry laughed. "It feels like it's a joke, doesn't it?"
"A very, very sick joke", Harry nodded.
"Harry!" Hermione came running from inside. "To the Ministry, quickly!"



Last edited by onar; 06-30-2010 at 10:35 PM.
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Old 01-27-2009, 11:48 PM   #96 (permalink)
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oohhhh so good! hope there have found him !!!
RIP JD Salinger
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Old 01-28-2009, 12:30 AM   #97 (permalink)
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Oh, great post!!! Lion's promise?!! How did you come up with this? It's so brilliant!!! Did they find him? Post again soon I wanna know! PAMS PAMS PAMS PAMS PAMS PAMS PAMS PAMS PAMS PAMS PAMS!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 01-28-2009, 01:14 AM   #98 (permalink)
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I agree^ that was brilliant! Post soon.
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Old 01-28-2009, 01:19 AM   #99 (permalink)
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Awww that flashback was so sweet. I hope they found James!! Or its some other good news! PAMS!!!

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Old 01-28-2009, 01:25 AM   #100 (permalink)
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New reader here! Referred by Amelia!

This story is great! Love all the family stuff; it's so realistic.
I feel sorry for Jamie
And what is going on at the Ministry that is so important, Hermione?

Please add more soon!

[two lost souls, in a fishbowl]
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