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Candy Display Case (Finished Fanfiction) A dazzling showcase of fully wrapped-up stories, these sweet treats are polished and ready for your reading pleasure!

View Poll Results: What end should I pick? The long or the short version?
Please don't end it, I love your fic!!!!! I can't wait to see what you have cooked for us next!!! 4 57.14%
You should end it soon because I like it so far but I fear that you're gonna ruin it.... 1 14.29%
I think you should pick the long version because every good story needs a proper ending... 2 28.57%
You should definitely end it!!!!!!! I don't like it anymore!!! 0 0%
Who cares? This fic sucks anyway....... 0 0%
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Old 02-07-2010, 08:19 PM   #601 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by onar View Post
“Remember when I took this without asking?” he said.
“Which time?” Ginny smirked.

“When dad came to pick me up”, James said smiling at the memory, “he was so angry, I really thought he was gonna have a stroke!”

“But mum haven’t you realized that you just kicked Uncle Ron and Aunt Hermione out?” James asked.

“No, of course not”, James said ironically. “You’ve only developed a sixth sense, nobody else has!”
I absolutely looooooooove James!!!!!!!!!!! He's such an awesome character!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, but Ginny is unfair blaming it on Ron and Hermione, they love Harry too!!!! I agree with Lupinfangirl Harry has to get free somehow and go all 'Haha, got ya'!!!!!!! LOL!!!! Anyway I hope they'll either believe Albus soon or that Harry will get free because it's too sad
PAMS!!!!!!!!!!! Loved it!!!
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Old 02-07-2010, 09:12 PM   #602 (permalink)
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PAMS! i love it thats so sad! Poor GinnY! Plese post more soon!
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Old 02-08-2010, 11:18 AM   #603 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by TheChosenOne View Post
I absolutely looooooooove James!!!!!!!!!!! He's such an awesome character!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah I love James too and sometimes I wish I could be like him!!!!!

Anyway, I know you guys voted for the longer version aka Harry's presumed death and all, but still I don't think it will take too long until this fic comes to an least I think it won't (I believe I said something like that about five to six pages before XD)
The next post will be up soon...
Thanks for reading everyone!!!!!!

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Old 02-09-2010, 12:09 PM   #604 (permalink)
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last few chapters were THE best!!
i wish someone believes albus!!
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Old 02-09-2010, 02:50 PM   #605 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by onar View Post
Yeah I love James too and sometimes I wish I could be like him!!!!!
Ang, dear I don't wanna break it to you but if your talking about that kind of eluded overconfidence thing, honey, you sure have that!!!!!!!!! LMAO!!!!!!!!

Kidding, you know I love you...
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Old 02-11-2010, 12:42 AM   #606 (permalink)
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YAY!!!!!! Over 10.000 views!!!!!! I'm so happy!!!!!!!
So I'm working overtime on Apostollo in order to finish it sometime soon, but I'll post on my over fic as soon as I can, I promise! Please read and reply. In the next parts there will be a lot more action for you....

Chapter 31 part 1

Another day went by. Three days. It’s been exactly three days since Harry Potter, The Boy Who Lived, died, his loss making the entire wizarding world sink into grief. It’s been exactly three days and three nights since Ginny last saw her husband. As she was in the kitchen making breakfast all by her own, her thoughts were only about him. She would give anything to see him again. Anything, in order to lay her eyes on him for one moment again, just one moment, that's all she wanted. She had promised herself that she would stay strong for their kids, but times like these, when she was by her own, it was hard not to think and miss Harry; miss his smile, miss his scent, his arms around her waist, waking up next to him every morning and not into an empty bed, miss the way his kiss felt, how he could irritate her and yet calm her down at the same moment, how most of the times he needed her help matching his clothes, how incapable he was into fixing the pluming and yet he wouldn’t give up until he broke everything beyond repair…
“Mom? Ma? Momma? Hello, Mother?”
“Huh? What?” Ginny turned to see Lily sitting down.
“Why were you smiling?”
“Nothing”, she shrugged. “Well, you’re up early”, she said then.
“Yeah, well”, Lily shrugged awkwardly.
“What?” Ginny asked.
“It’s…quiet, isn’t it? Early and late”, she said with a low voice. Ginny understood exactly what she meant. She smiled bitterly.
“Yeah”, she nodded. “Your father was always the first one up and the last one down”.
“So, I was thinking”, Lily started after while as her mother place a bowl of cheerios in front of her, “that maybe we shouldn’t go back to school for a while”.
“Well, we can’t leave you alone”, Lily said.
“Forget about it”, Ginny shook her head. “ Your education comes above everything and anyway I won’t be alone; I’ll have Hope”. Like on cue the cries of Hope, who had just woken up, drifted back down on them. “You see? Now eat up young lady”, Ginny added as she stormed out the room and upstairs.
When James entered the kitchen after a while, Lily was still looking at her cheerios deep in thought.
“You know if you stick you nose any deeper in that bowl, you’re gonna need a snorkel”, the boy laughed. Lily grunted but didn’t reply. “What’s up with you?” Lily shot him an ‘are you kidding me?’ look. “You know what I mean”, he sighed.
“I was just thinking”, she said “that next week we have to go back to school”.
“I know”, James nodded. “You’re thinking about mom, huh?”
“Well, yeah! I mean it would be okay if she had Uncle Ron and Aunt Hermione here but she kicked them out and now she’s gonna be all by her own with a baby in this huge house”.
“Well, worst come to worst I’ll stay home”, James shrugged.
“What? No! I’ll stay”, she said. “You’re on your sixth year”.
“And you’re only on your third so forget it”, James shook his head. “I already gave my OWLs exams so…”
“What about your NEWTs, then?” Lily asked. “James, I know how hard you’ve been studying and…”
“Enough!” he sighed. “Can we please worry about this in a week? I mean you never know what could have change by then anyway”.
“Yeah, perhaps Albus is right and daddy is alive and he’s gonna turn up having finished off the entire force of Death Eaters, bringing a full of regrets Artemis with him”, she said ironically and James laughed sullenly.
“I didn’t mean that”, he said.
“Well, our lives have already changed so dramatically Jamie that I really don’t think there’s much of a change left”, she commented gloomily. She waited for James to say something and when he didn’t she looked up at him. He had that darkened look in his eyes again, the one she saw so often lately, the one she didn’t even know James had before. “What?”
“You called me Jamie”, he said and Lily bit her lower lip.
“Yeah, sorry”.
“No, it’s really okay”, he said smiling. “I don’t think that I’ve heard someone calling me like this for three days”.
“It’s funny the things you miss, huh?” she said and her brother nodded with a small smile. “Hey, James, can you do me a favor?”
“Sure, what?”
“Will you come with me to talk to Albus?”
“Please, James, he needs us, you know that!” Lily said.
“Oh, I’m sure he doesn’t need me”, James sighed, but then shrugged. “Okay, fine”.
“Fine”, Lily nodded. “So come on”.
“What now?”
“Well, yes now! James, Al hasn’t come out his room since you and mom last talked to him yesterday! And anyway he needs to eat!”
“Fine”, James resigned and followed his little sister upstairs. “But I must warn you Lills, I might punch him”.

Lily tried to open the door to her brother’s room but it was locked.
“It’s locked!” Lily exclaimed bewildered. “Albus never locks his door!”
“Well, there’s a first time for everything”, James said grinning. “Anyway, we tried, he doesn’t want to talk to us…let’s go have breakfast now!”
“James!” Lily grunted grabbing her brother’s elbow as he made to leave. “Albus? Al, please open the door”.
“I already tried that”, Ginny sighed coming off the nursery caring baby Hope in her arms. “He just ignored me. Come on, guys, let him be for now”.
Lily exhaled frustrated and made to follow her mother downstairs but it was James, who stopped her this time.
“You really think you can convince him to come down and eat something?”
“Yeah, I mean I convince him to come to the funeral, didn’t I?” Lily replied and James nodded. Then, he stretched his hand and grabbed a hairpin from Lily’s hair. “Ouch, James, what are you doing?” the girl complained.
James ignored her and crouching down in front of the keyhole he stuck the hairpin inside.
“It’s only gonna take a few moments”, he said. “Uncle George taught me and F. how to do this; it’s kind of handy when, you know, you’re underage and you can’t use Alohomora”.
“Why am I not surprised?” Lily said shaking her head disapprovingly, looking just like their Aunt Hermione.
The boy had the door opened soon enough and they both walked inside the room.
“Al, we’re sorry for doing this, we just wanted…” Lily started saying the moment the door had gotten open but then she stopped. “Al?” she said confused. Even though the door was locked there was no sign of Albus inside the room. “I don’t understand. Where is he?”
James exhaled irritated and walked near the opened window and looked out. It was him who had taught Albus how to climb down the window when they were only seven. It was something James had learned how to do since he was a toddler and it was how he had run away last summer; and apparently his little brother had chosen the same way.
“He’s gone”, James said.
“Wha…What?” Lily stammered, who was still looking around the room like expecting Albus to emerge from some corner. “Albus would never do that! Albus is not like you James, he would never run away!”
James gave her an evil glare.
“That’s what he did and don’t think I haven’t regretted the fact that I did run away Lily; but believe me I paid it…with far more than I deserved actually”.
“James, I didn’t mean…” Lily started her voice soft this time. She wasn't in any way reffering to that particular time when James had run away, but at the numerous times he had sneaked out of the house before that.
“We have to find Al”, he cut in. “The Death Eaters found me the last time easy enough and this time there’s no dad to save Albus if they catch him”.
“I’m gonna go tell mom and…”
“No!” James grabbed her sister’s wrist. “We shouldn’t tell mom, I don’t wanna worry her. I’m gonna go and bring him back and you stay here and try to cover for us with mom”.
“But, James, you said it yourself that the Death Eaters might come for him and without daddy…”
“I plan in finding him before the Death Eaters do, Lily, don’t worry”, James said.
“I know where’s he’s going”.

This was something Albus never thought he would do; sneak out of the house like that. That was James’ idea of adventure, not his. But times had changed and he wanted to come. Alone. And anyway he would only stay for a few minutes and then hurry back home, no harm done. He had locked the door of his room, so they would think he just wants to be left alone. And he did wanted to be left alone, just not in the house.
He reached the spot and then sat down on the grass, only a meter away from his father’s grave. Grave, ha! He wondered how exactly his dad was going to react when he came back and found out than they had ‘burry’ him. That would be interesting to watch.
“I’m sure you’re gonna come back”, he told to the picture of his father.
Truth be told the basic reason he wanted to come was because he was getting second thoughts about this. It was just that everybody was so certain that he was gone and so deep in grief, that it was hard for him to keep questioning that pain. Yet, the more he looked at the grave the more certain he became.
It wasn’t true. He knew it, he felt it, his dad was somewhere out there, not dead. Albus couldn’t understand why he knew it or how he knew it, but he did; he only wished he could come back soon, because he missed him, but that wasn’t the worst. He could see how much his mum suffered by his so called death, no matter the strong face she was putting on. It was kind of peculiar actually; to see their mum without their dad. He always thought of them as two parts of a whole and now she was alone. And Hope was crying all day long and Lily was hurting and…
"Who taught you to sneak out of the house, kid?”
Albus jumped almost two feet in the air from the surprise. He got up to see his brother walking towards him.
“James? What are you doing here?” he asked trying to take an innocent face while he was thinking of how dead he was when his brother would tell their mom.
“I’m looking for you, you little dumb-head”, James said angrily. “Albus, what were you thinking? Why did you leave the house?”
Albus contemplated his brother wondering whether or not it was worth to get into an arguement with him again. He decided that he was far too tired for that.
“I wanted to come”, the boy shrugged and sat back down.
James exhaled deeply as he fixed his eyes on their father’s picture.
“I thought you believed he’s alive”, he said.
“I do, I just…” Albus started but stopped as his brother walked pass him. He stretched out his hand and touched a part of the grave. Albus shook his head…and James was suffering too. “He’s not dead”, the boy whispered and as James turned to look at him, Albus thought for moment that he was going to start yelling at him, but he didn’t. He slowly walked back to him and sat down next to him. Albus realized with a jolt that his brother’s eyes were welled up.
“Why do you think that?” James asked him with a choked voice.
“That dad is alive”, he whispered and Albus’ eyes widened.
“I can feel it, James, I know it!” he said hastily; if by any chance James was having second thoughts, he had to try and convince him. “Listen, I came here today to make sure. Dad, is not dead, James. I know that if you stopped thinking he is, you’d be able to sense it too”.
“How is that possible? How is it possible for you to sense him?”
“James, dad always told us that there is no magic greater than love”.
“Then why isn’t mom…?”
“Because she’s too consumed in grief to feel it! You all are!” Albus exclaimed.
“Calm down”, James whispered. “We’re in a cemetery”.
“Sorry”, Albus said. “But you have to believe me, James! Please!”
James lay back on the grass looking at the sky.
“I wish you were right, Albus”, he murmured.
“I am!” Albus insisted and James sighed and closed his eyes. They stayed silent for some time, in which Albus came to realize, that it was the first time they stayed so long together by their own without fighting after a lot of years. “James, I’m sorry”, he said then.
James opened his eyes and sat up confused.
“About what?”
“You know…about us not getting along”, Albus said. “I mean, we should be getting along because we’re brothers but we’re not. And I just…I’m sorry”.
“Al”, James said looking at him. “For the last seven weeks, I’ve been seeing professor Jenks”.
Albus' jaw dropped at this.
“Define seeing”, Albus said taken aback.
“Hooking up”, James replied.
“Define hooking up” Albus said but James merely raised his eyebrows at this. “Oh my God”, Albus said then. “Oh my God, I cannot believe this! You’re going out with a teacher? James, that’s illegal!”
“I know but it was hard for us to control”.
Albus was left with his mouth hanging open for a few minutes but then he grinned.
“I knew you were dating someone though”, he said.
“Yeah, I know. We were trying to hide it from everyone and you were such a huge pain in the…”
“James, can’t you see that I’m right again? Nobody believes me again but I’m right!” Albus exclaimed and James rolled his eyes.
“Al, you know, there’s no comparison”.
“I am right”, Albus said stubbornly. “And you are in such huge trouble if dad or mom ever learn about this”. James’ head snapped up at this.
“Al, you are the only one to know! You can’t tell anyone, you can’t or Corny will lose her job!” James said alarmed ignoring the part about their dad.
“Ew, you call her Corny?” Albus said disgusted. “Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me; I won’t tell a soul”.
“Say I promise”.
“I promise”, Albus sighed.
“Well, there, see?”
“We’re getting along”, James grinned and Albus rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, Death Eaters had to reappear, you had to get kidnapped, Matthias had to die, dad had to go missing and you had to date Professor Corny for us to get along”, he said and James chuckled but then his face turned serious almost instantly.
“You really do think that dad is coming back, don’t you?”
“Yes”, Albus nodded.
“Let’s hope you’re right, then”, James said standing up. “Come on, let’s go”.
As Albus stood up too, James gazed up at the grave. Then he took a deep, painful breath and turned his back to it, placing his arm around Albus’ shoulders.
“Let’s go home, little brother”.
"Hey...I'm not little!"

Harry stirred to find out that he had passed out again. He was tied up to a chair, in a dark, small cell; but he doubted that even if he wasn’t tied and locked up he would be able to leave. His legs and hands were too damaged from the fire for him to be able to walk more than a few steps and he had big, angry burns all over him.
He woke up to find Artemis standing in front of him. He had to restrain himself from groaning. That woman was able to irritate him more than any other creature on this planet and the very sight of her made his nerves shake violently.
“What do you want now?”
“Well, it’s nice of you to wake up so soon after all the torture, I’ve be dying to tell you the news!” she said smiling broadly.
Harry rolled his eyes; he really thought she must have banged her head really hard when she was little.
“Are you going to explain to me why you brought me here and didn’t let me burn?”
“But you weren’t going to burn, were you? You were so close of getting out, weren’t you?” she asked him. Harry sighed. “Artemis, I’m tied up to this chair for the last three days and your dogs haven’t let me sleep a lot, but yet you are the most tiring part, believe me”, he told her.
“Oh, I’m glad we’re showing you a good time”, she laughed. “Anyway…I thought I should let you know that finally everything is completed”, she added all signs of tease and fun gone from her face; there was only savage satisfaction there.
“For what?” Harry asked but he knew the answer.
“For the awakening” she whispered. “You might have noticed that we took the blood we needed from you to complete the potion and finally everything is prepared. All we’re missing now is the last ingredient”.
“Which is?”
“A human sacrifice”, she said and Harry became tense. Was that the reason she didn’t want him to die to the fire? Was that the reason she haven’t killed him yet?
“If you think that you’re gonna bring Voldemort back using my death then…”
“Oh, no, no”, she said shaking her head. “Don’t jump to conclusions, Harry. You’re for after he comes back. His welcoming present”.
“But you said you needed a human sacrifice”.
“Yeah, I do”, she nodded. “Anyway, you never did told me, how it felt to watch your funeral”.
Harry grunted.
“Oh, I enjoyed it with all my soul, I think it was one of the finest moments of my life!” he replied his voice hard with irony.
“Careful there, dear, you’re starting to get my sense of humor”, she chuckled. “But, I know it was hard on you”, she said taking a sympathy face. “I mean, seeing them cry over your death, seeing your pretty, little wife so broken up must have caused you a lot of pain, hasn’t it?”
Harry didn’t reply. She was there; she had seen how much pain it had caused him.
“But I don’t want you to think I’m cruel, Harry”, she said. “So, as a thank you for giving us your blood, even if it took four Death Eaters to hold you down so we can actually take it, I’m gonna give you a present”.
Harry looked at the woman in front of him confused, waiting for her to continue but she wasn't so he sighed.
"Help me out here Artemis, I don't speak crazy".
“I’m gonna let you tell your wife, you’re not dead”, she said with a smiled.
“How…what…?” he asked confused but then it dawned to him and all blood was drained from his face. “No, no you can’t”.
“Oh, you don’t wanna see her again?” she asked him.
“Don’t do it”, he said shaking his head.
“Of course since she’ll come here, she could help us a bit with our plans, can’t she not?” Artemis went on. “See, we need someone to die for Voldemort to come back and I need to kill her to take revenge on her mother for killing my mother, so…”
“I’m not going to let you lay one finger on her!” Harry shouted.
“I don’t wanna lay my fingers on her, I wanna stab her heart out”, Artemis said mater-of-factly.
“You won’t get to her”, Harry replied trying to keep panic out of his mind. “You won’t get to her", he repeated trying to convince himself more than he tried to convince her. "My house is fully protected and Hermione and Ron are there and they’re aurors and…”
“But haven’t you noticed what advanced magic we have, thanks to our precious book, that you so generally offered us?” she smiled. “We were able to penetrate your house’s protective spells months ago, we’ve been watching you ever since you gave us the book. We’ve been watching every family moment; every personal moment…I wouldn’t be so upset about the fact that both you and she are going to be dead by tomorrow. Your life is so pathetic and so utterly boring…with your precious kids and your precious baby and your precious little wife and your precious friends! You should be glad we kidnapped you!”
“Our lives were great until you came in”, Harry said with a harsh voice.
“Oh, yeah I’m sure”, she said sarcastically. “By the way did you know that your son made out with his professor in the cellar?”
“Wait what?”
“Anyway, we can break through your spells, darling”.
“Ron and Hermione…”
“She kicked them out!” Artemis chuckled. “I mean we were kind of wondering what to do with them but your wife sort that one out for us”.
“Ginny, would never do that!”
“She thinks the Mudblood let you burn”, Artemis explained.
Harry sighed. On second thought it sounded like something Ginny would do. Act first, think later; it had Ginny written all over it.
“It doesn’t matter”, Harry shook his head. “Ginny doesn’t need any help; she’ll hex the hell out of you! Just wait until you have the Bat Bogey spell on you!”
“But will she really try to fight us? Even after we tell her you’re alive and that she can see you again if she comes with us?”
Harry tried to gulp the lump that appeared at his throat but he couldn’t manage it. He knew that Ginny would risk her life for him, just like he would for her.
“Don’t hurt her”, he whispered. “Please, not my Ginny”.
“So this is what it takes to make the great Harry Potter plead”, Artemis grinned. Harry couldn’t reply; in his mind the same words were repeating themselves. Not Ginny, not Ginny, not Ginny, not Ginny, not Ginny, not Ginny, not Ginny…



Last edited by onar; 05-08-2011 at 12:25 AM.
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Old 02-11-2010, 01:41 AM   #607 (permalink)
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no not ginny!
not anybody!
i hope harry gets home fast and james and albus make it home ok
loved it
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Old 02-12-2010, 05:35 AM   #608 (permalink)
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i hope ginny doesnt fall for it...
loved every bit of it!!
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Old 02-12-2010, 08:23 AM   #609 (permalink)
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Not Ginny, Dont hurt her. cant watch harry pleading
Post as soon as possible!!!

~ Ramya
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Old 02-12-2010, 09:01 PM   #610 (permalink)
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NO!!!!!!!! They cant hurt ginny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope harry gets away and helps her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 02-14-2010, 09:56 PM   #611 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by onar View Post
“Yeah, perhaps Albus is right and daddy is alive and he’s gonna turn up having finished off the entire force of Death Eaters, bringing a full of regrets Artemis with him
Okay, see, now I have to know this is going to happen!!!!!! Please please make it happen!!!!!! And don't hurt Ginny!!!!! And PAMS!!!!!!!!
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Old 02-15-2010, 12:00 AM   #612 (permalink)
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ohh i missed soooo much ! PAMS PAMS PAMS !

it's brilliant - James calls jenks corny lol and then harry taking a break from torture to to ask what when crazy lady told him they were making out in the cellar - don't hurt Ginny- but then i guess your gonna have too lol can't wait for the next chappie !

RIP JD Salinger
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Old 02-25-2010, 12:19 AM   #613 (permalink)
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Hope you'll like it.........Ginny will meet with Harry again in the next chapter so it might take me a little while to finish it, in order to make it alright but it shouldn't take long...actually I hope I'll be able to post it on look for it!!!!!!!!!! Please Read and Reply.....

Chapter 31 part 2
“What do you mean they are not here?” Ginny yelled outraged after having barged into James’ room. Lilly tried to convince her that they haven’t entered Albus’ room and that after that James had gone back to sleep, but she wasn’t so good at lying and Ginny was great at reading the truth. So after she barged into James’ room to find it empty, Lilly was forced to tell her the truth.
“Are you telling me that they left the house when Death Eaters are out there and they are in desperate need of their blood?” Ginny shouted at the verse of hysteria.
“Well, Albus lelt and James went after him”, Lily explained.
“He should have told me, not go after him by his own!”
“He didn’t want to worry you”, Lily replied.
“Too late for that!” Ginny said angrily as she climbed down stairs. “I’ll call mom to stay here with you and the baby and I’ll go look for them”.
“Mom, I’m thirteen years old!” Lily rolled her eyes. “I think I can stay in the house by my own!”
“I know you can stay in the house by your own Lily, but what if Death Eaters attack while you’re alone?” Ginny said as she approached the fire place ready to communicate with the Burrow through it.
“But I thought our house is super protected, I mean isn’t that why the Death Eaters haven’t attacked like they did with Aunt Hermione’s and Uncle Ron’s house?”
“No, honey, our house was protected”, Ginny sighed. “I don’t know all the protective spells and incantations that were used to make that possible and most of them need to be refreshed every day and there’s no one to do that with your father…gone…”
“But mom maybe they don’t know that”, Lily said. “I mean they haven’t attacked yet so…”
“Yes, but they can attack any moment and…”
Just before she finished her sentence the windows of the living room blew up in thousand pieces of glass.
“Mom!” Lily yelled terrified. Ginny rolled her eyes.
“I had to talk”, she grunted taking out her wand and Lily mimicked her. They waited but nothing else happened and then…
Pop! Artemis appeared out of thin air right in the middle of the living room.
“You”, Ginny whispered as hatred rose inside her and overwhelmed her. The woman that stood in front of her with an irritating smile upon her face, that woman was the same person who had caused the death of her husband. She was the one who took him away from her.
“Me”, she nodded as more and more cloaked and masked figures appeared and started surrounding them. “This was easier than I thought”.
“Really?” Ginny smirked and with that she raised her wand and when it came back down a blinding light emerged from it that made all the Death Eaters to cover their eyes for protection. Ginny grabbed her daughter’s hand and they run in the kitchen.
“Lily, we’re gonna apparate, hold on to my hand tightly”, Ginny told her and the next moment she turned on the spot. Nothing happened. “Damn!” she swore under her breath, but she couldn’t say that she didn’t expected them not to have blocked her power to apparate, like they did back when they were attacked in Luna’s house. She turned to Lily again. “Okay, honey, I want you to get out”, she said pointing at the kitchen door, “grab a broomstick from outside and fly as fast as you can”.
“What are you gonna do?” Lily said with her eyes huge.
“I’m gonna stay back and hold them off until you’re far enough”.
“No”, Lily shook her head terrified.
“I did not ask”, Ginny said with a cold, calm voice. “Now go!”
“No, mom, I can’t leave you…I can’t lose you! Not you too!”
“Lily, you’ll either gonna leave by your own or I’m gonna use the Imperius curse on you!” Ginny threaten. Lily took some steps towards the door but was still hesitating. “GO NOW!” Ginny yelled and Lily opened the door and run out, just when Artemis walked into the kitchen. Ginny raised her wand, but she didn’t.
“Cool spell”, Artemis said appreciatively. “You blinded us for a while, but I expected you to use the Bat Boogey curse; that’s what he said you were gonna use”.
“What?” Ginny asked confused, but Artemis only smirked.
“Here’s the thing”, she said as her Death Eaters came to join them. “We’re ready to bring the Dark Lord back, but we need to kill someone to do that and I want to kill you because your mother killed my mother”, she said like she was asking her if she could borrow her earrings.
“I’m sorry but I cannot be of your service today”, Ginny said ironically.
“What if I promised that we will never hurt your children?” Artemis proposed.
“Yeah, right”, Ginny laughed. “Voldemort will come back and he’ll leave them alone for sure!”
“Right”, Artemis sighed. “Good point. What if I could grant one wish for you?” she smirked then.
“There’s nothing you can do for me”, Ginny said while her hands were trembling with anger. “Or wait…scratch that, you can drop dead, yeah, you can make that wish come true”.
Artemis laughed.
“You know if I haven’t had to kill you, I would found you pretty amusing”, she said.
“Oh, I can be very amusing…wanna see?” Ginny said raising her wand again.
“Wait”, Artemis sighed looking tired of the conversation. “You know that we can force you to come with us….” She stopped as Ginny laughed loudly at that and then went on. “But I would hate for my sacrifice to be maimed. So you will have to come with us willingly”.
“Can you say long shot?” Ginny asked her.
“Your husband is alive”.
Ginny’s face whitened and her eyes widened in surprise, but that was just for a moment because the next they were filled with pure anger.
“How – dare – you?” Ginny whispered slowly while she was trembling with ferocity. “How dare you talk about him? How dare you using him as a pretext?”
“Oh, I see you don’t believe me”, Artemis said. “Well, this may help”, she added and with that she left a small object, that she was holding in her hand all this time, on the counter in front of Ginny. She looked down to see what it was and when she did, she felt like all the air was sunk from her lungs. What was worse she felt a small, a tiny part of her forming a faint hope inside her, but she knew that she couldn’t let herself hope for the impossible, because she knew that no matter how faint her hope was, her sorrow would be immense if it was crashed. She had thought all of that in the few seconds that she was gazing down at Harry’s wedding ring. She took it in her hand and then she raised her eyes to look at Artemis again.
“I am not coming with you”, she said calmly.
“Really?” Artemis said with a happily surprised tone. “You don’t want to see him one more time before you both die? What’s the matter? Problems in paradise?”
“I don’t believe you”.
“If we don’t have him, then how is it that we have his wedding ring?”
“I don’t know; you were there, you killed him”, Ginny said with a cold voice.
“He’s not dead”, Artemis repeated. “Come with us and see for yourself”.
“I’m not gonna come with you; I’m not gonna leave my kids alone”, she said and raised her wand.
Artemis sighed frustrated.
“You’re just too stubborn”, she said and with one of her nod, all five Death Eaters around them pulled their wands out, but just as Ginny was trying to decide what curse to set upon them first, a loud cry came from upstairs. Ginny and the Death Eaters froze, as a large smirk spread on Artemis’ face. She turned to the Death Eater next to her. “Go upstairs”, she told him.
“NO!” Ginny yelled and with a flick of her wand she immobilized the Death Eater. She couldn’t believe it, but everything had happened so fast, that she almost forgot that Hope was upstairs in the nursery. Artemis turned to look at her.
“If you won’t come with me for him then come for your baby”, she said. “Or you want us to bring it along?”
“Not it, her”, Ginny grunted. She took a deep breath and after glancing upstairs she lowered her wand.

Albus landed on their garden first and he was getting of his broom when James landed next to him.
“Told ya I’d beat you”, Albus said in a James-kinda-way. His brother grunted.
“It’s because I’m missing practice or else…”
“I still cannot believe you left our Quidditch team to go out with Professor Jenks!” Albus exclaimed.
“A little louder Al, I don’t think they heard you at London”, James rolled his eyes as he set off for the house. “And anyway you wouldn’t be flying that good if it wasn’t for Corny anyway”.
“Can you please stop calling our Professor that?”
“She’s my girlfriend too”, James reminded him.
“Ew”, Albus said for the hundredth time. They were a few meters from the door, when James stopped at his tracks and as a result Albus bumped on him and fell down. “Hey!” he complained, but as James ignored his ridiculous fall he jumped up, knowing something had to be wrong. “What?”
“The windows of the living room are broken and the door is open”, James replied only inches away from panicking. “Somebody’s been here”. Albus gulped, then pulled his wand out and made to walk into the house, but James stopped him. “No, Albus, I’ll go in, you stay here”.
“What? Why?”
“I don’t know what they’ve done”, James replied blankly and with that cryptic comment, he left his brother’s wrist and entered the house.
It was true, he thought, he didn’t know what they’ve done. As he walked carefully through the house, fear clenched his heart. If the Death Eaters decided to attack the Potter residence, they would have obviously come determined to hurt the Potters, so what if…what if…? He couldn’t even allow his mind to form the thought properly, yet he knew that there was a great possibility that more than one of his family members were dead and he couldn’t allow Albus to see that.
As he looked around in the living room, suddenly he heard a noise from the kitchen. He held onto his wand tightly and walked there to find the door closed, he breathed heavily and then deciding that it was no time to be hesitant he kicked the door open and burst into the kitchen. The loud scream that followed his entrance, made him almost drop his wand in surprise. Lily was standing in the middle of the kitchen, with their baby sister in her arms.
“JAMES!” she yelled. “You almost gave me a heart attack!”
“Lily…? What…what happened?” James asked lowering his wand. Lily sighed and left Hope in her chair.
“Death Eaters”, she replied laconically, but before James could make any more questions, Albus rushed in, wand-in-hand and out of breath.
“What happened? Who screamed?” he said looking around for possible enemies.
“I did”, Lily sighed. “James made me think the Death Eaters came back the way he barged in!”
“Death Eaters?” Albus asked frightened.
“Where’s mom?” James asked his sister.
“Lily, where’s mom?” James repeated his voice an octave higher than normal. He knew that if Death Eaters attacked there was no way their mother was going to leave Lily and Hope alone after it ended; not willingly.
“They…they took her”, Lily whispered.
“WHAT?” Albus and James both exclaimed at the same time.
“Yeah, that’s why they came; for mom. When they attacked she told me to run, grab a broom and fly away, but I didn’t. I hid outside and saw everything from the window in the kitchen. Artemis…said…she said…”
“What?” James encouraged her, but she was looking at Albus.
“She said that…that dad is alive, that they got him”, Lily said and a broad smile appeared on Albus’ face as James gasped.
“I TOLD YOU!” Albus yelled. “I KNEW IT!”
“Mom didn’t believe her though”, Lily whispered.
“She didn’t?”
“It’s a good thing she didn’t Al, because they wanted her to go with them willingly, so they thought that if they…”
“If they told her that dad was alive she would”, James finished her sentence.
“What? No, James…” Albus said.
“It was a lie”, James said discouraged.
“No, I’m telling you…”
“The point is that they wanted her to go with them, so they could kill her in order to bring Voldemort back!” Lily said as her eyes were welling up; both Albus’ and James’ faces whitened. “She wouldn’t go, but then Hope cried and…and…”
“And she went with them so they wouldn’t hurt Hope”, Albus was the one to finish their sister’s sentence this time, as James threw himself in a chair.
“What do we do?” Lily asked them.
“We must alert Uncle Ron and Aunt Hermione”, Albus said quickly. “They will know what to do”.
“I already send an owl to them”.
“But we need to do something now!” James exclaimed jumping out of his chair.
“Like what?” Albus asked him.
“Like go find mom?”
“And how are we gonna do that, James, we don’t even know where they took her…”
“Actually we do”, Lily said hesitantly. “I heard them say it as they were leaving. They’re taking her to that temple dad found that book”.
James covered his face with his hands.
“Mexico? Mexico! How the hell are we gonna go to Mexico?”
“And that’s why we should wait for Uncle and Aunt”, Albus said tiredly as he sat down next to Hope’s chair.
James groaned but gave up.
“I just hope they’ll be here soon”.



Last edited by onar; 03-07-2011 at 03:49 AM.
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Old 02-25-2010, 04:51 PM   #614 (permalink)
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Oh God, oh God, oh God!!!!!! I can't wait for Harry to meet with Ginny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Something tells me I soooooo gonna cry when that happens!!!!! PAMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love you
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Old 02-26-2010, 10:47 PM   #615 (permalink)
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PAMS! I love this so much!!!!!!!!!!! THANKS FOR POSTING!!!!! I am so so happy! She knows he is alive! I hope she is ok! Everyone has to be ok!!!
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Old 02-27-2010, 07:56 AM   #616 (permalink)
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WOW!! its just great...... i love it......... please post ASAP!!! i wanna know what happens next!!
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Old 02-28-2010, 03:42 AM   #617 (permalink)
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RIP JD Salinger
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Old 03-03-2010, 08:39 PM   #618 (permalink)
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Default can't post because the next chapter proved harder to write than I had anticipated BUT! I rewrote some of the previous chapters, actually...Chapter 13 (part 2, page 6, permalink#130), Chapter 16(part 8, permalink#183), Chapter 27 (part 5, page 21, permalink#520)
The changes don't affect the main plot line, I just wanted to make them better, so if you feel like it check them out and tell me what you think....<3 I'll post sooooooon!!!!
P.S.: Thanks to Connie for helping me track down the chapters


Last edited by onar; 03-07-2010 at 07:42 PM.
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Old 03-08-2010, 03:57 PM   #619 (permalink)
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I'm baaaaaaaaaaack!!!!!!! And here it is...

Chapter31 part 3

Harry felt himself slowly waking up, but did nothing to speed up the process. His chest felt unusually heavy as he tried to ignore the pain that wracked his body. He breathed slowly for a few moments feeling himself coming around. He opened his eyes to find himself chained to a wall in an unfamiliar room, but he couldn’t make out the details around him because he wasn’t wearing his glasses and everything seemed to be a blur.
He clenched his teeth as he made himself sat up, the movement resulting extreme dizziness to erupt in his head. He leaned back to the wall and looked down at his legs. The damage on the right one appeared to be healing but the deep burn on the left had taken a strange black and green color, which clearly told Harry that it had been infected. His muscles also felt rather sore because of the extreme kindness they had that led the Death Eaters to use the cruciatus on him so often in the last three days. A smirk appeared on his face as he remembered the times they were trying to torture him, sometimes for hours, only to fail miserably; and he had more than just his training to thank that he didn’t even flinch or move an eyelid while he had the cruciatus curse set upon him.
The very first time he experienced the cruciatus curse was when he was only fourteen and since then he had felt so much pain and had gotten himself injured so severely, during the war and afterwards as an auror, that he thought he had developed some kind of immunity to pain. Of course he could still feel it, but he could force himself to ignore it and Dolohov’s infuriation to this was just bliss.
But he had to find a way to free himself, because if he was to believe Artemis, things would turn ugly soon and most importantly Ginny could be in danger. Yet the problem still stood; he could hardly walk and he didn’t have a wand in order to try and repair the damage in his legs. He groaned in frustration; this just couldn’t be it, Voldemort just couldn’t come back and most importantly Ginny couldn’t just die.

“So…so…” Hermione said walking up and down the room with a panicked look upon her face.
“So they took Ginny”, Ron growled.
Ron and Hermione had rushed to the Potter residence as soon as they got notified to find James, Albus, Lily and the baby all by their own in a wrecked house.
“Okay, so I’ll go to the Ministry and alert the aurors and then…”
“No!” James said jumping up. “We don’t have time for that! Enough time has gone by as it is! They said they’re gonna kill mum, we have to go find her now!”
“We won’t, James”, Hermione said strictly. “You must stay…”
“No!” James exclaimed again. “Aunt, mum is in danger and there’s the smallest chance that dad may be alive, so I’m definitely coming with you to…”
“What did you say?” Ron asked bewildered.
“Harry…” Ron mumbled.
“The Death Eaters told mum that he’s not dead, that they have him”, Lily explained in a whisper.
Ron and Hermione exchanged a dumbstruck look and then Ron let out a cry that made them all jump.
“I KNEW IT!” he shouted. “I knew it couldn’t be true, that he couldn’t be dead!”
“Excuse me, I was the one who knew”, Albus pointed out.
“But Ron…” Hermione whispered looking at her husband with eyes full of sympathy.
“What?” he asked seeing the look she was giving him.
“Isn’t it obvious why would they say something like that?” she sighed.
“Artemis sure thought that the moment mum would hear that, she’d follow them willingly”, James said as Hermione nodded.
“So you’re saying it’s a lie?” Ron asked.
“Probably”, Hermione whispered.
“No”, Ron said stubbornly.
“He’s right!” Albus said standing up too. “How many times do I have to say it? Dad is not dead! He’s alive and that’s that”.
“No, Hermione”, Ron shook his head. “It’s true”.
“How can you be sure?” Hermione asked him.
“Because it has to be”, he sighed. “Okay, so…um…James, you’re right we don’t have time. So, Hermione we’ll have to go now and just sent a Patronus to the Ministry to alert them before we do”.
“And of course there is no way any of you is coming with”, Hermione added.
“No, James, your Aunt is right”, Ron sighed. “You cannot come and we cannot jeopardize your lives!”
“But, we want to help”, Albus protested too. “It’s not about some Auror mission of yours, it’s about our parents!”
“Yes and we want to help!” Lily said too.
“Oh, there’s no way you are going to help Lil”, James said turning to look at his sister.
“And why is that?”
“You’re too…”
“And you’re not?” she yelled before he could finish his sentence.
“Look”, James sighed turning to look at his Aunt and Uncle again. “Send Albus and Lily to the Burrow with the baby and the Patronus to the Ministry and then we’ll apparate to Mexico, okay?”
“WHAT?” Albus exclaimed.
“No one is coming with us James and that’s just it!” Ron said with a final tone in his voice that made them stop protesting. “Hermione…” he said relieved turning to his wife.
She sighed and raised her wand making a circling move with it. A silver swan erupted from it and rushed out of the broken window in no time.
“Done”, she sighed.
“Okay, so…”
“We want to come too!” Albus said stubbornly.
Hermione grunted but before she could tell the kids off, Molly rushed into the living room, holding Hope in her arms.
“Come on”, she said taking Lily’s hand into hers. “We’re going to the Burrow to wait for…”
“No!” Lily exclaimed shrugging her grandmother’s hand off. “We want…”
“Forget about it!” Ron snapped.
“James, do you honestly want to make this harder than it already is?” Hermione sighed and James grunted defeated.

Ginny hadn’t apparated since she had the baby, so when she and the Death Eaters finally reached their destination she almost lost her balance and fell down from the lightheadedness that engulfed her. She straightened up and looked around. They were in a dark room, that appeared to be rather ancient, but it was rather obvious that the Death Eaters were residing in this place for quite a while, because of the added dining table and the thrown cauldrons all over the room.
Artemis walked forward to come and stand in front of her. Ginny tried not to roll her eyes at her, but with difficulty.
“This is the temple your husband discovered the book that will allow us to bring back Voldemort”, she said.
“That’s really exciting Artemis, but you’ve already told me that”, she said with a mock sweetness. Artemis seemed irritated at her lack of panic but didn’t say anything, instead she waved her hand and the Death Eaters grabbed Ginny’s arms. “Put her away until we’re ready for the ceremony”.
“Should we put her…?”
“Yes”, Artemis replied crossly. Almost all of the Death Eaters followed the two that guided Ginny outside the room and only one stayed behind. When they left Dolohov took off his mask and turned to Artemis.
“What?” she asked him seeing the confused look upon his face.
“Why do you want to put her with Potter? Why let her know he’s alive? Why not let both of them suffer?” he asked her.
“Are you worried that I’m being merciful, Dolohov?” she smirked.
“Well, not exactly. I think you’re starting to get fond of the Potters”, he said hesitantly and as she turned to him, he flinched expecting a curse at any moment.
“Of course I’m fond of them”, she said matter of factly.
“What?” Dolohov asked incredulously.
“I’m fond of both of Harry and Ginny”, she replied casually. “If it wasn’t for them we wouldn’t be able to accomplish our plan, would we?”
“If it wasn’t for them I wouldn’t be able to relish that absolute and deep feeling of revenge, would I?” she went on. “They’re exactly what I needed and they’re both so passionate and determined to protect the people they love, that they only make this whole thing feel better. It wouldn’t be the same if Ginny refused to follows us today or if she broke down and begged us. And it sure wouldn’t be the same if Harry wasn’t Harry and he surrendered to us voluntarily. I mean, where’s the fun in that?”
Dolohov exhaled impatiently.
“I still don’t know if you’re a genius or a nutcase”, he said and Artemis laughed.
“I don’t know either, so don’t worry”, she replied. “And trust me I’m not merciful, far from actually. I just want Ginny to find out that Harry is alive now and them to meet again, so when the time is right, the pain would be worse”.
“I see”, Dolohov breathed relieved.
“You don’t really, but that’s okay, it’s not because of your brains that I need you”, she said and with that she too exited the room. Dolohov sighed and then followed her.

Ginny was fighting with the grip of the Death Eaters that held her arms all the way until they reached in front of a big iron door. The Death Eater on her right pulled out a bunch of keys from his pocket and started fumbling with them.
“It’s so hard to find a key?” Ginny asked him irritably. He made to hit her but the other Death Eater grabbed his arm before he did.
“No, remember, Apostollo wants her unharmed”, he said.
“Huh, so that means I can say whatever I want with no consequences?” Ginny asked as the Death Eater with the keys found the one he was looking for and adjust it to the lock. “Well, that would be fun, too bad you have to lock me up”.
“Don’t worry”, the one on her left said as the other one unlocked the door. “I’m sure you will not want to leave this cell”.
“What do you…?” Ginny started saying but she stopped as both of them pushed her inside with extreme force that made her fell down.
She got up and rushed to them, but they had pulled the door closed before she reached there. She growled with frustration. She was in trouble and she knew it, but what other choice did she really have but to follow them in order to keep Hope safe. And now what? She was going to die and the kids will be left all alone while Voldemort will be at large once again? She couldn’t permit it and again there was nothing that she could do to stop it and…
She was so immersed into her panic and frustration that she didn’t immediately recognize the voice that called out to her, so the shock was greater when she turned. Her eyes searched the dark room for the source of the voice and then she saw him. And then she fainted.
Harry struggled to get on his feet for a few moments, but then he gave up and crawled over to her, thankful that the chains around his wrists allowed him to go that far.
“Ginny, wake up”, he said taking her in his arms. She groaned, moving around and then she opened her eyes and just stared at him above her. “Are you okay? You fainted”.
“Well, of course I fainted, YOU’RE DEAD!” she yelled irritated pushing him aside and standing up.
“Um…yeah…about that…” he mumbled sheepishly.
“You were alive this whole time, I thought you were dead?” she asked. “God, what the hell sentence is that?” she asked herself then.
“Ginny, I know you’re in shock, but try to calm…”
“Don’t tell me to calm down! I thought you were dead, can you understand that?” she shouted. “I thought you were gone, we all thought you were gone! We...we actually buried you for crying out loud!”
“I know, but…”
“I was barely able to keep myself sane and you were fine this whole time?” she said as her eyes were starting to well up.
“Ginny, I’m sorry, but I couldn’t…”
“Don’t tell me you’re sorry!” she shouted and turned her back at him. Harry sighed and clenching his teeth together he managed to stand up.
“Ginny…” he started and made to walk towards her but his left and most damaged leg couldn’t hold his weight and he collapsed on the floor.
“Harry!” Ginny exclaimed and rushed to kneel beside him. “Baby? Honey? My love? Are you okay? Please be okay, please be okay”.
Harry opened his eyes and smiled at her.
“I didn’t die in the fire but I got some burns here and there”, he explained.
Ginny didn’t speak, only looked down at his legs as tears started running down her face. He wasn’t fine, far from. His legs were so damaged that he couldn’t walk and his face was pale and bruised in places. But the more she looked at him the more she realized that it was really him, Harry, her Harry. It was just beginning to dawn to her; Harry wasn’t gone, he was right there. She looked at him, taking his face into her hands. Harry stayed still for her as she traced his face with her fingers, her eyes never leaving his.
“You’re really here?” she whispered, Harry nodded and she kissed his lips and then his cheeks and then his jaw and then his eyelids and then every part of him that she could reach.
“It’s okay”, he murmured, hugging her and she sobbed into his chest. “It’s okay, Gin”.
“I thought…I thought…” she mumbled between her tears.
“I know”, he whispered, as he stroke her hair. She wrapped her arms tightly around his chest and turned her face into his neck, inhaling deeply and recognizing the scent she was so scared that she was going to forget, realization and understanding slowly dawning on her.
“I’m sorry”, she said then.
“For what?” he asked taken aback.
“For giving up on you”, she mumbled.
“You didn’t”, he said. “Anyone would have thought that…”
“But I shouldn’t”.
“It’s okay”, he said again and he made to kiss her forehead but she lifted her head and he found her lips. She felt him smile into their kiss and she did what felt natural to her and kissed him more passionately, not caring where they were or what was going to happen to them next; at least they were together.



Last edited by onar; 03-07-2011 at 03:51 AM.
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Old 03-08-2010, 11:01 PM   #620 (permalink)
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Angie, I'm new to commenting to your fantastic story. I'll say this, that, what first caught my interest, was the title, "Apostallo", (following from, like Apostles - followers of Christ; stall- the act to deceive) So what I get from that is this story is about followers of someone acting and wanting to deceive. :litebulb:Am I correct? From the huge numbers of views and posts you have, I figured this had to be more than just a story about lovers betrayals, and the such. Which I'm glad because I don't like those stories normally. So I’m thinking should I read yes or no. I decided to check it out. Right away I was hooked. I wondered who your betrayer was going to be, I had my suspicions, then when Ginny, right away was suspicious, then I agreed with her. And so happy to realize I’m right! Uh-oh, I’m starting to get long winded here. I’ll wrap it up in saying you are a very clever writer, and I so much enjoy reading your story. Great post, and hope the next one won’t take long to get here. And I won’t say so much from now on.
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Old 03-09-2010, 12:49 PM   #621 (permalink)
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^Um...actually Angie explained it to me once, in our language Apostollo means "the messanger" and Artemis chose that nickname because she thinks of herself as the messanger of the Dark Lord, the one who's to reconstitute his reign...and so on...

Anyway......YAY!!!!!! Ginny and Harry met again!!! I'm so happy!!!! Oh, but I was a bit irritated at Ginny for getting angry with Harry at first, I mean like he wanted to get caught and tortured???? I hope Ron and Hermione will get there in time and I sure hope that James won't do something reckless in order to get there too (although I'm pretty sure he will....)
PAMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love it!!!!!!!!!! :*
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Old 03-10-2010, 02:44 AM   #622 (permalink)
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PAMS! Thats so sweet!!!! There reunion was perfect! you did it so well! PAMS!
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Old 03-10-2010, 11:41 AM   #623 (permalink)
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Hey Connie, welcome officially to my fic!!!! Well, the next part is not much but I'm sure you're gonna find it very interesting. Kate, you were so right! James probably still wants to get to Mexico, but is he the only one....?

Albus stepped out from the fireplace to find his brother still fuming and his grandmother walking up and down with the baby in her arms, trying to soothe her from the shock of her first trip through the Floo Network. He looked around and sighed; the Burrow seemed the same as ever, while he felt like everything had changed since he was last there. He sat next to James, avoiding his stare. James was still angry that their Aunt and Uncle wouldn’t take him along and he was still angry with James for wanting to send him home.
Lily came in after a few seconds, coughing from the dust.
“Aunt said that as soon as they have any news, they’ll let us know”, she said.
“Yeah, awesome”, James grunted.
“Oh, come on, Hope, calm down”, their grandmother said to the still shrieking baby. “Arthur! Arthur, come down here!” she yelled then looking at the ceiling.
“I’m here”, their grandfather said getting inside from the door that led to the garden and startling Molly.
“Can you alert our other kids of the situation and…”
“I already did, dear”, he replied, as the door behind him opened again, but it wasn’t some fiery redhead that stepped in but Teddy. “And some of their closest friends like Neville and Luna”, he added. “They’re all heading this way”.
“Hello, Teddy, dear, how are you?” Molly said politely even if her voice was full of concern.
“I’m fine”, he replied as Lily run to hug him. “What happened?”
“The Death Eaters took mom”, James answered him before anyone else could.
“And they said that dad is alive”, Albus finished.
“What?” Teddy said turning to look at him wide eyed. “Harry…Harry is alive?”
“Either that or the Death Eaters were lying to lure mom to go with them”, James replied.
“Oh, come on!” Albus protested.
“Anyway”, James said looking at Albus pointedly. “The fact remains that mom is in great danger”.
“What should we do?” Teddy asked hastily.
“Don’t worry, son”, Arthur said. “Ron and Hermione have gone after them and they alerted the entire Auror office”.
“There’s nothing we can do”, Molly added and turned away to hide the tears that escaped her eyes.
Albus looked at his brother, who looked at Teddy and motioned him upstairs.
“Dad is alive, Teddy, I know it!” Albus said for like the millionth time. Teddy sighed as James closed the door behind him. There was nothing he would want more at this moment than for his godfather to be okay.
“You can’t imagine how much I wish you are right, Al”, he said.
“Yeah, but we cannot be certain”, said James.
“You were about to believe me before when we had no clue, why don’t you want to now?” Albus asked his brother and James sighed shaking his head.
“Because if he is alive that means he and mom are both in great danger”.
“So you prefer him to be dead?” Albus asked his brother incredulously.
“No, I didn’t say that”, James sighed again sitting on the bed. “It’s just…it’s easier to think of him dead right now, than hope he’s alive only to lose him again”.
Teddy sat down next to James placing his arm around him. Albus shook his head.
“But if dad is alive and well, he’ll be able to rescue mom and they’ll both…”
“Oh, for God’s sake, Albus!” James exclaimed standing up again. “Don’t you get it? If dad is alive then he is not well! If he was well, he’d rescue himself days ago and we wouldn’t have to grieve for his death! God, knows what they’ve done to him or how badly he’s hurt! I mean they almost tortured me to death, just because I was his son! What do you think they’re gonna do to him?”
Albus opened and closed his mouth a couple of times, trying to find words to reply, to tell James off, but he couldn’t, because he was probably right. Feeling his eyes welling up, Albus turned around and left the room, banging the door behind him. James exhaled and after he made sure the door was closed he turned to Teddy.
“What? Why did you have to be so cruel to your brother? You know how much he loves your father!”
“Oh, and I don’t?” James snapped.
“You do but…”
“I do and I love Albus too and I don’t want him to get hurt”.
“Why would he…?” Teddy begun to ask confused.
“We need to get to Mexico”, James said. “And you are going to apparate us there”.

Albus walked into the living room again after a few moments to find it filled with people. Most of them were Uncles and Aunts and cousins of him, but he spotted Neville and Luna too. They all seemed to be just as upset he felt, but he couldn’t do with their attempts to soothe him, like he was a baby like Hope. He left the living room, and got out in the garden to find Professor Jenks there.
He stopped looking at her back and thinking with disgust all that James had told him about their so-called relationship. Neville probably brought her along and she came to see if James was okay.
“Albus!” she said turning and seeing him. “How are you?”
“How do you think?” Albus retorted a bit more aggressively than he’d want. She seemed momentarily surprised by his tone but then she jerked it off and sighed.
“I’m sorry, I know this must be really hard on you”, she said, but Albus wasn’t really listening to her. An idea had just formed in his mind.
“What are you doing in the garden?” he asked her.
“Oh, I just…”
“Are you looking for James?” he asked and she froze and her face whitened.
“Why would I…?” she started to say casually.
“He’s inside but upstairs, probably convincing Teddy to apparate him to Mexico, where our parents are”, Albus said. He was no fool and he knew James very well. He knew exactly what he wanted to do and why he said what he said to make him go away. “That is if he hasn’t already convince him and they’re gone”, he added. He also knew that James could easily convince you that it’s night while you could obviously see the sun and that Teddy wouldn’t need much convincing to go off and try to save his godfather too.
Professor Jenks seemed utterly upset by this. She glanced to the house and then back at the boy.
“Albus, are you sure? We need to stop him! He’s gonna get hurt!” she said as she made to run into the house but Albus stood in her way.
“No, we need to go to Mexico too”, Albus said.
“What?” she shook her head certain that the boy was trying up a joke on her. “Why would we do that?”
“Let me think…um…because I’m sure Hogwarts would hate it that you’re dating a student?” he suggested and she gasped widening her eyes. “And after all I’m pretty sure that your boyfriend, would probably want you by his side”, he added.
He didn’t care at the moment that he was breaking the promise he had made to his brother nor that he was actually blackmailing one of his teachers. He needed to get to Mexico.


More soon...promise!!!! :*


Last edited by onar; 03-10-2010 at 11:50 AM.
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Old 03-10-2010, 12:57 PM   #624 (permalink)
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Well, Angie, another great post! I love how real and believable you make your characters, and the situations they are in. This, is probably my favorite part:
“Don’t you get it? If dad is alive then he is not well! If he was well, he’d rescue himself days ago and we wouldn’t have to grieve for his death! God, knows what they’ve done to him or how badly he’s hurt! I mean they almost tortured me to death, just because I was his son! What do you think they’re gonna do to him?”
I know that James is trying to make Albus get angry with him, so he'll leave the room, but still, I think that James is reliving his capture and the torturing he received, knowing what his dad is going through, is driving him and his emotions right now.
“Let me think…um…because I’m sure Hogwarts would hate it that you’re dating a student?” he suggested and she gasped widening her eyes. “And after all I’m pretty sure that your boyfriend, would probably want you by his side”, he added.
He didn’t care at the moment that he was breaking the promise he had made to his brother nor that he was actually blackmailing one of his teachers. He needed to get to Mexico.
Oh dear! Unless she can convence Albus not to say anything, she is in trouble. If she goes and takes Albus with her, she 'll be in trouble, and if she doesn't go and Albus does talk, she's in trouble. Plus, she and James, nither one knows that Harry knows and they'll both be in trouble. Can't wait to see how they get out of this mess, and also, can't wait to get back to Harry and Ginny. I was wondering, did Harry's wand get burned in the fire, or do the Death Eaters have it? I'll be watching for your next post.
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Old 03-10-2010, 09:51 PM   #625 (permalink)
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Yeah like James was gonna patiently wait for his Aunt and Uncle to rescue his parents! LoL! But I didn't see that coming from Albus! Oh, James is gonna be soooooo mad....and what exactly are they both think they're gonna do if their there??? I hope they don't make things worse....Anyway Pams!!!!!!!! As quick as you did this time....
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